t" H"1 if ! vi : s m f 4 't!r 1 r High Quality lk distinguished "SALADA" 20 for over three decades. Pure and Delicious Always. Try it. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Priiea Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Aveoua, H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .....11.00 by mail to all parts of 'the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year I. 00 To all ot.'ier countries, in advance per year. ... $7.50 i ii t ransient Display Advertising 1. 40 per inch per insertion 'Itansient Advertising on Front Page. ..... .. 12.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion. 2c per word .Legal Notices, each insertion. ...... ...... . lfic per 'agate line TELEPHONE tS Contract Rates on Aoplication. Alf advertising should be in The Da.ly News Office on day pre. reding. publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. IWII.V KDITION Wednesday. Ocl. 31, t.02.1. Passing Of A Great Canadian. Ciiuula rlaim Hoiiar I.aw a one f her on and hi passing remind n that a ?reat (!noidian lived in Hrilnin and did h, great deal toward (auadianizing that country, lie wa a man of whom all lirilish peopl? may well have been proud. No breath of scandal eer touched him and he'had marked ability. He was 'loved by thoe who followed him and respected by those opposed to his jMJieie. Not Only was he sincere, but he carried with him ah intise conviction and ability to sympathise with Hioe who opposed. When be retired from office it French newspaper paid liim the following tribute: ,-- ; 'During' hi short term of office 'liompletfcy broke with the policy of hi pre"tlec?s..ors by Vderyin in all doriiai'n and particularly in diplomacy a sincerity and perfect iiprighlne that in no way prevented himvfrotirberfig'Abtbifely'devoted to the Hrili.h .rause." ' . Shop Early -.. 1 . For Good Results. ":..:'. Nearly everyone give ChrNlmas, presents amf UJ. cii.-tom-nr at this lime of year to rerpiesl .people to hop early and to mail their parref? early in order to relieve the congestion which iisyalfy come? later. '. Thoe giving presents, who wish to, really pleae the recipients, plan carefully what 1 hey are Vo get. Often the storekeeper can In a great aid in making n proper selection. Sometimes, If the presents are purchased' in time, a very little work on the "pari of Hie donor will add a personal touch lo the gift which is always, appreciated.- 'AThe gr?at, thing is to make the purchases early and in co'oneelioii., with, this it is well lo rernern her that ChriMma. is jess Uimt .'eight jWC,eks away. Infectious Diseases And Who Should .Pay? ; The city of Kamloop has s?nl on to the local dlv council a resolution snggc'stiiig that us the whole country i concerned in 'flopping (he spread of iiifertious or contagion' dieae, the eosl of isolatuin hospitals should beJorne by the whole country. s.ll is well, ,prbap,viu c()nieriiig this resolution to consider the opposite, view. The citie's are the breeding places of dieae auil'lliroiiKli the negligence of the Yiti? many lives are lost. In ifi'd'f r to encourage preventive measilre'y it Fs ."well that the cost Of treating outbreak should fall' mi, those, plae?f mostly responsible for disease. If drains are -kepi jtij.good shape, sewers are coiistruoled, premises are kept deiuVth? yate.f(suj''ply, kept pure, aid the moral conditions looked nfU-r, there is; not very much neeil for. mi isolation hospital. Urease, hreW in filth arid cijies are 'usually rilthy somewhere. They haV hidden sores that ars b'reling pfaee for disease: (lleaiiiVneVs 'arid healthful conditions in a; city will obviate the ncd' of asking the government to, take care; of patients ,who have to be isolated. , Edmonton's Problems "... , Are Much Like Ours. Says the Edmonton Journal: 'The decline of" summer brings wii it the approach of Ho- cjvic 'tjfections,-aiid Hie elections in turn, bring up for consideration, the problems of our civic gov-e.runieuL Hiisine roiiditipi,nre readjusting Hieinlvex, or be ing adjusied, liy I lie returns from, a bountiful harvest. Hut the burden of taialioii resulting from Hie, .debenture indebtedness and other bourn lime commitments is so heavy that the jm-piov-iuenl fu business conditions is .in large measure, cancelled 'The first step toward a re Mini jo fprtiier coiuiitioiix . of prosperity must be a reduction in jbe burden or taxation and this can only rume ahoul by draslic' reduction in controllable expendiluies, Whoever pa the -tastes the auioiinl is taku out of the. biisiness of the city, and every .section of the populatioh feel the loss. To the major and aldenh-h who will be elected in December next the citizens rmisl look for action that will relieve the present burden of taxation. Jf the .money is spjnt it must ;be repaid, and -it can only be paid Vut of the taxes of flit citizens. The fjiurncial'tpositiou Of Ihe city can only be made good by drastically decreasing expenditure." IrtTc fum vcapq van CAUSING DEATH OF AUTO PASSENGER. Edmonton Man Found Guilty of Manslaunhter and Ssnt to PenlUntlary EDMONTON. Oct. 31. "Two year b'. one day al KorlSas- kHlcliewan Jail, was ine f;n- tenre uicled out to William Miiuro at the supreme criminal court yeOenlay iiMirnimr. he hav. Inp lieo-ii found guilty by a jury afler a lliree days Irjal which concluded bile Hie afternoon be fore. The rharpe was one of tnausau:hler. the guilty man having been' the driver of the taxi which late on the uiirht Nif September 1 1, ti1ed into a difrh at ttie north of the city ami caused Hie death of J op Ri.se:- vnr one of the passengers, life pirl willi hiih havine escaped in jury. Pleaded for Him .When the .guilty man stood up for sentence, his counsel. (,eorK Ma vie poke for ten minutes on his behalf. Ilcferrinp to the three points upon winch I lie jury mi?ht hae found the man puUty. he said there was no dotiht about excessive speel in view or I lie evidence (ml he did not pe how lliey could have found him cuilty iif they did' upon Hi idher point, that of drunkenness. Whereupon the court interposed to remind Mr. Massie thai the jury dm noi assign any reason for tlieir veritict. bein? sworn lo make their fiiidini? on the fact of the evidence. Proceeding, Mr. Massie referr ed to I lie death of three men in lliV city from a similar aulomo-hile accident on Sunday and said thai , people had become unduly excited oer such accidents and perhaps rislilly so. It had been unfortunate for Hie man found prill 1 1 - al this lime and be made a plea for leniency thai the ynunjr man before the bar of justice iuipht not he doomed to penitentiary but t'iven a chance of a fresli start that would follow a shorter sentence in jail. Lenient Sentence Mr. Justice McCarthy repealed acain that the cnunsed for lf-fene had done all that counsel could. "I'll jury had found the man guilty and he didn't see how they could have done other wise with the eviilence lieforc llieni. lie had listened to the appeal of Mr. Massie and bad con sidered it. In dealing leniently with the accused, he did so in I lie dope that he would mend his ways and pick up. The leniency was expressed in Hie verdict above, for the olfenee was one which mixht draw life BARBERS OBJECT TO BEING PROFESSIONALS VICTOIUA, Ocl. 31. Indig nantly claiming mat iney are simply tradesmen without "any high toned ambitions of being Iiroiessionai guys, Darners are sending in protests against the proposed measure that calls for a law classing (he lonsorial experts willi doctors and other members of the learned prof p.. sions, J hp law, if it goes into effect wniilil lie stringent in call big -for examinations. The pro lesiing nariiers aver I lie move. menl Marled )y members of llieir craft who feel the sting of competition by barber "colleges." VANDERHOOF A. K. Ilichards lifts returned (o hi headquarters al the Kuui- merland experimental station.af- ler having spent a good jiart of the season here in connection won ine sianon concluded local ly on the farm of David Turcotlc. ,K. I'. Oulram was hurriedly called o Mincouver last week, Mr. and Mrs. James It. Tan Inock of l-'orl I'raser are expect Cd home from Scotland in the course of a few days. V. Kcbjelderup, the well known surveyor, is, leaving shorlly for Victoria where Jie will Join Mrs. Bchjeldcrup and spend a couple Of ll0i. L. .1. Preslon js expected here with his family soon from Young, Sask., to sel e in the district. When 'you buy advertising you buy CHtCULATION, and nee that you get It. tf ! The Man in the Mood SAYS.- TIIK bone of contention wa.s taken out Of Adam's side in the Harden of Kdnn. 'I'll provincial parly is. said lo be Iryhifr lo harnesn a grievance, and ride il into oniee.) The Huntsman II K went into - .. Tin fields one day, "t'was pleitsauU jliere ' lie heard folkssiiy. He loved tlnv woods When ifobl and sere With dying colors Of the year. . When leaxes he fore the Wind went scooting "t'was lime to do ' A little sliiHiting. He shot the sunrise, Shot the dawn, 4 ' He shot a bear, ' ' ; . And shot a fawn? He shot a bird . Upon a tree. He hot a hawk j When soaring free; He shot alt things. Hut did he kill' 'em? Tut! Tut! He Only used a film. JI'ST a a girl gels financially on her feel, the fashions change. l.O.Ni; trains are to be the fashion next year. If Hie jadie ou t wear Ihem they will run on I he Canadian National. AND again tomorrow that ob jectionable first of I he month mail will have to be opened. Thai is what comes of living in a civilized country. till: crabbing seam is stilJ. on. No need to look sour when you raleh them. II ICS II aims are correct some- limes toil not when 'hunting. is not all that is required bring home the game. He mil also tread warily. NOW that they are I rvioir once more to open King l. J jTufjt ... .1 tomb, (I'lllV, lived in an tinciviliziJl age lief on i Harney fioogle. wa ever dream hall tonight I remembered that somebody was always trying lo lake the joy out of life. , ' ' "HOyou jfl uib?" impiired the little. sfrl. "Not if I keep my reason,"wai I he ungracious m-My. , If you find you cannot get the dally News regularly, call in and subscribe for it and have It d. livnroi to your home. Mr. Hoggs staled lh.it fox far iners were asking for leui-latlon to he passed ti protect the foxes from dogs. Jhelr reuuesl Is that they ho allowed' to, shoot any dog found within ann fp,. of a pen." Mrs. L. (). Larsen sailed la night by the Oanlena bound for iseiiltfe on a lioliday frip, Olhrrl)i frt ll. (tally Vw IN rROMTt. IK .TMI IUMUI COUNT Of RITISM In 11m Mitlr nt Thr vniiinOlr.tlini Ari; IX j ,.'?r'','h'. imui. IlKH.iir J. MrH. Vmim, n.df Jho lh d,y ... M,"r "f " ui .of G.r I . ".'Jr"n.'' ''l lrby . mnii.ii hiik, innnt rmi k fi ia .. ... . ' : ' aJi.I . .'Z mail au r i' in- ;".',," ,,k " ""nieiinMt, lo m tiiomvs vv. iirntr. ofprui Aiioiiulnrit.r, ... I'rlnrt llutxrl. fl.C P.IH I III i 1 1 l)i my i.f Qclobfr. 11)1, 1 IN PROMTS. IN TMI tUPMMI COURT Of BRITItH i- .. .. COlUmiA. iiil "' T,"! A,"""'lifll"n Art: .f OrM-r. A ll tin" I mMiwlSnia Al1mlliltpal..r r.1 .V' lllnlnl rUlm. miliiM lw ,(io Mute Vn lrVLv THOMAS XV. IIKIiXF.. orririi Ai)iiiiiii.iritor. .. . .. I'rliK-e , Huprl, lie. l.M ilili uih i.y Uf "rtobVr. IN PROMT!. IN TMt tUPRIMI COURT OF MITIIH , ., .. COLUeitlA. in.1 '" T,M" '"'"n"lr.U.Mi Afl; TaV'. t,?;":':. IIiiiiiiiip i- iiVii v orner M Ml or oriobr, a.i, ij. i ... nTWJ? ill?. - V H. f!fiii'i'i'hm ""lr ""I'-I'tfrtinpi to TIIOMAS V. IIKILNK. offirlil AHiiiliilxriior, v.u6 ,), mJliii, L Vedue.iliyV4'IOhej Slj H) dominion of canada Victory loan bonds' MATUKIiSU Ik uvx,mui:iv, THE BANK OF MONTREAL, under authority of the Mfnlster of Finance, f is prepared to redeem the above bonds in full at maturity, without cKaryfc, , , . - 1 . at any ot its Hrancnes in v-anaua. ror the convenience ui y ncio v ow, -.- - f . ... , bonds at any time prior to November 1st, and will make payment in each ca$e on November 1st, either by issuing a cheque or Dy placing met owner's credit in the boob of the Bank, as the owner may desire. FOX RAISING IS A PROFITABLE INDUSTRY' Vancouver Uland Man Tells High Quality of Product There of! Vlirt OlllA. Ocl. .11. Iteauinont Hoggs of lliis city, -peaking be fore the Metrhosin Farmers In titule told of hi wife experi ence in raising fines at North .sflanioh. High prices were paid for the fur, a much a ?70 being. paid for c single pell. "Il i a fact." said Hie speaker, thai the pelt of Hie captive fov hrinir a hiuber oricp I lian the wild fox. and Hie Lest fur doe not come from the cidd dry climate, a seem lo be the general idea, the fur in such climate lieing usually of a eoarer ipiplily than Hie fur of foxes raised in a more humid climate." Mr. Hoggs gnp information regarding the breeding of foxe. Tint I lllllf lllihll ii'AvnliLiil . WIIKN shiMiting a man realizeslct:i;ioiiiir the iiorxirlniiep of this that having a correct aim in lifeiiidiilry. has appointed an off! oleinl ptiierl wlio will I'll. till tjnecessar information ami advice to the prospective fox famer. The care of foxes an. I Iheir habits were fully explained bv ni'. the speaker, and .all., the r-tllllflll- estimate ,l of it i well I o renienrtier that he Hie cost of feed per annum, which Idid not excepd was given. Mr I Morrison, who bad a fox farm for onie years in Allierla, I now . Icarrjing on the industry near TltYlNO to illustrate the Im- Hoyal Oak, came out at Mr. lUltitt llillll V ikf Mttfiwtl It ttitr l..ilklHlllir . 1 1 Lfir M ( L 1 1 1 ntfliiittril. .a . 1 . I I. I ... ... (H-iiintf, a jim..mt uie oilier nay i 'iinjf many uiTourairmtr oHn i. t- . I II. ..I ti tit I. . Il.tr-, r..,.A . a !.: . retn;irkiij thai II was like play nnd firuU Mint Tulenkhainen and expecting himal"J'de pej here as in Alberta. to fox trot . I'll KM K was one thing abou' old Tut. When be .got tired of listening' to the legislators lie Inhl llieni lo go hack and sil ilown and if they refused he had their beads chopped olf. Anil yet we consider we have developed. 4- A FOOLISH contemporary siig- gesls that when Carter . e'nlers King Tulenkliainen's tomb the old chap will think , II Was a plllinber he telephoned for be. fore going to sleep. THK real cats whiskers- in amusement is trying lo dance wild a L'irl who ha not Indulged in that kind of exercise for five or Icn years and who does not particularly wish to learn. s WIIKX reminded that the Four Hundred would all be mil at I he sit the sign of the Yellow liox hi, ..yJiiRmieir y. Kodak Film Get the film that gets the picture Kodak Film ' Wt fuivt puriizt. , - Just aj you count on Koilalc Film, you can count on our developing and printing service. Films carefully developctl;pnnts painstakingly made; work f'hat' righ't arid rlght on time that's our reputation'. Ormes Ltd. THE REXALL STORE. Corner Third Ave. and Sixth Street. Phone 82 and 200. Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way lo prove that PHKMIEIl "fiQI MEDAL" HKKIt is heft THY IT. " ' ' ;" - MX- Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advertisement i not published or dhplnyrd by the Liquor Control Hoard or by Hie Oovcrnmcnl of Hritish Columbia. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND OH SHIPYARD WOODEN Mill I MMBTDIIMml. . - .... VU Plant and Estimates Furnished For All glasses of Boa Anyone coimidering the purclia.se of a new fishing vessel tug, or wooden bunt of any description I cordinlly mviled lo fnsprl p,grt..,H on the Iwo do fo6t cruira we now buil.liiiK for Hie Fisheries l)epiVnnnl. 4 I H