mmM til -I. u .iit it 4 1 fRfi PAfiH .FOUR. THE DAILY .NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManuj Halloween Tnit t The tTuCMC 31 l TmC-jP ir-OwC tK-C rCiEm Hefc. t Tr COAT ST hl.uO a This ' I OOe' T.' MINt UJ ATT roT 1-1 A. RFCk. tf (TP &CTT6.R ONE STOUEM PROM wi CE.D fyR, COM ro DOvjis iv i -i- ji iiir r t-f "inow SLIPPERS For the Parlies anil Dances for this time of year wi liave a full range of Ladies' Slippers in Kids, Suedes and Satins at prices ranging from $5.00 up to $10.60. We will Ye glad In show yon Ihese at any lime you call. Family SHOE Store "The Home of Real Shoes." Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Christmas visit to I he Old Land early. For Tickets. Rales and Informal ion, fee us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. . r t , The Home of Domestic Bread Hread is your hest food. Fat more of it. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 'l SO, Third Ave. Prince Rupe'rt? B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received a car load of up river wa6d, guaranteed seasoned and dry. feize cut to order For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 5S0. Service and Quality our Motto. KING GEK CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Prices Hcasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVING. Eliminate the draught around your windows and use less coal. SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows. C.lftsH and Mirrors of all kinds. T. ROSS MACKAY. Phone Blue 165. SUMAS LANDS ARE BEING CULTIVATED WITH EXCELLENT RETURNS (Owners of Adjoining Lands Are teasing Pasture on Margin of Area VnnOMA. Ocl. 3U. When ijs considered thai 120 bushels ior two ton constituted Ihe crop taken Ihis season from an acre by one of Ihe farmers on Ihe ;West nrairie section of the jsunfas reclamation area it will no lie difficult to understand why j.Mr. K. 1. Harrow, minister of ag-Iriculture. had such faith in the! proposal which he fathered and) carried through to a successful conclusion. The land in question was ploughed last year afler hav- jiig Iwen flooded hy the Fraserl jlther a rondilion now guarded again! hy the plan thai has Iheen brought to fruition. j i It is also interesting to oltsrv Wf-ekj thai Ihe farmer in this particular (instance received 1.00 per ton over Ihe pvarket price on account of the high qijalily of the oats produced. This fact Islies on J more than usual significance wiien u is iimiersUKKi tuai a room British Columbia average crop is somewhere in Ihe region of sixty buhels. In the acre. Naturally huoyed up with such excellent returns Mr. Harrow is optimistic regardinjmifir.futurK at Sumas and hi plans have been developed with an eye to practical requirenens. In oilier words he proposes to seed one thousand acres of this particular area to Iimotliy Itefore the hall days have pone, in order to pre vent the spreading of weeds, and with an idea of furnishing Ihe in terest charges from the crop The povernment own 12,000 acres in this area, T.oon acres of which are lake bottom lands, and il is Mr. narrow's intention lo crop all Ihe lands in Ihe mean time and have Ihem revenue producing against the. time when they will be pul on Ihe market. Siirnas Lake has berni reduced lo one third of its normal winter area and pumping will he com pleled when the connecting ditch now lining put in is finished. Mcannme Mimas laiul owners are being given first opportunity io lease forgone y-ar liie mar ginal grass lands adjoining their holdings. Hesides giving the farmers extended holdings at pioderale rental Ihis action will bring the sodded lands into first rale cropping condition. ALICE ARM II. F. Kergin, M.L.A. has com menced Ihe erection of a fine new residence on an eminence between Ihe fitwn and Ihe wharves. II will liave a concrete foundation. SleVe Oumas is building a two storey tdore in own, Al. Falconer is building a bungalow on Ihe. flat, T. Sulilo. vicli is aboul lo ereel a resilience on Ihe Valley road and J. Dulf is clearing a lot on the side hill with a view.lo building a house in Ihe spring. The Alice Arm Social League held lis first debate last night I lie suhjecel being "Hexolved that the federal government should own and operate all Ihe railroads in Canada." The speakers for the aHirrnative were: Ociirge Hruggy, C. lirennan and E. Moss. for the negative, T. W. Falconer, C. P. Iliel and .1. Anderson. -a- Mr. and Mrs O. W. tlray and son have left for Seattle where Ihey will .spend the winler. Ceorge Mutheison has relumed from Slewurl where he has been working for ihe past few winler here. A. tion Victoria cssion Alright 1 II H lM f h HlmllM lkl Bfl BB UmtothrancHoo oonaaL Bfl Wm m JUNIORS A I B llif4 Oo-hird th. rrr- I PI J t 1 1 iM- Bs I'liursday evening for Ihe pur pose of organizing night classes in Hie citv. Following Ihe failure of Ihe Northern Polytechnic ln-desiifh stitite, Ihe school board realizes thai it has become necessary In lake some steps along this line. - The Prince Society has fieorge Choral Julia V. Ahboll. The following women have been selected lit serve on Ihe f t Jury: Phoebe Iloddls, Annie Allen. Mamie V.. It raw n. I.avinia II. duff and Julia . Hond. A New Mr. dinighler litis liecn horn nl Wesiniinsler In Mr. and Fred J. Slacy f Ihis elly. In the Letter Box URGES PROHIBITION . ' Klilr liaily Nevvii Apparently Ihe one great question to engage the alleulion of ihe legislalorn al the coining session of Ihe House will be Ihe purchase and dispensing of in- oxiranis. Laymen have iicus-od this question freely during Ihe interim and, wild an election in sight, we might again have the opport unity of expressing our opinion in another vote for or against prohibition. ...... . . , , It appears thai a country. Nels Olsen lias returned from ,:,..,'' ... 0.i,., ;..' the Naas valley where he ha ...ii-T i . . 'i . . . .. . .? should be consistent, because a been ranching and will spend the f ,lf ..-,., lUi.ft,,.. Wallace ' of II. F jliquor a ; Iteiiefl lo iiiaiilifid. .when required for mMlicinal and i!!.Ukinfr ','T r""- !lli-r purposes, it is not right to . Kergin, M.L.A. as; t engineer on Ihe launch Awake. .', . . ,,S V.. . , ,. . i , . . . ociated m h. iiurcliasf md ja e Mr. Kergm left last wek for' , .-., v . . ., . for " revenue pUrioe.i of in- In ..Hon. I II... t.. II. i .. r hoxicants. harmful PRINCE GEORGE It. R. Iillabaugh has been pointed station asenl lit Fort Fraser. He will assume his new duties in the near future. A meeting will be held here on to a great If, as some people imagine. intoxicants are beneficial as a beverage, lliey should nnt compel ap. others to become associated in :i business proposition, thereby forcing'' them to adopt a means of raisihgre ven ue for the use of those indulging in intoxicants, also for llne who are opposed lo such practices. Laws are not always made for Ihe protection of the majority or for their The. minority injil be protect ed. Tin" majority in any country can lake care of Iheinselves. Why should we be forcing some people lo agree to the law, which resumed regular, is not beneficial, and also lo as practices, liavin; in view Ihe 'sisl in allowing intoxicants lo be staging of the cantata Hos 'shipped lo our neighbor across Maiden" later in the season. Ihe border We sell, legally, lo Eddie Itrown. for many years prominent in local sporting circles, is. leaving shortly for Vancouver where he will locale. A banquet was given in his honor al the Club Cafe last week. One woman will serve on Ihe (irand Jury at Hie Supreme Court some of our own people, ami fine, . or imprison men and women, if Ihey indulge too freely in what we hand Ifieim.'!. this right? l..uppeariiuoi'e like oh laining nioney uner false pre. lences-, No Halfway Engaging in Jhe Intoxicating liquor business will liriug about Assize here next month. She Is the downfall of -any government ifi ii IMPORTANT PRODUCT OF CANADA mm Bread b the firAesf food on earth the ore food th&t everybody eats-that everybody like5,ardM agrees with everybody. . Brea,d rnde lr the home with Royal yeast Cakes Mes better, keeps fresK . loiter, ard b more i Y ii ii MODERN four room flat for rent. Westenhnver Uros. tf ROOMS Hloi-k. TO RENT in Apply Store. BOAHD. BOARD. The Second Avenue. Wallace tf Inlander, 830 Phone 137 tf ROOM AND BOARD PALMER HOUSE. 100 Seventh Avenue West. Phone lied MO. Furnished suilea. FOUND FOUND. Two keys on siring, Apply Daily News Office. LOST LOST. Airedale 130. puppy. Phone It Is a very debasing way of raising revenue. Are we heller able to conduct a saloon business than our one hundred millions of neighbors Lei us vole on j Prohibition Act. that will pro limit. Nn luilf unv in urn II lappears that Ihosu who favon-il 'pniliibilion in the past are sim ply wailing for things In regulate illieiuselves. In Ihe Legislature and out of II let Un be consistent ami oppose what Is An evil lo nlhers even if we musf abolish wiiai we may consider of use to ourselves. Hie women of our country, with their voles and influence snoutii cousiiter tin-ir share in ii.. i . in- kihi govenimeni or unr Province and vole for prohibition. We cancel along without revenue from Mich a source. VOTFH, Molorhoal Prince of Wales, Capl. Fowler, was in port lasl evening unloading one carload of halibut from Kelchlkau for delivery over Ihe. Canadian National Hallway, in Kasir'rn ptnl'e's. me siiiiitnent was handled iii Ihe. Iloyul n.i (Jo. dock. er . alaTaTaTata i I I I Call ami view my display '0HU MT1 urwt StrtTKI Daily News Classified Ads. 8 CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdfirtiMmant Takan for Laea than BOe WANTED WANTED. Men and women to learn barhering. Paid while learning and tools free. Write for catalogue. MHer Harber College, Vancouver, U.C. WANTT'li ti charter fur two months. III II. I', work bout with option lit purrhiise. Apply Northern F.xelian;-c. ;& WANTKI . Woman or girl fof general housework. No washing. I'hone 165. if WANTKI). Woman, half dav wekly for washing. Phone Hed 513. FOR RENT FOH HK.NT for six months, furnished six rooinel nusb'rn house; furnace. Pbotie lle.1 500 In evening. ff5 FOH JIKNT. Six roomed house, partly funiisheL Ceiilrolly "" Utetiled. Apply Hox 1 1 Haily News Oltice. FOH HUNT. Ilooui with board, suitable for gentleman. Phone Hlack 217. 257 STEAM Heated Flat for rent. Hesner apartments. M. M. Stephens. ' FOH IlKNT Housekeeping rin 110 Sixth Avenue East. Phone Illue 217. tf FOL'll HOOMKIl FiaT lo llent. Steam heal. Apply Smith & Mallett. tf FOH IlKNT. Modern houe, five rooms ami balh. Apply Munro Hros. tf MISCELLANEOUS. TAXI and Light Delivery 23. Let Tommy ib il! REPAIRING. ANVTHLMi IN CANVAS 7Hrt. I. LetUaire. Cow Hay. DO IT NOW. V " LAND ACT. ! In oatl Un4 IiimmVi a,, ..,... Irtrl vt fnnm lturl , i I cm Vnn-.tir l.ui, . Iijumiiw IIKIMIt, trx inj..ini. I i . II" ll iUi. I'lHUie I T(k Nnllre Itul , TtwMMI k, n everylhiHg in Fur for the winler. jfivif ib Mid mm tin.iM. V Furs t.. all people and all 'V, SVT'utVS' . pockeu. .nyilnng in fur made ,niinriT. ina rumiot it wn up iii any style. W. G0LOBLO0M. "Honest Furs." Second Ave, TAkl Tail 67 Phone. (Call fleorg- or Out) Ross Brothers. Hesl Service in Ihe City. R. CHIROPRACTOR O. TASSIE, D.C. Chlropractor 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. H.C. Hours: 10 to 12: 2 lo t; 7 to tl. I'hone Illue 625. Residence. Green 13ft. AUCTION SALES Conducted our riMitns. in your home or al ioun ourbxi einimUiftn. H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer, Third Avenue (Denny Allen's Old Store ) Orders taken for Spirella OckmIs Mrs. J. M. Grahlman Kalen Shoe SWre. 71 1 Second Avenue West. CHIMNEY CLEANING Moderate l'rce OLD NICK Prince Huper Cigar Store Phone Illue CI PRINCE RUPERT TIDE! 4 Wednesday, October 31 High 5: IB a.m. Ifl.rt 17:1 1 p.m. I7.C Low 1 1 : i H a.m. 10.0 Thursday, November 1 High r.:tH a.m. 1 0.1 1H:-1 p.m. 17.0 Low . 0:03 a.m. 6.7 12:23 p.m. Friday, November High ...... 7:55 a.m. IU:.rl p.m. Low 1 :07 a.m. 13:38 p.m. Saturday, November 3 High H:50 a.m. 17.0 21:10 p.m. Low 2:10 a.m. I t:3K'p.m. Sunday, November High U:IU a.m. 22:10 p.m. Low 3:21 a.m. 10.00 p. vi. Monday, November S. High 10:37 a.m. 2o.i 23:11 p.m L"v I: y a.m 17:02 p.m. III.) fl. fl. Pro'spnroiu dv-rtsiig means regular continuous ndvirtlslriaT. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. ?0TII:K Is IIKftKHV ir-rr rtirniir at llw tiiiMitli i.f ,rrtiifxfrnt, iikl rr. aif or k I -Ofail, mvMNl W tilr tor in .. , , J.bfTlui lh- (hIIhiiii dviw . I OiinwiwriKr platitr.' trt or ItbmtMmt InUi itwarr i ., ..'Ii.ll rtwint. m.ifr ir !. . f,l twMlfMt.rV tJ tl A I . ( lub u , THoMM in i rr . ' "I tl i ' lttl Mflflibf It III, lit , j ' LAND ACT. Ntl f lttl U AHf U PvrttkMt I lM, . Ill ttl U(Mt iMillKI. rf, f Irtn at Vtlnr nsrt. t, ' ti It'll Nlaad. ' 0mm Jhi iv I lb tmtoi or till Iskt Tt olr thtt I. Tltit A i Anywhere, Anytime. Hay or Nifrhl vaear. it;, rott4i . Stanrff Rntlnn flrlll TkIm4 ft H n . . J . . t ..... P.T...H, w JWIIIir IW m.WIf USTfU t ,r lll Intrl. lhl rty rrntn a lin f tM i nslk (I, It fhaim IImim tH rfxloti twnr fturlh U.IT 'ban rAlk.vini if hifb if m PSbi fcf ammo twrtnefH. ain u i tntt. il- r tllMS v ill f yuw t) ; iit-4 upiui0t tii, ifr IAM0 ACT. NMHa r IMaallM la lr U Us laM. In Otatl I awl iH.iriri Mr j irvt ui rnurt Horri :.t al the itrad of till InM, I it : : iotralr. intend lo iwlr ! :-r r In trtut lb Mlavinr di ' ' tltnrri Osnewnrtnt at a rnl 01'' ..-i .hut IMM uf A III lntt. aUil OW'iSv; nirihraM pf h mmiIimM rnwr Phone Black 138 and Green 7iZl! frzL .S:,,J.:' ttM inlet; ibviMv anatbrrlr. -ia- EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE :rilirrir. and foU,int Mid n m . lw fmht al mmrnrnrvmrm. and rta mw till trrrt. mar or ! TII0Wa A. UVtt iii.u th. itt LAND ACT. kalia af UtMtlan u Aaal? U 1mm Us. la iirmt Land puirlrt, hnatmat l' imt of Prior Huirt. and iif .tw tl .Ctpltlnt Cot, Mil Itland. CJC, Tak noUf lhal W. Jffrton. o Tta rwittr, ofu(tlton rannrr aii trifi iu applr for frtnlttum to a Jrolklnt (VtrrlW land Cwtne a po I fMM on U wwlb annf of f tlalna Cot. Itrtvr oah II rbalM Hsr Ttl t rtuinti I Vik ttorth II '-uist , hor: itKiw-t rotmlo ttxr u riv-f a . i. m. . rmnnminl and ronta nint 10.3 2 10.7 1 0.8 7.0 l,l 17-1 H.H 4 1 8.7 18.3 0,5 7.1 fl. fl. fl, fl mere or li. w. i. itrrtw. Hut f App!Utl Pattsl Tib Inly, till. MOURAL ACT. ctirririCATi or laaeaovtutnTi. NOTICf. "Vf." ao o f." aii w ' Xo, t" Ulnral Claim, altual' i:-Kkrna Mlnlnt MtltkA nf lunrr I, ' IHtirwt. Wlr Kvaitsl ."tr I lilrni on Whale r.bannl. Tal yiAIrm that What Cbanwil HJ' limned, rr Mltr Crliniw TflltC. Ifiti-nfl. aiiir ara rHn in " niif, to arpljr W lhi Mlnlni r rr fnr a fortiriral of Impiwennwlf t J ptirpQMi or otiiaimnf a crn orat 1 1 abotr claim. And ftiMtwr lata nollre tt ' UMlfH Sxllon II, (noil i rfunliw :a U fnrn list laananr of aura Cwlifi -al lnimvnnu. in id mi loin day of Anntti. i n P. M, MnjCKTOV ie" LANO ACT. Nellca af Intantlaa la Apply la U" In Coatl Und liKlrli i, Mu' ' irlrl, of l-rlnr Hiiporl, and 1V In t:ohinra InM. Vnrl.:' I 1 Vn f harioiif ttlindt. Tata Mullm lhal I. Thutnas A f Vaneoftver, B.C nrrtmaiwn ' 'W Kirralnr, Intrnd t aw.ty fr I" ",-i l-ai th fi.ll.minr dfrriord tlsir: . Ct4HRHnrlnt al liie amiltiurM "3rTL" T.I.. SITS; iivnm aotilh t rhalnt S,4 irtv ii ii fh.m.. ikrnr ria . rliatnai Ihenrr nartlw-rly and aatierU tnZ imnint inr nrt or i;nmw lo Mm. oulnl if rirfnmnrrnKftl. ' lalnmt 11.11 af. er ". TIIOVVS. A. altlfT ani "f' At'l1" "' oaiiwl Sfpi'inir tlih. lfi.. "I'i'ij 1 1 us minnijr iirnmn :na' . ,n ' .iV.H) ,r, ,. LT, , t'flrits ..f iniermni. u , , . II. MAtiK.X, '"li'iy Miiiimrr i,f i... laiiilt . Land, iKiitrtiiiMit, '"!' Vlrlitrla. n.C. ilili OctoUr, Itlj. ktlNtKAU ACT. ct mricATi or a)paOVI"l"TI- Ilahr Mo, I. Malt Mo. i HaltJJJ . Half ,Vo, I, and flair Mn I W , .. suuaiad in th ntiia rwiii Dlvltltm i.r Oial plalrlrl. Wtwr -TiH)or Intrl on Wlrwam Paj- al mihsa Mi,rih of furl Hard. l4f,t Take Mniire thai I, TtM.nm Nil'""' rree Nlm-fa Oriirirate Mn. . tend, attlj- 1ar from lli dalr hr ,1, w - . rutins. li..l a... k A.a .1- in now innurr nitiiitr aii"i i ... iimlt-r Srrllmi II mint lie rcmni'iM; r fiM the latnam .f aald rrrnfl"" liimriVfiiiinn. . ,lfi llll.ll Ihl. til, rf.v nl llllV. IP. I"" Aaoni n. I'-t"-:'., rrt Minar'i i.rilficia o. '.iiiHe