Wednesday, October 31, 1023. mm Pre Delivery In Prince Rupert. Firsthand Knowledge i the not ronvlnring Get to know by personal experience that thi nice thingi we ay about "Cascade Beer ate not exagerated Prove to your, sell that this IS the finest beer brewed in the west, that it IS a most delightful tonic to -rind and body, a brineet of good cheer and content Order a tupply of "Caieade" today. On tale at all Govern' ment Liquor Storei. Vancouver Breweries Limited TIlii AtlviTtihoinctit i not published or displayed by tlic L5q" r 4 .'out ml Hoard or by Ihe (iovenimeut ol ftritUh C ' ' Have You Tried? Rupert Brand S Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. , PRINCE RUPERT COAST 8AILINQ8 8.8. and FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Point, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR, STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. 8.S. PRINCE JOHN. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Oct. 17, Nov. 3, 17 at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. i La Prince fluperl Pin. for I'MSCt GtOHGE. EDMU.HTOM. WIS-.MrtO, alt pv4M Elrrn Caoaila. l'blV4 Sulet, oincv ail occan steamship links. jjClcj Till Qfflf . SIS Ttilr Print WprU Phn 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert 8.8. PRINCESS MARY. I For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, October 5, 12, 23; November 2, 16, 30 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, t , October 1, 8, 19, 29j November 12, 26 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. I Fop Butedale, Swanton Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i ' Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every 8aturday at 1 p.m. Agency ror an oieamsmp umo. ' Full information from - W. C. ORCHARD, Oeneral Agent. Corner of . 4th Street and MMaaweMMawswaejMaaaweM 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. r Stilmrt From rrtnr import, or VANCOUVM. VKJTOaia, 0. rillt, "on Bar, Tu.da, B P.S1. for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, AUrl. r, and wanton Bar, aturda Noon. r aiTVOX. HIOI ARM, STIWART, WIm UUnd, Suiultr t P.H. PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlf Cannarlea, rrldaj A.M. !or Prlnr Huprt. B.C 11 tn Avrtme. J. "!.. Ifenaimo - Wellington COAL , DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER! I " Real Satisfaction Cheapest In Long Run! r flo 8HALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! J ' PROMPT DELIVERY. , Albert & . McCaffery, Ltd. m a i an A Phones 116 cnecrwiinomnmr OCKEYE ALMON andwiches STEAMSHIPS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. PRINCE RUPERT PRINCE GEORGE. and 564 FISH LUNCHEON IS HELD .TODAY Addresses Qlven at Affair Under Auspices of Fisheries Association There was large attendance of local business men at the fish luncheon given this afternoon by the I'rince llupert branch f the iiinailian t ixlieriox Association to mark (he occasion of Xuhonul Kh,Day. T. II. Johnson, presi dent of-the Association, occupied thi chair anil an appropriate address was given" hy Freil Stork.! M.I?. Those ju .charge of makrl inir armniri'iniml fur lli alTuip' were I. H. Johnson, president. John Dybhavn. vice-president. and .lame I,, .ee, secretary of the I'rince: llupert branch of thel aiiadian J'isherie Association. Interesting Addresses In hiit remarks, Mr. Johnson gave iidiiih intercut nig figure showing the value ami extent of I he fisheries in Canada and al the port 'or J'rince llupert. All obstacles should be removed that prevented ,uiek, free ami cheap export. In spile Of lhob- ularle bie engaged in ihc fish ItUKineMK' here wtiuhl continue to prosper if good service was given. ' ' Mr. Shirk referred hi the- Im portance if advertising (he fisheries and cneouragimr product ion and connumiition. The biological ANNOUNCEMENTS Hoxpilal Hallowe'en Hall. October 31. Adair Car. Chapter, I.O.I). K.. Itazaar, SI. Andrew' room, Second Avenue, November 7. . Anglican Church Bazaar, No vember 14. - I'reithyterlan Church Itazaar. N'oviiiler 21. Ilehekah liacaar, Saturday, November 2 4. Women of Mooeheart I.egjon liazaar. Melropole Hall, Novent-! her 28 and 20. Hoyal l'urplc Bazaar, December . Klk' Hpipe. Higli School Xmas. Concert, l)e. eimicr 20 Give Jewellery for Christmas It is always treasured and Kept, liood jewellery is not an extrawigatirc . It kt-eps its Milne for ever and the pleasure it gives is necessary in life. i lie jewellery you wear shows your laste mid often your standing. .Many people buy diamonds as nn iuestmeiil knowing it is I tie only way they will keep their money and diamonds ncxer will go down in value. Bulger & Cameron Limited Jewellers. GIFTS THAT LAST Id Plus 1c 7- Per Piece a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your washing.' go pt ctnx or your ironing vtrything rtiurntd dry You limply touch-up j few outtr garments such I as waists, blousas, hous drassas, with hanj-lron. Phona us toJajr. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. After Every Meal Have a packet in your pocket for ever-ready refreshment. Aids digestion. Allays thirst. Soothes the throat. For Quality. Flavor aid tbe sealed Package, boa ill hail plan under way which would be uf great benefit to I'rince lluyert. John Dybhavn proposed a vote of thanks lu Mr. Stork and it wa- carj-ied with eut hur ialic ap plaue. J'tit- gathering opened with the ringing of "O.Canada" and do ed with the National Anthem. There was also community irig ing of popular air. V. Vauglian Davies pre.ided at the piano. J-'ich di.lie! featured the menu. Those present Tlioe present al tlie hamiuel included: T. H. John in. I red Stork, M.l. John Dybhavn, J. YY. Nichols, A K. Wakefield, Aid. Theo. Collarl I homa McClyinont, O. A. Wood-iand, John Mcllae, W. K. Trump, A. W. Kdge, Fred Scadden, J. K Davey. K. C. Oil.boii.. J. W. Scot I S. J. McheoiJ, Aid. J. A. Smith, I), .labour. II. St. (i., Joe l!re.-r, W. K. William. Dr. I.. W Kergin, D. C. Mcltae, II. M. Win- fbiw. Dr. W. T. Kergin, A. D lilllieo, Jarvi Mcl.eod. F. W Hart, C K. Starr, C. W. Kirken all, II. McKwen, J. II. Meagher Fred Ciilliuly, J. I.orenzen, l.eo Wmigh, It. K. M.MIHOII, J .C. Mc ltae, (i. A. Hunter, John Bulger. .1. A. Kirkiialrk-k, Oeorge W Morrow, II. it. lloeheter, 1'. W Sileride, Mayor Newton, Aid U. H. Muuro, W. Vauglian Davie C. II. Klkiii!. .1. II. Thompson .James I,. Lee and K. W. BASKETBALL ENTRIES CLOSED LAST NIGHT Three Teams In Senior League, Four In Intermediate, and Four In Ladles' Knl He for the Prince lliiperl Basketball Association's winter season of games closed last night. There are three tennis in Hie Senior League, four in the Inler-mediale and four in the Ladies' as follows: Senior Colts, Sons of Canada and Teachers. Intermediate .North B.C. Itcg meut, Colls, (irotto and High School. Ladies' Adauacs. Maple I.enfs. Kaiens ami Teachers. WEALTHIER CLASSES LEAYING IRELAND High Income Tax One Cause of Many Wishing to Quit Country Dl Ill.l.V. Del. 25. There is today an exodu from Irehhul of members of I he wealthier classes. Lord Oraittnore and Ilrowne is selling his properly in Mayo, and other territorial magnates are taking Hie same course. Their estates in laud come under the operation of Hie Land Pur chase Acts, which transfer Ihein In The tenants at n fixed price. ami they have nnlliing left but llieir mansion houses and demesnes. The deslrui'lioii of Hie past year has wiped uuVmany of the mansions. The fact that 11 higher income lax is payable in the Free Slate than In (Ileal llritaitt ami .Norllieru Ireland also accounts for the desire to leave. Yet the exodus is by no ineaps general, and llieje are many men of wealth who prefer to slay in Ireland. When the F.arl of Mayo, who is a Free Slate sena-llor. was burned mil of his family place in Ciiunty Kildure, lie took up his residence in the house of a gamekeeper on the estate, and resisted alt attempts to drive him out. It is4-the desire of the Freej Stale Government ,o eneourng such men to ?ij? : Iii Ireland. I Local and Personal IJ.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayners. Undertaker. Pboue 351. tf - Order your coal from Casey. hone Hcd 523: If Interior Pasteurised Milk. Prince llupert Dairy. J.'honp Black 216. tf Don't forget Boxing Tourua men!, Kmpres Theatre, Monday. November 5. All Moose please attend special meeting Wednesday night. Spec lal business. 257 sleamer Prince (Seorge. Capt. W. S. Morehouse, is due from Vancouver and way ports at i:30 this afternoon. 30 live young turkeys for I'lianksgiving arriving November Place your order now and avoid disappointment. Table Supply Meat Department. 257 BULBS. Just arrived in first class condition all kinds of Hyacinths for indoor and bedding out. Narcissus, Tulips, Snowdrops, Chinese Lillies and Crocus. also bulb glasses and bowls, (ileiinie's near Post office. tf 1'he case of . Owen Fisher. charged with keeping intoxicaui- ing liquor for sale at the Km- press Club, was adjourned tin morning by Magistrate McCly inont until Monday on request of W. O. Fulton, counsel for the defence. Passengers sailing last even ing hy the Union steamer Car- edna for the south included A. V. DosMms, 11. M. Wright. II. W. .Mel. imh I and M. Holmes for Van- rouwr; II. J. Woodley for Ocean Falls and Mrs. I.. O. Larsen for Seattle. -Oeorge Tesier, charged with keeping intoxicating liquor Willi soft drinks al 1 lie Trail Club, was remanded for eight days Ibis morning and his case will come uii tin Thursday next. W. F. Fisher, prosecutojr, asked, for ad inurnment. . - - - sleamer Canadian Freighter, after completing over haul ut the dry dock, moved to the lumber assembly wharf last night and started loading 150.000 feel of lumber for Japan this morning. The vessel should -gel away for Vancouver tomorrow. Fire breaking out al 3:3(1 this morning in the residence of Louise Adams, Fulton Street and F.ighlh Avenue, did slight dam age. A lounge became ablaze apparently from a cigarette end. The itccunanl being out al the lime. I lie fire department was obliged to break In the door. The dropping of the Sultana group by the (iranby Company is a disappointment to the people of liazellon and district as there were great hopes that it would be a shipping mine very soon. It is situated near Hazelton. The Sunshine group on Portland Impending on a milkman you never know when you will be "out" of milk when you need it most. Why not use St. Charles Milk regularly and keep half a dojieu tins in reserve on the pantry shelf? Every grocer has It. St. Charles Recipe Book Sent Free The Borden Co. Limited VANCOUVER. Condensary at South Sumas, B.C. i-i&-t Do You Keep a close tab on your digestion? This is important. It will pay you well to do so. Digestion is complicated andit3 processes often become disordered. This brings immediate discomfort often severe pain. Use BEECHAM'S PILLS Thi3 valuable preparation has for yeare been found to relieve indigestion, biliousness, sick headache and constipation. Thousands of careful folks have learned to use' Beech&n's Pills, which have proved both, corrective, and nreventiw. Experience has tautrht them to always have a pox example always nave ceecnam s nus In Your Home SOLD EVERYWHERE IN CANADA. Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World 4 DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to V Phone 575 Lady Assistant Shockley's Mills Are now Sole Agents for the lumber output of the Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPLAP. 8pruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 3S3. HEATER TIME IS HERE J Make your selection early while our line is complete. All styles and sizes, both plain and brick lined, priced from $12.50 to $45.00. healer ready for KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1646. 603 Canal has also been dropped byj the company. Jimmy Dick, of Any ox and lale ..r in;.. .', 1... .... 11... 1' it ! ' .111111, 1.- itratmt. uii iiiu 1 1 .it boat on Friday night for Van couver en route to Dundee, Scotland, where he wiil visit with tiis parents. PREHISTORIC PAST OF THE PHILUPINES Recent Discoveries Indicate Islands Were Once Inhabited by Chinese ANN AHHOIt, Midi., Oct. 30. Tbe veil has been lifted from' t lie prehistoric past of the Philippine Islands and discoveries have been made rivalling those in the tomb of Tutenktiamin, according to a report which has just been received at Hie University of Michi gan from Dr. Carl E. Outhe, head fug an archaeological expedition now in the islands. Dr. fluthe's reliort hints strongly for the first time that Chinese formerly inhabited the island, a conclusion which be says is substantiated by the de posits unearthed by him during the last year. Material so far discovered, Dr. Gut he's report says, includes hundreds of pieces of pottery, broken and unbroken. much of it of the Ming period, some Tang, some Sung and much yet hi be identified. There also have been found human hones chip-stone and iron implements and weapons, copper and bronze articles, gold inlaid teeth aiid gold, shell, coral, glass and stone ornaments. NOTICE To Whom it May Concern: Take notice. that Do Will Wong has purchased the Great West Grocery and Chop Suey House Comox Avenue from Kee Ess Wong ns al November 3, 11)33. All accounts -owing should be presented to Kee Ess Wong at once as after November 3. 1033, Do Will Wong will not be responsible for same. (Signed) DO WILL WONG .'5l m handy. Profit by their Buy now and have your the first cold snap. Third Ave. Tel. 3. Loggers 8 Prospectors BOOTS Men's Fine Shoes from $4.50 Men's Brown Calf Shoos, in Goodyear Welt, wide or narrow toes, from $5.50 Hand Made Loggers' Boots from $8.50 REPAIRING.4 GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Next St. Regis Cafo. 'Demers BILLIE BURKE DRESSES Venus Hosiery Special Showing oT Underwear, Vests, IHoomeis, Coio-binations. -t. , v--q , .. Come and swour 'slock and compare prices. Good shipped everywhere. Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. EDSON COAL We cqn now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL In any quantity. nr Phone 53. I 9 v. M 1 T1Y :3 no InA -.r-9 iA