1 1 0 JOHN OUVKIl, -inter of llnli'h Colombia, i icloria, II. Vancouver Oct n ' no-, funieriulit? of lit Anyox baseball ". '..hum. ..I. I,. II.,. !:.. ft.. I. I enclose herewith for your information copy uf a namr.hlel i.iii.kiii ( "-ii umiuj iij uif rniviiiriiil I'arlv of u miiiiimimii. ii- . ..ninu). in- mie, tun, your colleagues ,lp llowser i-Iim11, in lotnrnnu tiec.mey, retire from public If ,ey art' Uillrue, you should be given the earliest n.r.or- n refute Ihem. l or that reason I mi1 ynu tins copy llu is Hit! fiflli pamphlet which J fiuv sent yon witfiin Hi w nioiiwis. r.iifii ruinaiu moi damaging charges. In tun re uTiiseil.of voiuiiving wild Mr, Dowser to prevent j,ro n ; iigauuii. .ui" tor nr r.u.r.. srauuai; m another with my Hon. John Hart as Minister of Finance after h had I,,. position as. a Mini-ter of the Crown, with the Jcchuical hull of an tnrorpnrnleil company hehinil him, for In . no persons khiii, hi roimri'iioii vviln Me yji.K. y., f In.ili lit! auiitiiii. are interiors. On July an, 1 12:1. and si, iv.-.i. i anon' open icncrs to you rctpiesling a he m rftaffrrs anil published them in Hie pre. u these you rauea to make any answer. tin April 15 of tin year, the Salmon Arm Observer minted p piiniic iiiiiirrs in mat ruy us luilows: ITIie speaker (lejieil lien. Airline In delude any charge t.f incaiior n wie preein government anywhere, oi anv UK anxious for Hint o.Mirtiiiiity, I notifietj yon hy open ci April ;Hl thai 1 would meet you in I lie city where )ou icil Hie challenge, on a date whieh von were in .hI..,i ).. Itf-ul the lUfl oiMirtniiity might he given yon lo make! . ....... II. i II, .....I ,.r !'-. I.. ..r .- . . . . . Ti n ut i- mr iiiiaiu in i run- in .?.iimou .trm uuucriook In U:,il lo tat !f.r.(M people, and I . feretl lo (ml on a har-jl tlance i;i eoiin-i-iioii -with the .'vent for Ihe further meiit of thnf who attended. ju failed to accept that challenge alio. I nnlice. however. h if II paper.. Unit when eon fronted with thi- failur. nt In-;" HilfK litl iaietl on would meet me at a time In .nil k:: 'infi!t'iit'f. alUionirh I had .(iidioii.lv .m-iiltcd vnnr , lice n leaving me -ietlion of the dale lo tHiref. I Mill nlflde a .imilur reiitv wlmn a.L.ul ...- ..... r..:i...i l Ihe slill uiirefnleil charges of .Mr. It. T. Kllit.l. on April ;n wiin ii wcrf reau in your rreiife on Ihe flour of Ihe r d, tun ii.J onr Alloriit-y-Ceueral have cuulented i?- wilh sliihlitig referenre lo. and Inuendoes against .speukJiig in Ash Hull, Vaiirutner. lion. Mr. Maiison! urted it the pnldic prrss . saying with repanl to me: IS he i we rwisidcr the various eiilerjrises wilh which he . line, ted in the jst. I am jiiclin-d (n lie'icve he is h foiisideriiig. The less said, the heller. I think. M' we null tleul with him when the lime comes." i rttplly nddrrss-d a letler lo the Atlorney-Ceiieral. gave j tune nf nil essential fads that could he re en I led almul "rrnjigviX a pnhlif meetiiig at w NNVstminster. arid r in ia mcel me titer, and iinhtinleii him-elf of all the BANQUET IS GIVJEN FOR SPORTSMEN AT GRANBY SATURDAY AMOX, Oct. 31,- In order to celebrate Ihe winning of the cup 'Mll-ll, HI- .llfl- .lllll Ulaifeil a hainiuet on Saturday JiiIkIiI lat in lh ,Mini rne.Hnroo'ni. ami all ulin alien. Il prniiiMiiieed il a inont .mieceM.fui funrlion. Taldei. were laid fur H'5 gue!, and I hey were all there, im,e in. viled heinjr the iin-ml.f r of tiiJ Ihree team making ufi Ihe' league. Manager Plnyart. if the .Mine leani, wan in cli,1rg of Ihe; "d" and working with him were the entertainment and refresh, muni corn mil teen of (tie Mine rlith. There k no question hut what lhe..e ciimtiillteei were en- tllled to all Ihe fifir)i!imcntt ex. lucKi-il; and when (hey arranged' wilh H. AV. t;iay(nri t xufMr.vil Ihe Vain" no tnitake wan mitile. .Mr. Clayton i. eidently an arlixtl al llii Mirl of catering, the gnpl xiiiing ilnwn to taldei arli.lirally arrunu'd and groaning wilh dainties in the shape of sala), trifles, pastries and fruits. In selecting Kr. Learoyd as fliairman. no happier c hoice could have heen made. An exten sive program was carried out af- ler Ihe cup had heen passed around the laldes and loasts to the ihree learn., had heen failed. Air. Ployarl replied on hehalf of Ihe Aline. Air. Waterman for the Hlks and Air. Alatheson for Ihe Smelter. Artists contrihiiting lo Ihe pro'.-rain comprised lr. Harper, .Max .Morrow, Fred Archer, lil. Illundell. J. Tierney, Archie Alortott and Ales.rs. tiiffen ANYOX BASKETBALL CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS A.N VOX. Oct. 3 1 The adjourned haskelliall iiieetiiiv fur the flexion nf officers was held on the dale appointed. wih lr. Simmon in Jhe chair, and the Hilhiwiiis elected: President, t!eo. l-e. who has cince found it im- (Missitile in net on account of .......... ..t I. ..-I .!- . t i 1 -.' "us,v..-. Mit.irw -t. ..rir... -ir i.:. ..... I-..U. .vr........r , ,,..r-,M1. i niun nig iionl, J. I,. SwaiKon: secrelarv pie lie failctl to apMar al Ihal meelmg which I har,ra.ljr,.r y leA-gill. The re :hoV: inin u in.ir i-mhiius,, or witiiiiraw in. impu- niaini,, memher. of (he execu - .... ,M,ard will h ap.oiriled front nirinrius iint- mrmi mr in mr rtilciiion lllill Id your Attorney-General are common cowards, and thai mJs Inwards lhne who crtlicis- your pnldic acls are of tl nlilde charitclpr which a coward usioillv adonts. ..... .j.. i .. M. . i . , each league ladies, inlernieiH? ale and enior. The hoanl of arhilratinn ap- poinleil roiisjts nf Air. Iiwyer, i , -.. u)i i.nis,r.. i ...in mr i iuirgos iitaoe "gam-i lr. Iaroyd. Mr. Champion. Airs; . HiMrnniirni nu nn - miiiiciii saiety in sueuce. ' vKn nn.l lr vvu.i. : .tf mw.er. Ita done the wane. In Ihe puldii inlere.l e I protxiM' nuother course to foree l.nth of you lo recog-i!" resMiuilnlilie. 1 l:rf sent charges against ou ami your government in H.Killr S'. r, which I send hy regislered mail, are sup- I... (t -J .J. . . . ! . I me oiiiu.ivii- oi tour own ouiriais. i ney reveni enner ,r i r..nnii lie neglect of duty, or connivance with others to defraud ' inaer li people til the prut nice. A on are a.ked lo np- x - . liojal liminisioii to uivestigale these charge.. If I hey i fue oi funti a great npiirtunity thnittgh such n trihunal, hl Ihe Provincial Parly and lo vindicate yourself. j-nler Ihal Ihis may he tlone al it niiiiimiim of xpen" lo f iNcrs. the Provincial Party offers to bear the cost of the ry audit. A previous offer hy us to pay for an ninlil of f'lrlment tlf liitltislries in nnir In prove waste ami ex- p-e wjis mil accepli'd hv your Atlortiey-fit'iieral. ii 'ke th in demand for a Royal Commission on hehalf of I'lirolled memhers of Ihe Provinrtal Party. Mill 1 make HI on bohalr of the whole body of long suffering tax lvlit, if Ihese charges he Iriif. btc heing e.(doiteil ht P'lial oitifiAii like yuurself and your confederates, on i Ihesf taxpayers I warn you, Unit nnv attempt hy you ower, nl Ihe coining session of Ihe I.Pgi-lalure, lo Por te money on P.d.K. acctinul, ir to seek hy Ihe ilisMilulion Kislnlure. another term of office. hfore some atleijuale 'rlial iiivttsligatioii is held, will he such an outrage "ihlic morals Hint Ihe electorate Will show lis reenl-Ihe first opporlunily. (Sgntd) A. D. McRAE AN APPEAL TO GOOD CITIZENS. N it not high lime I hat all loyal cilizens, rganl-"f piii'ly. ilifrlsled on onr Provincial tioveriitneiil er defending itself iigaiiisl the charges which have f mined in, u (luring ihe present yar or .suiuumiug hise In the electors for approval? It i nnlhiiik- llial a government, which cannot clear ilseu m !' fharges, :cn etmtiiiue lo administer Ihe affairs of iproviiiee for nuolher two y?ars. Ihe fight, whieh the Provincial Parly i making I'lie reluru of honest nml decent government lo th Columhia. is your fighl. Are you in it" I Me I' t lo clean up Ihe piditleal life of our proviiue needs I'lssislniice of everv palriolic elector man ami m iilikif.jwlhMi'1 you feel Unit yon should lake pail in Ihis citirvns' moveinenl lo gel rid m uie leionir ioi(iciiius mid hy a husiiiess govrniuent I'e llritish Colinnliin In prosperity? t'"iy me I'd effort nf ,. riB,i thinking people will hring ahoiit. We tin not ask iniicli loin the Proviiifial Parly Bie'lp .select one of your hesl 'men as a tleli'gale lo piti U)AVi;.NTIO. of the party lo he held m '- er on IIKCi:.MHi:H 1th. II will he Hie nrsi rem Ins' political convention ever held in lliitMi Col- are heinir formed ill every rid- Ihe prdviiice. fie I In line wilh Hinusnnds of your ' eilize(i and help mil thU good gnvernnien ViVjj;r Ihe lnp." If you are Mill undecided Il'ifiil Ihe heejls for Mils new political inovincnt in "ir ruiul uffalr.s, (U:T "SKAIICIILKHIT No. 5" AND All or ganisation are ie.ue.c, i,. hate Iheir team entered on or hefori .Notemher 10. Cregg Thornion was appniulet a representative of jthe haskelhall interests In the A. i Sport Ghat j Tommy Sherman and Tommy Fraser. Ihe fonlestauls in the main (toxin; hout in Ihe tournament to he held al Ihe Knipress Theatre on .Monday next, are down to hard pan training. Tommy Sherman Is heing train, ed hy his hrother Jack Sherman and Kd.lie Craggs while Ceorge WatiKh Is resnonsihle for the training of Tommy Fraser. ,Holh hoys are .shaping very well indeed and are evincing a keen Interest in taking home the haenn on the ctfiilful night. The respective Irainiugfauips are loud in pralsn of their charjjes and according lo all reports in Ihe fistic world the hout should prove to he. one of Ihe hesl that has ever heen pulled olt in the north, (loth hoyj will enter Ihe ring at 135 Ids Wveight and Ihe houl will he one of six rounds. The referee of the limit has no) yet heen named. Prince (Jeorye curlers arc eu-(husiaslirally preparing for a very active season this winler and an elTorl is being made to hate ladies engage in Ihe game, a well as men. It is expected to gel 80 eilizetiH tin tm Ice regularly. The 'annual mvc Hug of lie Curlers' Club of thai town wus held last week and the ,ful. lowing nlllcer.s were eleotedr President, AV. P. Ogilvle; vice- A- Of 1"1t . JJJ IP, 23. :pAnn;riil WE PROVINCIAL PARTY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA )en Letter to Hon. John Oliver 'MiBBMBflMB Eat, Talk and Buy Fish REMEMBER: The Foundation of Prince Rupert's Prosperity is Built Upon the Fish Industry ..4 SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRY EAT FISH on president, AV. fi. 1, Harris; ever, for Mrs. AteI.eau later for the most comical coslume secretary treasurer, V. .1. Sleacy. , hruughl a hag of nuts and and Airs. SI. Clair, Airs. S. P. Cyrjl Dupre will have1 charge of leninlied litem Inlo (lie cache. ;McMordie and Airs. Jams Ale- the ice aiaiu Ihis eas.m. Nnlicing a siuirrel scainpering olT the course into Up. woimIs wilh a golf ,hal recently, Airs. Archie .McLean' -of Montreal, chased Ihe lillle.chap lo iis nest. Looking into u hole in a tree she discovered it waVifillcd wilh golf halls and on Vouutimr Hom slio found Ihey numbered fC The stiiirrel did not losu anything mnltV'ial by ,the discovery, how- jtKAH JT. A post card to Ihtj above address will hring it lo you as well as a membership ennl, wbit h ytm can sign and return if tm Ihink we- are mi the right mail. . We are on the eve ,of ptditical tlelivrance jn Ikd. HO YOUIl HIIAHK. Coriiniunicate. with ,f he FrovlncUl .Firtjr of ferlUsh Columbia, Room, 20, Imperial Hock, Vancouver, B.C. NOTICE TO MEMBEBR8 Oct your Searchlight.- If you are not getting your Searchlight, notify Headquarters Provincial Party of B.C. AT ONCE. 4 BOOST THE FISH BUSINESS Canada's National Fish Day Wednesday, October 31, 1923 r..'.t There is no more health giving FOOD in existence than FISH Support the Industry That Supports Yoi ' ROYAL FISH COMPANY ATLIN FISHERIES, LTD Prince Rupert, B.C. - : r Leod for the "most appropriate leiiliiiiie. . Mrs. Uil.lilcli wn iift- T r i aisled hy Airs. J. K. Alerryfield len learS gO jja, Airs. Waller Owen. in filnco Rupert 1 OctotMr 31, 1913. Prospectors returning from the Sihola nlacer field near Tulktvu report disappointing results from their work and exploration. Petitions are in circulation in Ihe city asking for water, electric light ami Iclcpliuno extrusions in outlying sections of the city, al-so fur an auxiliary lighting plant, municipal buildings and recreation grounds. MiC J. H. IHIdifeli was His hostess ul a delightful Hallow K'en parly at her residence on Pi fib Avenue Wesl last evening. Mrs. L. W. Kcrgiu won the priie ANYOX Anyoxile.s leaving for ihe south lately included Airs. II. l. Chapman, K. J. Conwayi I'ercy Clarke, Air. and Airs. K. Cameron, Airs. Archie .Morion. Arrivals from the outside were .Mrs. AV. J. Simpson and child, J. I, Lewis, .1. Crigg and II. II. Italleulyhe. y , The output of lliddKii Creek Aline from Uclober I" to 23 in. elusive was 17,7,7,5 wet . tons. Total lonnage for Ihe month of October to 23, 59,(17 1 Ions. At tho Coke Plant .from October Id lo 22 inelusivn there were 1,827 short Ions of coal charged and 1,200 short Itnis .qf coke.'prd.' duced; tt,7Ht inperial galloji.s Hf light oil were recovered asTiWeli as I0,ufi2 imperial guloru, of kr. while 20,125 his. of amm6hTufn sulphate we.re mitntifacturefl. . - At the smeller from .October 15 lo 21 inclusive, 10,540 wet tons of ore, Veredrealeu 'at ny-ox. This tonnage was made up as follower Hidden Creek .ore, I8.H71 wet 'toil"; outsold ore, CCtt wel tons. At'erage price of ctmpe'r for the week, 12,575c. HOTEL AKRIVALS Prince .Rupert It. h l.ea Huckley -Bay; J. fc line and II. J, AVoodlepr, Vancouver; Krnesi Stewart and It. Kuri-hlll, Stewart, II. 11. Woods, -Ar-randalei Al. II. AVrhck, Aicl)ria, Central Ceorge ,K, Alorril), M.Skwarl4 il. ,Nelsop, oily. Advertise in tbf Di tUfty. 'i 1 I. t