PA.QK TWO Tin IJAILT KFVTB VISITINQ LUMBERMEN GIVEN Mini tin- I'n. iTH- (- Iim, lieen The Reward for Quality FINE ENTERTAINMENT BY "I"mini in the cipoi I Inidc for SMOKE COARD OF TRADE AND THE " I hue toll Prince Hirperl LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION. HiiiHrgh Imvirtji ii ,ii'i facilities. 1,754,299 tMiil ii..I m .ml- wr- riinlinnod from pai nni j"liripalc. Tlmi . ..iidi .' i win a-l ,,,,,1 ,v,,n . ,. . . (1 and POUNDS INCREASE S K. i:inrl.ei. liMd Thorn-..." :,,, pri,v nM.,i w.miI.I we m in 1922 salea over 1921. miiI X. II. WhIIihi riirii'irtiinr in,., ,.,..,r. J,,,. iu i In Hoard f Trade and I'.. I'. sniMi wlr l frfspii I OLD CHUN IMrliv and V. K. fFtlams for Ihe .Uitn .Ninvilmi, in a w uniiiu nSAT.AllAN Viilhern U.C Tlllihernicn' .-- addrom. swat HtHl II ifli t ii m-- iciiil ion. Tin' iwirly of visitor. llnpert was a small irhice :it pre lie men tuenuiers ,r vvIib-I were- ,,., -....i.i n, .i ,,., resent l Hi- siiHiker. wias is ui,M,, ,vnr ,.. ,, ii,. Mt-iwa: V. I. fnrtmn. President ferred b rtN trreal li-mliei wonllli urn f the Wcslern Itntnil IHtrtier- of ie diiOHH nnj fireilicoil that TEA inenw AssiM-ialHin. Ililllon-W all ntnie ililv (lie nit,lle v,--l iaI- TOBACCO (... Winuhieg. and MUs.L, vifkl lwy,. ,n c.ane 1iei bn Hillton: T. MHkirTv. W'tdlelnw Kcl I licit- sIocIhs. He lrtis-le, thai l.tHiiber Ik).. Ijld.. Druiidielbr. at some time iti Hip iu i"" ISsr The Daily News l.iMirtier ttn. I..Oi.,K. Nesbllt.Wrhl?e.Pioneer Alta.: distant would fullire IK Ihe gsnnnnj.Mior Iiei-e,( today on The Largest Sale oF any Brand in Canada HHINCK Hl.iPKHT - BHITISII COLUMBIA V. (Juiixer, .1. II. Amlorwm liui'lliesw bent. Published livery Afternoon, except 8unday, the Prince I.ihiuW (Vt., tl DeiHirtteller, President Outton Vila.: It. .1, Mergen. OniKidiati In- President iMHon. nf the Wesl- " " Avenue. Third News. Limited, Humeri IJaily veslnient On.. VevlMim. Sak.: erti UpIbH lAmihemien s Assncm-i II. P. PULLBN. Managing Bdiler. II. MilPhetl. Imfinsnn & Mll- Hon. in replying Hwnkert the TELLS wliell. Winnipeg; . McViL lloaril of Tfiide and fthe 'rontier-. QUALITY Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. lu-avnr MHidier llo., I.lil.. Winnipeg; men's AswiriMlimi for I In- nler.. J. V. McDiarnnM, J. V. IftilMDPItt liMl lliev- iHl.l enJojriM DAILY EDITION J10 Friday, lehrnary i, 103. Meliiariiiiil (i Prim-e Alherl. o loiiiili. II cell.mi.-it a jireHrt and Mrs Mrlthirtnid; .1. WaU iirn Hial siieh an eniertetn-niswl Packages 15 & 25 Also mXz Ib.iins From Throne lce, 1-oek'wiMnl, ..: II. (I. -would 4n jail on not for Speech Wliile-iiKirsh. Iloytl ltros IlMlis-m. lniMnes reasons but jil he-CMtse Deals With Generalities. Sa&k.; f. II. 4s,i!iclinup, si. Ibe Pritttie isnaile It is nistnnuirv or lale years to deal with . ffeneraltlies in Ibqierl the speech from Ihe llironf. This year's speech is no t'xt'fition M. (.iiurlier Oo 4uulMji. niw -ailpl W hetfi thpn. 1iave a md i,.v,.n ..,,.,.. , t ... Mrs. Sltne4muse, V1nnieg: lime. Tlcvtirli this did nol em ! to custom. II commits Hie government Ui Tour thing, hul f. ,.. ,,l,,. r,. II. Ilfml, lln)i llros.. HadMsoii, t tte a tishM -niee1iig. he wn unhappily thee loii;- arc not all possible tif realization. ! - !wk mimI Mrs. DovtI; II. II glad lo 4iear f Mie reMntecfss and Thf government, accortHrig to Its Httiujicemeiit, would y((, rmi fr..,,n t. your Steven. Stevens . flu.. 1'arMiy- safeguard Hie interests of the consumers against extortion on ftolentllfl MUllllie lit "".-IV, ,pdfc,i thai ll.e limn will. Idle. Man.: A. II. ltyH. Iley- north country. A jr.Hl many of iw' . tin', part of the producers, una vice versa would prolect the pro Luridier I-Xlmouton. ,,,,, ,1MUItw,.M. Wm. DollarDays v.-ant (.. (be pcniile in Hie raiele ducer from unfair restrictions. If the goveriintent could do that flanaUiiMi pen- :WN, jj, f Vila.: .loi.epli Meryems, vinces alreuily knew nHtrh abotil - Uipv wtiuld stablp condition such lie pi-odore a a can hardly Inveslmenl (V Ltd., NVe1ini, i ins nMirici were hnpid fur in llii generation. Stability would be a great thing ami wwcjtinn: 1(VY ,IV jsr in mpr,. Sask nd Jlrs. Mergens; iirge il clo-ely. IW thing thai -truck for the farmer- ami the merchants. (Inly the liig operators who am Mrl, w4tmr itH lio. i, r I lxitili' Mark and. Marktnnd On. Jhe1 limi whoul this niPcling w manipulate the. market for the henefit of themselves are inter nicto I'ilallnn. Kask.; J. llw-irHiy quality of klie tueei Tlie- fcrtherl Thursday, Friday, Saturday ested in continuing the present condition of tmairs. l'eansi hihI lilworltiy. Misetnnd. le Ihey wen-l.he heller Uiey , I U'MI M.j Slv u,M ii The other matters Mich s the protection of the farmers " ask.: 11. I.. Marl Mi1in in, Wood Die ide and I'rincc llu- , t I I those who woulil wiin the or wheat t r,,,,M again. tamper grades Saskatoon: J. N. Ixinl. On., Hie farlhe,.! Wet perf wn the terminal elevator and Ihe revision of the Hank Act allow .pti l.iirniier fln.. -SI. Xopjiert ;,,- BUverware It. crr l.-k l.. Your Choke nil srls of scope for useful legislation. The last mentioned Man.: D. L. Marlin, Wlnnrtieg. The Entertainment i t lio moon. subject, the nvaM-er of redistribution, is simply rrtiftine that has O. Meilke anS4l. Meilke. Mrtlke 'IYirvu7h the assistance of the; to be alleTided to every ten years by whatever government hap Lumber Vi SaklNn: K. II. lie Onlls" Athletic flhrit Direr traxtn XOW thai lluhr Se IwihUed. boiits were put on in llip course w(4Vt a4nil cHUhne mil Ihe line pens to be in jKiwer. It should have been done over n year ago lie Wulf ; Wulf, ., before the election, but this omitted ind now the present Sulky Lake, Sak; II. Pkv, isknv of the evening 'J'hey were Mirw-inf unnee UmM eie Miciiirli LOT A. LOT J. Iwo-mlnulP rourxl affwtr nmllon Hie wire ovecy ly. I will I Tin Tnniatnee, f's. I Ml. 'fount! government tins (n undertake tne work. Luiirtmr fJo..'' Ilhrli Iliver. Alla.r were all lively ciMVMii!er I he j.peak lo Hie dtihtr iH.imiI it. I Tin Pumpkin, I . I Tin Lorn. : Settlers Krank wuse, Winnipeg: alyln iKrttiers were w- roiiw: Hauling I Tin Pen, !'. I ,1 in Peas. . Getting sslierr 'LumlH'r (o For The Land. Sherry Kelly v. flvi-bme Wtarelor: J X D the e)iep cme I Tin (lorn. ?". t. Tin LoHitMt"! ' While SaskaUmu; J. A. Il-aneh. Jhuhe Spider I-'ritaell v. Tfaer lwuler. through iHicir salarv revision I Tin Spinach, TV J I .n 1.1 -LOT securing Mtllers for Ihe land is very' important and Liiinher A fiml lo Calciry. and Kid 1'ruser vs. KiHakoul quite unspimlhel. Ikappy lendi- I Tin llefugee Ikwri, r. K. this is announced in Ihe speech ns one of the new policies of Hip I'rank fVXeill, Monarch lomlier Slewart. lildie (Iraggs LOT B. fi l'.-l5. wa re. I II- ? 4 Dominion government, we are also inlerosled in the encouragement r-rn-r On., Winnipeg; 1. Ii. and aiml Joe . feree rsrftt timekeeper. I TinvTomatoeSH's. :i t, of industries, something -which is not a work of lh' Mrs. Fraser. Kenton. Man.: A. S. Dominion. 'e would all like to see Ihe interior. lands settled I'elerson. Xrth Star Lumber ).. All were declared draws. 1 Tin Pumpkin, tH's LOT L. and il seems reasonable to think that in collaboration with Jh PNnee AHiert, and Mrs. 1'eler-son; Y-ocwl Solos were rendered by Ten Years Ago I Tin Sweet Wrinkied Peas, ;i t t -imai... II. K. and .I.iinc, s. (lampbeil . I v or .- in- al provincial government n good denl may tie done with this end in A. S. Mlstd, Xorth Star Will Udiuund. the- taller ulso in Pr'nca Rupert t Tin llaby I lee In, 2'u Ii. an., S'". view. There is certainly plenty of land in rentrnl Hrilish C.oliini LunVber On.. I'rlnee Allx-rl, and bin and il fertile and 'close OHilrHmling a Velio sobi. 11. t Tin Spinach, H'. ,L0T M. is to transportation. .11, is gondnuw Mr. Mnlslail;.lamei. Ilutley. Hul .... James nnd Snwlli LOT C. Tommy that an effort-is tit be made lo secure settlers. On Die oilier ley I.uiOlier Vi., Ilegiua: Oarl (rave Febasiarv 2, 1913. Ill w.l- Sit rccitalious the I5k' hand Prince Hupert is vitally .interesled in building lift Indus- Stejrer. Wenlern liimber A Sup onl aiuv-mented There s- pIk-imiiik-iiu,I run or t Tins Tomato, S's, I - tall orche.lru were Tins r's. ? Oirn, tries from the natural resources of Ihe north so that Ihe farm- ply Co., Prince AHierl; W. I. generous tici'i-inx m Prini-e llitpi-rt Ii m -! t-Mii I "I . 1 1- tuonb in Ih- miisf.'al iMnobers prnvhled. t Tins Peas, S's. icrs.Ttf Ihe Interior may find a ready market here and thus pro MrKenzie. Imllnn-WWI l.iuiilier venr. I'l-nple an- pulliiiu-Mhii i 4. urii Doinmiinily winging, under the I Tin Pumpkin. S's. vide Huled inducement for settlement of the lands. (In.. Winnipeg: M. lliotne and old of I Ik- water in iu, kel-fuls I I I" II I Crohn! (cnderliiji of S. K. (lampliell, wins LOT D. ml Uie uiyi'unls or ftsi I I in I bard I' Secure Paper Mill II. linnslone. Xeverviile, Man.; unolher feaMire. Ilefreslunenl" ? Tins Tonwitnea, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Ttinner. Mer-Hfiel.f. Isave hi4siII) ioed mall hoal LOT H. For This City. arwl xmokes "were abundantly t Tins LaHy June pr, t'i. l.vinu Uihhor. , Tli'ere is a big demand for paper throughout the world to ask.: S. C. llurrls. irn-Irull peovhhil Ihrmighou-t the eveninr. at 1 Tin Pumpkin, i i- -iinpbpll -' day mid many are looking to this part of the country lo provide & McMamis, Winnipeg, and With the Kinging of the Xnfional ! Tin Spimieh. 2. .i as ordi A Her a f.s- tminiilM. of a4ksem-e l I ' for at least a issrt of the need. There is likely to be a sale Mrs. Harris; T. D. Sarks. Xor-I'hern Anlhefn and an evdiuoue of LOT E. i.i.tjeir. W. J. Alder, aif YMtriH. is isii-irnr li.- "-. Ilegl.i. before long of the local lumber mill mid the limber limit that Lirtmr (lo.. Wmrrrpeir. and cheers hHween Hie IkikIs and Ihe I Tin llnrtlelt Iimim go with il. Hiese last are situated largely at the month of the Mns. Sparkes; A. It. Ilae. li)- visitors the , oneerl enrne to end Hie city. lie Hie devi'l- 1 Tin Crnwfitnl pearlien, r. L0T Naas Diver. When the sale is l-iuisiimnwtled. i & is nrettv Mire Hpos., Itadisson, Snk.; J. Mil aiioul midnight. omenl of Hue city is mMl re-nra-rkattic 1 Tin AprieuU, t'm. M 1 " V 'I. I.M k .1)1 to be mhjii, the purchaser will"-look about him for Ihe best lar. MHIar Linnher ' (.. XirrMi ami Mic tn ii.lir,-d I 1 Tin (irnbapple. B'a. LOT 8. mean of developing the limits. .Naturally we cxer( Ihe aw Halllefonl: W. Lee, I-jumire Sash la4.great petHrrtsMs srnce he w as here LOT F. I., ,, rhmeer SaM mill will be operated. & lixr (Vp., Winnipeg; W. Sny The Man in the Mood I Tin Slrnvberrl, ?'. npiece. The ipieslion if a paper mill will then come up for consideration. der. Olalviii Lumber Yards. Wm- Alex. Yirte lm rliiriiel lo He I Tin DlaPkherrW, . LOT T. The probability is Unit Ihe purchaMr of the ewUile nkM-2; C AiieklaiKl. (ialviu Linn. SAYSs. I Tin Lombard Plums, ttt's. e of itnv crly after havinti swnl will buy il with the idea of putting in a paper mill. The question ter Yunls. Winiihiey, and Mr. lime vis-ilinu wsl'li In. fiiiisilv.some in I Tin Oiibapple, ttt's. i ' ' MI'S, p;,. that will arise will be Ihe location for it. Wilsui. Marklaud Iinrlier Oo., WHLX it roiiiisM b eltins' n Mrnminn. LOT O. -ail There are u great many advantages in locating at a detached 1'iantnMon. Sask. giMVl exaurile fur keeping good t Tin DartleU Penrs, H'i. i- i dp M inn dndfl place in Hie midst of the timber or dose lo wulerpnwer. It Welcomed at Train '" I Tin Draw ford Pe4ehp. 24's '" i ry ,1am. will remain for us lo convince Iheni that Prince Ituperl provides The parly whs welcomed on 'ZZr1 COLD WEATHER OK I Tin Loganbcrriea, '!'. I!., ' " Jam the bekl hite and thai there are no disadvantage- from locating arrival here hy train l 7.30 das LOT H. i,:,. nrmrif Jain in a eil n against being miles away. Just what slen- evening by Prescient (irhlions sdjik giriX; M MJ QUEEN CHARLOTTES I Tin Sirawlierries, Z't. I'eanli Jam. we hatl tuke will roouire a great deal of consideration and il is aiHl Ihe enlerlaiuiiieiit eomnrlt-lee. others juwt i-Diew gum. ' ...,,.. " . ., , 1 Tin llasplierriea, 2'. -I Hlaeklierrv .lum mentioned no so I tut I when it comes suddenly, a j. likely to 'IMiey priseeded utm'sl i lit Tin lloyul Anne Cherries, J' i'Hi:ippli Jellv ne uie case, we shall all be prepared lo discuss it intelligently. meilfali-'ly in Ihe -nooker and af TALKI.Nii or fash ion, what do cold snil tins heen rpet u iu'ed lately and it has hruuvhi rnrth ter tlral returned lo Ihelr Irnin you MiHik or tin- irimple thirnrs in Double Wages For where ihey spent Jhe riijrhl sailing lfwns this year? the recollect mns of Ihe oldest inhabitant- German Workers. for Ynncouver n the Prince lo explain when a similar Table Little little Ihe nWk fri nk of uiiluie Inst uci urreil. Rupert Supply Co - by Herman has been depreciating in (ieorge I'his morjilng. The city PfCdPLI" once were HiivnigeH. value until it has now reached a point where it is practically v.a thrown oiien to Ihe visitors Then eirinc -iircty riuotv oim) valueless outside Ihe coiinlri- of rn-iiriii unit ni .i.. for the lime (hey w here by PHONES 211 and 212 P 0. Drauer 1712 purchasing power is small. N'alurnllv this nrfecik Ihe Mayor Nevrtnn nnd I'renidenl wnrk- lor wages. Litlle by Pllle he finds his purchasing power (iI1miiis. AH The Family n-iiiu-cii mil ii ne ran scarcely nuy uie neccskarieK of life unless The concert opened with Ihe ui- wages increaseii. mis is apparently the case in the sin-sing of "O Canada" nd Pre-sidem Kn;ir Vallev loilav. The workmen lliei-e m-o .ln..,u,..i:.. ,i i i. niltltons ojiened Ihe' their former wages because the mark will buy le I hint half jeedingK by formally welcoming jirn- l Had Bad Coids I'fliM-.iKiiiiirni, f tie B.-Jlli-.-HUnwill-i-, -hip ui ami n,,.r 4iuma 4 la J- 1 1 Canadian National Railways vimi ii uiruiem was nine to no. In the meantime the Herman Ihe visitors. rrorr luil iniie, - ximiUan .ivri,ii-ni employers have been gelling the benefit of Die change. W. II. W-illl.iins. In irmaklng a liii..,.al lifliarlllMJIlli-i...vdiifiinii Mh lkll l a.lln-lr I.. 441.,,,.iiii.iii..r iw brief nd,tress, told Ihe truest I , sealnij 'lender-. UiIm--hI Ii, under Hint Prince Ituperl district wa -Ijid you e.r noUr. II..I If o, r II.. .TJi'S' 7 SivX '.1? uS Prince Rupert fnuilly eonlnrl a cold II atnerally ruin iimlen,-uli..iiMi ,i.-i.,. "I Can Now Do My Work the third largest lumber nirn- 10 all I lie other iiwiubera T" lr" Theaa Montht from Itt lucer in (be province of H.fl. in M.Hf ot.le -.heu the, eonirtct a rolrt , ' "'T'JLJX ?e..,,"" 1,M' DRYDOCK Without Feeling Tired" spite of the fact that two.('birds uu nui j.i) any atieiiiiun 10 it, uiinkiur lre.ll l l.ii. of Ihe sunviiiills were now closed jterriaiM It will p,,t away oT llnelt In a I Haeon mil Milk.awl i.ard. Mrs. A. IWottatt, Koxton Fall, Que., writes: down nd had been sjnee the imposition day or iwu. Tiu it a tn-al oiialak fur Ireali Veeia,in AND Ix-fure Uiey know II, a baa Iwcuiim wi linn.I "I differed from a run-down f Hie eieensive frelirtil lted on the lunin miller lyitem MuM-elkiiii'iHit 'ales. lliis district , Hie Never ln; I I'r.ivi.iiin, lief fi first tyniplnlin, e lee. nd nervoui debility. I could not ileep or home of Ihe Sitka simice mid lie ! f J I.air. SHIPYARD reit st night, and frit to weak I could not hail Keen trees U-ri ill diaT Far lha riicaf Vaar sezs.Oammtneliif Ial- April, walk any distance. I took leveral meter and 1 fiO feet from Hie Dr. Wood's k. Vi4liina at heddlnt. Clollilnr. Operating Q. T. Is, 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dook ground lo Hie first brandies. I.. Coal for ship. tonici. but they only helped roe Fiimim uf iMHler and all Infiirmailon mar Englnaars, MsohlnlsU, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths. Psttarn Irfiss had been cut containing Norway Pine Syrup Is- nliialned liy ueiil.Miia uie under while I wai taking them. Mother IM.nnn feel of clear luurlier. Here laimt. AM4lranl fur r.M-ni. are requeued makers, Founders, Wood workers, Etc advited me to' take Dr. Chaie'i awl Iniw oiilkly your row will dia iWineh ihev vuaii lenVh" " m wus -also (lie home nf the Wesl- i Electric and Nerve food, and 1 lelt great bene. appear. The Inue.l or au lender linf neeeaaarllv i Acetylene Welding. lleiotock wliidi Ihe lit from the tint i',i was equal Mra. A. Coahlaq. Maanolla, Alia., wrlleai fTl" box, and isianed. 01 continued of fir in evry rcspi-cl. The diu "l-au liner we all liart bad rolda In1 ..l iiV. o,, L taking several bezel. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of Today -pcodueer I i II M r lioekvard. ' Iriet wim olo a larire our family, and didn't know what lo do. laqminaii. M I feel like a new woman, and Soma frkodt lold lua to Iry Dr. Wood's fr.lh lan'iary. lata. of red ciN I a r atlliouirli there wivs am able to do my work without only nue mill tisinji this variety, Norway I'lue syrup, ao I wnl and (oi a OANCSLLATION Of MtatRVf, Marine and Commercial Work that dreadful tired couple, of booiei, and lo a nhorl while feeling." namely l-hal nl Swainwm Hay.- our rolda were ail aone. now wa aiaya Irraerve""'i'-':,afleem,,I" n- land,nivrs entered inal by llw PHONES 43 AND 386 DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD Iliat condilioii, he though), keep a Uiitle on bund In casa one of uajured Timhur Llrema No itl la ro . would dinn(r. howmer. nnaBl raicb a rold." relied. SO (Vnto bos, nil lrleni, or Uluiauaou, llalea ., Ui.. ToroMo Pr. Wood'n it ne and ioe s boiile; r,ei,ni uini.i.e ?. i i In Export Business i"o e uu'r VJ Iter I- niuiurii i.u., ,j,,nia i,eariineiu, Subscribe for Mr. Williams ial eplulliedli.i,nlled. Toronto f.,,1. j '"Vi'h'lanna'ry. ISM. i 'The Daily News