WMn Vm Want A he TAXI BOSTON new GRILL 99 Third Ave. n a hurry The Laic! in Restaurants. PkuM Private Iloxes for Ladies and party Use. Beet Oar and Best Servloe PRINCE RUPERT Bast Food. Stat Service. In Ui City. Rates Reasonable "Take Her lo the Boston." H Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. J VOL. MIL, NO, 255. GERMAivi CANADIAN Plundering and Violence has Become General Throughout the Ruhr: Bavaria Holds to Republic DUtfHF.LDOllF. Oct. 211. suddenly liecouM! o Keucral ami Ixilli Hit French anil Herman aulliorilits ure beginning to realize that something ilrastie must be done to remove Hie economic1 riiiifi Immediately. Pillaging or More continued Saturday! mglil in the suburbs regardless of Hie curfew law and molis v-r- mi rananl yesterday tliat Ilic l)lcllorf olicr, who have been disarmed, ilare not enter the district o face the iool-rs, who carry modern rifle. pistol and ham grenade. .Several were MINISTER HERE FLYING VISIT Hon. Jacques Bureau, Minister or Customs, Inspects City and j Leaves ior boum supremacy for the Oernian llu. On Saturday evening Hon. Jao- public throuBhf.ul the fierman ur llureau minister of rulnin. (nlr. when he ordered the ISa-ai-eoiiipnled by Dmiiiioner of jvartan SttrialUt-ComnuinUl jrov. Custom Farrow arrived in the eminent to disband and restore nly and left for Vancouver laolUierinan authority in llavaria. ni-lit after spending om liinej JMljffflj Oct. 9. Premier seeing the elly. I'rrd thrk'dFoxe ZncrTtf'tlie nrViy Yornird" re- he dUllugiiUhrd visitor around the city and ihey rxprced much urprlr at the Mir of the city and particularly al I he cold tor-a(re plant which Ihey inspected. Mr llureau reiAelled being unable ! remain over Ion? enough lo meet any of I he local public li:hlie hul he wa making a hurried trip and whi bound lo leave for be south on lh" steamer lal mailt. LEGISLATURE OPENED TODAY VICTOItlA, Oil. 20. Hie Legislature opened fornl.illy Hil afternoon by Lieutenant (iover-nor Nirholl nud prcpaallon are being made to forward business wi that eteryl"lK "'ay f Ira red up before the Christmas holiday. J. II. Clrarihtir, member for Victoria, I lo move the address In r-nly lo the speech from the - - - III.. famou lUIIH'U!. mill cancer 1 I -n i niiii-i linn ll.rone and I vnl I econded .., c,K.fk ,(C Mr-. Mary Mini Smith. Moth H r lt. vnw ,r,IIti malaiy 8lve addree reviewing general from wijpi which the former j rv coiidillon ami mentioiiluir (he policy of (he governinenl. The biir Kpeerhe will be delivered a little later by Hie premier ami the leader of the oppoxiliou and the ilehalc will prnhaldy lal Into next Week. New Legltlatlon The prech fnnn the throne Toreraoted the inlrodticiuK of n bill providing for more efficient organization and retaliation of I Ik- provincial police, llov 1-Ioim of the latutcH liava been completed and a bill confirmin? (he same will be preenled. Other bill will be those regulallnir the hour of labor in certain Industrie and one lo provide for a more equitable distribution of representation in the Lewlslallve Assembly, REPARATIONS INQUIRY MAY NEVER BE HELD LONDON, Oct. 20. -lleserva. liniiA which President Poincaro al laches lo I he French assent lo Die proposed reparation inquiry Is regarded by London newspapers as making the holding of a conference very problematical. 6uburlba or ta Dally .Now FISHING SCHOONER WINS FIRST Plundering and violence have menacim: IhruiiahoiiL Ituhr that Lilleil or wounded n rrnijilit. The plunderer emptied a large liquor tore in the Kneller- :lrau in the night and dawn found doi'ii of nen and women and children scanned alonfr the street apparently dead. An ex- animation dUHo.ed that all ofl M., wrr ,rUnk. I HKIlLIX. Oft. ?. Chancellor Slresemaun attempted to reaain Ipublir of llavaria slates that the Saxon ministry ha voted to ignore tilianeellor Slrcscmann' ul-limatuin and the Ilavarlau republic will continue. Soldiers Seize Government LONDON. Ocl. 20. Herman soldier today entered the Saxon parliament building In Dresden and arreslrd a number of communist, some of whom were member of the Diet and other leader of Hie communist parly. a a despatch from llrrliu. On order from the central government al Merlin member of the Saxony cabinet were dismissed from ofllcc, BONAR LAW IS FAILING FAST AND RECOVERY IS DESPAIRED BY FRIENDS LONDON. Ocl. 2l. The condition of former Premier llonar Law I becoming fnrrcasingly serious. Sir Thoma llurder. I he specialist ha ht sulferlinr anjl his friends des pair of his recovery. Thoe who have een him lalely say lie has failed greatly. BIRTH A daughter was born lo Mr. ami Mr. It. IL Public-over. Seventh Ave. Vel. at thedeneral Hospital on October ,.'rt. B.C. GETS TEN GOLD MEDALS FOR APPLES MANCHESTER VICTOIIIA. Ocl. llrillsli Columbia apples made prelty much of a clean sweep at the Imperial fruit show al Man Chester which opened Saturday, it was announced in a cable message lo the minister of agriculture from Agent (Jeneral Wade. llritish Columbia captured ten out of aixleen gold medals in competition wllh apples from every pari of the llritish Ktnplro. I'll INCH IlL'l'KHT, H.U.. MONDAY, OCTOBER' 2, 1023. OUSTS COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT OLE MARTINSON 18 SENT TO JAIL FOR : SIX MONTHS HARD I Failiu? to etablih an alibi llii afleruoou Ole Martinson, wa convicted by Magistrate McClymout in Hie police court'of selling intoxicating liquor illegally' and wa eentenced lo six months imprisonment at Okalla with hard labor. The wilnees heard this afleruoou were James :! Hunter and the accused. t ! "eeeei4" RESIDENCE OF J. ROWAT Lord 1 1 are wood is Princess in-law. li rAKlLl UtalKUItUiHiid not to fresh. This is the Defective Electric Wiring Be lleved Cause of Fire Which Occurred Saturday Evening Defective eleclric wiring is believed lo have been the. cause of a fire which caused damage estimated at M0(l to the residence owned and occupied by Joseph Jtowal, 717 Sixth Avenue Vel, at 11.30 o'clock Saturday eveuiiu. The tia.-einent anil altic was gulled and oilier parts ot I he house suffered from the effects of water and were scorched. Mr. How at left the house about 8 o'clock and the alarm was turned In by neighbors. When the fire department arrived, the flame had obtained a kom grip and were starting lo come through the sides of the house. The inaccessibility of Hie place also caused delay in veiling (he conflagration under con I rid. There; had been no slove ul- slde of an electric one ued dur ing Hie evening .so the wiring was tield responsible lor llio outbreak. The residence was an old one and was partly insured. JACK STENYER GETS BAIL PENDING APPEAL Francois Lake Rancher Released on $5,000 Personal Security and Two Sureties of $1,000 Each Word has reached Ihe cily thai Jack II. Slauyer, Francois Lake rancher, who was sentenced recently by Judge Young In serve one year al Okalla Prison for shooting with intent to do grievous bodily barm lo . In. speclor A. K. Acland, H.C..M.P. and Provincial Constable P. Chit, has been granted bail by Chief Justice Mucdohald oT Vic toria pending tin appeal. n has regained his liberty for the time being oil' $5,000 his own .security attij(lwp sureties of, $1,000 each. Slliarl Henderson" represented Slayner and W. 1). Carlerrdepuly attorney general, appeared on Hie bail application. SUBMARINE SANK PANAMA, Oct. 20. Three member of the crew of Ihe U.S. Submarine, five .were drowned yesterday when the vessel sank in collision with a steamer at the Atlantic entrance lo the Pauumu Canal. lTwo Cents United Applies only to not to Fresh The new '2c tariff uti American liulibul passing through (' ...(.. i...l o.iiu-;..fT I cinU. .nitJiu. ....I.- i.. r ...... t:. slnot.ers rsreivVd lhi this niorniiiir morning customs uffu-JLAiMhis noint. . . . . fTiitrri i hji l irn rnif n i American halibut as may be in cold storage here. ,vmcia constable from Uncou- his getaway by climbing through lidding on Ihe Fish Kxchatige t!,i morning was back to Hit-,er ,f ';"""'' " nJ a porthole at Ocean Falls while old basis. Prices dropped considerably but tins was due tu llieir"'",T .u" ., . fv,.n,.n!r . rtiM custodian. Special Constable fact that there was a ood supplyi .... I offered, Ihe total for the day 1- be ing- 23t,mnt pounds, IU 1,000 pounds of whirh was American and the balance, 10,'joo jxiunds, Canadian. Arrivals and sales: American ' Pioneer, 58.noO pounds, at lt.tc and tOc. to the Allin an1 Itoyal Fisheries. Vansee. 52.000 pounds, al ll.lc and Ve, to the Pacific fisheries. Sitka, 00.000 pounds, at lie and Dc, lo the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. and Hooth Fisheries Canadian Co. (ira lilts, K.000 V'ximts. and Iteliance. 6,000 pounds, at 15c and He. lo the Canadian Fish At Cold Storage Co. Canadian Livingstone, 21.000 pounds; Hippo, 10,000 pounds, and Foodie. 3,200, al 13c and 'Jc. to Hie Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co, Torberg, 500 pounds, at 13-s and Pc, to the Itoyal Fish Co. W. and F, 0,000 pounds, al 13c and 'Jc, lo Ihe Allin Fisheries, PROVINCE INVITED TO SHOW AT SPOKANE VICTOHIA, Ocl. 2t. llritish Columbia has been invited to lake part in Ihe Pacific Northwest Potato show lo be held al Spokane. November 20, lo 23. This show is financed entirely by Ihe Spokane chamber of commerce and C. Tire, Ihe H.G. potato experts is the llritish Columbia director. Canadian Fishing Schooner Blue Nose Beat United States UUrUl't eircuUtt 1721. RACE OF Mary's father- States Tariff Ftozen Fish and Halibut from here information thai local "haiit.ni '. from from M. M. L. U Sten. htet. United Lmled Mate Slates .Such beimr the case iL.il.Mwii.it . . ' j . .iiiii win iiiiiiii 11111 111 aiii-ii - - ---. . - - MAYORALTY CANDIDATES Aid. Stephens and Aid. Col-lart are Definitely In Field Two definite announcements of candidature for. the mayoralty were made today. They were from Aid. Stephens and Aid. Co 1 1 art, both of whom stated their Intentions on being questioned by the Dally News. It Is also understood that Mayor Newton will seek reelection and Aid. Maedonald Is also mentioned as a possibility. Aid. George Munro said this afternoon that he had not yet given the matter his consideration. SALMON CANNING OVER FOR YEAR Queen Charlotte Plants Last ' Operating Closed Down on Wednesday Salmon canning actisities iu District No. 2 are now finished xor me season, me iwnnniou;o t, ,llBnl , qiu.sljn. risneries oince reports, ine lasl canneries running ,were those on the Oueen Charlotte Islands which closed last Wednesday. Challenger, Columbia; Today - HAI.IKAN", Oct .211. The Hlue Nose, Ihe Uanudian fishing schooner, holder of the international fishermen's trophy, today won the first of a series of race for the championship against Ihe American cliullengsr Columbia. Ten minutes, ufter the start the Hlue Nose was three lengths ahead and one hour nfler the start Hie Hlue Nose was tnaintaiu - ing the lead by tiuir u mile. Shortly nfler, however, it looked like anybody's race. The Columbia was nbeant of the Hlue Xose vvilli the. defender half a mile to windward. Thru a huurs turd fifteen minute after thu start the sehoon - or. ttrw yiue Uv't uuJ ue.k. for'the fourth murk. tr.t Ult tZ. SERIES OFF HALIFAX EVIDENCE IN LIQUOR CASE' Three Provincial Police Officers Give Evidence Against Ole Martinson OTHER CASES SET Bottle of Spey Royal Cost Purchaser Eight Dollars at Clifton Rooms I be charge of selling liquor" ,.. , . ., ,, to . . refuse permit the reparations .i i i.- ' against Ole Martinson resulting . . ,. - ,,., , , , .. . .. ... i .. commission to be divested of any ' from the recent activities in the ,.,, ., .... . , . ,, , , , . ,,. auluorily or replaced by any cily of liquor board officer was . ' ,,i, ... , ., , , ... . ., ,. lolher body. Mmultaneously the prweeded with in 'Hie ci y po i?e French ....., . , . ... ,,Lr.i i government announced before moot this moruiuc. All the evi--deuce for the prosecution was I lakeu and adjournment r;as made I till this afternoon when James litmler will be railed by the defence. In the absence of City Solicitor K. F". Jones in the south. I V. K. Fisher appeared for I he proseeulion. Martinson, who was not represented. by counsel, is attempting lo prove an alibi for himself. Three -dry squad operators testified that they had, l"?l'l liquor from him. . ..... .... .. rirsb r,rr witness I. J2!Y!ln.e.'til lu V- ,riii iiiii nue - TirriiA n tuu o i nu - - - - """'' v wn. "c "an jp" I met him at the clnli in the Iluval Hotel. Together wUh Constables. Crate has not yet returned to the Stewart and llugzard and two 'city. oilier men. witness ami accused) 1 proceeded in accused's car to IMDCDIAI rAUTCDEXirC the Clifton lloonvs, 818 Fraser St.j lilll ClUAL lUNrtKLNlt They went to the apartment of one named Hilly Hen and three rounds of drinks were served. Witness asked Hilly Ben for a bottle lml he said that he did not have any. Accused volunteered to j get a bottle but said that it. LONDON, Ocl. 20. Afler some would cosl $8. Witness gave ac-jdays respite Ihe Imperial Con-disc! two 5 bills which he ference again today resumed placed 011 a table saying hejsiltings. The principal business " would return with a liottle. Ac- to be discussed this week is the cused left, at 10.30 and relumed 'question of the status of Kast about ten miuiile later, picked up: Indians in Ihe Kin pi re and the the Iwni 5- billsi handed over a 'quest ion of participation by the bollle of Ollhey'.s Spey Scotch Dominions in Hie llritish foreign whiskey and gave two $1 bills as policy. ' change. Tlie bottle was opened! 'Every effort is being made and there was a round of drinks clear away remaining business-after which wilnes left for his before Ihe dale of the opening hotel where the bottle was sealed uf Parliament on November 13. and nrarkvl with Hie name, of, -'; accused together with the initials Martinson's car had been repaired of witness and Constable Slewart on Ihe night in question or tliere- and Huggard. iluess idenlified the bottle produced in court. Accused asked witness if he was sure that II was he (Martin son 1 who had Iteen Willi turn on the niylit in question. Witness replied that he was sure and Martinson then indicated that he would call James Hunter to testify t tint he (accused) was working on his car in Hunter's shop Corroborate First Constables Stewart and was! p u 1 ia- -.-veivv ""'vo i corroborative in every Jet ail loj Mamie linger, charged witl dial of IliiKgles. Chief Vicker selling intoxicating -liquor, Weii-5 also testified to making Martin-'nesday morning, son's arrest on warrant on Oito-I Tom Pong, charged with sell, her 21. ling intoxicating liquor, Tuesday There was an adjournment of morning, ten minutes in order to have! Peggy Stevens, charged with I James Hunter appear but he was um lo tie round, instead Puny Mauel, Hunter's apprentice, took PRICE FIVE CENTS. FRANCEHOLDS OUT AGAINST A REDUCTION Will Insist on Pound of Flesh In Dealings With Germany; No Reduction In Debt PAItIS, Oct. Premier Pi'incare said in a speech at Sani- ..I...... L I II. I. f. that France will refuse to agree to any reduction of llie Ovnnan war debt. UNABLE TO FIND ESCAPED PRISONER . .u trace ha yet been round of Carl tiuslavenseh,-. a provincial police prisoner1, who escaped from, the Union steamer Cardena last week while he was on his way south to Okalla prison farm to serve nine months tor Having .stolen uoo.1 in . hi possession. i;i .'inv anan . n t.r.o t i wwx miu sm - ' - i mm (ieorge iraie, was in wie unuiiij --tl....n Imlnir .linnur liin.igl.1. Business Resumed Today, the Question of Status of East Indians Belnn Up for Discussion about. Other Cases The following dales were set for the hearing of oilier charge made through , the activities 01 (It? government officers: Jack Zarelli, charged with sell ing beer at the Loggers Club, 2.30 this aHernoon. Dick Duller .charged similarly, after the Zarelli trial. Owen F'lsher, charged with keeping intoxicating liquor for Hug-;sale, Wednesday. Two witnesses for defence are out bunting. selling intoxicating liquor. Mini day rext. Owing to the condition of accused, her case Is being (the stand. Her testified that Mar-Uakeu up -with the Attorney Oen- linson hail spent an entire even-'eral by City Solicitor Jones, ing about October 9 In, the re- Hail In all cases was renewed as pair shop working on his car. He before. jwas not .positive of Ihe date, how-l II. T. Cross, analylst, told the ever, though Hinder would pro- court that ho had examined eight Jbably have a record of. tho time, sample submitted by the police Adjournment was then made iu connection with tho case$. until 8.30 this afternoon to hear lleer had gone over 7 per cent Hunter's evidence and that of a ami whiskey over 75 per cent. 'mau named lleale. at whose shoo This evidence , was admitted by ivpairiti; shop' tho curtains af.lfemlin .ounst1.