1 i hi 1 1 'rI PASS SIX Sport Flannels A new shipment of these popular Flannels, 51 inches wide, in Sand, Henna, Turquoie Roe, Paddy and Pekin. Excellent quality at $2.50 FLANNEL MIDDIES Balkan Style in Navy and Cardinal. Sizes from 0 yiars fu 14 years in Mioses and from 10 to 40 years in Ladies. Serge Gymnasium Bloomers Made in full roomy ye. Ages 10 to 18 years, wejl cut. From $4.75 We carry Pictorial Review and Ladies' Home Journal Patterns. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. We Prepay Mall Orders. MADAM! Try our Kleclric-BaVe Raisin Bread It will be a favorite with all the family. 15c a Loaf At your Grocer or at the Electric Window Bakeries ? Tnlrtf Ave.. Phone 667. You have no trouble with CON' UMEI18 COAL, no fuss with) Ilufcs or draught You never know! liow some coal will burn clean' one day, shaly the next. Hut you can safely rely on CONSUMERS pOAL. Clean, sized, selected, il ulwuyg burns the name brightly, with steady heat and free from soot. 1 Consumers Coal Go. Ltd ' Phones 7 and 311. liutnrt, B.C. Phone 9. I lamnhnna j 1 , ! Specials j Shop by Phone to Save Time and Money. Aiclnlosh Ileal Apple, jum-''Wp pack, per box . . $1.75 parfMi Union., per lb. 10c Hi own Sugar. 9 lb. $1,00 leingSugar, 2 lb. pkge. 25c Juliana HaUins in bulk. 3 IV. for 40c Hroken Shelled Walnut. per lC 35c r Shelled Almond par lb. 45c Liliby' Catsup, per bot. 25c t-.annear tomatoes, z .. (Limit1 8 tins der;. . ... 25c t to each or COMBINATION SPECIAL Canned Fruit, 4 tins, $1.00. .1 Tin Quaker "Ilapbc Ties. 20 oz., tails 1 Tin Quaker Strawberries', 20 oz.. talis. 1 Tin Sliced I'eaehe.-i. 20 oz, tails. I .'Jin Apricots. 20 oz, tails. Ripert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. URNS LAKE SCHOOL. , SEAU:i TEIiEH. ttdrrJ 1rnlrr fur Burn uie SrataA. will he rrrmrd by the IfeDuurabl the Miniter cf Public Uirk up to It o'rlua-k fimoiii of Tbor dir. the 5lh Jar of Octotier. Ilfl. for 'IM rirritba and raaiolenoa of three iruara School with Daw-tornl and oathmjit. HI Burn Lake n the omlnera Eleetoral I'lana. 'portNrttk.au. Contract and 'Form ttt TnxVr may be m no and iflrr line lira aty or orfiWT, Iff J. and rur-Itbrr Information obuinral at the Depart-Iment of Tublle Worts. I'arlUniml Build-lnr. and at lh Ofrire of Ihr Gotemmml l.ttent at SmitbrrM and Piirtre Georre. j Corl of PUn. SpfrirtraUont, etc ran be obtalnrd rnu the Department on jtarnent or a iHvxii or Ten Dollart : (110.00 . uhlrb will b refunded on their irtnrn In rtfl rondittuo. ! Tbs kivrst or any tender not arret- Mrllr arrepled. v. rinup. Publir ".rl torturer. Tbe Detartnienl r Public Workt, VletorU. B.C. nruJbrr ith. I9J. Loggers & Prospectors BOOTS Men's Fine Shos from $4.50 Men's Brown Calf Shoes, in Goodyear WelL wtde or narrow toes, from $5.50 Hand Made Loggers' Boots from ' $8.50 REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The Shoe man. Next SL Regis Cafe. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. itB1.Mil.111,.,,MMMJ Thf'Uttt DoWty Coapuvd with ordinary sited piais), Sewing Machines, Pianos, I'hono- gruplis and Player I'iauos Tor Ilcnl by Week or Month. Walker's Music Store Ltd. PAROLE SYSTEM IS EXPLAINED Dr. Lavell In Victoria Discussing Prison Matters With Hon. A. M. Man son I YICTOltlA. Oct. 20. Dr. H. Lavell, chief adiser of j I he board of parole of the pro vince of Ontario ha been here conferring with Hon. A. M. Man-on in regard to the prison matters and esinfially with a view to cu-operation between jthe provinces and the possibility of hav-j ing similar legislation enacted here to that in force In his pro-' vince. kxiilaining the tem of i his province Dr. Lael! said: j "Much can be done for the; criminal without coddling him, and a policy uf niot ppiial super vision ran be designed to the brnefil of the prisoner." The board, which is conqKed of re-prepntatie men. deals wilh all eases of punishment imposed by the courts less than two years in duration, and thus controls Uie inmates uf the provincial penal institutions. Indeterminable Sentence In additiou to the definite sen tence imposed by the court, there also in Ontario an indeter minable sentence which may be added to the sentence, limited to two years less one day. Thus a man may have twelve months' sentence, anal a perioal not six-ci-fied of supervision thereafter. It i in that. peril that the board operates. It does not clash wilh the Dominion parole system, whirh may remit a part of the sentence impose! by the court. but only take charge of the prisoner after the expiry of the iefined term. The board of parole assumes thixl a prisoner may become homela. friendless, reckless. anal workless when leai in p an institution without any prospects in life, so it prepares work for hint to jro to on leaving prison. but during the period of proba tion he is subject to the custoaly of i he board's representative and the scheme has been found to operate very successfully. Last year out of 4 40 cases 420 had usatl the system to advan tage, there being five per cent of failures asrainsl an average of eight per cent in st'ch cases. Extra-Mural System There is also maintained in connection with the prisons, said Dr. Lavell, an extra-mural permit system to enable prisoners with families to work for a living outside the jail under supervision, and also to allow a sim- FARMERS' Meat Market A shipment of live poultry, Bulkley Valley Ueef and nice Veal und Mutton has just arrived at our usual low prices. Low Price on Empire Bacon, in the piarce at per lb. 40c E.C.D. Butter, 2 lbs. for 95c Pure Lard, 3'ts, O's, per lb 22'2s Economy Bacon, lb. 27 c Bulkley Valley Turkeys arriving for Thanksgiving. Mace your order now. Limited number arriving. Phone Blue 428. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hours, S U . Phone M. Open Evenings Only Fop Special Appointments. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. THI DAJLT K1WB Mondsy, October ?g, known known &nd nsed I all over Canada. for nTore them 25 yecirs. It b&s set and maintained tbe standard fbroods of its class. Jt5 use is increasing daily because of its strength, purity and universal satisfaction fbre Food insures good health n?aic 'Sakincf rowder insures pure rood CANADIAN MADE VK OaiZTt COMJX.SY UMTTZO ilar privilege to ver' young offenders. In three years dunnx whieli this system lias been in operation, only a few prisoners have abused its privileges, last year satisfactory reports being receiveal from 272 out of 276 wto enjoyed its benefits. The effect, apart from the moral value bad been to save the province a large sum of money, as well as assist the families of prisoners. Dr. Lavell pointed out that a very close scrutiny was maintained of those permitted to exercise this privilege, and it had proved uf value to the public as wdl ss the prisoners. Between Two Extremes Ir. Lavell said the parade board rouh! not be accuse! of eoaldling criminals. Its effort vws to strike a marsin betwieen sen timentality 'and punitive vindie. tivenes. The fact that the Canadian Ilar Association had endorsed Ihe Ontario system was one proof 6t its value in puhln- esteem. He' understood the Hrii- some extent due to abuse of Mie ticket-ajf-li-ave system in ixmiier. tion with certain penal intiio. lions, turning loose on the pub lic prisoners of bad priorities and irresponsible morals. BADLY SHATTERED HIS AMBUSCADES So Says Edmonton Newspaper of Lapolnte and Stewart Following Arthur Melghen The hastily constructed aui-buscade which the Hight Honorable Arthur Mcighen threw up in the province dniins his recent tour were badly shattered by the withering fire which lion. Ernest Lapoiule and Hon. Charles Stewart trained in his direction upon the opening in First Presbyterian Church here .Monday night of a spi'echmaking Journey across the prairies, ayn a recent number of the Edmonton Journal. An immense audience of Eal moiilon citizens greeted Ihe two federal ministers and listened In btdh with warm applause and the closest interest. On the same plalform where Mr. Meieheti only E few weeks ago painted a glo-uny picture of Canadian condition? under the present government.. the admiii i sltal ion leaders who spoke last night told of Canada's reviving trade and industry, of decreased taxation, of economy yet progress in national affairs of returning prosperity, of recog nition among the nations of the earth as om5 of the greatest ex porters per capita in the world, and finally it country lo which increased population was assured on substantial lines in Ihe years lo come. Hoth ministers in eloquent terms urged closer unity and un derslanding between the people of the East and West. Both gave a pledge that the government at Ottawa is deeply concerned wilh the question-of . bringing about this closer community of inter est, and both' freely declared their faith 4u-llf-ToSl6rii route for tit U'il an.l lliaip inlonlinn In hflD a 14 ai- - - w restore agricultural conditions to the iHiint where production rev enues are more equitably com parable with the prices of thoe thins which the farmer ha to pur base. BUSINESS IN EAST IS BRISK BUT ON PRAIRIES IS QUIET H. Johnson, Manager of Cold Storage Co., Back From Trip to East Business arueriilly In the Lat j i ry brisk, orf the prairies around Winliipei coiiditioirs are Iguiel but toward the Pacific 'Coast improvement i attain to be notral staleal T. II. Johnson, 'manager of Ihe Canadian Fish !& Cold Storage who returtiel to tharily by the Princess try this afternoon after a u week s ji'Usinfss Iriii to Kaslern Canada and the IniloJ .States. Mr. John- sen iitpal among other places iXew York, Montrral. WiniUK?. i Taarontat. Chicago and Vancou-jvrr. Mr. Johnson, who wrnl 'away with hi in, is now (U Ln? ilaiut ENGLISH OPINION IS AGAINST AN ELECTION Lii.MMiX. (c. rt. Opinion savin to t hardrneil throughout Hi) a-auntry i"st the holding of a general election, at any rate until the middle of next year. March is the most likely period for ihe election it i staled in soma quarters but till' scarcely seem paassihle in view of the chaotic stale of Ihe finan cial business of the Houe of Commons, which would tx the inevitable outtfome of an election held so early. .dvarli in the Dally hews. a4a 0a 444444 NOTICE Advertisers are reminded thai copy for advertisements should be in the Dally News office before 4 p.m. loday to ensure Insertion in tomorrow's Issue, tf sb Columbia representatives on I aHBHHBBBBMBBBBBBBMBBBMBBBI that association were not in, .a fav or of tbe aroIe system, and he imDOrtan t UCtlOn believed such attitude was to 1 Boom Chains Over 8000 New Standard 1-Inch Chains To be ISold by Public Auction At the Heel Warehouses of Messrs. Balfour Outhrle A Co., 951 Cordova Street East, Vancouver, B.C. t tireat Northern ltailway i'racks Just East of Campbell Avenue Thursday, Nov, 1 Nest at 10 a.m. Messrs. ItaUour (iuthrie ki. having decided lo retiiiuuish handling boom chains for the fu. lure have instructed me lo clear their entire stork, which consists of the following: 4000 English Oversize Tested Chains (about SO las.) Covered by Test Certificate . 1800 Canada Chain A Forge Co. Chains exact size (about 70 lbs.) 2400 Lister Iron Works Chains exact size (about SS lbs.) Caivered by Test llecord of samples tested ,y Dominion of Canada Forest I'roducts Lab oratory. No second-hand or Inferior chains offered. These Chains are Rigular Standard Stock. Inspection of chains and orig- n. al certificates can be iiui'le. any time previous to sale at tdace of sale. Messrs. Halfo.ur Oulhrie .& Ca ana ihe Auctioneer res'rve ( llieirtselves Iheyrigjit of tiff epilog and executing any orders'at cur rent market price aecomnanieal by remittance, prior o Auction, aim cannot therefore sruaruntee Ihe full quantities advertised he- log on hand al linw of Auction. Eur further particulars apply to Unas. DAWSON, Auctioneer and Appraiser. Cio'.fiflO Seymour Street, Vancouver .H.C. Phone Sey. 10V I aMMOMBBMMHMii Phone 376 The House V. Sef-Kgducing SeM'ca TU VlKl rif eli. Lbt.a t. fU.. of Quality Blouses If oit .ire Linking fur sonn-lliing eudrelv ?-dcliglitful in llonr tome hi mill inspect ttw tr vul. Knuii Ihe neat while llaliutui shirt ctjie dressy blouse for uifnrninl oi-riisini. ItcanM v long waisl line -frects and lied nt side illt Imjw Also (he new shading in the always ppm ,r . in Jaripielle and Pullover style. Prict-sl from $4.25 to $19.00 Standard Designer Patterns. ' ( UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Sole Age - 'or Warner ItitslpHHuf 0re SfaitJanl l)eigner I'aHrriis Satisfaction or Money Back. We Prepay Mall 0rda iilililBHilBBBBBB WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 Betty Compson In The White Rower THc pu 'utT she wa made for. A la uf tin Ilavvdiian lsl.md- Hetty m a pretty new bath . ? f r riding and llula-Ilnliiiiis ut nikiki lleri. Tn;p. : flahjng eve. Iloiiululo moauiiighl and love S- HALL ROOM BOYS (PERCY AND FERDIE) IN "HIGH FLYERS." PATHE REVIEW, Admission 35c and 1 0c Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Store.?' WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue tl. Shockleys Pla"ing Mil Are now Sole Agents for Uie lumber output at th Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR 8HIPLAP. Spruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone SSS. Are you inclined to be stout ? FIR over uuartf f of l,urT Stm S,.Mnrit ha vt Uf n th thite of tUmwf upon thamanJa of aru smt all over th aM. To-dr( "J Ihe advent of the draprd f'9 and tailwed auit, it iwk M ever nccewary to attend CJitlu. to the corKt foundation lpatn- A AVs Cvrat itl V" natomicallr correct WIT and control, armwlh ,"r,,i figure fliw. and tr n M jemr beat linei. And thrrt Nemo CorKt to rre t Viw individual ntedi no rnmr tjpc of figure )ju paK. A.k our corseticrea to ,w yog a Self-Kedueinit nvslel, l1,,f'4J!1 nuw iur me i "'"vii m cms ofii-Ktauang tifntuuunK sir straps ps lunun imnun unu unaesir- - , 1 ftrre is mi ait.lifif.nal rKar.- (. .wt.. i . k.M aa nut Zi la 44i fJO it fit JO. "Once try a AVmo and you'll ntrer change" KOPS BROS. Limited, Toronto Jabour Bros.