q ThinkigMnil G To the boyi it iptui 4 thud of a tot mtttini the old football. q 5iiter itnKi in uy up fur or a new winter hat, . . t -ii cr that neavy sweater an the girls are wearini. I I .aiij iniivr m rid 11 i 11 11 to enjoy its warmm at ii a trie lun iu ivvcr wu the bleacnen. Father 'has hi mind cnnniiri or met ana vc. IDH. II1C IUIIIII1IIIK1 no icuaua. tunkiftving Dira ana its nrrcurvdini retinue of cood htnit to rat and drink. Her . ...I .L I. - In ftct, all the family have hundred dirri to gratify j the dty of Thanksgiving it. . To everyone at home the -i u V-. . (ni r " rww,J ca v vi I ant otiirt inn rrliahla frinrt READ THE DVtK I I5LM ENTS AnJ B Mwr Tnankful m TIMBER SALE X6271. m U itrfrrriJ fi iW TIMBER SALE X 5517. it t .. m tl ! iii II" !( tlv ft Tenili-ra mill Ixi reerlteit tJ- tlie imtvri nr ' IN PROBATf. SUPRCMK COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA. Vlllrr ur TIm AclinliiMratliiU Afli -.iiri ,11, iii. r.aia.fi IT IMII I IH'iranrili Inl.ttale. MlTK'.K uii.r. that tuai In in onlrr omrr in i.f ltl itiiir ir A -movement i nw tl f(lo, for lit eslahlUhineni 0f a ,,r. vale club here, ami indications wotil.l point In IN uliiriiaU. consummation, Thn Smither Hoard of Trade will shortly l in existence, following h meeling li this week a membership drive in iw-lay way. I.. S. MKMI j acting u secretary during Hie organi-ulii.n of Ihe board. I Al Ihe Hutkley Valley HUlricI ll.llul i.n Wednesday a ilaiiKli. Icr wa born In Mr. ami Mr. ' F. WaUnn. It I reported Dial Hie huge Umber Molf which ha been making itself ahnnxiotiH by it depredation., on farm in I lie neighborhood In the north of the town (im l i fal on lb Sealy I ranch on riday, when a bullet from a high-pouer rifle laUl il 'inw. Mr. J. II. Itiff relurneil from Vnncoijw-r on Thurl.-iy afler a holiday of eer!il nionlli. Mr. lid Mr. ft! f ar now located ill I heir handnoino tiew re.idence on liroadway. which i one of the lel liniie iii town, ami Hi iinit di'liiiclive in aiclilleclural A'J iUyn and finMi. I TIk new wareliou.e beinz icrerie.1 for Ihtyer' A tlarr on llroadwav i neurina roinnlelion. U:inlrnrlnr Howney ha a lartre force on tin job with Hie view of lurniny over llif fomplele buildinjf in record time. Tlie t in w riri 'nwirii main floor i tn Un ue.ilbylhB a iimi ii ,j iur isir owner a a warehoue am : arr tdiwbini U.I HI. ornUe in roillircl in wilh llieir .epr inpreainjr buinei, wliile . e.r win i nie4 . fjttn. ,ip.r portion will J. finich In mill aln ronlain a W. C Orchard, C.P.H. veupral itt'ent Iipip. attended a ineeliuir iv"l;idi'r''W01,,f ,:-,'-- l-Mf ajrenl from t in ii tiirire ihr hwi California In Alaka whlph took (I ltHlhr. Ih l.lrrnr , . , . , , , I't the hHilb ImiiJarr of r Tunr '"l !'! I'l. Ofpt ilt lie illiioed tr re TIMBER .SALE X MM. Ihe Hotel Vancouver nl illr V i IN PROBATE. 111-.. lUr -f tlie ' hlf rw- IK TMI tUPBIMC COUNT Of BBITIIH m. B,- . W t'l.lrlrt ntr.r., COLUMBIA. ' Jort. BX in th Hrr ot Tlw .trolollratlna rl: I and :i(l Ibe Miltff 4 Im F.llle t Anllt irw(, terrMNi; tlitrcttlr. TkK AOTier. I hit In Onlrr nf III - in.irri will I". m rwi &j tut rKWVMjr f . -irn. iiwnr, niaur I vw iuiu vmj UIHU, at, Vlrml(. t. Ulrr mt orfciVr. AJI. ltJ. I HuniMl i- i im iiw rib ctt m ,mii-r. AdmiaKiralur r the iiii m vuruti iim iHirriuwr or Llrtn sun, im i!mi. anl tn panie nm lineal fert U niir. 4 !. rUunt aralnul tne mI! tiliir are hrrrbr ( -1 a ixlir It.lM. and l.ioa Hun- miulml lu funiUh aanie. prmrlv rrinl ii tntn tit Uit I AT I. rat-'tn me. on or twrnr llw lllh dar .f r-1 liiilNri i fi miA all riarll In. ' rear will be allowed Tor r- rictlrd tn the F.Male are required lo pax ' lirnlx-r III amount. f Ibeir ImlrLlrUnrn to me narlienlar it iIh Oiler Tore- nrllillh. '-t"Ma. B.C . w iirir rnre.irr.1 THOMAS w. lltnE. I' ittl. B.C. orrirlal AdnilnUlralor, -1 mure iiuneri. n. TIMBER SALE X 5454. naii iM tvib dav t on.tr, nil. UI be nrrere tor Aale at Publlr m . ,ur COURT Of " BRITISH at iwralh Ind day T 5oeni-1 : lu the ulfire r Hie liUlrlct . .. ii.tr.t kn- r jiurt IImim. rrlnre Uutwrl. In XUI. lu eul SI.100 JarAMne1. . .. .... ...... .. r..... ' ,nq.0mi flu., irf npfure'" "Z". JZ..2-i Y,i..t... ... "n ,rM '" ."" "Tl Till OTIi:E tlat lu order uf III iZ. i'V",mair ir t miw. im,,ur r MtH. vur, ,ltt,w the UtU day "lr"1- I ....? ..r i Kialr air -Oeurie rr mill Itm alkied for re-1 .. ' . . ....i. i..u. .' uniiirr ,i.... ...i.t uid lui are Ivrrby '-r wrtlriiun U He Oiler ni- fuPn,.i, ,-. nnrly verified toria. B.C. m iih niirlft rre. , 1.1 un ... ur hrrtire ih. Ilie laili day if n.c imKER BALE X 7D1. . iriiurr mill i. rrTiru uj nw r it Utids al.Vlrturla. ih.i later ur rinr,..H itenu , .7111 4 1O.000 feet or pnire, r.edar. Hem-' ml BaUaut. xi an area Mtiialed m I ilfl jif MM lland. Iianre I, I )rr milt lie allumrd for re t llndier T partlrulara r Hie Chief fore- Hire Hmiert. B.C. IMBCR BALK X MSB. inllilH-r. AJ. HIJ. ihi an i-riir. luelitrd lu tlie KMale are required lo ar lllie aiiKHinl of Ibelr lndrlilrdne ! Ill' iforllimltli. , .,., TMIVe . lienor., orrirlal Admiultlratnr, Itince Huperl, B.O. Haled thU lh day of orMer. 1911. IN PROBATE. IN THI SUPRtNI COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA. In tlie Matter 'f Tlie Adiiilnl'tratlon Aril , iu!M'u.iti-r nr Hie Katal r Oewrtl .li.ii. ii.M.flMil Inlrvlate. tor m'iticf. that In order ir III .1......... r MrH Voinir made lite I till day r OrlotT. A.H. 191. I IHled Adiiimllral..r ur Ilie luie t dweawd. and all parllen liavl i ilrblrh. . . . ... . ..... . .1.1. .M ltiiNll riainia ainni o" " -." ?. . at. 'rv''rt"'". "ra."; d.V r 50.000 Jack rine and ,nw Tie. Mivrniln-r. A.H. 1913, aftd all rarllra In- rra ftiinai.rt n.i, pamw iianvn n. nriiitMi iu lirr- r..i.i. . . ,H ... , ' - ...... i...lul,l.tlniH 111 llll l. yrar mill, lie allomrd fnr f- 'i limber,. Illf. alllli'Ulii in. TIIOMVS W, IIHISE. orrirlal Adniliil.lrilcir. l-rlnre Huperl. .:. I la led thU Lib day -r orlolHT, 193. IN PROBATE. IN THI SUPRIMI COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA In tlie Matter nf The AiliiilnlMratliill Art; tul Ihe Mailer tf "r lanirlle. ierfaeu; nii.-ir. TVWK MiTir.K that In order of III urn V, Ti iVn.l tha teili day . . MrH. Yount. made Urn I Mh day ll'ir Nr', """yi n3". ini'd A.Ii, IVJ3. I mat apnulnled or Or,.ber. A.O. 11. '7,' nf llif u.tate nt Jiidum n.'Aliiilnltralr nr i" .ii ...pii.m li.itiia- rrrarrt. .n,l all nariUa lnvlna t anrllle. dereaed, aii ". i" ' hi furnwi nani.. proiVrly vertrie.l required in furiil.U .J'"'!",; n i.r iwroie tlm itili dar H' e, n ."r " ...i .n urn,, in. .'V "'.l'"' . .. ; V.i. e a. renulred l.i pay ..... t . . . ai.Mit iiuii'nir(inrp hit THOMAS v. nr.iiM:, orrirlal AdiiiihMratr, Prliif lliiii.rl H r tiU Uih day ot OctoLcr.'iv?. fnrllittllll. Thomas w. wnxr. orrirlal Adminioralor, Dilfd llil I 191b 1 1 day ' j'rince iiiipert. ct octoUr, Hit. WEEK AT THEATRE Monday ami. Tueday. Iletly Coiiiii.oiii in The White Flower." Hall Itoom ltny Comedy, I'ercy ami I'leildM'; In "llijrli Flyer." I'allie Itevie'w.- NVedneiolay and Thursday. l.ioiiel llarryinop' in "The Fare in I he Kmr." The Xew Leather I'nsher Hound Xn. d. "Juan of Newark." Fox Ncwi-.5aele. Friday ami Saturday and Saturday matinee. Itiehard Marthelmei and t lorlhy iih rn "The Ilrivlil Shawl." The leiiip)ey-'rpo fl'Bll picllit'ex. Wonderful rHie up view of Ihe last irreal rill? rhampliNlphlp halite which will iiln fi' imtii in low motion. lUniiedy "Small Cliinu'e." Topics of I lie -ay. HAWAIIAN GIRL STORY Itofnn Jilackie j.ory, "The. A.Fac in the Fojr."t j The ilUaiipearanii of the rand lucliei.H Taliana, yoiinpe! and jfavorile dauiflJer of the Czar, i .nlo another mystery that hu 'never been nlve1,j Arcounl? .aree that ihe did ' not submit 'lamely to the fale f I He rest of jf Ihe royat farnUy,."!! mail, her i;Jepiipe fn difpul"e ri,a ie,lant jttirl. une declare that kIi wax joverfaken and murdered iiy the ("lied," while otlier.H iniht that Jilie gtt away,- and there was- a .rumor that Mm reached the I'nil- ei Maten in nawiy, nt Jia inrc lived I here incopniln. Mr. Ihiyle' iiisfentini Holulion ;of I hi (win inysleryv make the fate of the laMl' of the Itoinan- nff and Ihe erown Jewel wImpIi Iwere the la! relirirf royally ret upon the kill am ceverneH of tin' reformed Auiertcan crook, "Hlackie lawon'. Wow hi early rriminal c-areer enabled Daw-Mill to ee. through the machinal ion of h. Sov iet re. prp'iiitalive and foil their at. tempi to rppapture the I i rand I luetic. and her diamond, form the plot of that faeinal-injr phiiloplay. "Tin Face in the Fo" -which will been Mn at Wel holme Thealr nexl SHOWN AT WESTHOLME DRAMATIC SCENE IN An Piilrancing Mnry of tlie Hawaiian ltamt i "The White THE BRIGHT SHAWL Flower." a Paramount M tiirpjCa al Havana Attended by White (.larriim lietiy miion. I w net and Colored People InteresU hown here tonlKlil. .Ml iomp- -on play the part of a yoonp. j Ing Event hair .MiieMenii. nan nawwiian. rj1P n(.pr daiuon. ballroom trirl w1m i in Jove with a "np,fp(,ljvi. ttntlI by while a Anierifan. Ihe pineapple kin? rw(ll a black , and celebrated an-Ihe iland. Many are Ihe plan nuay durinjr Ihe, rrimMin day which Jit lHUHn! Inn lor in Havana before the- Vke of wiiininc Ihi younn fellow loAe.jjipnn'r1.n jyranny tiad Urn lifted In fart. he alnui.t doe awtiy with hi fiance by Ihe aid of my from oppreed Cuba - i the picture. que and colorful j&el t ititr terbni rile. o preul i her lovpjrr M,mp of Ihe mol dramatic r i.i... ci. ...lit.. I... ...... ir I .... ... . . . . . mr iuiu. -n'- srene i n i ne nri .aionai pic what he i aloul tn do, and at inn, --riie Hristht Shawl" com the prtclal nwmertr her rrnl fp to ,,. We-iholme Ifieal re on Tniiinnhoi1 a.ert ltpf. lFrilay with Ilichanl Hartlielmee Ihe pliolography. a well a ilie a xf, siar nclinc. in the prndurfiftu i xppI-leiit. Tlie direction by Julia of the volcano Kilauen. heart appeal i inlpoe. MYSTERIOUS STORY IS Richard O&rthftlmess ThP THE FACE IN THE FOG Detectives and Jewels and Russian Royalty all Concerned Jn Mid-week Feature Tlie inylery of the llomnuofT diamond, thai wonderful col It!.... I. ...I ni.A.t f.iiimia .m.iinl.r III. I. Iiau .rill II il lildltru run iniu surrounded by twenty diamond, which formerly brlongvil to the M thi pxlranrdinary ball, hiph officer of Hip Spanih rrovni and Craw-fort! her, who a.o wrote aautiful Udie rub .houhbT? Ihe tory. U uerb. flnp of Hip wjjh Hie more or les picturpsque ... . IliA' .'i . 1 m ....I .....k. li- ...il.. Ill : : I a. i "; niMmrauij - irniraii 01 hip iianu. 11 i pirlure i that lunvinp the crater (dacp vvliprp romancp and niunler may breed at Hip .am lime. There il i lliat La Pilar, sediic-livp feniule py lur? Andrp E. robar. Cuban patriot, anfj nafply surroundpil by-Sjianili officer, slab him to death. There il i that Ihe nuirderes pnlnl otil jC.liarle Al.boll, ynunp American. Iplnyed by ltarthelmes. and nearly brines to a fatal ending hi romantic adventure in Cuba. FIRPO FIGHT- PICTURE lection of prpciou gem owned j The Firpo fight picture. ar by Hip late Czar of Ilu.ia, lia;o be shown Friday and Saturday nevpr been alisfaclorily .olvrd,al Hip WplholinP and Hipsp will hut every now and llien Ihey lurn atlrucl larue crowd of people up in Hip new. Ilecputly. a who may not go Jo Ihe ordinary cablo di.patch fnim llelgiuin aii-jplay. Many liave heen wailing nounped that the custom author, i jo ..ee Jul how Demppy got knocked out of Ihe ring and how Iip sol back in. gipat HomanolT collection. II A. It. Trile, wpli known min-i on a ilnilnr inlancp of ul- ing inveslor, and Mrn.; Trilps leinpled .iniigpliug into AniPiica pa.it Hiroush Hip city4,on Hip of Hie HomanolT diamond Hint Prince lttieerl Saturday evening Jack I toy e founded hi famous hotimlfor Slewarl. iti Mary Aitor )n At Westholnie Theatre Friday and Saturday. iBiBaaaB aH thi ulirt iiBi.?rri o SMITHERS i atl aVaffaffaVM safaBBtV .aLW J. K. bulhle, of Seattle. , back In town, nml i evincing keen j. It! in hi several mining pro. H-rtlM in llio .liHlrirl. Caj.l turner iml Mr. Imihle at Prince lliipert. The firi-I Wednesday in November will Inaugurate Id.- weekly lialf holiday uliU-li . trade I pi tinani u'-ly ,is,r, In ie-e.uhlih. Movies and Movie People STROLL Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who entertain the public. Mr. and Mr. J. Murray and Mi The Man in the Moon SAYS:- Also in Tins' of 50 and 100 ENJOYABLE TIME AT ! BIRTHDAY PARTY ON ! SATURDAY EVENING Dancing, Music and Games Made! Time Pass Very Pleasantly at Home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Field Oancin? muic and Karnes were Hie fpalure of a birthday parly at Hip. home of Mr. and .Mr. J. Fiel, I'allullo block. when a number of friend ifalliPred lo pplebralp the birth day of Hie liole.s. Hpfrplunenl were .one. I at midnight, and Ihi wa followed by a shorl pruie in Hip "S3." Mr. Field vva the recipient of many beatlliful present.. Thop allendinir werp Mr. and Mr. J. W. Collier and Mi Pearl Collier, Mr. and Mr. I'ercy lJnslcad, Mr. and Mr. Davie and Herbert Ilavie. Mr. and Mr. Thoma Hodpkiuenn. Mary Murray, Mr. and Mr. W. Murray, Mr. and Mr. Walson, Tommy Cilenn, Mr. and Mr. Frank Morri. Mr. and Mr. Hud-on and Mr. WiUon. . Durinp tlie evpninif. vocal. hUls were fiven by Me.lame Davie. J. FieUI and J. Murray and by! N". Murray, J. Murray and F. Morri and a recitation by Wright lavip. A CHKKH i what a girl goe i iu for when he begin to ing I Love Me." - THEME i a chance for a job iu the L'.S. CooHdgp will be wanting some one to wrilp hi meagp lo Congrp.. - e . A MAN i not old. a long a Iip rati cliange hi. mind. IF you wili tjilop your re. pulalion fonyeracilyt" JpII His hoy how you came by your black eyp. Il n-ally i bellpr lo con- fe right olT Ihe bat. IF il i Imp 1 tint Hip Esqui mau rotisliluency is Iji be ahol-ishpd, how It: .11. Pooley, M P. P., lo becojue iillornpy gpncral in I hp Howspr"cabinpl? Jiike says tolipl-vvilh il, wlial is Ibis How- er rabiiiet slutT you hip givin' usf NOW we shall have the people of Omiupcii 'kicking because Ihey will say Prince Huperl i trying lo grab some of their iprrilory for her lilllc conslllupiicy? TODAY Ihe annual talkfpst is on and theru will be Ihe usual junketing" to, the capilal by dele-gallons and others looking for a holiday anil a drink. 1 wish Ihe city would send me to instil a little humor into (lie legislators so Ihey might see themselves as others see them. .'' ' MFSSIA, the pxponenl of Ilie new democracy, has Instituted a system of mililary training fur young men, ,1'eace'tit any price is nppareptly the ntotlo the Itusslans. A MAN was excused from jury sen il e because he was going to 'be married that day. I would not mind belting two chips .that there are one or two men in this town who would hale lo break a noker encasement Jusl .for the sake of aMpiulinir hi own wed- dllltf. Have You Tried? Rupert Brand SOCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way to prove that I'HEMIER "GOLD, MEDAL" BEER is best TRY IT. ' V Order from the Government Vendor Today. This ailvertlsement "is not published or displayed., by the Liquor Control Hoard or by Ihe Government of British Columbia. HEATER TIME IS HERE Make your selection early while our line is complete. All styles and sizes, both plain and brick lined, priced from, $12.50 to $45.00. Buy now and have your neater ready for the first cold snap. KAIEN .HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1646. 608 Third Ave. Tel. 3. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to V Phone 575 Lady Assistant Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER! Real Satisfaction Cheapest in Lona Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564.