AU LS PAH eA, ae ae sae OU Biter gpcetian Ce alla AR aie -- turday, December 24, 1932 THE DAILY NEWS ~—- wa TRS RET eT \ciliiisiaiilinilimielaascbiial LOCAL NEWS NOTES | } ” Best Wishes From : f | | ; e if CL.DL. Dance tonight. { Lief Erickson Xmas Tree, Moose { Yr ] i dionsgned Hall, Monday, 26th, 8 p.m. Adm. Vy ] Cm D ‘ rée gs Ve y 0 y. ) For day and night Taxi ser- |35c. A welcome to everybody. tf a entin $ airy 3 vice Phone 32. tf } a : ! Alberta's Best, Sootiess Coal, $11 and’the WJ ; : Christmas Gifts--a nice selection| per ton. Nanaimo-Wellington in { ot to choose from, at very reasonable | bulk-lump, $12.25 per ton. Phone : . i ie prices. Gordon’s Hardware tf} 116. Albert & McCaffery. (tf) Bulkley Valley Here’s a merry wish for Christmas 4 There will be ao fendey Schvol! For drunkenness, Ole Kendall Farmers And one for the New Year, too, in the United Church on Sunday, |Was fined $25, with option of 14 } ‘ i eles |days’ imprisonment, by Magistrate — for a — | And one for every day next year— Depression price: Egg coal $11.00; McClymont in city police court this ) i : and $11.50 per ton, sacked, dry | morning. + } May they all be 8 te aie Loose, $1.00 per ton less Hyde | —mylts M \ ’ Transfer. Phone 580 } The Canadian Japanese Associa- 4 erry i¢ Im 1S | tion’s Young People’s basketball pant Ral } Fred Skinner, engineer on the|team, which has been at Pert Es- i mission boat Northern Cross, re-|*ington this week for a series of and Happy ROSE COWAN & LAT TA Ltd. turned to the city on the Princess|'WO games, is expected home from N Y, | , : Adelaide last evening from a holi-|the Skeena River on this evening’s ew fear Printers — Office Supplies day trip to Vancouver jtrain. No word has yet been re- et J - be |ceived as to the result of the se-* at For the 25th Time Jack Cade arrived the city on | cond game of the series, Essington a ; Prinns pee ide nat ; sdiadines having won the first. = > ——— —* from hi idi it Victoria t G er We wish all Prince Rupert people a pened “eal air Ga gg Ar Mail Schedule ‘ Dr. and Mrs, J. P. Cade, Fourth Av- — : a Very Merry and Happy Christmas ee aa "|For the East— RAN MIIVITIN ‘ly d P N ei | Monday and Friday 8:30 a.m 3 yh and a Prosperous New Year. 8. F. Boomer, Lloyds surveyor,| _, Wednesday 9:30 a.m. . : Crry mas who has been here for several day From the Easw— : Aig making an inspection of the) ?e%#4¥. Thursday and Satur-] Mr. & Mrs. John McRae |} Mh a asic ald tela oi hia day 8 p.m. ; ' ; eer ra ry Sa my ne a ae h} or Vancouver— : - and a is being sold by the anadian Na a ie ‘ tional Steamships after having been oe . ane SEO | ho : o So = i | a Happy and Prosperou , De eta Be ey aa tat 11 p.m. : She Pioneer Drugg tists F. aa F oo é 7 oe By | ®com Vancouver— : a appy an rospero 5 , ) » Re . cegtadtahat as Te eh ete th EE eee dank Thank their many customers N. y Phones 81 & 82 The Rexall Store Vancouver ie es | lisieage emer oe sak and friends for their Christ- ]) eW ear day q ; Local radio listeners this morning Dec. 14 and 29 a.m. mas patronage and wish them | ? . ‘ were abie lo hear hristmas carol for Stewart and Anyox— To All, is the Sincere Wish of ervice from Kine College, Cam Sunday ‘ 7pm is ; bridge, England, the reception con Wednesday 3 ae Merry Christmas } the Staff of jitions being excellent as it WaS From Stewart and Anyox— ont oming in, The program originated Tuesday ; mime ly, et = = RT withthe Best Brondessting Co. |_Tharsaay is WALLACE’S LTD. A av] n England “ yroadcast in| for Queen Charlottes— Happy New Year fis 7 4 rs Pe Py North America by the National Dec. 16 and 30 9 p.m ee yy x Fi ; for Broadcasting Co from Queen Charlottes— EY I MRC ‘ - ) Ba * : Dec. 14 and 28 a.m. 7 a} . CHRISTMAS George Graham of Terrace was for Naas River and Port Simpson— . . ~ —_ hw t+ be sen aly by fieisht selie Sunday Pp 7 p.m Pe ee : pf le : he P : I ort General ' . 4 a [= Seti it ne Min bot 4 LT TTT : CHRISTMAS Greetings anda}, I 2 fy , t? . a : Potted ‘Plants eee rie eae aa ae ee : re < Bright and Happy New Year to ‘4 r .. barnes Christmas each and every one of aurlong 4) |\\\\ A bt : evastle toe : ea ~ 4 6 } list of friends! i \ oa , + —| Greetings | | | rit ers . L« 1 i ; ; o all our customers and i DRUG STORE . name friends may the season be a ' Er : Christm happy one. We hope you will ; ! Tree December 2¢ enjoy wearing the goods we « have sold you. We are sure . a wre Tree De your friends will like the pre- ; GLENNIE’S Second Ave ery , ee : sents purchased frem us. “4 e . a>. . ' rennig Diuner Dance. Friday, De DEMER’S We would like to -PEACE ON we nid nde 1. Elks’ Hall : emblazon it across ' Hi ; ~ Db D l the sky a huge ODE. Ha H Ch ° Merry Christmas to appy ristmas Mi Legion New ¥ . you, our friends and May your 1 ind a a as i 7 customers, 1 Prosperous Elks’ New Year's Eve D , CHRISTMAS . ni I ») , lew Y GREETINGS | ||| ANNETTE’S Christ b New ear Dance M H | irv 2 4 ris mds eC To You All! ae On Bl Wishing all our customers iia acearttieiee al () Dat . Wi les S adn . 1 friends : very Merry err ~~ / Christmas full of joy and i happiness Re FY PE MUSSALLEM’S ECONOMY ———$——$—$—$—————_ | YOUR NEW YEAR BE HAPPY STORE ’ } . : . ‘ ni BOSTON CAFE JONES And may you keep warm and comfy all winter in , gt = rich, cosy furs purchased from— | . wit aK LAST MINUTE . | ee : -| Christmas and bem PALS OS alm y eal C } d | ; Oa O b oom Monday Me hu CONVENIENCE Market , The Old Reliable Nes haat : h mi ve a i: a 20c Leg ae 15¢ Prices the Lowest Ever Known - e Bread ps . ; Special Dinner, 75c ah a DC | ie: of Pork 15¢ : a ililde Crab Cocktail per doz Sno er 0 OR lit’s nothing but pleasure Chicken Gumbo Creole Currant Buns 35¢ per Ib c a; to us to sincerely wish . ee a = 7 ar per Ib ee 15c, : eae" “hristmas yale aae hating English Plum Puddings, Peak #) ‘ . : o\ you a Merry ¢ RS yg A Sey Frean Biscuits, Christmas |} /¢8 of Lamb 20¢ HE beils ring out Christ- and a Prosperous New Fried Potato ; rackers and Stockings, all at nd we eT . * mas gladness—and we half ce Shoulder of Lamb 7 Year. Green Peas Cauliflower ube > eat 15¢ are here to bring you our Stewed Tomatoes Our Confectionery and Deli- |) 5.) good wishes to add to the | English Plum Pudding catessen Dep't. will be open eit 20c rest you'll have today. ‘ Bulkley Market Hard or Brandy Sauce Sunday and Monday, A aadigs \ Mince Pie, Jello & Cream - Geese 20¢ Ice Cream, Christmas Mixed We deliver all orders $2.00 or | per lb . t ltesssecssseeeneeeseseeeell Nut Assorted Fruit over, Turkeys : M. rr Chri as : } ‘Tea Coffee Milk ; | per Ib 20c e y stm SSS Sausage Meat ———————— = we | ROAST | MUSSALLEM S + oe 25¢c . Stuffed Young Turkey | } AM ‘ | Sil id B E ly Ad Copy is appreciated | Cranberry Sauce & | Economy Store 957 — Phone — 957 liversides Dros. ar y e /Of ” Green Peas 18 — Phones — 360 | rere = — Window Glass, Wall Papers, Paints => be | Le AAO ORT i is | ia