iday June 7. 10?3. Qiilpley s Alt-wnil Itnf tiir-j Local and Personal I !idn',..Dare SuIIh. l.&ll. - DenieiK. (I I cava Her A Inn a Senior Baseball Tonight 0:45. -mi fvuit ut,i niuuc Qrotto ve. Oil. 9 Inning. li. 0. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf Heart Was So Bad (IcorKP Hum' in nailliiit IhiiikIiI At any hour-dav 351.Hayners, Undei taker. I'boi.e for -Vancouver mi n Ihi-Iiu'-h h ip. if Thoae feelings of falntneM, Iboae ditty or nioht- - Pn, I ha ill run elDklng lennallowi (I.W.V.A general meeliiiit will HihIiic iinl spoil Mill jui iir lilrh come on from time to lime Indicate he' lield otl I'rlilay, .lime H. al K iiunl. a rakend condition if the hurt and Ili'iiicm, ;i til. in tl.W.V;A. Ilnoiiia. l;r. disordered line of lire nmri. p. - Dissolve in l or Plumbing and HKATLN'U. Milburn'a II. A. I'liilpiifl lH mi laii W In M ta III III... f EDDYS iilttlil'i lliln for llilintoilfin oi. boiling water iu. itux 730. tr Heart and Nerve Pills i Iitiaiiicmi. Il will Teluril by way of Vancouver. I Anna llurvik arrived in ibe heart, the nervei and build I! Pity from Vancouver on Ihelbp " run-down Mi-m MATCHES Mr. ami Mr. I..inure wen' Prince II111...H ..n....-! c- Vatiborn, Etkrille, Alia, wrllei ' I "Ab.Mll 1 tMf .rtt I hait Im.M mtihl pimiPliiieri. on Hie I'rfnee Huperl """t. luv hii.l..iMl AlAn't Afm I.... r... .1,.... Any'ox. yeelerday for Mrliauipri1 the arid often had to alar up at Olabt llh bring light Ii a 'tiiiiiiiitr engineer un.l eoineo Have yrtu tried our Nnniilmo-lne. mould Juat fcrl kind of taint and from the ili-lrinl in Weill.mlnn mil m.t f,.r lllM.o,. n"1 ou,,1 ,rvm ,,UP twatlBf. i'ori'iipine Use enough to gel " " I aAi.tilfl I tiat faint aaa. a rl f Dnliirio. He may deride lo loeale riiliBC Ht f I.1.60 Ion? Albert- Uroetlm-a be an bour before could Iber in llrili-li Oiliimlila. a big lasting suds ,ic-uiiri), i.Ki. II I brine me baik to life. Suinpone Md nie . about MHbum's Heart and re I'll). I rot mree bo.ea; I ook I hem add fell Ml'fl. C. I.. MlllllTie un.l nnu and IA II. I.. Ilr.mii arrUfil fn.iil ,. Big lasting suds one .Mi- A. I). .M until will nail next "' 1,rl' Mfl'r1Mll . l.yllir lloW f-H,anr auch f.lnirw.i. I of Rinso's Monday on Ihe I'rineeioi Alier for secret amazing l'riiii-i Iliiwr1 Hrl colli illllMil aurelr do appreciate I be rood tber bare hour Mii'iMiuli In Aiiviii. done for me, Atliu In join Mr. Munne who re- power to dissolve Soak an ucr .vc .mil mi m.i artier. reiilljr left the eily lo lake over dirt. If you don't get or more J'a- Ihe duties of govrriiinenl avenl i, IIHMIIII' nainill- IHI IIIUIII IT illlhurn rj" Umlud Tnn.tiln llnL have (OUd iWU mIt klf Ud and gold at the lasting suds, you Mill! "lllC If Ol I' i FOR SALE tin- fiiiinii-Ml l.---ilerliHn- i-iiim-ily I Mi I'.'llollcrl I'Iimsc IHrplioiir iiorlherii lowu. not used enough Rinso. .en in iM.iullie. It IihiIkIiI.I.Imi Si'lierir. Old Kiunrcen llofrl I ul 5 Major II. I.. Iirollimrer. of Hie After soaking, only the most soiled-clothes need ll.triiiHlil llPHtiiiionl. IJ.ll.M.M. - 1'nile.l Slalen aruiy.wlm ha- 'leen a light rubbing with dry Rinso. lalioiied al Honolulu for the Iih'mI -tiii-iiiili'inlut, Mini IiiikI J. i;icaKli, iiiTi'UiiIiinl of Ilic 40 J it iit in w uprHfr Jiiill HliitHMariliiiie I'I-Ii.tIi- ul llayeporl. pal four year and who ha now Your clothes don't need boiling if you use Rinso. heeii li-aiixfen-e.1 lo Motion, ar with 11. Ki-flcy, couhI maiiHKiT, urrhcil llio -ihjIIi on I lie fruiy rived from Ihe -milli yeelenUy But if you like to boil your white cottons, use .xiMS'icil hack vn hmiplit I'rllir.' ltiiTt yi'jilprilay. iniin. aiul lefl on Ihe eenin train eu enough Rinso solution to get the suds you like. Row Boats roil I e ljil. lie wa ai'i-.Miipanied .4. Sh-imI yn.Ur veiling Ht I li" Mr. J 1 1-lire MHrdoiinlil u1llfli)iliii. .MikIitii piililalin by Mr. lirolliiiKer. . NOTEi In Imri water it t.kea from to I pcVae in. ui Hie suirfin- liurllliai nmile it (lie .iNiit iilace oi Rinso to tub to make food aada. la nrj htri llev. and Mr. .1. It. Hewitt will w.teiyou will need from I Vi 2 packatealoa li ,(iul rowlocks builnlile fur V-ii- t In-l.elil lirr next uek liti itwo. (!nl iiiclure, rikmI leoae.all the dirt. riinippfil w 'ins incisure arrive on ltiiijj.'it" train from tub to get lb. big luting audi that lxio Is hik) duigliy.s : ! liiK mi Uine.Uy. willlniii-io, un.l ruiiiifnrl. 133 llaii'ltnn lo eail mi the I'rinre annf furl)- in tli week Hum f llupert for Ihe noulli. Mr. Ilpwill. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED "nulli. Mm. I. Ilarrl. tiHilli'-r of llio $30.00 each for f.uiie lime preHCMer of Ihe TORONTO R302W intnfiif man, wu a a- Union ehurcli at llaellon, i lie- i-ailin recftviiiK Mt ha U Urnjjer iirrivjns fruni lli mhiIIi ins lrnnferie. lo lliinean. Van- lit excellent roiiiMtou, II' i 'ii'cil hi April. Anly ni.l.illi-.l nl i-itir iJamiery UiIkI.hi Hip I'rinrP Ituperl yrl-nlay 1-laBil. Itev. 'Vielor San- eouver yrar and already Ihey arr tttn. aflrriiuoii Immih.1 fur I lie inli-rior. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. inn in In Sail I'ralirifcrt, l.iixl eiiroille uin of Vnlie.iuer lo Hajellon i in to the Mieceed eity iiiu.m.'k ami liliinl or I lie coall 127 KinmiT-nii iMiii-e. A iveii PRINCE RUPERT filt.'i iiti'ludins Vmir.iutir. lllrtHi'imil iiHnlirn hou-i- with two Mr. Ilpwill. Put it in your pocket and wu uj,l in ff MfK. Ilitfn, ran-firlacP! i offprpil ecluirly KODAK it puts your trip in A Hipeliug of Hip tni-pilal imard ni-ry fvri-iiiMtr. Iliy M. .M. Henliiil- A l Ltd. fur wa eall.'il la-l night to open pictures. tfr af al .30il.Ilil mi Ifrinx of A. It- JTlHI, irltritfc of thliiiii.nii ca-li. I.aUnte over Iwo lendpr for Ihe cfoaring of the Canadian National Railways home not KODAK FILM l-.l.-.-liir iiiilnw- llakerle. ar- and one half yi-ar. nure" eile. There wa lT'H ril .M--li'nlny afternoon fnnu Itiorum, however, and presi dent II. J. Stewart, declared Hie size is here. Aanii,V)iJjU.ujf. .jjn ouuurv- I'roviiMaal a. Vvlir OniiMal.lo your Prince, Rupert lion with Die loral, branrli of I lie I II rrv Murlitt i-wslin-nnal I -.! i v merlin? adjourned until Sunday -aa. - w. ' k.Mt i.-s -n ivibj Self Timers, afjermioii. Tlin-e lal Carry-inc eonipany. J. It. .Neileon, maiia -1 from OUlla liuvinir in pie-i-nt KODAK uiidil lrei.leiit Stewart. T. frr r the I'rince ItuiieH btitueli.lhayiiiuiul Ke?N ' au.1 Olarenn were Cases. Tripods. etarlv to .lii..h.e of M Inter- Hewitt wliV IJI fjy Iried al Hie llw- Markay and Harry Kirch ACCESSORIES Portrait Attachment, I ' in Hie .-iiiii'erii and l.tavv fura-iip mnliauing -ecrelury. neitt week on a cliarvv of AND oionlo at an early date. lallcini.teil munler. they re all in stock - FULLERS SPECIALS here. Jamei., manaivr ,of W. H. Gramer, a intiiiiiiienl SHIPYARD Duller (special .. ..5 Let Kodak Outfit iar t.annery makei. a fourleouArizona mlninir enirlneer and creumery i us help you plan a ffer In runiilenl .if lrime Itu- met allursi-L wa a PaJ'ell.'er 3 lb, for for. good pictures and lots of fun Ilai-in. redle!. '.I lb, for Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock pert wl.n play lawn teiini In ue yexlenlay uriern.-.ii on Hie I'rince !.Engineer, Machinist, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, PalUrn ihetr Kraae r.ntrt nt any lime lluiierl for Anyox. lie I iilfiiz l.omliard ial I'luiii,lin exlra (ic- .35 I makers, Foundere, woodworkers, Lie. wiien they are lnilin? thai part llie northern smeller town in tli 12 for 1.25 ORMES LTD if the river. Stlfldav lielllt- n riiuri. iif . m.iuivli un.l ii.t...ii. Electric and Acetylene Welding. lay when the eouil would likely tuition lour. I'ork and Ilea lit I a rye tins lie ui.e.1 a ureal deal, would lie for I .on The Rexall .Stores Phones 200, 82 and 134 Our plant Is equipped to Vadle all kinds of to reeenatlion. Ilirlianl Conuelly wa l.ri.uuhl Fry' Home Cocoa .?5 1 Apricot Jain, i, special .... .:i5 ! llie eily lat niiflil y rofn Marine and Commercial Work Jaiiie. I'each Jam. i, iiecial .... .75 Crnitiii, iiwuer of Hie rial lion-lalile Alex. Saint from strawberry Jam. I. epeciul ..ill llal.iin- lluiiuiiia mine in the SaUn lo faee I rial vu a ehurcc PHONES 43 AND 385 lllark SI 3. . . JO rap lluliiii.- intiiilry north of Smilli- of aaullin? Mr. Sain.ern. of Coast Steamships it-, arrue.l f ii un Spokane on HielSahiM. tU.nuellv I-.nil ...i ;n(i Kl' Herring, tin, epec. I'ruiee lliipeil yewlerday afler-fliail In am.eur In Hie provincial t'.lam-, for tall tin, epecial. Sailings from Prince Rupert no. ii ami letl on llie pxettiii).' eourl llii afleruoo'ii. a manaaomciiL ui oriiaiima nwcri u..o ui uviiuni Irani fur Sliiilln-rx where lie will! per iloen 1.50 . Hrmin iimDia'i neii Doaiien. in return doobl Ilarley I'lnur, -J Hi. tin, only .25 S.S. Prince Rupert miike pri'iiarul Unix for Die re-1 II. I'. I.oiruii. rrii...-li- ..r n. ' HrlLnnnia Beer. pedal tiotTee, freli ground. iimpiinii i.f i.-elipiiieiil unrk on leily .oliee forre. arrlted yenler. and Prince George 3 lb, for 1.00 DRINK In- iiiiue Ihi- xiniiiii.'!'. He w'aolday aflertioon fnun VMII(Tllt at fit Oru ami Tomatoc 15 FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate vtiL ul I lit llaltuy i.. II... L-...;i. Ml 1- ..a l.ibhy' l.ateup 25 Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. OIIPPM rUARinrrr I nin mcJ"""'" tir ii'wni hi- Oilfii-li, FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 Britannia Beer Acadiu 2 lb. boxe. p.m. i"iM,-i. iiiuiii.t .-nr. .nr. i.nun TnlCT. FOR STEWART half prire 25 FRIDAY, 10 p.m. hai naaiii juine.1 llie forre of Hie S.S. PRINCE JOHN for via I'ilchards, leg. 25c, Special Vancouver, Queen Charlotte Application to Lease Foreshore pro Ineial poli.-e at Vaneomer Islands June 13th, 27th, July 11th, 25th for 25 ""taa. ii.,.i ,...,. , ..... Premier Ale In Oiiwii l.harloile . ..... ," ',U'wc Honey, lb. tins 1.25 PASSENQER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. tt. l. llir..i.iuK llolrii t ..rf" ."lJ" .u,wr"'. " '""'I I I'rinre Huprrl dally eirrpt Sunday al S.00 p.m. fur I'rlore Omirte. Itiiic Itiii.erl. and eilitale al tbel''''11 l" bring lo (be local jail a CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL- t iliuuiilon, Winnipeg, d lire I eouiieelloui all polut Ea.leru Cauada ami Hulled "THEY CAN'T BE BEAT." Slale. itioiiiii oi piaieciinek i.reek. Kuitau pnoiier who i,Iii nerve Ihirly ways: AOINCV FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. ielaiid. llSi. " """ City Ticket Office, S27 Third Ate, Prince Rupert. Phone 260. Tenders For Line Revision and v mew arrive weeKiy. t'llke Xolice thai W. ! Mni ri. of Vancouver. H.C. im-cii-I lnpei'lor TIihiiiu V. II:,I- Retaining Wall. Sealed Tender will be received ,:;.r;;:m,,TM.;,;.,,?,a: r - ur- for "? 'r.ineM al the office of the Chief Kiigin- .IrlWI I (..... r I IHI vua. ;;B'at v"ui:";:(.. f ...,. -,. fro,., vu-iori. rr: "" m- r" CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY hiiih tide mark on Hie vet bunk a,,,! i,lahi wiii ihVh .... II. ,l,Kk """" " ''"V ur siaiecbi'ck Ureek. about t.Snn , June. M23. for llio roslrurtion B.C. Coast Services :: ",r.! ru,c" . ,VHT.:. : ,?:: revi.iu ,,...1 numin DENTISTRY in'i imikI III lor fHl'oiiH .'" " 'r iTinove hi ,, , r. i.. hiiiiii. i.iylli.'n.Tly; thi'iir,' lu .iiii ui .Mileage iiaii.ii pi r in; lieiiibliiarlei'H from Prince lleio'irn chain uorthenelerly: thence n Ihlee point Hnec. llulkley Sub. Sailings from Prince Rupert 1'" lluperl in ii. i liaiii- tiorthwi'iilei ly: theme fol- rouree of ji.i-i.,., ii(! Invviiiu high water jnark to point a few w'eek.. following out a de- S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. of ''in II .'l I.I i'i 1 1 nliil cnnlni.i-11...1 . . .1 I'IuiIk. profile, pecifica(iou.i For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, Dr. Jos. Maguire 10, ,.., f 4.llll(.ucl he Ilia acre mm I le.i. Iuu). ll.l. AM i.l UIUii: MeMOIIIllS.r' ... : . '.'"'''"Ueen.and form of lender obtain -d June 3, 8, 16, 23, 30 j July 7, 11, 18, 21, 25, 28. Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block imie.i May 2ii. t"2.. "i ieioria. .mi. i'aroii. who at ih ..ffi.e ..r ii, ii-i.i,.i i-.. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, eaaaefSMaJ at. . TT il" . . ' "'"t ""' ""'. w' glneer. Vancouver. H.t:..' Iiviio June 11,18, 25 J July 2, 6, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27. QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIS- f X" .'VKa CTk ai I 11 firm I Innri W tn i S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. f ft ft ,V VrlllVV. IWUIV ' " TRICT. l'"ly lo realde. Knglneer. I'rii.ce Huperl. n.c. 1 Jn.mi jia pir i i. A- a. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean IT." ,1 'i'l 1 I't.nn " "1 I Jill V -I(SlHIaIll Mr.ideiit d t ........... , . .... hnglneei-. I' tieorge, Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, -ax niiiiiivii rurvnais binfl. l .in' 1..1-.11. 1 re.ii.hit I'rillePka 1 1. i' lii 'Jiii i'ii r.liiirbille laiinl In- Ijia SLi.uu.nv Willi I '. . every Saturday at 1 p.m. Inci. Ili'iordnig liilricl or I'lin. e ,,ul,"'u,.", n. t,w,-.l or any tender not Agency for all Steamship Lines. u ,,,4a' frelglil cargo, and lln! llnp. il ami -ilnule in Kagan neienrily acccpll. Full information from . ski.leant.' Inlel. and known n. .M. M. tiiiadiair. 1 TauiiorU . A i: WVIirtl'V ISHERMEN! u"" W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, :o,,,,h;v.,':,,,:ui:;'.-,a m:" J",.r,l,ttd r,:o,;'1 vrl"-"-"rJ Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Take Nolle that V. tl. .Me- ". jjiaice lo Winnipeg. Man.. New Season'! Miirii-. nf Vani i'iiviT. ll.f.. uc- Vaneoiner llurbor B111 Moudav June 2nd. IU23. I' miner, intend to apply when a log boom lit low of llio FROZEN HERRING BAIT t w'ing ,l.'. rlb.'.l luudx: lloin- ""'l, blocked Ihe fairway SlirnS of Good Health UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. ....Mi i..K ... a po-l planled al lite in Ihe Kirl .Narrow, l-orlunale- gtHL.h, Li". ."alVuiiri; Salllnfa from Prince "up.rt m.ith. u I'l lv corner-of Htirni .y nilbfr veel wan badly - - U.I.) Pee VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Oceau Fall lud ueua Bay. Tuaadar, S PJ. Ihlllllal llltllat rill ll IVk. I II LT atlllllt.. I a-v Bar W a Just Frozen Beautiful Quality !i)lr it -Hlit 1"lain I l iHtjllt f damaged, ibe i run-poiier i Ur. Wartel remale rills Pee VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alerl Bay aud Svauaou Bij, Saturdei Neea. I'oiiiiiienceinenl. containing 201 the eel which will come beroj L't".1 THOUSANDS LAST HALF j Fee ANYOX, ALICE ARM, Arreodale, Wale Id. A furl Suuiiaou, Sunder Mld'M. tV ENGLAND FISH Company Kr.'Id 111 blrkl,. ,v.h Ou Pee NAAS RIVER CANNERIES -. . -T.-r PrWll A.M. xVhaJV'oWST: U-!Moaai8.',owa,-d- !,,w for '..lni tl.W Druutfl.tL .u liirauthv 1 tud Aieuue "IV"" r,,U JACK Ketohlkan, Alask Branch- K.ickwUick.l lUmmti li I! It lvl RARNflEr, frluc huperl. B.c