Want A 11 .VO,! When You 1 lie P.R.FISH MARKET 99 Phone 671. hurry Our Business WHY?Is Increasing. ttone Because We Give Sallsfao- PRINCE RUPERT H tlon. Car and Best service n e Only Hell On: Quality lie City. Rates Reasonable I,, Northern find Central British Columbia's Newspaper LI Till: IlKsT. g i 'I i.MII NO. I '"'", J'HI.NCK lit PHUT. 11.(1., THl IISDAY, Jl.'NB 7, HHNJ. eii.ti.. utt str.tt i.im st. pniCE FIVE CENTS. IINISTER OF AGRICULTURE VISITING NORTH iURCH UNION IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED AT PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY irketing Bulkley Beef BETTER TERM'S IN : Time Here when Church Dr. George Hanson Arrives to GERMANY'S NOTE Spend Summer in this District Hscussed with Minister new LoNDm.V(.ennuii June linte,7.which The Must Move or be Left Completing Geological Survey I lie (irrinan ambus.ailur Board of Trade Council resents In Lord Cunoil Behind, Pidgeon Says Iir. licurjje llmiMin, a.ticiu(e geologit of Hie federal lie-IKirtniciil lhi Hflrriionn, lit considered of Mine umJ head uf Uic reconnaissance parly sent a. offering di.liiicl ml liy llial detiurtinent lo inve.tigalp the niineral rt'.ourcp.i of advantage, over Ihe previous J'-,ritl I'lPen Mewurl and lerra.e. arrived yeslenluy uf-.liie.lii.ii I'OUT AltTIUIt. June 7. The uwailer del.ale Uic Umg on ilcp i i incnl i.i agriculture uiirci'iiiii' lli' interest eiilr lull II i expected uf Cliunli Union Ihis ll.o 'thooii from the miiiIIi lo regime the iiivcsdgalioiiH which he mii.. preciiiiluled afleriiooirjn 1 IBM' I flu' liiiiiii'i- ill the iulerior in coiinecliou Willi IIimI il will Ik dis-ut"i for Hie three and which, far currying on pa.l years a. lTc.l.l.riaii fientrul A.-emldv when llev. Ir. of . (1. C Pidgeon. market ,g their beer by Ihe I'riuri' Itiiperl Hoard of Trade. lit i iifr lu I Ik1 French, s 'Ji'lricl i. concerned, il is expected, will he eompleleil Toronto, chairnian of Hie coniniillec on union, .ul.miited ll.e Ihe me g. veyed lu Hi'1 council of llieioard ul a nicel- us il i understood iihI lu lomrnillee-. rohort. In Hie cour.e of hi, addrc. Dr. Pidireon ear- i omorrow i,r. iiaii.on w in au oy me eiiiuru c" rou e in K. II. Ilurriiw. iiiiiu-tcr of ugricul-r. .11,01111 tlii1 the .Naas Itivcr where other members of hi mention specific Aianh on incentive lu Ihe Provincial fiov-ii' .aid Ihul the rr.oliilion herewith pre.enl-d reconiniended I he -i i .1 grcnl amount "f reparation. Oetieral A..emldy lo proceed forlhwilh lo the contimmalioii id ;'r,-v ''HXr a,r,-n'l "rrueil. anient to -mil. "Tlii' rt incut of ugriciillure i-,:t i!i..ir. l. I ' lie il.nl il... .ii.....:.... ..f .u.i:.-i .inri.. Speakiiiit to a liatly ew rep xlixlllg III -i it t- to eni-ohnige settlement Ihey uiil.1 sec re.eiilalivp. Dr. Ilaii.on i.ai.1. that MINISTERS TO tile la.l Iwenly year had created condilion. dial could not ' market rnrililie. well land." Tint Hit new ( i - li.ixc u u . . ...mi. vi ..i.. eonliiiue. Since till- Hie rhutcii mi. a.iii Hie'Pie council ftiinlcr of I tip wan Hoard u.ki-d of tu Trudi'iiii-i'l CONDOVER WINS hid b-eii prael l.iuir 'ui'iH.ition ijciliori work overland will .larl trin at be Aiyan.h made VISIT RUPERT TRAGEDY AT and ar. iHOT ALLEGED with Hie hops of reaching unanimity, uf io di.ru. I In- question nnir- jriimi I lii-re into the Kitnunikaliim kctins' Hip llull.li'' Valley beer CORONATION CUP lu Hie judgment of the ma. and Terrace. After thel jorily ol I lie poiuinitl-e member. valley KETCHIKAN the parly will jrn to Alice Arm for Two Expect to Meet. Sir Henry I hi ciiul'l lint he eiMilniniil and vHIlrlv l5UlljLAl ,,olll I""1"'"'''''''1 ""' rH"p Faverlte Comes In First at Epsom u brief lime and Auyox will al.nj Thornton When He Visits the minority .limil'l mil ak Tor tu i.l before tin' minister . J. dy be visile.!. Tl siewarl will lei, City: Premier Later il. 'I he condition of union utid Mrl.pN. Tln-y lold of tin- dim. Sobrlauel Follow vi.ited and about Seiit.'inLier the, Ralph Berqulst Silos and Is Lumber Dealer Fired Four Shots cull! cucotiiil cril lasl ypar uinl operating charce. Hiroiisrliool Hie Kilted Princess Sophia parly will po to llazellon and !cr-hap imperial to Daily New at Man Ma Found In House 'f Hie erfnrt of I lie local Imai-d, LONDON. June 7. -The Con.na- country would nut p-rnul il. ii li i into Hie Hulkley Valley. VICTORIA, June 7. Hon. T. T, Gives Alarm - of Irade In relieve the situation. n ,.., k,id n,,. thousand Tlie hour for deei.iie uetiou. Do? The bell to lie tniver.eii is u I'attullo and Hon. Alex. Man.on had Dr. I'Mitcm audi ALDF.IIOItOVK III . Jul"' 7. !ll ua;rtr. thai tlip innln- ,.cirin in i.rci. ail.lcd ! Hie come. .eid, KETCHIKAN. June 7. proximately ISn mile lomr and both expect lobe in I'rince Kupeit further iKi.lpoiifUicin would only. A. A. llrrilP,,lli w ll kmiwii liinu cinl nirriiliu-iit Ih.iiM ir-rl a ,w).,.,,.ai, ,,r lucnly t rri-iHK The rilemal barklna of Ralph 2(1 mile wide. at th time of Hie vi.il of Sir l,rt ilralcriuiijii'" ..-.! early lal -liHmlitrr Ikmi-p in 1'rlin-- lttj.rl ,.u,.u v,.r llljU. tll iaf or expo.c expen.ive tlie rliiirt'h uml In III.irn.olule!rnaru" Berqulst's do" attracted the Objects of Work itenry Thornton, bead of Hie Han- lilulit liy MtHKHMii- Irymil lo tcrl-wurrr Hie iari-r cuuui mii un-ir einii'M' ul I 1 1 . r i h w on by Hie trim with nf va.t im- attention of picnickers on a i:plainiiiif Ho object, i.r bi '!'" - animal uauway. .nr. problem lulu liU'jliiTuT Hiiymli Hie win- " raltln If It ua fuuml liii.-)( im' j M aii.ou' T tiixlou lo point out faturile t I"ier. I'.raiKii'liiiwi'i' There mul le part-i small creek north of hers work. Dr.- Ilan.on .aid Hie Idea' i.hniHnMli ,,l I" i'rkH llif lK'-r ttt ml. portanee. a Uw4jM'l a Mill- Ihe rpideiit the rlaim of. th came in -ci mul uud Soliritjuet Inir in deference In lite yesterday and half an hour wu. to set a. much i.'eoUifieal in-l MrivfflSiii I" 'tr if Hip outiiBe Hirmmli tln lural dealers. rlijWj ...ii... fnfjjaUvay teMkllftfhn llpuie jxol.UwIliei ..People Want Product third. that friend of Jinion.vvrn now later Barpulst'a. .body was-found. f..f.p.i.ii...,,-Jiu...iLii., .MOiilOniinecajoii.tiliienev ...... ..... " liilii'V Ilieir rliUruh for It Is believed that Hie f ji. ricl a pn..iiiie. inei: '"'"- "'i rjuiivi'ii- II Milnte. mil Hiat Hi- own tli; Ulili !! nlar.il ni. iWk. tli l' 'Ai i 'mail, lu he ,1'atlullo will attain urce Dial the memoir, tb?pif4 il.MH u . ll.-i... Iirnnl w.lr bere niM like ti l.u. TRAIN LEFT RAILS .ake of iiiiiliiii.- oilier. Dr.' In lump In? from pock to pared and which will cid are pio.pector pr lormer pmnii.e. lo Prince ilii- Pidireon ."iii'l that far di. anr nrri ami wonin a more ; rock, Berqulst shooed and lnfwU rr. m lli mum n liiiikn-j ml operator ami .roxi.e infor- l-erl and Hip ronlrarts with thai oltrr and lniu I''.' f liink aeiM.ie any lmlrlier Ilia' CAUSING FIVE DEATHS e..iiil. .lit toil w ollM lie prerip. i struck his head on a boulder jmalioi.n u.eful lo II iniiiK in. city le carriiil oul. . . Iiandliil il. Iul f Hie ilaled if union wee IlH'k-. lliail In the stream he r dro Ii :., III.i- t i i fir. yer one was crossing. dii.lry generally. One or the "". John Oliver I. proiin( ..' . Th- fRrniert had l. i..en n .lore him-'Accident if ft were C.ii.iiiumaeil. 'J beyf Deceased was a grandson 'fi.iir h' I to Special on Canadian j'.eriiii object, wa to ine.ti-.'ute lo visit l'riiicp Ituperl and other Hi kllle.l Il I HIIUI.'I ' ui,,. -.-If In urder In market lil l.eef, Nllon. jn sute of Michigan mil.I eillier leaw behind lln.-r of Harry Carroll, former ill ar.enie ilepn.it. In an einleav-'norlherii point, later in Ih' who could not follow tin. Imi iiiikI farmer. mtalde pnlie) ere fldenllfi. i city controller of Seattle. workable .upply of summer. po..ibl.v on hi. way back to Ineale whJ Mu . June . A lo it. inevitable roiirliihu or I -1 i.r u Id HM. ll Hie ...lie- .I" Ilii and had In lake uhat errle ! Berqulst's do; achieved ;i.r.-nie of which there i. al pre.from Ottawa where he will po . hieh In iietial nam xcyinff ineiniier. left behind by all el.iin'iil i I "ffeml. ' .d ea.ei. was c Imrir.' iiuiny notice once before when he enl not a larae etunii-li .upply iu,o"ee more lo rouluiue uie rignt niall annMint In fur id Hie Kiuvhl Triiidnr order -a- prosn. in Hie comtiiunion. "A Im -.1 l.uil. t'Hi an u) m lor. swam ashore from the sinking North America. Some ar.euir de (on the railway rale queslion. fur the ealtle. ilerailnl ne.ir li-re I uclay an-l between Hie two alleruative. i llif n!! iii iiii-iiik Princess In 1918 'Ian-! Sophia llaiellon. Dr. posit near ! There wai a vreiieral courr.a- Hm -iM' r. fireman, new- there I. only oiif choice li'H open' today the sole survivor, human would be iuve.Healed being son said, lfJP TIUJIDCD lli..ii in rrannl (o Hie iitiiHliiiii i-iii'iit ami 'in- .H!eiijrrr wer. lo Hie uiiioui.l.. Ih'. PiiIreon courludedi or otherwise, of the disaster this sui.iuipr by hi parly. A"-LAKllEi IIIYIDLiK iiiiother and Hie iiilniler aikiil ntan) kill-il iii-tanlly .mil ia-- which caused the loss . ther work or the .urwy U to VEY IRON HIlealmiM. .eiiuer h,i. .iiii'e men. liiiiiiln'1 I of than 300 lives. led ore. rroiu siiece.rul iivine! IP A I DPaTTklMr' lll.rrlli. for I he Hull Sv. more I At Hip cld.e Mr. Harrow e- of pie were injured. Hie' repi-eseiitatiw or the ili.lrict. ror 1 1 T.A I I r.lM I II (ill Ann nnninn i.ie.iil imieh idea.ure at ii . r.. I.....I .l....;..t. . .1 -fll UKfc KUU to ''t:-' l'irr: DIRIGIBLE BURNED J. F. Duthie, on way to Smithers OHaiva.III." ...-l... i, a m. - 41 I I !(- Ill ill I' Ifll lll-l f ' til'- Dr. Hanson ha. a. hi usi.t-aut American Capitalists Are Negoll- interior, lie waid il i mo.) STRUCK BY LIGHTNING tlii year two young men. atlnp for Purchase of Block In Victoria Con. eiieiiiirauiiiK. He wa. on hi. way to Spend Month, big Mine to A. Yourg says II. II. II. Join, nod II. C. (iuuu- 75, Cowlchan District In the inferior and he would iiuw DWTO.N. Oliio, June 7. One of science ring With Minister il'S. bolh iwiehelors yf Im in a po.iliou to take up Hie ,,r . tnuuei.t iliriKiblen on tin lines Regard lo Work matter with Hie rarmem with uidiiieiil. Hie T.l',.l.. was tmrned be Shipping in Ninety Day's Time who with Kradualed.pedal Kenlonical from the IruiniiiK L'niver-sily VHVrOIUA. June 7. American for Hie . :view to ii -iiliition of Hie iliffu e.lenlay when il was Mrurk by Mr. Joue capitalists are negotiating I'Oll I A Dr. ll II.. -..1.1 II ..... ...IU- i........i of I I.C. this .priuy. purchase of Hie largest single of ll . ..,...1,.'. . ... fUM,""J. t(1Ml """i market" lliroimii Hie UtillllllllK. (JiuAilily shipincul of ore will not he made from the Dtilhie uml Mr. liunuiiiK are already up block of timber left in the . . .Smillier.-. for Hirer Ihe .Van. uml by tlii. lime, i i In n f"rrlnp wllhl .i,.i,.,.w i, ..,., Mines, on Hudson Hav Mountain near Cowichaii Luke bell which is V l" .;t; SI III reVardinui .... 1f n,.. SIX KILLED tnoiiHi vel. ui conlniL' lo J. I". Duthie. head of Ihe concern, who 'llmuulit. will have completi.! an said In be Ihe most heavily irv -v !r ' i. nun' ore. "f inilft', ifltt in " " ' i - -- pn.sscd through the cily eteiilay afleriioon hound from Seattle overland trip over Hie Nau. divide ul nitualiou in Hie lliilkley Mil. forested timber district on the , The Mr. Duthie Ihe Alice Arm valley. lu , what (o Kinilher. new planl. ex.-clcd,;iiilo -,,'italti power rm ::!( other action miiilil !' coast. This i Klock 75, situated lie i;,f a iti i av Hllalile. ley .nun' not lliiuk FOOD RIOTS would he ruriii.hcd by July I, hut it would lake some two nil. the parly Ihi yeas, will con did neei.Hiy. He Cordon Itiver held by tin) on now si.I of six members. Hie other lutt; I1'' iiuiillniK uate Hie P. llilt'li. mouth after that to prepare for shipping on a large scule, W'll.ou or llluke Timber Co. Pnitili ' il nil,-r Hie (leoloK-hi Hie uetioM Mr. Dili hie s-aid eierx lliinif wa. lookiiiK very promising ul I hive briu? employed at local Hriiish-Aiiieriruti fin. wa. a party lo have the been in .Seattle men re-giun (iroviiieial Ihe mine. The government was putting in u new road which jminl iir 'y miii orficial. of thai com- Scene of Clash Between will taken by Lelpslg Steel Investigation niukiug u personal exainina. i'ii uf inn i He ex-n will facilitate slnppln? puny lust year. Police and Demonstrators lion of the Irurl. They are K. II, lepo.IlM lo de-- lu Ihe course'of hi conversation. . Ill1' Mil ' Over Cost fin Ihe w-av north. .Mr. IXillne Government Action Dr. Hanson staled that Dr. Lirrudahl, William Kdri. U. I'. tie what in are availalile stopped off al Victoria where In; uiport an o and fieri ill- The pre.ent action of Hie lloufil of Living MACHINERY GOING met lion, A. M. Manon, lueinber (ieorKc A. Young. heu,iiii' a lar(:e .Vuller and II. U. Seaborne. lifl Ihclr bctiou of llU'le and TO ECSTALL RIVER ior Omineca, and lion. William iiivcticaliou party for the provincial lo June 7. Six people Incenlivp LEIPSIO, year wun Hie sivalel MININQ PURPOSES inlniler ir niine. In the itovrrnmetit, will visit Ihe BRITISH PREPARE TO jslouii, wcllluu I he fariuel i. Inlere.jed ill were killed and a score Injured . (Jueen Cliurlotte Island Ihi conversation with of u a MANUFACTURE thin marketing hicHoii. It wp In a clash between the course he and crowd of socialists It i understood that ally Now representative; Mr. year to make a suivey of iron re. PAY DEBT INSTALMENT bcillK re.iliel now Hiat I KO-iruiueiit police a IN m'Hp to Online complimented .Mr. Man. source in connection with the OMARGARINE operation, are had lo do more (ban put and trade unionist demonstrating establishment of Hie the wood work he wtis do-imr I roposed They hud ! against the high be commenced immediate- .on on .NEW YOIIK, June 7. The people on Hie land. thl by steel industry in provinc DECIDED CANADA IS for hi. district ami II development. of The crowd ly on llin Kestall Iron thai iiiarkc limr facili cost living. llrltlsh tioMTiiineiit hu purciia. proper Ihe Coast HaiiKe Steel Co. Dr. "He I u reul;lle Hi" fired the police who replied l'i'ile properly recently established lie. were prol.!ed diiriutr on ih (.'.!m1.v bond and I Hie Young's parly a very large one wire uud i surely on job,' lrA Jim. ) ('.onlinua- eiii'li' .luv. of .Pll eliiellt. A. Ml with a volley. The bonded by the (iranby ami include. Tour I'uiversity dollar credit sufficient lo meet . in ti lling the Mr. Dulliie of i.l lor Hie inn iiifui'llire of Iciuiilix dexeloped Ihey could look crowd flying from the police Company. Machinery hu u be hud been given al men. . Hi" InvesHitulion thl the next instalment or HMl0n.. Darisa in ( aunilii will H"t ufler llie.e Ihlntrn llicm.elve... looted food shops as they already been lauded al Mcloria icceplioii by Mr. Malison and Mr. year are being confined to Yuu'- 0(10 on the war debt soon due. Iru ' I. If wa deeliieil l.v. i UHkured the council or Uie went. I'mt l.nsinulou and is lo cnuver and Uucen Cliurlotte Slim Mr. Manson' ilrtuiled itn uf (: iiiiiii' i m nflcr ii hoard that he appreelali'd II ' be conveyed up tlie river n. of Omiiiecu iilricl Island.. . LEAGUE BASEBALL liy ilelmif1 motion fu- would hear fror.i with II view In itellilik' in tiilic'i kin.wliile on u ef foils and Ihey on shallow draught boats. MrjMilhie slaled. A tar a hi own work was siirprioiii?, i , ul im ii ,.f ni'iuufae- li i id noon, either Hiroiiuh l I'. with the problem., af fccllnc III wit I'oni'eriieil, Dr. Hanson said tlutl, li Ii wn- i milleil iiinlvr Munio of Hie Laud eltlemcnl fanner.. IL wati hi cu.lom to Mr. Dulliie will he ul Sniilhri lliotik'li Hip invetiiialioti in this American League im in The inotitin was Hoard or ilirecl. In the mean, vl.il cxeiy rai'iuiut: dirlrirt ear for Ihe remainder of the month district would be probably finish St. Louis ?, Philadelphia 5. (hi iIdw ii by W K. Harnd of lime hp would make a llioroiilih St'iir Willi a tiew- lo helping the i I June. Neil 'veek he will be ed Oils tear, he hoped next Cleveland 17, llo.lou t. S ! :i si nulled ulruuiily iiiie.liirallou of Hu .(Illation. He turiiiei'M to work onl their prob WOMAN WON FORTUNE back in Ihe city to meet Mr. thai soini'lliiiitf along a similar year Del roil 1, ashins-lon S. Inlr' I i jh,'i Tolnile of Mr- U'lllllil Alii Hiiotuli the di.lrlel leiiK Mini where lieet'ai'y lo YORKSHIRE SWEEPSTAKE Dulliie who i coming up from Hue would be done hi the llulkli-y Chicago I, .New York I. A ' 1 1 V I'. and prohalily lill.e leninlutlen on tlie eiillillMiiil Seattle to spend u rew week, al National u 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ii 1 1 by with Mr. Munro valley and east. League uic f tlie 4 lii I u i ki ineiubei'.. Hint (fenllemaii would romo here ii Ihey exUtiil. On tlii trip h" t.mil her Hrunklyn J, Pittsburg 7. LONDON. June 7 Mr. Nellie Speak in aboiit .hipmenls fnil.i Intsresl In District lai K if -j (o at. leavinv the ...i.l lake Hie matter IIP liliuier would llt all important point, I.- New York I, Chicago 0. line Hun open lo freili with the Hoard or Trade. Ti e in the iulerior and reliiiu to Vie. Ford who ha worked to help the mine, Mr. Dulliie suld thai Dr. Hanson evinced a great in. Iloshni.t, Ciiicinnuti 5. lal ion Prince lliiperl co.operation was luria by way of I'rlnce Hcorpe support her funilly lit a factory l Ight cailo:id. of ore had been lere.t in mining prospects uud ern'ouiaulntf feature of Iho rinl Que.nii .KuluK down the river lor year, la.l uivhl wnu I'Ui.OOU sent lb Trull since Jauuury t. ilevebipmei.ls or the I'rince Hu- I'liiladelpliltt 6, S. Louts 7. Jc- in l.oiiufiebl, who Hiiutf the by laijnch. on Oil ley' Club eep'.lako in Where the ore in fuluie will go pert district uud vpoke opliiuU- Coast Leanue II' West lioline Tlieatre here ,-ilii.ill'iii. Routlre Visit i'.oloiiel l.atlu or the Land ret- Vorkkhire. Her ticket' for I'apyrit for !ri-atmeiil or how it will l).-Iran. lloiilly or the future rrom til Oakland 10, Sail Lake 13. much Mr. Duthie not stHinlpoint or both the I'urllund 'J, un Fruuciseu V. eeiilallv I'lni'iiu Hoard accompanied Mr. on the Derby was eoveled ported wa lullitng in pr Mirei' veuri uko, was the 'i'.. u I lull v NiM H i eii ineetiiiR Mr Ilari'owijiarrow and toKctlii'l' lhev left on uud y '.U'lilay ho tefusud t'J.UJO prrpulcd In ttiinii jncu ul tin Slewuil and Ilulkiey Valley dls- Seattle 7. Vernon 0. fJiieJallut ui ii Yumouver lifter Hiu ' ' vc ' ' Tei'r.'.ee. fin- it !,,,. irluU Lus Augelea s bite rumen tu i. - ' 7a