AKMr WORKER trap CLUB HAS ahlpmonl of ihe fnmnu ISONTOURi fiordwis : FIRST MEETING Si S 515 85 Die 1 Adjutant Carry on Kerr ssM-i EAGLE Id'- and J. A. Ltndeay High Fine Traphouse and r:nl Adjutant ic-ffiit.il William iso for Kerr,N irlhorh finan BRAND! TAIT PRESIDENT;Platform There Is M.:. ami Alaaka of Hip Salvnlinn JACK KEEFE 8ECREARY Money $'1B rtiry, I In the cily making- hi Condensed Milk iiiiiiiiiiI ri.ufnls on Ix'linlf nf I In- 'I'ho roornlly fotmoii prlnro wurk of ihn nrpamralion I hat ho; is a ComVf food for any baby. Itnpoit (inn Cluli iiml il firl iipiienl.' III work I In rnli'J It it nothing but milk with pure -lirtol ill Iho I'ark Avoniio ratitu iininoy. In look allPr Salvation augar added. Uniform and tat- lnl ptPiilnir, 'l'hfr wrrr nino in The Outside Districts. t rnry properly nml In lake n pen-cm! ctpry retulla invariably Uiinmra nut ami rvnral ihr imey nf i-m-dilion In lln- IUIIOW IIS U3. monihorn of Iho rluh wi-ro prr- oes : wirinu pin I of tin- district. 'Hie! Send for free Baby Booh vonlril from ntlonilfna: on aoortiitil '.iiiinri". nf each pinvinrp ur lnl of ullior nppoinlmonU. Ir. I'., S. y: Hie Satnne Cnm- i- knpt ocparnle nd money raised Tin I. hrrnkinsr 3it lartfU mil nf LM..., i U . in lli'lll-li Ciiliimlil.i in spent In Did consider thai VANCOUVER 0. ninl .1. A. l.iniNny, I ft mil nf you ever you Hrilieh Cnliimhln . i. wor Mir hlfli ritrn. From mie t lnnt(t'inln Tho money i nnl in the pen- Condentary at South Sumat, B.C 'I lio .rofo wftfi'li fnllnwn ; thI work if Hie army, parlittt-mriy i Ir. Tall. .Ill mil nf SO. Ocean have Something to Sell to the in conned(on wilh finnn ! on j A I.I. Srnllli, .11 mil nf .'0. ina; nf hoillal, rhililri-u I. I'. Slork, 5.1 nil I. of 50. limno. i'iim work ninl the rnr- J. l.in.Nnv, I ft mil nf Falls , People who live out of town? ryii'R ii nf llio iminlry deparl-nwnl. J. Koofo. I J nlil of 2... There i n prent deal n- J. Hi-i.ll, I? out nf 35. wm k donp liy lli Army Hint ran X. I'riiiBlo. 15 oul of 25. to ''J.!' ! price, of l hi- I'Xpliiitml In tlir pnlilir V. Vnll. in mil or 55. winch i iiiii-.l vhIhuIiIo anil w hi li Kroil Halo, rt mil of 55. Atlin; The Guaranteed A. B. C. i oiip ran h I loin I In n will n-llio 'Ilio rhh lux ororloil a fino tf laase. whn plvo I heir 1 1 - lrnphnn atnl (ilalforni ami Ihr o.uu I., il. jrrmiinl. it l nahl, riimpnro favorably Circulation of Vljulanl Kirr lartPil hi lour wilh any. SMlr. a it, - which en n .1 Ocean 1'nll nml will po Ilr. i:. S. Tail hn. lioon rlorloil from liiral l.nllrpr lian arrirl in Ihr. THE DAILY NEWS Mi.mnlrtifil atywhi't-e. Miroiiuli im far a l.tirrriio nml, prriilonl anil JhoK Koffo. orro-lai-y In lakr Ihr iojlinn. cily uor ."Y...!. .. ...... ....... :'li llio rual rilllli. . of ihi rluh. Prince rompnr ip.aipy. Ilr. Ilonry lon Yrain? I to ' .1 i! PI O. lid proKonloil hy I ho hopilal SWIMMING AT Ten Years Covers ths outside thriving districts Ago Imunl wilh a ctl kry n a mhi-vrnir George as In Pflncs Rupert nf Ihr oralon of Urn IMTiiim of llio iVinnaiihl . Wlnjr SALT LAKES to no other paper in the north can do. of Ihr- hiMpilal al whirli ho nf-fioialiil. I I'll'' provincial June 7. 1913.povrrnmonl in We are constantly adding mW oul oj Many Enjoyed Sport Latt Night Queen "l ria up a ronulliiiir Imrli- ) nil uiiilir nfliro in I'rini-o Hit- 'inly flfly nrrol woro mailo Braving Danger of Neglected town subscribers to our circulation. hy Ihr rily polifi ilurintr llio Pacllltle ING I .,,,! mi.I V II 'I'.....11....... Charlotte i r.iilii.ili- of Ilio liiiolpli Avrli'iil- iiimnlli of .May aiworiling ii.rr-. ' . . .ixiri- mailo in ilio imliro roni- Tlio )iincol rrowil of Iho nop- imixinii ymlrnlay hy Cliiof 'n to ilalo. look aihanlaKo m' Islands; The outside worker will buy your THE TAILOR SHOP. rm.lin? lip in lln Sail l.ako, ViCKfin. Thoro woro W r.in-': Phone 649. ii.i..i. in II,. I...II.. ......rl ni.i.llV'lPrila) oniinir. Ilio wnlor goods if you can deliver what they want n iiloal. Tlio fli'UU. Imw.-vor 'horn lioniir fur inlntiralion. Varlca Woidlen Kahrlc In TIMBER SALE X 5162 uro in n ory ninoli ilaiii'iuo.l mp-liliou when they want it. .1 Tmilr. a III Im iwrrlvnl fair th The ft color- in ulnrk. vuiiirr of Mi. viriMM. n4 uir tnn anil nlimoi gnl Uig with Only .,h' a.ar . if. rr rLKo AKt rKtrAKlWu i,ri,ruiiim nan iiimko swimminK made to !" m urrntv jk ill hi. li riii 17.mill f,-l .,f ixl.r. fiTurr, llrmlik lrry lnoiiui. Tlio iopini'.or' A.B.C. MINSTREL CONCERT FOR '"I lUI'am. "li an arw llualml un tlx-W-l IiiihiI ,iUo in a miiI lalo of The DAILY NEWS will act as-a measure mi nf lininr) lnll, ntnrr f. i:,4mi Tm.i i.4im. tnt iiuirtri.lll ba illnn ft T-iiMi.jrt NURSES HOME BUILDINGj;r;LaH "1: uf iinitMir. Newspaper silent salesman for your business at riirlhrr loniruUn yf IIh f hif ti-rrt ' ,iio jumping off iiIhoo nml wim- SUITS i.i. iniria, n i... ttr jiitrirt rurMif. I'rrparalion aro poinir niml .urr liavo to wail ovrr Iho liarn , mi,. HuprM. BX. the the minimum of cost. Progressive business lr piillinp on a Mir ininlrtl nH lioforo ilo-p wt'ir ran lio in TIMBER SALE X 6161. h"w hy Iho Klk on Juno ID. t ti ii-nolio.1. Up To The MlnuU. Hoaim Trniirn lll tt- rmlml hi ihn pfocrula lo (lo lo Iho XlirP! District men are profiting by aggressive advertising. Come right in end let u 'IL i!: .,';.!Zt Ilnnio hiiiMinir fiin.l. II will tv1 ili.M.1, ,ai Illh - CELEBRATION PLANS 4hiw Wall nnr u.liln ranin nf iim MirrlMo nf Ijrmn, X IKI. M Mil on I'lhlionilo inrair Atnl II i ox WHY NOT YOU? style i ir w B.lim. Hn-taM-a, Mwtir ..ri,-l will lio olio of Ilio l.iir n. PENDING ARRANGING imi mr. mi an arra ututlxl on in,1 mu ana surnrntM 19j. iHirih "iKirv ot rlMi-r l'a. ano t.!lrnrllon of Ilio -i'nn. 131 Second Avenue. i Ti,! uimi' I lioinrt.Kjrt lll lm allnMl ft M. Tho firl pari of Iho ontorlnin- OUSIDE BALL TEAM ..... .-...- . . iiH,ai ,.r iiniiir iiionl will lako Ilio form' of a Phone 98 I. I wk ..I I,; i f nci We service - - unn-r ixnu-iiKra i.r iik rtnr rrr- iki -l...... ...:n. i....A . are at your in. iiriona. n.i. or ni'iriri rof-lr. IH'lliir lllllll-...-lll Villi!...KHIir" Iiofinllo 'iii'rnneoiiionl for llif ' . . . ITIBrc Hfiprrl. B.C. n I I ri n i, I iil.ttlv... .if is.L. i (" l....l ..I.I.a. .......j...ll ..u j...ll.i l(Sun of Camilla Donilninn flay TIMBER 1.LE XK1M " . I.rolotiralion nro do. program now s...i- tu... ... ,. .u-lry '''' THE DAILY NEWS Winiirr r Land.. Vlrinria. 14 lairr lhan' Iho foroinl pari will lio nriiip pomlonl on whollior or nol an j OD FIT in.- ,m ihr into d r Jow, It), tor f ,ntr l.v Mr. II I. Cnmi.tioll I niiliiilo all loam i-an ho hnniehl llw l.nrrh nf I Ipjara V Eiaa In mi, ' i ( iio i'iik r-ri ,, li-takMk. BalMin. cprtier anil l.nil-l. anil Mr. Ilnwlor, II in for Iho nooai,in In play with laml i Har. on an art,a imau-il cn Nimium a local -all Alar team. Offers havni AILOK 'lu.rt. anr . iuw.i lam iii.irio. i0" " aiiinno nuarioi ami a Mlr yar mill li- alkionl rr rr- ,I.HllliiliiRUO iol4llly. heon will hy Iho roiniiiilloo In I3B and Gent's Cleaning, rurllirr jl .f liifilM.r.nanlmlara nf i!m rhlr rtr. Tlio Hi I til part i a plantation Kolrhikan, SinilluT. Ilyilor anil i.i. virii.na. H.i:., tutriri iiirir. rono whii'h i lioinir proparoil Slewarl. hul iiii lo lal niiihl no j I'nnii' llnifl. H.i:. uiiilor i-npalilo ninniiiii'iiii'iil anil replio hail heen roceiei In Ilio Hie Junior who m far have nojthal i rpipiirPd of him. Holti V '.I, TIMBER SALE X 4311. with nomo of Iho l.o.l looal hi. offer. ir iphy for ihPir sorie. Ilwfllhcjlhe I niled Slale army ami , . j . . . lliionio arlil lakmit pari. ' Plans are nn fool for I he running known a the Spahling-Kon of navy are soinlins slmnrj rifle Stove WOOD M mi.ii-r i.r iiuK ai viriuna. nrn Ui-f' I ho l.lka. nro poinK Inlo Ihi" af. of mi ovriir.sii.il l.oal from Canada cup. jteam who will nlsn show ui Hun mi na iho am day r Julio. ltl.!fHjr uji a pri'iil iloal of onlhil. I'rinre well in fencinB ami rfiwinp. . 1 Kolrhikan In lliiierl for fur ilio pufha nr l.lrrnr- x lilt, in rin l.i.wgoo rort ,,r pruro. Iliinlw.. Cnlir MaMII II 11,1 Front lllllliIH aro o . Iho July first relcliralion returning Slronfr American approiralion anil Sinilh llal-am.iln.rr i.r im Lnnr an arra Lakr.anuaKiil lunrn irii, Cil iim rooloil lo Kelrhiknii for Ilio July Sport Chat j will also appear in Hip winter We have Just received 1 land lll-lrlrl. ' rolotiralion there. Xnlhimr definite spnrls and rUP.lrian panics. car load of up river wood, "" rnr - '.i,nr trop OUTLOOK IS guaranteed seasoned and lm I.con arrived al yel. LAND ACT. nw rnAi t'lirllirr niriilar nr Iho Oilr lo,n rora- however. Horl Mnrpan nay if he ran pot dry. Size cut to order. ::i:j;r"h,,!. y,' i FAYORABLE SO FAR Netlca at tnlantlan t. Apply lo Purchaaai Also F em -r- -M-B The relchration commit Ice had hi .'roll o l.eairup l.asol.all team una. Kindling In Sacks. TIMBER SALE X6160. a meplintr last nialil at vliic! out in slronslh loniplil lhal Oil' In Skrona Uml I.UIrlri. Rrrnrtllnr 1I- fVil.Nl TriHtrr lll lo rorolvMl by lha Heavy rulnx liuvo greatly lin- plan for I he day were further asprcpiilii.n of players will have Irlrt or I'rlnra liiinori. B.C.. ami i Hiat For Prices, call Miniain i,r i.amu, tirmria, im,i iair imiii ,, i al iho norm rml ur kltun.iiium I.air Krnwinjr llirouplnMII In slrplch Ihemsplvp In win. m-n Ihr Illh day nl imio. ItfS. fr advanced. Tkr .Xullrr. that I. Alfred Inn. or Hit Hiri'ha- "I Llrrnro XIIID, lo rul 0 PraiflO PrOVinrfK anil HOOlI Tliprp will he no rcpPliliou of the lliHumisvl. h.r t'amirr. Intrnt In apply HydeTransfer t.i,iiiiii irri or ipruri.t i pilar, tiriimira , , fur porntlitiHn to purrriasa tho fnllowlnir ml Haluiii. un an arra llual'd on Wal-.lllR ha heon .radically com Mclorla Hay perfoiinanre a drrrilHd land: Ci4niiionrlni; at a P"l JUNIOR BASEBALL Ian- mriit, Hialoiirk lland, llama . ploleil iiinler poful weal her ron- far a Ihe (irollo ronrerned, punira ai nnriimrni ruriirr or uii ana; Phona 5S0. i Land liulrlrl Ihrnrr. rl to rltaln; llirnro anuth alMMll Rupert Feed Do Our 'I yar HI Im allnvril rr tr-nioal lilioii ay I he Hank of Montreal for since Hint date Hie leant ha III rhalna u. kllauii.ralluni Lakr; llwnrr Service and Quality our ,ir linUior. fidhmlnr Ihr lako Muiihraairrly In tr Falcone Beat Scouta Lait' rurllirr lu rllrulara nf ih fJilrf l'nr- crop report. The penernl Boy undorirone a holsloriiif up pro iMithwrM ninirr nr 1,1 II in, iu-ni Motto. Phone 88. n-r virii.ru. in ., nr lnirlri n-rrN'r.,,,,,!!,!, fayorahlo. In Queliee nigni oy acoreor i lo ll cps in which Hie hallery I mirlli 10 rlMlns In pnint nr. rmnnirnrr-iiH.nl, ITinrr niifwri, n... aid n.nuinini- abnut 4k arm. plowimr lias not yel I.con rout The rnlcon .oro.l another j"'"'"')' a"cled. -Three pilcher nii.ro or Irss. TIMBER SALE X5059. ploleil hit) ilokpile Ilio liurkwant sAlex. liny. Charlie ALrnrn r.ovN, viclory in Hie Junior Hasohall ,ar'' -vuilahle Por L. II, k'rnnry. Uralril Tnidrra HIM ho rrrrltrd by III MirMurr nr I aiwli at Vlrlniia. nnl lairr prinif, Hip rrop own urn in Lcnuiin last nlnrtit al McHri.l.. .MUIIieoii anil l.eorife Willis Paird Vay inih. tttr, 'lhan immiii mi iba ll day fr Junr. heallhy ronililioii. In Ontario rain Street iofcn,f Ihe liny Scout;""1 11 "'' ralchcr. McOoiii.Mll in tmc aueacaic court op British rnr Iho imrrlia nr I Irrnrr k Mil, in KING fiEORGE .H.Bavne ill t-.7it.oiiu rirl nr nr ami llMiilnrk mi an ha relanloil nei'.linir. The aoasnn hy It lir 1 1. Tin- name was guile. will face Ihe field. A far a IN COLUMBIA.PROaATC araa .iiualrd mi tho r.l ut l'n ran I fully I wo week lale, hut voire. even and play was pond, p. I.a- Oil' nil f i I Js roncerneiLHiey i liannrl, mllra wnilh nf Manll.Mi In Iho Manor or tlio Fault of John Winner, nrrv. Mann , r:nat l.aiMl nuirlri. I al inn i recovering from Hie ko. pnrle vva umpire. sppiii eoiilcnlcd In leave tho Itorraaed. r M uti U B r-.r - Two I yrara mill bo all.,rd fur re-HMival hack. In I he Marilime I'rovlnc rhe slnndinp lo dale. v mailer In Ihe hand nf the team TALK Mil If F that imi Iho fJih day CAFE nf ilmlior. JL-il 1 1 lwj 1 A.r.L l3. probate nr the l.al Will and Knrlhrr rarllriilart nf llw r.hlrT ror-Hii cnnililion are olill iinfavnrahle W. K Vet. thai ha already upheld Die TelanMnl i.r Jnlm Winnrr. tfrreaed. viaa 4, 5, 6 Helgrrton r. Virinrli, H.i: or PUIrlrl J'urrner, Falcon I iliST !Iii.iii.i fur thi trantod in iho iimlrrslfnod. First Class I'rinre HuihtI, B.i:. anil little M'cilinp ha heon ih.no. s fco season and All CHOP priNi bailor irronnu aralnil SUEY and NOODLES. I'm 1 1 lii-eii have wiutereil well. liny Scout ..... 5 tnu, are satisfied that they will he Iho aald Lalalo are rrdiilrrd la filr ihr Furnished TIMBER SALE X 4744. WhilH Sox 5 miiio trrirird by drrlaratlnn Willi llw Rooms to Rent. K.C noun. HIOD aralrit Triulrra ulll lir rorrlvrd hy Iho In llrillh Oiiliiinliia pi'opectii are ft,1,al)le In cope wilh Iheir opponent uiulrrolt nrd ri,rllillli. Prices lipasonahle iVIImalrr nf l.tnda al Viriuna, ml lalar (rofiil for nil crop, eveept pnla-Ine lilt tnuitfhr nialcli. Tom Clarke AU prruMia olnr mnnryt to tho (aid Phone Blue ilui, ik.on i,u thr Illh da) f In"'. IVI1 SPALDING CUP IS estate aro hereby required in iy tiie 471. ,,r Ihn ,iirrhaiM nf I Irrnrr X 1144. In nil nn.l small friills. or Howard i'ri.tell 'will he nn 4114 l, tlu unjrnlnu-d rurthwllh. Second Ave. Evening, 7 to 9 7ii.nii fori nf r,ruro, ir.Ur, HrinhH'k '"'"I wilh llamillon hehind Dated il I'rluro Hufirrl, B.C.. Mil JOta rilrW TA HTMfrtDC .ami llaluin, nn an arra ailualrd imi Hit TIMBER SALE X6190. day uf May. nn ,i,iii Mimrr i,r ni-amiilr rhaniirl and ad UIILll IU JUlllUIYOjlhe hul. LOlll LUtkEH. mn,li( a.T.L. ttimi'. liauto l, i.nai i-anu Rleentiir -I iil Irlri. . . Koaloil Tcnilor will he reeolvi'il nir 1 1 1 yrar ll l ihii iw ra l.y the .Miuisler of I.atnl, at n Sona of Canada Provide Perpetual W ilh an army of 3no,Oi)0 you iion'l live In 'a ni'.!al uf lluihar. loria, imt later than Iho twrllrulira nr Ihr IMrt turn-li mum nn Trophy for Younger Bate- lallilolp from whirli lo rhon.se, hoiui uml throw r'nrihrr 5ti III i ay nf Juno. IU5.I. for Ho LINDSAY'S HOTEL innlil rurlrr, HUDSON l-IIIMf r, Viriuria.)IMIlli.in:.,B.C. nr nuirhiike of Licence 51 UU. In ball Leanuera !in l uiled Slale lliink llmt Hie cut .1.mm.nun feet of Huruce ami - lt)2l Auiorican Olympic learn TIMBER SALE X 5203 Hemlock ami 57.&uu nn. il. or I lie spal.litur i:tii, wmi hy the will he in Ihe most formiduhle Cartage and Storage 773 Seymour St. r WINDOW I SraM Trmlrra mill br rorrlvrd by Iho Hiii'iick atnl llonilock pllinif nn an Son of Canmla ficnior llasol.all nil (Near lludion Hay 8tori, nf Ihe ii'inrla, nnl la lor Hie nnrlheast position rnmpeliiip Phona Mliii-lrr i.r land, al urea niluateil nil fiS. VANCOUVER, B.O. d Shield May Oct lliau iiih.ii mi llw ill ilo "f sin.lo of hall Lake, 1'orciior leum lal year, ha I.eon presented rouuli'ie nl Ihe pari Olympuld Curlage, Warehouiingr, and C. Wealeryard, Manager. Broken. ,f.,r 4)4 Ihr iu pnr.rrrl l.nf nf lipruro.l.li'i'iii'i'iriUf and llrm-,k.-k, Isliiml. Iliinue j.al l.aml I i- hy I I'm I nrpnniiallon lo Ihe next year. I'adihick, il I said, Iiialrihuliiiif, Team or Late uf Winnipeff, Hrandou OP 1 nir a ir "! iMlualiMl un " t-ii-t. Junior llusehall l.eatiue n a run he depended upon to lake Motor Service, and Mooe Jaw, Waiul. "" '"flnlli- I wo 5 year, w III lie. ulloweil -l.nlllo .kuiw I.Ulldr if llll'l I'HIM'l for removul of lnnlior. Irnphy fnr per.eluitl puiiipelillou. Ihe upriiit priies from ult ooiuer Coal, Sand and Gravel, Modern-Flrep roof-Central Will F, U. I 1ii yrar- will l allnHod for rt I'nill.or' iinrliculam.. nf the.... II hecnnio Ihe properly of Ihe ami Onurdin. Die hrnad Jiinips Wa Specially In Piano and We Appreciate Your rl.l.r ..u&I lli.,lA..ir ii c. Hi"Vl .r liii.urr ri.HI. "".r. I H.rr, 1i,l ii Snn nf Canada nulrlght lut iiimiiii in la i aa "Si'lwrt Vrir. I'rinre llupcrt. year Younir Vemuller. In nwim. Furniture Moving. llulness. In v!:"rfr'ir: r roi. J'"rlft and will he welcomed heartily hy iniiig. it expected lo carry olT all ITIurt lluiwfl, B.C