DAILY EDITION mm MM Tuesday, November C, 1923. Investigation Into P.G.E. Charges. I) liiiilc charges have been made -against the management of the lUi.K. both in Hie legislature anil outside mid the provincial goveriimeiil has aj .mre taken the mailer in hand and ' ' . . Ulinninf...! ;..l........t....i j.. i "n "i iiiuv'ciuh-iii iMiiiiur in investigate. i.ai vear wneii ins mutter was mentioned to Hie legislature, the premier staled that any definite charges would be met but the government could not act upon rumors. There had lo be some definite judication that there was something wrong .before the government would be justified in putting the country lo-4he expense of an investigation. H is satisfactory that the charges made by General MeRae nnd others are being met without delay. II is to be hoped and expected that the investigation will proceed immediately and that ir there are any wrongdoer Ihey will be punished. Proud Gray Fleet Still Important. The p?ace of the world to a very large extent still depends upon the proud pray fleet of Britain. White it sails Hie seas injustice and vVrong will. in a . large exlentbe forced lo hide, its head. While mistakes "hftvinade in any hnmaiiTViVlerpriVK the Brihsh fleet has generally sljifrb ready lotfack lhe"nghl Vifc'ainsl the wrong and lias proved ,a powerful civilizing influence. ' " .' r - ..". Free Trade . " f- - Within Empire. Premier Raldwin's scheme for free trade wiflTiu the Empire is a most attractive one. It is described by some lit b a seductive plan. At any rate it is following alomr'lhe lines .if lh. example set by Canada- whi.:li has established a enc. that has been in force.for manFyears, b'eing first star(ed diiriug the Laurier regime:'' 'fcaiiner' wSs often eeeuscd of toadv- in? io iirnain ror extending- the preference. .Should Hreat 'Britain and Ireland, fl-mada Zealand, South Africa,--Indite nrjif the -mors dejiendenl :parts of the Empire all enter' into' an arrangement for preferential trade relations, il would form .ltroiig financial tie for imperial re unions. .Many people, however, f-ar that once the tie of finance i- maue'wi supersede the lie of sentiment, the Empire would be in danger. . The progress of the movement will be watched with' much interest here for Canada would be vitallv nffected bv anv sudf ......,,fclu,riii us nun jiropoeo ity premier uaiuwiu. 8peed Mania Continues. The despatches al the week end announced that all former .speed records had been broken by a Xew York aviator who made the wonderful speed of 207, miles an hour. This speed mania N affecting us everywher?. Nol only have we speeded up in our business methods, in our soeinl ;iife, in r general travel, but everywhere is seen advancement along these Hn-e. The telegraph, telephone and radio have speeded up communication until il hcomes almost instantaneous, and iravel promi?s to be expedited to such an extent as to excile .wpnder. II was onlv a few years ago when the fastest means of crossing the ea wti by. windjammer which took we?kv o"r month lo sail from one conlinent to auother. Now .we are promised a two dav service across the Atlantic bi-siirsh.ip BVHBBVJBBVMBBiBsa mffeffJ .rAMAriA BHll K BT Mame Ttakino BBBIIII scientifically made H ntvs (ioA bH II ! 1 1 1 BMMMBBfeb m " IMJLU US M BB aBBBBBB I I M I Eive the maximum emciency. Kg Iicavcnmg Because of this and the I uiis oDiainea oy its 111 use, we recommend it H as Canffa'a bbbIIiI I baking powder. ; t W. OUOT COMTANV laoTIO H I lichl." in Hi" inlere!l of lieueral A. I. Macllae's Tliird Party, is lo he hnleil ifore the Public Accounts Omiiiillee of the l.ejur-ishilur to phne some of his eharpes. This was siven oul at Hie 1'ar-haiuenl Kuildiiis. The Tiiinl I'arly attacks have licen mailc against both the old parlies of the Province. v. In preparation for Hie lively lime thai will develop the puhlic accounts committee j being; streniftheneil by (he addition of Mr. , Karris, former Allorney-(ieneral, who is familiar with all railway alTairs. The bade over the railway Miieslion is likely In prove a hitler as thai oer the liquor. Preparations are being- made for Hie va?in? of ojue hit; bat tles this sesijnn before Hie pub- lie Accounts Committee of Ihe Legislature. Makes Bin Play II is before this roniiuillee thai a hi? play is always rumle by opnnsilion fon'es lo pain campaign maleijial. .Mr. Howsi'r and II. II. Pooley, who are leaders of Hie (Jonservalive probinsr forces on Hie committee, said loday that the committee. accord- in? ti plans Ihey are makin? widibl likely jirove more lively than il wa lasl year. Mr. Pooley said that he had val tiered all sorts of liquor fact, both' in Victoria and Vancouver, and on his Irip north with Mr. Bowser, and he intends to start something if he ran find anything lo start. N 1 II was explained at I lie Parliament Buildings today thai rumors of an approach in? election are acting as iin incentive (o fireworks hpfore Hie eouiniillee. The halle will be waged chiefly over liquor hoard affairs. The Man in the Moon SAYSt- TIMK hanffs, heavy on Hie man who wars a wrisl watch. TIIKUK'S one thinjr about Prince Huperl, no young man resident here has yel dared (o appear wearing sideburns. I CONSIDERING the way people act, you would nver imagine hundreds of books on etiquelle in this .province- were old every year. IF, you wish to know-wliat a girl thinks of you, marry her J hen she'll lell you. VIOrOIlIA people saved a lot Of daylighl last summer and Ihey intend to live on jt durin; Hip coming winter. IF Ilenrv troes to I do U'hii him. Thai is one of Ihe fool questions people are asking. THK Ideal husband -if one who! knows just when lo Ml Ihe I ruth. IX Ihe good old day there were no banana google song. Xo wonder people were happy men. I Ten Years Ago In Piinc Kuprt i Many new iriduslrb will like ly lif established here when Ihe (Srjnd Trunk I'aciric Hallway is coiupjeled nexl year. They will Include shipbuilding al Ihe dry .dork and a shingle mill port Tlvlward. Iayor T. I). I'atlullo formerly opened, the Catholic ba.aar lasl nighl. Father Huiioz presided and William Marison, M.IM' also spoke. I Kxreplloii was taken .' Aid. '. Tsl.Willltlls 111 l...f .tii.vlil.i llklllliil viimwiiA, x..v.-5-j Hoss.ier. , a r; ,n?tI4WliM former employee of Ihe railway , ,,. ... ,,..,,. . ... II..- ( I. 11 ' I ' ' i iii i iiii-iii u mi- irn niriiii eowrnmcnl, who has been making alleged MMfitlional charges in mi allidavit in I In' "Search. city auditor, uririntr atraiu that account of Hie eily olilifies de parliueul nhoubl he recourilinled with III- oIIit city hook. Aid.' Stephens itefenileil the Ireasur-' er's depart ntenl avainsl I hi' claim thai the reeonnilialion was be hind and expressed I he opinion thai the auditor was unduly harsh with the present staff. particularly when il was reiiiem-tiered that l.hi- particular work in past yetirs had always been so far behind. lie felt thai the criticism of Hie auditor should be of a constructive instead of a destructive nature and should lead lo a heller and simpler method of iKwik-keepiiifr. Be would like to hae figures at Hie mhI of Hie year tdiowin? what the reconciliation of these accounts had meant and how much had been saved lo the cily Jhere-by. Beside making this nujrjjes. lioil, the auditor's report stilled that an audit had been complet ed up In Seuteinlier 30 and the cash and hooks had been found to be up In dale, 'the auditor also urged Hie taking of an inventory of Hie city's stock al an early dale lo: assist in getlinir oul the annual report. Cily Treasurer .Malheson fell that, although the mailer of re conciliation seemed big in this report, II really did not amount In very much. II was questionable jf the cost of making the reconciliation was warranted m Hie "results that were obtained by mi'ans of it. entailed a great deal of clerical work for Hie elimination of which some method might lie tei.ed. The report was referred to the Illiance commillee""wlt!i 'power to act. 1 HALF BURNED LETTER REACHES' DESTINATION jOynamlted and .Burned by Train ?. Robbers But Evsnluslly 1 1 Comes Back to M. M. .Stephens The efficiency jf the Stale postal department is dicaled in the delivery of a loi ter recently sent from this city by At. M. Stephens A Co. Ltd, local realtors, to one of the firm' clients. Dr. A. A. Maclntyre. former ablerinau of this city who is now practising denli.lry at Olendale. Oregon. The teller in question went through a mail robbery on the Ashland and Oer- ber atraiu at Siskiyou, Orejron, on Away on Holidays and Miss Mills, SscreUry, Mas Other Demands oh Time As li'iiectft to be iiway from WHS A resolution .from be eitv council of Kamlpops nking Ihe provincial a'overnmenl lo lake Jover Ihe inirrnli.in .of .isjiluHoti A firsl prize essay on "Prince, hosuilals in ItuperL" written by Miss Orace; referred lo Ihe finance MiiumiU Shockley, in publ,el 1n Ihe lee f(,r report by the local cily Daily Xewu today. jcouncil laot nlgh. Only two cae are. et for hearing in Hie County Court be. fore Judge Young this month. They are a follows: Prince Huperl Feed Co. vs. Canadian National National Hall ways, damages to wagon. Williams. Manson A Gonzales for the plaintiff and Paltnoiv A Fulton for the defendant. Nven!ir 13. II. Cunningham & Sou vn. 11. United Bennett.balanre on good sold and In- ihdiwred. Wilthini. riiiini ami Gonzales for the plaintiff, audi Patmore .V Fulton for the ilefen- danl. November t. ' CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. SOTICE Is HtaEBv"CIV:M llul Ihr icwrvp n.ifrlnr (JmiuioI HUixl tliualrd it llw mmitli or Cdrrtnt-r Haiul. hnn- 4, Oetober II. The ,car wa. dyna- VKi S V"Cl V? iZZ "L'SS. mited and fired and Hie teller wa . n. ik, hnlf l.lirilo.1 lf.a .....Inn. .nminJ IWpUly Nlfll.OT l.f Lnl. iiirougn with only the name of lr. Maclntyre and his utr'eet ad. dress on it. The -name of Hie VlrUirli. B.C- tllh OfMJf, mi. TIMBER SALE X 5482. cily had been bunted away as a..., . 7 .... had alMi beii Hie address on Mim.ir if Uwi. t vteniru. iw.t Uir the letter inside. The letter went L ."V".- on to postal headquarlers ot Pan " 7.o iimii r nimr. .ooi Francisco from whence it wa, mT TriZt 'iZilYt.c iorwaniea in nr. Alaclntyrc. II '",,n House will he lake l.izzie with was returned to the local firm by iw.V.'rVun.w" ""m'd f"r lr. Maclntyre as a curio. OFFICERS OF MUNICIPAL CHAPTER HAVE RESIGNED riirOtrr Mrllmlur. nt ttm rhi.f r..... 1 1 ruir nwprri, p.C TIMBER SALE X 5587. Tlr will Le uttrrm for Ml tl rubllr urOi. i rx.fi mi iiwi 1 6th dy of Jo-mbr. 1f. In lb office of irw nr.l suprrylMir it tmitwi n i Mrs. 8. P. McMordle, -Regent, Is m-.;."' Mo jirit-nnn tim, on .n .111 iMnl In K ..... . . 7..I.I.. .((. mnri i, wi Land Tbrw (1) yrirt lll Im alkiWMl Yor rr mo of HuiUt. Furtir ixrtli-oUrt of tie CWef ron-i- !r' 'i!. B.C, or HUlrlrt Korrni-r. . . n'iTl, n.e.. IN PROBlTr tlie cily for sorfie time on an ex. f euMewt court of British tended hrtliday Irip, Mrs. S. J. in u m.iut of tu A.imii.i.tr,iim Aci: of Ihe Munirpcl Chapter, Im- csiy. iwMwd: iwuie. nerial Order Ihmhiers of II, n ... J:V.E f.'.TJf r- " la orter f iii r.mpire. on acroiini oi omer .V, '". a.h, i,ij, i arpoimod Allies 1l,.,nfln.lin I..- Il, Mis. "4"Jr,.r i'' E'..' ""r,n It. " 7" siiu in Mrtii-i liivint si I Mill u Q ruinu rilmt Hi. uid t.t.i . r. i,.i... tary." Al Ihe moling1 of the !VTuX'jrZX chapter las. evenlntr. Mrs. A. T. tf"' I'arkin. first vice.regenl, presld- y-1. imm of ti-ir mdiu-dne t inJ ...i ed and ...i Mis n. ,m... r.ii.:.i mriiimm. Clara Orfhanl acting secretnr' THOMAS W. HEIIir. OfflrlO Adiiiliilitntdr, Prlni-e liujwrt, U.C. tutfd tlili Utti fiiy 0f ortub.r. lets iiniii:ii BBrVfBQlM ran kwj iilliU UiklMMlaUiii CATARRH f lb LADDER Inni hmiiiiil 'Erh C.pi.U otw.D.mc (fj'rTTTT'l paof: two. THE .DAILYJCEWa. Tuevlsy, Xoveuibvr 6. m. j The Daily News FRINGE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue, H. PPULLEN. Mifiaging Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. ,. f 1.00 By mail to ull parts of the Hritish Empir and the United stales', in advance, per year .. J . . . . $8.1)0 To all .other countries, in advance per year. . ... . . . . . ...17.50 TELEPHONE M Transient Display Advertising. ,,$t.40 per ihcspe.r, insertion . Transient Advertising on Front Page-. . : i .'ISiftO per Inch Local Headers, per insertion. . .....v.. 2Sc per line .Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word '.Legal Notices, each insertion. , I Be per agate line Contract Rates on Aoplication. All advertising hould he in The Dady News Olllee on day pre- ...I I! if a . . . .... ccuiug puuiicaiior.. au aovenising received subject to approval, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. GIVEN CHANCE CITY AUDITOR PROVECHARGE IS CRITICIZED Former Provincial Employee (Mill Too Much Emphasis .Lata' Jin be Haled Before Public Ac- Matter of Llitu imnort.nc counte Committee FARRIS TAKES HAND Aid. Stephana Avers !TW0 CASES IN COUNTY COURT FOR NOVEMBER Light Docket For Hearing Before Judge Young This Month Dales Are Set COAST STEAMSrflPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT; 3.8. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX . rr , WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART v SATURDAY, 10 p.m. 8.S. PRINCE JOHQ. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Oct. 17, Nov, 3,17 at 8 p.m. PASSENQEft TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Prince liuiwrt 4' fin. for 'l;i:e Gl'Wnr. I.it'11 v. 1 MrEQ, all (uinti tiiirrti ciw44, I - AOINCY ALL OCCAM STCAMSNir LIKCt. eit Tit offi, szs TMfe eri. npu rnM tts. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert 8.S. PRINCESS MARY. J For Vancou var, Victoria and Seattle, October 5, 12, 23; November 2, 16, W For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and 8kagway, October 1, 8, 10, 29 November 12, tC SJ&. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, andVsj-couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. A Agency for all Steamship Lines. " Fall Information from W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.CjLTD. StiURtt from rnnre mipn. m or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Oc.n rails, an l...iM a,,, TitaadW, S rM. for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Al.rt a.,, .M Ssa,. B.r, SatMfe.f Na. r.f ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, W.I.. I.I.M, Saml.r S M. for rORT SIMPSON ni N,u Rl. Cafla.fl. rrld,, AJi. ' Sfl ind Arnu. j. aaft.lt,, Ag.nU prnf, Huprt r. DOMINION T Victory. War I fun nnri D&n. l I - . Any Amount lluughl. Sold, yuoled n Markel.t)- PROVINCIAL 35,000 Ontario 5v 1948 to 0. yield r,.1w. Z 45,000 British Columbia 1942 B uq 4, ).:itKi. - v MUNICIPAL 20,000 Prince Rupert 1034'to .'l050 a 10().4:i l-J KM oi. V, dd 5.00. 20,000 Vernon 5V,'C 1038 r&. mi. Yielil 5.tHP; 5,000 Duncans 0';f 1053 C Jof.sil. Yield 5.70;, 1'ilces for Prinre M.ipert .Jel.yery nnij inlercsl nrcnfl, l.oiTew)oinlcnee Solicited. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd" PI.on.2MO. VICTOIIIA, B.C. 711 fori 81.