1 1 J II PAOE FOUR. THE.DA1LV NEWS. Tuesday, Xoven.r.ei i , LJll-1 The BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMamif MONfOR 't t-C MlNtONJ ' Dancing C,ixmuv tOTM COmna MMt tw FmviOOS CMtr.WiLL t f 4tT THE . 1 ; AND WEKT EVEN now ove. r.a pamqo, POTATOH.t rW.OE COT.VVOQO to MAKE, I I . JJ . - 9 I CO! THE PIPE -J f! HRC TQ COO them LOCK to -iOOTE r-tOutJ IJE, IM THE. t i k "iir vv - r HIV T! ft tl. t4Jl Season fix Is Now On mi. 1M 1,1 IsTl 1 i JVM For real fool comfort ami to pel Hi mot enjoyment out of (lie evening, drop in and ie fill p. I at the. Family Shoe Store. We liave splendid DANCING PUMPS From SC.00 Upwards. ONYX SHOES FOR LADIES. Family SHOE Store "The Home of Real Shoes' Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Mnke your reservations for that Christmas visit to I Im Old Lam early. For Tickets, Hales anil Information, see us, Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. 1 Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Hread is your best food. Hat more of il. Kent by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone ,190. Third Avr. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD We have Just received a icar load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. fe)ze cut to order. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 5 SO. Service and Quality our Motto. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP 8UEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Prices Reasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH COST W LIVING. .Eliminate the draught .around your windows and use less coal, SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIf For Ooors and Window' Glass and .Mirrors of all kinds. T. ROSS MACKAY. Phone Blue 166. KEEN SPORT IN BOXING BOUTSl Difference of Opinion as to Who Wis Winner of Main Qo. SOME GOOD EXHIBITIONS ri. .. .:.. i,... ...... ll- 11114111 I1IU ltllrt ilI'll tlasl nishl in Ihe rlnipress Ills opponent' a few seconds be fore the end of Ihe round, the CONSTANT HEADACHES TJteatj-e, under Ihe auspices ot,nue l J,; " in- MI..IM. .Miii-iiv i.iui', pijrifir and n-mal llw h.,l Mu. a' jioiiular rendeivou for Ihei .por; fans nd jdenly nf.wlle- 3 i? ment was provided. I here were lroub, ror lb u mr ,,, wllh U llUlllIXT 4if ladies prescilt. The!fidlanl iM-artarliM and dliiln. Aflr various Imuls were announced wrrai rfi, mtu i rwimi ht- II II Stinnpe mnrPf,Tlier!lu " ,H' was not a iluil inoiiient ilunnpi Heslants showe.1 their keenness:' in the manly art. lieu Self and lt acled Morrison, of Kdnionlnn. as judges while J. Me Alleenan was the referee of all bouts, and Max Ileilhroner time keeper. Main Bout The main bout betweenjTonuny Slierman and Tommy Fraser, six rounds at J .'id lbs. caused a preal deal of inlerest, 1 He decision being awardeiio the lat ter in the f if 111 round. The de cision was made in favor of Fraer by J. II. Morrison and referee McAlleenan, Hen Self Ihe i'ji IJinlird. Tun.ntn. Oni. REGIMENT TO HAVE AND: DIZZINESS j ll l hard la Mrua-a-h- aUsiir with a (head that arhr and palui all Ihe tlni. and in nirw caf Mil "f yn lb -li-ui hradarti'i are ttiii In imiiv ilrralip-iiH-n( of In- Jlmurh. Uvrr r UiwrU. I nViblHlly it rail inuM ! rr-nMiYMt befufr prrmaiM-iit rlir tiny lie had. BunWk HI.M Hltlrr rtriMivrn the arl on Mrraaihrn. Biinkrk Bll Hlltrrn mi rffdiimriutal in n. MjnufariHrnl mly lr Jh T. Mllliurn ffghl was sopid by the referee' A foul Was claimed by Hen Self against Fraser in the firsl round wjiile Mhe referee wa. evidently of the opinion that Slierman wa in dilliculties in the fifth. Seml-Flnat iJeo. Houller vs. Hill Stewart in the -I'liii-final, four rounds at 133 lbs. was a h mini infer. Slew-arl was very aggressive while lloulter was wary. There was some hard hitting' alone and rsecond juieitai'wfajiWtjr,pj,er mm backed away. It was There wa a decided difference of opinion bolh among: the spcr lalors and the respective seconds as to the decision. iHolh men were on their feel when lln fifclit was slonned by Ihe referee. ronimy Sherman was announced at I2K lbs. and Fraser at 1 30 lbs. Leonard Sherman, J. Sherman and I". Craggs were in Sher man's corner while Jieorgc Waukh. J. .Andrews and F.Joyce ollicialed for Fraser. Dr. Is. W. K'erain examined both met) lie-fore the boul commenced. In the firsl round ' jl was evident thai bolh boys were out to win and Ihe pace rl was, a, gruelling one. Sherman relied upon a straight lefl which repeatedly landed on his opponent nose and mouth, while Fraser used bolh hands and waded right in. Ilolh hoys finished ifreh, t In the second round Sherman kept up his le(l lead which had a MHnar effect upon Fraer but Ihe lalle.r proved rugged and gave no fluarler. In llje third and fourth rounds II was a toe to loe scrap and both boys gave and received al long and clo.e range. Al the close of tfie fourth round the boxers bolh seemed lo be feel ln$c Hie. eiiecis of the hard pace set, In Ihe fifth and last round considerable clinching, was done, Fraser was very aggressive but Shermjm seemed lo have. Ihe heller ring exjicrienc and his opponent was missing often During the round Sherman got low In a clinch and while in a leaping down posit bin w ith hi arms lop,srly, around Ihe legs of a -hard fought boul and afforded plenty of thrills. The decision was unanimous m lavor jr Stewart. Mike and Ned Ourvich, mos- iuilo weights, gave a very spirited exhibition and mused much amusement. Harry' Hawthorn and Spider Kelly put tin a gil exhibition t lliree round bout at I20 lbs. ilolh. boys went into it with much vim and gavi; and, received ii, great style. The bout was a draw. Herl Kelly was , adjudged, the winner in a inrce round pnui at 90 lbs. against Ceo. Hell. llallliiig fiurvjch wan awarded the decision against Mike Coan- adiiia in a three round boul al 30, lbs. The boul was a keen one on both sides ami no quarlcr was given or taken, liolh .boyM finished fresh. Her! Morgan, president of the Tii-iil I ( Athletic Club, Jack Judge, and Frank Filch wen on tjie lour. Qouncll Gives Consent to Clos ing up of Tunnel Laps to Rear of Court House he North W. Regiment ,wal granted neriiiissiou by Ihe city 1 . I. IU.. BRIER Iffovernmenl to ln regiinent for llhe Miri''e of oiarlinx the range. The lunnel lane at the ; rear of Hie court house was Ihe mosl sujlahle location. Appli-ealion had teeu made lit linn. T. I. Paltullo, .ninller of lands, who had referred il to the city and the pmeriuuenl ajrenl. Tliej ciiy wouui nave in pass on me clusinp uji of a IhorouKhfare. Aid. saw no ohjeelicur l urant-iii and moved lhal.il he (riven for one year subject lo lliirly days' notice fur Ihe nominal annual rental of ?l. This was seconded Iiy Aid. -dlarl and carried. Sport Chat llhe entire evening and Ihe con- -B-B- O" ww ft t.i. ! ' Kpeneli Athlelic Federa- ' t ..nn. h.. .u ikl. U. . . ....... ..I. -- lion has announced ils program of preparation for t lie Olympiad next year and the selection of the team which will represent France. Kliiiiinalion trials will beiu immediately after the close f Hie cross country sea son on March 29. and Ihe seleci lion will operate automatically, the men being chosen "from Ihe winner of five- great pre-Olym-pic meets to bv held every two weeks beginning Haster Sunday. All Hie Olympic possibilities whether they bAil from Pari or the province wjll be given nn opportunity to show their ability. Out of the nieeU will be organized at Marseilles-for the athlelees of southern Franefjwhilrt Slriis-,, iiour win iook annr tne noyi from Ihe. Kusll'rjii department !... .4 ...Ill I lake i . i I'he other three will place in Paris. The. winners in all five meets ,s well "ft iho'se finishing second will gather ii? Paris for final try-owl and definite Mdeeliou of the four men who will carry Ihe tricolor of France in each of the events. The Dempsey-Firpn fight pic tures shown at the Wcslholme Theatre last week are Ihe best of their kind Dial have ever been shown in the city, local boxing fans agree. The actual fight, short as it was, was shown In good detail und Ihe slow motion gave good opporl unity to study the, action of Ihe boxers and the actual blows Ihaf were deliCercd The. gameness of- Ihe two pugil ists was well depicted and Ihe training activities were, also of much inlerej.1. One moving pic lure authority in- (he, east lisi placed the nempseyrFfrpo film as one of lh len greatest mov ing picture ever prisluced. MINIATURE RANGE badminton CLUB IS LIVE ORGANIZATION ItU . IITfc f JHV SWC1. Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CENT? PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adv.rliicmant Tnk.n for Lmmm than BO; WANTCD SAI.KSMFVN. -In evtry town if you want a perfiianpiil I7isi-ncss with an insured' income, see page .Vj Saturday Kvenink post, iue of November 3; iiinl if you Hunk you WANTED. M en and women to,ar,",n'L learn bartering. Paid while' learning and tools free. Write; for catalogue. MHer Harber College, Vancouver. H.C. FOR SALE FOIt SAI.K. Two iiiano. chean FOR RENT Desner apartments. M. M. Stephens. FOR HUNT Housekeeping rooms 110 Sixth Avenue Hast. Phone Hlue 217. tl FOUH HOOMF.D FIKT lo Kent. Steam heal. Mailed. Apply Smith FOIt Hi:NT.--Midern houses, five; rooms ami lialli. Apply Munro Hros. If MODERN four room flat for rent. Westenhaver Hros. tf llOOMH TO HKXT in lllock. Aiply Store. FOUND Wallace If FOUND. Two keys' on string. Apply Daily News Ofllce. BOARD. BOARD. The Second Avenue. Inlander, 830 Phone 137. tf ROOM AND BOARD PALMER HOUSE,--106 Seventh Avenue West, phone Red M0. Furnished suites. dition (o 11 sound. The hall U now available to mumbeis and games are played there every evening .commencing about eight O'clock and somctiht s in (he. afternoon. Last night both courts were busy. A proposal made to reduce Ihe monthly fees from Iwo dollars to a dollar and a quarter was not entertained by the meeting. It w as decided, however, I hat the Provide shuttles for Vice-President . . . ,' . Chosen . , ar.i,iiw" Last Nlflht ?.l,,h nu'iobers. BIIIU aaiMjU J PVWWV W, WW ar v w Opurts Used Regularly council last night to use the At a special general meeting of tunnel lane lo Ihe rear of lit the. Princo Rupert Hadmlntini Court House for Ihe establish-IClut. held in the Mclnlyre nan inent of a miniature rifle range, last evening Oeorge Horie was In making application for per- elected vice-president and Miss mission. Major J. W. Nichols, Pete Trt-mayile given a position oflleer eommaniling. staled iu hlslon the executive ' . ... . .1 .. . . 1. 11 r comniiinlcalion that fl" had llet.oris wijp- rea ny u i- been urnnled iliy Hie federal tficials showing ihe financial pon. r A bylaw, to amend Ihe Fourth and Fifth Avenues grading by law by eliminating a small portion of Ihe work originally plan- neii.on A u new place was finally adopted by the city council lasl pifihl. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tuesday, November 6 High 11:52 a.m. al.5 ft. 23:5U p.m. 20.5 " Low 5: a.m, 5. 1 " I7;50;p.n. 3.5 ft. Wednesday; 'November .7 High 12;00 p.m. U2.F ft. Low 5:5'j .'0.111. .1 ' rf:30 p.tii. 2,0 1 High Thursday, November s 0:10 a.m 12: IU tun? liow 0:1 i a.m. 19:21 p.m. Friday, November High ' 1 :32 run. ' " ' 'VI3:32 p.iii, Low ........ :2H a.m. 20:05 pjii. 21.3 ft 2,1.0 " i.i " .1.0 " 9 21.0 ft. 2.1.0 " 1.0 " 0.0 " or REPAIRING AXYTIII.Vci IN CANVAS. Phone 7K0. P. LeUlaire. iUv Jlay. CAN'T BZ BEATEN. My ' ben I en (toek of Furs qualify, apply P. H. (rr. IM. When you bu rum here you make TOEL. w ' Hox, IftOI, Winnipfg, Man. no mi-lake. Call in and bnik '.(JSTTTc W. GOLDBLOOM, Second Avenue. TAXI Tail 67 Phone. (Call Oeorgt or Oust) Ross Brother. Phone Hlue 331. 200 "r '"nijit Service Day or Nlghl. FOIt JlKNT. Six roomed !ioue. partly furnished. Centrally located. Apply Ilox I H Daily News Ofllce. STEAM Healed Flat for rent Stand: Boston Grill Thiro mu CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE. D.C. Chiropractor Furniture and Crocker)'. Third Ave. Phones Hlni k l id and IUhI M2. Orders taken for Splrella OokIs Mrs. J. M. Qrahlman Kalen Shoe SUire. 714 Second Avenue West. CHIMNEY CLEANINQ Moderate Prices OLD NICK Prince Rupert Cigar Store Phone Hlue MAIL SCHEDULE For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fr. days, closes at 5.311 p.m. From the East- Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, t.30 p.m. From Vancouver-Sundays .........p. M, Wednesdays 3 P.M. Fridays , ... A.M. Saturdays 3 p.M. O.P.R. November 12 and 20, To Vanrnn vr To Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays . From Anyox, Alice Arm Thursdays 8 To Port Simpson, Alice 9 P.M, p.m. Arm Anyox and Arrandale. Sundays . 7 p"M From Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox and Arrandale Tuesdays ' ., To Stewart and Premier Saturdays n p,j. "Bundays 7 p.m. From Stewart and Premier ' Sundays 8 P.M. luesdays v t.Vl". To Alaska Points Novnnsber 12 and 20. From Alaska Points November 2, 10 and 30. To Queen Charlotte Island Points November 3 and 17 5.3(1 P.M. From Queen Charlotte Points November 2 and 15,- To Naas River Points and Port 10 piM From Naas liver Points LAND ACT,1" Notka f lnnllfl lo Appl f,, e,WviM In ijuil timirtrt, R,t , . trtrl sr I'riir luiri r,i ,u at CumlMa. on Korrtby In , -. , . i., i.i.k. . .. .. ' . ennnol he: taaa yw ibai !. Th.n a t isrtce ami .uallly.iSL.rVV .w"? .r.'u,:i;r " , . v " I mt at f.t nusl tll.Tl-rhiipi, nWH w lrMl'. thr r ;. is r llw Mid Mwth Imi' diUi i rluln. itxtr or irt. In lh.5K .ui1,.- m-r 01 mi T.I,.; 1 1 Iir j imttwrlr. and ribiwlut ll hi nurk of Caiha InVi -. ,runnt4iuMiirnl. rmnai-iiiit 1- irri, nmr or k. TirM s) tv rtr XUHS, 4. lalod SrpKitiktr ttlta. Ill: IANO ACT. Kall at talMiKMi la Ayolt u frtM4 Lad. Ill Ciiatl land lii'Cfi.i fi,..f , Irirt of rrK Miifrt rj iuh I ill UUad, iitsmm , nai !-ial tmtl ut All! lafc-t. i T(te X,KKT Out I. Thrxl A t m AHOiiiiar. n... isti uf4t Qtvrato. inld lu a(il r. , 3rd Avenue. Prince Ittiperl, H.C.i' JrniMe it rfi ., . . ..1 Ctsninttrioi al a ruiokina 6-"i. t"l fUii ' nours: 10 iu iz; : ic 1; iu 0. . hnr ot aim lnlL au.m Phone Hlue 025. '" ! I MHlk lilt .K.I M IM. . Itesidenre. flrcn I3A. ,ciuin; onr mth ten n. AUCTION SALES. Condor led at your home or our rooms. (SoinIs Io old on commission. H. H. HEMM4NGS, Auctioneer. rnlb,ifif hj nrr Ri!-a pMt -f iuiiMriirl. ai,.i i fl.ti ar, Dior w m THOMAS A at; r Saaw -I A, , ll splnnUf ttlb. Ill) IAMO ACT, Notlaa of leKatlas U Aeo'f U LM LsM. la uoal lasd pit inn It Irm of Itiot hut" ;. al Hm hrad ut A lit lr,t i I QarsH, rjurMi Itlarxl-. Taa 5li4i-r Omi I 1rvt,, VaiK"ir. B r... rUtr EXPERIENCED C0R3ETIERE ,h '" ' " tirxntrtii at pst i-tai t ln rwni tl nrinviM-rtnnl id ttif SS.U anr. more or h" THOMAS A. II! Ml fulwt frlntr tih. Itti LAND ACT, Notlco or lalantlon U Aspti la 1mm Land. In Sauna tand Uutrttt, Aeaft:M t Irlfl 0 ITInr RopoM. and t:t;;iu it Captain Coir, Mit liland. ' J, Tako Hour IMI ,V. IrttttH. ' Via eour. orrupallua ranorjr tnia. i-ucii w apply for prrrouiion to kn ' folio in a dnrnbrd landa Cnmmrr 3f a pat plantfd on ihe aouth lirn of 'tain Cote, ihrnea mOh tt ftuiw. Uiw 'writ to thalm; Ibrrwo nortb II iwm ' iihuro; ttirnro folh)inr hor lo plar? m ratimnrmnt aod (nnialnini fci K"" vf. 1. jr.rrrssn. Mams of tf!i'i Palxl 7ln fuly. till. .. WlfllRAt. ACT, CERTIFICATE or lier0VIlISTI. NOTICE. ,. "Vtmsf," "Mi. Tin t." and J' "lo. " Mineral Claim, lmai ,: Strena MUilnr Plililnn ot tunr . 4 tltrlrl. VMire liiratMlr Sr' R-,ri lilitit nn WUalA r.hmrwl. Take .lollro that Wlit Channl l.lmitt. rte Minf r.rrim Ji "( TH!i(-.. lnifi,d. antr tay trim lh " nrrir. io atvijr to in joiimi k Tuesdnvs Mnll rlnaa nl V t f lfnr 1 ''' ' lnipn.i"nmr ' 1 uesuays, .nan cmses nl I P.M. ipu . or i,bia)nlnr mn 1 iiiirannvo i n ti r iimivp riaim. I ' a"'I iml .fttr,hrr k ,h" '1 Salurdavs naiuruays .. ... A.M. timw Sei-iion 11. mnti lr ftmim v 'i snnciays 10 P.M. C.P.R. November 2, 10 nnd 30. h.M WW Of AMI l. al- nuruMii or iim mimh - IS7S; IhDir S. I t 1 I re r Iraa. In ihr ! tn lairl: thao aottitirrft nnflherly, ant roth-tata aavl 're tha Uiuinr or aiifh Certlfi J improrMnrnli. Oiled Ihli 10th rtii nf Annul, A P " p. M. MrKCKTl-',' LAMO ACT, Nolka of istintlas to Applr t III Cl I.iimI pHlrlrl. if,.-rt!.il 1 Irln nf Prlnr finperl.- 'nd- "f In Cumin tnlrt. Mormlj ' -Ouen Charlolle Jlamt. Take in.i I Thmnai K iit Vanriuvir. II.C, orriifiallr.n ' ' Irair. inleiirt to apply mi P . . i'i W-aw Ihe rnlluwlnr dmorlM ' " itmrri . C.r,mninrln at ih- aniiihwpul :rofi " Tt.. SITS: ilmnrf aiiinli f .-hiliK in"1! '. IfE.. (Ml rtialnl; thfnr" ' wmrA jnaln: tlirnre nnrlherly nd fl"l rnlkiwinr ti, ir 0f r.iinils-i i"' l th p.ilin nf ifiiiimenreiiirnl, ' m mini 1 a, a arrea, more nr !, THOMAS A, ITI. , futwi spiimt,r ttin. nn. . MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF lBHF)OVIllsTt . Ililr. Milr No.""!"; no. I, H;j . Half .". t, ami Mala Mm. vl",r' Claims. . siniaiKl in tin- fifll Cmili i.nan nmriri. n"i' , Si-jniour Inlfl on Wlswain IHy Jl milea Mf.rili of Curt Manly. lh... T.k ir 11,111 I, TI11.111H M? freo Miner's rrliriril Jin. 'i!'1" , ,. ti-ml. sixty divi rrum the ilile in""' ,., puly to Km Minim iifmrrii-r for ' M liflrais or tmprnvenient for lis1. P'T,,, of iiitininr 1 cruwn tirim nf ii flalim, .,,,, Ami riirllur tike tmllre that i'" nnilrr 9eihin 11 mult ho numi1'"','; ",,1 fr lli iiiiiiiiro or ld lCriififM liiMirovfiii'iiti. Ill ti'd ihli aiih ,! nr lnlf, AD. I"" - 4 Halurduys A.M. t Ariil--n. WfAu C