Tuday, November 0, 1923, You Value Most What You Work to Keep The money you work for and save will mean more and more to you as you see the figures in your Bank Book gradually mount ing up. Open a Savings Account with us arid keep depositing steadily. , If a Utter is more convenient than a call, ' you can open and maintain an account with us by malL Prince Rupert Branch: H. ST. G. LEE. Ma nager. i RANK OFMONTREAL Established over 100 years CHRISTMAS fi Greeting " CARDS That Ar Different. ( Our ll'INt ! i a dandy. The liuexl r !me ever huwii. Beautiful dainty tl-ign. new idea, quality, en-tunenl, all Ihe very latcxt. Value-, nut just a good a Hierrlut a in former ear. heller values Uian nil other. OnlefVT'rrntlly filled at our own Print Shop no middleman1" lofit. Come and ee or phon, and our reprexenta-Ut wilVeall. Illustrated areolar in colors with price lift mailed to oiil-of-louti nisdonwrs on request. McRae Bros., Ltd. Have You Tried? Rupert Brand SOCKEYE andwiches ALMON Canadian fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT HEATER TIME IS HERE A Make your selection early while our line is complete. All styles ' ' both pluin and brick lined, priced from $12.50 to $46.00. IJuy now and have your healer ready for lhe first cold snap. KAlEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1Me. tOS Third Ave. Te, 3 Local and Personal , B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayners, Under Ukera. Pbou 3M. if - Order your, coal from. Casei'. mone Hcd &Z3. ' ' if It.A.O.H. Will a,,y brother oiiimunicale with Hux 150. laflv New ollice. interior Pasteurised Prince Jlupert Hairy. niaek 210. J. I.. Christie .. let! mi . Milk Phone 'tf mTkIiTa fralti foriPorl KingtiTS Oil llUSIIX'XS. W. K. Collixon in In li iiio xpeaker at Jie Itotary Club lun rheon tomorrow. Mr. 11. M. Taylor, 321 Second Avenue Vi:l will, he at home on l'hurday, November 8. . Imparl mental fircounl total ling llt.CHH.50 were paed for payment hy the elly council la-l night. Moo-elieart hit Drive and Dance, Wednesday, -November 7, Dance 11 to 3. 'Ladle 50c. gentk'incJit 11.00, 263 Can't 'He Beat. The Bradley (jarvclson'K ma Cards. Heft collection obtainable to choose from at (JleHiiie's near Post of nee. if S. D. Jotinloin manager of ihe Priite .Hupert - Insurance AKcneiex, U ('Xiiecleil hack from Victoria hy the Prince Ceonte tomorrow. I lie t!iHl Fit Tailorihw, "33 I hird Avenue Weal, hax h-n purchaxcl by K. Sabourin and will he known thereafter a La Pariian. ' A r'Mrt . from Hie Hoard of Work rt-etomuendiup the pur- I'hac of 500 piivett of x i by 5 'a from Ihe Priflre Hupert Pulf , t'aocr i. iii hi ais imr lown hy the city council laxl night on .recommendation of Ihe finance committee. The article are worth more than the offer made, the committee bcliete. Mr. and Mr. A. J. WiUon of Penicuik near IMiuburgh, Scot land, are in the city in Iho coure of a visiting Irin lo America. They arrived from the eaxl on tal night' train and are leaving for the xoulh on an arty xteamer. I liey may. vixil California before returning lo their home in the Old Country. Your Attention Chinaward Small and odd pieccx - in Hoynl IKmlton. Aynxley and other P.nglixh make xtiit-alile for shower and gift for different oecaxions. Hoynl Doultoii Cup from UI.25. Plalex. Dixliex, Jugx,Cake Plalex, etc. Many new Ihingx arriving thi Fall. Bulger & Cameron Limited ' Jewellers. GIFTS THAT LAST A SEVERE ATTACK Mioufami wa aeeplei hy lhe",',','e,, nty cmnell night. The lumber wit.bvued jn making ulewalk repair. A lelier from It. J. McCarthy asking for perm i ion to dump oii fmni Hie excavation for hixrmenl on lot I ami S, block l. Motion C, on the lane to Ihe rear wa referred to the Hoard of Work for report hy Ihe city council laxt night. Mr. Mc Carthy abu akx the city for I HO :eel of old wooden pipe. Offer of 'kjS and f3 re pee ively from F. W. Moerxch and I. V. Hi ley for an old cah regixler and platform cale in Hie Uly Market w'ere turned OF HEART TROUBLE Was Relieved By MILBURN'S Heart and. Narva Pills. Mr. 4. E. Han. Atlwri', ml.. wrll't: -Tour yrara aaj I ma t very tfitre mrk or iwfrt tnubl. I annulled mj doctor; lie trratrd tut Tor nntt time, but onljr WfiiK-d U bo f tlnr itrtr. rrnaiijr rni ii our drurrlM and purchased llirfe tn- f Mllburn'i llfirt and .Vrv 111 iu4 derived Immediate rrlicf rrum their um, and 1 no Iruthfulljr mjt they re onderrul inedlrlne. I always keep ixit on imiki, and ir i rei out or ort lake I r IH" and reel ill rtit alll.' Miiuurni Heart ana Jtnt run ire tut I bus il' ill dealera, or mailed direct i receipt or prire by The T. MlUiurn Co. Limited, Toronto, Out. Choice Creamery Huller. 7 lb. for 3.00. F. W. Moerxch Phone 13. if Capl. 11. It. Kabiiitflon xailel for Maiell on the Prince John laxt evenini;. . J. Held, found guilty of ill- toxical ion, wax fined 50 in the police court thi uiorninlg. A cotton -Ire? . grown at Jaxi.r Park ami hearing cotton 1 ex hibiteil in the C..YH. city ticket ollice. Thoxe failing lo get lat ixxue of (tofrumeul Hond can hae order filled now. Call or phone T. McClymonl. treat War elcran' lieiif-ra meelins Weilnexday. November 7, at 8 p.m. A member earnestly reqgelel lo attend. UN.H. xlramer Prince John Capl. Harry Nedden, xailed for Vancouver via Ihe Oueen Char- lotle Ixland at 0:50 laxt even ing. Herbert Valjey wax fined $J0 in Ihe police court thi morning for axxaultinsr a Chinaman named Tom Petchon. The charge ak-aiut Ihe Chinaman wa di Joe Sigmuiul appeared before Maglxlrate McClymont in tli police court (hi morning on charge of caufinx a disturbance by xwearing. The cae wax ad journed for J'fght Jay. Pmviurial Conxtable (iillie arrived In The' cny from Anvox on llie Ca'nleia today having in cuxlody an inxaue man who i? on hix way to Ihe menial hoxpital at New etminxler. Jamex N. Kelly, who returned lo the city from the nrairiex. ailed laxt night for Huckley Hay where he wil lake a iHiition with Ihe Maxxelt Timber Co. He expeel to return lo (he city in Ihe pring. - - t)n hnday afterniMiu at 2.30 Ihe memorial tablet erected in honor of the late Sergeant Wil Ham HtHtlh, in (he auditorium of Ihe Hoolh Memorial School, will be unveiled and the war picture will he prexeuted bv the l.O.D.K. chanter. - Karl Harrie, xon of the late W. Harrie, ha arrived from Peterborough, OnL, lo take Charge of Ihe furniture xtore which- he own here. He will upend a year in Ihe city being on vacation for that period from hi, minixtry Mudie In Toronto. LAND ASSESSMENT OF VICTORIA IS REDUCEDj VICTOHIA, Nov fl.A general! eduction of five per cent in the Victoria land axxexsment wax or dered laxt night by the cilv 1 ' A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE It I announced by the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal that each xuhxeriber, new and renewal, who act quickly, may obtain a beautiful picture of a beautiful woman whoxe life story reveal chapter after chap ler of amazing heroixm, extraordinary fortitude and almost miraculoux achievement. The story or "The Woman Heroine" can alxjF be obtained cot free by sending a post card to Iho Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. Subscribe for the' Dally News. SHRUBSALL OFFER IS NOT ACCEPTED City Council Rafusas Sail Lot Cornar Eleventh and Beach Place for 1510. The offer of ?510 made hy H Sbrubfall for the tax ale lot at he corner of Heach Place and Eleventh Street together with other otter whk finally turned down hy the city council last night on recommendation of the finance committee. The report of the committee to thi elTec wax accepted by the council, Aid. Mackenzie and Aid. Smith voting agaiml. The offer had been aided for Ihe pattl fortnight to Bive Mr. .Shrubsall an ojipor-lunily of amending hi oITer. .No new offer wax, however, made. 1RST TROOP OF BOY SCOUTS HAS 12 NEW RECRUITS A reorganization meeting of the Firxl Troop of Hoy Scout wax Iicld laxt tiiglit In llie 1'rex- lyterian Cliurch Hall, Scout- rnaxler J. A. Tcng and Oeorge Horie Jr. being in charge. Twelve new recruit were xigned on a follow: Huxler Hill, Jimmy Hry- aut. Chuck Nelxon, Hruce Wil- xou, Art Phillip. Jacob Muxxal lem, Lindxay Taylor, Jim Hamil ton, Itonald Allen, Lea Hon Duncan McLean. Further enrolment are expect ed in the near future. K. K. Allen, maiiacer of the lloyat Mill at Hanatl wax dix- charged from the hoxiiilal to day and ix xpending a few dayx vixiling with hix son. in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrx. (.leu McMillan, Fourth Avenue W'ext. He exiwcl lo return to Ihe in terior next Friday evening. HOTEL ARRIVALS pYlnce Rupert Mr. and Mr. W. H. Hichard- oii. ). Harbour and .lames Mc- Entee, Huckley Bay: J. F. llanna. Victoria; J. A. Lewi, Port Clement; Mr. and Mr. A. O. Wal-xou, Penicuik, Scotland; J. John xou and M. Fonnexxen, Seattle; S. Jacohxen, city; W. H. McCor-niick, Vancouver.- December 20. Central F. It. Walz. C. Holme. A. Holhwell, A. Walkins. H. Hen dall, P. Anderxon and Frank Hrown, Huckley Hay; W. King, C.N.H.; W. li. Dalmage and A Valelel, city. ANNOUNCEMENTS Adair Carxs Chapter, I.O.D.E Itaiasr. SI. Andrew's rooms, Second Avenue, November 7. - - Anglican Cliurch Itazaar, November 14. St. Andrew' Ladiex' Itazaar, November 1C. Prexbylcrian November 21. Plus 1o Per Pleoe Auxiliary Church Hazaar. Ilebekah Hazaar, Saturday, November 21. - Women of Mooseheart Legion Hazaar. Metropole Hall, Novem ber 28 and 29. Royal Purple Hazaar. December t. Elks' Home. Melhodixt Church December 15. High School Ninas. Hazaar, ConcerL r a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of jout wishing 0 ff ctnt or your ironing rytbing raturntd dry You limply touch up (w outtr girmtnta aach a wiiita, blouata, boui drtaaia, with hind-iron. Phoni ui today. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phons S. TAKE PEPS NOW! AU sufferers from Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats, or deep-seated Chest Trouble should know that it is no longer necessary to swallow liquid cough mixtures into the stomach. Thi is now aa obsolete method. The new Peps tablets provide you with a powerful natural medicine which is 1 actually breathed straight inte throat, chest and lungs. You simply strip a Peps of its silver jacket and dissolve the tablet on your tongue. The medicinal fumes then given off, mix with the breath and percolate through the throat and bronchial tabes into the deepest and smallest air-cells in the lungs. A MEDICINE TOO BREATHE i This demulcent Peps medicine reaches in tier parts ofths chest. It ends germ trouble in the throat and air-tubes, and relieves and heals the swollen, inflamed, mucus membrane. Coughing is promptly allayed ; hard, stringy phlegm loosened and exrielled breathing becomes easy. There is no other remedy so pleasant, so safe, or so efficacious as Peps for dangers and weaknesses threatening the throat, chest and lusjs at this season. Take Peps to secure freedom from coughs, colds, grippe, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Don't venture out day or night without the protection of Peps. Always dissolve one in your mouth at the very first sitn of throat irritation or chest discomfort. Lastly be sure you get PEPS. S0t. feu. I tor l.U. mt U tkr-itU U ittUrt. m. DEPS Keep the Chest Healthy & Strong, Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way lo prove that PREMIER "GOLD MEDAL" BEER is best TRY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue Si. Shockleys Planing Mills 'Are now Sole Agents for the lumber output of the Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPLAP. Spruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 3S3. Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER I Real Satisfaction. Cheapest In Long RunI NO SHALE OR ROCKI COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaFfery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564.