When Van Want A eljc hadlthert of a banjo ami that of K. route looked forward to coming here, Nlshbla charged with murder. He from Vancouver to Ocean Falls in H,. was confident that his rela- asked that it return with It w a heavy fog when passing up lions with Ihe Prince Rupert Barlndlng in Ihe former case by DUoovei-v .m-a ..m.. sim i iiiii. 1 a y uiu' lul inn would be pleasant, 2.30 this afternoon and in the 'd to Duncan Bay where It was 'lie knew thai its, menmcrs would latter by to o'clock tomorrow "iseoxered that she Was leaking do their pall ami no wo.uu no mm uog. ""glilly. She, will go lo Prince the best in Ms auuiiy 10 i-erioun import for survey, ilils duties Charged Jury Subscribe for tha Daily Nwa.' Hh Lrdr hip Ca proceeded proueedoj. I he pel it Jury was then ex cused until 'S.OO this afternoon are complete. Ittul iiulloiinn wills II Iliis ia. f niilfiitlllil TAXI NEW GRILL 99 Third Ava. w a hurry The Latest in Restaurants. Phone Private Boxes for Ladles and Party Use, Beat Care and Beat Service PRINCE RUPERT Best Food. Best Service. In tha Olty. Ratea Reaaonable "Take Her to the Boston." Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper OPEN DAY AND NIOHT. VOL. MIL, NO, 202 PIUXUK niTKHT, n.C TL K.SI1AY, NOVKMHER 0, 1023. MUST PAY DAMAGES There are 52 provincial con-'w Not Aowed Cut up inurniir.. tiiiu vii iiir- intiMii- plele returns this morning there appears to be a majority for l Roads In Future Without Paying for Repairs control in 36 of; gou-rninenl VICTORIA, Nov. 0 Lugging II. cm Including four cihes, Caf- , iiw ,,, ,1U1. r,. ,,,., t'.Ur?.! F,l",',n.U,n Le,l,1,ri,liIua,"l!.lone by their logging triicks oh m ....... . ipublic higliways, Hon. Dr. Ihe City of Calgary voted wo,,,,,.,.,,,,,,, anmiuilc(,j yesterday, to one or (.merninent con rol(wiei) ,n(lde bc ,,, cw Clause which the An-TlllaOIls D., v.. , future companies favored by cast ins their ballots l.l.ulin1 ,ipav ,rUcks on the means i "ale of all I uuor by or w ,luve , aIld uu aJ. hrough Government vendors; vunn. boud f he Juvcrlimenl beer lo be consumed on licensed ani oul of 1js IUI1 ri)I, premises ami in private resi-, .,,,, IW ...m ,. .,,,, r.,r ,r , deuces; wine and spirits to be :lpilf.L- -... ..... Pilllw ,.A,as-. l I.. M...II...I ...IIIIj " - c luin iiiivu ill iiiuiirii iii.iiu ii irn under a permit issued by the Government under government control and regulation." Commenting on the result the Albertan ot this city which sup ported prohibition says: "People THREE DECREES OF majority ten Tor D. over A.jAlvin i Kingston, F.lsie Glaum 'orohihllion was 1.500. In Cat. 'co-respondent. W K. Fisher ap- gary Ihe majority for D was 8,158. WANT REMISSION OF GATE RECEIPTS AT AMATEURM)RT EVEHTS VICTOIUA, Nov. (i. Amateur sport .officials yesterday urged Premier Oliver lo remit the nniuseinenl taxes on gate receipts al amateur games. The premier PRICE FIVE CENTS. AIMS VOTES FOR GOVERNMENT CONTROL LANDSLIDE AT AHYOX CARRIES AWAY BIG WATER MAIN: CAUSES SHUT DOWN Shut Down at Anyox Caused by Land Slide Residents are Removed (.Speial despatch to Daily News, ANYOX, Nov. 0. A a result of the heavy ruin which romiueiircd Saturday a landslide occurred here which swept away about fifty feet of the big six foot wooden sluve flow pipe between (he dam und tli power house necessitating the closing down of operutiou at the mine uml smeller for at least a week while repairs are being made. On Sunday muniiiig. owing to the continued downour utid the fact that tin water was rising rapidly behind the almost fiiiihcd Kstwood multiple type dam on which so much depend?.. :.nlr were gim for Hie re. i ' moMil of nil fainille. from the HAMCM f A I I EH flat, srcOon of the town smlj flf UlflEll lALLtli w i ti ill ii irw Hours hii nan ucril billeted with 'fiunlHe at the! mine uml higher se:Hoin of tin l,fnrti Mrrn. f While it I. ,w expected thatVour Answered Nnynnng eennus win nappen, the families were mined purely si a precautionary measure In order to be on the afe .le with i:g possibility of a repetition of Hie Britannia disaster of n r uln of winters ngo. Tl. .it 11, a fl,.l. ..ill ON JURY LIST Names This Morning When Asslies Opened Here JUDGE IS WELCOMED Mr. Margaret Cornish, Mr. Agues Olcunie. Mr. Rebecca Keilli ami Mr. Laurn I'tiialiclli rrtuslri in lheV.nf.t.wMrhlW- ri. whpj. .their j , , , ,,, . names were railed at the Mipreme t.ict narc trrrn niimir,, until , , , . , . . Court alJo this morninp'for . , y"; Marled , . w, , service on the petit jury, are the the rain a unlay Q , (j a ............ ..... ..v. ........ "Jury , prjl,re Itupert. m tt.l i...kHt at M tlliirtl I 11 If I ami! ft 1141 1 J 4 ... . I II I ..1 I 4t . L downpour durii(r .Saturday ami Ooxv,. .-.;iiiiy nu-flii) in ui a imiu jii- Irrday NEGOTIATIONS ARE REFUSED IN VANCOUVER Shipping Federation Says Buttress of Port Being Handled Satisfactorily OTTAWA. Nov. 6. The miniK- The Kraml and petit jurymen Grand Jury J. C. McLennan foreman , Tiniest K. AllUlune. Harry Atkin. Artliur T. Bailey. John T. Bal-IIiijit, llupert Benson, Unlph V. O. Lupine. Barry II. Iie. Joseph VI Morin. Ivlward II. Mortimer, Thuma Me.Mrekin, Alex, amler Mcltae and Joepli Scott. Petit Jury Oiler Be.ner. Hairy V. Birch, Leon Blane, Frank Brorliu, .lolin M. Buckley. Herman Captick, I.Margarel Kmnlch, Harry Bay. Iloberl L. iMincan, Acnex (Ilcnnie, Robert Oorxnii. Jamen Haniplou, Itebeeca Keith, Laura Klizabeth ter of labor ha received a report Kemp, Philip Laporle, John H from K Iv. llarrlMin. the depart inent h fair wage officer at Van couver, Ihal the Mifppiug federa- .fraulicr. Jolin . Moody, John W. Moorehoufe, William II. W. Murray, Robert McKay, Muntock lion leelined to rehi!tate all the h ,can. Donald lcLeol, John loiiKshoremeu now on drikc in Rank, Charleit O. Howe, William that city. I SanilNon, David Scott. Ben. The report flaled that Ihe jum, K. Self, James Arthur reiteration would 'agree to re-em. Smith, Thonias Sproaf, James ploy striker as fal as possible sturgeon, John Siiinlberg. Frank ml that the federation claimed t. Armour. Robert II. Thomas. Hie business of Ihe port was being. Krucl M. Valentine, George liamlled satisfactorily. The federation also refused to negotiate with the Internal lonal longfthorcmeu's union. A reply lins been sent by the ROVER STRUCK LEAKS LITTLE Waildell ami Alexander Yule. Welcomes Judge At the opening of (ho court and before the business commenced, L. W. Pat more, on be- department nsenl at Vancouver half of the Prince Rupert Bar by Mr. Munlock intimating thal'Associalion, welcomed Mr. Jus-he still stands ready to appoint a ce I). A. Mncilonnbl on this his board of conciliation If it is found first visit 'In Prince Rupert and necessary. (expressed Mbe pleasiire with which it bml been heard that ho had been elevated to the bench recently. His Lordship' reputation as' a barrister had been well nml favorably known and the Bar Association or Prince Rupert was leonfident Hint Hint reputation 'would be sustained on the bench. is at Duncan Bay and May Come Mr. Justire Macdouald ex to Prince Runert to Dock 'messed appreciation of tlm re - 'marks that bad been made by YltrmitlA N.,v rt ri'i... r. H.'mi. Pnlmore and told of tho M M. MLeniiiHliln I'.iiniiilliiii Itnver nlmmiiie with which lie siruck bottom .while en ' JsBSlfll yjswaK . .SlBiBiBBiBKrT IBBMiJ 'VaBBHl ra99sSSHsSSaK 'aVaSH American Uhalleuger Columbia, winner by .default uf the International race of fishing schooner off Halifax last week. The vessel seen Trom the deck of another schooner was beaten by the Canadian Bluenos But 'he Nova Scotian lost on a technicality ami Captain Wallers refused to rare again. aO f n .1 r j UQvernment Lomm or uq INDIAN CAPTURED AFTER BEING SHOT THROUGH THE JAW l.irrllllllllXiK, Alia., Nov. 0. Joe Blarkhnrse, a blood Indian, charged wilh slaying a sixteen year old histi school girl, Winnie Tolleslrop, was captured late lal night near his properly on the reserve by Hie provincial police. . lie was shot through Ihe jaw hut will recover. VOTING TAKES PLACE LONDON, Nov. (I Great in IN SCOTLAND TODAY PROHIBITION ISSUE Falkirk Remains Wet as Beforet 28 Towns Will be Heard From Today terest' is being taken in the. local option voting in Scotland which opened yesterday at Falkirk. Thorn the and. prohibition or "no cliHUgo" parly obtained an abso lute majority in all five wants. Voting in 30 other towns today. M. Valentin, formerly of Ihe Vanderhoof creamery and now of this city, was awarded second prUe for butler at Hie New West minster Exhibition. to charge the Grand Jury on the two criminal cases before Ihe court namely. that of Rex vs. Tommy Atkins chanred with tho majority approach 3n,noo when the reliirnsi 1 Ij.'.X'MttSrSll Traffic Carries in Alberta; has Majority ol Approximately 30,000 CALGARY, Nov. (J. In by far the largest vote ever pulled in Alberta uu Ihe liipior question, prohibition yesterday w-js beaten decisively.. Seven years ago the province gave n dry majority of 20,000 in u lolal vole of 1)5,000 on the abolition of Ihe retail sale of liquor. In 1020 the matter of importation came up and with a total vote of 100,000 there was a majority against importation of 18,500. I Yesterdays vote will go close to I Af flUf fAMD A M1CC WUUI11U Willi nlWW ,,, ii... 4ii 150.000 ami Hie will Good Progress Made on Canadian National Railways is Shown by Financial Statement just Issued OTTAWA, Nov. U; A good showing has been made by the Canadian National Itailways for Ihe year so Tar and the record of gains is kept up right to the end or Ihe month iir October. There have been increases all along the line but thy operating profits still come from United Slates lines, the Canadian lines showing a slight loss on operation so far. The Canadian Natioiwl Railways turned in a net orating revenue of $5,01I,8i5 in eight months of Ihu present year ending August 31. Last year for the yame period of 1022 the uierauons resuueu deficit of I, I (56,098. in a net This year there was a deficit of l,50l,.387 on Canadian lines of the system but Ihe operations on Hie I'niled Slates lines showed a surplus of 6.083,233. During- Hie ciahl months of t the Canadian lines turned in a deficit of t.6D,l39, while Hie net revenue on United Slates line was only 3,r35,03O. During the same period Hie Cana- mm i-actiic itauwuy snowed a EARTHQUAKE CALIFORNIA Imperial Valley Badly Shaken by Trembler Yesterday CALKXICO, California, Nov, 6. shattered window. falling net operating revenue of 1 3,-S plaster, and huilditig (foundations mi i.t l. ... . n,.i t r , . I s i . I.., 336,181 .is compared witti Sit 'out of joint, todaM reminded XOI.Oil in 1922. jresidents that yesleriW earlh- Tlic irror. . micraliu? mmum1 quake was the worst LSe hnoerial on' the Cauadian Pacific Rail-1 Valley had experienced' In several ways durjn? the eiglil months of1ears- Three trembler Jiluring llit-estiilLsearilolled. StLi.M.'esafrnoon.oprpnyumedYio 3H,y67. an fncrease over 1922, 'ence left I he re-pr'forced Cioni when there were 8 108,232, 126. Crete pillars twisted ut of shape Operating expenses, liowever,al,d a hotel several ioithes out of sliowed a greater increase than place on its foundations, revenues. For the eight months! ' the United Static imruigra- perioil of 1923. they totalled "on station a portim of the 99.6n2,503 as against 893,370. 505 in 1922. The gross operating revenues brick and adobe wallyGcrt stand, on Canadian lines oi or i Ihe ne Cana-!inP Liana-i'"b after the "- fire lasuu lasjfjui'y were Lit .. - . . I t l it M rnan Aalional incrra 8122,188,292 in the period of 1922 lo in 1923. On United States lines the" increase was from $20,019,-151 to 825,816,906. i ne operating expenses on Canadian lines this year totalled 813S.95t.30l a against 8127.- 177. t.t I year. vour Hn ITnllo.1 Mor Slates lines the operating expenses rose from $16196.114 in 1922 lo $19,783,608 in 1923. ceiling fell and r Mexicala across the interuaii Vlial border. rrased from loppled by the shockPA eight monlhsi 'Air $133,902,913 TOUT DIM IM! 11AUL DILL Uf Talesmen Added to List This Afternoon at Assize Court The ne! ooeralinir rivpniti mil 'Ibis afternoon u true bill was all Canadian railways during the .bought in by the Grand Jury at at Hie Supreme Court assizes in fiirlii niiintlis w i mi Ki us against $16,693,198 in 1922. !l,,e ca of Hcx vs- Tommy At-MONTRKAL. Nov. 6. The kil,! m wllif defendant is gross earnings of the Canadian!c,iar?e'1 wiU' ",e u,efl f a ba"i National Railways Tor Ihe week va,u,,J al lr- The, trial is still ending October 31, 1923 were proceeding, 4 8.jfi7 '.37. Iieiutr n incroaKn of Six talesmen wert I (?, arter- $1,138,223 or fifteen per cent compared with last year. The itross earnings of Hie Canadian .National llailwiivs from Jreer, II. W. Cameron. January I lo October 31, 1923, have been $207,950,221, being an increase of $18,583,506 coinpar- rT. V. " ' .Halibut Fares Today ToUIIIng The gross revenues were HIVfYRPF fRANTPn $286,05,062 and Ihe operating invvii uimniiiv, expe,, totalled d $263,595,778. Absolule decrees of dixorce fAMAniAN VfllllMTTCD tti.11. Hied nf nrohihillon. Tliev'were civen by Mr. Justice D. A.l'nl'fll'lm' f VLuli 1 Hull Is Also to be In. spected iiw nt i it lin iliftMif iri I II- tintiw nt llin liiiVil ilrv iltnl: nji noon added to the lisc )tey were S. K. Barker, M. 'M.'ViLachlaii. iil0'G. C. Walker, Theo Collar t, Jos? FISH ARRIVAL v: 97,000 Pounds Include Catoh of Trawler New England Including the steam trawHer New F.uglaml, which Is mloadiug. 80.000 pounds at the Atliu Fish-, eries wharf, halibut arrivals to- action lias come and for ano.her'assi.es this morning in the casesl V" UAIUUVIV 1V111 (,ay totalled 97 000 pounds ..i i...i .H ..f a i r.l.i..P w. l-Mlih Ciil.ler.' 1 . . Ibree Canadian bonis sold at i'11 ' "? uocai Yard Mas contract for ii.., Kxci,nnire as follows in (in. ilnu.tr trail p." Abe toss ciuresoondent : Helen . iu,t. -wangi as ioiiows In F.ilmonlon t--. . .... i uinin macninorT uicrnaui i wiin a lew seal- iubcmiuiu ii, .iii-i-ii nun.iv leieil mills In be heard from Hie burn: and Maude 5s. Kingston vs Cape Spencer, 8.00Q pounds: Caygeon, 2,000 pounds, and Hose, Spit, 7,000 pounds, to the Caua- " rM Co1'' at C.G.M.M. steamer Canadian i. . r ... n ii....!- i.. ...I. . i......... .... ,i iio.ic ami loc. peareii ioi mv ui'i'i'iiuiii!" in m toiiuuriT us iiim-ii uu hut iii-. at tere.1. The cases of W. S. Skuls.li 10.30 this morning. The vessel MEN ENTOMBED IN vs. Mnnel Skui.ii4 rranK Harris will he In dyek Tor about two' co-respondent, and K. Kollins vs. weeks it is expected, llm local! nndilho bearing of divorce actions promised to give consideration to Lnlng i reported to be out of yet known whether or not the t he vequt s1 MINE PROBABLY DEAD Thomns kollins, K. Le Roy co-,ard having Ibo conti'act for gen- .. respondent are adjourned until oral machinery overhaul. Anj GHARLF.STOWN, W. V., Nov. 0 Thursday morning. inspection of the hull following Twelve bodies have been taken GOVERNOR BITTER the recent stranding down thefrom (tie. shaft of a mine of the coast will, also be made, Capt. . llaleigh. Wyonving Coal Co in II. Logan, representing Lloyds, which an explosion occurred to. VICTORIA, Nov. rt. Lieut, nml a steamboat inspector heing.day and little hone i entertained Governor Nicholl who was taken due to arrive from the south to-, for thirty men stilf tn the work-ill last week wilh ptomaine pois-' morrow to conduct II. It is not, lugs. jmill repairs. will be nudt- here. I AdvertUn ia the Daily News.