- li. I I IKJ IVZ. I 1 Mr. A. W. Franklin, of Yarmouth, N.S., writes- "I always carry Zam-liuk with me whenever 1 go camping or huntintr. It proves A Trusty Friend In Time of Accident. TIMBER SALE X 5643. ult-r ll t nmlinl tr lla r.- k.t Utrr ifMu ttfurii im I- -f ..rniUr. ltd, fnr Ik- i irrnre twar Wallar t i ..t llMlrrtrt I.UlKt. r... . ! fJ.in ..f mrr. paUam. a .ilar amli.(f. r will I- alluvrd tht f. i;I-r tiarilrular nf lli :iilr !-1. ia, -,r lh liuirfl fnrrtirr, I 7'l, TIMBER SALE X5501. in raeairr COLUMBIA. : J Ksilcr 0f tlw AdinidUlrallnn Arl: 1 Ksnrt tot it r.alalr nf Owftf in-aMl lnietal. Tlt; that in Order- i.f lll M. H V.ninr. nude tlw Ulti Oiy VD lfl. ma a(ilnled at r f (Ih. KtUlt) ef i : eil. ami all turtle natlnt ,"- at!l Ihr'aald tJlale are heeebv rrniD aame. imerir eririei ti or Ufitre the Mitt day tit " -V: All. Itlt kiuf all narlbi In. I liie KtlAI lr rMinlr.! IA liv ;l .f Uirlr lndrMnlne to nw tiiom" w. nt:nr. orrielal AdmlliUlralnr. fill ' i' ) tiih .... ... , 'i'atl IN PROBATE. THI tUPRCMC COUNT OF BHITIIM rm tiMMia i:b Vaiuv r The Aitmlninratlnn Art; I-' Mallei ..f the talate c.f Janiei ntllle iliecMauMl iniMAiAi -V'""'"F. Ihat In nrtler t.f Ilia 1 , f Vun, made the I tilt day "I'Aer a.i, f ), hi. aptolnled 1 'liatd!- nf the t.atale of Jatite ' wl. and all nartlea hattlnr ui.i mi. ml( r.itate are nereriy '"i V. funiUh Mine. rnterhr verified a i.r Ufore Urn nth day of ' II. ir 11). ott aurf all nartlx In. l Ihe :tiale are rninlred to ray ,."" -ni tif Inelr Ittdi-bleiliieiia In me TIIDVS V. IIEn.Nt. OffirUI Ailriilnllrator, "irrt IhU (Ilk .. a-a.a..i.. afaat IN PROBATE. 'Ml IUPRIMI COURT Of -BRITISH Ml liaaaiia " Mil 1 f ftf Kak rail. I. . ll.all.l . Mil r-'iai l llfIP ,, ,.''uf- In order of lilt "if f Mm, YtHinr. mad I lie Mlh day "IdlM-r All. mat I aa i.t,iin.l "itrainf nf th,. ;flae f Aurunl Uereal. and all .rlle liavltiar "Ulll.t llu. aalil t .1.1. ark lu.rt.liv i red ti, riirtilali Mine, pirferly verified I'll fir iM'ffire IIih ISIh riav nf IN PROBATE. tu, (UPREIME COURT OP BRITISH fni 1 1 aval a a av 'f Tlw .Wililiil.t ration Art; iti ..... lv !."."',,"t! Inle.Ule, x "r. t 0Hfi that in iii.i.. ..r in. ipii.iL. . ' mnr 'df me ioiii day '. ''rr if Ihe Kmale tir-ileorr ml, .Jr.,''Vt'' ",t I'urllea liavlnt atalini ... .. ilia i i.-.il, i,......i... Ilratl ... . . i-.tnin .it tirnuj . '? "indali Mine, lirittiprlv t.n..erl.v Vwririi.it verified One day lal Fall whilat away jn th wood,, I cat w,r,r,j i-roprr auriical attrcticn aa unavailable, and poitonin( dlopd taua-inr ilr ,t to awtlt to Uite normal tut. IB wound bad ilfird fvr. other ami irntetljr wtirn ZamUul va brought aiul apphra f rom ta fun Hut brtUl talm had a mol iralityinif eflrcl II rrmoved pun in a MirptiMr.g a, caud the wound to lute u awolltn in'.amrd apfwaratur. ami try ocgrrra ai . ompl ahed tiimi'lrie ami piltt 1iIiuk II mailr inr tealie that jou Cn t do waltoiii am ,tn " COLD SORES i FROST BITE William Jonr- ( Ulu, Out t ir ' Ul.ii.t waaouton a tiific tump, on cl my IWI fot Ufl (!.! H. il IM I Id k,,) l ffc. .t.,b tk ...... ... i, Iwi i ... i.,f- fer . I a.ir . rt ..ti..)!, . aHl..Wo- at, u.liaiMili d ...llmi miviw.' hb u t1 tiiulii i,4 Iw lixnm slcm.cala. bui lul4i.Hli4iHMi lim.fl tiWt. m UXtt fcullitnM Mf lk.-...l k-. , M am-Bui Ca Inoaie mOImm Free Sample lox for a Pott Card I Mr. II. -I. Hobbe .who spent a uioiiilif' holitlay In Vancouver relurneil hon'ie on Sunday morn ing. A xperlat ArinMIco' and Thaiiksuiviug isenlre U to. lie conducted by Hcv. M. W. I.ee in Ihe I'nioti (Ihurrli on Sunday ni'xt . It I experled tliaj the IocjiI Ureal War Wlerans will al I end a a body, and a specially prepared service of sung will be rendered by an nurimi'iiled choir, assisted by No' (i''iy orchestra ami oilier talent. Hpeclnl preparation are. un'ler way In connection wilh Hip Armistice dance and Mipper, scheduled lo lake place on Monday, November I?, In Ihe town hall under Ihe auspices of the local Ureal Wnr Velrrans, and ir expeclalloii are al all reallxed lover of the lerpxichnrcim art are due lo have Ihe lime nf their live. Special niusli' hy lec. hit orchestra will -I'p u i,,i'Ii feature, ami surprl" or a niirlli provoking nature are in More r.ir those present. Giuadiaii cltl'nMp was nlfal " 'Young graiilc.l in -I iintm-iiHtiiflnn court yeslertlay . . i -V..i.ii.'.iuI 11 11 tin im i . iii n . . .v unit iim-h, ,i.m,..0 tidier a ri ..V"i!; ... ; " r,..l.,.l In i.ivi.enr i"i in hi- . raii' '"'iiwo iinniiriiui" " " -. ----, l,,";''-n nf llietr liidiiitAineV; to ine lllld 0I1C WIIH lMlll "VIT lot pen.ling applicunl gain-rn tiiomas w I.U.MK .oionlhs or llm 'lug a bcllcr kiiowll "th.i llinot'&r'l'm. .eUsli lunguage. IS QUESTION Purchase RESOLUTION TO RESCIND Much DUcuaalon Before Matter Is Laid Over For .Legal Ad v lea when he wa here .Jal summer. Hp could have found at leat two 'nllior error for a similar nature.' ' . Sympathy For Collart ''I'lifCe seem lo -bi il t(ll llf (sympathy for Aid. Collart from Squabble In City Council Over two oHier members of ip conn- Right of Aid. Collart to" ell," replied AM. Miiuro. "This deal must cnm oiit,however, and. peihaps not al as opporliitip ;t limp for AltLGillart.il .now. Any taxpayer could piler an action.:. tliil not un-jfpt any ilPlprlivi wttrk rn my part nnd jt is not a'u atlark.on AM. dollar' ix-ri-'mally. 'I'lip rukliiHff i' Sm rntfill if I t.li , .... . .. t. . . - - v ...,.,,K in .in iiiiiiPiuiinK looking up anl romparinir Hip .......ititi, wpn- iiiincuyipricp lltat wa paMi for 'IliU lot Hii.HMi. al laxt iiIrIiI'm -otm-ijanl Hip ofri-r from Mr, ."hrulall. Iliecf itlfr. A rfnolllllou UltmitlPtl utiiplt ha I ..-..ti liirri-.l ilt.wn fnr' l--" ' ny A HI. .Mimro calling fur lltn anolhpr. Thp rounpil ha iIoiip runci'llalliill of a lax Kale lolUornflliinir lltnl i mil ai-rftnlitur Iraiifarllon arlier in Hip yp.ir in tn law aul it m to mp Ihat It whirh Alii. Gtllarl wa involvpil i llic ,lulv of torv al.lprmnn In i wi ium'm iij- mp nal , j,, rpcliripil. ni.iprinan in iiipiion, AM. ' AM. ManlonaM .iiKjrplpil Ihat HlfpliPiu ami AM. .ManlonaM an a'n Kraml tanl play wa poo.ihly lOTHOUal alUirk axalnol Alii .t.fintr oitnolfil a n firplintlnnrv In Collart an.l Minip ralhpr lipqtp.l Uip mayorally rampaijrn. Thf woiiN wt'rt' Hip rPMllt. Tlif rpn- m(. ( l.rintr aurh a rpolnlinn a llllinii. whlili wat. inally laitl on tlii forwanl wmM liavp Itppn Hip IiiMp ppiiiling It-vat ail vice whpn Mip mUtakp wa firl .li. lo'llllf olttaillPil -Willi ri'pp-l In it.Vnprpl Iip frlf wax a follow: SLeohnna .to Rruii Wliprrnn a rpnliitiim .wasj TIioubIi I am hn annnunrp.1 pa.p.l in Uip city n.iinril onintiiionpnl of AM. Gtllarl for thn April i. 1U23. followt: mayoralty I. have enough ronfi- i n.ur uiiHiii-p -oiiinniip rp- iioncp in hm inlpcrity to Iip ipp ciiminpiiil. Ihat lot 76. Mopk SO. lhal our fiphl will hp a rlpan ami mm-IIoii , ,i ti, paul luillan- Vfiuarp onp." ulatpil AM. Slpphpn. ilii-r If foiiiuUn onlpr for Hip um"anil I iymnalhi.p wilh him tiu (of IJ150; inijrhl hprauap I liik upon this ! "Ami wltprpa Hip rily council nn-u ip!picahp ncl ilirpctPtl hy ha no IcKal authority lo hpII Hip'oiip alflprnfan a?ainl annlhcr . i propi-rly in thU maniipr ami I'aul ami onp thai cannot bp tpfpnp.l I 'Oil It! Pay. Mir I oi-pM:iIp riiillmwli.-r lm mil ii..i.nUI it.- ...u:. .!'.. . .i . TiMarD inr . t uiii iii- iMiiini- inuiiiiriti. u ittf v tin , . X TIMBERJftLE 6554. rancher who rpr.vp.l m-mtp .n- liimlf lo purrha.p Hip pn.pprty; matter i- carriP.1 Inln Ihe mayor. v.-miwWii rr.. ii bf - 'ur,, w,,,,n I"" '"a'"- allarhetl. "'I moe lite alie re.iilulion l.e nllv conte I can aiure thp onp '...r".',; v.X7 'ttnTJiZ '" B l"'mrr- """ limp,repHml.'.l." launches It that I will not ..i urei iit. iaVTji. j"""' "dn "fvere. unicipnlv ; tn onler to brlnp Hip resolution Ireal him with the Mimp confi.l-, !""'!ih ViV J?"u.sl: r"!!llV l" '""l'51"1' nn'l f,,r lictiIMi. t wa- secomleil eration a I wouM the a-pirant anrt iinuma th.it. ,reiurnet lo hi home nn KrMay hy AM. Mackemie. (who fijthls iiuarely." - muf " "" -Mr' ""' mnniikr-, Pith and Fleah ! AM. Gillarl look the rcolulion ,if Mur. .rf iim. mrtff -i,r. ,''My inciipacitalitl, ami omp AM. Stephena niil he wouM a a low iiu-an to ppt him out Jk inr ni.inn ,r-r.tww mu.l elapse hefore he h like lo ak Hi' Sherlock Holme of the mayoralty fiel.. "It, U my 'r 't- tll l rrrlrt lf tlw ' i -no at Vi-tifM. nnl Uir r: tit Itlh ty nf mtf. I'urrhaw irf Utrixv X IMI, . 'iun fret M llnfck awl it.Ma utwal rl rf tMtar t n;a aiMl tin. liantr I. ' I 4lrlrt. 'ir df b alli.vnl tot it Krti. uiar "f in :hier rt-B t iHMHri rrtr. ', C. I i' tu. iini ait turtle in . ','ie re reiiilrml In pay .n. ti. ! U "f ""T IndebtedlteM ti me - "Hi, TIIOMg A, :.E, orrinal AdtniuKtralor, 'ed ,h,. ...kTrr .5jrt ."..... ht in i.riuiwr, Hf.l. SMITHERS iree irniu lite rcnill uT lil an- of the council what he inlenileil metliiHl In fight tuare with an ciijent. Jin in lou.l in praie to do with two other lot thai opponent ami ay what I have to of Ihe hoepital Ian" ami nieli-Wpre voleil upon earlier in the xny in hi face. ..He. a man. Ahl. cnl uperliilenilenl H. I., rsnle maile a luilnei trip In lliiilnn lal week. Mr. K. Hliy, arctuuiianieil ly Viiiii ami Ifeler, hae left -on on exlciii.-.l trip to Imileil stale Miint. 'ITip Novelty ilmiee IipM on llatfowe'en in the town ball, waw a ii!iiicf iicci-. Imlli from a fliiatielfll unit anciat point nf view. The IirII whi ileivirulcil in keeping valid the occasion, ami produced tl jMtoky I'lTecl, falsi Hie eNMkliie vanUheil before the imilc renilered by the specially auKiuenictl orrheflra, wliich kept the (liinccr on their toe until early nitirnin.." A plenilid flip per wa eri?tl al iiililnlk'lil un der Hip capable iiianaKeiiienl of Hie l.iiilii lopilal Auxiliary. Mr. ami Mr. S. ll. lln-kin ami child, relurneil home on Sunday morning. Mr. Ilifkin spent nouie lime in Hecina tiefore proceeding to Winnipeg where he met Mr. Hok1n. and child," reliirnini? from a ix iiiontlis holiday spent in Kmrluiid. year in a similar manner. He riitl Monro, ami fiahl face In face not see why he should make fish yourself." of one, and flesh or another. ' AM. MacdonaM and AM. l'rry Aid. Munro replied that the moved an amcndmpnl that the re- other transaction were probably isolation lie laid mi Hie table for il!trat also. HioiikIi he tint notilei:al advice. Jt . wa carried llUtik Hip circumstances attend-liiiianimnuly. lug them were similar In thisl . TliU lot hail not been 1 one. pur. (rrCD TIVI ADAADfi iLUlllltK Vltl) ACUAKU cl..e.l bv Paul Tnillandier li. man who nfade the offer for it.: "I Ihlitk thai II would be very( tiriiiwr fnr Ahl rtiiltjirl In f.0nttif STEAMER PRINCE JOHN ti,,- r....,i..ii,.n -ii n,.,v ei hi... i'nQueat Wai Held at Queen Char- out of a very serious difficulty which miglil mean hi disqualifi cation and a penally of 2.5nn. I have no doubl Ihat the Iransac lion i not in order and that il in u I tie reclniled. lolhly. it I a koimI-tiling for Aid. Gillarl that il can lie rescinded. ' " For Legal Advice In suggesting I tint the resolu tion be laid over for lojral advice. Aid. Mardonald ventured the lotte City .by Dr. Palmer, 'Coroner A louper named Shannon, bound from Vancouver to one of Ihe Queen Charlotte Island lodging camps, died aboard Hie steamer Prince John while the vessel wa coming up the coast at the end of last week. An inquest wa held by I)r. Palmer at Queen Charlotte Cily and the opinion that il wa not meant tn body wa intered Ibnre. I)e- Irelp .mil i.nunrt aim mai it vvniuu ,ceaei uau neen iiriiiKinpr ucaviiy possibly have never been pre-.and heart failure, il is under sell ed had Aid. Gillarl not pur-chaed the lot in iiueslbm. He did not hold any brief for Aid. Collart bill he would continue to pive each and every alderman a square deal. Aid. Collart v had madp an open and nquare offer for the lot in qtiPllon after Hip bidder had Tailed tn call for it. Ml. Stephen stated that he did uol understand at first Hint a per sonal attack va being launched. Apparently Aid. Mtinro was-, not after Paul Taillandier but some one else. "AM. Munro should be man enough to come ami take til share of the blame for Ihe Iransncllon Instead of seekine tn draw other .people into il. I do not think he rale himself in Ihe opinion of this council or anybody Ple when lie take. the credit for delect Ive work done ond, .wa 11111111! In have been the caue of death. PRINCE GEORGE Mayor Johnson and Ihe city council tendered a compliment. ary luncheon In C. K, llnnioll, retiring .police magilrale,iiii the eve of hi departure for Cali fornia la.t week. . , M. P. McCatTery of Prince Hu perl I a .busine. visitor lo the city in connection with lie con Intel which he and his brother. Hubert .McCalTery, have this year, They will gel out 100,000 lie. and have established :cainps at Shelley. Al Johnson lias purchased the ex-Abl, Hamilton iVnigla Northern Lumber Co.V mill and "I Avoided an Operation Appendicitis Disappeared" Mrs. Jama Welle, Uelora, Ont. writes- "I took a icvere paio in soy Kght tide. It wai very bad at timet. I tried oil and table It without Eainiof any relief. The doctor pronounced it chronic appendicitii. 1 dreaded an opciation -and a friend adviaed Dr. Chaae's Kidney-liver ,P. I wed them and not only i obtained relief from pin. hut I believe it. hai completely freed me wfppendicilii.i it ii now over a 'year since 1 have had any of the old'symptomi." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Fflb . One put a do, Jte box. AU deavlera or sMmaaaon. Htm M Co., Ltd., Toronto. The Court of Y Last Appeal 'OU are the judge and the jury. Your verdict is final. There can be no aDDeal for this is the at M High at Court of Public Opinion , ' The wares of the world must appear before you the product of every factory the merchandise of every store. Those things ihat fail to measure up to your requirements are quickly condemned to oblivion The manufacturer who advertises deliberately places his merchandise on trial. He openly courts your critical inspection. He invites comparison. He directs your attention to his goods and then forces those goods to stand cn their own merits. If he were not sure of his wares he would not dare to advertise. For advertising would put him to a Jest he could not meet, and thus hasten the end of his business career. It would be business suicide. You can depend on the man who advertises. He knows his product is good. That's one reason why it pays to read the advertisements you find in this paper. It is through advertising' that you are able to keep in touch with the good things that progressive business men are spending their money to introduce and to keep before you. BASE YOUR JUDGMENT ON THE ADVERTISEMENTS limirx at Hnnaril and will log Ibis winter for iipxI summer's cut. The Prince fiporjre Agricul tural Industrial 'Association ha ordered the payment of half of the .prize money awarded at the recent fair. The Association i having financial dillicully. The ownerhip of Hie Millar addition to this rily ha been transferred from James Carrulh-ers of Montreal to Heiijamin tireemberg of New York. A large number of Jooal- ladies met al the City Hall lal'week to present Mrs. C. H, Daniell wit li a handsome travelling hag on the eve of her departure for Cali fornia. NEWHAZELTON XV. fJ. W'orrie-I.owenlhal formerly Of 'New llazellou i now located .in a position of trust at Cobalt, Out. His new property adjoins the famous Dome mine. 'flip masquerade dance-on Hallowe'en under I lie auspices of Ihe Women's Hospital Auxiliary wa a 'great success. Prize winners were: Hesl 'Kidles' costume, Mrs. C. AV. Dawson a a witch; best men's, costume, Bert Chappell as lldliin -llootl; most original eol-imie, Mrs. Darlinuiiui as. a pump." kin; best sustained cosluiiie,. A. 'Conh'oii n a' coon. II. 1). iinllowuy, residenl engtneer, visited llie Dsk district' lat week. 'Mrs. A. A. Connon and have arriveil from Hums Lake In join Mr. Connon who has been 'appointed manager- of Ihe II. Cunningham A -Nm sUue. lurge tnleni polo was shipped, last week from Klspiox lo New Vork. Canadian National Railway Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD WOODEN HULL CONSTRUCTION A SPECIALTY. Plans and Estimates Furnished For All Classes of oats. Anyone considering the purchase of a new fishing vessel, tug, or wooden boat of any description is cordiallv invited to inspect progress on the two 00 fool cruisers we are now utiiiuiiig lor tne Msheries UepartmenL DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. IVIaguire Rooms 7. 8, 9 Smith Block 4 Office Hours, 9 to V , Phone 575 Lady AastsUnt . I. J. L 1 LJ a IIL..U-J' Beautiful Winter OVERCOATS JUST ARRIVED. Btorm 'Collars -Detachable Bella Latest Style. Sty King $22 and $24 t tu,..a