wium won ' - - - . nATLY IfM - - - i i TWTBAII SMOKER WEEK AFIERJIEXTViiK . ' '. jOtiwns, Aiillron, Drnudson. and lhe,executivf of the football '"a" ''' K,,r l('f '" intt..M.iUii.'.n f in.'(rami-s, uipame players unci in ,11118 and .11)19 and this year lie wa the second largest winner. Formerly .active as a yuclils. man, Air. Ho is now an enthusiastic dee -(.M fisherman. In the sumfuer of I U 1 1 he landed with rod and line in St. Anne' may. t;aw melon, a tuna weigh. Ing f.KO ihmiiiiIs which was then a world s record. For this feal he was admitted i honorary membership in Ihe Tuna Club, (.alifornia. Durinx the war he was .in rommend t a llcjlish det rover. "I'd still rather watch a football game than eat." remarked Col. S. p. McMorilie of this rily yesterday while he chatted with F.. V. Ilely, president of the Canadian Pacific Hailwuy, renewing o(d remembrances of college days at Toronto I ntversity. No ilnubt in former days. Col. Mc-Mordie would rather play llran eat. Perhaps the same could have henii snid of Mr. lleatly. IU). MrMonlie, Mr. Ilealty and "Jack" llobbs, another iiiPinlier of the parly yesterday, all went to Toronto University together and I hey were each elars on the same lniversily Senior rushy learn. Mr. llolilis wascaptain of the team. SHDEGATE INLET Work has heen started n Skidcgate on the provincial government road. It is understood the government intends Joining jlhe (Jueeii Charlotte City road lo Ihe present road from Skidegale to TI-11. A son was born to- Mr. and Mrs. ;. Fnt on Saturday, September 15, at the Skidegnle Inlet Hospital. Kverybody is bxikinz forward lo a good hunting season this year. I. arse floeks nf geese pass over very day. Black bear re very plentiful on all Ihe creeks. One man reports hiving - scn six during one aflVnioOn. The basket social, which should have laked place on Sept. has been postponed until the middle nf October, when the fi.O. U.S. ship Ullooel makes her last call Tor this season, Miss fireenwood nf Victoria arrived on the last steamer from Vancouver, to lake charge of Ihe Skidegate Public School. .1. I.. Barge returned last Sal- unlay from an inspection trip or me' east roast provincia 'govern t fir. Nevvcoml- of Victoria ar- Wed here lislay for a short visit . jm ine government launcii seat Ij'live. . , 3Ir. Carlisle was alo a passen ger on the Seal Cove. Ilavlnir for Women s W Jiicdy " 1 BRINGING UP FATHER ---- By George McIVW,. run rcange or 11 bvcolux imute" h Zf ! 1 1 I cvt tLx l I . coulo..t ii ; . xourb Lwct "TT ct Ira f tcoat' L in make them a size larger. . ' " X! ' fe) W MR?? t7 i 1 11 I 1hi --HHilh- Family SHOE Stare I Third Ave. : RESENT MCr MT TROPHIES TROPHIES 1' (fol lwn two !,insl,,-s singles, nn, and Flewart. wart. C.'pt C.'et winner winner in in the the United United Slate - .-... , J BUY A HOME Twenty acre tract, fronting on Frascr River, one mile from railway station, with 5 room house, barn, and chicken house, five acres cultivated and fenced. Two acrej slashed. Fiv acres with commercial timher. OooiJ school, etc. This home, can he had for $2,000.00 Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes.. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Stove WOOD Wd have just received a car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. Size cut to order. Also Kindling In Sacks. ' For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 580. Service and Quality our Motto. Cartage and Storage P,hone 6S Cartage, Warehousing, and, Distributing, Team or i Motor -Service Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. EDSON COAL Vj can nov; Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL In any. quantity. Prince flupert Feed Co Phone 68. KINGfiEORfiE CAFE First. Class CHOP 8UEY and NOODLES. Furnished -Rooms to iRsnt. I'rices Reasonable' Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH-COST OF living: Kliiiiinatejf" the draught around '0(n? v3udows and SEk OUR PAJENT J. WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows, (lass and Mirrors of all I kinds. I. ROSS MACKAY. Phonis Blue 1SB, night decided to nut on a hip! smoker on October 1. at which i.rnnlnlinn of all ilie lr.ml.ies their j-esneelive winners. The' affair will be complimentary ...... to all sipned players in Ihe city in cudinp Juniors. The trophies to be thus distributed are as follows: Jlohley Cup for leapue championship and individual medals Urol to. diominion Hay Cii Sons of Canada. iiilhuly Ciui Kons of F.nland. Sluarl Shield- Sons of KiiB-.r.up, land. Itorliesler Miieid i.nlH Juniors. The Fair Hoard will also bc'a invited to make presentation of Ihe trophy won by Prince It u perl in the recent F.xliiliilinn series on this occasion. (DOUBLE HEADER IN .zli i POST BAIL SERIES Anyox,irifJefTMrn In Line (For Winning Trophy If They Beat El AXYOX, Sept. ifiy winning ibolh games in a double-header, the Aline, team now bai'jhnejre 7 i 1 1 Ihe post season series and if this team wms fh nxl gann,VI be played the old silverware 'vvSlf d' part from the cabinet in Ihe Klks' Hall and occupy a treasured niche on t lie Mine bill for a twelve month al least. The frist game rlwas -wonhAUJilS-by Ihe "Muek- Tn'lneir fa- jvor, 'tne total scoring lieing (enm-tn"five. The Mine (tot one )of JJuc in the second, five fn the Ubird, one faction the fourth and fifth frame faud three in the IsKth. The rKIks got one in 'the second, and two in each of the fifth and seventh innings. Hal ting was th'e order of the game and averages soared, the Mine getting if-n hits and the Klks eleven. .For the Mine, Halverson, Maley and C, .Ferguson .got two baggers, while Halverson and (reenwell each got a pair of ingle and Anderson, j, Fer pnson and C. herguson eacli got one. For the Klks, one two. bag ger .was gol by fireenwell, iirent zen, Campbell nud Sloan each' Connected; with a pair of singles.' and .Downs, .Crty, Dratidson nud Filzpalrick found Ihe Mine pitcher for one each. In this gante ,C. Ferguson got eight strike-outs and Dtaudson, for the Klks, four. These games save (, . herguson an opportunity In show .what lie could do in lh pitching .line. He went through both games Ditching the fiftetui iniiiiiKs necessary to .complete them and won both. This is pro. bahly a record for Anyox ball. 'Second Game The second game was an .en tirely diffei-eHl affair from the firsl exhibition, the Klks tighten ing up, Jiuldiiig the "Muckers' xcorelesM ;iilltirthe seventh, when thny allowed the boys from the lilll 'to e(iialii with the two runs which they had managed to count up. It looked like a real win .for thcaiillei-ed bunch .until this inning. The game was t'len tied, and in the extra frame the Klks failed to score al bill, the Mine finishing on the long end (if Ihe eore when Mealey man ngeil to reach home on a wild' throw from first to third. 'Uh Klks led in the hitting in thf game, .getting eight safeties whil the Mine were getting- five. .l-Vr giiHon attain led with strikeouts totalling sexen, while Filzpalrick nad two. tor the Mine, Mealey Ferguson and J. .Ferguson one' each. The Klks halters connect- lllfr nit .w i Itir I.. riruoiiu-Aill -'J, "reenweu, a, t'Tguson .C. -Ferguson, Hewart. Mllerson, Halverson, I'yntie. Al lan, ;lolynrt, deane. . . ... L'll. It il 1. 11 n '"". '.aoipoe.i. - KAAnii'.t II L ila..nl!Alf f . . . -rr " 'r"Jn Itrnl,n Hrentjen. floan, .l.iun 'llutpliiv Thorloy. Umpiro Olsen; hase umpire, Sinclair. TENNIS FINALS ARE f ON AT ANYOX AX VOX, Sept. 19. The tennis finals for Ihe l F. r.hnninion Men's Open Singles, was won by l. Col, who defealeil II. T. Hallion in three out of five ames. it was hard fouslil temiii the way thnuhfinnil attract ed a large cmwil to Ihe courts while lli' play was on. -a Sport Chat With lite juiintliale olijerl in view of Jietipiiig local alhleltw in wod cniKtltioii and an ultiiuale idea of possibly staging a Iraek meet. on Cliri!tmas or New Year's Da)- such a is customary in Vancouver, IWI Morgan, mana- rgei" of llieiiirollo Cigar tore, in- viuls jlll' .ril sundry young men of the eily to lake part in I lie ctyoutiuniry runs that he is nr. gaiiiziug at his store. Ihe first f thee runs was -staffed last night and they will be continued regularly as their popularity warrants. asfriie fniifili animal tournament under the auspices t, the a-lional Horseiiiw. pjinhers' Association ooen in Cleveland today with representatives from 2J tales, including all Ihe games celebrities, participating. Al least 200 will compete in Ihe men'it tournament alone and in addition there will be tournament fur women and boys under fifteen. Probably Miff most conspicuous player who will lake part in the tourney is Harold Falor, a 15- year old Akron boy, who won the national championship in Florida last winter. Commander J. K. .!., Itoss, director of the .Canadian Pacific Railway, who wa here yesterday wiiti i ne presidential parly or Ihe m railway rifmpaiiy, is i.amuia e , most wealthy ami successful iiieni road, hocse breeder ami race trackp.. ' -. . man. His activities on lh turf or tinada and the United Stales I. ....... 1. 1 i.: .i.i.. I me i.i.Fiini Miiu.pi iiiiuim; morr. prominence 'than any, of his other iiiiereniN, ins ime racing siaioe has brought him in many jalu- ame tropins, jie was jie larg- Beauty Hint For clear skin nnd bright eye Take Vbcn food is only imperfectly digested, it gives rise to fermentation, clogs the bowels, and renders the blood impure. This results ii dull eyes, muddy skin, blotches, pimples nd other disfiguring marks. Beecham's Pills act immediately on the stomach, liver and bowels; regulate them and keep them in n vigorous condition. They are mild, hnrmles and dependable. They ;nre compounded of remedies of vegetable origiu having great medicinal value. Beecham oXaf 9ttywh$f in boxit Pills .Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PER WORD IN WANTED ISI.AXI) I.OCVHON WANTKI), Will lease or purchase and reward locator for island or group with a thousand acre or more, nr finmire iiuiihp In development f fur farm. tJ"oa'1') tierard, A0.1 Seaboard Hull. ling. Seattle. WANTKI). Men and women lo learn barberlng. Paid while ( learning and tool free. Write for catalogue. Moler ltarber College, N'ancouver, H.C. WANTKI. Uirl for general h'usework. Iinpilre Fourth Avenue West or I'hnne 500. (f WAN TKlWomaii for half day ' work. Ihou 137. The Inlander. WANTKI . Jkirpenter wants Job work. Plume lied 5Ht. 2? I Wanted. (!irl helper. The In. lander. I'bone 37. FOR SALE FOIl SAI.K. Pipelens furnace practically new, -tillable for hall or 5 lo .? roomed house. Heating capacity of rt.Ooq to 15.000 cubic feel..., Can tie. seen in operation. .Apply Box I t'l I la My News. if Foil SAI.K. Six roomed modern house, concrete basement, fire-plane, tiled bathroom. I'art cash, balance under Soldier Housing Scheme. Mrs. I'eylon, IMioiie Hd 703. 220 l YI-KWIHTKIt for Sale. I.. C. Smith. Ktrellenl comliliou. l2.no Other goiMU. Phone Black 2Hl FOIl SAI.K. Household furniture including piano. Phone lied 2.10. 222 LOST LOST. New pair of men's bo.i between Atllll' Avenue mid (iW Bay on Salunlay last. 'Finder return to daily News ofllce. lleward. 223 lamaged his band It was neces sary for litm to go lo Ihe Sklde. gale Inlet Hospital for medical al lent ion. ALICE ARM Alice Arm has been having a very prosperous tummer and labor has been al a premium. Ihe Abliolsfdrd Logging Oi. is employing sixty men in Its cntnps v bile mining has been rather quiet,, headway ban .been made. Ilie omeslake Mining Co. Is employing sixteen men, Hie Ks-peraiua has been working stead ily throughout the summer and Hie Keystone' Mining Co. recenllv starred operations on Hie Suusel properly on Itoumly Creek. B is understood thai work on Jhe wing dam above lowu which is lo be built by Ihe provincial government will start as soon, as Ihe Upper Kilsault bridge Is completed. M, id. Boss, local manager of Ihe lloyat Bank of Canada. Is In Vancouver on holidays ami S. It narper or prince luiperl H re. lieviug him here, s- Mrs, N. Hulilovich left ' last week ifor Prince Ituperl accom pnnying her ilaughler, Miss Zorka Sut f lo led, who will iilleiu) school1 there. oiibtcribs for Bit daily Nsws ADVANCE. No AdrtUm.nt Tk.n lor L... ,hn ROOM AND BOARD PAI.MKH HOUSE. 400 Seventh Avenue Went. Phone lied 1 10. Furnished sullen. BOARD, The Inlander, 830 becoiul Avenue. Pbon 137. If FOR RlkT FOB IlKNT. Furnished rooms with or without hoard. Home cvmklnjr. ,ai Exhibition build-ing. Moderate , rales. Norfolk Booms. Phone Btark 32. If FOB ltKNT.-4li rained house, with bathroom and Miige., on Itonleti Street. Annlv Me- Mek ill's. S I lAM -lleatrd FlaT for rent Besiipr apartiiirnta, U. M. Slepheiu. MODKItN four room flat for rent. Welenhnver Bros. tf TAXI Taxi 7 Phone. (till (leorg? or Ouit) , Ross Brothsre. test SerMCji lh City Anywhern. AnHJme. Iiav or Niirht SUnd: Boston Grill Third Aenus AUCTION HALES. Conducted in your bom or m-cur rooms, fioods alto told on ornrnlislnn, H. M. HEIMMtnOS, Auctioneer, Third Avenue (Dei.ny Allen's Old Store) Phone black 138 and Oreen 471. CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TAS8IE, D.O. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue, Prince lluprrt, B.C. Ilour.i: 10 lo 12: 2 lo : 7 to 8. Phone Blue 625. Ilesldcnce. Oreen 136. 'EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE Order taken for Spirrlla Hood Mrs. J. M. Orahlman Kaleii Shoe Store, 711 SccoiM Avenue West. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays nnd Fridays, closes at 5.30 run. From the East .Monday, Thursdays nnd 8al-unlays, 4:30 p.m. From Vancousr .Sunday :P. M Mondays .... 1 P.M Wednesday I P.M. Fridays .. A.M. ti rrionys i.... C.P.It. Sept. 10 ahd 21. To Vancouver Anyox and Arrandale. Sundays 7 From 'Port Simpson, Alloa Anyox and Arrandale Tuesdays To .Stewart and Premier- Fridays o Sundays 7 3 P.M. Mondays 10 P.M. Tuesdays. Mall closes nt ( P.M. Thursdays 10 P.M. Saturdays A.M. Saturdays 10 P.M. C.P.Il. Sept. H, t , and 25. To Anyox, Alice Arm Wednesdays . 9 From Anyox, Alice Arm iniirsdays 8 .To Port Simpson, Alice P.M. Arm P.M. Arrn P.M. From Stewart and Premier U sJr fw irrni ??Jix r;" i-.M. arKrfe1 Iitesdays p,( "' ih- ii..riiiMl rornrf ' of U Vjrtiii t" To A.a.k. Points- VKfKW 1 Sept. n and 21. loiitlmtiiffty ni'l '"""'m "T 10 ' From Alaska .potnU Hepl- . I " and 2.1. To -Queen Chsrlotle Island Points'. ,Jtooti!j a sf s 1 vv eduesouys ....i,.w 1 From 'Queen Oharlotte 'Point Sundays A.M. 80c t j NOTICE. vnicK i MiHinv T 'l'4lriti.n mill u 5ul,., a i I'riltrr Mirfl i, t . . fit IIM I'r.tUt. nf hria.i Bell !. ff ,n A- i I -ITMKTI liw-rt Uaril lu.i . Ilk Art li." iBifmt,, . :tlUrM) arf it M r ... u lh tM-snurM i,. , w"i imw m a..v rTSiVni-ti th cut -t i it' Mmm rar o ;. MwntltHtr or u Mf1. 3 NOTICL l TUT UlTtfli -7.. .. L . lb Imm vf frts in 4 w jn tmw iri. r I . i f Inwi UISita. :. Hinrl of Till rur : t lenlMI M flrt rasmMt a irrm crrmM-at. ? ;ui4 In ih sum ui . u.i Ofiifli u lit 4 iw j v.. nil it niimirMd n;i r c. tin lutf. iu h i i"ro LAUD ACT, iu.tu. u ft! U 1mm is h um tmu I- ) I '" ?"JtT f nv. mmh Uui w j. tw. .et-i it- it ;uHmr dweM i... ii MH 4Mllw Ml Ik Uia Ce. IfcsMv nui tl rluiat. i w nff -x 1 ' imri iheor flfc.ii. .at (UisnrtrlMll kl r-J I irn-r-e tt e. W 1 . . . t. Sit t f Piled 7lh Iff? MINIMAL ACT. CtaririCATi'or ieaoitU HOTICf. lllf. Htlf to. I ). luir y- I. Mr! Mar CUma ,wime4 la H iMMtMb er o w.in-i rtr lwi m vvif" ntlle til r port m Take VMIf UMl 1. lMl. Illlf dip ffKIS ippv W iis Mmmt " lilils a.nasmM'- f 4,Umini 1 r.fim I. - eUitnt. , .. iaoV-r lefiiua SI mm " rrs Ihe Imhv r ' - linnrmrnn. , An r m.M.' LAND ACT. Nll f IsUSII 14 lf In ?kiu Mud iMMiift Iricl .Of rnnre Hwprri. il l s 1W ' , t Dille Ksjlhwwl :'u,t. IUilir ns.ul0u.r 1' ' ''.'."a Tt isillrt IMl '" 1 f Tsa. Vsnroutfr. ir.C- rnirin ' t-3f lno-nl to tPptr tr t)f"" ,. m rhtte the felilD( d"" ' ( -m of Dll UUn'l l ' ' ' 7 " t ,t.-n-ri.lkilnl I'. ..1 miwM ihe lutil . mjt " iir'" liillwAj, CMt nUllinf "r y rav. r b. pdttt llrUrt 0. ptird Mi!'",iul. ,.,,b' SUNtMAU ACT. eIlTlrlCATI"o7"eaoYlT, HOTICf. rf ' SMiStse." ' m ,B t s. i- MieoMl ;3if i ' " " k skeeia Mliilnr PIl)on . Iinirlrl. WlKrs kwl"1 lualil en Wlwl CMiiiwi ..... . -5, TAke .Xdllre Uwl W"" lllimi-a I'm must m c l1. iu- ljjr.. IiiuihI. 11. Ihe. XI'" 1 r.. t onirir - r m- V t tie .uri.e of llnin lions rliliil. ,, ,, irtl. Viwt fnrilH-r uk' n ; ' ',.,.i,i.(wNl W fi.re His limine i.f U"h "eilin liKJiniveiiM-liU. . .,... J. mi. 'j;,iciv)X - ....T LAND 0IITaCT. wner mirk to l'"'. , hf V"; ft L0l pot m lh Jr.e, "Y tMJn. . - jtj.fiiitipin - ..i. ,.,- m icm. more or listed IMl fOlh'J" f '"'L HlJlfl co. I 1N111IIA HSIII.N0 I1..,!. II, 8. Dibiniwn.