PA01 SIX HOUSEHOLD LINENS and Linens for Fancy Work Pure "Meadow Bleach" Easy Drawing Linen, in 30, and 5 1, inch widths, from $1.75 a yard HandkeVcffief Linens, white and colored at . . $1.75 a yard Pure Linen Huck Towelling, 18 inch, guest width, 'in -Mauve and Pink, al $1.00 a yard Embroidered Linen Luncheon Sets, in honey color fadeless linen at per set of 5 pieces $7.00 ' N'drioiis other items in pure Linen, Table Oaniask, TaMe Uloths, Towels, Towellings etc., lately arrived. Ask to see IhehT. HI, H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd. We stock Pictorial Heview and Home Journal Patterns. Wc Prepay Mail Orders. DANCE At the Auditorium Every Wednesday and Saturday Evenings From 0 till IS o'clock. Pryce's Orchestra. Admission Gentlemen SOc; Ladles 25c. Come and dance your sorrows nwa', and remember jour miseries no more. L. J. MAHRE.V, Proprietor. Phone Black U9. FURS 'BENTS READY-TO-WEAR, STORE A . j-ejiysTitlaUvc of tlni Yukon Fur Company, for which we arc agents, wilt ar-rfte, on the CIMt. boat on Saturday and will put on dis-ptay Saturday afternoon a selection of Fur Coals and Neck Pieces. Onlers for making or remodelling of fur will be taken by this eiperl. BENT'S Ladies' Reacfy-to-war " Third Avenue. 'Agents for Yukon Fur Com-' ' pany Summer COAL Great satisfaction! Repeat ' orders being filled every day for Ijanaimo-Wellington , Nut Coal (Jkjick ITrel Lasts Longer! 'i Costs same as other N'jt ? Coals. Phone 116 or 564. I Albert & McCallery LIMITED SUITS Made I (i individual measure from Various fabrics for yju to rfiooVc from, in all tlio very'latkt colors and materials, fiver? suit mado exactly to jour measure. Qusranteed To Fit. Cohie In today and we will iiow yo'u odr new fabrics. Prices Are Moderate. DRY CLEANING AND V. PRESSING BY STEAM. ,eiec night. LING TheYTailor Second Ave. Phone 649. Opp. Post Office Corner. m CANCELLATION OF REICRVE. .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE.N. that a no tion vt the kalrn Island rtrsrrve aurveyrd is Lot 6535, RiQte S. Coast District. Is canceuea. 0. R. .ADE.. twpuly Mlnlftcr of Hods. Lands nrpiruurnt. Vlctoru, B.C. 181a Jul j, lit. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. .NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVE tint tne re w tiltin over the Undi foruwrlj lield under Timber Licence Ao. itiH F Is cancelled. G. K MDE.X. Depulr Minister of Lands. Lands Department, Victoria. B.C. 31U July. tm. Advertise in the Dally News. ft Are you up-to-date Don't be a 1 " J0JNthe tech I Class Commence Oct. 1st. al Prince Rupert, Terrace, llazellou, New Ilazellon, .Smilhers, Telkwa, Prince feorge, Surf Inlets Swanson Hay, .Anyox, Alice Arm Stewart. Norlhern Polytechnic Institute o B.G. Syllabus issued shortly. Write for partit'ulars to the llegistrar, Uox 882, Prince Rupert, or see the Local Representative. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 to 8. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. N TVUttl Dohn-ly Coparrd wttli ordinary sited piirt, Sewing Machines, Pianos, Phono graphs and Player Pianos Fur Rent by Week or Month. Walker's Music Store Ltd. HORNETS ARE CAUSE OF TROUBLE FORT WILLIAM Various City Departments Pass Buck When It Comes to Removing Nest FORT WILLIAM, Out., Sept. 1 8. A complaint was turned in to the city hall recently which has kept ICity Clerk Mc.Naushtun guessing. The complainant set forth thai a certain hornet had built itself a house under one of the wooden sidewalks and pro s-ceded to raise its rather large family, and the family was now annoying (he subject.- of the King by prodding them with their stiup. As a rule the city clerfc has little difficulty in allocating com-' plaints to their proper department, but here was a host of pe-' cularilies. Should' the case bei referred to the pouiidkcf iter, -a mm,: one oi unruiy animals run. nine at large, or to I lie sanitary inspector, as a nuisance and menace to health? Or would it be belter to notify the chief of police, since the realm was being lislurbed Another thought was that it came under the depart. ment of the street commissioner because they were obstructing the sidewalks but Ibis was ncza liud l.y tlie fact that Ihev bad buill a house without a permit, so that the building inspect r was clearly the man to interfere. Aid. DarrelPs. ituli'stiial and enter taiiinn-nt committee was well Yes, we have No Bananas but we have Cauliflower, Cn. cumbers. Head Lettuce, (recti onions. Parsley. Corn Cucumbers, lireen Tomatos, Pickling Onions. Pickling CucunUiers, (ireen Tomatas, Citron. liubliard Squash. Turnips Carrots, Itcwts, Parsnip."; Cabbage, ami (Mi ions, and like the merchant in the latest popular sons, we pride ourselves upon tin- high quality of our K"ts ami tlie fart tliat we sell at the lowest market VyEEK END SPECIALS Maid of .Clover Creamery Butter, in bulk, a lbs. for 51.25. We abstHutely guarantee Mhe ifdalijy of this butter to rV superior to any line on flits market, and we take this opportunity of advising you that this price on butter will be a tiling of the past within ten days. B.C. Fresh Pullet Eggs Week-end Special, 3 doz. for $1.25. We consider Ibis line the best value in town today. They are fresh stock. 'Special This Week End Wealthy Apples, crated, Jumble Pack, box $1.95. "An apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away." There is more truth than poetry in this saying. Ituy your apples by the box and let the kiddies eat plcnljfi of them. An apple at nighlbefore retiring will preserve their teeth from decay. British Columbia Mcintosh Reds, the finest apple that grows. First shipment H.C. slock arriving for Saturday trade. See us for case price before you buy. "Salt Spring Island Jam." oiir are the days when mother workH till lale at night putting up jam for the winter. Nowadays you can buy belter jam, in the store. Sail Spring Island Jam Is belter jam than unit her Used lo make because It is made under perfect condillnns, nothing but the pure sugar and Hie very choicest berries are used. The berries are md culled or over-ripe from shipping. The Salt Spring I timid berry growers must make the best Jam oblain-fil le otherwise they will have no market for their produce. This is your guarantee. Packed only In Strawberry, Raspberry and Loganberry. 4 lb. tins 85c. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211-212-281. Saturday Phone Service Starts 7 a.m. , TBI DAILY NEWS Wednesday, aVaVBPWvmfrBJBBBBH E EvervMeal m K Nave 8 packet in your 9 ' K pocket for ever-ready 9 ; k rerresnnenL h B Soothes the throat., 9 K For Of ality. Flavor and 9 used to dealing w h i van?,- visitors, but it inilr ikiiii' under I In-, ken of the fire iln.-t. suite the! place was evidently In'mg inmli-pretty hot, ami again, if any dam-! age had been done, there was the, o lar I lie liornels are still in position and tin- various departments are trapping anion? thomsehes for the privilege of uot monkeying with Hie net. PRIZE IS OFFERED V wealthy slockma.i dieil her re cently, peter Mitchell, who in his will left a fund for Hie "ideal woman." Priies are to lie distributed from tint to time. I he conditions for competitors are that Hiey npist be unmarried, not oxer 30. of IlrilUli !i.ivnl of knowledge, ineliidiiift the fol lowing subjects; History of the Itrilish Umpire: veoirraphy of iilralia; elementary iiuatomy atnl physiidoy; protielency in first aid; praelicai housekeeping: lomeslic economy.' She 111111 also hate a thorough ouderslandiiiL of a wide rnntte of lamlisli literature inrlodinu 'hakespeare. Carlyle. Dickens. Itobert Hums, . I.. Sietenson and others. H forllier laid town that Hie ideal woman's knowledge of the llihle must be sound ami appreciative. Finally, she must be able lo nurse babies and children. WOULD MAKE ROADS INSTEAD OF RAILWAY J. D. McArthur Urges Utilization of the Tar Sands of Northern Alberta WI.NNIPKO. Spl. I u. flial the lar sands should be utilized l' make noo.l roads tlirounlioui western Ciinada, in place of build- lilir new branch railWats. is the opinion of J. D. McArthur, who was a member of the party which rein rued to the city afler a trip oi Inspection to tho tar sand area, as uuest of .1. Callaxhan. deputy minister of railways. Mr. McArHiiir's opinion is the more notable ln'caiise he has been en gaged in railroad.bu'ihling in weslern Canada practically all his life, liicliidinir of course the I',. I). it H.C. ami A. (I. W. railways in Ibis province. I have never had occasion to change Hie opinjon I firsl formed or Hie, lar sands, hOsi'iid. "It has InO'ii ileiiioit,slrned Hint they can be" ecoiuiiuleally and effici ently used Jnv road-bulldllig. Asphiili roads possess a great ninny advantages over rourrrln I hey can be used Immediately Hiey are Coiuplel'eil and they can he easily repaired.' I am glad to see that the provincial guvum-' ment is taking uiHlhe itiesliou In a very practical way, and g laying no experfinchiiil ship along die St. Albert trull. This should be invaluable us it guide to fu-i lute npi'ralions. Prosperous advertising means regular continuous advertising. ARTHUR MEIGHEN AND HIS TOUR OF PRAIRIES Pertinent Suaaestlon Made to Opposition Leader by Edmonton Paper Mr. Mriylirn is to make i speaking lour of Western Canada says I he Ivliuouton llullrtln in an ... I . I A. f n.linl.. I'tl.l,. Ilftrill1 f llllillt 111 Ullllll. 1. ,tV, onilitions it would he supposed thai Ins intention was to tell the p'xple on Hie prairie what lie Hunks about the King goxeru- me it I uder Hie riling rondi ions that might be interesting Out would hardly be relevant Nr I tier the goxerumeul nor the ippsi!ioii uot enough supporters v ft "ed to the prairie prownrrs at tasi electimi to make a corporal's k tj a i i If either is to make largi' S! s. and thus help to reslorr m 'i tin if noriniilry. it will lie t- be ;v Hie t-pi'e of the Pro-i'''-Hi'. II may be expected. th'i ' tore, that the tippositiou trader will dewde a gotnl deal it his tune ami attention to renew iiwj Hie reeord of thf Progresie gmttp in parliament with sprriu' ffferi-oee In the lltlllierous H--. sinus iioii winch it plael truant tn ltli iiriiEi'lliltf mi. i t,li..ltrM itii claims coiuniitt.-e (H n-fer to it.;,,,, . . ' , . , mli rests xf Hie people It ttim tip-pnsed lo ri-pr)eii. II may take some murage In thus eiiudldly prvsrut Hie iiiH'omplimeutary facts in ipiarters where Hiey ma not be rHihed. but that I it pnility Mr. Meiehcit has not been i . . t .. -i. i . it. . FOR IDEAL WOMAN1:.. mill ilo something to illapel the (already shaken d'diision that Australia Stockman Provides Mi,,",'rn' lrsrtly is to be at- Legacy For Best All Round Female, Single, and Under 30 SYDXKY.Auslraha. Sel. IU. tnnieil tlimiigh lilieieuieiits. group m it ical When you buy adverlUIni? you buy CmcULATION. and see that you set IL tf and resident in Aii.tralin. Ihev MAIL CONTRACT. 3i.M.t.o i i.i urns. aajrtitm to tr , ... i ,, , miisl not Ik- the ofr-sprm or rinuMer -itcral m is rrHf4 at first con, ins. 'the woman who is ",UV ont1' mm. on irirtay. it- tm , , . , Oftolwr. lets. fir th nmrrtaiK or lie to win the prue must 1h clieerful,Mjwt Mail, on a rntoM cootran ami bright in disposition. for XHir jrar. ttiirtn tnwa rr mra on Sim must cut a giHkl figure on strt i.ttr ikhn, rlc, fra. ttst Sutt- horseback and swim wvll. She "LSTIZSL plX?Z:, ........ must be inleleclitally a well as!frtalion to MtJiofw. ,jf , prvfue4 may b wii and blank form of olivoleiillv u-wll nn.l -1B'C"lrrt pil)siraii wen fiiiien. ami slie .rrnlrr ..r lltl.,lnfa ., ,k. , is reipiireil to hate a wide rrtn- nuts-tt. s.c, aixt at tb cfrir er in iii. sun. ( l'ui smir 0l irtrt surMiDifiikui'i orrirt. Vancotnrr, t. r. M I'll MY. PiMrUi auitrtDUriwIeoi, tlth Aurtiit, let a. TENDERS WANTED. st1 Trtxlrrt lll lie H-rvhrd t th It) r.trrk up In 5 IVW Moiwtir. tt. fr II ililrhirif .f aitjtliiitrlr '( IIIM-tl frrl. tut A IIK-h walrr main Mi rirsl Ur lull InfftfitullMi iihI fcKim of inuU-t may lie had at liar iifflrr f Im mHirirmi. TMr t b rutnl isi tlie iMil.Mr of eul'."TriHrr fur bllra IBir.' jiel or any Irtulrr IM nrrr arlljt arrrlt r. w. n:itsov City l.nttnn-r. TCNOIRS WANTSD. Trivli-ra will l rrrriel by Ih City ftf Vrtivr lluirl for thf tiurrtia nf litt 41 ami l. Hl's-k t. Srrtkm I; awl Ul 7. uirs-a in, srriiiMt t. TriHlrr lo te In Ow OfNrr hi th Cltir ckrk, in rani "TriKlrra for IM." hoi lali-r lliati i pjii. M.Hidiy. SrilMiibr 17. IJ Tlie blatvit or ini IriMlrr l tim-r. arlly arrrpled. E. r. JOSES, City Ork. Loggers S Prospectors BOOTS Men's Fine Shoes from $4.50 Men's Brown Calf Shoes, in Hood) ear Well, wide or narrow Iocs, from ' $5.50 Hand Made Loggers' Boots from $8.50 REPAIRINO. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Next HI. Ilcpls Cafe. NEW BOSTON Grill Third Ave. The Latest in Itcstaiirants, Prlvato Boxes for Ladles. Best Food Best Service. "'lake her to the Iloslon." OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Phone 376 The House i. of Quality COATS For dis'im (inn and charm our l.ilr-t itiv -e u derfol. Kuril model reflects beatily of wnrkin h , j Mgn and all are m the latest malt-rials sn, h ' Bolivia, Duvetyn and Suede Clolk Some have collar atul ruffs of real skunk utid 8 " while olliers are in plain black Molina. If you are looking foV"oniethiua difren-oi v r t it in these lale all stle. Pricos within the range of all. $27.50 to $100M UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Outfitters to tho Whole Family. Satisfaction or Money Back. Wo Prepay Mail 0rtn Prompt delivery to all parts of Prtnrc HnprrL WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 Katherine The Woma Macdonald IS Conquers' llodooti s H,,y. "no, woiimu's roijnii litii slie i 'aim1 -lie .iw. she ouipiered i Fifth enne ',! nod w " tn ft In on! , J BRYANT WASHOUnN, MITCHELL LEVVlS, BORIS 4 v? KARLOFF and JUNE ELVIDGE. THE NEW LEATHER PUSHERS, ROUND NO. 1 "THE CHICKA8HA BONE-CRUSHER." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE. Admission 35c and 10c Shockley's Mi Arc now Solo Agenls for Ihe liiniber calf"' "f U" Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPLAP. Spruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phont 383. These cool morning make tine ihitik f w ' 'l'1 )f and iiollitug is more sensouabie thiiil For the A New Suit and a Mackinaw Coat Our llnys" Deiiarluirnt is fully slocked w h ' iirrivnls in .Soils mid Mackinaw for the Hoy s,l" "re Tweeds mid Herges in lirowti, navy nml K" ,,u'" J shades this season. Prices run from $6.50 to $18.50 nod siies rtiini I'd lo an. They can be had with citlier0l ur two pairs of panls. .. 4 ju NV hiive also a large seleclion or .Mackiituw t1'5 the latest shades. rices run front $4.50 to $18.00 mid sizes from S2 lo ;i(. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Corner Third and 8eventh. phon