Thursday, August 10, 1023, V Dissolve in boiling water Use enough to get a big lasting suds Big lasting suds one secret of Rinso' s amazing power to dissolve ditt. If you don't get lasting suds, you have .Ml'Mltn l"Hiu i:alern icaiuni, Spak an or more 1 nlWil !UI. AOCNGV ALL OCIAN STIAMSHIP LINES Cl, Tif!1 Ofriet, B2S Third A4 Prlntt Kuparl. hour if tr ru not used enough Rinso. Aftei soaking, only the most soiled clothes need a light rubbing with dry Rinso. Your clothes don't need boiling if you use Rinso. But' if tou like to boil your white cottons, enough Rinso solution to get the suds you like. NOTCl In WrV water i Ukee from la 1 package t FUo la tub lo make good euda. la ttry ktri water you will txti Item Ift 1 PY.f ? ' lab la get ike big Uetieg eude that Imd til Ua dill. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO use RJ02W "Rupert" Brand Kippers SMOKED DAILY by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.3. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. . FOR ANYOX . WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. 8S. PRINCE ALBERT or PRINCE JOHN. r"f,Por Slmpeon and Stewart . ("ondar, S p.m. Vanceutar l Quaan Charlelte Wanda Wedneadaj S p.m. SImki Rlter Porta Sunday a.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Ik-avf ITInrr lliilK-rl, for I'lllNOv OMUIOK. EHMOMU.V wn Phone 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert 8.8. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, August 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 29. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, August 3, 0, 13, 17, 24, 27. 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedate, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River,- and Vancouver, every 8aturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing KMiii rrlnr tlupfrt. "Of VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocean Falle,' " Bwiiuan Say, Tueadar, B P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert "' Swaneon Bey, Saturday Noon, 'or ,ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wain Ulend, Sunday S P.M. 'or PORT SIMPSON and Naae Kltef Cenneflee, rrlday A.M. nj AVmuit, J. Barneiay, Prince nupcrt, D.C " TUB DAILY NEWS PAGE THRU A. M. KIpp, manager of the I It.A. cannery, arrived in the city Local and Personal from Port Kssluglou last even- j3ord&itS ins. u. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf May tier. Undertakers. Pnoue 351. ,f Iliodn-i- Kill.! Mi,., May Hoi. I lor Carnival Queen. Save Money! Huy our Nanaimo eiiiugiou aui uoai at a Ion. Albert & McCalTery. Ltd. tf I. S. Il.iiitiey, ilixtrict fotcxlfr iTiiiiui'n. iidiii uccan halls on llii1 I'riiire llupert Ial evening. 4 ii i i hay; - satuhday, all Luke 25c. Htul 15c. "Narbf- I lioHst,' Ciw Hay, 10 a.m. to p.m. ID I Hxliibiliiin ijjii'cial ,,Silwr Oup, iloiuli'il by Alderman Collar!, fur I he liei?l llm'r ami Mrelablc Kardfii oh Sentcinlivr T. UU -- Mr. nhilMri. Hen Self am Mi Mary IJvain refurueii by Ibe Prince lluin-rl yi'nienlay after. lUHiii' fHln.a lulef I rip south. - It. U. l'nrMiu i IiuiMiiir n 2,50tf frame riiliirn on Sulb Avenue Haul near Seal Cove, Mit chell A. Ourrie have the conlracl A. ?S,i.'0fi frnine resilience i Mnn luiill by Mitrliell Iurrie for A. Straehan al the eorner of IUior Street ami .Sixth Avenue. ltohert Sliiart of Ibe jirovincial puMbs wurkf ollice left on la-l niabl'i train for (ilarvale where he will !end n forlnislit' vacu-iioii mi his ranrli. . Jiinie UaneM, native, was fined to ami l vosl under the In- ilian Ad Hii iiiornlne bavin? been fnimil suilty if inloxicalioii ly Mngislrate MrClyinoot. H 'ImtI II. !onln, Vancouver liijinir vemlor, arrived from the muIIi ti the Prince llupert yt'i- lenlay afternoon anil i rppifter- e at the Hotel Prince Ituperf. P. V. Ainler.on, nail suMrin li'iidi'iil. lefl on laf iy(jln . train fur iNxb-.H-k ami Kilwanca m ii'iarlioenlal iltilie. He will be until Hie edifuf the week. J. W. McAllister. ion of W. (1. (i. MeAlli-ler, the Ocean Fa IN hotel manager, arrived on the Prince Huierl la-t evening ami left n the eHttxunil train ' for Ifazellon. i. I. II. Turner, manager 'of Hie Indian Mine. Stewart and I.. W. Palniore and J. I red IliU'liie. director!, left Oil biit niKht'! Irani tor New Haielton in the vicinity of which iilare they will iiii'. l Mime mineral claiuiM. Mrn. Ititchie wii aUo in the parly. J. II. Mncey, who was" shoe xaleiiiaii in II. S. Wullare'o utore here for a while In 1 U 1 8 and who is. now holding a similar petition in Vlon'ji Tvjii rlioc Slorefi in Vancouver, arrived from the mhiIIi oil. the Prince lluterl lad cveuintr and i re-Kitered at the llolel Cenlral. - - Itev. J. (iillell or Maxell re-lurueil front Vancouver on the Prince llupert lat evening and oailed on the Prince Albert for Hie l.-lands. Mr. Oillett had ill-tended pomp lo Newfoundland In meet his slsler and hrinp her West but 'he i. lo make' the trip arrosfi ibe ronlineiil with Vancouver friend mi lie did not jro any further than Vancouver. Plus 1c Per Piece. a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service (AV of your wMng 80 pr cni of your ironlne avrrlhinf( rtturnaJ dry You limply touch up a fw ouur girmanta auch wlnta, blousts, houaa drtuti, with hand-Iron. Phona ui today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. EAGLE BEAND Condensed Milk Nurse baby ii you can, but if mother's milk fails c?on'f exfjerf-ment with foods. More healthy babies have been raised on Eagle Brand than on all other infant foods combined. Send for Free Baby Boohs. VANCOUVER c-14 gr- y Miss Julia Cablerone sailed on the Prince Huiierl last night for ,,., Anyox. lir. Itaniel Mcl.ellan of Van couver is a visitor in the city re gisleied al the Hotel Prince Ilu ' ' terl. lock 1 all of Hie ti.W.V.A. re turned from Vancouver on the Prince llupert yesterday after noon. II. II. I.e', Frank Millcrd arrived from for .Mrs. C. llarrap, who has been visiting in the city with her sou. italph llarrap, i returning (o Vancouver on the Prince llupert llii evciiiuir. Miss Price accompanies her. Ir. O. Harwin, superinlcmieul of missions for ' the Melhodisl Church, sailed last night for Anyov and wjll return to the city I Ii is. evening, proceeding south lo .Vancouver. Hick Howe sailed Iasi night on the Prince Albert ,for Oueen Charlotte Cily. He, is veiling the Island on business in coiinec- tion with Ihawift. Canadian Co. which he represents. r Her! Henry, manager of the Vancouver tobacco firm bearing his name, was an arrival in the city from the south on the Prince lluperl yesterday afternoon. Mr. Henry's firm controls a chain of provincial cigar stores one of which is (he 4Srollo of this cily. He will be here unlit Saturday evening when lie Will return south. . . Passenger booked' for the simlh on the Prince llupert tonight include: It. II. Ley, Mr, (curve Hushby and J. Kerr for iViclofia; A. Knuuest, Mr. II. II. ..Manor and family. Dr. O. Oar-win, Miss Jensen ami I. A. Jcu-'sen. Anyox for Vancouver; M. i Argue. M. F. Durr, Miss M. j Fowler, Mrs. M. F.. Fowler, Miss M. llicliards, Mrs. Mi Mellaril, Mrs. C. llarrap and" Miss Price for Ymvcouver. . A. J. Stokes, manager In Shanghai, China, for- a large HiiImIi concern, mu'l Mrs. Stoke arrived from Vancouver tui the ! Prince lluperl .veterilay after noon and proceeded by, Hie evening I ruin for the east en route to London, F.nslaud. Mr. Sloke ha Iboeu piven a six inonlh leave of jahsenco and arrived, in Vancou ver on I he Kinpres ,of Canada last week having booked his pus-sage overlhe Cann'diiui .National by way of Priiwe Hupertt Edward Hyde, Indian A?unl at llazeltou, arrived from the in terior on lat nighi'x train and is reitislered at the Hotel Prince llupert. ' 11. Hodron, local manager for S. S. Maollia & Co., left on last night's train for Prince (ieorge on business. He will be away a couple of daya. The Lo Angeles Tinrber Pro- duels Co.'s xteam cchooner hi Abelo left Huckley Hay yesterday afternoon for San Pedro willi a full caruo :aroof of It lumber. Pasenf:ers sailiiu for the Condensary at South Sumas.B.C Ouccn Cl.arlotle Islands on the iTince .vineri iasi nifiii uiriuuro Hick Howe for N-Jueen Charlotte City; II. II. Hemming, Harry Munro. Frank Pasuin, H. J. Tidy and M. A. Huckley for Huckley Hay; llev. J. (iilletl for Massed. ltd ween, fifty and sixty couple attended the regular mid-week dance al the skating rink last. levelling and an enjoyable time spent. Kxrellent music wa Iwas provided lry Kasson's orchestra, the tloor was in fine condition and twelve o clock came all too. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. IHtillY ISI.ANI). Misty, calm barometer. 2il.Jfl: temperature, I ill; sea smooth; K p.m. spoke I -1 i-a nut Curacao 1 '..') miles from Hellinghani soulhltouud ; ,8 p.m. -poke steamer HI Abelo 3H miles vvesl of Mnctt hound for San Pedro; niidiii.'li' steamer Prince llupert, out uorthlMiiiud.' DHAIi I'ltKF PniN T. Foggy. Vancouver on, .iiie rnnce unpen Icalm: baromeler. 2H.H yesieniay enn,UP i souiervuie poralure, 07; sea smooth eannery. lijsweclor lem- HUI.1. HAHHdll.- Foggy, licht oullieasl wiml: liaroineter. 29.- theUi(. ipiimoratore. .riH: HcliL swell: Ihiuor control tioant. is tiooke.i h p.m. spoke lug l.orfie leaving to sail, on llie frince llupert to- Safely Cove bound for port Alice: nisiu iorMctaa,t h p.m. spoke tup (3ipe Scoll 8 Hay at lilJO a,n. Mrs. school family couver pa in p. lJ5 It. II. Maiizer, Mi'fe of the principal at Anyox, and will be -ailing for Van-on the Prince llupert in? through here this even- mile, north of lice f Ist.tnd bound M. Andrews ...society Annual nor wanon Hay; ba-let picnic lo Digby Island.! Noon Sunday, August ly. j'ickets 75c; l)K!H .lSI.AXf. Olear. light children free. . Itoals leave Cow I northwest -wind; oat-om'cler, 29.- Oil; lljatCrUmt awell HtliTTHKMIH TtrNTT Clear. HI. calm i: liiirMneler. 2i.'t5: lure. 18T ca snioolli. trtnpera- HILL HARHl Ml. -Clear, calm; biiromeler. 2.'."0; temperature CH; sea smooth. SPECIAL. I 'Tin Knglish Army- Hlackingr 1 Jar Acme Tooth Powder Value 50c. free with 5 lb. bulk Cocoa for $1.1)0 or . t 3 lb. bulk ColTec Fuller's (irocery . for $1:00 Phone 45 NOTICE Advertisers are remirtd-ed that copy for advertisements should be in the Daily News ofllce before 4 p.m. today to ensure Insertion in tomorrow's issue. If PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesday, August 16 High 2:5J a.m. 20.U U. 15:35 p.m. 20.4 " Low H:I7 a.m. 1.0 " 21:4.1 p.m. 4.0 " Thursday, August 16 High .1:14 a.m. 20.1 fl. 10:17 p.m. 20.2 " Low U:rtl a.m. 2.9 " ?2:3I p.m. 4.3 " Friday, Aurjust 17 . High' 4:35 a.m. I8.8 ft. 1 7:03 p.m. 1 8.7 " Low Id: 40 a.m. . 4.2 " 23:20 p.m. 4.7 " Saturday, August 18 High 5:31 a.m. 17.1 fl. 17:51 p.m. 19.1 " Low 1 1:31 a.m. 5.6 " Sunday, August 19 High . Grit a.m. I0.I fl. , . 18:53 p.m. I8.C " Low 0:30 a.m. 5.2 " I2f31 p.m. 7.0 " Monday, August 20 High 8:03 a.m. 15.5 fl. 20:07 p.m. 18.2 " Low ... I :3 a.m. 5.5 " 13:13 p.m. 8.0 " CCZEMA You r Dot n it when you us lr. tor Koifinii uA .skin lrra-Uouv Lmi It n-llvr t unco d (tdu Mr hrali U Suwrle box Dr. CbitM's Olntuicnt fr- It yon tinvtlon thl iuwi ndfiiUlo.imnip tor votn . Moi boil ill Ulr or Krtnn. U' fi (W LUultmt. Ivt''" . I For Carnival Queen Miss Adeline Henrikson The Lith Fisher- maiden" Gold-plated Safety Razor Price $1.00 Here b the biggest n:or value in twenty year. Through a fortunat; purchase, we offer thi gold-plated genuine made-in-Canada Gillette at an unhcard-of price. Complete in every detail. i T:li. x THE FISHERMEN'S and MOOSE CANDIDATE ejtte t Thte Gitlrtrti re not " icondi" or "Array isme." They rc newly manufactured genuine Gillette itoclk They arc exactly ai represented and we guarantee them to be perfect la material and workmanthip. Get, your today. Noie told to deatetv ORMES LTD. The Rexall Stores. Phones 200, 82 and 134. 3rd Ave. and 6th. 3rd Ave. and 2nd. We pay postage on all mail orders. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Our plant is equipped to Vadle all kinds of Marine and Commercial Work .HONES 43 AND 3t8 "Builds Bonnie Babies" If you cannot feed your baby Nature's way Glaxo, tbe super-milk, is the only alternative. a Claxm h loU Sy Zrf flare (Aroaf Aat Canada. Stlu Aft. I.I Cu.t I HuU F. KltckU C... Ltf , MtCaal SU T.r.nt