PAQE an SPECIAL SILK SALE Tde Phone 9. FRIDAY AND 8ATUR0AY. se ne cial values are worth your Everyone a genuin LING The Tailor Phone 649. WE DO DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BY STEAM. SUITS ordered to measure Second Avenue. Opp, Post Office Corner. Summer COAL Great satisfaction! Repeal order? being filled every day for Nanaimo-Wellinglon Nut Coal Quick Fire! Lasls Long?r! Coils same as other N-it Coals. Phone 116 or 564. Albert & McCaftery LIMITED Dr.E.S.TAIT DENTIST. ; - Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 to 8. Phone 666. Open Evenings Qnly For Special Appointments. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in tho Einpreas Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Wee or the Month. Steam Healed. Hot and Cold Wale?. POOL TABLE8. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. FRESH MILK DAILY From Our Government Tested Herd of Guernsey Dairy Cows. BETTER MILK. BETTER 8ERVI0E. STANDARD DAIRY Phone Black SI. consideration. reduction and all high class inerchan- Crepe de Chines in a full range of colors. Value lo Jf2.7."i for $1.95 a yard. Georgette Crepes in all leading color?, also in black. Values to $2.75, for $1.95 a yard. 36 Inch Jersey Silk in flesh, white and yellow. Values to $3.00. Tor , $2.45 a yard. Messalines Silks, in browTt, navy, black, sky, crimson, etc '. $195 a .yard. Habutai Silks, 30 inch, in sky, pink, peach, white, black. orange, etc. Special $1.50 a yard. Pongee Silks, 30 ieh, in navy, brown, rose, tan, natural. Special , $1 .75 a yard. 27 inch Jap Silks in all colors. Special 65c a yard. Tricolette, 30 inch, iibrown, mauve, navy, pold, tangerine. elc $2.50 vnjue for $1.75 a yard. We slock Pictorial Heview and Home Journal Patterns. H.S.WALLACECO.,LTD. We Prepay Mail Orders. CANCCLUtTION OF RESERVE. AOT1CE 15 HEREBY G1VEX. that a Dor. Hon of I be k'alrn Island Rrstrtc sunryrd is Lot ejas, Rure s, coast District, u I Cancelled. C. R. .AUE.X. Deputy .Minister or Lands. Lands tepartnent. Victoria. B.C. 1Mb Ju!r, Itii. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. XOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES that th" re", "til riUIInt ottr the land formerly held onder. Timber Licence .No, ml r tf cancelled. t G. R. XADF..X. tieputr Minister ot Lands. Lands Department. , Victoria. B.C. I Sitn lull. itti. Walk Downstairs and Save Money Nowhere in H.C. will you find a belter display of fresh Fruits and Vegetables than that offered by Prince Rupert's Kasemcnt Grocery. Our prices are right, service is good, and dellveiy prompt. We pay special attention (o telephone orders. Following lino of Green-stuff arriving three times every week. Corn on Cob, i for 25c, per iloz. 66c. Wax or Green Means, 3 lbs. 35c. Fresh Green Peas, 3 lbs. 35c Well bleached Celery, per head, 15c. i'ucumliers. 6c, 10c, 15c, 20c Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb. 25c, per bakel $1.15. Outdoor Tumatos bskt 61.00 New Carrots, fleet or Turnips, 5 lbs. for 25c. New Potatos. 8 lbs. 25c, per sack 6 7.25 . 'Orceji Onions, 3 for 10c, per doz. 35c. Head Lettuce. 10c and 15c. Jtroad Ik-ans at market price Hiibbacd uash and Vegetable .Marrow, per lb. 8c. Green Peppers, pert lb, 40c. Carilelopes We. expect our first shipment of Parrel Gems on Monday. This it Ihe old fashioned Musk Melon and is the Tit-Hit of the Melon world. Casaba Melons at market price. Watermelon, per lb. 8c. Karl let t Pears, p;r bskt. 75e Freeslope Peaches, per bskl. 75c. Graveiisleiu , Apples, 3 lbs for 40c. Cooking Apples, i lbs. for 35c. California Grapes at market price. Plums, all varieties, 50c t'j 75c oer basket. MEAT DEPT. NOTICE. ve pay highest market price for live ebjekens. Wrile us for prices on yung roasting chicken, broilers or fat young, hens. We can handle all you can ship us. We pay cash. Rupert Table Supply .Pnones 211212. 'RUSSIA HAVING TRADE REVIVAL Sacrifice of, Communistic Principles Give Impetus to Industry In that Country I.ONIMI.V. ti?. 15. -Traeller relurumtr from Hussia tell of the change taking place in that country since Ihe couimutiUliC theories of Ihe revlutionarie have been abandoned. Many of Ihe cities are being reltorn and industries are once niorr nourish ing. -Hie grim, starving Moscow. for-lhi4aiie ha vanished ami in its place is a busy city, appar ently lliriving-. aiil wholly changed from what it was duriuz the dark days nf the revolution and for many years after. Time is sofleninp t he scars of 1 tie upheaval and gradually Ihe people are returning to normal. Naturally there is discontent, and things are not as I hey were before the war. It will take uiatiy years to bring back the full tide sf prosperity, but gradu ally conditions are improving. People are reaching oul for lus unes instead of being content with bare necessities. In many respects Itussia is the same as before the war. The ecrel political service i very imilar to that employed by (lie monarchist!.. .WMaiers art' Iriclly controlled, law court act nr response to the revolutionary pulse. IJie iMtverument is Irving to learn how little it mini sacrifice of its former ideal in order to keep private initiative aelive. For 3ears it wue dead, but now, un dor Ihe stimulus of private own ership atid'jirivate trade, it is re viving. . . LAND ACT. Notlcs of Intantion to Apply lo Purchaae - .Lan. lu Sterna Laiid Iiutiirt. Herordlm Ills Irlrf of Prior Mupert, and situate about , miles mutbei of Salvus cm C .V Railway and notaloinir alt of Ievll bland Take not Ire Hut Frank K. Burdell. of Vaiwouer, B.: oerunatlon tuinbennan. inirnai 10 apply ror pejiniMKMi lo pnr-rhase tbe futhiwinir dVrribed lands: Coni- mewliir at a Dt ilanb-d ki el aide ti iieiiis lsuno ai nut or t...n. embank oent. Ibenre follow Inr the shore line of said lUnd to iHul of romiueiM-ement. and lurludtor all of raid (erlU sate and nrept tbe wmt rf Way of said t nallaa). aud roetamier acres. hre or ie. riLv.a; r bi-hdett. ame of Appliraut. AfM for (rank F Burdell, Jay i. nrnwl. Herbert o fvnii,. bated at ahus. .lut-. 1 1 to. ttt. DANCE At the Auditorium Every Wednesday and Saturday Evening FrOm 9 till 12 o'clock. Easson's Orchestra. Admission Gentlemen 50c; Ladles 25c. Come and dance your sorrows away, and remember your miseries no jnore. L. J. MA II ft EN,- Proprietor. Phone Black 4 5 'J. Qpn for Business IN THE NEW 8TAND. Next to St. Regis Cafe. Men s Fine SJioes from $4.50 Men's Working Shoes from $5.00. Canvas Shoes for Men. Hoys and Children, ,from $1.35 The Best Rubber Boot In , Canada. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Third Ave. Next St. Regis Cafe. Phone 41. . Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Helgerson Block. Phone 109 For Appointment. P.O. Box 953, Prince Rupert. TUB DAILY WKWfl tliundsV Auyu.t i6, 19,, Her Baby Suffered with SUMMER COMPLAINT A fact looibers must fare it tbar sum mer rvniplaint llh lUe prwlrallvo, often verrtnr eo rultare. hlta vik nines at- NATIONAL WHEAT BODY ADVOCATED x FOR PRICE FIXING Ill Creation by the I nited Slates of Enlightening experiments have Jut been carried oul with Ihe biggest bomb that has yet been made. This projectile weighed 1.3110 pounds, complete with jioc and fuse. It contained about 2.000 pounds of cast T.S.'l and from Up to lip measured l3Vi feel. Fitted for test purposes, with a delay fuse, il was carried up in a llanilley Page machine lo u hcighl of Just over l.n'ou feel. From thai altitude it was dropped into a vast open space outside Washington, ami (he ollicial American report tells how great was Ihe power; for ilestniction.of Ihe bomb. Jl ploughed a great hole in Ihe ground into which a whole house could have been dropped. The average diameter of the crater maue was oi feci, aim it was 20 feel deep, with a rim 5 feel high. Altogether more than 1,000 cubic yards of earth was displaced. Bumped 20 Feet PRESIDENT POINCARE WRITES CONTINUOUSLY PAULS, Aug. 10. V'rcinlrr Poiucare uses up more pen in a week than did bin predecessor. Mriand, in a year, a keen obcr ver or tiie hreuch foreign otllce said recently. The reason is (hat n4nie ibis d.M-.x. mara tl ooe of j p0rnrr pt.ks little, bul writes tbe nwl seriuu t ruutend . . . and danerruus ., .. - . . , .much. Mriand always had im dnrin, tbe but nwmhs. a rig TtKMuands of tufsul die annually latTlte ill his hand; PoltlCarc al dos lives cvold bat do doubt teaivuy has a pen. sated br Ihm imlir at at nr. Inmlr'.f Works Very Hard and Corrects Many Documents With w Own Hand Ihe present premier receive been Jbe eiperieof- of thousands t wallers, and ejcept for mothers dunnr tbe pat 7 year ibujCouhl Per ret II tie la Ilocra, di valuable prrparaih b. Iwa oo I be nur-rwrr n h mtnMry. and hi 1 m rau" rrinedy fur ue In aU caes of tooeoei , el' of tbe borU. I'oiocare sees nanny- any one. Mrs. s. LafuotatDe. Great Desert, ont. If 4 remains at his desk throush- rttes: -My baby, mben a year oM. as .,! Ui ,lvsfnini l I.. II surrerlnr lth sunuwr romjllol. To'i...... U11 .. . . . I hours Mfiting. I here Is not doctors attended Jum. tmt nottunf ouU a slop tnotoautlnr aod dtarrbora. A friend "ingle ilocuiitviil coining out ofj loM me lo try ir rollers Extract ofilbe uiinUlry of foreign allalrs, Wild straalM-rry and after tbe serxa L i.-ii,,.- n '.. Iu, .,. . i saved ni bab)-s life I wouldn't be nbot a twltle or Dr. rowtrtV In tbe bou fur untold avid." I'rlre ioc a bottle, yat up only by The T. .Mllburn Co, Limited, Torootd. Oat. etun inotrttrlioiis ambassadors or minor mailers of routine lyis- iiies, lliut Ihe. premier doe not ee personally, and often times' corrects or amplifies m his own hand. Hi- famous p'ccli i1cliertd al Senli- July 15, written entirely In' that crisp, sharp handwriting which i peculiar lo the nremler! ranee, wenl lo the govern- j iiiem printers without a single .vu. to. correct lorT nr r! a national wneat rnM,raliin C.N.R. STEAMERS START witieit would eslalilisli a basloi NEW SERVICE TO STEWART minimum price for all American wheat, and employ other measures fur stabilizing the wheal market is advocated by I. A. ilol-den, farm advisor for Sangamon county, and well kitowu in Illinois as a farm authority. "Allowing the surplu of American wheat to sel the price o Americais farm cnps must slop if I farmer is u lc savel from ruin," -said Mr. Madden in outlining his plan. "'The, United Stales should charter a naliniial wheal corpor ation and appropriate ruftieienl funds for wotkins eaidtal. Tliis corporation should then establish a basic minimum wheal price for all American wheat offered at the basir minim ifyi :rtce, then Ihe national wheal corporation should step in and buy wheat. BIGGEST BOMB EVER SIMPSON AND ISLANDS Ktfrclivr Sunday, August 12. Ihe Canadian National Coast Services will Inaugurate new service with the steamers Prince Albert and Prince John. One of thpfe boats will Irate Prince Rupert for S keen a River iorl each Sunday morning, reluming same evening: leaving Prince Hu.ert Monday 8 p.m. for Port SimpMin and Stewart, returning direct from Stewart. rriinir Prince Rupert 7 a.m. Wednesday and will leatc Prince Rupert fori Vancouver via (juceii Charlotte Islands each Wednesday at 8 p.m. The steamships Prince Rupert and Prince George will of course maintain their regular echedule, leaving Prince It u perl for Stewart each Friday al 10 p.m. For further information, apply ICilv Tlrirl nnir MADE IS DROPPED,1'0''"1 Hallways.' 528 Third Ave- jnue. Prince Rupert, H.C. 191 Weighs 4,300 pounds and Is Over Thirteen Feet Long Debris was thrown more than 1,000 feel into the air, and the force of Hip explosion "bumped' tne macniiie 2-reel into tiie air, although the pilot began to move higher and away from the centre of Ihe explosion as soon as the bomb was released. The projectile was buill by the Ordnance lieiiarlment of Ihe American army, and was model-! led on Ihe Hues of Ihe 2.000 IMiund bombs (hat -were used in' the bombing of old battleships when il was desired lo throw' some light on Ihe bulHeship and: aircraft controversy. Were such a bomb lo he dropped lo explode on impact with (he ground il would cause tremendous damage ovr a radius of more than a mile. A RARITY "Would you say 'honest Is," or 'arc'?" "'Is,' of course. Honest Is always singular." iln-iliHtiMpolls Journal. CN R. CONNECTIONS FOR WHITE STAR SAILINQS Steamships of the While Slar Line will sail from Montreal as follows; s.s. "Canada" on August !5, "Heglna" on September I : 'Megalith' on Sepl. 8; "Doric" S-pt. 15; "Canada" Sept. 22 Passengers for these boats should arrange to leave Prince Rupert via Caundi&it .National Railways Augul 18, 23, Sept. I. .8 and 15. For rates' and leserValions cal! or write Cily Ticket Olllce, Canadian National Ra'lways, 528 Third Avenue, Prima Rupert, H.C. Phone 200 105 NOTICE One Eye Wong announces he has taken over Sing Lung's laundry on Sixlh Avenue, West, and will no! be responsible for any accounts contracted by Sing Lung after August ?l. 01 NOTICE. Tenders Hill be rerelted up lo t p.m. MotKlar. lurust to. ln, by the tlly Cleia for Irriirhlnr on rirsl Avenue ror an uht inrh ral trim Hater main. Town of tender and spertflratlon Uiay le ttt tallied al the office of Ihe underslimed. umei or any tenner not necessarily accepted. r w PKtnso.x, CUV Knalneer. TVUtltr Dohrrfy Compared with ordinary sited pitsa) WHY DO WITHOUT YOUR REGULAR PRAOTICE? ou can have this little favorite right In your own room at less than 23c a day. Walker's Music Store Lid. I Phone 376 The House Phoney of Quality Rainy Day Smartness Haiti or shine, vou emi t miss some eng. but don't lei Ihe Vorm ruin vpur clolhe. K. j is an investment that pays lor ilseir oeri and . H ave prcsing bills, gives lunger life to other lr ?i" gives the assurance of being fittingly dressed, Tin coals in Ihe newest model ure smart enough ijr : sion ami innl excellent value at thee prn e- J We parlicnlarly call our ntlcntioii to . FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, ULSTER FOR LAOltS. A genuine soft pure wool belled coal , Hie new spray. system. You ranuol ili.tmg;ui'li ' from u vviuler woollen ciki! yet it is ab.olute k ... Priced S25.00 to $30.00. Women's Gravenette Coats- Silk Shoulder lmr i Priced $13.50 to Women's Rubber Coats priced $11.00 to Jlty EVERYTHING FOR THE RAINY DAY. Fur Mulder. Dad and the Famd UNIVERSAL TRADING CO ' Outfitters to the Whole Family. Satisfaction or Money Back. We Prepay Mall Onlea IHaHaHBsVaHsVMBJBjBBflBJBB j !- ! WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 Little Jackie Coogan "DADDY" Conceled by Jackie himself to be his best picture. Delicious humor and honest pathos Hall Room Boys, Percy and Fcrdie, in tip-top comedy "Holy Smoke." Fox News Gazette Admission 35c and 10c DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7. 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to tJ Phone 575 Lady Autn Wo have had from Season to Season Many Choice Selections uf ladies' liiirnienls f offer our customer Iml iirverl) v wif such mi nil round magnificence uf material, rt stmineil wenlld uf trimming iimliucd perfect workman M as is sieen in our l.ilest nrri(ils of Ladies Suits for. fall wear These HiiiU lire Ihe ery (,.i ,,, siit. ami malf 1 uml every ime is trlinmeil wild fur. The thing tlniaml this season is fur Irimmliifr. The popijlur i-haJf ar those of llrowii ami (irny, while Muck is au lit evulfiM' Prices Ifio, 'tiri. $40.00 I" nimlernle an, I nmge fnun $76.00. e davn just Ki jK.?5 .,ioiu.Me vhto M' pmkcil rui.I you wi , t,s pleuscil lolsce llifiii slial ho to show Idem you, Call in vvdeii ilownlowii Idis afternoon or lonioii1"' "ml cee Ide latest ut t Jabour Bros. Ltd. Corner Third and 8eventh. Phone 045- i 1 m