M ran row Til DAILY UVWB BRINGING UP FATHER By Ueorge McMar SPECIALS "too negctt think f"dr 1 ll f I WELL I J THE WARDEN OT THE I WHAT TELL HIM one moment tmm" yoo M hW,n k"S5, jTt HALL I THLL ! ARC cOirsC TO CCT OUT - otsr TON1CHT IVC OT U KIN OT OUT TO TC PLEAORIT OF 1 ,f-fT HIM Ladle' Velvet Slippers, .li 'Htft MClUikC MJA.RO- V : TW" . II I ItniOi I --i - ' Jrw -V I -nrT.kjl.i ll $2.85 Ladles' op Crowing GIH' Oxford! Jtlaek 1 r llrown Ktrellcnt taliir. lull- lin y la-l. $4.75 -assa i -vi -aaaer Expert Shoe Repairing. LOGGERS BOOTS MADE TO ORDER. Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. EXPORTERS Had for 6 Months T Phone 3S7. . P.O. Box 1C6S LIQUOR Constipation ' FROM THIS PROVINCE Was Relieved by Daily News Classified Ads. Eight License Granted. During Milburn s Laxa-Liver Pills 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adtrl l.rrv-n t TWn for La. thnn BOe Ware-I I Month or January to THE houses A free mnitnn of the bnw-U daiir H ULTIMATE CONCLUSION "OTICt TO rM be. th rale of e-eryi.fi, hm " MALE HELP WANTED WANTED COHTMCTWl V1T.TOMA. Keb. 2. hiring iner H he im mxitraimn. Mrs nr lii ; f-AUli MM. January application wa tirade l"- WMn, ran iram, nwr 1 W I" havo an npninir for live wA.vrMi Mrn and Women to SEND IT for eight wareoue lieeo.e ami MoKMra.,..,tr. , MM- Sport Chat rpre-nlalive jn prime Ru-' learn Ilarherltur. VM hHe' FKl. lk- f these seven had been granted t n,,w ..r on i. art pmrj m ib-'S P--rt and trinity Sotlina; learning and tU free. Wrili I RMar No. i i ;inl one wa pending. Tor rai-h t.l-. ih maainr Hw active and re . The ability i deiililc toil for rata lu. Voter IUrhr! en- Ml ikiI ion in ih.. Men . f the Hem-- Ihe annual f " -nwm it. Se.lion fierienee not alxohitcl e. . Oof!e, Varvromer. UJC.. I of the tral.rnal Vhit to the .. Ion limit-ami dollar. Fhe of ential. Our line, are in .e. " " :.rr iW a. . R 'League roM oeor-. S -nlinue I., lie quite In I " 1 wtnr iHa ! maiHl in a ,in- IN-rn Tf in uir - 1 hatr brm ImbM b tone tni everr hHivhold aiuli '. . lere.tinjr ami n ,ir the iH'in i .nlialoil i:vMrlrr IVtrpora- .uri'4 for i ut amntk. are not han-tMM in .lore. To "" i"n ierm preerr-I. . I"' tf iaxj m!4, leaoi- -till hate chance for Ihe! the Appry to linnd," laaily New TV i-mi, w lion I.IjI. Thoir wnn,lMii, ar ripBi tman. we will aive La ehamnio-hip. The . An.re- Offtre. ) , undry sit Vi-tiri. Vancouver. f!ranl , pntetteat rnire in aleman-hip t mat I aft a. In - -fc - 1 awt aju are - ill at tin- ion with najei " 1 '" 1 ir r. Fork-. Krrni anl lrinct.Rupert, D 10 MiMr' u. th.r point to the jriMxt over the and opportunity to e. FOR SALE i'HJZJ". '' ' Th'- illli lirn m tn pnk, mMr I 4M. a Ml m; I am wrfrrtlr -halla tiMih a imnrt partus huine i- SOFT FINISH lh lntrpninl Kxpnrlrr. I.tU M i"111 ' ' ami IMJfelio. Mho - with rhanne of advancement. IIAI.IHI T INIU far .ale. 3t it a 7c. lb. V,.r..-....i... II... .vnll. in IK.. I UMI r. Ml I nr H III M ly ieupy ernn lacc. In their W rite, aivinat aure and full (rood imndithm. II-IS l, p. 'J,",',,'.' per .' your rilH. of mfetrk I oMv tmn P" I loiiriiitr?ieni eaeh of lhee Manitrt Itilrm. IrailinK tnkler lt,- prtiMlr rUwpire Aveneaeo "-fine. Mm act of year Make I'lns it- per pn-cr. i th team won M, fhere lift t)n ,-7 fhe nan of Uie irrl t Win.-' rrtrr'tir a vial at an VaJr. or outM ma I.hi, (13 limmitle -if reel, we an oarer. A.tl.r" PJI. !! irfi mo-i 'MMMinii-iil uab way. IVriipany, in which hr i lltr dirort oa rwrtai of prw b Tbr T. nil rhanse in the relative -Un.linK. Ji'iinrouver. Il.ti. Tl" The on . of t'jina1a are three I v"r --Oil I" liarhrtllr. Ilir rtBhlh lie. pinl froni the -till I'm AI.R,--rtrer Mter ua IN lop with a LOST which vhh prndinr. wti lo Itrnt. I Canadian Sf ll.'lleniainin rhanee like the Sn of tUipUrvl mrrha-e. ktshy hi;li larhlr hiarh Mil earn Laundry man s Limit!, in whirh I'hilin Agar, wn of Mr. at! l.fST- IjiM 1 tar an . Ilrolman ami Mi?r linrr llrot.'Mrn. Janw Aar. of Palmrlm. anl KnizliN of Cotiiuhtt ulio. mall me. eye-jrlkM in rhalr. haiiy rol. isuaftreu alu ,aW-r--i : Phone 8. man own nine huitolrtvl anl Ontario. After the reremnny, are four il- ihn the lht eaae. 0 He-Aard. I'tesoe . St tn. s tl in. I'konc i.-tSr5''' " iiinety.eichl of (lie one lltoHant Hie couple left on the train for Con-f-lenl winnins for eaeh of rHum to Daily ew nmev. 7. lhe. laU three team .will he' Wart. flerraee where Mer will mae i-hare. hem the fir-t party to ntake te,FOH -SI.K. -Bail noat and Kvin. Owners of Shares llhetr home, nereary Ut obtain at ea a rlinih in winter. i nnh-. ISerttiiinar ne fr fn "the UnnfMalei Kxporter' Mr. ?ar i vrelUknown al I Its. All of the men are untler .14) I'litlrn. I aail Sw. American Corporation, I.W.: Th liilsrr',',T"M'' "titer point upher. providing alwaya that the SI Express Kxrt tmany, Vaneotnrer.jt'or rl yearn he d mana- Andrew'. Valhalla a (hone whieh i the tmn ,0.n(m iliare; the nviiiaeer per of Heoryc l.iltle general IIIW fH4L t"Uk MIM.A TI.;of ''"". prime, ,M , If salt or Lauoc Money Orders ji Mop II. Ilrolman. Tlie Con-! More at Ten-are anH latterly he Kaichl. of Vhi. nV vv.-.,0, ,,f "M,'p eeir-lon. ttirn Tl ! Mount Hnhon I 3,AmA feet FOR RENT iurnr l'.iiiort- Conniany. Ltd.. ha leen arrotintanl at the veteran .--oalion, Mo-c ami Bar tt- tlie " ""Hr dlf. j ay 111111 ii Issued on Vancouver, own .I7.5ftfl fliaren:'ljkrle l.uiiaher Co.' iHII al lilkn are IKt itul of rtinninc ,':t,,.. "";! f iWMl HtM.- -lMeatn-heated, fur- a r-tk Oa Norway, Sweden & its director are Wm. John I-vln Antnhiirjr. Me ealiteil 1lh the a far a the- champlnn-hip ij fatoruMe fiewlt rlinih rlrruiM-ta unler the nvt nHhed -aon. hy day nr week : ("Vi at II. n.l Iw I'oUky. The (told I Jon.I Iloyal .lr Fonre hi the (ireat coocerneil. I be la-l mefilionei Willi or wtlhoal boanJ. II.-toe -rr.i a l-. e i-xia t: Denmark at Lowest l.iipmr Company o-n 37.50", War. "ftte hriile 1m we of Ter. two team aai wajros a battle OmatttHr. .tan bo4-keeplna m t , Current Rates hare; il nliare- are held liy W jrace'n popular yoantrer re-i- for the callar. . ley I'rinec same rienrjre frmtt wn Que.nH both hoc. ulte. .VorfuU Ktom. IMioire n,r it..r. inler I II.1. at freiiMr. A. I.jone aol Win. Val-iilerrt. -- IMaoa C t t turn 0'ie.nel la-t ueel. The of u i-Mi'i H11. an.ky. The t.C. Liquor Coin- Ma volf le.o are lakintr -core Agent for the fir.l v H lo 'f aiMl the Norwegian American Lin pany. I.tl anrHier. own 37.-r.OO HOTEL ARRIVALS the plaee of mdithlual inlnw-lioat FOR m!.T. The entire floor r i f"mf,f-' -eeorul S I11 I. Swedish American Line .iare; it ohare are helil l.y in lire FfiHrd Stales, in any fNirtion of II a occupied' "1 rvih. - Scandinavian American Ailelai-le Ilip'lein. Otia It. Iehl-I Prince Rupert onlcr to -atiMfy the demand for by Ihe Wanderer' Clufe. Heani. 'JMa anV4Xl Line. iter. Mat Itip.lein. Jacoti ln-lit. J. M Paul. I'rinec CJeora-e; Itcn tutelage in the yaioe. which ha HAZELTON a on win niaae rluh or Oliver Typewriter xier nnl I.oui Ripoleln. The DaJoioen Ketethikan; W. i.. Clark. nerotoe o MiftitUr that Hie ''Mlge room. M. M. fttcphea. iifinmn I.tipior Company, aneoii. .nnWic, Alia; II. I.. Itrwn. hmMin- of ;oi link annually lddlll-4, formerly ofra-rvvi 11 ..j 1 a. Cary Safe . ... ... "-""-o rwi for r fit. owns shares: iti It.............-Ji..- i. asSk.'! wr, .I.,a0fl Vancouver: John Willman. I'k: cunnol fulfill rMHirenieiii. Italy 1- Mlr- Mmim in .venv lj..fw. FIRE INSURANCE apart mewl. M. . . M. hai-eu arc el by Ilarri- I.iclil- ; a. Armitnire ami II. II. !!- a few year akfo. nolf tirofe. V..L -- in..li. i-Mtii nianaarr ii-r. a. xicr. Inlrfor J. Kl-in and Jacoli en. ftrean Fall; W. rt. Hen-11 ronal were xlad if vmly fKf per ' American peed-o-fcW . Dybhavn & Hanson I.irhlzi.-r. 1 r. Swannon Itey. eearf of the theti romparalitejy mo Win flatl.rwwti. roar.. roonsMj. siMani I Central few trolfer took lea..n. til I lie I W. O. .Nnrrh-Iwenlbl, for-craviiik- hMtew) flat. Appl7 tatllh and Third Avanu TORONTO PAPER PAYS I'.lc Andermn, eHy; II. II. for inlrH-tiou baa fHr tnanaifer f the silver MaH. if Prince Rupert, . 0. I.i-ivhlon, llazelton; O.S. Hustieo jnwn until the manifold pro- .Slawlaftl tnitk here, i jroiiiR to TRIBUTE TO EDMONTON and M. lii-r-hfiel.l, C.N.n.; C ft. feaeional of lilay ranivot fHf- Stewart lo tnatMU'r ieveoiiMenl BOARD. N0TICC TO C"TCT Farbui-y. Vancouver. nih informal iot to all comer. ork on a property there for ItOAIID.- Inlander. H8 Heaontl GIRL KNOWN IN CITY etcept by iliiKtralin? Ihe tarioua Vancouver Inlere) vetiu. Mtone 87. ' f ttirit tim Ul SCHOOL.a- FISH ARRIVALS lmke. liii-e And rhi lo .r a 1 .4 - i ' Dry Kindling If Mi Ij'oria Mrlntoh. who Inrfce ili..e. tiiie of which The newly organized ldie.' TUITION W.t...,..l'.hi. .. i "ii- I Ti the Ciiv iif IVIiiioii- ornen. 1,000 pound at l!.fl? utMnlier more than a tlroii-and Antlliary of the llaselUm lli-ii. XOimiKItN uf ererlei Mr li.ll. " i"ii m the Mtilral winter car-nual. and He. lo the Iloyal l-'i-h (i. pupil. While tlmuaaml nf;Ul ha elected the ftdlirwiua POLYTECHNIC In-stiiuU Jiiii I awl . 0 ll- ' rraar.. nut-.1 1 1 and 1. fairlt rcpi-caenlatite of Alliance Xo, I., fi.000 ioiindt S"lfer Hocked to the toiirna. officer: l'reheti, Mm. W. W. of I I.e. KnffineeritiK t-u.i. -j.ri Itie j-iiitiiI imi.of ronlcnianlr, ,al.li.5- and He lo the Canadian niefil to watch Ihe etperl play Ainleroii; Vice-Preahlenl, Mr. l.oHHiercial, lliMtaeholtl and ii'. 0 mitt .I. ROUGH LUMBER Ilii-n Die fi--lial wan 11 ffreal Fili V (UtUt Stornsre Cm. even afler admibri wa chartr. II. S. Pergrfll; erretar)-I'rea-aiirer, licnaral IVIucalron. Thorouaii- an te-il.ome-.onri II. For Sale Cheap. deal heller Mian a iiiaiim-(uin I'd, the llet-tiiuf 'sjliii.e of the Mr. J. I. fialloway; ly itip.liMhili! and practical VJltfJll.. lii.lrriill. ' ' EXCHANGE TODAY rapidly made ajroke did not rulhe Mm. Cliannellc, Mr. Miuraa given by qualified In-atrualont, l-rkt'. amwrt 1 1 The kuwilinir i dry nrap iai-ude, ay the Toronto rtar. In It. -rimm l I'' .' and lnlriirlion Cllne, Mrs, Sealy ami Mra, I.H-lle Students preparml Nil ..r ruwi. v. alify. liimhi-r front the. Iry lhr.U Mi MrlnloHh i a tin-lly irl ma lu.he ei.i"- fur Kerline-. t.7!. deriH)nde. afler reryijrplrrd atnndard IVtu-rvliiHtnl, ot Man. aiKi -i - -hip "lied. The luiuher I uilli rciMikh-hrown liuir. riy wa hopeful aiy ... two ami 1 June inch rouli eye-, nnd Hie eorl f complexion I'lilted Slate ? per eenl. dub found li-it "ey had to FialneeHiiir and k len kl dnllar.the HfKlrr-'II" "' planking 111 different widtltr. which advrrlipr axoure 1- thi-re-uli Hon? Koitff r.1,00. crvr on a wailinsr lit lo jret Individual Rev. W. 15. fiallowHy, aecre. HiMKrelal exam Inaliona. tliMed 1 1- Ket inrir-t.-' Hiiitahle for f ramiiiar. nldc d nisldly aplia1ioii in t ruction, liene Hura-zeu I.iry of religion educalhin for Kvertrfisr claaaes comlucleil nl irUy arerfed. walks. Mi-. and wiiinh. a crerv unin.in la 'Flu- fuiieial of Hie Idle Mr. nf .w York, national open Allierla an,T llrili.lt Columhia, Anysn and I'rlnee Rupert. Iir nriifiindlv aware, i the rtrt ol!1'-"11 leihton taken place llii champion, wit one nf Ihe fir.l lot(k Ihe resular eerviee in lhi furMier particular apply lo Iieoanmenl ttnl; K f' t"'-'. I ' Pacific Cartage, Ltd pro idencr. In addition lo he. afternoon :ii Meilakalla. Ven. lo leach Uif audience, having L'hinn Cliurrh here yclerday J. XV. K'ldln, local agent. in iilifu'clory in Imik. al, "lii- : 'all.- A 'lideacon l. A. Jlix of- tutored -everal HioiiMnd per-on and nlo aHdroaseil llm S11 inlay Anyox, II.C. or Ihe IMreclor. Phone 93. F-dinfinlon" i delishlfiil lo meet i f"'"'""g in lar?e audilnriiimo lie fore School. 'Wallar) lll(M-k, 1'rlnrc Ilnpcrl. 7-d.i n friftnlly, nalurul youtiz hi winter expedition lo the Pacific 4- R.G. u-orrmn u&lli n f,ii,.h of .i.Li.i.. ei.4il with JtM-k IliilrliUon nf Roliert (.aiidlnnd relehraled SEWiria TiMn ,ll I 1 in her manner nonietline rattier . i:ttu-uo, formerly Mrillah open hi HIM birthday la-l week willi ld TWler. v ' r King George Cafe !rrKrid taldy adaenl in ennlrdann' 15 I'halnpioa. hi dauyliler, Mr, n. W. I.ee, at 1'I.AIX RKWINfl iKmiM Prices OMII MtBUMr M..l of(Ml 11"'Oh ' 1 - Kaiiiloop Ho will he retiirnintr fur II- Hit-rlM-.' .' ' who linvc figured in n national reaoiiAble. Phone lllue 700. l,ria.ni l.-t "' it festival." ' j R.aTV Throughout tfin wel tarnrn lo Ilnelion early in Hie .print;. Halaui. .iluaw ' AUCTION RALES. r ul tier '' Mis I.'.inn Mi'In 1.-ti 1- a -i.-. nnd llulclii-on hate lieeu yilnt I.ami tn.lriri. NEW CAFE Uiil.ii.o r,.- 11.. ii..n v.... Irr of Mm. XV. It, Vane.-, nf ICKMon lo Ihe mull jjude. Like. : ; : Condurled In your home or hI NHiial liu-III(.llliilal car , I'fiiica Ilitpiri. I fir wie at koine AT Ihe oiilhern turilirr pari 1 .,1. t,4' nur Good also sold rooms. We serve the Best CHOP on If, Vlclotl. P AlinosTEvcrijPiiin link prominent volfer . have PRINCE RUPERT TIDES (ominisaiou. btiff aw--rt. . SUBV and NOODLES jACCOUNTANT OF MILL ! ili iil?ei to the hunjiry apirunl H. H, HEMMIfJOS, Auctioneer, TiMata sii ' to Ix-ller jfolf how Ihe club RHEUMATISM. Monday, February 26 Third Avenue Sal-il T-imIi- '' ii. IK" , Cor, 8th Sti-.t and 2nd Avoauo AT AMSBURY MARRIED Sciatica, Nauritia, and other -tiotj . te Kwunir. I'ten in the Hull 0:'.'7 a.m. I7.H fi (Denny Allen's Old Store) 11 Mim.ir 11 i.f III liul.Hill 'I V . a. 1 Phone Dlue 471 1 ihcumalic paina indicata indoor cliooH uf norlhertl cilie. 22: It p.m. If) I PhonBlack 13C t 1 1 . ... 1 i ' J. B. Anar Wedded to Mis Helen tho preaenca of p&iaooa in hevie of trolfer lake inlralion J.ow . ::I0 a.m. !i 7 Heme a, aud !. ' ".jIijic" the ayatam,and are brought from watchinif tlie manoeuvre In: I A TAXI and Murked "I" ' AM'Z Lillian Vanderllp, of Terrace, on by cold, by faulty diet, f the profeational, p.m. r,.o Elm Mlliale ell an ,V j'jJT",,, vi on of a variety ol other Tuesday, February 27 Phone Number Changed to iMMWHlary 1 1"4 Her Saturday cauae. T R. C a remove Illtrli Kl:J7 a.m. IH.7 fl, 7 irlrl.f. gueen " nan'.....ii' , .-..,.,. ' K r EPSON COAL Night i theae poiaona and belp th .Mount llofo-011, the hfjthesl Z3:3.1 17.1 " To it' vesi. i'i '" ' . p.m. (Call . Ross) whole eyetem lo reniet (ieornn tirVVal nt llwlwr ., , th noaioua matter. Th ieak of the roekl, only lliqA'-e Ieiw ... i:t0 a.m. k.O Fiv-psrnger Touring: Car lurllirr nariiinar- -.. t- j A weijijin,' of iritereKt In many longer rheumatic paina -e in hiillory, I al preaenl 17:09 pjii. t.7 Prompl Day and Night KtTvlce. lr.rrii'VMorle.liMo-n H n....'" . ' 1,1 - Ifrirn.lK of the contrai-tiiiK 1-niiplc lb men difficult they the Ihe miwl on ceiic of one of Wednesday, February 28 Standi Boston Orlll Third Avenue us -440 stain 1 run now Kilpply our Ct rid Tl dilod(e, 'III the interior dialrict took al to il.i inl-kenlure 11 im Alpine ever HlKli 11:21 a.m. lii.o ft. of them and b Ire FAMOUS COSON COAL now, Sealed Triwler. '." place at 0 o'clock Kalunlay i- en-ma of fuither autferinc. utlempteij. Four yiMinif men, J.ow 5:1 H n.ip. 7.7 " MUSIO MIM'iar of I .ml- ." , in un iiianllly. in the .Mclliodit parntwite, Ct a boa of I K. t. a Jean I.anrlierl, Charles ft. Ferryman. 17 :tVt p.m. 3.1 " I lull noon irii IH " ' i " . a Holt of I 1 for $1.00 from drui- Arthur ami his Occhcalru Itr ih imri.....liae.. .. .. lli'V. li. li. Iluckl-I- oflil'iallllK. your I.. Sternberg-)! uml Jariues Thursday, March 1 a .k,i A..n Prince Rupert Feed Co when Ilurl l;illian Vaml'-i lip, T'tat empleton to-day, Co.. loronlo, Herques, arc alleiiiilnK it" -rent 1 1 lull :( t a.m. H. ft. DANCES,Rp-orgdtiized BANQUETS, Eto l krli.le-nr.iiuair m in.on an ra an "'lu v .ilanhU'r of klr. and Mr. William 71 m midwiitcr . Tliean are 12:08 p.m. vi o t:ll.rli, l.l.ti.l. tanrt ll"'' ,,i If Hl . Latest Music r if. irwr Phone 81. Vanderllp, of 'JVrrai'e, was the four younir trim who a.. Low 0:07 a.m. n Reasonable Price Iii.tl nf llii.l.. r ,h,. iinilc, in iiiurri.iKe to Jainvn Sold by ORMES LTD. feii!a Mount Haltiler lnt year, IH 30 p.m. I O I'honn llliick KS or 4H0, er I in..ri.. M r I'riui lluparl, B.C