1 WilENlYOU WANT A JUST ARRIVED N.-w XprlriK and Bummer Ml 99 'Art Patterns Clothes'in I T" Measure.Moderate Prices id a nurry Phone PRINCE RUPERT STEVE KING Third Ave. NEW CARS ALL Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper tipp i.l'.H. Tkkcl Office. lniNCK Ml I'KIIT IU. MONDAY VKttWl AUY SO. I2.. lftl SllM ISO. PRICK FrVK GENT- ;rani v.,wj CO. PLANS AGGRESSIVE CA MPAIGN ART OF JAPANESE CREW AND STOWAWAYS ARRESTED IN VANCOUVER lew Docks and Aerial Tram for PRESIDENT WISHES ; TERRACE GIRL Mutiny Aboard Japanese STATE TO JOIN Maple Bay Mine: Concentrates LEAGUE SlilXH'ON.OF NATIONS t. l.. (i WAS DROWNED Vessel Bound Vancouver I'r--uli'iit llnriiiiiK Im Mlas Nellie Toomba Lott Life in from Copper Mountain to Traill nki lli.i'iM the Amvriean Senal''he t"incin-lf:-lfi au Skeona River Last Night Stowaways Are Arrested in ihiiiihihtiI I Mil II M l;. IVI,. Mi V l- rl of hlli'iiiBl ioiibI hi li" TiMimliv wa li-'iwiiwl in tin-k'na SjmtiuJ to Daily Ncw- iii.tii-i' onKAnirml url'r Mimt Ml nulii. Ilrr V..t:ol VKIt, Feb. 20. The city police were tailed by In- Of Hie Ia-k'lll- offn.-er of the steamer Taibu Mftru and the iru-migi-ition NUU. VKII. Feb. 21. tAincciilralr- from the tapper P.G.E. NOT l autiHfa itcalli miii to ! bi'i'ii jtr-iovNilatel. Japanee cargo XttlMWIX. aullioriliea il nine mutineers of the of arri -N ulleged the Slo- Imil Ih'imi h-failina s- i recently aripiircd by llranby tiotnpahx ' Tr.nl to be -melled, il was. announces! by II. S. cm I Hi i lice i;lni-ll:iir- Mtcamor, crew mi'l -lowiiWHyx when the vessel entered the g " .' 111.111.1giT o( lit- flranby tniauy on his arnxa! FOR OTTAWA V..l. ovcrti-aa, Mb- hail a ihm- harbor licre ycterdaj iiflcriDMin. K. I. VllX.'V VOIIK lllTOk'll'WII .111.1 l'l 'MIllililHI The t"Wiiwn- were f'Miml tiflcr a long tenrch hidden in FACE SERIOUS n HuurmMl'-il 1 "fNou Ihe Kiii conl bunker-. They are being held for deportation. i to- rum puny are tu nteke alterations in the WILL a ai--i. Too Financial )....! I.. t l...l 1... n 1... 1.. I The mutineer- arc I" Hpi'ear in court here. I., worked at it rapacity of J.tMMI ton . J Already Many th lo- concentrates wtmld Ih" token to Anyot Retponalbllltlea for Railway FOREST ACT CHARGE nninier. Hip m-'H nv.-l ol Ai-coriliny to Ihe captain'-; report. .horlIy afler leaving Kobe for Vancouver to load a number of slowtowuys tin laxt two rooiitlii wit'i Hex. log-, put I ii Mr. Mmiro. iSnrh procedure would not It la Said v 1 farsonr. rtilikina Ih.- lonely in an apiearance ami with the co-operation of come of the crew, Ik- economical, he Mid. About Peter Starr. Native. Brought to dafH-d Ihe officer-. The men were armed, it was declared, nrrk of -" In-. ,-hip'f too men would U employed in (Special to Dally Newa) City Lat Night From Ocean K,"lHr hPr and Hum intimidated daring to inlexere with iSAULTED BY ! br"ll,"r anyone tin- mine -and 4be mill and al-tboiHrti OTTAWA, Feb. 26. The Fall by Provincial Police I hem. i away i work. the mirv it uftWcilv Dominion Government dcet SM' bp U,nV ,H1 nisfitl The ship'- plight wn wirelessed to ugenl here and when developed tu enable it t be not want the P. O. E. and ! I' ll. Starr. nal.xe. xa she entered the harbor siic met in mid stream harbor was by MAN " '" STRANGE H"rliti at capacity rich! away, thare la ellm chance of brinibM to the city on Hie Venture "r",1". tan,i",,4Hr,tr",r"?' officials. n.liiillonal work will be undertaken. Brltlih Columbia unloading lat i.iKhl by I'rovin. -al Cun-Ubie 'S"- " -HM,- ' '-" The vessel carried a crew of :t0 officers and men. It upon Ottawa, It la authoritatively ll....n of I term KalU to fae(i",,';, '- V LllUe Oleta Coated Into Auto Mr. Munru talcil Ikar work ataled. The Government Ilriaf on a rharw wn-l-r lb.- l ore,t b.-r in And One It Now Missing xxoold we uuJer way within two haa left all auoh IA.I or unlawfu'ly removinK a tree ,,,w" LTrtHrn:l.r,?"r, ' 1!,r- Hand Grenades, Rifles and inon mi the HUM loll conceit- mallera with the Canadian ;l....rin timber limit marl-.. Th...r" T!" M,H; ",1,,, I'l ll I I' Vi. tralor to lie liullt at Any. i.. National whote line are ..ff...-e ia an in.llabb- o..e mm'? no .in, r x'. I , : as.'"'l ami lor handle the xafMIe of ore Hint etenaively enough and financial i- coii-idrrcd eriois. the pecalty Mi Tonffrb wml to Iiivp Machine Gvns are Seized by r !.: I ' were max- cannot he pttl directly tn the reepontlbllltlea already lcin( iim to fixe y-sars iinriaoii-inenl. v a el afa- .-man uil ail auto H-lter. too numtroua. l tin-iiliHry Magistral" J. HvoMcd lo I lie ferry,the rctfwlar nkirlesl route,upon went Ihe U. S. Police New York Harbor a 'r .inackml. The s-nilsfaclory rcsulla hate I It. Mi Mnllm will pf -Me oxe; the te im - e i ri' i.nii-ui. ,j,iamj im tt liraniiy OHiiiiany I'li limtnarx hcaritfil Mti wae,'W?"WftiWSti' CHINESE THEATRICAL iii' ii'-.i at ?.-1' Mi i arTernonu and ithe Inn M-AV Y0IIK. Feb. 2. The - iziii-e of 75 ca-es of hand I ice aai Ml ()n tooelnn? he t by Hi'' nun win' mo- s.in.hinr al SIcwart. Soon. I.. V Palinor. of Patmore A n unloaded vnouo MANAGER SHOOTS MAN the onilerleVer .if ire, she palled grenailes and high explosive- being from a truck, into led h . weather nermiltiiiff. the Ocri: I'lillon. xxill pro-fsiiUx. The of- the basement in the tJhel-ea Pier di-trict Saturday night led to Il ! faed Unit Lillian xx- ur,.,n. .if ilnim also al Slew art TUCW I lllltIA'Iff I ? HIM1FI III1IIWU1M C lens.- is allcir.-.l to l.nxv laUn anil h-rcf jnnii'.sl out and iolti apparenlly a hole. Pro-ran Ihe discovery of 100 more cases which had beeu secreted in a iroWtl ihKm III'' will' r. M, frr diamond .trilled. These olaer at 1'otit lta on 1'inJaysoii riverfront lodging house. . &i iitftM .ii 1 Will M..i-e:ill , .....I.... .u.i...m 'Cliannel. It. II. l.i'tiUn. forest baMy he dear,) Hie Parsons' ,'. " '" - Hniiiril irn air iiiiw-i iii"ii( Federal aiithorilic- in Ihe uucox-.-red jjame building 200' Li IS AM.i:l.l;S, Keli. 1 "" t4ioti!i. I" ! aiiii'niuir fmm llatcllon. ((. Ii. l'li"l I HonKli)- 30 -I' Mi.l uif'l w xbH oiil-x.h-r ais.iio at Yu i'-Iiiiii. iiieiotier Sic leaxcn sinter. Mrs. rifle-, 50 machine gun- ami large ipiantilics of steel jacketed ml of a : . t:i. op "f i en as ia iu i. .IcxpIhimhI lo a uoint a ; Arnoiatre. roroi raninrr irorn a .. . .. ... . . .. . ..... machine ammunition in bell-. I...- TT T t IHIII(- ir.11111 HI 111. I." HI .ll.-MLmd ft'. 1. II...a Thouiason. a brother, (larten. gun wii hi' ii k' " i- .in-cn i biki ii"umi, ian wi(prc II a now licen .lecmwi , . i .i.r ... .. ,, . u-h m.i.'I Mini kllleil III llle lirss. : ....... o n... 1 ... and olher members of the family in rauiif .fff if I 1 j niiu i - .- Ill v.su-- W n.. . . .I.e. for ... will tv. in HM-ration be- ' ' " ' " "-'"k-' ex ,. al. Twickenham. Kmrland. RAILWAY POST I'f the ll"H" lien He n -tiot She left a nle which wan di-overcd at:::' ;f.e uowfall, lie predicted. llllll-i If III til' In-ad ami it i- I" on Oonlon Parson' fir.l PEACE IN IRELAND II. -kilt die FORMER LUMBER BROKER RUMOR IS REVIVED turn Iclline her intention. tmilt duriiw the runtime oinn- IS ABOLISHED RGARF.T RYAN I IMMcen 39.000 nd tu.uoo OF PRINCE RUPERT ON w. Mis Tnntvahs is a staler of Ill III.IN. F.. 26. He- ion. of ore la atrea.ly mockci IlUUIIVk fill n.rl from Irish nr"xi--iounl IS ABANDONED out on this properly. The pro- Jl 1 VJli Vll 1 WAY TO ALASKA MILLS;"- l-d;IiMTh; i"71M'r: centres indicate a Work Formerly Done In Office of t its is uiuler Ioiik option and I . . ... i rexixal of peace cfTorl s. C.N.R. District Engineer Ira-c ami is useful 4o Ihe cm- STEAMER RUN F ' . It' iiol-'.n. ni.ma- r came in ins nortptiai nrc. j-ne The rumor is that a sct-lleincnl lale, in a leer w-nicw was Here Goes to Vancouver .iiny "xxina l fluxii'K rupa l tlie Noiili Y . -I Sprue.' IUi. of he reaeheij She Ha fiuhli-lied as adxertisin; for the nmy Leave Hee After til 1 1 1 ICS. Vancmixi r. im.l ..riueilx of Hu ill the course of a XXi'.'k ehiropi aeli'i-. tlMil the doctors The Canadian National Hallways Played inem raite i nt). i ii pa-"Hirer for K.'lchi belxve.-ll the tlox Victoria and Seattle Endeavor to were uiiBlile to put the tione in or so -ciiiineiil have abolished Ihe oflW of Sif ,. DRAW IS MADE Remain on G.T.P. Map kan IHVl Juneau on tho Princes-Mary. place but that a local rhlro- and autMiov-eriinieral district cntriiiecr here xxiHi the M'l iV I' ' I' i. lo pa--lnti tliiouah here Hit. cured her. parlies. reiiwual of V. S. Feallierston-liaugh piiuitoi Ml M. .tier Marj.ar.-I fie Mr. HrxniMiu, I) ENGLISH CUP i noon. 'I I slioxellc.1 for FOR YVt:tirVI.U. Feb. :' Victoria 'Ilie luiil her was accidentally and A. M. Hrefnner, bis. ii I.V speakiut "f lb' iiiinJi'M' rxp.nl -i Hinl Seattle shippiuit. eoiiiiu-reial hot omipaiiioii a few chief di art to The f of !y a sman, ".algary. ,ny i i't i I lie rami b'.isiw . -aid Hinl Hie aadina i.inl oilier Intere.ls are xiaorously inoiilli- later and came to Hi" work done Mr. v lii. Hie -ini walliiwnl In Four London Team an urawn ilioonirs xxere pioxiliK the sul- formerly by i ppoaliiK the cutlilia out of those hospital here for treirlllicol. - Hie FcHthcrsinnhaus-ir department a. -ii 1 1 i ' in nrr uo Againei juvioer sfi-s xatiou as Tar a- -hippina from IS ISOLATED lie'Wl-' ihiiiiiiued. I'inallx on March 10 .orls of call in ti.T'.l'. sleaniei Alaska wa- cuei riicil. He is now Injury liein, very serious one.! here will in future be done tn I!'. : -h -trainer Ikiriolllli HlicduleH effective after March ellina for tlnee mills in Alaska Ihe liml her and txvu sisters! the ollhv of S. Morrison, en-Kinrri I Hi ill ii.- siai ala ami i.uMml. Feb. 30. Ihe draw .1.adtoeate InsleH'l the of ieeilluv elilitination of Ibex the and a schooner i- at present at arrixeil in Terrace a few years' BY ICE PACK in charge of mailllenauce up a a., from l.oii.ion. r.ii)-iuiio. uie of way. al Vancouver. I 'I v her in.I. xxliile the lly- flM f(, round or the FilF-liiii YaneouxerJ tx'elchlkaii hmding for Australia. eolineelioiis belxxecn brother haxinji taken part in the The oilSe ber will i ieil to uieel her in . A..,.j,,lj,.n fiHilhall cup to Asked why similar slilpiii.nts premise . .... Prince Itupert and N'icjuria. war. They look up a larin across j be taken oxer by Y'. II. Tobey, I Tin tlyaii wan aban- , 'i ,. taicli III xa made could tiol lie nia.le fl'iun Ibis (toll. Newfoundland from Al n eonfereiire ticld al Victoria Suffering the rlxer and have Im.l iml'iin : lixisional engineer. elubi Mr. Ili-ynolson said then, The foor London xxere no jloday. on Saturday 1hia.cii (-tMirn Extreme Cold. Steamer bill bail luck since. They are it iiuiinluir In the tjiiiii.cll- mills operaliua " the roast I" -till' SciWI. Beiieral pa-wentfer -pokrii well of in the cmiiuiunily Stuck Fast upply audi a market. 'Hie WATSON SINKS - -- aaeiil of the C.N'.lt. at Yiiiiei.iixer i-rauiB Buna i i ion. Americans seeiind to be liver ami ihi'ir tiiisroriunes uaxo urrn iii'fiifc i urn. M"iri -.- and II. '.. Ki'iHi'V. Kem-ral maua-uer than the lanadians far the exretteil by the liiMKhbiirs unit ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland, AFTER STRIKING .In.xxii as LARGE PRIZE IN I- nham. baxe all been of the l'..(I..M..M. and sexerul as Ihe Terrace prnple nenerally. Feb. 26 With all coastal and all business xx'tis l onrernoil. rlubs aainl out of town thin of proiiiitienl business men rUOlBALL lUrllfcol baxv a rl.ui.ee or yuiiuj Into the city II was iiiuioi-cil Dial the Mr. Ilrynolsoii xxill be in (lie vessels held fast by Ice Crew of Ten Men Took to Boat packs In the harbors of the iiorlh Ixmi about xxreks. , finals. C.N.II. "Illrials uu I tin an ull' i-lialixe MOTORSHIP COOLCHA aouthern seaboard, Newfoundland Just In Time off California M I ulleii. or Ihe Saxoy The draw r-nlled :i rolloxxs: proMisiliiui lo Ylrto'ia Coast iiiaklinr full correct evti-1 limy or SoulhaiiH-ton vs. vxliH'lf will WAS FLOATED TODAY reports Indicate u Jrlail- "f tie un-I FRENCH OCCUPY that the Ice condition Is the i'f Ihe Kpurtsiueii'a NVcl Ham. SANTA U.VniUUA, Feb. 20. Kami s in IMIIIIICI Hits VI'K. worst they have had In 50 i i ............ I If f""tliull ronilielilloll.1 i..,.,......i. ..il..ii id ii iiiiiiers- i leui or vnnoiiiA. I'Vb. 3. - Tin S.'hooncr Watson, wet bound to IF Ml tu-l week, I lllll'HI. .iiiitorslilii ('.noli'b.1 xxliieh xxa years. an Pedro with 80.000 feet of NORNEN HAS ENGINE MORE TERRITORY Further requests for help at f -i linxe ol 5,1100 in the (Ju i n Park xs. SJiei'licld. drixen on the i-xks near Albert 'lumber is a total wreck on San from Isolated towns where Vi'f rails contest lat week r.illi'ldiam llolspiire V. Derby. TROUBLE AND COMES :leud during a recent miioxx storm wood supplies are running 'Miicuel Island. Striking the rocks I : A II. C.hi'i ii', of Saluioti xxa flouleil thi morning. -lie broke up and sank a few minutes lit ssi.i hum Feb. .'(). The short are belnq received by BACK HARBOR after the trew of ten men TUG TOWING BUCKLEY INi;0 l iin.li I'.ilax' ai III possession the Government. The FISH ARRIVALS bud taken tu the small boats. of -hip- ..f leri'lUiry between steamer Sable Island with MIRTY THOUSAND BAY SCHOONER WENT Hi. liHliliut schooner Noriien. t'.oli.jjMc ami obltiiu and three week's accumulation ICIinnr ltPJID CCATTI V r.ai.l. A. F.hri.liansen. xxas foired Ma)cure In Nlifrlieuils, thereby lli'liuncf, a.500 pounds, al t!h of mall from Canada and REORGANIZATION WATCHED RUGBY GAME AOIIUULntniY JL.ni ILiij,,, fl.1(l(1 . n.l.inu hank.; .."ininji Mie railway lines (but and I Or. lo the (lanadUiu Fish the United States Is still ' this iiioruina with a :-li"it alrli Inlli.'ii" bail I n in iHxmrpietl Hold slorawe (lo. jammed In the Ice. ON PROGRAM FOR w,Vh , , vn Ihlrtvl The l.iutii'ut Iiani' l Ix' iti went ,,f .mm pounds on account ol leii il'ii'V. The iiperutioii is planned Iiorreoii, 5,500 poimds, at ! COUNCIL MEETING snu per.in., saw Fram e asliore mi lloiii'lcr lb k near iioiil.lo with her rlrriilaliliK lo 4 renal hen the llhiue-lai'J I3.S4. and lOc.. to tlie tiauadian METHODIST PARSON di real at the liaml of llelliiiKliani l-t week and had lojiump. When repairs are tirade the uloins cimlrul Fiali & Odd Sloratte ki. ii tlir ml' i national ruuliv be assisled off by He t illicit imal xt ill iiuhiii inn kr fur the fih SLEEPING SICKNESS Aid. II. F. 1'erry has Klvn Ii Snulininisli. The GOVERNOR AT BELFAS r iin lice that he xxill nAjxe for consideration d. iiiavil h ere on Kuluiil;iy, Slnles culler iiiK uroui VANCOUVER WINS CUP 1 "u hi uia 0 to H. damage xxa sliahl Ihe hern of wage acales and luxviiiK Ihe seliooner fpo-kana VtiM'OIIIA.Teh.To. The Kerr lll'.I.FAST, Feb. 30. Ilia TOUMNTU, Fob. 30. Ilex J -alaries to be cuforved on and BALACLAVA HERO DIES xxut from lluekle.x Hay to Gallic LEAGUE HOCKEY Cup. eiiibleinalie of tlm Cluaiii-ploniliip Duke ot Abereorii, recently appointed VY. Arnup. assi-lanl geuciul i.rti'1- Murch I, at tonight' council xx hen the urounilinif occuired. of Van 'liver and Vic tloxernor or the Northern secretary of rorrij-n mission- .if meeting. Application for l' laix tint . Feb. 3(1. ''Ho. arhniiiier was 1'iaded with old Ottawa, Hamilton .1; al toria IhkIi fclu'.'l was won by Ireland, made an cnli-y in klate the Melhodisl C.liur.li in i.uiiaili the various position In Ilia city I !t YY Klmw .m.'..i,.- ..i n, ...r from the Musi tt llaiiiilliu) Die KilifcT tieora'' Iliah Srliool t" assume ..lllra today and a member of Hir Saskatchewan bail made vacant by the recent liai !f till' I lulil llrl IT il if hi nt 'rnnttjM lit '- 111 tl at lluikley' Muulr.-al. 3; Toionlo. I, al To- hockey team tiera -today, the conference, in seriously ill null art.e notice wllj alo be ' i. .'i- i ,if eigli io nothing. Kubcriba fur tla Daily .New. xx tl -leepun KkUi!ji Icunstdered toultfbt. I-, ati'il 88, Ha j'