rv 'fl, l(?fl HIE DAILY NEWS mra ftvi SMITHERS li .den nn nrcn some. in II ?',.- now hold innkiiip nf If You Trade Out of Town, and I Trade Out of Town, What Will Become of Our Town? i(iic I! no linvc le nrrlycil t lint THE DOLLAR SPENT IN PRINCE RUPERT WILL "REMAIN HOME TO BOOST" It, nllnlinu l pro si i ai c f., nml uinrr- anli'-llmlcil much pleas to "Trade at Home" Campaign -(in -' plnrr f li'" on hrw'Friday Niip ,, ha ipporltmlly of . ? the prcntle ntul ;st.firing,oi'rjH'livr fortune progrAm li'U- Hardware Read these articles with care. They may present something you haven't thought of Butchers jii f.lded Ii)' Hip LAdies before. Patronize the people whose advertisements are here. They are neighbours , r.a lilly Itifcen ntimbpr advantage of the Gr.NEHAL HARDWARE and will treat you right. The money you spend with them stays in circulation in ntifHClory sum of Hhip Cliuililli-ry district Ask I'or ; nAll'l dnrirm ili-- Ht.tvrs. Ilnnif. Paint. Oil. your SHAMROCK CRAND mid Mi-nmif, which I'hotiP .101 Ham, llacon. Lard, Duller. ,, it i Vi furnishing and TIip now linfiii- ir HOWE A McNULTY Printers Tailors P. BURNS A CO. LIMITED. I dapled for ll pill MANY PUT TRUST I . iniprlr four bed. CUSTOM TAILORING YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND Id anil aifiiftir r..imi. HAVE YOUR STATIONERY Suit Made lo Order. hprp a r,inipli-lp ix-k of nhPlf IN THE UNKNOWN A GOOD BREAKFAST 1 licatpi timr ilir anil lipavy llarilwarp, i'inwarp. Pftiiipil in I'rinfp Ilitpprl. I.are slock of niaipriats and hplps paeh day wild a good start. Wj I .ellPp. Hip pre-. I'allrrn lo i'hoon from. riiniiownrp nnil lnol uf all Tht i easy whrn yru lni, your v and provide iniii'li kimt. Qnalily i.ni,,.-,.,, -p pi itur I'rifp. Never Satlified With Those Thing With Allpralion. Hepair meal trotn ru. fii-o fir nur- Clraninjr Preing liiri'i all r,.ni(,. Iiii,,n. (il l our Which They Are Familiar pi n'p lil. ROSE, COWAN A LATTA, LTD, A. CARLSON FRI2ZELL'S ROYAL MARKET. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY. Inclined to take chance. Phone III. -. frun Hip Hail-! l.1t . wlllf II Will il'ld ir-IT'S HARDWARE Stationers Druggists Curious Trait in Human Nature Have Made -. 1 3, amounted lo i dp W havi" it. if haxi'n'l u" FRESH KILLED LOCAL MEATS. ., mint rtf 'I :.() Much ii. will grt il fur Jull; if WP NO NEED TO SEND Potiible Growth and Development of THE I'tpsh and Snioketl Kilt daily. In ilon.tlnl In the llulklcy an t it- , H in'l iiihiIp. Thi "til of Inn ii Tnr Slalimipry. the Great iMall Order Houses REXALL STORES I (try. Itullcr. Hugs. Vegelald--. lu ti l Hospital, i- mir Iiiiiiii- p.ilh-y ciTii,Icil lloik. Itflii 'nve you tiKiney on all drusr re. Plume fi,t. Siiiiln ami St'hiMil Willi thf fnrf Hial r.iioiial.f Copyright,. iuirenient.fi. Our llPtall Snre I Mr Tim. Hi Arp pii.p prPMiil in all hut's. .Snpplip.f I In' itl.hi'p i nml iiriT kiiilrpl a larjrp linp.lopk A I'liriou trait in hum.hi nature inake sppp you in Pritipp Hupprt. PRINCE RUPERT FISH MARKET. ltprs 'i 'uke up ilipir STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. Up ilpf ninient er froitieiill)'. That i an prin i -iifi-ial t.ripi-, aii, will I itrnont in, M t ti iiifliiiHlinii lu lrui in the iiiiknowii rutlier ORMES LIMITED. In ulint in i t prippf. SHELF AND HEAVY than in that with whieh i i I Ijrlr many friends. one fntniliar. A McRAE BROS., LIMITED HARDWARE. H-ri'oii ts very apt to lake it Hiaiice, pen Men's Provisions M hell, 'he 'iotrrm'til Paint. Oil. V.ii in-lit- Tinwnrp. VICTOR, VICTROLAS A RE. thoiigli he may know Hint Hip udd are lull Furnishings ti;ifniiwar.' M..M- to I ngHilil ili'leail of ietl pcralor, ha pfl fur CORDS him. lieing .-nlif OUR STOCK OF MEN'S WEAR MEATS. GROCERIES. ti (itiitir- ronnerl-Telegrapher' Photo ami i!nni'T.'i SupjiliP". with leer rewanl aliout whieh there i no Hi- is Hip imiIouI uf Hip hesl mill I'rph Knots, I nion. tlfllpp nml l'piniial Stalionrry. xiiliilily of ilniiiit. Protluct. and manufacturers and' arp p-plusivp Vpprtaliles. Itairy li i Absence the local nf- THOMPSON, LlmlUd.HARDWARE CO., Maiffint' Mini llook. U inxilp It i, Hildy, the flaring tip of Hie ever-present In lyp and Ihe very best, Phonp l:i. . P.O. Itox tJ:i. itr .'barge of Wm. Holy Jon lu pomp in ami look opr gainhling inslini't, Iml thore i We ak quality. lo nr laryp Miniflliiiig more in il Hunt that. There i in you compare K. W. Mnprsch. our line. Boots and Shoes W. W. WRATHALL il Ihe ti tiexifaiiiej teiiilenry on the, part of CITY MARKET. ; llpnrr i combining mot people lo reaeh fur Ihe rhimerienl ami MARTIN O'REILLY w'llh ticaufi In a FINE FOOTWEAR Departmental Stores ignore Ihe langilde ami Mili-lnnli.il tiling QUALITY SHOULD BE FIRST Vanfutpr ami ViPlorln. Your hPAllli ! lai-pHy il.'ppnilt'iil wliit li i near at haml. M,iu i seldom ut-tfietl MEN'S FURNISHINGS consideration when irderin? . in lip )' itboul ii upon )iiir fool I'oinfort. Our' willi (hu.p lliiug that are williin hi Honl and SIkm. Clothing. Meals and Oroccrie. Our pine!-, fiir.it during III nbpnre knowPtst ttf Hip MiMhp. pn-l DRY GOODS gra hut i rrai-hing always for Ihe nnal-tuitliilde. is well kppt. clean and wholesome. lins-sn m .barge of II. ahp it lo prpoprtttp proprr fil-l 1'nnry i;n.. Ni ioh Too often, lie lu-e thai wliirh he ItomP.-lip NnpliP. We siippjalizp in imported good-. n. lini Iiop wliti'h will oip you . might easily gain Ity Mindly pursuing that Phonp '08. txtlli potiifoii iiihI mn'p. All t:i..iinii. whirh i alwa jn-l out of Ills reaeh. I'urs Itiiuuht and Sold. Wilson, of Lake kathlyn, Imp tnHprnlpv pripmt. IM llll Slll. Why "Con" Man Thrives ALBERTA MARKET. Hp red suit against the. FAMILY SHOE STORE, LTD. JABOUR BROS., LIMITED Oiupletl, in a w.i), with fii faith in the PAT PHILLIPSON r 'tru any .'tanning flnon unknown i the tetuteiii'y on Ihe part of on damage for o pii- I'or THIS STORE OFFERS many people tu place runfidntire in :t WE INVITE YOU ATKINS' MEAT MARKET. hy Tire ll summer, had MEN'S AND BOY'S FOOTWEAR ! Hip itpuplp ii. Pruii'P Hupprt slntnger ill' preference In one who is known In inspect our slock of Men's Plume. 574. 3d Avenue. e laht ort In Hip Smith- fif iiualily M'ii ri'n-.nlil ami oi-lrH'i a poiipnipnt. tp ami ha hceii fried and proven. II i Ihi Clolhinjr and Furnishing. The Court I hi ih-ihIhIiIp hint pt-oiiniiiiMl ,lorp which makes (he Quality of our line is of Ihe flint y week. pi irfil pom,. tpitdenry Mi-sjie opera-lion , FULLER'S GROCERY. "lllpitienl pr(pp. . Traitp Pi iopp Hupprt "ron" the hesl and I Iip jiriccs will satisfy t a GEO. HILL in tf Ihe man, jf't-rifh-tpiirk Phonp 15. P.O. Ilox 877. 1 hp ShufUMn ll Will M "U. arlisl, the iinM-rtipulou promoter and Ihe Hip mn.l exact in; buyer. hockey matehc last week- Shop llpairitir H. S, WALLACE CO., LI P. spmii of worthies mining slock. The Phone i;7. I between Yandcrhnof and WE ENDEAVOR man who would not think of trusting Hill THOR JOHNSON lilhrrf. nn he local rink rp- IT PAYS TO BUY Jones,' lii nevl-door neighhor and fellow Grocers ul all I imp. U ntilifipAtP your ln A win. fur Smither. in jtimhI hnp ami trntlf whi-rp you rwiiirpmpnl Imtp in I'rlnpp church mcmlier, will rimfiiJingl) turn ner-hi MEN'S tinday game with: Ihe fporr ran ppiirp iiIiip for your nioupy. Hupprt. Wp iiii' ynii a prvpp life's saving lo a stranger who unfolds FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHING OUR AIM IS TO SELL wliill Hip imiorii pnp. Ilolli ktp tittiainalilp Iipi-p. Our on Ptery piiii'lia-'- maili' Iotp a lale of riches lo he won. Hill Junes might you a line of firocerips. Pro- M'unlay liy riirryinir off rppalr ttpariiupnl i "al your wIiipIi oii ranntil mvurp whpn talk hi head off in liehalf of a legitimate STEVE KINO ions. etc.. Hie price ami quality ior w b a wr ( l-n. prii-p." W'p v'larnnipp ur ili'Hlinu liy mini. Try u fnl. prop is) ji in without gelling a dollar where Third Ave.' r.r which will keep your ainli't iKiuf Ipuiii i pii- wtirk. Il.io.l li,.m. 1 1 1.1 1 1-1 1 y. The UNIVERSAL TRADING OO. Ihe slick slranger wilh the worthless proposition 0iM..-ile :.P.n. Tiekel Office. money in Prinrp Hupert. A phone M liy h AHilrlii- r.liil. a! M. McARTHUR ran get thousands. call -phones 2 and 50 will britm in 'tip Smfllipr Hall on II I these two tendencies which, ,ip-parenlly. our s -rvlce in your dour. ii , hi affrr Hip vntn Decorators aro so widely prevalent among all THE PROGRESSIVE MAN LYNCH BROS. A McMEEKIN. a' niip wa ppiii. Electrical Houses . classes uf people that have made possilile Ihe spends his money in his own success of the great mail order houses in Ihe community. This store rater lo FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES WE DO EVERYTHINQ ELECTRICAL WHEN YOU THINK lig ritie. A knowledge of pschnlogy i a Hie dress requirement of pro-tressie fERRACE NOTES jiif Wilpapi'i-. 1'aitil. VarnUli. imMirlarit lo the mail order man a a knowledge men. Hart Shop. Itur Pure Food Products, Provisions, Mint will.I Iip ylail to sup you an uf Juisjne. herry Waleiproofs, Stanfield practice. e plays think of upon i (ila-. lluHap. t'lr.. Vegetable. Fruits in se-lson. uin.1 Mr, V J. Pardon p-littini.' on ati ronlt'inplatf't Ihese tendencies of man lo la"ke, a chance. I'ndprwvar, Headlight 0erall. Phone HH. P.O. litis ! li SILVERSIDES BROS., work. Wp parr, a larp loPk I'rade at home. fii llairllon lln In Irtist in the unknown rather than the of l-.lpilriial I'ixiurp. I.ahor Thiril ,pnup. Phonp SI. known, lo place confidence in the stranger J. A. KIRKPATRICK. MUNRO BROS. K.iMnn Appliaiii'f ami I'lPclriPiil rather than the friend. SMART CLOTHES FOR SMART ai't'torip. IlMiullar.l arrivril hark IMPORTERS AND DEALERS Hope to Draw Prize MEN. PARKIN A WARD ELECTRIC liirr hl4 wpk. CO., LTD. In Wnllpapcr. Ilnrlap. Mnuhl-inir-. Those who y merchandise from a, mail W e carry exclusie line of high Photographers PaiuiK. Oil. Ynrnihp, order house are .moved partly, whether they rlas. etui lies and furnishings. rPMli1"!! rvriil. of the WARD ELECTRIC A MARINE ltniflip. p I.'l u atM you realize it or mil. liy the trait in their nature l?pnl. fn. Vm II I..l.tinintin DEVELOPING, PRINTING us ill ilill ahrnil a- SUPPLY CO. on your work and n-piirp our Which prompt Ihem lo trust in the unknown lV i.n., t.usiiiiu lauors, iiursuiinu ENLARGING l)io O.l.lf. llnw who Cotilrartiir ainl OfAlrr. PKliiualp iM'fnrp Ki'iiding out of rather Ihan in Dial with which they are Hals and Stetson Hats. Dr. This i our business not our tr (rrpal rtppplalinn orr Ilpplrnat ami fla-ofinp llnplnp town. familiar. They are hoping, it may he unconsciously, Jaeger's 1'ure Wool Onods. side line. Portrait thai will ll MipJr SI I'alrlok danpp SiiiliCf. MariiiP Hardware. The A. W. EDGE A CO. that Ihey will draw a prize. BRYANT COMPANY LTD. pleae you. Hrins u your work. II Ink pi ru-p on lh Irtlh Marin l.iahtiim SpI ami Ignition They do not know what Ihey will gel, for il Ii month ttHT. Furniture i iinpossjide. fur one lo know whal he i "THZ QUA LIT f STORE" F. W. CHANDLER 4 COW MAY. going lo gel when he order merchandise For Men and Boy. 3IS Sixth Street or II, C. Frnrr wa (n prinri- Itlipi'H. 11.1'.. . from u picture nml a highly-colored description Direct importers of Men and jtlitii wppI, lnppflinir Ihfl REMEMBER! in a catalogue. He is taking n chance Hoys" Furnishings, t tiderwcnr, YOU WILL BE PLEASED kiiliim, l.ukplfp a inl Cop- WIipii yon buy r'uritilure. narpl. tut Hie unknown, Hals. Can. Large and well as. with the Photographic results (o In .- wlllVll. Ladies Wear Hug. I.IiioIpuiu. Cliimi. I'rockpry. ltii)iug merchandise from the local orled slock of cl dhlng. Oti- be Fcrured at this studio. Our pp at thi ul ore ou bp IIio merchant, on the olher. hand, contains none prices in all lines are at rook l modern processes and knowlrdgw cpiiuitip iirlirlt' ami not a liictut'p Wfrnon' Aunllary of Ihn EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY. of Ihese element of chance that enter inlo l-Ollnm. ACME IMPORTERS. oi litis proiesston is your assurance lipforf mi liny. A wrll, wp giv n Chnrrh nipt tin w-ppk Ilie dealings with Ihe mail order house. of oatisfaelion on all tmniP of Mr, iiporirn I.II. you n pprxonal itxIi p and guar When on luiys a stove from Ihe hardware work done by us. I.atflf Hoatly-lo.Wpar. Sheet i.iiIkp Willi ppry piirriiar in no Metal Works BENSON slnre in hi home lown. he may get none, of STUDIO Woman' Wear. iiddillonal rot. OEO. D. TITE. I'.i'rlhiii in Ihe thrill that come from taking a chance Wolfurn I.PHifiip put on n DEMERS. HARDWARE. hut he will get n Move Hint will last longer SANITARY AND HEATING EN Jewellers IM prosrum thi wrpk, FURNITURE. and keep him warmer Ihan Ihe one that he GINEERS .,,.,) ,Vp. phonn 27, , Hot water, sleam und hot air wa a RtiPKtiriR rontput nf 'i mighl gel from Ihe mail order house nml lo fioml. furnace Inslollallnn. THIS STORE'S POLICY lloiix'liold AgenU for Ihe Individual these things knnwn mlverlinpriipni.. average are likely BUTTERICK PATTERNS. Trunk and Suit lloi. McClary". Famous. Hot Air In represent gtimU exactly Iiii a alo a facinallns to he more Important than the llirills. I.ai p and I'linry Work rpprialllr. tl A'iti r. urnare. IXimate cheerfullv lo quality: In sell each 'Usjumer f'f urlo, Slumping A"'! I'.mliroiilrry. Mll- Using Your Eyes. gin nu all jntis. large or small. jewellpry value al a uniform .llll'I'V. !' lillOtl". F. M. CROSBY. When you ttiy from Ihe local merchant . Phone 5 fair priee; to cnn-ecl all mis-lakes; joii sue the thing thai you are Inlying, you PRIKCE GEORGE ' STEEN'S LIMITED to fulfill all guarantee; inspect il carefully, examine the wnrkimn-hlp MRS. J. L. HILDITCH. (o i'ive each tuie a squarn deal. Illiililillll. Bakers ami Ihe n,uality.nr the material nf which MAX HEILBRONER r')l rallwavinpii havp iluiuil- III-' P.O. il I made Ami in many case you have Ihe Confectioners r'" lf lh (imo Iioanl for WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK IF IT'S BAKED IT'S OUR JOB. prlvilegp of lestlug it before paying for it. YOU DO NOT lir )iaP nf plays-roum! irpor of rrhMi I hkIpiii uml lm- Our plant I aliMiluti-ly modern Yoi have mil only ynuriiwri eye and knowledge THE DELUXE have lo know' Jewellery value ('0 In hospital InwanU pi.rl.il l.atlli- .Suii. t.ioak ami ami pauilary. I . Wing I'iikpu ttf value to rely upon, Iml yotiJiave 2 7 Third Ave. when dealing wild tin i..re ruy funrt, Th innnry wun HrrxM't. Wp urf offrring many in hirilpulonl f'loan I'leolrii' the advaiilHge of the advice of Ihe merchant The behefli of .nu adviei- is ,f 'he firm'prri of u rrcrnt iillrm In' aluc Ht lln ' veil hy pperl linker. See for who has an expert knowledge of the mer-cli.iniliM' THE ROYAL Jour on all jewellery maMert. k'vrij In the which he is and wltn, in lfl Thinl Ave. city. all linos ami wo tug" u luW-' yourself. selling 0(t Ilriuif ti your reiiair work wc - ilwuitiHii' ll', lutrtiams. I Pp. I i lr Hread i Urnl Ilread. cast's out tf 1 00. run Ic relied upon lo fell Home made caudle, chnenlulps. jguuraulee you sutisfurUi'ii I fiCi)rP V rpiiw-Irli rK. i J, DENT. ELECTRIC WINDOW BAKERIES. 'Ooiillnucd on Page fl) bon-lxin. Ice ereain. fresh fruit. R. W. CAMERON. N a Mp lout wrpk from .. Hcullanil. nnnnniiplnir K-I ' " r'ani ilrrn of ,ero fihpr "j Jirjiiven,