pAda two c when pure, delicious SALAD A1 11 usos is used, is a satisfying and refreshing summer -beverage. The Daily News FRINGE RUPBKT - MUTISM COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.0(1 By mail to all parts of the British Empire aud the United States, in advance, per year. ,, $ 0.00 - To all other countries, in advance per year v. .$".50 TELEPHONE 98 Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per inheritor Transient Advertising on Front Page ...,...$2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion .25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line Contract Rates on Aoplicalion.. All advertising should be in The Daily News Otlice on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Newspapermen, Legislators, And The Public Monday, August 0, 192.1. There is a very decided tendency on the part of many people ia Prince Rupert to unconsciously overlook the importance and duty of the newspaper to the community. R often crops up in the treatment that is accorded representatives of the press at meetings of public bodies and elsewhere. The most of people expeel to see the doings of the various governing bodies faithfully aud fully recorded in their daily paper. To make that possible 'it necessary that legislators and officials co-operate with the representative of the press upon whom the duty devolves of obtaiuiug and, preparing thereports. It vers- often happens that the firstrpersoiT lonlimeja paper are those who Shov fl, the least consideration. Especially is this true with amateurs in the governing world. In most of cities more provision is made for the convenience and accom motlation of the newspapermen than in" Prince Rupert People here often e.em In forget the fact that the, newspaperman is really Ihe representative of the great mass of the people. Vheir he seeks information he is not doing so personally on his own behalf or on behalf of Any section of the community. He is doing so in pursuit of his duty of getting the news for the people. If that fact were properlv realized. is in mi nun tnemseives mm ihe no M e u iiu,e n,.. I.. Ji.1.1- ... . .. - v. ...rj J..-4HO.I in umiiK- so or noi inau ny giving inslructinns let the- t n m -v a niiMiit.,.. fTM. I. I i . . ... . 1 - i.T..ciui. . or lauer is noi necessarily lo e bound bv sucn luslruclKms and Ibis fact .should be rememliered .n,.i inV., into due aecoiiul. Newspaperman,, As Public Barometer. ' rome people in Iheir altitude Inu-nnU II. a nn..,.. i . : .... .......... .. .-iin iiir 11 obla.u nothing hut his contempt and distrust, vice versa, others Whatever be tlieTdlcum tou use penoivillu RewembcrBdbu must ftave nCfintn In Monday, and Tuesday. May Murray in "Jaw mania." piece and Ulna Piirvianee i. lh" tar. Never has Niere been a east mre eharacleristjc of the lypes involve,) in the story Dial the one engaged hy Jack Pick ford for his latent picture The Valley oft Ihe Wolf." I.ucill Ilickson is leading lady, Frank Leigh has Ihe the importance of asisting and co-operating with Ihe newspaper-Jbeavy role, Jane Keekley n. vould . . 1 . 1 be l.A I 1 . . . . . Tlnef. Jack s InnlliA. mother ami . i . I l I . . I . ' man readily apparent and would govern themselves accordingly. Attempts To Withhold Dtl hi f tnftmttllnn legislators and official." Halph Years-ley plays the stupid and repulsive country hoy. Hie picture is now in process of production. There are cerKim bodies functioning in the ciiv of vhoe MAE MURRAY'S SUPERB deliberations and actions, it is the right of the public to know. This means thai these organizations . are dealing in public funds .1 aft. ' DANCING "JAZZMANIA1 uii.i wiiii j.uiiiic niinir. it is noi uie piace or these hodies or Romantic Adventure trie members thereof to withhold their activities from Ihe pub- With Elaborate Scene Gives lie. When an attempt is made to withhold i iiformatioo fme-ii Good Background to a newspaperman, such persons should remember that they ar; dealing not wilh the newspaperman personally but wilh the rtllt.lij.- r, I 1 .. ' Tlln I. . . 1 1 i i j-.,...... ,i, me rr.tini wiiu .uieniiHs io no so makes no shlflx ... ...- ..uiiiiruuyii ami roillnieiiee. Jusl ns a ,,, nnneala In "r ,r' Popular Star "Jazzmania" featuring Mael parent hi, fear 'of -public opinio und, through his contact wilh' M."rra'- wl,,fh attraction uie reproeniativcs or tne press, puts hini.vejr in a position the seriousness of which he does not always realize. am uie actions or null ic bodies in nnldie ns&emi.te.t al me West holme Theatre lo (night and tomorrow, is a slory iof romantic adventure reolele public properly aud the newspaper is the medium through which' "''I i",'k"0' " whole Iransniilled uismillPit In to ll.a the public, .-""injf .i a oacKgrouim lor Uie uiese actions nun deliberations are the occasion comes up when certain information hnnM 4 I teniM)rnrily r allogelher withheld from publication, the news- i paperniau and not Ihe legMators should he the i..,ire r,n' Kmgiom-or dune, 'I'll ere nr oll.ur. r., ....i i:. ' ' lion " . . "'mi iiii-iii: i,- lllllllll: star's dances. The greater part of the action lakes part in Ihe the representative of the press jlls so will the public iiHimnlely ', pot I,rlnC6 an'1 reganl him for the newspaperman, nerhan n, i,n n. A "'rone. lurn nK,. off l.i .u- .... . : .. ' office opponuimy or string up those in public No good mjvspaperthan wauls to be overlooked ""V, i;uoereu m. lie wants, however, to be treated squarely and above board and wauls, once in a while, a .Hie more en, siderali,,, and assistance than is oflen give ,1, m in Ibis nly. S,,,., treatment is due Ihe public whon tl e i ew"-pnperman rnpresenU. A Utile more observance of this would be be ler for everybody concerned and especially Ke who are fnnclioiiing for aud on behalf of (he publie Jazzmania" but occasionally lo Paris, MnHo ..,l V V.. Uei 'n. ., , i. . , i . i n- eiury urieuy is nils: Prince (Hlo Ihrealens a revol ution in Jazzmania unless Ihn Queen consents lo marry him. She refuses and Ihe revolution starts. The Queen flies to Amer ica with a newspaperman and becomes a Jazz enthusiast. Learning of her people's plight, she returns Jiome, overthrows the regains the I he laud into a republic and introduces Ameri can commodities and customs Sl'e aec'',,,'' American's love neilher .urn trr) iiiiiiK. coo nappiiy. MOTHER-LOYE THEME FINELY DEVELOPED Gloria Swanson's Big Picture "The Impossible Mrs. Bellew." A slory of molher love, heauli-fully develofied, is said lo be 'The Imposnihle Mrs. Hellew," u new Gloria fiwanson Piyamounl picture, which will be featured at ' THB DaTCT HEWS x Movies and Movie People Devoted tothe doings and sayings of those who entertain the public. WEEK AT WESTHOLME I'alhe lleview. Wednesday and Thursday, (iloria iwanson in Hie liirpossihlc Mrs. Itellew." medy, "(Had Hags." 'topic's of the. Day, -Friday, and Saturday Thomas .Meighan in .r Do Well." Comedy. "Dumps." Fox Xcws-liazelte. The People who have seen Ihe pic-lure in i (lie south agree that The Ne'er Do Well,- showing al the We-dhnlme Thealre at Ihe end oT Ihe week, is Hie bel jijp-ture Thomas Meighan has ever appeared in. In this player, the movie world has found a worthy successor to the late lamented star, Wallace Ileid. In general opinion, Meighun is now the most popular liiaiuof the screen. Charles Italagno has returned from a holiday trip to Victoria and is hack at his post cotiduH-ins the West holme Orchestra ihuch "to he delight of theinusie loving patrons of Ihe house. The first showing of Mary Pickfoiil's new picture "Hosita," u)w Hearing completion al l'iek-ford-Fairbank studios in Holly wood, - J ill he al ihe I.yrfe. I heal re m New York where it will open on .September 3, for an indefinite run. "A Woman or Paris" Is Char-lie Cliapim'.s latest picture. It will soon open in New York. Ine of the things which make ihe film unique i. thai Clmplin dees not appear in II. Instead ie is the author and director of Ihe IS Ihe West Imbue Theatre for two days, beginning next Wednesday. j "The linjioosihle Mr. Itellew" jU Ihe story of a wealthy young mothers on ,for her. lillle son and her reactions when the child lis lorn from lier liv Hie ileei-ee tti a divorce court after an evil light, had been cast upon her really innocent part in.n murder ruiu-inilted hy her husband. Called ' The Imnossihlo Mrs. Itellew," shunned as. a pariah whereerj she goes, Hie pathos of her love for her son forms the inolivnt- ling force to a "mothers hue." story decidedly different from Ihe Usual -ami thoroughly modern. Included in Mi Swansons supporting cast are Hubert Cain. (.onrad Nagel, Hichard Wayne, j Helen Dnnhar, June Kludge. Ilerebrl Standing ami Clarence Itnrton. TWO OCEANS SEEN AT SAME TIME IN "NEiER-DO-WELL" Novel Scene la Bin Feature Thomas Melnrtan's Latest Picture of Few persons have heen privileged to look upon the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans at the same time. When Thomas Meighun latest picture. "The Ne'er. Do.. Well," is shown at Ihe Wesl-holme next Friday and Saturday, local people will tie allowed to d. so, for one of I tie aeroplane i views tlf the Panama Canal! featured in I lie picture five a view of both oceans. During Ihe filming of exterior li) making other air views for Hie picture, -.even Dellavlland planes and two Martin lioinliers all furnished hy Hie U.S. armv in Hie Canal Zone and piloted hy Army fliers, were used. In "The XeVr-Do-Well" Mr. Meighan is -o.mi as the shiflles sonof a man of wealth who U disowned hy his father after a certain escapade In New York which result in Ihe young man being shanghaied on hoard a steamship bound for Panama, where he Is left penniless and thrown upon his own meagre resources. Here he niees Chitpiila. a beautiful Spanish girl, played ,by I. in Lee, and llnir love I scenes for Hex Itearh's noe ml Panama. Director' Alfred F..iw,"- '''be tireen sent -William Miller.!' excellent. cameraman, into the air to gel The ideal summer diet DeUctUe Agency . Re ceives Communication Believed from Missing Valet I romance is not only proline or hert Sans" may be Kdward F mutiny oramaiic ileveiopiiieiiis.isans, missink' valet of Taylor, Replete!"1" ,n ",e rcgeiieraiion oriwhom the movie director had iine young American neer-do.'chargei with emheiilement " 11. KY. MURRAY ,( starring Tonigl at the YVestholme Thealre in "Jazxtnania." Whole wheat, fresh frtiijs and green vegetables are the ideal diet for the Summer days- but be sure the whole wheat is cooked in n digestible form. In making Shredded Wheat we use only the large, perfect, plump grains of wheat, and we cook them in steam, draw them into fine, filmy shreds and bake thenun coal ovens. We do all the cooking for you in our sunlit, sanitary kitchen. Shredded Wheat can be 'served in hundreds of delicious dishes in com bination with fruits and vegetables. Contains all the bran you need to stimulate bowel exercise. supporting rompany kerluin scenes of Ihe locks for AHUnTlNf: flh TAVI fiP Use in the picture. While ut a. iM,rrrrn it high altitude. Mr. Miller was aide ADMITTED IN LETTER lo get a shot which gave a glimpse or hotli Hie Atlantic and the .Oakland Pacific. hred LOS AX(!KLF.S. Aug. ft. A letter signed "Albert San," ad-j milling the hoitiug of William I Desmond Taylor, movie director.! a year and a half ago, and threatening to return and kill Mabel Normand, movie coined, ianne, and Mack Sennell, pro. durer, has been received by a private detective agency in Oakland, California, according lo information received hy local local police. The letler wan mailed from May Point, a village 5 miles eat of. San Francisco. It is considered ioslble that 'AI- tkiscuit U the Shredded Wheat cracker a real whole vhcot tot trutcn with butter, toft clicctc or mar include. TU CatuJUn fihrrddrd Wbrat Cumputj, LU. Wheat Stvengihfir ihe hoi days White Teeth, healthy gums, clean mouth Anybody can enjoy all thee by practising the da.. use of KLENZO DENTAL CREME tbe common w dentifrice and KLENZO LIQUID ANTISEPTIC a ne : tific preparation for the IrcUi, gum. mouth, noc . . and mucous Mirface. Lei us show you these two popular and guaranteed r;r tides.. KLENZO DENTAL CREME, 35c ami 60c per tule KLENZO LIQUID ANTISEPTIC, 35c ami 05c per bottle GET THE KLENZO HABIT? ORMES LTD. The Rexall Stores. Phone 200, 82 and 134. 3rd Ave. and 6th. 3rd Ave. and "Slid. We pay polnge on nil mail orders. shortly before tits death. Deteclhe (.aptaln Al. S. Slay-I ton immediately wired a des cripliou of Sans to ihe northern; city aud asked thai an effort he I made io apprehend htm. WONDERFUL MACHINE ASSISTS ARMLESS MEN By Aid of It Almost Anything Usually Done With Hands Can be Performed LO.NDON, Aug. 4.A machine for armless men simple in de sign and yet almost uncanny In It ingenuity wa demonstrated al a recent llrilish lied Cross display. With the aid of a pair of metal lever attached to a (able and manipulated by the feet, William Will, who lost both atnid In an accident four years airo. i.r. lormeii a series of ooeratinn in show- what Ihe machine could do. These Included taking coup.! drinking lea, peeling an egg. lighting a clgarelle, working al M-wiug machine, hammering n nam, piaymg tirauchls. wrltlnc typewriting and replacing variout innpieineniH rrom an overturned tool hoi. The utensil and inr.lJ used were ordinary one- affixed! ""vers ny epecial The machine, the of W. J. Thompjon, an LMin- -iirun gasiiuer, seem n J,P llnbot. pi. llnrry Nedden. j couver and Hie Prior John, r . ..... i.iiio nn- Olleeil HhllrlnllA IMmi.U. h flue in port thi aflers noou al n o'clock Stove WOOD Wo have Just received i car load of up river woe. guaranteed seasoned dry. biie cut to order. Alio Kindling In Sacks. DENTIST Helgeraon Block. and For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 880. Service and Quality r Motto. Dr.F.P.Kenny Phone 109 For Appolntmsnt. P.O. Cox S63, Prince BuperL KING GEORGE CAFE " Fleet Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to RenL I'rloes neasonablec Phone Blue 471. Second Ave.