i jday, Augu?t 6, 1923. TR1 DAILY NEWS n 4a Change of Water The Strength n Change of Diet Local aid Personal Change of Climate t Of A Bank ,: B. C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. tf . J v. CauseDiarrhoea Majners. Undet takers. Pboue ' r 351. tf I f 1 VER one hundred and five years ''"fZJZjL- - ago the Hank of Montreal vvai .-'tit established with tingle office and a capital of $350,000. Today, after more than a century of conservative progress, the combined capital and reserve of the Bank amount to 54,500,000, its total assets are in ex-cess of 650,000,000, its six hundred Branches extend to all parts of Canada, and it has its own offices in financial centres throughout the world. The full resources of the Bani are behind erery Branch I'rince llupcrt Branch. II ST. 0. LKI'., Munagcr. BANK OF MONTREAL Established over IOO yeart TOYS! iJA. at Reduced Prices View goods will arrive lirlly. Iteiiinaiils mini go. IHs- fciuiliutuyl bjwv twist jru, v. Prices Cut in Two Awny below cusl. See our window. Now is your opportu nity lo gel something for the children ul ery small cost. I One fum tli off on all toys and much more on others. Coast Steamships Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince George FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR 8TEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. S.8. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Queen Charlotte Islands Aug. 8 and 22 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I.eate rrlnre liurl dally ttrrpt Sunday il p.m. for i'rlnre Geuriie, Edmonton. Wnnllx-r, direct mnnerli.n til imlhti MMrrn Canada and United slates, ,Crinnrilon at I'orl Arthur and Iiuluih Willi .Northern Marltallon re Via IJarOreat f Ureal l.aki, Lake. lraiiH-ra City Tlcl70t(lc, B27 Third Ate, Prince Rupert. Pnene 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert 8.8." PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, August 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 20. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, August 3, 6, 13, 17, 24, 27. 8.8. PRINCE88 BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for alt Steamship Lines. ' Full Information from X W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner ofi4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings From Prince Hiipvrt. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocean Falle, and Swanaon lay, Tuesday, B r.ai. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.rl Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday Noon, 'or ANYOX'.'ALICS: ARM, STIWART, Walei liland, Sunday S P.M. 'or port SIMPSON and Naat Rlr Cnnrin, Friday A.M. OS Snd Avenue. t. Barnalty, Agint. I'rluro llupcrt, B.C Wr. r'ri-d rainier. SIT balliousle 81- Braiitruid, Ont., writes:--"When I first went oul to Ihe IVortliWest the mater played havoc with my torH, and beluir III remote sixit I could not tl sn- llilnr tu give me relief fur any len-lu of time. I wrote and told my wire about the time I vva liavliif and alie aent me lxitle of Dr. runtler-a Extract or Wild ijtra terry, and I cannot tpealt too lilUly or it rur what It did fur me. mieiierer nie children nave any uoei trouble from eating fruit or drink - Inr strange water, which they have done for lue pan rite yrara, living; In ihe country, .tbe only remedy we ue la 'or lowler'o'. and luilxxly aliould be wtlluut II II cannot be beat for Initant relief.' Ir I'.mlers Kjtract of Wild Straw berry has b-en on the market for the pan 7 yeara. y.u mm I eitierlment with new and untried remedies when you buy It, but be aure and get -Dr. Fowler w hen jau n rur it aa a aubMltule may be dan- geroua to jour health. Prix- sin a pottle; put up only by Tbe T. Mllbura i:o.. Limited, Toronto, Out. FRUIT PROSPECTS IN BRITAIN ARE POOR Pears, Plums and Apples Suffered from Wintry Spring and Lack of Rain MI.MHI.X, All. :t.-)vinp In tlii lurk iif rain aixl I lie t inlry .-Iiiiiik. fh fruil truKilf liruticltuul tin roiinlry nrp very pour. l'"ar au.l plnnm luivi mif. fi-rotl inn!. Tin; forincr nr n purled by I lie Miiiiflry of Acri- eiilliire ttt lie h failure, ami Hie till If r. il ii oxpcrlfHl, will yipj.l nly :in per reiii of the averace. Apple. Ion, ai. nlleeteil, ami llu year only half .r Mie average yiei.i i- aniii-ipateil. t;iiprry lipe are liri?liiei ami a 76 per real yield i looked for. (!tne lierrie are expeeii-d l reaeli llie average. CABLE FROM LONDON TO ANTIPODES IN 30 MINUTES NEW RECORD! LO.o.. An:. .uriup die war (Jreal Hiilain eized a tier man ctiiimariiie ealde rtiiuiiuir from llniden lo ihe I mini Stale and at Hie ci'iu lu-wn of holili lie our emi or I lie line wit drawn up In Kimlaml and the oilier ilixerfpil o Halifax. , Today al Halifax the wire join Ihe telegraph ylein which ex lend from Hulifux aero (jau ada li Vancouver and llience n it der Ihe ea ! l iji, .Norfolk Island. Australia and New Zea land. & 1 1 . a reuu, me,iKe." can now lie f fill frtiiu Utndtiii lo Ihe Anti. "de in :io mlnule. Thu arc Hie fur-riiitiK parts of llie llrilish empire held Ingelher. ine i,.r.n. sieamer I'rince iiiie will arrive in port on Wednesday afternoon nl o dock from Skasway en roulo lo Vanroiive'r. TOO LATE TO CLASftlarv i LOST.- I limbic slrtiml nuucel biacelel, on Third Avenue, around Sixth Street. Finder ylcnse plmne H'.. Hewn rd . Olltl. or wiiiniin wauled for hmiew(ik. Ii;' Hays Cove, Curie. Phuiie Hlai k :i35. 180 AM Ml. Wninan Cook. Apply I'rince Huiierl loathoue. 180 7J Plus 1c Per Piece. 1 a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your washing 80 par cent or your Ironing everything returned dry You limply touch up a few outer garmtnts auch aa waists, blouaea, house dreaaaa, with hand-Iron, Phone ua today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phono 8. Ice, Wood or Coal. Phone Red 523. Casey'B Transfer. If I'tloltlHll v. s.u.u. Tonishl G.15; S.O..K, ijtueatt Shield. It V II. Manuel, C.N.U. auditor, a"rried on last niglil's (rain from I'rince Ueoive. Save Money! Uuy our Nanaimo-Wcllirigtou Nut Coal at $13.50 a ton. Albert & McCairery, Ltd. tf Mr. A. V.. Acland ami family left mi Saturday fi'iiinjf' train for Terrtice to rpeuU a vacation at Hill rami. - Mil's .MHrt'urel Palmer left on I lie fleainer J'riuce ijeore on Saturday evening' for Vancouver on a holiday trip. (S. V. NickerK'ii aled by Ihe I'rince I.ouUc Chi morning for Kclcliikaii on IttKllic'-". He will be back Wodneeilay. Mi M. clrauj, librarian, wa a paeiifer "p.".' 'be I'rince !eor?e on Saturday evening for Virl..ria on a holiday I rip. Charles A. I'yne,, district maa aaer for fhe .S(iereijfii Life As Miram-e (., arriveil from I'rince (Jeore on Jarjl. nigbl'n train. - Mr. ami Mr.. Fred Scaddeti lefl Sal ui day afleriioon on their launch "I lawn" and will upend a 1 1 1 mi 1 1 1 cnii-ifit' down Hit' coal Kiting ax far noulh as Swanon Hay. .. MuM-allem, and hi dauvh- ler Marie, lefl on Ihe leamer I'rince tieortse on Salunlay nichl for Vancouver en rule lo Chicago where Mr. Mualle!ii will vicil hi brother. ' Mis. O'Hrien, of Ihe tireen house, ha transferred her po! and cut flowers lo Second Avenue, where she will be idea ed to meet her old customers am where new one will be courlc ouly received. 185 - liuon steamer I'irileiia, Caid A. 11. lickon, wa In orl from ti.ao lo 1 1 .30 last evening bound from Vancouver and way porl lo Mewarl, Anyox and Alice Arm Ihe vcel sail for the soulh from here at 5 toiiorruw afler iioon. Mr. ami Mrs. C. . Maddison were passengers for Victoria on Hie slcamet I'rince Geit'e leav ing here on Saturday evenin I hey are jroing lo .N'evv York where Mr. Maddison will repre sent Ihe Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Ihe C.l'.lt. steamer Princess Alice, Caid. Orinislon. arrived in port at IMS Ibis morniiiir', from Vancouver and way ports with a full complement of round trip passenger lo the number of 317 r -. ria mr .-sHuttwiiy. mere were no passengers from Ihe soulh tlis mharkina: here, the steamer left al Il.:i0 for Ihe norlh. '-. The molorshiii llelliuiiliam, Cnpi. Leu Hliiim. 'arriveil in porl Ihi morning from Kelchi kan wilh a carso of canned sal ... ... r . a a mm mr easiern stiipnieni over Ihe Caiiadiani; Rational Itailways ami i tinloaditiu al Ihe Cana dian National dock. The He! linvham will leave nt 1.30 tonight on her return Vji Kelchikan. Frank A. Sauiulers, son of Ctipl. ami Mrs. F. T. Saunders. iliiby Island, is bererroni. ihe south spending a weel?llw!Th liisa parents. He is about t'rt 'resume his duties In Ihe ultlce of I ho !.(.. supervisor of the Hoval Hank al Vancouver nfler bavin spent an extended leave of ab sence at Kelowna, Okanaxan Lake, recovering from an attack of pneumonia last winter. lWore .Magistrate McCly.mont, In Ihe police four,! litis nfornhijr, Harry Plaits pleaded jjullty of having drugs iu bis possession, nod was senlenced lo six months hard labor and a fine of '.'00 ninl in default of Ihe payment of Ihe fine additional three months imprisonment. Prisoner was arrested by City Constable . McDonald ami Sergeant Jepson uf Ihe It.C.M.P. last night, al l o'clock on the waterfront. I5p" pack .-; 80 0. c i U.W.V.A. general meeting will be held on Tuesday, Au. 71 h at 8 t.m. 185 C..N.H. steanwr Prince lltiperl, Capt. II. Donald, due from A'an-couver and way ports al 3 this afleriioon, is reported on time. . J .Vol Ice. Cighth Avenue, be-: I ween Conrad SI reel and Seat Cove School will he closed for repairs from 7 a.m. until - p.m. each day Ibis week. 185 II. F. Illamly. municipal clerk al Oak Hay, near Victoria, will represent thai municipality at Ihe! meelinjr of H.C. Municipalil ies lo ; be held here August 30. Mr. I Handy is president of the Muni cipal ((Hirers' Association of Itri lisli Columbia. WIRELESS REPORT (8 a.m.) lll'HY ISLAM) Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.00; temperature, 02: sea smooth; 8 p.m. poke steamer Jefferson miles from Seattle northbound; 8 p.m. spoke Princes Alice due rinre llupcrt 9 a.m. northbound. WlAl) THF.F. POINT' Cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.05; tempera ture, 5o; sea smooth. . 522, HILL IIAHHOH Ovrcasi aim; barometer, 30.00; tempera ture. 5i; sea smooth; 8 p.m. poke tug Lome off Cape Scott' bound for Port Alice; 8.35 p.m. poke steamer (iray 05 miles oulh of Danger Hocks south- ouml; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Northwestern 120 nules north of cattle northbound. Noon DKIHY ISLAND Clear, calm; barometer, 30.01; temperature, 01 ; sen smooth. DCAD TRF.C POINT Cloudv. calm; haronuvler, 30.08; temper-' nture. 05; sea smooth. Hl'LL IIAHHOH Overrast, ilm; barometer, 30.0o; temper ature, 50; sea smoolli. HER TURN NOW Mrs. Kriss -So you are obliged lo scrub all day for a living'? Mrs. Casey Yes. mum. When me man asl me lo marry him he gol iown on his knees, an' lie's kepi me on mine ever since. - American Legion Weekly. dverte in Mie Datlv News. H EM0RRH01DS Do not euffer another day vUn, ltrhlng, llleedlng, or Protruding rilM or lloriiorrhoUa. No aurulcal operation rc-ju'reU. Ir. Chase Ointment wilt relieve you at once and trrl latlnif beneM. iio a, box; ll dealers, or Kdmanaon. lVatia & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample box tree. witK 1 CUT PLUG "ItSaiisjhs" If you ( roll your Rupert" Brand Kippers BBSBlBaBK2BHSQECS3SZ9MaflaSBHMlHMBBfll SMOKED DAILY by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Door Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, PatUra makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Cto. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Our plant is equipped to t-ndle all kinds of Marine and Commercial Work PHONES 43 AND 388 Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "Tlio Scrvico Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: ' N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchaser!. " Phone Blue 91. .. i ' . ... . lis ., i i r.