lugt 6, I02S . THE DAILY- JfEWS -lXErB FTV1 FROM . PATTULLO lit Position In Regard bad Out of Prince Rupert Hly ,Nvi litorial in Inn issue of ike clear I lie insplrn. editorial of .Inly lit Itir liter editorial I look ex-IJ lit gravamen of your U illHat I.HfacI ion in wllli Hit" trunk mini hail confined your oh- to the road situation I have had no roiii nte. .fitlier you in Prince lluport EeNe tloim thnn I ami that nail work should com. if Rupert It happen, Suit I hnvtome special lily a Ift'the manner of klillc prnhubly many bIm are looking only to of July 16 you ffllowS; arlle nre all. very well kIi.uih ij those partial 1 needed today Is Ituperl iiirly that will f other parties to go to unless Prince ltu)(rt her due. While it N lo be Insular or In be' ill, yet it seems neces-ht our way all the lime. ie parties, a Mich, can' hboul Prince Huiicri.' let vole of Hie. people.' lint Interested in local lexrept in en far n! 1 t U general policies, rly Parties Hint arc dually full nf promise' Psins ami lioe Hint are off. a much a po4fhle.i e In our dcuuuid anil y, refine lo support any at doe not ilHher I hi !cnHy,we shall nuike head- re l no nx-tition ma.l. of tad situation In Hie forego-' notation You Impugn lb" nndpiucslion Hie- slnccr-l 4hejpolltiral parlies and leaders anil, yim would lead ieliec thai the jloipnf their artlvltle is 5elDli, apparently nh-: the fart 1 1 1 it t in IIia lyi the policy alvo.1 you i the policy of n r ir himself and lie Hit' hindmost " per, in my opinion, or-! mitlou or lrut in rela-e public nud should not. , slash off editorials calculalcd to rreate n the mind of the peopling institutions, much question whether rial of July 16 correctly your viewpoint. I " worry In think that it nil events, I could not lenient suru a cor- your editorial of July inchallotiKcd. wih to impress l, Hint torial nf July 26U re. In road, ami the general ping statcincnl in your in, r July 10 are two en-ffcrenL matters, Faith- T. D. PATTl"t.l.O. RSHAS :0ND RESORT vernment Road Opens up llful Camplna Ground Seymour Lake, ZVt Miles Prom Town Ml EMS. Aug. (V The pew ling built lo the Diilhie ly way nf Hlgrlnw and Lakes I approaching Pmhhince of shape and )inph'led the residents of m will have another lake In Me with Lake Katlilyn. i our Lake m liul 214 m llf nlther, mid hcinpf forlu- HoiikIi In lie without I lie nf lat BcaKon, Ihc xlad'ly fhioli line Dm eilne are of proen with no Jilnckened irred truiikK to nwtr IH I fnfaKiilfleenlly wooded, and indy hcnrlniH JuttiiiK in'" nf the lake. It M a npnl III min e mid1 more he vticed honefll of tho ritUens. ' iK thoxo to quickly reallxn Mvantriiu'H affcrrd' as : Ki'ound Ih I). I). IIoI.hIoii tlly, who have cri'dcd n 'inily tent and provided Ives with a largo IVter- ItlOe fnr-Omli. ntm nlnniiipil I r unit ll i. u n ii i i or their lricnds. II If You Trade Out of Town, and I Trade Out of Town, What Will Become of Our Town? THE DOLLAR SPENT IN PRINCE RUPERT WILL "REMAIN HOME TO BOOST "Trade at Home" Campaign Hardwar GENERAL HARDWARE Ship Chandlery Stoves, ItanK8, Paints, Oils. Phone 3CI HOWE A McNULTY YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND here a complete stock of shelf and heavy Hardware, Tinware, flranlleware and Tools of all kinds. Quality considered. We meet all competition, (let our price list. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY. IP IT'S HARDWARE We have H, If we haven't aot it, we will gel it for you; If we can't get it, It Isn't made. This is our business policy coupled with the fact that reasonable prices prevail in all lines. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Tinware, Oranileware. Stove The THOMPSON, HARDWARE CO., Limited. Boots and Shoes FINE FOOTWEAR j Your health Is largely dependent , upon your foot comfort. Our knowledge of the business en-' ables us to prescribe proper fll-j ting shoes which will giv? you both comfort and service. AH lines moderately priced. FAMILY SHOE STORE, LTD. For MEN'S AND BOY'S FOOTWEAR of quality and reasonably priced come- to CEO. HILL The Shoeman Shoe Repairing IT PAYS TO BUY good alines and trade where' you ran secure value for your money. Hoth are obtainable here. Our repair department Is "at your service." We guarantee our work. IJoosl home Industry. M. McARTHUR Electrical Houses WE DO EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL and would be glad lo give you an estimate on any contemplated work. Wa carry a large stock of Kleclrlcal Fixtures. Labor Saving Appliances and F.lcclrical accessories. PARKIN WARD ELECTRIC CO., LTD. WARD ELECTRIC A MARINE SUPPLY CO. We specialise in Marine Paints, Union Jack Copper and International l.agnlines. Anln-fohllng and Anli-corroslvn. COW HAY, Prince Hupert, n.C. Ladies Wear EXOLUSIVE MILLINERY.' I.udles' Heailylo-Wear. I'.verything In Woman's Wear. DEMER8. .Ird Ave. Phono 27. BUTTCRICK PATTERNS. I.ace and Fnnry Work Specialties. Stamping and Embroidery, Mil ilnery. Dry Ooods. MRS. J. L. HILDITCH. OI- P.O. nuilding. WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK of Kxclnolvc, Eastern and Imported Lhdles' Suits, Clonks and Dresst'S. We are offering inany attractive values at this lime In all lines and wo urge you (o tako r.dvanlngo of these bargains. J. BENT. Read these articles with care. They may present something you haven't thought of before. Patronize the people whose advertisements are here. They are neighbours and will treat you right. The money you spend with them stays in circulation in your district Printers HAVE YOUR STATIONERY Printed in Prince Hupert. Get Our Prices. ROSE, OOWAN LATTA, LTD. Stationers NO NEED TO SEND, lout of town for Stationery, l Hooks, Office Supplies and School Supplies, We carry a large stock of the above and kindred lines. Wc print special orders and will lie glad to quote prices. McRAE BROS., LIMITED VICTOR, VICTR0LA3 A RE- CORDS j Photo and Camera Supplies. lOfllce and Personal Stationery, Magazines and Hooks. We Invite 'you lo 'come in and look over lour large slock. W. W. WRATHALL Departmental Stores BEFORE 8EKDINQ YOUR ORDER OUT OF TOWN See us. We are always ready lo compromle with you. JABOUR BROS. LTD. Phone 615. THIS STORE OFFERS lo Hie people nf Prince Hupert ami iiiotriri a convenient, ie pemlable and economical store service. Tra do in Prince Hupert it will pay you. H. S. WALLACE CO- LTD. WE ENDEAVOR nt all limes to anticipate your requirement here in Prince Hupert. Wo give you a service on every purchase made here which you cannot secure when dealing by mail. Try us first. The UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Decorators WHEN YOU THINK of Wallpaper, Painl, Varnish, Olass, Hurlap, etc., Ibink of SILVERSIDE8 BROS- Third Avenue. Phone 22. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS In Wallpapers, Hurlaps, Mould ings, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, etc. Let us advise you on your work and secure our estimate before sending out of town. The A. W. EDGE A CO. Furniture REMEMBER! When you buy Furniture, Carpels, Huns. Linoleum. China. Crockery, ele.. at this store you see Iho. L-enuine article nnd nol a picture heforo'vou buy. As well, we give von a nersonnl service and guar- wtlee with every purchase ai no additional cost. GEO, D. tit FURNITURE. HARDWARE. Household Ooods. Trunks and Suit Cases. 3rd Avcnuo. F. M. CROSBY. Confectioners THE DELUXE 247 Third Ave. THE ROYAL 010 Third Ave. Home made candles, chooolules bon-bons, ice cream, fresh fruit. Women Control Town's Destiny Can Make or Break a Community Through Exercise of Their Buying Power THEY HOLD PURSE STRING It is Estimated That at Least SO Per Cent of Retail Purchasing is Done by Feminine Shoppers It has been" said that the hand thai rocks the the hand that rules the world and nowhere h thi more literally Irue than in the world of trade. The woman is the purchasing agent of (he household and man, a a rule,is very J?Iad to have Iter handle the job. Heeane they do by far the greater part of the lniiiig in any community, the women have a repoiibility thai they do nut always appreciate. The woman of a town, through their buying power, can make inbreak the merchants of a town. It is in their power to make it a prosperous town or a dead town. When the women of a town acquire the mail order haliil v the lowu may just as well begin making arrangements for ils own olfeipiies. Hard to Understand J list why atvoman, who,i a shopper by instinct and a t-hrewil judge of values in merchandise, should succumb lo the lures of the mail order houe it is difficult to understand hot? unfortunately, some of them dow .No one knows beller Ihau Hie woman who has had some experience in the buying of merrhandie bow difficult il is In distinguish between .(he genuine and the imitation even after a cloe inspection. In fact, thai is the exception rather than the rule. The merchant' know it and expect il. They expect a woman, if she is a gootl shopper, o "look around a little." If n woman should walk into a retail store nud purchase the first suit that she tried on, for instance, the shock probably would prove fatal to the storekeeper or the saleswoman. The chances are lhal she will ,try on n dozen soils and look nt as many more before she selects one that suits her laste or pocketbook, nnd the .storekeeper notonly e.xpecK bul wishes her to do Ibis. He wishes her In be satisfied as he knows thai t satisfied customer is the. best advertisement that he ran obtain. Taking a Chance This same woman, however, may order a soil from n mail order house on the strength of nothing more than n pretlypic- lure and an alluring description. She has not even Hie opportunity to try it on, to say nothing : of the- chance of examining the fabric, noting the exact shade of the material nnd inspecting the workmanship. She is taking chances on the suit fitting her, on the material being good and durable, the shade becoming lo her ami the workmanship of such n character lhal the suit will noU fall to pieces. The woman who takes such chances cannol he called a shrewd shopper. 11 might be more easily understood why mere man, unaccustomed nnd averse, as n rule, lo shopping excursions, should fall a victim to the catalogue habiL lie might find it easier to order from the .picture in the catalogue or he might lake the position that he wouldn't know what, he was gelling anyway if he went to the. store, bul why the woman who knows what she wants ami knows that slices getting what she wanl when she gets it should buy on the "sight unseen" plan well, that's another question altogether.. Woman's Greatest Opportunity Women nre taking n more and more prominent part in public affairs all the 'lime. They are aiding now in many parts of the country in running the nffairs of state. .Even wheri they do not have the ballot they are denying a big part, individu-condncl particularly of local governments, ally and through Ihoir organizations, in .the yet in Vie one field where they ran do most to help build up their communities Ihey may be overlooking, their opportunity. With tho biiyfug power in their hands Ihey can do more for I heir community by staunchly sup-porting their home business men than by r nu possibly do in any other way. Tailors SATISFY YOUR DESIRE For TAILOR MADE CLOTHES. A. CARLSON, Tailor. Third Ave. Druggists THE REXALL STORES Save you 'money on all drug requirements. Our Rexall Stores serve you in Prince Rupert. ORMES LIMITED. Men's Furnishings MEN'S FURNISHINGS Boots and Shoes. Clothing. Domestic Novelties. Furs Bought and Sold. PAT PHILLIPSON ' WE INVITE YOU to inspect our stock of Men's Clolhing arid Furnishings. The Quality of our lines is of the best and the. prices will satisfy the most exacting buyer. Phone 627. THOR JOHNSON the patent ADJUSTABLE CAP usl in. Fits any sized.head. Call n and see them. "Buy in town and help your town.' STEVE KING. Third Ave. THE PROGRESSIVE MAN spends his money in his own community. This store caters to the dress requirements of pro gressive men. Mart hnoe, asur- berry Waterproofs, Stanfield Underwear, Headlight Overalls. I'rade at home. J. A. KIRKPATRICK. SMART CLOTHES FOR SMART MEN. We carry exclusive lines of high class clothes and furnishings. Agents for Wm. II. I.eishmann & Co Custom Tailors, Borsalino Hals and Stetson Hats, Dr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Ooods. BRYANT COMPANY LTD. "THE QUALITY STORE" For Men and Boys. Direct importers of Men'9 and Boys' Furnishings, Underwear, Hats. Caps, Large and well as. sorted stock of clithlng. Our prices in all lines are at rock bottom. ACME IMPORTERS. Bakers IF ITS BAKED IT'S OUR JOB. Our plant is absolutely modern and sanitary. Everything is baked in scrupulously clean Electric ovens by expert bakers. See for yourself. Electric Bread Is Real Bread. ELECTRIC WINDOW BAKERIES 100 WHOLE WHEAT BREAD. The Bread you will eventually rat. Eating is believing. Phono I90. LA CASSE BAKERY, Third Ave. Sheet Metal Works SANITARY AND HEATING EN QINEER8 Hot water, steam .and hot air furnace installation. .Agents for McClary's Tamous Hot Air Htrnoces. Estimates cheerfully given on all Jobs, large or small Phone 5 STEEN'S LIMITED Butchers Ask For SHAMROCK DRAND Hams, Bacon, Lard, Butter. P. BURNS A CO. LIMITED. A GOOD BREAKFAST helps each day with a good start. This is easy when ycu buy your meat from FRIZ-ELL'S ROYAL MARKET. Phone 10. Fish and Poultry FRESH KILLED LOCAL MEATS. F'resh and Smoked Fish daily. Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Vegetables. Phone 671. PRINCE RUPERT FISH MARKET. Provisions MEATS. GROCERIES. Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Dairy Products. Phone 13. P.O. Box 123. F. W. Moersch. CITY MARKET. QUALITY SHOULD BE FIRST. consideration when ordering Meals and Groceries. Our stocb is well kept, dean and wholesotn.. We specialize in imported good?. Phone 208. ALBERTA MARKET. ATKINS' MEAT MARKET. Phone 574. 3d Avenue. FULLER'S GROCERY. 'hone 15. P.O. Box 877. Grocers OUR AIM IS TO SELL ou a line of Groceries, Pro visions, etc., the price and qual ity of which will keep your money in Prince Rupert. A phone all phones 2 and 56 will.brin' tor service to your door. LYNCH BROS. A McMEEKIN. FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES Pure Food Products, Provisions, Vegetables, Fruits in season. Phone 88. P.O. Box 334. MUNRO BROS. Photographers DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING This is our business not our side line. Portraits that will please you. Bring us your work. F. W. CHANDLER 318 Sixth Street THEY SOON GROW OUT OF MOTHER'S ARMS but Photographs of the Children never grow up. Phone Red 183. The Photographer in your Town. BENSON STUDIO. Jewellers THIS STORE'S POLICY to represent goods exactly .as to quality; to sell each customer jewellery values at a uniform fair price; to correct all mis. takes; to fulfill all guarantees; to give each one a square deal. MAX HEILBRONER YOU DO NOT have lo know Jewellery values when dealing with this store. The. benefit of our advice Is yours on all Jewellery matters. Bring us your repair work we guarantee you satisfaction. R. W. CAMERON. r i s i t I! t- s .