lurtlEN YOU WANT JUST ARRIVED I ' New Spring and Summer matin Patterns in AXI 99 'Art Clothes' a hurry To Measure.Moderate Price STEVE KING Phone PRINCE RUPERT Third Ave. NEW CAMS ALL Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Opp. C.l'.ll. Tirkel Offlc:-. ll VIM NO II PlIINCK IU I'KllT, ll.t; WKDM HDAV. I Kinil AIIY 21. I2a. v.ii.r.,'. cn-cmn.,. mi tfMt ! . PRICK rTVK I.P.M WO MEN LOSE LIVES F FISHING BOAT ANY STEAMERS TO DOCK HERE IN NEXT WEEK OR TWO FOR OVERHAUL 10 Fishermen Swept NANAIMO ANXIOUS : SOLICITORS FOR Turns Down Big Order Because GRAIN ELEYATORS REDISTRIBUTION !S GIVEN 2ND READING no Fermit t0 txPort Lss trom HOUSE OF COMMONS WESTERN LINES Overboard from Lincoln Board of Trade Busy Trying to Induce Government to Make H I TAW A. f.-i. . I. Tin-II f North, to its Great Detriment City Shipping Port !--( I ! lllll I' II under Everything West of Port Arthur wlili-li ll-ili-li Cduiuliui In Future to be Known a off Coronation Island NANAIMO. Feb. St. Al lli' i J. II. Mni'giin Co., loggers, liavc lo refuse to fill an order gel. it l! liieiuhf r. iii"iiilil.v iiK'cliiin of the board of p;i.', il hitmiiiI ri'H'l-iliK Western Region for I'igliti'i'it million feel of ;iniee, ccditr and hemlock logs be-rane irade, I'm-..a ecniu;r. Alderman llicy are not allowed lo export llieni. A telegram just re in I In- IIijm- .if i;.m-i.n Oi TAW . I-I'll. .'I. Liiii-K nf lljtrrlwuii. it ii neciitl cMifn f n ill ceived aks them lo nipi'ly that amodnt but they are unable to J l Hakk. and in.uncd ith 'In und yitf,rvlay unVrtiooii Hi.' i:hioi'Iiuii .National , ie ti ged w one hi, froM) ,i, :ly .uiuncil. addressed , Itulvnij'i "O o although their rnniii is innte capable of turning out Hie uillinil ikrlmtc. Tlmt in-ili. r i - 1 fn III,, bkcJ uml single. fi..iermen or .Seattle, were wepl ii,, i.,,Hnl oii Ihe unction of iroin i-nri .iniiur nun run Mil- ,..., .... .1 i....ii n. ..! :r n.,. h.,i :Pl uml lii-t off the Seattle fi-hnig .- booiier Lincoln Icn wheat elevators und the u of H'. thai I Ii.' Hi'iH'i-ul liam lo Hie roal will 111 fu(lir' ha u tj0 ko i (he wi'-'w.ird of I hay Island Iat Sunday evening. The Nanaimo Harbor In runnei-lion lri'.i'iili of l In- lull i-ad.i'l.'.l ;...,. a. Hie eU'ri. wtMi,11 .Mr.' Morgan .u.l ll.. morning dial the refusal of Ibe order urnwd ai J'orl lln- morning witli lO.OUti puutid- of with H terminal jx.lnt fr the and Ihi; il. l.iil will IIIV.-UIII U III Lilt 111 IN ttlfUIll ;i-..'.uuu. III' HllllC lilt ill I'olll- in i iiorntou. .... h' Canadian National Hallway. Hi t - J.. j Mr:;iio:- ! Ihe rft-w of flu' l.ui' .Jn Idling Hie -lory of On: din.(rated his address by maps inill.'.' uf Ui wloli- II. II. l. r.1,,,,1 . unuml hull- nrnt (.,H44 r an(, rmUf jn0 Hn lo Hip Nfws s.nj thai Sun- ll"Ui'. i itnr lor Hie (lanailiaii National NEW OWNERS OF r i(ft'.il.v morning Daily i.ii showno: Hie graia riites mw iili," ilwlareil V. K. Williunn. vetting Hh'V were niniiiiiK fr 'hrlt'T from Ihe I i -limp in trenerul use ami Hi Wslcrii Hallway ban beenNiipoinlnl re-iiii'iuil of llial firm. In Hie Hail? New 4- 4-44. 4 4' oiiiisel of Hie western 1 ::l'r uiiioii Island II ii.iili' u rvxM.eil to a I'arifii rc-mmi today. The -on-iici' i Lh. K"'"l (Hl uhI- friiin Into. iurl. Hi iiltn ileuM lit l.'iiKl'i wilh heailmiaiiers al W'imii. lo b' uij Ilia! way when .ni.J BOSTON BRAVES southeaster COMING HERE Nfciimiii'i FISH ARRIVALS p'K. tl. V. Ilanniiigton. general viai a pjy wild tin- qwMlon uf i la log an- jnl a- for end I was minim; liaril. llarlior un.l I In- way in wiirh it allorney of Ibe Hanuiliau Nil- the uurpoKe. Tin' on'y n.ark.'i ti and l' -ii were standing I'nulil ! nlili1 ii n trrmlnal Eight Boats Sold- r 142,500 Pounds li.mal llaihiay ut Vancouxer i in wi- have liri r is I In- T'ai-i! l:ll. Christy Mathewson Is President : :i U" !" for IoimI. FROM CUBA Miinl. Al I lie coliclu.f"" if liii of Halibut al Exchange Thl ((), !,B)II reaional usixH ol anil lln-y ilu mil waul reilar. of New Company Controlling w mim,, wilh ofrirw ill ri'g,n : lir.T - ,1 liioke liver I! iililn-mi, mi 1)111 iII-i-umIom I." Morning Tlieii- i riilar now lyinK at League Team v. iiit, a li 'Hi orrhoard pin. a t tin iii"t appropriate aiicnuvirr. Ii. M. Hair. l. (. fieort'elown mill ami lliey are lie- amount of Tour Steamer lo Dock and uf liriiiKinu to attrntimi of jllwrii. l. M Itu-si-ll, an.J J. II. ,i jiy ay Ki- Aiufi i.-iiii liaiilnil IhwIk unable In sell il. I.asl year we IMJSTOX. Feb. 21. The Na-hrt.l ailant ulirilr Hie mark. of 'IV. j WsniS I faihoiim if Oierhaul Within Short tin' autliurittcK M iiin'.lfr nuirk.'1-.l IHI.jiM) ...iia,N of finli Caiiii.lian National Hallway, al lo m'II reilar loss t Ocean linnal I-eaBue Club in this city In i V 3 V a ii i ciuaitgleil Time iiii.l.-r iliKCUiin. It ai i(t- al Hie U liaiiRi- Mliii liiorimi: Wiiiiiii.i-ic are I. xolii itor fo Kalis ami till the lime Ilu- loss ha pasue.l to new owners. The i;m' ; r u ih) Hii' ImjaI !' i!ilr Hint Mr. Harrison . j a' i- a. were world twin- as much for "raves win in miure ur unnaxe-j c liil: i a- u i sun. 2 in Four Canadian Government a ilrMft rvixilutioti cuvertnlt cirt ami Ihe Ocean Falls tco- y' a syndicate headed liy Christy linrs uf ii- -a uufU" tUf Merchant Marine -hIh-iiI fraturon uf liil taaa..l .aff u ta. u-..a u- f..1 . - . . . ide did not wtiiiI them. Mathewnon who was electeil rlilna uf u ilot-y 1hhmiIiI'' frenghters are due here M'lriw for Hie um uf lh h..rd.- " " " ' ' n- Th" diffieully wilh the r.ire.t president of Ihe new i-omnany !. , r.Mi,'i it In ..' s.ilirlti'l' uf the all ' '-at to, i.w miiaiiiiiiii within the next ten day to American wi'sti-rii ul Yaneouvi-r. diuHment Is Hi at it is nol sufll- and will ronlrol the destinies of ll U . : 'lllil ll ' enter the local dry dock for it was iiwveu .y Mr. j. r. ni-i.iy aVin i i.'Kii.ii J cicidti- daslks. Uenvjjfejf jjio t'"- The. price paid Jor Alio lli'1l' -s. liatclllllR til till- Inrpectlon and overhaul. 'Ifc.ylc. l CojSUMfravl. ,, .'tr-lllfFfaefrw-! nrarler. 'frtfflfft wrje -ofM-raling '"" "as no! be.-n aniiounc-U. kltillH ell)Mll9 f llicir C'llll- The Canadian Importer 'ffinl: - " " ' rishi-rie. LOGS HIGHER j here. Hie logrer would nol ask and Canadian Rover are due ) Wii.'f 1 II"" Him II. 1-iu.i ..J mi.I u. be ahwd ! MPorf their AI.RFRTA FARMFRS ARF ! Threw Keg 0er nail Monday, The former Jl-rairle ,.riKiMes van lie , f . u M. ami iiji.-. uui iiirru is no lurui iiinr-ket." ;Ki,iti..vt' HiriiHii ortlanl in I coming direct from Cuba. 'to Cui-ope via a I'aeific rwait . .,' ',, jf' y: i,--iiM, REFUSED CREDIT BY i lie (llhrrllnu r Uf unfir4iiiial-Iiri'll)t!ai4 The latter I In the coattwlte , ,1 1, a. i PUGET SOUND j Detriment North I'wrtuna. i.imu ouiuls. ami lair- to ' til IV llicy fflilr.l ! arvlce between Ocean Fall, i Anil wfrr m It -iitiwQr IIimI a GOVERNMENT FOR SEED ....... ...... wny IK.ntlll imiiiiiiN. at I I.tie ami I " The present day policy of the .i-l iriiS-l'iif lli - Hi- I.lii.-lu the Columbia River and California. ......i .....i .1.1, i l. '.i I,, Iriflfi) mIhiijI f"i ii v inlr Uut IIh- ' liManr I ill mi- i',"Vv. 1711 lile, o Ihe IdH.lli I isheries Ijiuu. Advance in Price of Fir Will f- r,,r, l deiorlinent under Chd-r .illaii ij, "l-r Caverhall i, I.DMON IDN. F-b. .1. Ov r !""' at In March the Canadian a r. wen- (! -- 'I iMiHily Hi "11-m Early iuiii miT i sown. feet all Other Grades Say ... Canadian .l..ii, . ..i i.. ii.i. 1. ri. .I..II..,., , , ..f ,i.. Brtllther and Canadian iiii,hi iij iiiis iivriii .' v, i ,i - ,.i p,iii-:iiiii.b a in I ' i h'-iu-lit Uml Hi'" j And wli.Teas Niiiwinm lUrhor Lumbermen riiiilillj Ii. I'.. Fouler. 'I 'MM) pomitls. al declared Mr. Morgan. "Yery few orr ..'v.'ii millions advanced In Ii rriiiain !) tit-- Mirfai'i- I"'1 Inventor are coming, Both iln situaliil .' miles fri'in Yau-ji I -.I'm- uu l Mr. i,, the Cfciiadiuu I people in Ihe norMi hair made Hi' farmi-rs of Alberta with which direct from the u tnu'l luii' l-iiially. h uil are acros i.iiM-r ril and is Ihe most' I VI lti: T. Wash.. Feb. St. l ish A LhIiI SI-i.i." Co. lllllHlli,.'- ..Ill I.P .laillklu.! tinfim If. lllirrll.1!' I.hI klltl II l-JI I II I ti 'l Willi what lilll, Pacific, II I undirilood, the liiiiing iuiut on this island pill up ni lln. I'nu.'l Sound district loituers, . "... H.Oim ...i lids, and NY. A , ,. ... ..;,. ,, Jlk ,.... .. r !. ." I'l ini'-.l frimi Ihi- former from Australia and jaiul ran b1 made ery niiitable, ut hnxe raiseil Hie fur logs r. , - 11' !. lie arlHHinr." the latter from the Orient. I ma 1 1 eMne, for railway truek- I'., '.min ih.iiimN .il IS.7c ami Mr. from fourteen. jiriees iiineieen and the marki-ls. Mills caimol get t"triiiient of that province has I'm) ' I in liiMun wliirli I ...... .l..l .I.. .. nn.I I..- lo tlir Canadian l -li A Cohl Stor- (started here an there is no way sliul down cm furtlier grants. tweiitv-aK dotla,rs resiH'lively. Ii M' lh.- Milvuulaire of lo-ing able lo jagr Co. or exporting Ihe lumber. ir The experience in Allx-rla has i' i "ii li'lay uiuriiiiiK i lor Hie reniiertlvc fir. . HERRING RUN iuanlili.'s. I soi r the logs rould tie sold been that horrowers from Ihe riila' Hi i - I ii reaelieil -iipldy i-onl in larpe and twenty-eiuhl. lei'ii, Iwvnly-oiie do nut reel Ihe obli- In .a vili- IC'UM nf Hie lli- il therefore resolved that WASHINGTON DEFEATS unlil V'w'nhT got i-uiiuing, Boeriiment -lllllll'll lo lh.' llir alli-iiliun of Ihe iroer au-llii.iilii' Ihere would be no kiek coming. fiinn to pay thhir debts as they a'fi. I'riiu'e lln -; COMMENCING Im drawn to Ihe natural UNIVERSITY OF B.C. Local luinlntnnen say Ihat Hie'U Ho- loot I ieile could make ulil from the hanks or private n.'.l i In- iiH.riiiii-li iiidt allium' of Naiutiulu Harbor us iiiioliitioii given in the ilesmtcli is a little money mil of lugs ibeyl,,'"dei. .... til ! I' a- 'reia rathe a i. riiiiiiul wiiil or Ihe Hana-Fredella Y'ANi'l ll VKIl, I i'h. 21. The ttor fir lumber grades ;i. 2 and I would si ii it up a sawniill and III' lrut'"-( l.'i haltbul Cold Storage Boat nmi, National Hallways and u I nixi'isily of WiiMiiiihlou lust i expert ively. Spruce would rilll Hie iudfelry would get going. DDflPlKF CWWC 1APQ I Reached Port Yesterday With -liiiniiic Hri for wheat on the iiivhl ilrfi'iili-il lli.- I'nlw'r-ily of hIioiiI a dollar higher. Ihe ad. The present policy is absolulely I nut vuii uiimu ini u I Jllllll I. Illl) "it IS maslei-oIImt1 a Load Carrier Are i-liui'l llritisi: : .1 1 1 n 1 1.i in tin- se.'oiiil Biice in prii-e of logs on I'ugel opposed to the interests of Ihe FREEDOM OF ACTION I, ;n ll" ill ll I III' Sent Out Id it lurlher teuleil Ihat :i game or llir lio.-k. y sn irs by a Sound will have an effect cery-j north. "t I III' H' air Kiner riipy of thin ivsuluHou uf the score or l dree one IINIklllK a Where' "Vjuipomer is in an entirely Toklo Considers Allowing Citizens II I ll H Ashland uml 'llir t:iii:iilian l i-li (-"Ii! I ii hi nl of Irade be seut lo the total seori' rnr tin two gaim's of diirerent position because Ihe export to Renounce Citizenship at i;iii'istiui- u hlir is 11 MI- Ni'i-aui' Co.'a heri'iiiK boat I ri'd"'-Iki. lliulit Hon. Maekiiic King, The llritisli C.1 ii in In Washingion market keeps them goinu. Time Any l li al I'.aiii. Nkou, a in Mil in iort lion. J. II. King. M.D.C.M, an.J I nUi'i-slly I. TRADE TREATY WITH There is, a (ireat dilTVrence b!- jyi'sii-rilay load uf lieirintf member the l'ederul II... ...lll..v.. 1... II.u n..ll..... wilh a the l.M-al for no- FRANCE IS APPROVED .uij...,,...,!, uo.NoUT.r. Feb. SI. De j,iii.l Hie eario'i's drier blurrilit lidinu. CANADIAN BOY WON ACK MADE and l.eaaie haw heen sent mill The ubow moliuii un belli? put i ed to one is not u led to he lfOVrmiieilt u ,onsidering .l, lli.- pimiiiiiiiv ill a li I lei Italian lo Ihe meelilig carried utiaui- Vic Foley of Vancouver Knocked OTTAWA. Feb. St.- The lloust Vlliei. I III: J.VI ItiJ l iiijuiiiii to a proposal permit JapuncMi i.f Hie soajiou iiiiu nlarlinu III full liuiusly. Out Sailor Eddie Buell of I of Ciiiainni:-. esterduy adopted a the noHli eouulry. If Ihe gov. abroad to renounce their Japanese DUBLIN OFFICE vtiui.. Allliiiiitih Hie I'riilella Connecticut vesoliitioii approving the new. eminent cannot see this situa- citizenship at any time In liiiiutilil in a L a.I of li. rrliiK trade treaty with France niiu,ii,, ii is i,, tiniall for the Joh GANG ROBBED HOME SKAT TI,I:. Feb. si. Yie bill stead of as at present only with, 1 1.1 1.hi I a forluiglil ago. Ihe run Foley, gave Hie first reading to a lo Vancouver In Way 'in certain tiresrribed ace limits. in full then uul Ihe Vancouver claimant of Ihe ratify it mil Irregular Killed and Three had -larle.l OF GENERAL FRENCH baiilam When we want to export log j weight ofl Ihe rliam'plonship (u treaty was not 1 usi i i- lij.po.ii Soldier il ha n iiermiieiy are Captured by knocked out we have- to submit the request DDITICU rHMMflKIC Canada Sullnr lM.lie ari.'el on claim that u,., u liillie:! Wlii'llier I lie llsii hit 'ti"i r..P ..eemil In n.KUopv hnnril DltlllUIl VvUllllUUllJ Carried Away Furniture In Cart llucll of the hutilisliip Couuecti. Caniiila was iiiving greater run-cut no Ill.lN, l i b Z An organ- )ei ru'iuiiiif in any numiieis. refused.! nt Vancouver and it Is REJECT AMENDMENT Without Being Apprehended here In- she H Uml the traps l.ast uiglit. i- than was receiving. nttui'k m mude this morn-1 .U'ld'-rsliMsl In that, way Vancouver keep a Police :i varum- vvrjiiueiil of-'of Ihe N.M. .V II. l-'Uli C". und by iirlp on the north and prevent ' I e ami un ulleuifl wan lliadlniry A Yelf down the eoant its advancement. The is I.OMHIN. Feb. 21. -The House made lo Met the iut'oiiM) lax he a few lie lierriiiB In them raided lirill.l.V.Ihe I-Vli.residence 21. of A gang l'.url France is Expelling Germans l.ceded ill the north Jlist money HOW.uif Conijins by a voto of 273 lo afire. National ' li..on I'Ut md any iiuaiilily et. The if.,.1,,. ii. ,ii .1 1 1 ulwuil.l I ha 107 tlirs aftarnoon rejected an miisiieelina boats of lliene IWO French of Ypren atllpping the ' . . . ... UlllJllllllllMlll III the address by .iilllin Ihe vov.'iiiiMi'iil l.oui'.l who do French Orders class and havo fired on uml killed one ir- oulfiN ure now oil the look.nirt1 house of lis costly furniture und not Obey high tu into Kpruce pulp. cedar (leorge Lambert, Liberal, urging ur und captured three. a'hi Ihe majority of llm crews are'rurrying il away In cart without, go diaslic curtailment of Hritaln's away fr Ihe city on the job. being apprehended. Struggle Continues after 6 Weeks responsibility in Mesopotaiuia. EXPERIMENrAL FARH MTISH GOVERNMENT DUKE WILL NOT SPEND I'ANCHO VILLA IS DUiSSKMiOllK. IVIi. il. The loiicliisiou of the nixth week) INTERIOR THIS YEAR CHANGES DISCUSSED HONEYMOON IN CANADA YICTOR OVER WOLFE of Ihe llulir i t - i put ion finds France resorting ulmost cxilu- CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. lively to expulsions in its efforts lo innres upon the ficr-niuus Motherwell Says He Regret In- thing to Base Rumor Upon; that the order oT (ienerul Dctloiilte are to be nbt)(id. Tin Re Lumber Tenders Called Work I'llll.MH'.I.I'lllA. Feb. Si. - ability to Carry Out So May Be Speculative I I.ON HON I I.. .1 ll i slat- I'llU (iermutik on then part un adopting Ihe general pnlicy of protest Thl Season ; For. r I ...I .,ul li,.i.i I ni i v. I 'lliul il uill hi I'uiulni Villa, flvelght Ill- lrikes lliriuighoii! Hit region wilh u view to liuuiperiug the I . . , . , ,L-. ,. v.., I i. kniH'ki'd oul Kid Wolfo ill I'lciiili unit benefit from operatioii- prevetil (heir leaping any The l"MMJ I rti. .-I, Humors of ..OTTAWA. Feb. St. cbiiliug Oiii.' fur receiving ale iiiiu hi- m ixi t out here last nighl. lllll IM'CllpUtitlll. Hie estimates for a.'i i.'mIIui e. tend rs bus been ex I ended I'abltiet chuiigi' were fur (hen holicyiiioiiii us ha been (icniiiiiis arc i'ouoleil liy Ihe Li. l it is coaling, the to k ifil this unoriiiug by the Hon. Molherwell iaid he regretled February Hi, uml pei i-fica F' 'imiH'I'S hill iw.u I,..... I. Uggeted. EMINENT SURGEON DIES Friiich an immense lot of money ut ,.i im i and who will foine, that the government was iiuabh lions changed ,n 'ea.l ' derinlle eiinririitalhiu or its-J lo eur.'y on und that they ure oul 1 Uu- stcugaie victorimjs U this year to proceed with Hie e. "lletuloek" ir. niHIIIion to much to suggist-il is. more PRINCE MIGUEL DIES MONTItl'.AI,, Feb. Si. Kir getting little In repay them for not clear. The (.erinuns ure cn- labllshmeul of un udditionul ex- fir.' The hwe: t ur uny "I"- in.uive gossip, in aoine MOW YOUK, Feb Si. I'lince lliomua lloildlik. emiiiciil lauu- the outlay. Hi' t rencli on lh" coin ,tw I'll by Hie svuiputhy they ; I'l'iniental farm along the line of lender not 'leci ssai'lly Uc-eepled. eldest Huii'diuii ii ml twice member other hand do not sii- how the . i r i i i inu from 1 li t lui ii and the Cunadiau Naii.uiul betw'i'j'n II Is usserled Mint any I Mliruel I . 1 1 1-niiuti u stilBCon ' -ucUnii of the (iovcrn- of Don Miguel liiaganu (in ten. . r iiiii llameiil for SI. AlilOllin Ul- iiermail i nn p"--uny eurry Oil 'III' .1 1 1 1 1 V l'll'- ami fioin, the ihe lloekli's und I'l ini'.- Itup' i l. City I'ltrchasuig g-ut hi '.Ik piuir future is; quite dcr lo Hm Uii'iiic f I lU-lll. VlMlOll O f Montreal, died yesler Willi faeloi-les a d mine- . losed. ul i iliidi of lahoi ward llllnl li, .lliv ml, day 1 1 1 1 1.i x 1 1 1 to b" ai'Ue j Subscribe for tb Dally New.