THE DAILY NEWS PXB1 FTVl T If You Trade Out of Town, and I Trade Out of Town, What Will Become of Our Town? THE DOLLAR SPENT IN PRINCE RUPERT WILL "REMAIN HOME TO BOOST" "Trade at Home" Campaign Read these articles with care. They may present something you Hardware haven't thought of before. Patronize the people whose advertisements Butchers are here. They are neighbours and will treat you right The money GENERAL HARDWARE with them in circulation in district Ship Chandlery you spend stays your Auk for Slove, Harijre. Painl. Oil. SHAMROCK BRAND Phone :ifi V YOU SHOULD BE AS LOYAL TO YOUR COMMUNITY HniiM, ll.ii-rin. Iluller. AS TO YOUR NAME. HOWE A McNULTY The Prince Rupert concerns listed here, conscious of the fact P. BURNS A CO. LIMITED. . that thousands of dollars are being sent out of this territory for mer- -chandlse that can be bought at home, have launched a campaign In the YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND hope that it will create a stronger feeling of community Interest a here a complete fiwk of lief sentiment most vital for the prosperity of the entire community. In bold A GOOD BREAKFAST iifiil heavy llni-itwnre. Tinware. type you therefore read the slogan that they propose to popularize help, each day wilh a Marl. Oraniti-wnre nn.l Tool of nil "TRADE IN YOUR HOME TOWN." Thi i eay when yi-n liny your kind. Quality -.iinlcrcd. We The time for consideration of this question could not be more meal from meet nil iMiiiiHnii,n. lict mir opportune than at present. "Financial Preparedness," the watchword prler 111. of Canada, should begin at home and can be exemplified In no more FRIZZELL'S ROYAL MARKET. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY. far-reaching manner than by real co-operation in this vitally important Phone In. ! "TRADE AT HOME" movement. It is a thought that should be taken IF IT'S HARDWARE We to heart and given consideration by every person who earns their living; have 'ii, if haven't we jmI FRESH KILLED LOCAL MEATS. in, or owes their success to, this community. if. p will jf.-l if f..t if Smoked Fih y.,U; wej Frrli ami daily. This campaign is launched In the firm belief that the people of rant pel il. ii inn'l iimde Iluller. Ijrjr. Vecelalils. Poultry. Tln.j this community will follow the dictates of their good sense, and bring i our iiiini j m-y I'hone 6 1 . ,-ouplcd the "TRADE AT HOME CAMPAIGN" to an actuality that will be or vast 1 wilh the f.-. ilmi. rt-uxnialilr benefit to the entire territory. price .rrml m ull line. PRINCE RUPERT FISH MARKET. This movement is no selfish propaganda of these progressive concerns 3 STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. who have combined In co-oo'-rative community appeal. They urge SHELF AND HEAVY that you read the brief message they will give you each week through HARDWARE. the columns of The News. Provisions P.nrit. Oil. Vnrin.lic. Tinware, The firm resolve to "TRADE AT HOME" will not only helo the firanilcwure. S("ic retail merchant, but the manufacturer and jobber, the farmer art lucent tt our town. nd II will li helo In everv line of business. It will aither MEATS. GROCERIES. Hi.' directly or indirectly benefit every Individual of this section. fruits. Vepetalilen. hairy product. THOMPSON, HARDWARE CO., I'hone 13. P.O. I Ins 12-1. Limited. Departmental Stores Printers Druggists T. W. Mnerch. Boots and Shoes CITY MARKET. THE DRY GOODS 'HAVE YOUR STATIONERY REXALL STORES QUALITY SHOULD BE FIRST FINE FOOTWEAR Your-lir(il Hi I largely impendent Fancy UomI. ,ol ion I'ntii.'il in I'rinre ltiin-rl Save you nMney on all rtru? re.;ronideratinn when orderinsr Clothintr. I Hiiiremen-lK. Our llexall Store.!Meal ami Oroeerie. Our lnek upon your fool comfort. Our knowledge of Hi tiii-in---' enable Ill hi. nn Shoo Oe Our Price. ere you in I'rinre Rupert. Ii well kepi, clean anl vholeoin. l"e pe,iatie in inipopteil SimhI'. u l.i prctrrihe proper fll-ling 1 hoc winch villi tfiw- you JABOUR BROS., LIMITED ROSE, COWAN A LATTA, LTD, ORMES LIMITED. I'liorw ?0R. (III (in fori and er ire. All line modcr-iili-ly pricel. THIS STORE OFFERS Men's Furnishings ALBERTA MARKET. FAMILY SHOE STORE, LTD. l.i I lie eiipc .if prince llupeit Stationers and tfMrict convenient, de-pcmlalilt- ii OUR STOCK OF MEN'S WEAR ' ATKINS' MEAT MARKET. iiihI cronoinicnl tnre NO NEED TO SEND 1 1- the iilpiil of Ilie lied niilN crvi-e. Trade in Prince i'lione 57 t. 3d Avenue. Unpen mil uf I for Slaliouei-y, own MEN'S AND BOY'S FOOTWEAR ailil iiiHiiiiraelur-erK and are ex-jeluie of quality nn, rcHMinjiMy il will pay,you. I!'.!-. Odiee Mipplie and Seliool in lyle nnil (lie ery iel priced l "e earry a larpe loek We ak FULLER'S GROCERY, come H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. p-iuppliei.. gitalin. you 10 compare GEO. HILL I the fllioe ami kinlret line 4. our line-!. 'hone tj. !.. Iloi R77. The Shocnian WE ENDEAVOR priiil tijiI onleri an, will Hioe lluiirinK vl all lime l.i aiiliciimlc your i lail to quote priees. MARTIN O'REILLY leiiiiin-inen' tirre in ..prince McRAE BROS., LIMITED IT PAYS TO BUY ltiiieri. We stive you a (service MEN'S FURNISHINGS Grocers iriHt.1 l,c and trade where ynuj on eir purchn-c made here VICTOR, VICTROLAS A RECORDS Iti Mil- ant Slioe-i. I'.lotliint. ran necure vain for your money. which miii emiitnt neeure when OUR AIM IS TO SELL Itolli are olilainatde here. Our denlinir liy mail. Try u fii-xt. I'liolai anil Camera Supplies. iniMlit' XoVellie. you a line of Orocerie. Pro. repair drpm-imeiri i "nl yotjr The UNIVERSAL TRADI NQ CO. MDIi-e ami I'l-i'sonal Stationery. .iion. etc.. the price and quality Kervlee." We guarantee our MafiuiiifM nnil It-ink-. We invite l'ur lloiizlit unit Sold. of which will keep your work. II. .-.I home indiitry. Ladies' Wear nil In -Hill' in ainl lnk -ier money in I'rinre II 11 perl. A phone M. McARTHUR our Urgi- PAT PHILLIPSON 'ill phone 2 and 50 will brina W. W. WRATHALL our .Tice to your door. WE INVITE YOU EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY. LYNCH BROS. A McMEEKIN. Electrical Houses lo iineel our lnck of Men I.a-l ie' i-iii ly.In.Wear. Furniture - ClolliiiiS' anil KurnUhtnfr. The WE DO EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL I'AerylliinK -in Woman" Wear. Quality of our lirif of the FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES . REMEMBER) lie-it and the price will atify, ainl w-iiilil lie plal to ne you an DEMERS. iWlien ou buy Kurniliiie. Carpel, :ltie moil exact in; Iniyer. Pure I'ood Produrls. Prnviion.. ir. e. I'lioue 27. r-iiuiiati- '! uny i-onieniplale.1 1 Hun. l.inoliMiin. I'.Iiiiki. Crockery, I'hone 027. jViylahle. Pruil in -inn. work. We mrrv u Iniy nhwk BUTTERICK PATTERNS. ii-lr., al tlii hi ore yon the I THOR JOHNSON Phone KH. P.O. lUx 331. 1 genuine nrln le and not n picture of l:ie.iru-Hl luiure. I.ahor J.nre and I'anej- Work Speeiallfe. l-i-forr you Iniy. A vell. we liive MUNRO BROS. Suvinii AiiluiniT iirnl I'li-elriral flaiiiplns and I'inlimidery. Mil. MEN'S ymi a lM'i-oual er ice and jiaar- ni-reouiriex. iiner . Dry iimn. AND FURNISHINGS CLOTHING PARKIN A WARD ELECTRIC t rilii with eery pur-i liao- at no nddillonal cot. GEO. D. TTE. Photographers LTD. CO., MRS. J. U HILDITCH. STEVE KING 01,1 Minldina. Third Ave. DEVELOPING, PRINTING WARD ELECTRIC A MARINE FURNITURE. HARDWARE. C P U-. Ticket Omee. A' Opposite ENLARGING SUPPLY CO. WE CARRY COMPLETE STOCK r.onlmrtori ami Healer. of Krluive I'Inttern and Im-porled HoiifCcliold (inod. Thi I our buineA not nur Cleelrlrnl niul riaoline llnitine l.udie' huiU. Cloak atnl Trunk and Suit lloxe. THE PROGRESSIVE MAN wide line. Portraits that will Supplie. Marine Hardware. lreM-. We are offerinK ninny Sil Aeni-c. pend hi money in hi own pleae you. Ilring- u nue wirk. Murine l.iuhllnp: HHh and Ipnilloti llllraelhe Milne nt IliU lime ill community. Thi More rater In M.-vi.-i. nil line mid vie urpe In lakn F. W. CHANDLER ymi F. M. CROSBY. the dre requirement of pro--reie t:ow IIAV, i.ihunlave of lliee damnum. men. Hart Shoe, llur-herry 3rt Sixth Street I'rinre llupcrl, II.I". J. BENT. Wulrrprimf, StnnfieM YOU WILL BE PLEASED Tailors rmlerwvnr, lleadliplit Overall. with the PlKtipraphlc remit In Jewellers Decorators Trnde nl home. l.e, 1.ecu red at thi linlio. Our CUSTOM TAILORING J. A. KIRKPATRICK. moilern irocee nd knowleilirn THIS STORE'S POLICY Hull Made In Order. of thi prnfelon i your n. In reprernl irnod exactly a PAINTERS, PA PERH ANGERS I.arpe lnck of material and urnnce of jtatUfaclton on nil Id nualily; ( e ench ru.lonier ami I'allern lo chnoe from, Tin: wMrk dune by ua. SIQN WRITERS jewellery Milne at u iiiiiiorin Alleralinii, : Itepair CLOTHES SHOP FOR MEN. BENSON STUDIO fair price; to correct ull nii-tiiki'i; .Cleanmp Preins-A. Phone fireen l&O. P.O. Itm I JO ( fiilfill till Runranlee: CARLSON BRYANT COMPANY, LTD. SILVERSIDES BROS. Sheet Metal Works ,i give each one u iiiare deal. Si'i-mid Streel. MAX HEILBRONER Confectioners SANITARY AND HEATING EN-GINEERS YOU DO NOT IMPORTERS AND DEALERS "TH2 QUALITY STORE" have lo know Jewellery value In WallpaM'i ., Iliirlap, .Mould-iutr. THE DELUXE Fop Men and Boy. llol water, Mmni and lull air wln-ll dealing Willi llil Hore. Paint. Oil, Varuifche. 217 Thlnl Ave. Iire-t impurlern of Men' and furnace uulalUiion. .WrnU for The tieneflt of our advice i lrillie, etc. I.el lis adviaf you llo)' riiruihinKi, 1'iiderwear, MrtUary Ir'anvous Hot Air your on all jewellery mailer.,011 your work and i-cuiv nur THE ROYAL lUil. dip. I.nrire and well u. Furnace. Klmiate cheerfully Hi in iia yiuir repnlr work we elimale liefore endinit mil of lilrt Thlnl Ae. Mir led toek of rl itliinu. Our irivcii on ull Join, laice or muall. Kiiuiiiillee you Nnllfncliou. j town. Hume, made ttnndiiut, lleoUle. price ui all lines are at rock Phono 0 R. W. CAMERON. The A. W. EDGE A CO. lioiulMiiiAtre itiniiii, frli frulL Nil Id ill.' ACME IMPORTERS. STEEN'S LIMITED