PAQI TWO Tub iAiut tlcwa When Exposed to Air tea loves its freshness and flavor. n SALAM Ml For that reason is never sold In bulk. The Daily News FIUNCE RUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon,, except Sunday, the Prince Ilupert Daily News, Limited Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. TELEPHONE tt -. .hDianl l!oU.f AdfAnfirlnrv 4 1 Afl rka mh not i i 0? rl I fir Navigation .on, the. Yukon is closing and very soon Hie rivers and lakes in lhe,:eat will follow shit and then 'there will be no way or gelling' oul of Canada .eastward except by Ihn Atlantic ports of Canada or the porls of Ibe ;IJuiled States. Thnt is where the wrs.1 has he advanlxe. TJie shippiiiif porls f Ibe west are open nil the time. There is no suspicion of.either Vancouver iik Mmiifr reasons wiiy gram iouia tie shipped put litis way in-sle.nil t'f !einr.liflil in the elevnlors at the fireaC Lakes or shipped by rail rom mi Aini'ricmi port. Looking Forward The more you think about theiuture, and about Opportunity and Success, the more enthusiastic you become about being a money saver. If you have mastered the art of saving, you can foecast with reasonable accuracy how much of a factor you will be in the days of opportunity which are drawing- near.- M It CAN Dont." UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince ftuperf JBranch A. T. Broderick, :Managr 1 GRAIN INQUIRY COMMISSION ERS SPEAK AT ROTARY LUN CHEON IN HAPPY VEIN ON LOCAL PROBLEMS. (Continued from Pai?eHej, Prince Hupert whs as hijr a place a.i it proved to lie. lie was also struck willi the fishing. lumber-inii and other possibilities and the more or less permanent trad thai was hound' tobe developed with the prairies from this port. ,lle wondered If hvnl people Should not try to increase the Llniiinii.l f.iit .il. HlA Ik i fl Ail .If uimni It'l llll uil iiiv .iii.'. With all the advantages this place .seemed to have, a indicated by the evidence thai morning he-fore the" commission, he said' lie wondered why no elevator had heen built here by private capital. He i.ppned a prain nan would have to he imnrled and. there jwouhl have la he specially trained. businessmen who could buy and; sell grain. Capital was slow to come until it was shown the nd- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: vantage mil was Keen jo .come, City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $..00i any place ..nee it was snnwiij ti.. ,u!l In oil norie nflha RrMtich Pmn M Burt ha United M'nTP III" u, II" in run 1 1-11 iii.ii ir port winch had the advantage . $6.00 In advance, per year Fo all other countries, in advance, per year. ........... . .17.80 l' ' - e,cht. Ilir irilllHIim III "I l'USlli "iia an important factor. In resard'-to capital, Dr. M- Oihbon said he wondered If the ra.,3C.i r"""""""'-'--:-' ' ".iVn western provinces by heavy taxa- lYansient Adverimnp nn Front PaKe . .12.80 per inch I AAot Ti a a,A aro i-to IiicArtinn VFl HOP liriol T uutni i i t . it vj pv i viii . . . . " Classified Advertising, per insertion., . . . ... . . .2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion I fie per agate line Contract Rates on Aoplication. AH advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. AH advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Friday. epfemhef 21,1PM. L .- - - -.- . . i , Great Opportunity For This City. The conting of the grain commission to this cily was a great opportunity for local people to get Iheir case before the authorities in the East. The committee in charge of the presentation of evidence" did good Work in having it placed before them in. an authoritative manner by men whoe wonl could not be controverted. The result should be decidedly beneficial to this city. If the co;nmissiuii finds that the. development of Prince Rupert will be of benefit t the farmers uf the prairies and that it will be a good point from which to ship grain it will strengthen !V!nre the local case for an elevator very mutt-. i.iu. Prince Rupert people, did their best to'entertaiu the -visitors as well as MisiMe and the visitors did their best, men and women, to show their appreciation: f loa hospitality. The Rotary Jim. Iieou and the Irip ii,lhe'waler;uylhe afternoon were the climax of a very pleasiiig.xperje.iic,."'' .f , Redeeming War ' A "-' Loans Easy. The redemption if war loans is proving rather an easy matter, judging from the de-patches lhat ennfe from the east. -The rate of inleirst is dropping and the demand for. good securities is steadily oji the increase. Happily, inipite oflhV campaign lieint' carried on by an eastern newspaper in a series of articles point where they scared capital away. He was struck by the knowledge in Ivnpland of the con-lit inns here. He wondered if there was not danger in scaring nvvny capital 'by the layinp down of Ion nany regulations, and instanced one case in northern Alberta where Fort .HvMurray was sidetracked because real estate was held so high there that the railway could not afford lo so there. .Now tlio opportunity was lot. In developing Ihe country" there was1 a period before the flow of capital took place and yet on it lay Ihe future nf the north country, that last great west. Dean Rutherford Dr. Rutherford, dean of the (.'nivet'sity of Saskatchewan I old of the struggle it had been to make alatrhewau a great pro- It wa. the keystone pro vince of Canada, Ihe banner wheat emwinsr province which also pro duced a lot of livestock. , The first fettlcntent took place Ihere in IH82 and many difficulties had lo he overcome hefore it made progress. They had the weather lo contend Villi, but a variety of wheal was discovered by scientists' that while producing good hard wheal ripened ahead Of the frost. When the province was formed it had a handful of peo ple twenty years ago and raised) only two or. three million bushels headed "The Whisper of Dealh.'Mhf credit f the country isOf grain a year not only good hut improving.. I he credit or the provinces jsj good nod if the affairs of the country continue, to be conducted wijely, there is no reason to fear financial calamity. To. keep the credit good there mul be' rigid economy, however, and a lrict attention to business. , 1 .'''! many Accidents In M United States Navy. Accident seems to follow accident - in the United Stales navy. If it were Hie Hrili-h navy we should ay the officers were inefficient but it might not be' iMilile to ay that of a neighbor counlry. At any rate there is an awful catastrophe when half a dozen .destroyers pile on the rocKsfrlose. together in nfog off California, another collision takes play near Hie. same spot within a few days of the former and yesterday Jhe wire brought news of the Arkansas being rammed by a desiroyer. In every case the naval men were apparently to blame. War ships are Hot much wind unless they can be navigated under difficult conditions. If bad mistakes are made in peace tiriii;whal is to happen in' lime of war? -It looks lo an outsider as if Ibe. l.Tnied Btnles would have- Id make some very thorough invesljgations ii)fo life training- njid discipline of her naval officers if she is to have any influence a n naval power. Yukon Closing And East Will Follow. In lit If. this in. rreaseir to .ii,ono.ui)0 hnshels and this ear it was estimated Ihe crop would be 250,000,000 bushels. The great difficulty to day was finding a market for Ihe tremendous ptitduclinn. The commission was trying to cheapen the cost of production to ihe men who were laboring on Ihe farms. The. Dean said they envied Prince Ilupert her harbor, heri IMaml ami rorests. Ihe rainfall here, which he understood was at least five inches greater than Vancouver would be welrome there. If they got fifteen Indies in the year nine, inches of which was- in June, July ami early in August they had no complaint make. They 1iad to fight diffi culties just as Ibe people, of Prince Ilupert would .have lo fight difficulties. . J. G. Scott of Quebec J. O. Scott, a former railway railway builder ami Carnation gives complete milk and cream service the only milk supply, needed fir your household. 5o(i miloH rln.rr Japan ilian an iiIIht fcapurl m the I'arifii- cuaHl. 'I'Iip (Hiniry lliroiiuli wlncli il run finiili' in iinrtfti-rii Ui'.-hoc ami Otilariii aiwl in nurtlicrii ltrili"li Coltitiiliia. tlif malarial for the jiajicr IraiK now alniot Hip i;rialc( of Canailian IihIiih-(rlo., ami in the lliroe jtraiii liinvhuvK, I lie uroiliirl ,of llit Kn'alpol wheat fiili of Hie whole wurlil. Ilow can Uiere lo any Joiilil a lo I In- futiiri I ralllc of such a roal? It i Inn il I a road itt-tlie far north, 5(fQ. mile from Urn Unileil Slntrs lioiimlary, ami irmole from lliu reiilre.H .ot liopulalion. Hut ft in ihp norlh lhat-the ftilnrr ipyi'lop- input of llii ;rrat coinitry of our I lo Tut looked fur, ami II i already Ink ins plari. Development of North B.C. "The divixlou lielwcen Onehec ami Winiiipefc' 1350 ''mile in IpiikIIi .wa derided hy Ihe major- of or the the people, people, a an -i b blhj? ii j? pre ami ia Kiven you all Ihe infor- j fifteen million f ,olnrH mat loir io-ihle a lo the work "II will be the name with your oi uiai i.omiiiiKKioii, fin confine .my remarks to Uh ma hi a to the connection be A AARNATION MILK is Just pure C milk 100 per cent cows' milk. It contains all of the food elements in the fresh whole millc. Nothing Is add?d to Carnation, not even sugar. Only part of the natural water is removed to reduce the bulk and give you doubly rich millc in convenient-sized containers. Carnation is then sterilized (heated) to keep it pure and absolutely safe. Removal of part of the water leaves twice the proportion of cream ,in Carnation as in whole milk. Thus Carnation is twice as rich as ordinary milk. For cream purposes, use it as it comes from the tin; for whale milk, put back the water we removed (equal parts) ; for cooking uses add from 3 to 4 parts of water. The high quality of Carnation is due to the excellence of the fresh whole milk and to our extreme care nnd long experience in preparing Carnation by the most modern sanitary methods. Thousands of Canadian housewives are using, Ccrnation because they have found it the economical and dependable' Pure Milk Service. You, too, will find that Carnation Milk is just "100 per cent cows' milk," rich, safe, convenient economical. Order a supply fromour grocer today and learn the food value of Carnation for all of your daily milk and cream needs. .v . - from Contented Cows Made in Canada Vanrouvrr on one uf lhev fine' leauier wlurli do credil In yonrj liiaritime people, tliu.4 enjoying; a roalinir lrli jtliellere! from! end to end practically inland navigation for .'hmi ihilet, Ihroiivli 4ome of the nio"l Ihhiahiv scenery lhat U to b. fmiml uij Ihe world. Uteri i iHtllmiif ! rompare with thi Irip on the At-Innth roal, and il iiiul event - linilv lirlnir inn I Iiiiii-iii.I IOIiriti. "I can ,nee no roamn why yon xlioiild not i'l a o I mre of Ihe xport grain trade of Ihe prairie province. You have- ajevel rond wilh ny Kraile lo carry it over, and you are nearly fiOO miles rloer. lu ihe Orient I lian any other neaporl. "In coneuon may I thank you for your kind attention, nnd expreR In you how (rraleful we nil feel for the litMpitnlily and cordial weleonie we havi rereiv'ed liy pre-. from Prince Ittiperl. nianaser, niaiure, ami a beinir unlikely to i"ir riiiiniMatiicaiiy oi niniimve any .irame wnaiever. itui I intrc iiri n llnDIr future, of the .prvupeelH f Ihu'lhe new xelller went In, pulp LAUltu OtLT WUKK part of .the counlry. Il aid: .and paper milN ipranif up, u Ifj ".Indue Turaeon, who ha jtut by mafiie, ami laL.' .year Ilia! uddrexhed you, ix chairman of crilien were AKloni.lic.l in rfn.t! or -Prince. H invert luu-lioi lieiiiir clned by ice. Thai is one of ',,f, Hoyal (.iinnii..n on iSrain .'that IhU new road had eame.l OF RIDLEY HOME BY iu-....n ii i i i ii V :. li-ov n on Kiiower took u are. T in ' ' "' " i"" - ' - ..... ... i. .... hmim iim liriiiriin mil IPi: . Wext. which i miw nlTereil tiv Ida ili.v . J '"'"""i, ..iin nil; fcl Till WUl band of ce which has . been 'field of the !roundliop, on Ihe forged by the huildiii(r of Hid upper Skeena. Ihe only real an- uovernmeni railway irom yuehec ilhraclle. west of lo Prince Hoped. That railway, which mvc its inceplfon ami lis northern location In the wise direction of Sir Wilfrid l.aurier, Kir 'Charles Kilzpatriek ami thai i-eal railway man (1 M. Hays, Is Ihe besl ,of all Iranscoiiliiienlal railways of America, in point ,of radieil, cuivaliire ami solid consliMicllon, mill In my himble opinion .should be one of.l.ho most .pHiiyofi')ra(ed of, all roads.. ".Quebec. Us, eusleni Jeriilluiis, is SOO' i.tnilcs iloef ,l'o.Liv'erpiMd IJian Ne,wf Virk is.lrliice ItuperK lis weslern terniiiiiis, U .jiqarly smokeless fuel "I'erhaps I nm not disinterftt- ed (ii makinT this latter stuto. meiil, because I happen to bo one nnnindhoy anlliraciie, and In the leriue lumls ur the Jlulkey Val-leyt Hut we are all. fervent believers lu the future "of7 lliesij Ki"e,a"l reouiTes and of your north eon n'l ry. .:tJVtr . Wonderful Sall We haw Just arrivei IJiero frjnt Iher.n wern' nnhv ...lemli.l ,lnnn. ' "lOtiey Is HVatiaiiie. lions. Tea was senrd in Hie niir.A .if Hi.iti.riA'..w.i.. 1 . u . I , ..V".-l HI Illl. 11 III J llllll l 'l .1 1, 'ejinsylvania.',, ,.... , ... . :.::.: ..v., ..' 'w,,r.M,iss y, and Mrs. l'-lllll- r at III. I I llici; IIUUCI I. succe,ful and Rr''H "11 be cnrfled mil ns mkhi ; trustees 0. W. were in nun.,,. r , vuenec men w io;, work ,,lal ((1 ,., rar,.u,( m( imhu in 1 1 ti 1 1 I 1 1 IIIIITCftlH in IIIO llonirr. The chartre. , Uny complemenlary rentirlis were niaile by Ihe visitor lis lo at the home, "I he Iw'p: cnltaires now, in operaliniv have been neatly finished nnd In lliem is Mllchejl Ciirrie havi clmree nf Ihe conslrticlloti and a nodd! Ar i .. i . .i i.l urni hi ni.iuTiai iroiu me ijiil home at Mellaknlln is being used. Fred Scaihlen is .doing the I'rosperiiu .advrrllsliur menns regular contlnuo'is advertlslnK. TENDERS WANTED, i V i 'm s. .O'l" li'MOIio'i'."' i .im hi j tvjjl'i'u, is ' in course, of construction apd. i I- . . . beimr'fi'y ."'' ,LW ","'V: conducted a very necessnry work. iinVsi rrVT. fr 7iSt,,,;,Si .!, Klesy,ri fhildren nre now f r;TX NJ'Wxti leiulltiflr llie-UoiniMiiid Pixleen itrcl'iniii rlr-l. Tfii.Un to lr tinrkrrt on bookeili This W ll;fill illie Iwo Ce "V IJIW.II fir an Z "Tnii.r , tr IHirti. n... nnll. .ll.l t ll.l.l .-'... . .- ' """-r nm nrr.. City r.niMcr, Fridny. Sept ,.,,., :i i y ravortte s) ecipea Crtm el Iplnuh Soup ' 1 wmiui iii.r , ' QO-r iptzutb or pu6(i. pt; ; t i!Hni ilt, j cup u Wmu ipluetb tborwnrbtr lM cook so tmautrt in bairn, wu.7 pr.lo n4 rub throw, h i,.t m,,. butttr. Jd flour. ib,B milk. ,.i cook t udnuuti ii ,h, lt M4 ssk tlb lt tui ThU rip rei tlx popit. Sc4ilcpid PoUt 1 ttblfpO00 Ult. 4 UtdtOTS Ulti earuiloa Milk. t (sums; J, ".. J"1 cut ' In thin thee, put Uy.r U b,i twtsl Uklh dUh, prloki ik tit nd dr4i Itb t or (lMir. All milk in.! butter . 4 Uk until pito r nfL TfcU rp wrtrt tlx pott. Crctm Whit 8uc t UtUFcii Cour. S C c(lou 11(11. z ublpu t ttu uUtltut. H impooo Hk, s nt M-H latttr or Uitr .uU"uu d4 -Awir M Uf uuu ibixu(l ,r mlt. Add lb milk and .t bcut flr nilcutt or tmtll tb t,u-tor IbkkttM, ibto 44 it,a.n TUU rdp nitkf os t up ot uiu uc. Crtamtd Ctwllfttwtr 1 hud csullflowtr, 1 tpi bite au. KkniT ottr lt, oik tbtrtr alouUi la cld tr ttu iu bid doo ltd rook with lb Uti up, tmair futovit or tl!l yfl Ik tolllcg ali4 ltr Drtls 4ti k)al la tb cm tli tttK. TbU rctp,inM u pMfl. run sum 2 cap Bin. l'i cop blt tiw, prfUj-. J n Uld tituHtif " nk tbt cuoktd Cib sd Cool lb hlt UC, kdd tk filk tUo tbt bta yUk teJ l .i fold la U vbliM of ff In'ri kttff. lUku lo UlUtt4 mdiMiul Ullot dtikct or lo pat) i:t( t In t pB of fcot lr BjU tfOtjr mlnutu or uaUl p3d tn brovB. rt ;amdmi7 j ixlp rT iu pop. If reu dttlr a r(le 1r im pcll Hth. I Mill try t MM lo ru. Addrttt m lira Ctr"iU Milk Product C LU. H A Mill St, Vrt(uvr, . C P ..Uf StlM DL CuMtb Muk rMlt c. : U l4 Akk.ll St. VtMMiK CVk 1 Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agentn Por: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To 8ult Purchasers. v Phone Blue 01, DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire . Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to V Phone 575 Lady Assistant DONATING GROCERIES Hie next work will be Ihe erec- tiun of a eentral kitchen and HnlllK rooiii, llfler which Uo ll.ere wn. n Inrirn Iiipi.i.iiI nf more c.oltapej.willJic bnM.I, fin- ladle yu-lehlay " aflernoon " al .noVi I a shall few end. vallevs The will liulkley i,,. and Skeena m.,.. '.n.l 'V coltao '7 of Ihe llhiley ,!, ,, ! i ? 1 ' 'V. n J J he ' . 1 i huil " 1 ' h " " .1 . 1 ' r ro 1 ' o V. I 1 " be- her and paVier Industrie will Krnup wiiere. arocefy and - - LOGGERS' CLUB Slltinte in tho old Kiupres Jlotftl llulldinir, Rooms to Rent by Day, WM or the Month. Kleam ilealcd. Hot and Com Waler. POOL TABLES. Flrst-olass Restaurant In . connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor St. Regis Cafe pplnoo Rupert' -"dlnfl Restaurant A Bakery Unsurp-e Jhjrd Avenue.