Third Ave. BUY A HOME Twenty acre tract, fronting on Kraser Hiver, one mile from railway station, with 5 room house, barn ami chicken -house-, five acres cultivated and fenced. Two" acres slashed. Fiv acres with commercial limber. Hood school, etc. This home can be had for $2,000.00 1 Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received i car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. Size cut to order. Also Kindling In Sacks. For Prices, sail HydeTransfer Phone 580. Service and Quality our ' Motto. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Sefrvice. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. EPSON COAL We cai-nqw Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 58. KING GEORGE GAFE Flrit Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. I'rices Reasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVINQ. Kllminale the draught around your windows and use. less coal. 8EE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows. Glass and Mirrors of all kinds. T. ROSS MACKAY. Phone Blue 165. -. I ON t.vj E WORLD lt t iilo.l ltnrn l.ntiv Kr:lllnw i:... !!. i i..-J 'praise ltl til tll.-. HIT itll f'l I Hill I tl llll right through the interior are' now actively preparing for the, commencement of operations. Mr. Sharkey reports that the weather recently ha heen very forestry department hpfore Jhey were attended with any results of serious nature. steamer Princess Sophia. They studied gold deposits and forma, lions in the famous Klondyke country. It. W. Hrock, director of the (rrnlogical survey department for the federal government, piloted the parly throughout Hie North. The funeral of the late Ilev. Hoher! Toinlinson at Meanskin-isht yesterday afleruoou was largely attended. The service was conducted bv Bihop K.' II. liuVernet assirlel by Ile.v. Dr. Ardagli of Kilwanga. Judges for Hie forlhcnming exhibition have been appointed a follows: Horses, cattle, heep and swine. 11. K. Walker. Vic toria; dogs and cats, J. I). Dade and M. M. Stephens; poultry, canaries and rabbits, II. K. Up-lon, Victoria; dairy products, flower and vegetables, A. II. Toinlinson and II. L Walker: minerals, Alfred (iarde and Cil-bert Burrowes; fisheries. J. T. C. Williams; taxidermy; Morle Craig; photography, P. K. Dyer and W. H. Melliar; baby show. Chier W. II. Vickers and Mis Kale McTavish, fS.; art. Harrison W. Holers and J. T. C. Williams; fancy work, Mrs. iieorge Frizell; craflx, Harrison V. Hogers; candy. K. V Kmad; .bands. Prof. .Milton Douglas. SUTHERLAND VISITED WHOLE OF PROVINCE INTEREST OF ROADS Alberta Visitors Say This Pro vince Far In Advance of Western Prairies VICTORIA, Sept. 2. Road building in Hrilish Columhia is a slujiendous lak and while the majority of citizens of this pro vince boast of the: splendid ny. (em pf highways. hujJJ up bv (he gove.rnrtieiil, there; fs-aUo criticism at' times? 4ioniiiilering 'the vagtovjof the. province .Turd the PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday; September 21 Hlgli II:I8 a.m. I7.8 " 23:2.r, p.m. 1 8.6 " Low 5:0! a.m. 4.9 " I7 I8 p.m. 7.3 " Saturday, September 22 With 12:02 p.m. 18.8 ft Low Tt'Tii n in. I t ' Inquest Over Unknown Wowan Opened Yesterday Afternoon aid Adjourned for Eight pays Afler viewing Hie body of oe-rcaed, the coroner's jury al'lhe inquesi over the unknown woman win se remains were found re. renlly near l.nwe Inlet, yesterday afirrnooii adjourned fnr eight days. No evidence was taken, nd- " journinenl being made pending l.ake, Kudako Smilhers and Te-!,m,',,,,, ""'Hn; af disposal of the receipt of inure informnlion. race. Especially will there bei"0ni W " u'hcrland. minisler wineh is being sought Ibruigh Piiviir in Hii u-..rt io tlio . ' " Illic works, the won.ler is the fniled Slates ronul. The neighborhood of Francois Lake where the Prince Huperl Logging Co. and John Hostrom and F. II. Keefe are already making pre- that the highways are so numer- head olllre nf the Alaka Sleani-ous and well keot. II ri'ihaiiM ship al Seattle, from whose for the viilop to decide, and the 'steamer Northwestern, the mi. press of Alhertn is loud in is known woman is supposed In of Itritish (V)liiinliia'. have IimI her life, is lw-ing pomi- roads. 'jnuniraled with. Newspapers nf the sister pro-! The inquest was opened lie- vince credit . Hrili-li Columhia fore Coroner"!'. W. Heme and with having made 5,oio.u00 tl;e jury romprises A. T. Parkin, i from the touri.t Imsiness last foreman. K. J. Leys, Jim- llmwn. dry east of Telkwa. On Frapcois :-,,i,r- "I,p "n a '"'""on, tW nu ii. 'Alberta is far thind Flelrher. Lake there wef two forest fires I Hrilish iasl week which were fortunately 'Co',im,,ia in "a,, P'1'1'''- '" tht" '''he tiekel stuli whleli wn extinguished by the force of thej,,a,"if'r l'r"v'nri1 keenly alive found on the oMy (if dereaed io me vaiue oi us uunways sys. ,was mr a jasage io ewani. -M-lem ami the resulting profit fromlaska, and wa purrliaed in Seat-lurist traveL" . jile on .Inne 3.- There wa also For-the Settlers found mi Ihe hody an empty en- f" Hon. Ir Sutherland K retiinWAelope addree it Y.iixW Faiin- - . ) ing tliis wnek from a tour of tfiejed. ?302 Nirlll Keilzie Itoute- i ears go i peace mver cmitr-. .4I,,utjlnJJV5An,, niagi-. !i.en in Prince Rupert 1 1 "ntf ;le has vinle,) efeo,'"??e:n,'Sx5 :v,'',,nr has heen suhmitled In Alt lliw ilillfinflfcti i.rikltin finiiH-rit itatx l.i fli tMii-4m.ini rx. .1 1 September 21, 1913. Members of die International (leologieal Congress, afler trip into liie Yukon as far as Dawson, are visiting the city again this afternoon southbound on the makes (he claim I lial practically v) Malhias Shaw, Indian, who every settler has been provided Willi Daviil Hailstone,' found the with transportation', facilities, body lim feel from Iiwe Inlet However, the minister points out almost buried In driftwood that transportation coiik's first in llirown up on shore by an eddy, the development of the province and also by J. Coblevln. foreman land' next year the government (Jo the Lowe Inlet (tannery after- will carry still further lis policy (wanls nnlifyliw jn provincial uf-tiuilding seWers' roads. Com- police. paralively little will he spent; I'r. J. P. Cade, who made a on hard-surfacing, which will pot-mortem examination of the leave most of the road appro- body. rxprre the opinion that priatious for the improvement of it had been in Hie water for a "secondary roads and the con- couple of monlho. slruclioii and betterment of high- The. provincial police roiil ways in the newer districts. At the theory that the remains ar the coming fall se.ssion of the those' of Miss Josephine I. Hohey legislature the road policy will of F.verell a was suggeled yes- be enunciated. lenlay. The body was interred Ibis af- lernoon bv the H.O. fmlortnkers i in Fatrvlew Cemelery, Itey. J. J. 'Siiilllisoii ! iierfonnlug the last riles. I SPECIAfEFFORTSTO ! COLONIZE THE VALLEYS , ALONG P.G.E. RAILWAY ih:iu p.m. u.s VICTDItIA, Sept.. 21. After Sunday, September 23 Mudying Hie nueslion of colonix H'f :'. !. J 9-3 H. ing lands along Hie Pacific (treat I'-"'- " r-amerii li.nivvay alt summer. Low C .1t a.m. t.O " llou. ,1 D, MacLean, mlnisier i.r 18:10 p.m. "j.3 " railways has announced a de- IIHIIIIIIIIII llllllllll lllllllllMMIlillllMali xrai Sanitary III . Oulck in Action ttwiiHgniBmi ii irm I l II T-rs. Reliable in Results 1 lUIt!TTTtt il M I I f ! I I I I lm WANTKD. Men and women ti learn barbering. Paid while learnitig ami tool free. Write for catalogue. Moler Harber College, Vancouver. IML WANTKD. r.irl for general housework. Inipiire $38 FonHIt Avenue Wesl or Phone Heil 500. . if WANTF.D. CanxQler wnnl Job wivk. Phune lto. 3hI. 821 Vanlel.- (iirl helper. Uinler. Phone 137. FOR SALE I he In- FOR SALF- Pu.ele.s. furnace I Foil SAI.K, 5 11. P. Kngme, 5H inch bore, 7 mrli !rok I cycle, wllb clutch and propeller. Fine condition. A snap. Northern F.vrhang. ?22 FOH SALK. Household furniture iiMiludlng piano. Phone ltel 21tt. 222 BOARD HOARD. -- The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. If finite policy. Detailed information regardins each iiiarter -lion of land has been seeured and' made available for iiilendintr settlers. AdverlisiltK will be carried iin in local papers unit throughout Canada, largely through the Western 1'iuad.i Colonization Association. Pel tiers will be niel by government iflirials and shown the lands available. Special rales will be given on the government railway and elfort made to gel genuine ellr upon lhee lands. TERRACE NOTES Mr. Oeo. Jones has left for Vancouver where he will spend Hie winter. Mrs. Jenl! and Jimmy were also passengers tor Vancouver nnit Mr. .leal I accompanied wife and family as far n Prince Rupert. , ' r Mrs. Charlfe.RiiVeii of Ihe I .li ke Ne Hatchery was In (own las! Week. Mr. Plaice, left for Ihe prairies lal week. , 1 Mrs. M. . Fairhalrn of Toronto left on Thursday's I rain to attend the convention of Ihe Canadian Women Press Club. She 1 will visil Victoria before relurii- 'tng to Toronto. IJack (Silbert is making a short v)il wilh his parenls here, Mr. uiml Mrs. Chan. It. Oilberl before 'leaving for HelHugham whore he has accepleil a position. 'I he annual fair was very successful again this year. II was well iillended and there was an 'xcelletil display of fiulls ami vegetables, t. ' Mrs, Warner, left on Thur day for Carcrois. - . ROOM AND BOARD PALM Kit HOUH1L- -I0fl Svenlh LOST Tail 67 Phone. (Call (Jeorg9 or Oust) Rots Brothers. Hest Service in the City, Fl ..:.y riQM warn THI DAN MlWfi 2 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMf Full Range of Hurlbul Shoes For Children and Misses. ' We are now sole agents for this city Ask aliotit our re-luiilt service wherchy we repair HI HLM T shoes ami make them a size larger. Family SHOE Store n . : r- . . ; . . i"1 HI T " " , BUSY WINTER i IN INTERIOR Larger Contractors Actively Preparing fortCommencement of Tie Cutting ) There will be a very brisk winder culling ties in the inferior according to l. Sharkey, assistant jdislricl forester, who has just 'returned from n tvVft weeks trip up the line on departmental busi-iTr-ss in (he rnurse of winch he HAD TICKET ! .FOR SEWARD . i Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS FEK WOKD IN ADVANCE, No AdvrtlMmnt Taken for L.( ihun BOe WANTED im.mi i.h;.viio. w.v.yutp. Will leae or purrhae and" re; ward locator' for Island or group with a thousand lie re A or nmre, or finance owner Itf develofuueil! of fur farm. .T. tierard, Cita Seaboard lluildiiig. Seattle. Tir.r LOS'lWBuMh of key. u r1n.Wri. - NOTICE. I HI RIM AVemio West. Phune Ited liuiwi-Hrsiiwi mil t t 1..1 ...II inSf I". Ulr -row Uutoi I j i.. ' I ooW' nee nHurn t Hity JJJJ " I'DIl HKNt. KuriMjdi room witlr or without fminl. Home rookiiHt. Near hUlilblliu build-ing. Mialerale rule. Norfolk It.H.n.s. Phone Itlaek WtO. If S.TKAM Heated Flat fyr rent. Heener apartments. M. M. StepJieiu. MODF.ilN four rnOm rent. estenhnver llrot. TAXI , Mlnl i MM mi u lll' U. ' ! yi , i mr wit i Mr Lot ! i f ran .wnti SttHftrl' . IrajIM h. I-. . flat for amwwi ". ! I Mad ! thr niii --j"rni u U! MM fcir'-' a t. ism tm. 0 T I C t. t i h . . -Mil t.f - 4 o" r ll fl M L10 ACT :Stind: Boston Qrlll Third Avenue lrt2 JSTlii: AUCTION ALCS. j - H. H. HEMMSROS, uctlonr Third Avenue (Dei.ny Allen's Old Store! Phone black 138 and Oren 471. CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIC, D.C. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue, Prince Huperl, lid Hour: 10 Io 12: 2 o 4: 7 Io 8. Phone Hlue 625. Hridcnre, iren I3fl. EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE Mnleid taken for Spirella UimmIs Mrs. J. M. Qrahlman Katen Shoe store, 7 1 1 Second Avenue Went. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Krl ilayn. closes al 5.30 p.m. To Anyox, Alice Arm WedncsdayK From Anyox, Alice Arm Thursdays To Port Simpson, Alice Anyox and Arraudale. Sunday .7 en I Ttl neftw NMI w rimr. rsawi cur room, uoodn also sold on rH smu4 v niiiiin.. win M CMC. vt.r urn t wr ar . in. t' iw t r irr at.) win f w. umI Mt )tr. itf fk mllMr Ihl I'" V0(f. n.i.. CUM' From Vancouver-. T.!. , ?unday? ........ ..P. M f i.tiU itUmi i -i ' T J 1 M MM IDisTlO Coiii "f ' ' Wednesdays 3 P.M.'inrlmtu w ' i"-'" Frldnv i t A.M. " ,n . "' CPJl. gcpL IOWI'21. To Vancouver Mondays 10 P.M. Tuesdays, Mall clrtsns nt.t P.M. Thurmlay ,10 P.M. Saturdays .......... A.M.' S'alurdayn .in p.M.i C.I'. It. Sept. H, 1 1, and 25. i cubuihiik ", " luilsir. UHAi riiuj Fridays .... 3 P.M.V W. INIRAL ACT. ' : - M i r K practically new. suitable for . ,, ! ,l i.itMU. u iH'i it iw hall ir r. I.. 1 r.u.i.i.t '-'-'-. njoiiT-. ..r .ini; . im Heat lux rapacity of H.nno to 15,00(1 cubic fce-t. ln e seu in operation. Apply I to It3, Daily New. tf w" in jour nome ir Hl'gffi Err,;:,,. 2x IHf RAt ACT ctRTiricTt"oV lr0llT. MOTICI Io. I. IO . , Kflr S. I. inrf lltMH, StWalHl h n IMvwhi f CnaM i' T Jlarw r rr- lav tmnte ar inn I IH4tMti( iximi m ttia rw Miar i i ji-ii I V II tarUjer nf iMlrr afSHSI U hrre IM IW1T UNO ACT. From the East linn of vrhtrr Sunrri .. .... . . . IU MkrouiktHl jioiuiaya, imiruay ana Hat- U7wif M i't; MPr untayx, i::io p.m. la sum Uad mori' r. at t u i t ii tii- ad i' v., Ii. j ill Area. rr.,. r H,rtirl I. si tiiM ! it. "Ji. - crnnncATi or iwROvi""". NOTICI v., vmrnl cuim tdia UlMn lllll-l"" ' .11' 11! ,,r . inirw vvtt. imiiii i 0 P.M t 'Hi' x H " n p.m. in . hesf- rt,.ifiMi- W' i Inn" , -ii , Arm iiMiriuM r datiwiMr a " i - inl ll is ,lve euiirt. . it ml furltK-r ink'- t " . . , 1 1 . ,l. umtrr PrtlMi ' From Port Slmoson. Alle. arm J."" '7.'" "'r ii' hj Anyox and Afrandale l'i ',,in"'y,.v . ' "r l iuouy p.m. - - - ..T.ICT. To Stewart and Premier i '"'nci "ueiRT ITieT. Friday .0 P.M. V . r r,.ht .. . ... im" . SimdayH 7 P.M. 'I?'.. ."ri Siden M' ! '"'S From 8tewart and Premier . m vvii tnr ts-rmil"" ,! 'Zm"rU hiiliinlay." 'I'liemtnv 8 1 .1 point tl.10 C'I'"T II"1".! f P.M. I tie noflhwMl nirner of l . ,,, l . . " ' i . nihiifr ( rtlrfi-lliin .brut To Alaska Point,-' IJW S" 8rpt. 10 and 21. loiithwMiiny in;! , v ' From Alaska Pp.t Sept. H, I 1 and 25. M .'It.orrir "Zt ToiQuoen Charlotte Island Point. rW.SS'3 vyninnxilayH P.M: ,'" . .poJ"' r r !' From Queen Charlotte Points Sundayu . ....j,, A.M.4 rmiMlnliir' JO irrM. J" .'7r 'iff. ... nf '"'L.niil CO. ,..,! !i,u totn lsr