Fridy( September 21, 1923 Three times a day Dishwashing banc of all house keeping is losing its old-time hard Up jbecause of Lux. With the magic of white bubbling suds, Lux thoroughly cleans your finest dishes and most precious cut jlass, restoring their original sheen and lustre. s 1 I bV m I I m m 1 1 ' ill 5 ULJLAJ ihii "l Will not redden the hands And Lux will not redden your hands even though you wash dishes three times u day for months and months. Lux ia just as easy on your hands as it is gentle with fine silks and delicate fabrics. One tablcipoonful of Lux hot water and your dish pan; and one package will last for 50 washings. Sold only in staled dust-proof packets. LUX LK'F.R BROTHERS I.IMITFD, TORONTO uis Have You Tried? Rupert Brand OCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. " PRINCE RUPERT COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate 'Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX . . WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. SS. PRINCE ALBERT or PRINCE JOHN. for Port Slmpaon and Stawart Mondaa, p.m. Vancsutar la Quaan Charlotta Island wadnaadat p.m. Skaana Klaar Porta Sundia a.m. PASSENQER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. leave Prlltrf niirx-rl 4S fur I'lll.VlE CtOIUJE, F.nMONTO.N, WIN Ml't.l), all poinlt Kaxrrn Canada, tnitHt Sutra. AOtNCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LIKES. City Tlclal Otflca, B2S Third AM Prlnca Rupart. Phona 280. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert 3.8. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, Sept. 1, 8, 14, 25; Oct. 5. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, Sept. 3, 10, 21 j Oct. 1. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. - Full Information front W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Cornetof'4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. iilinr from Prince import, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, ralla, and Swanaon Bay, Tuaaday, S P.. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alarl Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday Noon, 'or ANYOX, ALIOS? ARM, STEWART, Wal.a Island, Sunday S P.M. for PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Wr Cannarlaa, rrlday A.M. J Init Avtnae. Barnalay, Ag.nt. rrlnce nupert, B.C an follows: ' Student's Council" lTe-hli-nt. Felix Halt. . Vire-prexiilent. Jean Markay. Sei rrtary. Held McLennan, Literary Society Uuiniian, Margaret I'almcr. Secretary. Peter lllack. Girls' Athletic Society I'Jiairtnaii. Lillian Lowe. Secretary. Dorothy Macwlonahl. High School Magaxine The Aurora Fdiior in rhief, J. C. Ilrady. Assistant editor, Alex. .Mitchell. We offer the following greatly reduced jirices to clear out our urulu rtM'k and thus save mux iti Pork and Mean. Hejr. 20c. Spe cial for 50c. I'ork and Mean. Heft. Ir Spe cial, C for 50c. Itai-lii. 'Dulk. oeedle, J Hi, lor Mucalel Special, 4 lb . fr 5lc. Malln' llcl Tea, 70c. tloffee. 05e. III. I'Ulk I'.tH'ou free with each poirtid of Malkin' Tea or Cof fee. lied t'.urrant Jam, 's. Hog. $1.10. Special, 75c. Malkiu ltel Marmalade. ' Special, 75c. (Uirn and Pea, '2'., 15c. Pure Maple Syrup, hot tie, 50c. Pure Maple Syrup, tin, U0c. C.ahhage. per Ih. Cc. Linoleo for oilcloth, regular 50c, now 25c. t:rylal While and Mother Huh. hard Soap. 3 har. for 25c. I.ihhy l'.alup, 35c sie, 25e. Pure Slrawherry Jam. Ileg. j 1 .10. Special. I.ihhy Mutard, 25c ize. 20c. ()yter in tin. l.on ixe. 75c. llarley Flour. 25c ixe. 3 for 25c. Mlenhiiry Food, $t.2i lro for 50c Seaifull t'.lam. 20e ize, oc. Klmnlyk Soap. 10c ize, 30r. Mct'.ormick" lli.-cuil, tin, t!5c size, 50c. ltapherrie and Straw herrie in tin. !5c. i:inldirn' School Hag, 'is 1.00 iie. 50c. FULLER'S GROCERY, Third Ave. Plus 1c Per Piece r a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your waahlng 80 par cant ot jrout ironlnff avarythlng raturntd dry You simply touch up a faw outar garments such as waists, blouaas, houaa ilraasas, with hand-iron. Phona us today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. ma nlnv wanra - , . . - t httb PABu THREW HIGH SCHOOL m. Local and Personal! IS ORGANIZED B.C. Undertakers. I'hone 41. Various Societies Elect Officers Hayners, Undertakers. Pboue and Others Will be Chosen 351. tf Monday - Comes and see Demer new line t a in t-o I in it of lliu ' HtinlhtH if Dresses, Dlouses and Uillie ami teacher of tlie Kiiik jidward It inke Juniors. Ilish School yesterday afternoon in the IIikIi School, officers' were 0. A'.Mooreali.J son Donald elected fur the. various school were arrivals junSllie city from Miciehc for (lie season l'J3-2l 'oil Kx-iiii'loiHfaet nighl. Hinoncx managers. John Nirkcrsoii uitd Sin Joy. Arli-t. Tmldy Tile. Advisory board, Staff of Hiuh School. The hoys' alhlelle officers, the rla representatives for the stu lentx council and Iltentry ml ciely, reporter. for the Auroro will he elected on Monday. Mr, I. I.. Vick and family, who have been rpidin? on (ireen Street, sailed Ihi jhorniiifr hy Hie Prince Alice for Kelrhikaji where they will nuke their home II. V. Uhamher, accountant at the lnverne cannery, arrived in the city lal evening and is re Kitercd at the Hotel I'rince llu perl. FULLER'S MOVING SALE We are movim: into the Xew St. ue leienity oceupicil hy the prince Hiipert Music Store am which will he known hereafter a Atkin s Meal Market. J. II. I.aiiihcrtljoininion public work engineer, jrelurned hy the I'rince (ieortfejfclaVl night from Mice-Arm.; I'. S. Moiiney?nnlrict foresler, nailed Ihi mo'rnfiij: hy the Prin ce Alice bouwL for Atlin di Iricl on ollleial'duties. According f the liureau of talilic at Ottawa, gaoline i the only coniuitMiny Ihat Ifa gone lown lo pre-war price level. J." M. Horir . C..X.H. general freight agen,ts,Yancouveiv ami Harold Ict'weii, 'division freight agent here; eft, for Prince (ieorge nu lal: liight train n ollicial Mr, F.' A. HuWoimI .ami on, Leslie Jack, -lefl on the Irain W'eilnes'day evenTifg for. Cleve- aud, Ohio', after spending two mouth with .Mr. Huwood oiW'alleriJill)jghy Island. i Mr. and Mr.Tieorge ltushhy Mi A. HiW, Masler John Itu-lihy. Mi (iJ(unhar, who ha heen i.iliiifc' with llirm at Tuck Inlel, and J. Siilliser, account ant for the Prince ltupert Marine PriHlucI Co., Ltd., sailed lal night hy the Prince (ieorge for Victoria. Mi Annie. Clothier and Mis Ague Kiiighaui returned to Victoria hy the Prince (ieorge last tn thl after having spent the pat three week in lhe city visiting with (ieorge Cjhier, . resident mining engineer. , :They will re-stinie Iheir ntfrse' training studies in the Itoyal Jubilee Hospital. HKHF.KAHS .NOTICH. Cenlen uta) Itehekah l.olse will allend Divine Si-rvice'sal the llaplis! Church oit Sunday. September 23 lo commemorale the 7'Jlh An niversary of the Itehekah Order. Siler wilj plea-c meet at the chui-ch at 7.I3, ...All Oddfellow invited. Hy order of the Noble (iraud. Fresh killed chickens, 45c. I fowl 30c; dressed while' you wail. Leg or loin niullon 2Hc. lb; houhler iKc; Million slew 10c; Now that the warm weather i over, we nave arranged for our first straight ear load of freh meal lo arrive Monday, October J. W'e will have some interest ing prices on meals from then on. table Supply Meal Iept. The school bourd last night gave Trustee Parker power lo acl lit connection with (be repairing of sidewalk at the King Kdward School which have become ililapidated. It was suggested by Truslee Parker Ihat cinder palhn might be pul in replacing most of the board walk. There vva one place, however, lhal would need polhly 1,000 feel .of lumber. Obtaining of a bu .ervic to take care of some U or so small chhlren from the west end of Section 5 having In' attend the lloolh Memorial School was lefl in the hand of a special commit tee by the school board last nlghl. In Ihi connection. Trustee Casey inquired if Ihere wa a possibility of reopening W'esl- view School. l was explained thai such wa deemed inadvisable al -4 Ills lime. II would not war-rani the employing of another teacher. Twelve member of the Canadian Women's Pre. Club, en-roule from Kaslern Canada to Vancouver where I hey "will a! lend Hie triennial convention of Hid organization opening next Monday, arrived in the city by yesterday afternoon's Irain and sailed for the soulh on the steamer Prince (Jeorge. They were Mim O. M. Achlson, Mis Charlotte. WTiilln, Mi. It. M. Greer. Mrs, J. K. F.llioll, Ml. Jean Hlewell, Mr. F, U. lllack, Mi. Lucy Doyle. Miss I.. K. Doyle, Mrs. K. D. Calm, Mr. M. I.. .Falrbairn, Mrs. A. J. Cherry audMr. S. 11. lUtUflnU.. ujj J 9CCZ I 7 m M meet mid MM Fragrant H Nelson Hrew, the llaysporl contractor, and Mrs. Hrew were arrivul in Ihe city by last nigtit s train. X. It. Walton, general superintendent, left for Ihe interior last night. He was accompanied 'by A. K. Wakefield, Uj. Consul. Hegjinald Heauiinn. local superintendent, sailed last night by Ihe Prince i ieorge for Vancouver on business. ' He will be away a week. Jack Wralhall rcriirnftd to hfs jost on. the Yukon T'etniph line norifir'11Megraph CrHk by 4he Princes Alice this morning af ter having spent the past week in Ihe city. Kdward Farr ha arrived at 1'errace from Victoria to act a inspector of materials used uu Ihe construction of the Skeena lliver bridge for which John Coiighlau ti. Son of Vancouver ami IL II. Shockley and Olof Hanson of this city have Ihe contract. CP. It. steamer Princes Alice Capl. Ormisloiij vva in port from V .lo 11.30 Ihi morning bound norlh from Yancouverlo Alaska porls. The steamer had fifty passengers, four of vtlioin debarked here. There were several round trip tourists. The following t(tk passage for the norlh from here. 'or Wrangell fi. A. Wiggan and J. Wralhall; for Ketchikan Mr. iml Mrs. W. Hoolh, D. Hcrg, S. I'eires, Miss 1). Iteese, Miss F.. Iteese, Mrs. It4-ese Mr. and Mrs. P. Wells 'and son and Mrs. I. L. Wick ami family; for Carcross, Mrs. Warne: for Atlin. P. S. Hoiiney; for Juneau, K. (i. Hicbe 4 CONUNDRUM! Can Shockley Shock Hie Shark on Third Avenue For the ans wer, come to (lie Melhodisl Church on Sunday uiglil al 7. JO. 224 tt ttt ttttttttt ANNOUNCEMENTS Hill CO. I.O.D.K., Hallowe'en Haznar, October 20. 10. Pylhiau Sisters Uazaar. Now Vnglicali Crurch Hazuar. No vember to. CTTTITTyB alPBaBVaal XiWMl hit la Hitn CATARRH et tka IBLADDER baaraiiamaiflTV flnmrt of eon nlerfeiU Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way lo prove that PHEMlEIl "GOLD' , MKUAL" UKKH is best THY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advertisement is nut published or displayed by (he Liquor Control Hoard or by (he Government uf British Columbia. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Our plant is equipped to kindle all kinds of Marine and Commercial Work PHONES 43 AND SU FALL IS HERE AND NOW IS THE TIME TO INSTALL THOSE NEW LIGHTS. We have just received u sliipineut of Hie funioii "CONDOR" LAMPS Made in Holland, anil we invite you to inspect otir large well aborted slock of these beautiful lights. These lights are positively pmiranteeil fur l0t burning hours. If any lamp fulls in this guarantee we will replace it vyilli a new one. We have lamps for every purpose. LIGHT UP WITH "CONDOR" LAMPS. STORK'S HARDWARE LTD Jut " J n .01 nu aY 9 . sj ..- 1 XI . " Hit 41