L epi .'inner 21. 1023 iprrl. B.i: .r--HlM-a---l ni I H BW Hi ft W T T I ni ----- ------------- HX1HH HHiaiMU ft. fi 3 tTIMCER SALE X 5478. i tr r. .,nl br II' in Vl.'li.r.i. !( UtT ii d 4 trint. I Irmrr X HJ. ..f lrl.--. fUK-Ui. i rr illiatod ttw kMlift Hltrr. Mil i I x .tli.mwl tor Tr-s of tin. ' turf lrr ft! OnlHri TIMBER SALE X 6491. Iim::- i' ' it iik chirr i r liMrtcl I'omMcr, TIMBER SALE X 6495. T.ImI ' itt ! r0l lf t!. if IjHvt il Virloru. rml UU-rf a in! Ith ilty or lli tir- hf itMnr TIMBER SALE X6S11. 3 x . '! of fir till 111 Mirt ih .. -th r rrtnfvM llo i i imirirl Hi -. r III hr lllowrd .fnr Tt r timb-r. Vi im ii' uur tj tlxt r.hif rorrt. I. B 1 v DUlrlrl fort'ttr, I' iprrl, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 6386. i 'lklrtl Will lx lTTlhl l III 1.11.01. il virion., i . ., , ,,.,, n tar ttih u r scpim". -"" 11 "" i,,,u"""j ...w.... ih- .ih if urenn" x mh. i,o sitggeslion of the council that i t4 ,,r spnii-'. llrinhMk i ;M: ' ii in- rt nllillUsl on Us VOVr Rlvr. it I ho nl mill i j 114 1 lunre I, UnM Unil 'lit lll lx lll.iwrj for r-- ' ' Ombrr aril' 'r or llw i.hir rnrw-.i. H. , .r Mutriri fcrirr, .-1. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5430. If.'lHlfr t trflvid by IIm Umli, l Vlit.irU. nil llr nn Mm Hlh ttiy (t Srplrjubrr, ttw purrlnw of l.lrfiir X (ISO, no Jji k I'lii Tin. on in im ho mirtn nlMirr of PrinruU i:mt l and ItUlrh-l. m - will he tlluwed for r- iiilx-r ' I rlli'iilir of Um Chlrf rnree- : n.' . or oKtrki loreiM-r. t n. n.c mrt will In- rprolvl hv th nrr. iml later Hun ixxm nn l tit OrKitNM'. Itfl. for till) I.lrrlirp X AM t. Ii'-ir Shinnoii ' i . 'it dl.V'MMi frrl f lilr. ' llcmliirlc 'KMln. 'Pin villi be lllowril fur r-Omlwr ei'llriiUro if Ihe i:hlrf IMrrs- rla. thn fll.trlrl riirfll-r. " irn, II.C TIMBER SALE X5S15. Iwt TfOitrrs III bf rrrlvt by U ' unit, ii virtnru. not niw hi lln (Hi rtv of ortnlwr. Uh plirrhiiM nf Urrnre X tilt, .ooo fM't .if rir inl prin-: nl llil JlfknliiA Tlu. ..ii n 'SPf! f"11 n Ihd niirtir Mmi-R of r'nifoW ' rout PIMMrt. yi-iM win n ainrii fur x- it it..i. imrliriitarn of thr Chlrf form- Inuprn, n.c. TIMBER 8ALE X 6260. P.1"! TrmVrs ulll.lii mrlnl bv tli Vu if I mid . ti.n.i. B ..... . fi, i.iiiiinai n"i . 'i nn nun .... )..,..... ml llliim .... ... .... k1l.nel.ft m hmni-tiii ri...,v e....i e-i. ...,i -to i .Tr, irxuiit .iiniMn i Il Tr ., iVvr b -llow'l fr I',"' iimlifr. miiit lianlriiliipi i.t rki.f mm. IK l II r .. . . ." " ' r- '"HI I, O.U, lies in ,i iho work if no one ee wa livulliible. 'The' ione of Ihe letter doe not inM wilh Ihe aplrall"ii of the school hoard,"" declared Trulce Casey. The board went to Ihe council in a friendly way with a view to obtaining co-oper- Mr. l'earMin was invited to take on Ihe work. We Iried meet he council bill Hie lone of their leller tuHkes il pcciii that I hoy are meeting u only with ridi- cole. I do not like the way In which they are trying lojreat u like kid. There i loo iiiuch of Hie dominating nature on Ihe pari, of this council. Tljcy are Inclined lo acl like dictator or dep"ols imbued wilh divine rlghls. As fur a I am concerned I am through wilh Ihn city council and I will vole thai we proceed wilh the work without any suggestion or assistance from I hem. The only Ihing il seem Ihey waul lo do is lo humiliate nnd belillle Hie us I nut not prepared to go I a second lime Try to. Get Along Triulre I'arker said that he fell nioie or less in sympathy with the altitude of Tnislee Casey but h; did liol blieve in try lo gel along wilh them. He V I Councillors are Described by School Trustees as Dictators . and Despots, also Fourflushers After n general ili;-cii!iuti in Hie course of whicli the attitude taken by the city council on the question wa roundly condemned liy Trulees llaey and Montgomery, the ehoo board lal night passed a resolution lo proceed with the work of mak-iii tr repair to the Honlen Street School liy day labor under the : miimtwhimi of (iporge ScoTI. ' TViisTee Parker and McLennan jVoicd against the resolution which v carried on Hie easting ': i-itt by hr voir 01 me cnairimiii, ir. i. rwirsm. !. iVn v.ir,V'f "tJLr The rncclinpr lat night rolled for the especial purH.M- 'n. .1 i.irnH Xiifi.tof itentint with Hie Honlen Mree! i mi H'liiHrk. luinni, n tl. trrt llutlrO 4 ' Kir ik- tlhrtli uuo. mil l ilkivril rr t t" school situation h il now stand, A leJter from the oily council Hie city engineer . underlakinp Hie drawinK up of plan and peri Heat ith in city lime Jml permitting him to do the, work in ln iwii time read. IT. Ker- Hin iiiUiiiated 4luil Hie oily en had plenty of money llienielve. with which they could hae pro- If evVr tliere was a body of men goniery. TP1 DAILT nWB T lo make good xom of its hih handed work." . Tli dicusion their resolved itself Ifiln the question of how the work on Hie school' should done. -- Mr. Scott, who was present, felt (hat Hip entire job. wan one that did not lead itself io Contract unless il wait on a percentage bais. Trustee Montgomery wa of (he opinion that bids could pro. badly bp obtained but n account of the nature of Jhe .work, Ihey, would Of necessity be high since Hip bidder-would have lo protect themselves. There were but two course open- that the school board should do tin? work itself under Hie supervision .if a capable foreman or else adopt the coif plus basis. Capable Supervisor I Trustee Cey felt that Ihef school board had in, Mr. Sctdt nj supervisor whosp 'work stood i-erond io none in l'rincc Hupert. His experience and reputation as a builder should be xunicientl Riiaranlee. lie wa willing Im eiilruKl hi in with Hip reconstruction of the school. Such it seem ed would be tliiiiot pctiiioiiiical ' plan. . ) Tru-itpp Parker had evfry con-: fidencp in Mr. Seolt lut lie wan not preparol la fay that Hie l-t plan would be to have the work1 done an nufreexled. 'Iliere had: been difference.-, ii opinion in Hip; three report which Hie board I had received. Smie had in j dicalei that lliere iiiittht he a, more Pconomical iiu'llio.l than I Mr. Scdl . lie fell that Him! concrete wnrk iniplil be done by! day lattor and contract m lei for) the limber work. i ltilep MiMiloiiiPry .u?peteil i IhalTPilar pnl might do Jul a- well and be more cheap than re- placing Hie concrete pier al onie point. Contract Not Suitable lr. h'ergin asrreed wilh Hie opinion thai the concrete work' would no! Ie"nd jl.-telf lo contract.. The work of repair! ns or re- placing the lnillre-i;-ei might be1 lartei1 undor Mr. Scott with the city engineer, a. building inspec-, tor, giving constant .upemision. and ujrreHiiiij wlieri eeononne' mighl be effected. i Trulee l.cl.ennan felt Dial thel ivuicrele and timber work was in- terlocking and one could not hP very PITeclively donp by tay labor ; with a contract lei for Hie other. : Mr. Scot! agreed with this view. Trustee Parker till maintained the opinion that the coiii'reic work could be done by day labop ind Hie Umber work by conlract. ceede with the work. The board Dr. Kergin fell it would be better had not met with ridicule wln-njlo do Hie whole job by day labor, the council really ow'ed il Ihnj Motion Submitted money lo do the work. First the) At this point Trinlep Oaey council had wished lo lake Hie '.submitted hi motion that the matter out of the hand of Hie work be done by day labor under school board. Then it had turn- Hie supervision of Mr. Scot I. Thi ginoer had signified hi willine-'cd around and refused lo take it.wa seconded by Trulee Monl- enlitleil lo be called fourflushers,) 'JVmy Chrillan( who wa pre- the cily ciuncil is il. I do not sent on the invitation of Trusleo waul lo see this matter delayed McLennan, addressed Ihe meet-any further and if Ihe school log. He said Ihere were two al-board i not now prepared (o go tentative plan for repairing the ahead wilh il, I am through," (foundation either make a solid roncluded Trustee Montgomery, jconcrele wall all around or re- Recrlmlnatlons No Ue VAr Hie present piers. II was a "'liter to ascertain which, iti'"1,1u, Trustee I'arker thought that , ;. ,. i...i..i..liiiclliod would ,bc cheaper. A lllilll IM'IIIIIIK lliillllUI Wtllllll , . . in iccrimina'ions reganlless of the council's actions and lis accusations (hat (he school. boanl wa unbusinesslike. Dr. Kergin pointed out that, while the board hud the power lo nuke Hie repairs, the checks mils! be signed by cily olll'cials mid il had already been demon statement made by Mr. Christian that il won M nu be necessary lo go down lo bed rock with the concrete was questioned by Trustee Montgomery. Mr. Christian pointed io other buildings in llhecity where such had not been dope and where Ihere was no trouble. Mr. Scott, on being ntiptf Monpil fftlt'llml it U.-1111I1I unl lulled' by Ihe oily thai it could .,....:. ( i.i-i. i hold up work 4f II chose ln .lo. ll(s casc (imiliej 1C blue clay Up to this lime ho felt Ihe W1W fr(.e ,f.lM moUlure. school board -had done all pos-, Allllwep,ll(; a ,,u,.si,m bv sible;.to hurry .along .the. work. Trus,0 Mp.ennan, Mr. Christian He vyts 110J JticUned lo agree I .hal ,ie wou.,d l,e rei,red. to bid ll.ey had lam .. own as rus eo 0 ,le C1,crp, work provided he1, vspecled-not Ihe cily council . , 1 . v l..til.f(itnnt' liu.l 1 1 rr ir.l l; I II. I Ilia - ' ..i.iiii..iii. i j "Vi ni.f..'...i Liiuui in v wliiil wni In us.j,nl.,i ,. treated the council as ,jIMUl ' " o themloniiemen in taking Ihe mailer ahoUM rwid. Now lo them but Ihey in turn had not TrusU. pftrke. n.',.e board trealcd the board as nicely as s,lnllIl .i(ili wii-iline lt VVa tro. they jnighl have done. Up to this . ,, i, 1.-.r.---....... j1)?o 1llt ilK Wall or "I"" re.air muhi-i. " "o71 " '.-- al)y further, popsihle for it own action and Trustee IIiimpv noinleil mil tlml going ahead regardless (if Ihe was iiu'" lo furn w"' u n,illl,'r the board had threo reports and cily cily council's wishes. After nit (Wliich he felt would bear of no prospective ,,nn!t. '( he whole Ihe council had lo provide .the money and the board ought lo procrastination or ileiny. lie not maM.r ros(l(, die school not want lo enter into any tin- wmi,(j l(jea ,Q necessary fighting with the couh- (akH Mr sC0Vs report and plan did not feel like interviewing hul he realized lhal It was (U(( by c-,)lnparjnsc u w(,h Uie Hieiii any more, however Truslee Montgomery fell that the school "board had brought the present situation on itself niul had kick coming. The board was nn elect e body arid shoi'ild have nuli'd before, 'Instead of "laying down," Instead, Ihe trustees. had begged and prayed before a body of men who were nut .upcrlor-,ta..UoiuAvUeni they ,ie.sininie i mr "'km;""""' other plans, make such revisions be done as soon as possible. Not Playing the Game as seemed adviseable and have, him carry out the work , accord - "The council has nut been ingly. II would bn pecesury p plnying the. game," said 'Truslee have a closer examination of.the Casey, "so let us forget Ihem. If , schemes but in tile iueailime we have the money lo our crwlll' enough would hnvejieen decided lo do Ihls work lei us bring mem upon to get the work started, lo n showdown. The day Incoming and may not be very far distant when this council will h-vc Truslee McLennan .said that If Mr. Scott could diV;, Ihe work for 53,000 he" would bo 'filling to a IC1T it iscevit:cii ritrciirus m ranw jpylhpjj two e!cctic of theieind the c world famed And while nc jca receive twke the musk jp ahead. Otherwise be would want lo go into the financial aspect of the mailer. The school board had already got into jackpots i over jusl such matters as this and .lie for one did not want to srel into another. Washed Hands of Matter Trustee Montgomery pointed out Hint the council has washed it hands of the mailer after having received an estimate of ' 3,noo. ' Dr. Kergin felt that it might be decided lo have Mr. Scott proceed with the work and .set He Ihe details as they arose. Truslee I'arker was Inclined to think lhal Mr. Scott (ended some-; what to extravagance and goingj the limit in making repairs, lie had a lot of confidence in Mr. Christian as a concrete worker. He ,niight do Hie work cheaper than Mr. Scotl. Vhy not make Mr. Christian "Hie working fore-; man. j Truslee McLennan fell Hint the' passing of the motion would bring about conflict with, the council. He would like to know right now what Ihe cost was going to be. Trustee Casey said It was the public he regarded, feared and Dr. Kergin agreed Hint Ihe, council mighl now be lefl out of the mailer. i Needs no Experts i Mr. Scoll objected lo Mr. Chris-j Han IHI lirillfc being put IHII lit III Hi a nn Hll lAll expert II If; lime Ihe school board had acted ,ie Morv p)in?!,0 ,e work. He did not need an expert and felt that hq,Hyas quite capable himself. Truslee McLennan said ho did not feel jike supporting Hie mo-llon l.onigil. jl would const it,ule a depart ure .friuii whal the people 'especled though 'it' might jio Hip best plan. 4 "This dilly-dallying, get my goat," sail Trustee Montgomery. "Do you, think thjs is ' Hie proper course Y" , Truslee McLennan made no .reply. The motlorf was puU resulting in Hie split vote, as recorded. Dr. Kexgiji voted in favor of Ihe mo. tioa 'on the ground that by' do- TYPEWRITERS This is the New Improved Model 10 Typewriter Think what it means to own a typewriter that will perform all of Ihe usual typing tasks and litem better ajd quicker than ever before. $155.00 i Remington Portable With Standard Keyboard. Just Like Operating a Standard Remington. The ideal for the Traveller, the Reporter, Ihe Writer. Ihe Clergyman, Hie Doctor, the Farm. Ihe Office, the Home. Sold on easy monthly payments. SS5.00. McRAE BROS., LTD. HEATER TIME IS HERE Make your selection early while our line is complete. All styles and sizes, lioih plain ami brick lined, priced from $12.50 lo $45.00. Uuy now and have your healer ready for Ihe first cold snap. KA1EN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1648. 608 Third Ave. Tl. S. ing otherwise' there would be piore delays, . Ji; nieeling of Ihe board will he held at the school Ibis" .afternoon lo go furlher into tle details pf lliei work with Mr. Scott. Thos. Clarke,. Junior, -ilislrlcl forester, left 'on last lu'ghl's train for. Hums Lake- where . he, witl spend (he next len days cruising limber which U to be used 'lhi winter for tie contracts. NEW ai ii i e BOSTON Grill Third Ave. The Lalesl in llestaurants. Private Boxes for Ladles. Best Food -Best Service. Take Iter to Hie Hoston' OPEN DAY AND NIO4T. 4 1 4 .31