PAQfl TWO tt' ' TTTB TT.rTTTT irrTWB Gal1' r .Tan ? The Daily News PntNCR RUPERT - niUTIBH COLUMBIA PnbHhod Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily New, Limited, Third AVenue. II. F. PULLKN, Managing Kdilor. SMOKE Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION SS ahiivlay. January'??. Ifl.T. HOSPITAL BOARD IS ELECTED lian il was Irxtay undei- the AND REPORTS ARE READ AT nanas-ememt of Miss llhiek and ANNUAL MEETING CITY Major liiiKon. HALL LAST NIGHT. In hiov1r he adoption of rtie finaneiwl slnleoteni. .In.lie Yoimp EN'S 'rnntinued from page ono -M li douhtetl if anv hospiHll G small return. III Mnd was ahV l.i show a Nuses' Horns Question belter rcrTH. There wnsirenernl :itisfaelkin with the work and "Till" Olio Jirossillu Heed i .- serire n Hie hospital and Nurses' Homo land there w no wa due (he Imitnl of reason why this should not mm liiwlors. tie nmlron ami Ihe be . undertaken. We have on hand foe this purpose aitproii.' enr)-. ll.Torrlnz In Ihe malety s.iun.nn of whieti -.nmi work promised by itie lte Cross: received Tpiwi Ihe lle, Cross, -iikljre Voimw sabl Mial uiitore- lliin largely through "in- .rood ieii riii'imislanre hail itrevenl- CUT PLUG friend Judge Ynuiftr: mu rrom ed the entire prof rain ooiiip rw- ried oui tml he the late Mr. Mcintosh: S5 rrom was confiWil tlnt il M-nluallv woubl he. The John Carroll, niwl I h- Hospital share of Hh lasl dfstn-ihulinn of ltf l',nss" Sis-ietv jvn.j the hos-cilal l.hpior pmfil alike suffered from I art or "In roiH-luion, I wish lo I Iki ok piehlit' MipiHirt. Ih members nf the Hoard for Judge Young Modest their loyally ami ptr! 4itMHeni Stewart said that f I through Uie year. The lriiiee ludyo Yminy lijwl !ii iiMslesl. flupert tieiie.rnl llosoilttl has for M'lliiiK only of vbnl had ool been lwele year ttfen dnin? a mhle btlie wilboiW ilieulioilinv Ihe work for he people of Ibis eily ii.iMni acaiu for ihe Nurse' and surrounding country, a work Homo iiml the steady exMndi-tui'-- thai only those chcly affiliated 1m-i iiff made al ihe hosilal. with the institution eon fully appreciate. I-".. .:. liHAmms quest ioel the Jls mission ha been valuation f jn,rti.K:l pkace,) to minister lo Hie sick ami afflicted ii Hie hospital's. IK litis. Kx-Mayoi- and of these, whether rieh TliM'hesler Uo diffeml or jor, none ha ever been With rrodit hr H certain portion turned from its. door." of Hie liiiuor irofils prin to Ihe Financial Report iHispilal leiiRg nlaeod with the Presenting lh financial report pro iiu-ial sovenmient instead of for the m-, I. ;. Mriiae, ihe cily. chairman of the Finance eom-niillee. T. Iloss MVfcay omintained said there had biin re. thai the provinHal government duelirm in some department houlil her imne of the hospital and Increase In others. Salaries burden than il did w presenl. had totalled jn.5rtj.83. This The hands of the board vHild be wa larger limn il shouM he he-cause slrenslhoncil in the future hy it seemed impossible to KiHi' (be prmim-iul M'Wrn- ret pupil nurses, and min--fequenlly menl full ereilil for evefyihinz il graduate 1ial to be pave today. 'Hie lionor pmfils employe! thus mnshlerwhly would not likely tx- a rtermauenl bringinz up the expenses. Mr. source of revenue. Mrllae expressed Ihe exportation Good Oivic Support that, with Nurse' Home. pro. I'resblenl Stewart mentionetl vided, there would he no difll- thai lite cMy deserved frreal c.ulty in secoriir.r pupil nurses. I hanks for I be asxislance il Ivnd He reported I tliat V.UIicn-sup ,7ivti the lrsiial. No other city plies. flt.Hin.7l: fuel. :j.5".37 : in ll.:. Iivateil its hospital M4(sr. laundry. 2,'Up.Hn; maintenance Hy luoans rf Hie city's assshince and equipment. 2.5IU0; Hatil Hie liospital had also been able and power, 4l,5H.ti8: advertis lo carry out its ilicy of eoer- ing, printing and stmlioar iiat defieils fru the stale rather IX9.23, and gradiiiitoii f Itiau by public appeal. Appre nurses' expense, f 33.3r. had heon ciation was due lo Kx-Mayor lens than the preceding year, llochesler and last year's nuin- while surgM-ial . supplies, 5.-376.6H; ril. telephones. I7K.7": mi. Mrs. S. aron presenteil Wie bulanre, 3H.30, and water rales fiuamkal rerrt of the Indies' H5, had been more. Othor Aiivilimy showing thai r.veipl ltfjeal Old Counirtf Trecrfr' general exnenses stood around for the year liiid been 7l.fiH the'' same f'gures us in 1921. and expondiliweM iiu'liideij 217 Accounts written on" durin--Ihe paid fur hospitctl supplies. The year had ktrmlle,' i7.IK3, as roiorl was ailopled on motion of -ompare with H.fion the year l. Mrllae md M. .1. McNeill. previous. .Ml outstanding Tlio former said the AmHiary POimls had been written ulT in had uiveu IJie hoard sderwlid onler t prvi1le a clear ciud definite assisianro for jvlitcti il was very hahtnor istieel that would grateful. iniiiiiiiiiMti4:wtiiiimmHNi'NiuiiUHMMiiwiw show the exael stale of ufTnirs in Matron's Report a eonservalive tna liner. 'Itie The matron's rejuirl shovhed ? For those who roll their (tranls ilwe from IJie provincial thai ItiiNre had boon 736 tolitiis- owa. powriunent, city ami workmen's sjuns during Hie- year ami Hint ASK FOR compensiiliou hoard, wi sliH hospital days htul lolulhsl l.i.7;':i. lef in the assets, h'rwevor, for Iliere were l.l.'i births, :n dmilhs OGDEN'S FINE CUT tliey wen- worth I heir face and ilu oiei-aloiis. Tlio nurs-iiiif value. There wmikl also he some stair consisted of 17 nin-sos. "OGDEN'S LIVERPOOL" (In the qren pechel) of ilu' uriUeo ofr outsiiindiinc ! (ira.lifiiles and K student nurses illile patient' at-cHtinU thai wore lill Miss lllack irred the building 1 IT IS THE BEST (.'(Mill. Ibe sen' lunno nil r as n moans of Income Was Lea makiuir Ihe-training school more The xi'i iiM-ial s-oveeninent's attractive. Heller preliminary per' rapila tcraiM of H..'t!IJ.3.'i eiliieatioii for losiective stu- had been .'i5H less Hum tlio year d-il was now diiiiaini-l and lueviotis nn,i the cily ar.iiil of some applioMliuii hail bm-n re- Home, President fewart utf- Inst tijbl, i lie cily representative iow the I wo kiiitfs and brinu-Uonic thai spout the money In find out ctaTificaTi or iwenovlMtaT. l 1 ,0011.Ill was l?5i5 less. The jectcl during the yer for this ueslod Unit the Association "to ijii tin! hoard thi yrwr am jusl as niih'li ii s former who spent Ihe money am) made lord s)OTK)C. I r IoIhI ilU'4uie bad licoil K0i less. jrea soil . a n aihauce of .",nn for Ihe Aid. Oollait and Atd. Mackenrle. drlejjalions did. Ibe scbixd expensive and then Onuio kllrhsfwr jin, ,, ,.uiiif tl,i, ; Mr. lie thought that the The provincial irovi-rinnent up-iwdnleea Oh Heck. Jlu.n la 11m iImh Mm I I ilcli'jc uriiiil si canvas of Home for Nuraea purMse. Ulna i l',.l, I. i ill the city for W nu-uils'i-s. lie Klal balance of the reiiiile 1 5,1101) ai'e yo lo tie announced. WHY l lime aid In be n - MwiiiKiii I'or.hrr l,lauil. inv thai I ho sum of Soil.-, iiImi ijei-ared that h hospital , (I..'((III was iilroady mi hand towards inlatil he olilaini',1 lliiiiiioh public olio's bands? 'lb ore Is tiotbinu TIIIH contest tielwcen color Is Jake. ll.a a.itnr l . hud never lieeu Im-IIci- coiwiii-(eil Hie ereolioii of III,. Xu sulMCriptlon. The surest Ion, warty about ij,. , liilwcsllnir. Oninye und sreen Unrdon tut. Ivnlxsi iit,r M.i A. I' :. i ?. however, did not find favor and ...s a, do not aocm to get on will to-irelber JtlT.V iim. hslh. I M i Ihe Nurses' Home unifier wVis j The Man in the Moon ! TlMi; 1 like n rinir, it has no and neither do lleds seem K.M.i Mrtaiiea.KiTt,r M anil( John 4lM.A. v: 1; finally iTferiwI lo Ihe lnsoniln)r end. Tlnal Is the reason il Is 4i have much aflinily fur the Ja7l. iiiimhI. amy da.- ti i nersiif, ii, a,, ta tl, uiunx i "I Now Feel Fine board fur action, II. II. Itnclies. SAYS: i said to tic on people's handi, long green. a l'e erurirais r. ubuinlnr nl niriMrinnl,ii a ler and V. I'.. Williams felt Ilial aii,,t, ,'Uiui. Mm. P. G. Murdoch, Bos I hey )uh not ruhiaiice money Nl:'i:it trael wilh a Hat wl 1 I T I a wonder einie of the. WHY does a man always know linrtu-and i,funlM-r.-ii,si n iik iiiiki o'il-li ' 433, Portage la Praitic, when they did not liavn l and a- Hie railuuyiuuu says. local spnrUmen ln not kill home what you mean when you ay InierMrisefii.f'-re Iba i--uanr if -u, l Man., write!: K. Cnmidiell felt much Ihe wanio - of Hie eallle in Ibis neighbor. "it" is Imported stuff. fnlM Oil- lib dV - f lr. : : - "I w trouklrd (or yean way allboux-li he would like lo SIIMK iiiimi gut married,' nlhera hovl cotuiderinif Ihe way they ith biliousntn, conitipatiou, H-o a li"re definite step taken pun ha-. HKainoploiiu's. a it alwaya Jioo(iii Ibem, WHAT I lika about Ilia Bcotrn kidnry and liver troublei. 1 tliati eiinply referring Ihe mailer - is Jiint Krofeli. Kays Hie tnan tried many different kindi of lo Uio new Isat'd, '('. Kins Mac-bay Mli.NCV is ltlr lian time VK8, my dear, refer tii iirale from Htcklown. medicine, but nothing did me fell thai Ihn time inivlil be be-ause you can fnvfst innnily entile. . much good until I tried Dr. llMM'e H'l'lllllo for the rnisiHK uhereAs you ail do nolliiiiK but . MAIlY ald a UUJ "dam" SAWS Chaic'i Kidney-Liver Pilli. I of iiKiuoy in Hie pi-iir?. He spend lime. Till-! men who really bln In She did noi hoiit it bind, now feel fine, but am never also thouiiJil the Assoiiilioii soclely air the nld hedo unwa. Hut every wurd if her rper. Special high gradt without theie pilli in the houte. shoiild have ml least 30l 4r. IM I'AIII.IAHI.NT o-n next week loir tteel gives to gTj"Ur, Lhaiea Ointment ha re-itZ'Zl iikiiiIiWs and siiirvesled that IJia at Ottawa and nitc iixain Hie Tilf),s', who rid in limousine Was iiiusa" lo tha c.rie-i. lv(' mT buiband of pllei. niiiilliip fee bo ialked from telephone srmj,anie will tie able should not I brow unowbaUn. SIMONDS" V- from which h iii.J .,,ir.. fU.Di) to 0.A0. People mltrht In pay ejiena, , II. H. ParWr left on laat " W C"l ,. .. VWIICI Sawi tha ability to Muy. lake more iuleiesl in hospital .s - THAT ddnsd wu expeuaiva nlg-bf train For Ihe loUri'v on 1 nidi i is if it ivul Hiimii more to WHAT about a delegation to and ivtw Hie hoard seems dfler. bU regular tnoulbly.. buslurn take and hold aahajp BR. CHASE'S iM'otuue inliHoslcd. Ottawa? base a little upai-n mined lu srH'tvl some nmney In i.cip for Mouurt 4 Mbl'y. cutting edge KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS With the election of dil'ivlora lime on my tinnds and would like IryiuK In rind out wlio made, the - Siawaii Caaaia Saw U VM 0s pill iM, H Cenia a bni. aU dealer, . Illinium, BaUa and auditor for the year, Uin u holiday i rip. If the Hoard of Hdnsij exjn'rwrve. Then vi will fl. W. Nlckeison left f v 'iw. s, a.-.! i. ..ii.uKArii A Co., IAA., Toronto. MH'oliiiir closed, Trade will come thrnugli w'itli u have a cmntniaeinn to eiumlne race by iat r-JrUfi irii. He unanriL I"1 Ib-ldeit I tits dlrei'tiir elected little mild prvi quo I wiU itller- tho fcnnlty of -Hie achnol board j will by bacV in a day r Vj, Vaaaf.BC h.