p.Vfln two. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. W But TELEPHONE tt Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Just What Is Election About? A number of people have asked u Thursday. Xv. 20. 1923. 'nieni audi'" """ r"r " or ron.lilions for boys JfMrls of Prince Uupert until it Nr. Fred Mrison., ja. ,. ha aehiced some accomplish-jru: -vn ut hiiwint i iniuusi b explain jusl what the nUMll r ils policies. PV. C. Ci.1".11 fM .no nxiirru. election is about in (irenl Britain.1 Premier Baldwin i? who knows b?l and he says hi.- one1 idea i In deal With the lhat affect the lite and health peiiple such as ohl age, ill health, and unemployment. taiL a . l.- ' Rev. Q. Q. Hacker Delivered terestlng and Instructive Ad dress Before Oyro Club of the that no more valuable work could lo ilo everything poiiiu,lu develop llie hmpire. - - iefforts lo the rause or the boys The feature stressed more-ihan. anyUiiug in the-campaign an,j pjrls. He told how I he-idea win? conservation of (lie home market for the lirilish mauufac- ,a,j irevelopeit Hirer with a view lo providing a liome market for lahor. world and how many successful .: jnieri and women in llie past had; 8jze Of Family joweil Iheir aecomplisliments at Is On Oecrease. .jpasl ,- j,art ( tIP Puidinjr ideals The census officials fell us that' the size of the (Canadian an, asilanre of their parents family is dwindling, says the Kdm7inton Bulletin. In I SK 1 there or mentor, were on ths average r..t:t persons lo the tnuadian family; in Scientific Methods lt)2l ther? were only t.02. Quebec is Ihe saving exception to Anaiysinjr the characteristics the rule, the average number there having increased in the forty 0r tn(. youth and bow they mipht year perioif from r.:t:i lo ,.:tt. But in Ihe last leu years of the j,est be dealt with. Mr. Ilaeker woo nas iveenesi - . Iheed be pai.l to the various con- Sense of Humor? V v '.lilious of mind and body whirh Izrael Zangwill Ihe novelist and playwright declares that Weut u luake'up successful live. Ih American has no sense of biimor-and this applies very largely, . boy was Ihe prealest of o Canadians; because (iinada Is more American than British in prhycholojrists. Mr. Hacker said, its literary preferences. This-ls the same Zangwill that told the and it was hijshly imvortanl that American people they were the liesi liair-educaled people in the n,e motives of those who led and'and There is Much Anxiety Over Children's Colds E do not nvnd so much 'having colds ourselves, for we imagine we can tell when serious and apply the remedy. when the children coueh h is different jney are getting Especially does the sharp, metallic cough of croup send a thrill through the mother's nervous system. The trouble is the child does not realize the danger, can- Dr. Chase's Sy07 p Linseed and Turpentine JftcaboltJe. f amilr tise, three Ume u much, 75c. THE DAILY NEWS. Thumday, Noveioi.e, BOYS AND GIRLS IND1TSfH WORK DISCUSSED pains afm meals Vany rM'' uffr irrrlliljf trm In- ami pains I lb h,urb fr rrry . n-al. an1 rr kpi in rnnuni Hilary fur Ihe pal yrar HurvWk Bl..l llltlrr lu bwn brlntlur h1 ijr HI Irpinp that the club pursue r .hmtfh nMlb , Mj4nf ,,, , Ml istnadfasily its announced iiileiujihrvr suar mai a tav; bripint thnuj lions with respect to the belter- t rat atuihinir ihry in. iitu bavins! Ihu pa i lie- inrurn. tiiaisaj iei mill ... . lie man nark(,r ilelivere.1 an inlereshnpL.. nr,hin ..rem uni f..-i unemployment problem in thai poultry by encouraging home prjt,re Unprt lyro Club lat uiuiisirics. Also lie would iievelop iitisiness wunin me nnusji night fl its regular fortnightly Empire. There are six propo-als he makes in his speeches and ,mfHm Wellnp. Mr. Hacker hr summarize them himself something like thi aii'l instructive address heforeietm iim i miIi tw b..iiwrri wim ram lo put a lax ni maiiuraciurea goons wiiii special regain 10 ,n(.ailS(. , obtaining success aHi-r rh nwal. I rotiM r. rk a wt4 da; II!hui Ix-tnr drnx mil. I hail IrWI rterytlunr; Wi.r, dhxIi-ii anl tlK ,1111111 I rrad ahoul Hunturk Bfcl Kilters ?ae several valuable hints as to I hate Utrn tmr b.ttr and It ha m-arlr. thoe imports that caue the preatesl amount of unemployment .,, .v-,,Pt will, iho von ml- and of among the people. , fero, s0me siippestions for work Tt give a substantial preference lo the Dominions. ,,,al injC1( j,e immediately rar- To put no tax on wheat or meat , rj,.,i , jn prmf,. iiupert. To have investigated most ean-ndly the, best way lo help j opening-bis address Mr. agriculture and maintain I he tillage of the nation, without tax- jiaeker romplineniel the Cyro inp Ihe people's food. ' ' 'iM.ii, on ils selerlion of oolirv To examine and ro-ordiuhte and improve existing insiir- fll riinimill,iiv service ami slated anc against those evils iulU ihM rumj.etc.v. rrumt nn Uraln. U health Xanufiriurrd only by Thi T. MlMxirn :... I.lmlmt, Tftnmtii, onl. speaker urjred thai, in its program for the Salt Lakes, the l!yro Club lake1 steps toward bavins a submerKed float provided so thai roiiililioiis for llio-e be carried on than by tlevotins.iisPariiinp to swim would nol be so hazardous. Mr. Hacker dealt with Ihe mailer of eslaldi'shing a Ihrouchoul lhe1Y.M.r.. and offeft-.l the KtiKKfs- l-enoo even wueoec succumn?(i to me ienueney in me omer ,.,ibmille.l to Ihe meelinp pn-i referred brieriv to the work I.e., provinces, and only Alberta ami Saskatchewan showed a gain lu pran) and charls as to tbe intr carried on at' Ihe Methodist the proportions of Iho average family., Barrinjr Ibis showing ientifie study of juvenile work. Church pynma-ium and offered1 fromjbe hvo prairie provinces, we shall as a nation have t. fall iv, income Mieressful it wasihis Kr,onal vo.operation and bark on the argument lhat th quality is improving as the ipian- necessary that Jibe boy or ftirl assistance in Ilo- carrying nut of tjlj shrinks, ... .1 ishould le evenly developed uien-jany worthy program thai the elub .tally and physically and thai due Jl ion that siieli mipht best lx oli- taiueil by snltrftin? the financial aid of industrial concerns. He also ursed a a badly felt 'need here Ihe establishment of a summer ramp. In the mailer of Pporl. the iiyro C.luli mipht sue. cessfully establish a volley hall leaptie aiifon (he boy and Kirls. Cloins his addres, Mr. Barker miphl see fit to adopt. The hearty thanks of ihe club for the address that had b''"U ile. livered was tendered by President Milton lionzalcsMo Mr. Backer. Conlrihutiti? lo the program of the eveirtnjr were J. Morrison rraiiK .Moore wun vocal -"rl"s .. " 'worked with them should be well solos. V. Yausban Davies wa. American humor, it is pointed out, is verv largely exagger-',tudied out and established on piano accompanist. In (he ab-ahon. It is typified in the leaijing humorous weekly "Life." reason. If Ihe boy felt ihe ripbt sence of Lionel Holtby,' A. II. On the other hand British humor -isless obvious ami often theaif a tbinp and was made respon- .Vichols is. afilinxfcluirnian of the rcsojl of uiiderslnlement rather than exaggeration. This is ex- jidP. he would invariably re- fiyro Club entertalnmenl ronu emplified in the humorous we-kly "Bunch." An eastern writer ppnnd. It was necessarj" lhat re- mitlee. sys American humor is for those who like to enjoy their humor hpect he obtained and that could finest of the. eveninp were acfunpanied. by tiudible ouburs(s'of laughter which have Iheir nn( be established if those who Thomas Cniip of Caljrary: J. origin south or Ihe diaphragm. It i obvious, racy, effective ami proposed to lead boys were nol Morrison. Union Bank. Prince quite respectable. The English humor induces Ihe ! smile or at all times prepared to' reason Itupert: Frank M.ire. Inrt.erlai Fi''ous f buckle. Ihiups out with Ihem. Making Oil Co., Prince p.uprl; Hev. (i. (s. ii. tr " -' ' '- Jtm? boy responsible was another Hacker; J., J. Thoinjison, Van- irt qU0P )r(a( faflor jn JC Mffw ot corner: Lieut. II. J. F. Uibbanl, Difficult i Problem. A !vvork him. M. C. ... Oiiawa; W. C. O.-cbard. i The Fanner Government of Alberta, finds Ihe liquor pro-i Local Requirements CPU peneral apent. Prinre lln-i blem more trouble to them since Ihe people have decided. whatj Speakinp of local mailers with perl: A. W. llealy. F. O. bawsonl V,eS'.,wnl Hian it was before the' vole was takeii. Cabinet conn-! respect lo work for boys and Co. Lid. rii- nas loiiovveu cauinei conneil and while they have been dry pirls. Mr. Hacker urped that the infeluigs Ihey have , dealt with, a wet subjeel and they are stilVoyro Club, wherever possible, dealing with it. The' vote seemed simple enough but there are'pive Ihe boys the chance to as-luindred or difrerenl opinions- now s to just what Ihe people'sist them and to take a lively in-frteanl when they cast the voe. However, by lh? lime the terest in their work makinp Ihem Lhrlslmas .reslivities are over the cabinet will have probablv, responsible for some part of it. ihtide up its mind and then the fight will begin in the Legisla-j'i'his could ! done in conned ion i ii r- wilh Ihe skatiup rink. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert S. K. W. Smilh, A. Hadke. W. It. Penny. T. McfSrepor. Vancoii- ver: v . Iiitig- and II. Manlrop, vicloria: Williaiu 'llie Toronto; Tliomas 1. Kersrusoii.il" Craip, Cal- not describe the trouble, and all depends on the prompt action of his elders. Why not be on the safe side by always keeping Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseid and Turpentine on hand for use in case of emergency ? Croup and bad colds usually develop in the night, when it is not convenient to send for treatment, even if vou are within reach of a drug store. Being pleasant to the taste, gentle and soothing in action, and composed of simple ingredients of well-known medicinal value, this medicine is especially suited for children, as a relief from coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, sore throat, whooping cough, etc. In very many thousands of homes It is the old favorite treatment which has proven, Its exceptional value so many times that it is depended upcr absolutely. Next to knowing what to use, the most important point is to apply the treatment promptly, and this is why we emphasize the necessity of keeping Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine on hand at all limes. For this reason it is well to get In the way of buying the large, family - size bottle. This ensures an ade quate supply. All dealers or Edmamon, Bates fc Co., Ltd., Toronto 1 pary; IJebl. II. J. F. lllbbard. H.C.X.. (Mlawa; Mr.-and Mm. ii. NicoNou and J. Cralp. Winnipeg; F S. Lund, Tacorna. Central F. lianieU. C.X.II. The Mao in the Mood SAYSh IT was aildinp inull lo injury lo handcuir Ihe Hiiceman's wrisis o ihe handles of his motorcycle, durinV the roblerv al Seallle yesterday. BECAt'SK Ihe po master at Montreal was short or rah he was let out or Ills Job. ir all of us lhal ucre short of Ihe needful were let out, Ihe world would be full of unemployed. Till! police lo their duly a pood deal of Ihe lime hill there one law Ihey miatil look info a little more carefully. II i the law of supply and demand. I pomoually have no dill'milly with the demand but llie supply oBen holders me. IT'S belter srclliuir alotiif lo fail In pel you fail. TIIKItK Is un also niie won. lo Ihlnk you arc in Ihe world I ban on and know lhal Til II man wtio known himself lo be ii failure has hU hi self respect. usually n lhal ouphl winner lo have Ten Years Ago In Piinc Rupert , ...e.,., n The annual ball of SI. Andrew's Society was held n! eveninp in Ihe hall on Second Avenue, some f0 or 7o Couples beiutr in al tendance. Music wn furiibdied hy (ray's orchestra and I'jper MWirury played foe l"ie square dances. Miss Pa rice Killen, in native costume, danced Ihe Highland I'ling-. Th,' bnly patronesses were Mrs William .Mauon, Mrs. ,. M Mansou and Mm. J. M. Car-miehacl, s. 1 1. Macdonahl was ru'a(er of ceremonfe and Ihe rninmilli-p in cbarpe romnrNed V. fl. Itennls Charles Dennis. lieorpe S. Huikaell. Cecil Brown Malcolm Mcleod and Alho Fraser. After conferring with Ire. mb-r McBride, lion. V. I. o$ and the- executive council on mailers of civic finance. Mavor Pallullo relurned from Victoria Ibis morning. The mavor uln visited Heatlle and Tacoma. J Bargain Days in Ladies' Ready-to-Wear ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY We are cutting prices to the bone on a splendid selection of Coats, Suits and Dresses Every one of these bargains Is taken from our regular stock and comprise the very newest Winter styles. Our reputation for fair dealing ktands behind every garment. Owing to the large number'of bargains on offer It Is Impossible lor its to quote prices in this space and we cordially Invite you to view them for yourself. Please Note. The prices on these garments will only hold good on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY-TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. ft BENT'S Ladies Ready -to -Wear Third Avenue Premier- Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way to prove that I'ltK.MIKIl "nOI.B MKDAL" BKF.H is best THY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. Tbis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Uovcrumeut of British Columbia. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped lo handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONE8 43 and 388. ; w CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert 8.S. PRINCE8S MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, November 30, December 10, January 4 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, November 28, December 15, 31 8.8. PRINCE88 BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swtnson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information, from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent -Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.O.