lay December 28, 1932 STOCKTAKING SPECIALS uy Now at Thése Prices And Save BiG POUR cOoPrr: n Packed NAPTHA SOAP rE BEANS 1 CLARA PRUNE: £ BLACK FIGS 35C 7¢ 12¢ re nips, 6 Ib 23¢ 20C | Pe. Site oe A 13¢ cena lic lic 28¢ $c 15c ae 38¢ | var 14¢ oct Oe 13¢ 15¢ 24¢ Zic oie 25¢ | oa lic ne 15¢ "20 Thrift Cash & Carry "01 Third Ave fhone 179 “CARRY AND SAVE Mail Orders Have Our Pr Attention ompt C.N. RB. Trains For the East 4 Fast From the Low WINTER EXCURSIONS lo Vancouver Return Limit March 31, 1933 Pull partiont CAN ADEA NATIONA N : CANADIAN PACIFIC TO BRITAIN CONTINENT 5 ‘ROM SAING 4OHN & HALIEPAN To Glasgow, Beitast, Live a Fe ' Mar CHINA: MANILA rrom VANCOUVER and HONOLULU JAPAN VICTORIA j THOM VANCOUVER and ; 4, Mar. 1 AORAN Feb. 1, Mar. 20 NIAGA Apply to agents « WO J, J. FORSTER nship Genera VICTORS \ The Markets Retail prices curreut nere at pre- sent aie as follows: Vegetames 13 to 15 Ibs, Poltatoe ick, $1.40 to Ber 6 'b Parsley, bunth Turn 8 Ibs Carréts, 8 Ibs Green Peppers, Ib Sweet Potaties, 3 ibs Hothouse Tomatoes, lb Cauliflower, 20¢ to ions, B.C. 6 Ibs 1b “ard Squash, Ib THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES CL.DL, dance December 29. All our Alberta coals now in dry 6s fied, $11.00 per ton. Alberta & For day and night Taxi ser- MeCaftery tf vice Phone 32. I tf if ides .25 —_—_—_— WINDOW GLASS. We are carrving 1.70 This evenine’s train, due fron fhil stock of Winddw Gila ind 25'the East at 8 p.m., wasreported| San fH) requireinents Gordon 07 this morning to be on time fardwWare 101 25 1 25 Prertyterian tea at home of Mrs 30 John Watson, 735 5th Ave. W. to 25' morrow afternoon. Home cooking Ss Checked 20 300 By modern vaporizing 25 fait as \e ointment— just rub on 25 W. D. Vance left on yesterday 25 afternoon's train for a brief trip | Of to Terrace. He will return to the Dec. 29, Sons of Norway xinas| oo Tree, Afternoon 2 to 4 for child¥en:. | Evening—-good program, play “A! Proposition afd Twins.” Starts at/ 8 o'eloék fdilowed by dance. Odd- fellow’s Hall, 4th Ave. Adm. 50c. | Miss D. E. Carter, who teaches; chool at Smithers, arrived city On the Princess Norah morning frdm Vancotver, he spént Christmas at her home, and will proceed to the tomorrow mornineg’s this train There were tnirty passengers dn! board the steamer icess Norah which was in port this mornire¢ northbound from Vancouver to Aj- aska. Two persons disembarkéd from the vessel bere Pri where | interior onj* and two went, 2 epee aren ary hin ne ee | Classified FOR RENT Furnace.| WANTED— Farm woman to kéep in the, FULLY Modern House ‘| Low Rent. Phone 11. tf! house for two actu, Write Box Ss SS ee ee 159, Daily New 4 STORE for Rént, Third A¥enue hoa 30 | adjoining Wrathall’s, low renta! FOUND McClymont. 11 i VERNON Apartments, 139 Secuna FOUND - Ladies’ chasheta leather Avenue. ‘Housekeeping royms! glove. Daily News. (tf) newly renovated. Phone Red 421 ; tf CLEANING & PRESSING ry, head, 8c to 15 city this évening E jen Onions, Ib 10 tile: north from hére aboard her. FOR SALE OR RENT PRICES reasona able ‘Benkendorf, i, per Ib 25| Depression price: Beg coal $11.00]. J. D. Keron, who is in the Rail- ers Ave., next door to Daily bbage, each, 12 to 18) and $1150 per ton, sacked, dry.| way Mail Service here, will gail to Members of the Prince Rupett) HOUSES— See’ Hart for bargains. | hd ai “ eal, greet 05| Loose, $1.00 per ton ‘less. Hyde|fight on Whe Prizice Rupert for » Rotary C at the regular weekiy tf Head I l0c to .15| Transfer. Phone 580 {var : to Vato imcheon in the Commodore Cafe ameenanettinin H. AIRDRESSER " 15 oo at ft 1oyed infor- ° i eine 16; Drivers of motor ¢ ' A. Stewart, » beer | ™ai Christmas program, there be- LOST {WATCH our Windew for Weekly . . . y y : ry . Preeidcn? — _ os Fidtr } rney hi } 4 Ob his Week, | payir 1 4 j With friend n ? ; “48 pea : rr idén . lal Spe ial Ringlette Perman- ir, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat .. 1.35) ™ find themselves without the /city, will sail by the Prinée Ruper! |G: 4. Woodiand was in the chair, /LOST— Hight spnoten ee ee ents, Finger Waving and Hair Patent 1.95 right to drive as the licerses!tomorrow nig n her returr cre glove. Pinder would oblige by | Cutting. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe. : Fiour, 10 Ib 45 to §p| expire at midnight Saturday Vancouvet CPR. steamer Princess Norah, oe same, af, Dally, Hows. of! “pm ; Sar 4 ice. Aust. Pastry flour. 10 Ibs 40 doianain Capt. William Palmer, arrived in " RS Ress Géorve Miller. United States cus For drunkenness. gohn Campb dort at 9 o'clock this morning from SSE PAINTS ie Godin’ o,' toms officer at Skagway aS Aywas fir 525, 4 option of four-| Vancouver and sailed an héur la- : oe Alberta Seconds, doz 23 | ikilinke? allbard thé.-Prince ’ on ie, | tek’ Ot tetieilitieadie-enitduimie TRANSFERS PAINTING and Paperhanging. B oe Ow eed se enger iboard uM rincess|teen days’ itmprisoniient’ by Mag- r for cagway and other Alaska M ile Phone R 802. B.C. Fresh First. doz 45 Norah this rning eturnin trate M ymor n city police | Points whence she is scheduled to ve — em Te oaet, n ec - Hew tal. Gos gg | Porth after a trip to Seattle cout nornir call here next Monday afternoon | AMERON’S Transfer—Wood, Coa) : Ne ~ ‘Bate ' Ne on her return south moving. chairs for rent. tf F , b 34 Joseph F. Statter, chief marshal The Cut R Sho Store has he ie is 2. I y PEWRITERS nery, 3 It 99 * Juneau, was a passenger aboard just received 150 pairs of ladit IN | ds Ho ~ |the Princess Norah this morning co Zipp These are sam PIANO TUN \ING For Sale or Rent . i I: i +, ap | returning to the Alaska Capital af- ple ndt 1t $3.25 but are hov Siahdernicne andl e . Honey, per jar 200 th'20}, 1a 15 menttig iid elabwher mee anthradtor tak © am, PIANOS Tuned $3.00, Walker's M Rose, Cowan & Latta , > v . : iat, ' sic Store. tii} one 2 Chidse a o |! Phone 234 mtaris solids, new Ib 25| actin Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harvey sal 49 | Victor I. Haan, weneral superin- yecter F yon on t Prin } a an os hale aac mea The AUCTIONEER th ", | Pass Route, was a passeng nN will spend New Year holidays. A Your Health 7” bon ie Prince Norah — this siste; Mr. Harvey reside t . . Packing — Cratitig — Wrapping | rt 4 ee ; . For the benefit of those who -., morning returr Skagy Pren ‘ ; and Genera! Furniture Repairs b se, Paes Renprpeaynay 4 did not get a chance to pir- Is More Important than A 4 Ur »s ———~ i: bef ; List your goods with me : ugar a ‘bye araiiereaas Prag ets chase before, we are making anything else 5.56 aan ae cate ae eee > elisa further reductions GEO. J. DAWES—Phone Black 12 : hae Miss E. Bushfield, daug or Oflof Mr id M Alex MacKenzie Consult— Ci Rey afd Mrs Frank Biishfield of, sustaified a fractut thie? Popping Corn c : Lard om ete ih RAE blaine ined « Tracttired ‘tiie 25 : _| Anyox, sailed b le Prince R n ar : ile smash-p Satur- 3 Ibs NOTICE S / . IT Bert yesterday afternéon on Her re- ayy ey the cS, : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an W. C. AS PINALL D.C. Meats ae : Gites ’ Manne good pro " aes Ral 35¢ application will be made to the Legis- (Chiropractor) ; 31 e smeiter tOWN [OHOWINE erp is can be expected at the! 3 1b: lative Assembly of the Province of Bri- Green 241 Phones Green 549 Se Sg | 2 rit iP) R t General Hospital!] Recleahed Currants 35¢ a. Sere. Syedbesen of tha tory pe? Exchange Block Chltken. Tt 20 2 i] ffering con 3 Ibs Prince Rupert for an Act to aménd the ' ’ ; Ni wed inte Hiedti Creainery Hotta ‘City of Prince Rupert Bylaw Valida- @ lice first rade >) civine;” tial 2 resh Creamery Butter 75¢ n Act, 1929" in the manner follow- picnic. first grade. lb 18 ; a 3-Ib. brick ng. to provide by such amendment the s ' i katala irrived I tl Prin @ranberris flowing power, that is to say n, Ib 30) sora h ahd was taken meédiate ee 25¢e |1. To anfend Section Pive of the said ! ! ae ind was taken imi RYE 2 OP yer Ib Act 40 as tp provide thet tbe Council ! , | to the Prince Rupe H ital i die Fies-2Whi may be at fiberty to apply any of the ‘ Ib 1S) eeing from evéere attack of in : SDITHA SIGs owe 35¢ monies received from the Power Cor- ei - te e th. 100 te q F re 2 . 5 tbs poration of Canada, Limited. under the’ ‘(Our Famous Edson. Alberta and ’ } b.. 10 ; - fuenz Phone 953 Phoné 95 Holly—#resh stock Ag reement validated by the said Act lkley ah ‘ina le cae ran Beet, roast, prime rb, = et ae 40¢ oF the ptygpose of psying any of the Bulkley Valley Coals are guaran- Beef. steak. Ib. 25¢ to 9 per Ib niere — id principal of the debentures; teed to give satisfaction. Try a —- : . fal ie in any year, represent tr . ue , , iss : nea om aa es yeree Wabi! Phen ; loethedl sine at te & a A “ of My 1 Sal al i my b 25 A t Heinz Pitkies—Al 95 tion. in respect of the assets aequired| also sell Timothy Hay, nea b b 25 nnouncemenis arieties, per bottle c Gistctkund devaineien st aka aati ae Oats and Barley. ' = gre nent irrespective of the years . : ide Ib re * - e Heinz Tomato Juice 19 hich they may Become duc — . 7 saan ees ea salt Sit Tt. EF. JONES Prince Rupert Feed Co. . Sor of Norway Xmas Tre Lie t : Solicitor for the applicants the ¢ - 558 Pork shoulder. Ib 18 Pure Strawberry Jam f Prince Rupert 8 — Phones — 55 ‘ember 29 ash an Y Cc. : n, Tb 20 = ar 7 4 (mens —* 9 z — San es : ok ib 7” Tennis Dinner Dance Friday, De — Sugat 49¢ : : alt, Ib 12 7 ‘1 10 Ibs ember 30. Elks’ Hall ‘ . . ss Fish a Specials For Friday and mit 10 Ibs. to each customer) ked Kippers, lb 18, Hogmanay Scotch Dance Dec, 0 Saturday Li mp Sugar—Loose 25¢ t fresh, Ib {1OD£. Hall , a be for | : roth Star La Ate] worms gg raer OW 7 Moose Legion New Year's Eve ‘oe ver ‘tin Cc . a = _ | Jance Malkin's Best Cabbage— Whit 9 , R ned) Ib 07 ; . > k New : F Dance. Ac TOMATOES 7 H lida Cak P ddi P 4 . i ' NE re ‘ . 1 -= S Pork . i . setae Oe 25e , 14¢ 0 y es, ruaaings, rasiries is, fas ped, Ib Oy Ayrshire Bacon—Ma- = : ce 7 >.2 sms! OD ' ; ry 2 ies = Superior Quality and Reasonable Price ¥ ‘ M i B : iCK ] _ € a e! D 1 Gr ‘ wrapped SARDINES 2.35| Eagle Original Masquerad s 24 Christmas Crackers, Stock- Sap sulk. Ib 06' Dance Jan. 6. Prize Admission 50 c ines, Plem Puddings and : . » 00 : Mince Meat at Cost Price Try our Almond Tarts and Mince Pies Biilk. Ib 06 Oddfellow’s Old Time Dance ! Pi ypie—Crushec 19¢ Fruits aid Veestabtes th Sea Bread and Cakes in Sanitary Wrappings q nuary 20. 4 . yt TT y we ei : ‘2 . x ~~ Janu es : son at Reduced Prices Ten Varieties of Delicious Cookies Golder k b R BR’? Co 45 . 1.60 aT per 1 c We deliver all orders $2.00 or —_ —wenm |! NaUOD Oran Varmaiad | over Frutts = eee | ey Gnd 29c| Orange doz. 25c to .80 Smnyrti Fi | MUSSAI LEM’S ’ orange, box ts JONES Sea 25¢ Andrew’s Cash, Carry Cake Shop ‘ large | Pe} y Pp x Lynn Valley | . m Third Avenue—Next to McLaren's Music Store Calif. Te tt a . aT adit iia. $5¢ E St rd Avenue—Next to McLaren's Music Store ' ib ne! : iS 7 ; cond y ore P. 0. Box 416 Phone: Black 667 tone 1 alee 250) "ie attend eteemeentenannemenremnatiimeeneniiiniiniiens Pears, A - ie} a ily 2 tins for . : P. O. Box 575 ' . Pomeg! ves, eaen, 9 White Spring Saimon 9 l. = = Emperor Grapes,:2 1b per 1-lb. th JC) | Bananas, Ib Dried Fruits White Figs, Ib. . Dates, bulk, 8c to Lemon and (range Peel Citron Peel Prune 1.40. Ib Prunes, 40-50 lb Prune 10-70, 3 lbs Raisins, Australian seedless, lb Raisins. Cal. seedless, 2 Ibs Currants, lb a Apricots, 1b 18e to Apples, dried Peaches, Peeled Black Cooking Pigs, Ib Nuts Almonds, shelled Valencias Maliforhia soft shelled Walnuts Walnuts, broken shelled Walnuts, shelled halves Peanuts sendbided Feed Wheat, No. 3 Alberta Wheat, Bulkley Valley Oats i Bran 1244 ‘ Market Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs 20 Potatoes, 10 lbs 30 Round Steak, 2 lbs 50e¢ Onions, 4 ibs 15 Malkin’s Best T », Pork Chaps Malkin ‘ 12 , 1 35¢ per 1-Ib. pkg 2 lbs. » 25 : sex Soap 1s | Lamb Chops 20c Fair Sex Sog s + cakes for Ba i ety t Cream of Wheat an} bea 0 Amp 20¢ | ete 21¢ do} ber ‘ Kelloge’s orn Flakes 18) ~ a 60¢ 5 aes toe 25¢ 18 | s | = shoulder of Pork Honey Graham Wafers eae SOC) ier pee 2Zic Duteh Maid Mayonnaise $0 /Liver, 1 Ib. 95¢ x5 Bacon, % |b large size, 82 Pork Sausage Classic Cleanser 2 Tbs. 25c 8 tins for 2ic 4s ian Sausage 95¢c We extend to all our friends and 8 | patrons our sincere thanks for past business and our best wishes for a | Happy and Prospereus New Year. 957 —- Phone — 957 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK | SHIPYARD AND Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbullders and Ship Repatrers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding | 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and Mining Machinery UNION STEAMSHIPS Steamers leave Prinve Rupert for Vancouver:— 1.8.8. CARDENA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. LIMITED "Via Ocean Palls and Waypoints, arriving afternoon S. VENTURE EVERY THURSD AY MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver Sunday mi orning Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox River points, Sunday, 8 pm SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATE, ROUND TRIP, PRINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER, $32. On sale Nov, 10 to Peb 28, rétura lhrit Maren 31, Purther information regarding all satlings and tickets at — YRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Vancouver Thursday Stewart and Naas 1933. : Second A venue. Phone 568 i calli nena etna eanannaneaniae esate | aoe — a CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver via Ocean Falls atid Way Ports— PRINCESS Fridays, 10 P.M \ To Vancouver direct-- PRINCESS NORAH—Dec. 18. Jan. 2 | LOW PARE ROUND TRIP WINTER EXCURSIONS TO VANCOUVER, Tickets on sale Noventber 10 to Pebruary 28, 1993. Final return Timit March Sist, 1933 _ For thformation call or write W._L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C, ‘ 7 de ADELAIDE — * a Repaired and Overhaul Early Ad. Copy is appreciated - rd —) SEE LT LT RES, SS ONC RT es aa cere meee clin alc all