PAQU TWO Every Fragrant Cup of SALAD A GREEN TEA gives supreme gratification. than any Japans. DAILY KDino.n New Markets And New Industries. What we need now y new markrl II H-tes Finer Bur a package today. The Daily News ; FRINGE RUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenua. H. P. PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: rit llehverv hv mail or f.impr. ter month .... .11.00 .nday. October . 193. Industrie. That i what il -eeni! we ar likrly lo grt hiirss should win, the Britisher? are good losers and are willing to congratulate their .opponent on hi sifree- Mackenzie King Is Making Self Name. premier Mackenzie King i making a name for himself in England. He is being feled and dined and is -very day in coni-any with lheldggest men in the Empires The. result of the asso ciation should be beneficial; While there may he no very clear and definite policy evolved at Ihe conference, Ihe exchange of ..f n . II. It! I- 11 .11 ' ' , , . . irvi .inn me roooiiig iioiiiocrs wiin oiner greai men snmild have a good effect on all those who allend. Does Not Like Coast Range Steel. x . Ihe British Columbia division Of the annadian Institute or. Mining and Metalluriry has.condftmned the whfmc to bonus the (Uinsl Range Steel Co.. cjaimipg thai it could not he a financial success and thai the. taxpayers would have lo hear the bur den. They also objected tojh? plan of Ihe company to get iron ore from Mexico and coke from the stale of Washington. This it was slated would be of 110 value to British Columbia. ALASKAN PAPER AND THIS PORT Ketchikan Chronicle Wants Know Why all This "God Save the King" Canadian Lobby to' ALASKA FOR ALASKANS Takes Exception to Interview I .With Attorney General In Vancouver Under the heading "laowrt wjlh Alaska, the Ketchikan Ala -Is !Chroniele ha. the following editorial article, in a reeen nnm-'her Very intereslias indeed w a ihe dialrh on October 10 that John Rotgard. attorney general 'ot Alalia. 1 on hi way hack to w aiin?tnn w h ef-e with the a. liarVr of Delegate lan fMither-Ian.l be will fishl for the repeal of the Alaska clause" of lb Jones shipping bill ami to "have By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, -Prinee Rprt made the principal Ip advance, per year 16.00 'I'1" f,ir Alaska. Not only is lhf To all other countries, in advance. ter year 17.50 interring, but jtj -.source. Vanntiitrr, Hritlh (Uil. -Transient Di.nlav Advertising 11.40 per inch oer insertion '". ' intrtsvilng. even is- Tiransient Advertising on Front Page. .. .,....,.12.30 per ineb ''ni,ran'- . i r i . "jr.- i,... a ii-iiaii emanate,! i-om , LHJCil ncaurn, insnuvu yri wv I Classified Advertising, per insertion . . . .2e per word J,'nu "r 3','rar?1 ..... In lh J,,.T I tnl Vnlire. each insertion " , ISe ner te lino ;IPr the departure f tbr TELEPHONE St ember of Audit Bureau of Circulation. iattorney general that If wti go-j inx bark to Washington, In fry loj put Prince Rupert n the map.) Ami vriainly no great publicity) . Kiti-n it worn iip was paII- jlhrousb Kelehikan. Bui In Van-iromer. Brilisb Columbia, where fhi hemic work for t!ana"da will for iur product and newJt. ,, arm-rciated. u,e new- is In eoiintr) like Ihis tbire is plenty of noni ftir fihiug ititlii-lne!,jrr-a enlhuiain. of variou kinds in addition to ihr parking holier- whrrf lnj- ment4f freh flh are made to the ea-tern niarkeL On Mime puWir ir-aiMii .Manager T. II. JtihiiMiii of the Oild Storage plant prophe-ied thai a day would roms when there would be many fih eiiriiig etallihnieut here, when in particular I he rod and the herrtng Would he utilized, and when the city would lr known even mors than he i lixlay as a fiherie centre. It would eem from an article published in this paper Sat-, iirday thal'Frauee i looking to thi rt to Mipply her with fih. Trial .hiinienl are to lie made and if ttiee are" .uec sfiil, others will follow. It may he that in the future we .hall not he dejendeiil on Ihe United States for a market and then we .'hall not need to worry ov?r urh things as protective duties. Day Of Glutted Market Is Past. The day of the low halibut prjee as a result nf a glutted mark-t is paL ThKis ihie very' largely- lo the excellent rail way service which makes it possible to keep the fii-h (ravelling to the renlres of population with as little delay as rM-ilile Eve u greater speed may y-l he. attained when arran?emenls are made for fast silk trains over the' line, hven though the shipments of halibut this year have Keen greater than ev?r, the price has seldom gone low. Buyer? have taken advantage of cold storage facilities and the demand has he;n steady. Disappointed Over International Race. Many people were'disappointed'ovr the result of the in ternational racs on Saturday. Papyrus does not seem lo have come anywhere near winning. The general opinion seemed to be that the change of climate and Ihe trip across the ocean would upspt the visiting racf r. .much imerei was uixen in race nere a wen as elsewhere. While the wi-h was general that the British Lal ?-ar. the Canadian lobby,! with Ihe awl of IfcIe?ate Mrth-r-Hirrtl an.l Allorii'l General RuL card. ktlfed Ihe pofndexier amixlmnl to the tariff jneaiire. rfreby Canada was able to re tain the linn s share of the bejie-fit of !h fihrie of the Xorth Pacific Ocean, ta the delrjment of every town ha Soiilhealern Alaska. ' But that was not enotich. They now rnu.l sn bark to aisi jn makin; Prince Rupert a hippinz xtnl and at Ibe lime when Can. aila wa preparing In bow lo the tnevitabl. Proif of the state- nnnttbat Canada wa reparlnff. i " mrei ine terms nt Jones liip- pinp bill for the benefit of Ameri can shipping was shown in the I'rinr- lluprt Ihiily News under dale of Oefoer 1. In an inter view with F. . Iaw-sm wb had jul retnrne. In Prince Rupert after a meeiins of (be Board of llireclors of the fanadiau Na tional Railways, it was said: American Owned Boat At-s.iiiaiii.iis are umler way willi a fair proprrt of linjf earned through with a view of pul-linp on an American ownetl boat for loral passenger srire le- tween Prinre Ruprt anl Alaskan ori. A Canadian owneil boat is not allowej lo operate under American shipping laws." Phis is a certainly. That enalor Jones when be inerted Hie Alaska clause ili so for the benefit of the Territory of laka and for American ship. pinyr 'He wns not imbueii wilh Canadianisin; nir did he have any des'fre to Injure Alaskan towns. His measure was ronslrurlive an-l llioimh it lias beofi fought slren-uoiisly by Ihe big Canadian rail. way Inlrresfs for several years even at a disadvantage In them. selves with Ihe hope of bringing about ils repeal. Ibey are. now about lo give in, as witness (he Daursnn interview. Terminal Rates If the Jones bill remains effec. THa uAlLiXiftswn Monday, OetcAtn'iti is? tiiUJr a famaj You 11 Like .ifsi un VjhH . itsv 1 w Creamy Flavor! pOR yourself and your family, try Carnation today! Forget all your former ideas of "tinned milk." Note Carnation's test; the creamy flavor of milk purity imparted by the high . quality of the fresh milk used and by our scientific sterilizing (heat ing) process. Realize this: Carnation U 100 per cent cows' milk curan--,we4t pure. Nothing is added to it, not even sugar; nothing 1$ removed except part of its natural water, which is evaporated to reduce the bulk and'give you doubly-rich milk in convenient-sized containers. This doubles the proportion of cream. All health-giving food elements remain intact. ; Therefore, Carnation is perfect for creaming coffee, cereals, V fruits, vegetables, etc, and for all other milk and cream use. You will be satisfied with Carnation. Ask your grocer to deliver a aupply today. Use it and convince yourself that it i the only milk aupply needed for your home. Carnation Milk live the resuii will be that South-eaue of ihe high price of silk, eaxlern Ata.ka eities. will ulli-. uiately get terminal freights, and that good ran be. landed in !Miutbealrrn Alaka lowms from the easl ipjite as heaply a Hiey can le umieii at I'nnrr niip-rl or at Sealll- or Vancouver. And they wilt be. Further. Hie Alakan towns will then le Ibe distribu ting points for all the outlying ee.iion and for the mining. fishing an.) limber industries back of each of them; not prince Rupert as the delegate, the -Attorney Oneral. the Canadian railway interests, and Ibe people of Can. ada wanL Fortunately for Alaska, the territory has a governor who is not falling for the aims of the allorney general and Ihe delegate, When be pase. through Vancouver on bis way o Washington he gave Utile aid or comfort to Ibe Canadians on the question of Ihe repeal of Jones shipping act. The Prince Rupert Haily News of; October 1st gave the following version nf the viH in Vaneouvpr of the governor: Alaska's Need "Although transportation is nrobably Alak's 'piil pressing need, ilovernor Scot I C. Bone, of Hie northern territory, does nnl believe there will be any amend, meuls to existing United Plates eoalwsi( regulation lo allow of Prince Rupert (aking KeaMe's tdace as the shipping point for tbe territory. This opinion was pressed by OoVeriior Bone last week iii Vancouver, which city he isiled while on hjs way lo Vah-'iiglon where be will spend nejt month." Why all this "Cod ave Ihe King" business and"Iown with vlasla'nn the part "f the dee. xale and Ibe ntlnrncy general? it Is a niiandry. A belter slogan is "Alaska for Alaskans, and Alaskans for Alaska, and all for merira." Tbe Man in tbe Mew j SAYSi- J . isejirf-ajiiasin ii ij faei n m anaj-i WAGKis have to be' high be. 100 ptr cent milk "fhm Ctnttnted Civs' IF your rylinilers become car- bonizeil, ue higher grade furl. A flIRL who says she has never been klsseu wouM make a SihhI wife. It shows she witling lo forget Ihe iiast. IF a man is a failure, he goes lo the penitentiary or Ibe poor house. If Ie is a great success tie has lo go to a sanitarium. WIIKN you hear of a man being driven to drink you will know pretty well b was drhen lo il in a limousine. IF ieople only got what was coming lo I hem. it surely would be Hell. NOW that Homo i home we shall have o look for some other eicilenienl. Bonxo ItONZO with Ibe bullish bead What a '.'a) life yiHi have led! How Ihe boys lhat live at homo Wish lhat they could also roam! Bonzo, you're a beast, a biili, But no one dare liir leg to pull. Like the flnz you. sailed leneath, Vou're emblem of some hidden teeth. I'ROFSOR Sedgewick nf Ihe University or B.C. (hanks Cod lhat he i not an Englishman. A lot of Englishmen will Jhnnk for the .mte Ihing. NOW that Ibe ladies huve taken lo wolf hunting, bow i 4 man to distinsuiah himself frrtni Ibe weaker sex? THE meek inherii n,e '"earth, but thai is about alf I hey g,.. Who .wants to lite on earth? IF you slop lo wonder whether or not you are hating a .pood lime, y,i probably are no. HUHBAM)!i, Allevlionl A Mia. lourl man dropped deed when washing dihe for Jil wife. Now !ou liae ren ahown, lake tbe sson to yoursehe If you dire. WIIF-V diamonds ae trumps, I always have plenty of spade for the trump In lake. IF you keep on stretching the truth I'RI.NCF. Rupert ,ay m nasty to you sometime, but think bow they would act If they knew you belter. I MKT a man coming home wet and cold the other day and lie said be fell aa uncomfortable a a man at a charily baraar. .0MH are known By their splendid work And oilier groan And shrug and shirk. ROMANCE i a fine thing but imagine for yourself bow a girl feels when she find the, man who has saveil ,er life I already married. SKIT is understood "an ahll-gnmliling rrunde J lo be started llo prevent men from al!lntr married. Ten Years Ago in Pflnco Ruprt October ta, 1t13. mere i a scarcity of vm in, tOWn hul Hie iIli a, .......II I I pecii aide to purchase six Hum dred Ions ni 7.50 per Ion. ' Heorge Collins, manager My Of F la Ihe Ktllrr avorite ecipes 3f TKnij 7htJu. Mufflne H ttAfpoca salt. 1 UbWipooi mar. lsi cap Euur, t tsupuott H cap Caruttoa MUk. t tttisKi Bitlt4 batur or atUtuts. Mti cd tlft ry tairedltett. Ada kiUk t, tll Wkla rsc c" m lo ery Usretbti, tbea 4d u BMttr4 UL Iik ta otl4 out l.'m trout ttin to tDly-Bvf mi ti. TaU mil Uitti titf mut Cream of Tmtt ttup KxiK. I llrt enicn. 1H evp attr, 4 UbletpwBi bellrr, 1 rep Cr-Buoa MUk. V ca toaito l nt), 3 cli, 1 Utipoon Mil. 1 cwp tr, 4 lk!Kso Sour, H bit ot bay UL Cook tonutovt toty for toti aJ&ute. m ctipe ot wattr. oiwa tact es4 tacar. Strmio, d4 tail ttd xla. Mtlt tstir 44 tent. ttlmot roMUetly. A44 Camatloi Milk 4tluir4 lib cm mp of iUr Cek until thkkvted. aUrrUi or. loaally. Coublae with tbe atral4 tomato. a44lai the touaioVt te lb milk. Sne at oece. Tkli mipe arvM all pote. Cram4 C arret and Paa't 4 tveipooa 1 UUpoot tatur, Vi cup Caraatloa Milk, t ia4tum tli4 carrota, i 1U.(km. tout. ' ls(so peppe. I aeiaU taa paa, 1 cop carrot floikv - Waah aed acrape rarrott; 'ifttt'tt at aUipa. Cook aalil Ueiar la b411t( atrr to bib 1 Uaipoot' salt bat ba a444. Drais, aU4-1 cup of tbe water ta hk jtj. trrvl bave tfa cooke4 tor tkt crtam wblte start, 1 amatt mf atai, 4rala4 thorotifhly. lta.4 la Col4 water, tkta KaJ44 Qolckly ta UHltf wattr aod 4raU4. Malt botttr. a44 Soar, ittrrtes toaitaatly antll tkoroottly VUae 4: 4i tka lajull ae4 aaaaealast Ut .boll aotll UUkeo4. atWrUf occatloBally, A44 rok4 4Vrm aa4 pea. Ttia recipe arrvra alt " Dm.M SUa. tWt-Cuuba M4k rttmttt C. I J. 114 AtW.ll VMU.xi.aC im eeoeate. II TNt sueatait COUTiO,rJ"TIM covuatsiaiL ' f ti ,Vim:c: .";; and Ifl IW- Vtller -4 INe tMtr Merrrr. terrael- Inle TikK votli: Mt m tr 1 ' nHir r urn. vmm. ieeH u au r ih-uwt., itfi. I c; amtmttM f ibe I Hit Mrtrrt, Wr and til I t rum iri itm M rntt ' there will be a break and fi" " inrMa t--"t ie rebound is likely In hurt. i.XMmier, VJ. ifl. and eer OMileil l Um I.uie are mK 11 ihe anumat ( ibr ivH,ii-it: t- fuihiih. linivva vv lira " itrteial V.Hu: ( " CHorr llar k Pleit IhU 1Mb dr J ry '"" im eNoaartA, 1 u nv tni sueaiMK court Je..aainM oolumbia. 7 S ' I Hie MtUrt ff "the' VitaiK::t. at. arvl la Itm VHI.r ,,f the l:aute . " a lr. rr4' Inle.UI TVal- .ViTICi: thai IK ot l ' Hmr VfH. Vuunr. mle Pie ' al f ijir. fit. I c anss1 (itinttu.lralur 1.1 the I .l t I ' Cirfjr. Uereasnl. Met an lVI rlalin arauMl Ibe M (! an1 requnx In rirn4a saliie, I-fiat1 "' f "1 lo tt.e ur Irfore the ItlU M Vim-n,ir. vji, is j. aist all t'i ' e. tlnl l.i Ihe I .UIe art rll! . 11 Hie aiaMmnl ut Ifceir leaVbUsbi V f. .rlhUb. VV .H: otlirlal Afleewrai-" Prlnre Iiiii-. ! haled IliU laih) dar nf in t 4 ' in eaoBATf. ij Tut eurmeu couwt or aT,,H eoi-UHBiA. ; In lite Vaiter nf Tbe VdmtWTrttl .w and . , In II- Mailer (if Ibe rlale ft ,m Mnaille, erea.edt InleaMMb . ... Till; Millet: Dial In 'rf ' lluo'Mr t MrH, Vut. H"ili .f ori,4r. v.. iti. I n an'-m'' MniliiUlralnr i4 Ibe F.slalf , W ."Z. ll.tliallle, ibTea.eil, isl II IKriii" 1. 1...... ...I... ....I lle .f are !-' miuirMt i own. in !li Itie. mi nr lf..r. Lefnre Mi Hie lft "! V.iMnt.. t ii ... ..ui ii trie K drifted lo Ihe l ilale are rslfeil h ! jllie am..imi ,f tiwir iwlrMeiVr " !torthiii, M . J TllOUl V WJ'I'Jt . I'rlnre IIiijstI. B. haled j li) 1Mb day i.I if K 1 " IN TMt SUrNIMI COUNT Jf, aJT1" COLUMSIA. . Ill the Vallrr nf Tie- AiUomull'ali v inn i.arijtiiinii l.i. a, l.. .in v at i.r ... ii. i-.i.i. .1 4 ft.., a.,.,ou.ueN UK,! ih!. TiVrat'isSi WfK&x rawlers, Andrew Kelly, (,. ,;. r VfH v.-mj ..Jj' losler and James (UrriillijM"-i"Mtr .1 iii "Vw '"C will npera.e n.roug a wlu. tejSft'jl' .J iria I The O.T.P. raiway rm w, washed out at Mile. 38 mid lce. Kruph line, Hr ((( M rp suit of recent heavy rain ilonni. reiiireil In riirnlOi aauie, irmr .1 (. 1.1 Hie. mi f m fi.rf Hie Jth. ' . VoirmlM-r. l.Il. IVfJ. and ll l'" ,Tf ilM.led to Hie rle are reirH'e'' ' 'J, Hie aiiMiutd of ilielr lmlfllte''l", " f'-riliwim. . , n tais ttiit T 110 MVS VV, IIIK-" urifiai urui.;y,,,r' ITMire fiupffl. -t,1n, IHU day of Ocwbar.