Whan Yn Want A TAXI She r BOSTON NEW GRILL 99 Third Av. id a hurry The Latest in Itestaurants. Phene Private Hoses for Ladies and Party Use. Beet Oar and Bast Service PRINCE RUPERT Beat Food, Beat Service, In tha Oliy. Rates Reasonable "Take Her to the Boston." Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. VOL, Mil;, .NO. -19, GERMANY SEEMS TO BE ABOUT BREAKING UP BIOLOGICAL SUBSTATION LIKELY TO s BE ESTABLISHED HERE BEFORE LONG Rhineland Breaks Away from Germany And Republic Declared AIX l..-ClliPPELLK. O. I. Leo Derken, untl Dr. (iiillmrdl. yesterday proi luimed Ilium-laud ; republic. Nut u drop if liluiid was -h-d although Die sepai .i- i; M Uuk Oscssioii of the city hall and various public buildings j nd contract public sen ire. ; Tli regular olne ranged lhernclcs on Hie sole of the! rpuldir. which i now makuiK il regime effccliv throughout j irtually Hit entire zone occupied y Prance and Helgiiuii. I Joseph Mulllo'"., separatist leader. ha set lip general li -.id- ! MORE HALIBUT REACHES PORT '' Weather Better on Banks-Prices Still Hleh but Declined Thle Wornlna earlier ha uii.i mnl mi Hie I ...i'jil hank and I In- total of c ul ill Hie I ih KiHiaiitf" s tii'irtnntf i;;.iioo ihiuimI . us- hiyher Ihan fr efral ilayx C.iiiieiueiilly. lite prire. itU tll COI llerlilifvl ; !;ed Ui wrek. Ini tiiual il lies", i.,per, were liglii i. l.iyltt Anieriean -h'" j lot. 201 Miund ai w jihan. Jw . n n. i -h . ali, and al, American II tt t.:'00 iHHin.l- u ' i t. l (Or. ami Ann.i J f- al Itr.Je it I . : I I: I" olierie I lun.t- I IN hi K-ral. Il.tMiO i.. ir !- a! 'H '.' a id I0e, and Ann i . ,i "i y uinUT al IH.'- an. 1 1 I . I anadlan rVli I " d ' r-t:gs' li. Tahoma. 13,000 m.ui l al 'HVc ami I Or, and forward, Ij ii iiiinl al I 'J .ti- aii'l I j- l u ;:r Itoval I ih tU.. I'aunma, al.noo i--ito J al "J ir Hiid He, to the ADin I Mi C lr, Sal He. SU.000 pound- a IH!ti f::i lor. lo Hie I'aeifie 1 iclienes Canadian W I" lj.000 innind a' li a: I Mr, ami llennell. Kill pnundi a' t?r and lie lo the I unadian l ush ,V Uold Horace Co. COLUMBIA TO RACE CANADIAN SCHOONER HALIFAX NEXT WEEK Henry Ford Gives Up Race Allowing Other Boat to Win by Default OLOUCKsi'l KJL M10.S., Oel. Thu eclipotier Henry Ford. Iat ears rhalletitfer, unit the race after the third mark ami left lie new chiioiiei Columbia winner by default of the eliiuiualiim are 0 decide which will meet Hie Canadian boat off llalffat next uerk for Hie fohinK I'oal ieed chauiplouship of the North Atlantic. MAYFLOWER BREAKS SHAFT ON HALIBUT BANKS AND RETURNS;!?--"- I?'! The Cuuadiuu halibut schooner Mayflower, Capl. II. Ihompsiin. returned from' Ihe fishiiiK IIIlN eti banks tfalurduy afteriioou In tow of the home al 71 Indian lluau, loionm. Miss King Is well known here schooner llennell. The former ri-i.ri ...... r 1 ,.. 1.. on',,,!,! 1,1 Terrace. Hie luuglii .111 account of u broken shaft and is l' Hie dry dock ululergoln ,.,.1.. 1. .. .. .. . . ,, Bavaria Also May Separate 22. The eparaii.s led Ia jntmrlris al Duereu. Tin- Trench' I ami IMaiaus placed Hie lele-j 'lliiiii- system u( Iheir diioal inf i ! keep In clic loueh with I llii ir niowinetils throughout ! HIiiiiflaiMl. LONDON. Oct. Ji. The HHr ir'"'hr' K w- J"" h ,l" , '" hM, T" tmMny- ,tc- jeoitllinr lii a llertin dcsuilrli. MANF.NCK, Cerinany, Del. ?. Hliiiielmid forces entered the eily lino morning bul mH with reilun-,' when ilo-y iilliMiioledi inrujiy (lie uy linli Tw eiarai were woimUed in lie eYrlianjre of li-.l JAMES R. MITCHELL EbbbbVHbbbbbVbbbbbCI BBk BBBBJ UbBbbHbbbbIbE rune, iieiweeu llie iwo 01 iiirni.iiii ll""v ' ' ... ,,..,.... .... Henell and Mnyflower hud J00 occasionally visiting IHIhco Hu v - ' of fi!i. ' pert. Popular v antif nrlu. ,,H,,,f'irjnTiTiniJC rnmn ttid or iun aihlene of uis eily rtllilUIlO rAVUK Wll" in recniliB mc J 'pj4t , uin- 1 1. , p nf liu friend on tin sur- . . . : . I. .. Ik ..I ce nil aiiiiimii$ iiu- iiuriivmi i Arl deare at the l.'nierity o) II.C. Mr. Miirhell, who has lied 111 Prince Ituperl frmit boyhood, received hi- ; I'lllilie and High School educalinn here ami is nuw a member nT the lis-al leaehiii): !lan. He is j Ihe oldest miii of Mr. ami .Mrs. John It. .Mitchell, ;0U NiuHr Arnue Fast. MISS LILIAN KING MARRIED AT TORONTO Becomes Bride of Benjamin Bruce Reddltt al Wydlffe Chapel Curds have been sent out by Mr. Mild Mis. William King of Terrace announcing the marriage r ilieir dauuliter Miss Lilian Unite nn took place al V)cllffe Chapel. Toronto, on October 10, and Mr. and ---- Mrs. lle.l.litl will make . their . the rll)' "fhools and since g I. g eiisl. she has spent her l'"" 'i.. t ., wt III her parents, also PRINCE A SUGGESTION FOR ARMISTICE DAY BY THE ARCHBISHOP As Armistice Day will he Sunday. November II. and il is. customary throughout Hie lirili-li Umpire l observe the two minute Mlcuce exactly at II o'clock he Archbishop of Canterbury suggests thai service" in rliureh on that day should begin al 10.15 a.m. .. I pass thl suggestion on l thrtse congregation utiiih uually meet al 1 1 m.iii. K. ii. iuM:hm:t. Vii til,ilini ,,f Cule.iiMiia. IN CITY IN COURSE OF COAST INSPECTION TOUR . Found, aulanl ilepuly r fev nf fiherie, Ottawa, and Ma, J. A. Motherwell, chief in. "r of filierieH, Vanroiiver.' a -a in Ihe eily in Ihe course of a Ki' "fill iioperlion tour of Cana. la ii I'aeifie eial fiherie. They sireued on Ihe fiherie patrtd earner Ojwnchy Salunlay een-ft after hat in? pen a week on he voye up Hie eoat. vi.itin iiimi'I of the point where filiin;: eaified on. Timitlil Ihey will ail for Hie Xaa lliver and on rhe return outh will 1il iarl-ner Canal and Knihl Intel, two 'ooinlv Ihey lniil roniin? up, Tln niurniiiir Ihey vi.ited Hie jinaroie olation al, Di?ly llaml and (his afleriionu will iuperl Hie Iwo eniier. le'lnv huitt al he dry dock for Ihe department. I) I Mr. Fonn T regular -riniiiiiil iio'peeHoii tour 'of the roal. ESKIMO'S MURDERER Claim Made That the Dwellers In Far North Do Not Understand White Man's Law TOHONTO. Oct. 2'.'. At least seeu petitions demanding slay of execution of two llskimos re- cenlly convicted of murder in the Arctic are being circulated here for signatures. The general argumeul is Hint the Kskimo.s do not understand while man's laws ami that it t least one of the prisoners is only sixteen years of age. 11 is suggested that de finite action be postponed until at leas! next spring when copi-muuicatiou iu Hie Arctic reopens. PRINCE IS GIVEN OVATION ON RETURN Is Officially Announced He Will Visit South Africa Next ' Spring LONDON, Ocl. 22. A considerable crowd assembled outside York House on .Saturday and gave Hie Prince of Wales an ovu lion on his return from Canada. II is olllclally announced that the Prince of Wales will visit South Africa next spring completing the lour of thu Duminlous IIUPKUT, H.U., MONDAY, OCTOHKIt 28, IU2:t. s8h Ilungarv s furemot slalonian. Dunt Albert Apponvi and ln daughter, (illlllles M;irika. arrived on this continent recently. lie i to deliver a .eries of lectures on Ktirovun , affairs Biological Station be Established here is to Aid Fishing Industry llciug the nio-l 1111 Mirlant deep sea fishing port 011 the Pacific coast of Canada, Prince lluperl or the immediate vicinity of the eily will undoubtedly be being planned by the liiologicul Hoard of the Department of Fisheries staled V. A. Found, assistant deputy minister of fisheries, in an interview this tnorifing with the Daily Nvws. Nut only will research work in connection with the fisheries be conducted at the station but lectures and motion pictures will be given and general educational for the otllcers of Hie fisheries' department and the fishermen in order to seno the industry frwm all standpoints. Power and water supply will be necessary for such a station ami the site will have lo be selected accordingly. The Hiological Hoard is about to make an investigation into Hie character of a building lo be creeled ami its .surroundings. explaining further details iu connection with the extended scope (f the Hiologjcal Hoard which is lo be dlccled ami which was indicated last week when the announcement of the appointment of John Dybhavn of this eily lo that board was made, Mr. Found slated thai Ihe object was lo make the functioning of Hie board more intimate and useful lo Ihe" actual industry. Heretofore, Ihe Hoard has consisted of university men named by the minister, but now 11 is to comprise representative of the industry from the Pacific and Atlantic coasts and a member of the Department of Fisheries will also be added. Particular attention will be jfkeu lo the practical cud of Ihe .Industry such as Ihe catching of fish and its preparation for market. SINKING. AT SEA NF.W YOIIK, Oil. 22. - The, united fruit, passenger steamer Saugill out from Hostou for Havana, reported by -radio this morning she is siiikiug' In heavy seas southwest ofMuhiaicn, Powerboat P.H.T.'went on the dry dock at noon .today for rud dor repair. bbb! MurUl't to the sit" of a new siib-.tutiou now facilities will be made available CUICT DI A MT Limn ruuu IS DESTROYED Fire Does Big Damage at Sap-perton: Cattle are Rescued by Cowboys VANCOUVF.ll, Oct. 22. Damage estimated at u quarter of u million miliars was caused by a speclacular fire which destroyed Ihe main buildings of the Swift Canadian Packing plant at Sap per! on today. The main plant, killing beds, refinery, and lard ami tallow storage buildings were consumed. There were spectacular scenes when the large boiling vats of lard fell from the third floor to the hide room where a lage slock of sheep hides were destroyed. Two hundred head of callle were recued by two cmvboys iu a sensational man ner. MANY SOCKEYE EGGS BABINE HATCHERY OTTAWA. Oct. 22. The dc parlmeiit of marine ami fisheries reports collecting nearly 8,500.-000 sockeye salmon eggs from Habiue Lake hatchery on the upper Skeena Itiver. The collection exceeds those of previous year and In addition to fish that wero stripped for hatchery purposes, a sulllclcut number ascended thu creeks after llie fences were re-nioVed to abundantly seed the. uatural spawniuy grouudi. Circulation 1721. t si ate. Total Fish Pack for Season is Approximately Million and Quarter Cases says Inspector The -allium jmek in Di-lrict No. 2 liu beeji very .alisfactory iliii !eaon and there i no indication of the depletion of the fisheries particularly u far a itkeye i- concerned, slates Major J. A. MoUierwell, chief inpeclur of fiherieif who' is in the city Ualay- in the cour.-e or an inpction tour of the coa.l with V. A. Found, aji-laut deputy niiuinler of .filiexie.. The total pack for the coast this eaon will be iu the neighborhood of 1,".'.'0,000 cae, practically the same total a Iat j ear. Sockeye fishing lia be?n good on the Skeena Hiver and at ltierf Inlet and Smith Inlet., The Fraer Itiver iack has been ' I A PI) A 1 P 117 1 TP and li A.nl A I WAlVI4 very small the Naa niver tUMj has alM. been di.appoinlin;?. Ir.U1,JL,Unl regular cockeye packs on the; If MAT O 1 fV Naa.. Itiver of lale year are dif- ficull lo account for, slated! .Major .Motherwell. Tlii year the I lotaloack of sockeye for Hie Naas was set al 10,5 51 cases as coin- pared with 4i big pack of 30,000 case.s last year. Practically all Hie canneries on power boat Joy Hird, Capt. J. Ihe coa are now closed and, Thomas, is leaving port IhU af-Major .Motherwell gave the fid-'lernooii to search for the Dig Hay lowing estimated Tigures or the'LunnVr Co.'s gasboat Wake pack fur the year up to Septein-jwhich has been unheard. of .for lcr 30: the past fortnight. The assumo- District No. 1. Sockeye .. ..Cases 27,36 springs 7.7VT3 JUtkUTck Sleeliiead . iv .1 Cohes 10, I'inks 63.219 Chums J. 5.153 Total rases IM.0i2 Naas' River Sockeyo ... .......caes IC.Sit ' priugs .. 890 Sleelheads Colioes Pinks . S 1.30a Chums ... J3.237 i Tfdal cases 89,912 Sheen River Sockeye .. ..-..cases 120.775 Springs ... - 10.837 Sleelheads 253 Colioes 29.311 Pinks I29.t57 Chums 12.CC I Total eases 303,293 Rivers and Smith's Inlet Sockeye cases 112,350 I Springs 508 Colli H'S 1,522 Pinks .. 10.055 Chums 3.212 Total cases 127,737 DIsL 2, Other Points Sockeye cases -3.150 Springs .. 2,202 Sleelheads 389 Colioes .. 10.318 Pinks 128.718 Chums 113,081 Total cases 281.218 - District No. 3 Sockeye cases 18.031 Springs 1 03 Hluebacks 117 Colioes 29,893 Pinks. '13,212 Chums 22,320 , Total cases 110,077 .Coast Totals Sockeye - ..ease? 318.088 Spring . 22,753 Hluebucks 277 1 Sleelheads . 1,079 jCohoes ... 1.810 Pinks 118,310 Churns 180,000 Total cases 1.035.920 The total pack on the coast in 1922 was 1,21)0,320 cases, ami iu IVI9, t.393,150 cases. L. W. Palinore'returued lo thu city by last night's train after spending the past fortnight in New- Hazeltou on a combined business and pleasure trip. PRICE FIVE CENTS. I .A 111 I I ntll Pt Powerboat Joy Bird Despatched South to Search For Missing Big Bay Boat .Hon is that Hie Wake has been disable, and that she was forced to take shelter at some point. The .yifl4.JJ'.W rl... 1 -.r 'ii---- ' 1 iic ar leu nere i o WTfeks i'Jl'ao lomorrow for Caseby. one of the company's logging camps in Princiie Channel about 100 miles south of here. She had on board Chris "Dixon, logging siiper- ifnleudenl of the eotnpany. and (;orge iibon. of the mill staff. Wigwam, Capt. K(rium, went south to search for the "missing vessel but was unsuc- f"1' ",e iuest. EMPIRE STATUS IS DISCUSSED Imperial Conference Deals With Knotty Problems of United Action LONDON, Ocl. 22. The per- 'plexiug ituestion of the Kin pi re's foreign policy it is understood will be discussed by the Imperial Conference iu three phases. First will come Hie question of what extent a single policy on all foreign questions is possible ami with that will be allied (ho further question as to how far 'should Ihe responsibility of the Dominions extend with regard lo policies in which they arc not directly interested. If the conference decides that united foreign policy is desirable or possible then will come discussion as to the machinery lo be adopted. The third phase will be H13 signing of international treaties. MAN BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN DROWNED George Turnbull, Fireman on Steamer Prince John, Missed Sunday Morning (leorge Turnbull, fireman on the steamer Prince John, is believed to have been drowned off .that vessel -early Sunday morning shortly after the steamer left this port bound for the Queen Charlotte" Islands, According to wireless messages received here, Turnbull was missed on tho steamer between Petrel Hock and Lucy Island. Constables J. A. Collins of Masselt, who was oil board of the vessel, took charge Of the case. The body was not found.