PA8I IX 95c Three Specials Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 1 The Demand For Whole Wheat Bread Is Increasing. Our customers now usinif it are enthusiastic over its quality ami appetising flavor. Try a Loaf Today From your Grocer or from the ElectricWindow Bakeries Yoii can't get that flash heat so necessary to baking cakes utiUr you use clean Coal. CONSUMFJIS COAL, cleaned free from choking shalo, burns brightly. It sends clean heal direct to llio oven steady heat which si aye. Our Coal is free from soot'. , Consumers Coal Go. Ltd . .Phones 7 and 311, 95c Heather Mixture Rib Wool Hose, in brown and green h?allier; sizes HVt io 10. Special, per pair 95c All Wool Cashmere Hose, blacks, browns', greys, sands; sizes 8'i lo 10. Sjecial, per pair 95c Drop Stitch Art Silk Hose, garter tup; a dressy -flocking, in bruvVn, Murk ami white. Special per pair ...... 95c .Mail Orders promptly executed. We pay delivery charge. H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. We Prepay Mail Orders. Phone 9. Telephone Specials Shop by Phone to Save Time aii'l Money. Note Phone Specials Only. Granulated Sugar, 9 lbs. or 3 $1.00 (Limit IS. b. to each cujdoriierlj Washing Sofja, G lb, for 25c Limit lig lb. to each customer,. Obi Dutch Cleanser,,; a for ,25c Sunlight Soap, carton. . 25c Feb Naptha Soap, carton .. . .... ... 90c Maple Leaf Matches, pk?e. A 35c Wild Ho!; or Snow-flake Vl'jUtry Flour, 10 lb. sack fi.r .1 50c Itluet jbatrl CaUup. Hejr. 00c. Ph'o'ne eperial . . 40c Canada Cortt i Starch, pkire. for ..... i';V 10c While Slo. Laundry Starch, pkjre. ... I . . . 10c Itoser' Syrup, 5's .... 55c in' $1.05 IXaporaled Apricots, lb. 20c Kvaporaled Peaches lb, 20c Rupert Table Supply NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. BURNS LAKE SCHOOL. SEVU.D TKMiKKg. rn&.rw-d "TrnifcT for Burn utr selwiul. will Vr rereired by Die llmmurable the Vlnoirr f Public j works ep in 1? orltirk norni f Thura day, the t.tb day of ortober. UtJ. for (the and roniplellon of a three-jruura Srbuol with basement and outhouse, 'at Burn. Lake, in the Omlneca Electoral Uljtrlct, B.C. run, ?periflratln. Conlrirt. nd form of Tender may be seen on and after the lllh dar f Ortober, tiJ. and further Information obtained at Ihe Department of Public Work. Parliament Build-lnr. and ai the orrires of the ftoveronienl Aa-enU at SmltherM and l'rlnre George. :ople of' Plan, fpertf lea Hons, ete.. ean tie obtained rrrun th Department on paynieut of a depotlt of Ten Dollar (I0.00 . htrh mill be refunded on their return In rood rendition. The kmet or any tender Dot nere- (Mrtly accepted. r. riiiur. Public Vrk Enirineer. Tlie Department of Public Works. Victoria, B.C. Ortober 4th. IMS. Loggers 5 Prospectors BOOTS Men's Fine Shoes from $4.50 - i Men's Crown Calf Shoes, In Ooodyear Welt, will or narrow toe, from $5.50 Hand Made Loggers' Boots ; frirni 1 i , $8.50 REPAIRING, GEO. HIL.L The Shoeman. Next St. riegi Cafe. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Kniprcsa Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Sleam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. 1 1 8 Tlie'UtlUDolierly Conduit dwtuitfdii'nrv lied piano, Sewing Machines, Piur.jc, Phonographs and Player I'iaucs For Hcnt by Week or Month. Wste's Husir, Slnrp, lid. ALASKA IS POINTING FINGER AT PROVINCE Says Buslnes In Pulp Which Is Hers Goes to British I Columbia the use of spruce logs from (lie Canailian One -u Charlutte Islands for making pulp and paper in an American Puget Sound pulp ami paper mill is a matter that ought lo reociu at tention from those who are inttk. inp contracts for the salt of pulp limber in Alaska, says the Juneau hmpire. The company (hat is purchasing these loss owns a mill. on Ptigft Sound, and last year, wishing lo double its output r paper, sought a satisfactory roiitract front the government for the purchase of. pulp timber in Alaska, intending, if successful, to buibl the ton-km mill, required to double it producing capacity, up here. It was nol satisfied with a contract I hat pro. vtded for the readjustment of the selling price of timber every five years without the purchaser bav in.- a right to be a party lo the readjustment. Instead of buihl-insr a paer mill in Alaska it doubled the .-ize of its Puget Sound mill. Now it i purc'ias. injr loss inMlrilish Columbia and towing them 100 or 'SOU miles to its Pugel Sound mill. This would seeni to hi a con crete case where Canada has pro fited and Alaska has Miffercd be cause the contract offered by the American government fo (he sale of pulp limber does not pro. vide one price for tiimVr for the entire period of the tiiuberlaud lase. TAX REDUCTION IS PLANNED IN STATES May Lower Surtaxes But Not Likely Incoirte. Tax will be Changed Lji . - WASX(iTt)., ()et g1Uii,n !ideralion is heins ien Jy the Coolide aduiinilralion tb Hi; ijueslion of tax revision at tlip connns s"smn of lousress. lUt lalet (ilan t he discussed is a biweroiB "f Ihe mrome lattf all atonp Ihe line Thj Woiibl in. FULLtR S ATKINS People's Providers. 1 . 1". l y : - . . . t",.llV '' '" SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Swill's llreakfast liacon, sliced, per lb 46c li.C. Hjtks. guaranteed, pr iloz 50c Local l''s, per doz . . . 70c (allou Jars Chow Pickles, lie?. Special for cah $1.65 2 tins Sardines ami one tin Kippered llerriu? for 25c Cheesp, Ontario, freh, per Hi 35c Corn on Cob, in tins. Special ... 35c Freh pork Sausage, lb. 25c We have in slock at all times live chicken ami fowl. We will kill and dress I In-in for you, Apple Special, This Week Only, Fancy Mcintosh lied, per box $2.65 EXTRA SPECIAL. 1 lb. of Cocoa and 3 of Fresh Ground Coffee, all for $1.00. Potatoes -tirade "A," Marly lto. per sack .,. . . $1.50 Potatoes -Orade "A", while, per sack $1.75 Phone 45 and 574. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 to . Phone 618. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointment. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. , Coal, Sand and Gravel. We 8peclallza In Piano and Furniture Moving. TBI DAILY IflWI Mondsr, October 2S, 193 M. like the Extra Cream lp the Fniser Valley, in Ihe centre or a dairyin? dilrirl, is a shop whitdi ells In'meudous lunnlilies of Pacific Milk. It seem that reral pmpert and iual lo'King ramps are workiinr in the hills brhittd this town. Its proprietor says he sell about leu rases of Pacific Milk to one of ull Ihe others combined. Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver, B. C. Factories at Ladner and At-botsford, B. C. elude lowering tf sur.axes oil larjjre incomes and reductions on the laxes of Ihe pervm of sintill income. Secretary Mellon is giv ing attention to a plan of tins kind and may recommend it to Congress. becrelary. Mellon ha recently been told by some of the leaders in Congress that it is useless for him io try lo gel surtaxes on big income lowered, leeause neither House nor Senate will' stand for the proposition. In view of this dilation, then: are some, advo cates of reduced surtaxes who lake Ihe view that Ihe jMililie way to succeed is to lower taxes all along the line. The tax itictioii, in view of Ihe outcry airain-l high laxe. promies to be acute when Congress meets. II i improbable, however, thai any plan to lower; Ihe surtaxes oa great incomes will be approved by Congress. II may reduce (axe on the small taxpayer ami keep llm-e on the! wealthy at the ame figure they ure now..cVIorevver. there will be a slroiig moveip-nt l revive Ihe excess .profit lax and lo iupoe a heavy ami graduated inherit ance tax. ) much comw1nt,6n canadian finances New York Paper Speaks of Vigor of Canada and Says This Is a Rich Country NKW VOIIK, Oct. 22.-- The fact that Ihe Canadian people Mib- eribed Almost the entire 20U.- 0U0.000 of the recent government loan so the Sun and (ilole; Dial it devote an editorial lo admiration of the "vigor" of Canada. After noting that Canadian In vestors look more bonds than the government needed lo sell. Ihe paper says that Ihe country did not seem lo need even Ihe small amount of outside subscriptions thai were received. Candians have a rich country, it says, adding: "They have a banking and monetary system which the pro. fesors of economics used to hold up us an example in our days of annual stringencies ami de cennial picnics. The combina tion of stimulating opportunity in the liiinl with shrewd solidarity in the' people gives Canada its power lo overcome strain and to goon growing while a great part of the world can do no more than gasp for local h. The outcome of llii; loan offering suggests Caua dian credit and industry will rapidly become self-sufficienl NAYAL MEN ATTENDED SERYICE ANGLICAN CHURCH YESTERDAY Headed by tin; band of Hie North H.C. IteKimcnl. some fifty officers and men of H.M.O.S. de slroyer Patrician and mine sweeper Thiepval paraded to inoriiinir servien it I SI. Amlrew'M Anglican Church yesterday when 'Archdeacon fi. A. Illx ilelivcred a sermon appropriate for the occa ision. Reference was made lo the fact that the dav was Ihe annl versnry nol only of Hie Hatlle of iiegina ireuch hut also the Hallle of Trafalgar. The National An them was sung and "The Lasj Post" was sounded by Hiigler W fiance. ; 'MnrrU Corklll arrived in Ihecitv j'lfoii Ojiean Fallsjm the Gnrdenn SWANSON BAY Iteceiver (liles, accompanied by Melville Dollar. arrird here Sat-urday morning. Mr. (Jiles returned lo Vaneomer on Monday. Ian Stewart returned lo Van couver on Friday iiiorniiiK' "J bout. Mr. and Mrs. Walter U. Ilen- nin? have returned (o Clio Hay. Kitiinaat Arm. Mi?s Irene l.ifkliart it uesl of her patenli, Mr. Mr?.. T. boekhart. the and I.usl Wednesday evening vvh the opening uf.lhc Court Whist tournament, which i (being slag. ed by Ihe Social Club. There wa an exceptionally large attendance and the ladie' prize was won by Mrs. Chandler, the gentlemen's going to - K. Laugis. Among thoe present were Mr. ami Mrs. II. II. Mr Adam, Mr. and Mrs. Hert MacKay, Mr. and Mrs. T. I.ock-liarl. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler. Mr and Mr. Waller (. limning. Or. and Mr. Street, Mrs. Street.- Miss Smith, Mrs. Powers; Messrs. I..I lleiuies.ey, K. l.augis, Dan Ste- wai-i. II. Harrison, Avon. 1. S. iiiiern, Kircheuer, 11. Whalen. I Jack Ark ley, Mactluigau. (iu Larson ami other.. WHO IS SHE? Widespread iulere! ami com- jnetit i bdiig raned throughout iMimoiM ny ine amazing lire story of "The Wonderful llendtio" in I he Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. The heroine of Ihe story is 15 remarkably beauti ful young woman of romantic and Iragir hitory. whose picture in colors is being given free lo Mibrrilers of the Family Herabl and Weekly Star. When one con siders thai the subscription price of this bix "Si page family and farm journal is only -im per year, one is amazed by I lie v alue received, bul with a magnificent picture thrown in, the value Ik indeed superlative. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT Of BRITISH COLUMBIA. In Ihe Waller of The VJtoll.lrIMi .Vcl: and III the Miliar i.r lite (Male "f (.rottr iirl.wh. iereard InlrOile. T.VkC ViTH t Hut la Order ..f III lOxttur f. MrB. Vimua. nude the llh do i.r ifr1.4T, '. IIJ. I ma .pi-anlcl lroiislraiir of llir. Uc 4rf . tjeorav orbieli.' $lni, ia4 ill 'parti, hatlnit Uim, aali-l Ihe j.4id brreto reiwlrrl to frtnh;ie, lti4rty terifierl to Aiii fa ,ur brfe lbe. t)th tkii At vnvii.jK-r. t.o. tri and ail. UrtM- Id drblrd .tUlk Mlale are reqiijrtd I'J! Hie anHmdrVof .'Ipeir lirlblefgwl. U ne forth nit. 5. .. THom w Htllr offii(Cdiuinltralnr. PfliH-e Iftperl. 9jt: luted Ihl 1Mb dar of "ruber, ttf. FARMERS' Meat Market A shipment of llulkley Valley Hcef ami Mutton vifll arrive for Ibis week end. Look at These Prices I lloiliug Heef, per lb. ... 6c Shoulder Kuast, 8c and 10c Choice Itoasls .... ... 15c Hi la Sleakp 12'c Slew Heef .. .,, 8c Veal Stew ... ... ..... 8c Veal Itoasl ... ... ... 12c Mutton Stew ... .. ... So Shoulder Million ... .. 15o Legs Mutton ... ... .. 28o Sausage 166 Hamburger 15c Oainers Dry Salt Pork 25 o (ialners' llreakfast Hacon, taking the piece .... 40o VALENTIN'S DAIRY NOW OPEN Phone 81 DAILY DELIVERIES EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS ED80N COAL In any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phons CS. Phone 376 The House SO" Best T targe Ir-ds. I'roc, per yunl 80M Bleached Sheeting Uial w ill give n very great tun wear and l.ninder well. Prire per yunl . . . WHITE TERRY TOWELS, lleavv W hile Ten v Towels. i'O" e(o b . Verv Ib uvy Whtt Terr Tnwe., ;." ". each tt" lleavv (Jtmlilv 1'ilb'w Tubing, er yard FLANNELETTE BLANKETS. Klanuclelte HlaukeK vvliite or gre)-- .M'" X T2 ' . $3.25 pair. x T2" 3.50 pair 7u" Si" 4.25 pair. PhoneJ76 of Quality British Made Twill Sheeting o Grade n.ltlih British Mart Made fihitatlnn. Sheeting. .ml,,i.. -Vr $1.10 :' f $1.25 75c 85c 55c UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. "Outfitters to Whole Family." W e I'repj v M - (Ji dcr Sal fui ioti or Mottev lir a. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 Dorothy Dalton In The Siren Call" A bile r n -i . best- d men and brave liruried in tin goldiicld- i ti trtiien uorlli. Dance had i-Thrilling no !:c:,t-. m. titmg goiiip 01 r lite r.dt HupHrtiup iiirludc DAVID POWELL and MITCHELL LEWIS. Hall Room Boys Comedy (Percy and Ferdle) ."The Dumb Walters." PATHE REVIEW. Admission 35c and 10c COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE, RUPERT and PRINCE OCORQE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermedial Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR 8TEWART 8ATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Oct. 17, Nov, 3, 17 at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leae Trlnee tinner! ; p.m for HllSr.t OLOfcOC EUMU.MUS, WJ1 a l r t.o, all jsiinu t.aiern Mnadt, l'uiV state. AOINCY ALL OCUN STCAMIHIf LINK. Cllv Tltltt Offlta, S2S Thlf t, frleta Rvpart. Phao ZM CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Scrvicct Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCE8S MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, October 5, 12, 23) November 2, 16, 30 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and 8kagway, October 1, 8, ID, 29 November 12, 28 S.S. PRINCES8 BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Belle, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all 8teamshlp Lines. tFull Informalion from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sallinn From prince Rupert. for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Ocaan rail., tn Swanaon Bay, Tuiif. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Ba,, ana Swanaon B, SalurOr foe ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walat Iitan4, Sunda r.. roe rORT SIMPSON and Ntia Cannarlai, m.a, A.M. 8tJ n1 Aenua. i. BarnUay, Af.nU Prince Bupert. fa HEATER TIME IS HERE lino .Make your seleclion earlv while utir is eomiiliilu All .i.i.. i j I SlO rl I. ..ii. . "il3 uii oi"-ei r i it ii ii iiiiiiii tiini 1..E..1. it i - r .,! .d kvi Ji u"" "in iv iiueu. iiriceu iiimhm i iz.BO to $45.00. liny now mill have jour, oc.m-r rcauy tor llio first cold Htinp. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. , P.O. Box 1646, 00ThWv.. T.I.