.niter I Oefober 22, ma It it not afwavs th hith cost of living which make your punc 10 thin; it it jult at likely to b the herd work of thinking. You know people who teem to get better thinu than you do without ipending any mora money, The reason for this it no ecret. Wise shopper! do not neglect good oppof tunit.es. ? 4 To-dy is someone's oppor tunity to ttock up with cloth' ing. food and luxuries, for the autumn i sales are begin ning. The stores arc clearing their shelves to make room for new stock. Watch for the announce' ments of these autumn sales and of the goodi that must be moved not because they lack quality but that the stores' turnover requires that they give way to the requirements for the succeeding season. You can effttt many a, uvir thai will Itow you many a, luaury tr day aiitr to-morrow by watchinf lb dvrtimnti in tht daily rppM durir thu Muon of tfcwl mfrthanJiM ofm. Th tbit 0 rtadinc the 4vr titir cokimnt t your homt pfr 11 rvf more valuabk than tkirxni tWi wucn bctwn autumn and READ THE Montr 9oo4i Mo nor Lom4 TIMBER SALE X SS01. fnuirf r trtrw4 lrU m i IIm Ism dr )! m-nlM-r. l I'lirrtrtM- u tJrrrr ft0, HI, '.MM fert ij llmilioli M b4 14 .oo lilwoi rr1 or 0lr - 1 1 till, tna 11:. luiit . 1 I IMMrHL w mi vw mtw m r-t nt it I r inulitf, H't!,-Uf"- " lh ".hlt ro- I. K.' TIMBER SALE X SM7. ::i i Wfrrrd (r Mb tl tthttr I Itv l- do r " Iff III lh arf INr rt l Miiiltfi. Ihr Ijrfwe lr nt irl-liw Itm, AO ' i tr wHii ti. lw mI InoikUrr nl IliofO I ttt lon4 lU- rrtn ilt tllooH for rr- ittn,Ur' 4 Ox- nor It- TIMBER SALE X 6553. .I TrtRWrt vni tie ttftn r l- tl lo.t It VlrfirU. 0 Mier im nt u llm Alt of tvtutior. i : l rwiTtUke U UmK tt.Kot irntira T. m on ore til, nure 1. tJ'l Mot Jl,l !'- I'iprl, HT. TIMBER BALE X 650. M intorr will IP inriini irj I .. , . . . I . . h.J I . i . oixoi l the twl Ht nf Smrmtoer, tnr th MirrlUM" f Llrrnre X . t Jif4 Jirt.ltn tiKl pr Tt, iv tliuaiMt rieor Mwrti'iii, nnrr 'l I.Vh) lll.lrlrl. t .ram aill lie ttbei fur r- l :l Im.l-, ntilw-r itritruUr f lb rjitrf rre- .-lirU. , nr llie iiinri irr-I'MIKO Huprrt, B.C. TIMBER SALE XS402. lt TflMler will t rerrtvrtl by to 1 XT of Und, al Victoria, iwt Uir ' lMi on the rlh iUT or. HIT IIM" IHIITUaUkf li IJITIHr t t ,oou ioiajafM Tli" on airtlun 4t LI III I . .,l a7 "T ,1 . lUnHl . UUM t vrar lll t alli.med fnr rr- I of liiutr iirih4r iiarilrnlar of the r.hW rir-- v irinria. n.C . or liltlrtrt rerrl,r. niiiwri, B.r,. TIMBER SALE X 8S0S. "t-t i,f Lain1, at Victoria. tt later f'Kn on Hk fih lar of ortvlier, I fur Ihr tiurrhiwi it Llrritrc X 1S. a ii ,1,1m lark i i n. inn pnnm I arfa miiiaml ivar lrow. aanre , I IHOflrt, ' i )af lll I aiKit r re-it of lui.br, iritwr iiarllrulan of lt fblrf rrr Victor a. ll.C. or nlrtrt rorrier, ' nniwlt B.C. TIMBER BALK X B44B. 'toil Tcmlfni Will tx r-flcJ liy Ho-r or Uml, al vu-lwrla. not Ulr ik m nu iim ftli for tlw Mirrliao u via mill iaiiniiiai ted uruicr inrtlrntari. or tlte Qilcf iv.rr- iiru.ru, in:, or MMriri ririrr, ' niiiiwi, H c, TIMBER BALE X B6t. laut . ...in a . . -.4 . m. el. -"i "i VMMJ.Tr iniiHTi mill III l rrcrhca rririiru tor uj FORMER ALDERMAN OF PRINCE RUPERT INTHE LIMELIGHT W. U. Clayton la Dlecuaaad .t Edmonton In Halation to Liquor Queetlon Dr. W. K, Clayton. forrnery Alderman here and who practiced here for a number .'if year a a denlM ha been jrolting inlo limli(:hl al Edmonton. Apparently be ,a urillen n leec lo the lltiiniiliiii Journal advocating Ihe H.t:. ayMem of ,p,a. Iiik Willi lh. i(jiir. Irani,, Wlir, hn been angered ,y a lady. The an.wer iu follow. , The Latter Editor Tio Journal. Slr--Pleae W hip roiifinn the statement in my Idler some lime ago entitled "Ashamed nf OM llonc.- Hip truth of which wa rliallenvfil by inn . n v Mnwal of Vancouver, ami V. Jt Clayton nf Penlirloii. Since writiiiK dial letter. 1 inP ),,.,... sludyintr reliable literature ami Hie H.:. stnvenrmenl reports on the ale of liiiimr anl I fin.l that condition under Kovcrnmenl control are far worse llian I deeried in my firt leller. Our frleml. Mr. .Mown I would have 11 lliei. 1 1ml Kotprnmctil control of lupinr i a ucee in Is.c. He ay: "I hate een timre drunken men in Edmonton in a slnjde afternoon or evening t ti at I have in Hie v. bole of II.C. in is nionlliM." .Now. Mr. Mnwal, I cliallcnce Mil statement. The following i Hie yovcrn-meiil report of llierati sales nf llijuor from Hie government one in Vancouver ciiy, your 1 .... I - . . f in iiiiiiir, nir iiiieen ami a nan llHllll eudintf Kenlemoor 30. l.3t,;s.ir,, or about eartil.oun iter moiiHi; ami I'enlir t'Ulom for ll.tl reiMirl Hie number of lill or part of .till, elfed in lt.( o tie 15. ft.C i railed by Miiueof thejr own newspaper "the iMMiileyiier para-di.e." Air. Mowat, If people dn not jrl drunk on lln-e great iuanilie. of iMMiie, what do I hey d with it? After Clayton I a I a .1 ..a il t tMri will I )kjmr4 fur ? iiii.py i ill4 iiMii.rr imh iiirjr tlar, drinking da ore liall-jraiiihlinir report of Alaoka ami Hie far north aie all 01 rouvh liewn riimlriielioii en-i ton, the home of W. . Clayton, liiely larking in Hie por?eju audi Hie ae were I 1 ,51 1.70 for elalMirale, will lie urprie when about fifteen month. Picture the irulli i reveale in a mam- Hie home deiroye and Hie in. tlh raii ettiiiK buill for1 b tin ifry rhildreii. .or doe tbi "llie Siren Oall." amount rover the amount eul Itomlliy ImIIihi, and on boolleir wliikey. In a year here tonight. and a half Hie roiiHiiUhiu-r of featuring "tiore" Casino," a the place i known in the Uir, i a lari:e! interior, wliirh ceiipie one-half of the lariiel enf(ii-il ludio liijie at the Paramount liidio. AdjoinliiK Hie main eaino in hotel lobby etliii. Al llie rear renter of the caiiio i u la;re, wliere Hie laiM'erafil' entertainer perform. Al Hie ef of the ulaye i a vloal loy firejdaee, a wale a the ide of W. II, t'.la1on, you ay ynu'an ordinary room. N'ext don'l know of any !) of fifteen' fireplace i the bar. to Hi or any other aye that return' On either ile of the lurire hall home o I heir mother at iiidlit nre bne, in the nalure of pri-drunk. Such a lalenifnl i loo vale romparlment, wliere the nb'iird for any inlcllitfcnl Al-jdanriiKr firl aul Hie fur-4iulbel berlan to te)ieve. liabilue of l!n place wine and A regard to Hie four men dine and revel. Itizurre deror. drinkinir openly on Hie train, myjalive ible( rillsree work add friend a they sol on the train )s:lamour lo the sreneral interior. htl a 11.41. town and llie conductor; It i in lbi rninn thai ome ak Hie men to remove lhe;of llie tnnl colorful icene of The Siren tlall" are enarled. ifu, nj) , or lor ooinri mi'.niH ipiiii hi iriinj oit -iw iih-im i,niiuMir n i"!!1, u imn- iiai. 1 m it Ii their Ikillle of iiooe ami Bin, a type or role imllar to and Ireallnp, the one.he played in "The Flame hut Ihe rar full of people. j of Ihe Yukon," llie memorable Mr. Clayton, you confe lhal picture by virtue of which she ton are not a leelotaler. I have became a erreen favorite alnml knnr.it nf people who dran and merniirhl. Uavid I'owell and were ahamed of il, hut for you Mitchell l.ewi have Hie principal lobe mi proud nf il that you pub- male role. lisb 11 in the paper, make u quite believe the report e hear U1U AC ApTlflN R w HIIUI! I J from lit:. Si you are curiou I., know Ihe name of Ihe town in MID-WFK (iFFFRINfi ll.i.. in which i irii-rmi in m lat letter. -My friend soys sue toe not wish hi diix'lo-e Ihe name of the place, for Hie re- peels Ihe feclintr of Ihe parent of llie hoys and grl vviin uriiiK. vole for . ... clause .v MltS. . T only. , SMII.KY. TIMBER BALE X4701. llie J, he tiili ilav rf ort4irc. linitu on l di I Ml .1v ttt , for tlw l.iirrtio,M txt I Irttir X wirrnnrii -- ..-o .. o II I 1 7. fill II JaW-h HI It a TTIakal art It All m UN nin I .I (yi ar.o. II... tx.a-lli la.a dtl 11M rt I Mil A llal.oo R fa .a. al llUtflrl . ivejUHI- Of, iiaiR I'lino l I Of llllilaaar rthr ttMriLiMiUeiM .r iha' riiur ravr. iHorm, nr.. nr Mtirlrt Fonner. fturtrL B.C. . . IfSf O" r"' J ' Aa at O 1 1 OM k . ,o rui 4V'i",.0.r.-.' C T'iu'ua . IZ uu of V'tu Mind.- H.. 4. c"r.vo"'i'! 'im 'im i .'""i ror re-itt, rrinci Jiuurt, b c. 3rd Hittoa . Man of Action' ' TBI VSXLT IBW1 xmsvmA iwv-jtiiiiHMiijiiiii Movies and Movie People Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who 111 1. 1 ii. - P nn i dvt 1 yi 1 vim iiiiiii ii' ra vJllvi Main vitv - w sisv WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday. Iforolby Dallon in Siren Call." Hall Houni l)oy r.ome1y, i I'erey and I'erdie) . "Tlie Ihiinb Wailern." 1'allie Hevlew. Wednesday and Tlitirsday. lounla Marlean in "A Man or Aclion." TojiirM of I be day. Vaudeville. 'J'lie "Joy llaben" in a' splendid proKrain of inging and danrjiitf. Friday and Saturday Saturday matinee. Ileltf rimjiKon in ' ii!le of Silk." Vifn;rmpli Oitnely Afrenl." I'oy Xew-!aelle. and The The DANCE HALL SCENE IN THE SIREN CALL Picture Shown Tonight at West-1 holme Show Core's Casino,. . f Alaska, With Dorothy Oalton lory U laid jn the underworld and lliere are. many "dlrrerent, lype. Jty a pro.eex of eafeful elimination, however, Hie of pmperln wax Ujnned out until every nde had lee filled with Jul Hie riirht l'p. ' Finally, Hie ex I raw were hand pieked from San FranrjMVi' waler fronl. making "A Man of Ai-tion ' a pir-I lire of arruraey l Hie vmallext ilelail. In farf,. on' viewing it. Hie paramnunl impre.Afon i that Hi xtory lam t liavefbeen writ I en around llie rhoen playerM, rather Ihan the playerx filled to (heir role. Imusla Marl.ean, a Jtrtire MrAIIMer, a oilkrtoekins; youth of the idle rich who become a "roarinjr lion" in twenly-four hour of rioloijtt advenlurei t'rap the opportunity to do ome of Hie niit impremive rhararler drawinsr .of bio trreen eareer. From Hie brilliancy of Hie tjrawintr room In the drabnens of I lie underworld, hi Hrure Mr-Allifler i a .livid beiiiK, al-Hioucb transformation fnun an heir to million into a rrook 11 dipuie, in o romplele I hat it ItairieH even bi sweetheart. iRUSTLE OF SUK IS STORY OF LOVE OF THE RIGHT KIND Thn.e who believe thai IbeiMan Face Duty When Sent by Olrl to Face It A happy motion picture slory enlmtr dial iloeon I infinite a iiiarriaire or an embrace! That i one of the niiKjiie i tiiictinn. claimed for " The Hurtle ,of Silk.' fealurinir Itetiy Oomp- aiin Tin.t iVmu-uv Tnu,l u lita.li IlllWiniri ... . a, faanlllr-a. nf II, a. Kill ul the Vellio1uie Theatre at th. week end. The lnry, adapted from Ooono Hamilton novel by Sada Cowan and ttnida Merjrere, renlreM about la humble FiiKlili grirl who fall in love with a trreat Hriti!i taleitinan who already mar ried. The girl, -erViiisr Uie talciiiiian' wife, ailnivv the liu band from nfar. Hy acciilenl Hie man learns of Hie jrirl'.H love. Cnbappy with lu wife and diliearJene liy I Ii course of political cVenlx, he of fer lo get a divorce and marry the girl. Itut a rrii in Ihe affair. of late reijuire all hi. allenlion. If he reign, rhao Ihrealen In enpulf Ihe povernnicnl. TJie pirl. becaue he love him, sacrifice her love and eud him luck to finhl hi i-ause attains! over-whelmiiiK odd. Her compensation i found in Ihe facl lhal Ihe man who love her ace hi duly becaue he love her. He win hi fighl, hut for Hie lime, hcitip, al b-al, lie fail lo win Ihe iirl who spurred him on lo victory. Unlike jn many irreen jday of the day, "The ltuIIe nf Silk" due not introduce an eijisode five or ten year later howinjr the principal happily married. II end a real life orie mi often end In hnppinc achieved lhrou?h sacrifice, but wilh pro mise of happines (o holh in Ihe future. The Same Place 0ry Cimoiy ,,f unlimiled lliril! hnr lo Hie interior after spending However in nu same pio.r ... , n,lpl,(,r wljr), j, , ,e seen n holiday in Vancouver "and ic . . ....a .....1. .lii.ti'U lliull ... ' Bovernnieiu n-vn - ;- ,eri edneday, much of llie lorin. in fourteen inonin, emiinK 30, IVI2;, Ihe amount of rash ,.ab for liquor in the government slori's amounted lo about' one hundred dollar per head, children included. Slill you Ihluk mi bnvs of any age mine home di unk "according lo your Idler. The one and only reason I am wrilimr lo lei Ihe people of Alberta know Ihe dangers of gov-j. ml of liquor, , in ii i 1 1 mill ;i,0v'iiT.r,ll'al ll"y vnlo on Novemberi "T.i.'r.i Jrr'i'a, IliiM.eveiy voter who respect ' o " .. . o... a . lit imiiiira.i or iri.i, nauT ii1,11 ,.ilti1i-en or loveti ones w in f nr will Im itlimci rr rr- llllaHr Douglas MacLean Is a 811k Stock Inned Youth of the Idle Rich Class In "A Man of Aclion," a mys- W. II. I.. Xorri of Hie pro vincial irovernmenl nllice at Smilhers pael tbroiisb Ihe rily Saturday afternoon return- Showing at the Westhohne Theatre Wednteday and Thureday. The Most of the Best for the Least" AT BEWS Beautiful Winter Bolivia Coats at Less than Wholesale Prices We find this year that Jhe more expensive coats are not selling Ihe same a in previous years. Gonjieqiieiilly we have decided in offer you our slock of VELVET BOLIVIA AND WOOL BOLIVIA, FUR TRIMMED AND PLAIN, WINTER COATS, AND VARIOUS OTHER COATS, ALL IN THE VERY LATEST FASHIONS AT PRICES WHICH WILL CONVINCE YOU OF THEIR WONDERFUL VALUES. THE PRICES AT WHICH WE ARE OFFERING THESE BEAUTIFUL COATS ARE BELOW WHOLESALE COST. 0 The rea-on we are selling Ihese coals al greatly reduced prices is that we do not believe in having one garment ft over from one season In Ihe oljier. It i not Ihe lar-re profit we are afler toil a quick turnover alwiiy having a our object lo give our customer TJIK MOST OF TJIK HKST FOlt Till-: I.KAST. You will make no mistake in ?eing thee wonderful values. Every i-o.il ha our guarantee behind it ami by purchasing a winter co.it now,, you will SAYK MOXKY. ' ' Thi sliifH?iidoiifi offer will hold gtnn for Ihree days only, namely, Momt.iy, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. ALSO A BIG REDUCTION IN FALL AND WINTER SUITS. REMEMBER As (here are a limit"! number of coats' and suits in -hM-k yon are invited lo rail in early and make your selection while the line is complete. ; . ... Mail Ordere Living out of town need not handicap you inr.ynur raiment. We can fit up your "very requirement in ouler wear if-yoif will hut vvirite ns stating your needs and al prices the same a if you were In I'riuce Huperl. ' Bent's Ladies' Ready-to-wear Third Avenue. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert H. H. Jefferson. Xaas Iliver; M.! K. Stewart, K. A. Forrest, A. W liibsoii, 11. Moore, (J. Hill, il. Kolland and J.- Johnson, Seattle; lieorge Trimble and K. K. Hii-'K.t Winnipeg; K tl. Kbbl, Harry J. (.Vxlley. K. n. Hall, F. T. Iloluier. J. ft. Whileacre, J, A. .Mother well, Thoma l.allin, K. A. Creech, F. V. Delcourt, II. Mon-crietr and It. I Hrown. Vancou ver; .Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Tobh, Portland, Ore.; W. IL It. Wilson. Victoria; W. A. Found, Ottawa: F. S. Wallou and S. S. Matroflin, I'rince Itupert; (ieorge F. tiib- Imois, II. M. 11. S. 1'alrician; P. M. .Moncton, loirher Islaml; Morris Corkill, Ocean Falls; It. ft. Johnston, Inverness; .Mr. and Mrs. I. Dampre, Stewart; H. A. I.atla, IMmonlon; S. Jacobsen, rily. Central ft. S. Filtmaurice, Digby Is land; I'. Snlice, Houston; C. H. Anderson, Terrace; Mrs. Walker, Shames. BOAT ARRIVALS Airivinir fnun Ihe south al 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, (JN. II. sleanier Prince Itupert, Capl. I), Donald, hriMUalil Hie followim; passengers: For I'rhice Huperl Liit. and Mrs. W. Oliver ami Mr.. Mather Sandspilj, .Mrs. llmwn (Terrace . Olof Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. t;. A. Davis,. Mr. Moore. M. F-Stewart, Joseph llnrl, Mrs. Mp- Doutratl (Teirace), Ir. Hill, Miss A. P. Husiier. Mr. Trouble, Miss llaker. II. A. I.atla, .Mr. sufra. Mrs. It. M. Winslow ami family. Mr. (iibson, Mr. Forrest, V. II. I,. .Norrls (Smilhers), T. l.allin, Mr. Palmer. C, M. Kalilmicr and .1. F. Dul hie (Smilhers), For Siewarl I.d'he. Haudon, Mr. Wilson, .Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Anderson, Mrs. J. D. Lilllepage and Mrs. E. Atkins. Opposite Bank of Montreal. Phone 651. Premier Gold Medal Beer 3 n I The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way to prove that PREMIER "GOLD MEDAL" BEER is lest-TRY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the I.iqnor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. NEW ISSUE Province of Ontario 5 t 25-Year Bonds Price 98 and Interest We have participated in the underwriting of Ihe above issue and can give imtnediale coufieinaljoii of any orders. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd 5 Year Dominion Loan 6 , Market 20-Year Dominion Loan 5 . , Market a Order may lie wirsd at our expense,, Phone 2140. Victoria, B.C. 711 Frt tl W I IV .4