PAflE FOOH. THE DAILY NEWS. lb. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu Shoes S?J H II? 2UJ NO! jT I WOOOX COwt OP S NO! n to bPCNQ re WITH M" 1 tvCNIh n I J .4 m t s J I t 1 V I LJJV ',7 dmm-ty III I TTZn m !!U. For Al Members of the Family. Select your Slippers Early for Xmas Gifts Ful.l Stock now in. Family SHOE Store Third Ave. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Christmas visit to Ihe Old Land early. For Tickets, Rales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Bread Is your best food. Eat more of II. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Avp. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received a car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. Sire cut to order. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 680. Service and Quality our Motto. K!l GEORGE CAFE i FtraVCIasW CHOP 8UEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms toRtnt. prices Reasonable. mono Blue 7i. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVING. Eliminate the draught aroubid your windows an-J use less coal. SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Window. Glass and Mirrors of all ' ' Sdnds. T. ROSS. MACK A V. Phons Blu 198. PRINCEGEORGE Taxation figures presented to I he cily council indicate I hat ll ere are to he dillicullie in1 irivic financing next year. Tax collections for Ihe year have; been less lhan sixty per cent of; jlhe estimated amount and the ilos in revenue by reason of re ! version amounts to more than' 156,000. The next council may have to choose between a mark-led advance in Ihe rate of laxa llion ujion lands ir Ihe ley of an improvement lax. Work has pommenredr on the building of the new C.X.R. freight shed here." II. G, perry, M.L.. informs the Hoard o( Trade that tire road connecting Girome with this .pity Will be completed nex! year. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leilh last week. T. A. Christian, Endako mer chant, and Miss F. Lijwe, formerly school leachej at Fraser Lake, wTre'ijiarrieij here last wek. .5 -. ' '..:'" The York Lumber Co. ha purchased a mill site at Dome Creek from J. McNeill ami will put in a portable mill llrere this winter Twilh axi'ew to. starling a second next year. Logging ojxfration Mrave i alroady commented. ''- -- - Rev. J.; Willard Lilch, B.An D.D.. superintendent of Baptist missions In British Columbia, preached at Knox Church here last Sunday. 4 AVilh a view to making a re. cord big cut of lumber at Ihe mill next year, the United Grain Growers Co. will operate seven logging camps at Hutton this winter. SONS OF CANADA LOSE TWO POINTS Executive of Basketball Association Gives Penalty for Fielding Unregistered Player For fielding It. H. Skinner, an unregistered player in Ihe game with the Teachers last week, t lir Sons of Canada were finpd two points In the Senior Basketball League standing by Ihe executive of the Association at a special meeting last evening and no replay will be allowed. The executive decided on the rulo that, where any (earn fields an unregistered player in future, two points wilt' be deducted from ils standing whether it wins or loses. On account of the St. Andrew's Hall on Friday night, the games scheduled for Friday night this week will be played on Thursday instead. On account of Hie Klks' amf Royal Purple carnival and bazaar next Monday, Ihe games for that night have been cancel, ef, a new date for their play ing lo bo set later. WHY YOUR DOCTOR ADVISES TONIC AT THIS TIME OF YEAR There are lou of people who seldom really feel their best at this time of year. Certain foods do not agree with tbenu thr iofler frora indimtna after HMoJa. sleep Poprly mghu and milt va febc dull. md nd often constipated. Frequently their "5 -do tner cannot throw ea cold and such wintry ffls. As a result there aremanr needles dayi of suflensa. Take a good tonic and build yourself apt Try just a spoonful of Dr.Thacntr-f after te next lew meal and notice the quick difference in the way you look. eat. sleep and fed. Tone 225 tout best. Hit. neb. red blood to keep you warai this wintrr. Drucrots arc authorized to return the small cost unless yog are completerr satisfied. m w m m & m m wjwj Sold by Ornies Limited in Prince Rupert, and by leading druggists In every city and town. FINE GAMES BASKETBALL Sans of Canada Beat Colts; Adanacs Beat Tsachses; High School Wins Over Grotto Sons of Canada, 3'J; dills. IN. High School. 32: Grotto, 22. Adanacs. 15; Teachers, If, ri-i i . . , itinf iiiuri" snnppj nasKri-j ball games were served up' at llifi Klks' Home last night tutlie delectation of tlie lare uu'mbey' of fans assembled. Standard of play was quite up to the high mark that has already been established' this season. In the opening game between the Adanacs and Teachers, play was extremely een throughout but the Adanacs look advantage of their openings in the second half anil, by winning, sent the Teachers into the cellar posi tion in the Ladies' League. Miss; Margaret Lindsay of Ihe Teachers and Miss Annie Kelly of the Adanacs -were both forced to retire through receiving accidental injuries. R. H. Skinner refereed and the scoring was as follows: Adanacs Miss Pete Tremayne li; Miss Willa Iyer (I): Miss Annie Kelly, (1); Miss Leon a Parker, II; Miss Vera ShockJey;; Miss Dorothy Stephens, (I). : Total 15. I'eachers Mfss Helen Hib- bard (31; Miss K. Harvey, Miss X. Pryce (I); Miss Margaret Lindsay, Miss Caroline Milch-ll (P. 12; Miss Mary Sim. Tola! 12. Intermediate Oame The High School jioys put up another good exhibition against the Grotto in the Intermediate game and had lo thank their superior shooting for winning t lie game, the Grotto having just as much of the play but finish - inir noor v. A eood trame should now be assured for l nursuay iiiirhi wtiPti Hie winners nice Hie Colts. The latter team, it is expected will gel areal test. ing out at Ihe hands of their young opponents. the game. In facl, Ihe history R. H. Skinner refereed Ihe In-of Canada's great winter pas-fprmediale crnnii last evening lime is told in niclures. Old BRIER and Ihe score was a follows: I High School 1). Malheson i,; A. Mitchell, IH; G. Bulger 3;; A. Phillip I I; D. ;ur vich, 10. Total 32. Grotto - W. Gray 2' 5: I Tommy Eraser 1 1 . W. tWralhall. (2), 10; I.. Anderson. !. Hill '; W. I.ambie. :.- -(Total 22. Senior Game ' The Sons of Canada certainly 'made no mistake in bating the !-hampion Colts for the second time Ihi season in the Senior -l.enpue match. At no time did the Canuck show any ign of losing and. their play was exceptionally giMMj throughout. The CJdls neer got a chance to settle down and lost many good opportunities by being over anxious, iieiier team work will be required if they are lo beat Ihe Sns in preent form. E. A. Mann refereed and Ihe scoring was as follows: Sops of Canada Eric Mackintosh, 18; V: Meniies, (2;: Harry Menzies, , , 9; Harry Aslori (3., I; Dn Graham. 8. -Total 39 Colls , , Sidney- -Jlazell-Jnnes. Gcorse .MliclieliJT;.: A. A. CI)' RTSmilh. : W. Mitchell, Ift-' 'Mi-5 Uudenich. rrotai i8. League standings to dale: Senior League W. L. Pis. Sons of Canada 3 0ft I'ntl. " ! "i t r- - Teachers 0 2 0 4 I lMl..m.lf.l. I ..nil. Coll 2 High ScIhkiI r..f... 2 Grot In 0 Elks J.... 0 Ladles' League Mple Leafs 2 0 t Kajens I I 1 2 Adanacs t 1 2 Teachers 0 2 0 Sport Chat ! Great success is attending the d-cr and bird haulers these days and very fw parties have been reluming home of late without good bags to account for their absence Some records for quantity of geese taken have been set up, it I said. While the stormy weather may not be altogether comfortable, never theless ft seems to improve con ditions for bird hunters. The advent of snow on "the mountain lops is alo making it easier for Ihe deer hunters to capture their quarry. Parlies going both lo far and near points report belter bags. The Hockey Year Ifeiok, which has Just made it appearance and a copy of which has reached Ihe Daily News odice, is a credit to the game ami to its , publisher. George King of To- ronto. I lie nooK is a master- .piece hoiii iypogrnpini-aii7 niiclorially. From cover to cover it is embellished with (group photographs of champion learns including Ihe pioneers of tJt& Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adrlsmnt Taken for La than OOe WANTCB WAXTED. Men and women to learn barbering. paid while learning and tools free. Write fop catalogue. M"ler Barber College. Vancouver, H.C WOMAX desires position in private home, . to follow up maternity rae perfe'rred, for short period, phone Hlue SM. FOR SALE FOR SALE. Fumed oak dlnini: room suite, .Monarch range. MeClary heater, Kitchen cabinet, , Sewing .Machine, Chiffonier, couch, lino. etc. Mrs. J. Shcddon. Thin! Ate.. W. FOR SALE. English Hatty Hug-gy. Phone 630. 28 1 FOR RENT FOR RENT. Six rimmed furnished house for four month. Fourth Aenue West. Apply P.O. Hox 1)51. Cily. 277 FOR It EXT. Small furnished bungalow in Section 2. Apply. Prince Rupert Insurance Agencies. If STEAM Heated Flat for rent. Besner apartments. M. M. Stephens. FOUR ROOMED FLAT lo Rent. Steam heat. Apply Smith & Mallei t. tf FOR REXT.Mo.lern house, five rooms and bath. Apply Munro Hros. tf MODERN four room flat for rent. Weatenhaver Bros. tf ItOOMS TO RENT In Wallace. Block. Apply Store. tf ROOM AND BOARD PALMER HOUSrL 10 Seventh Avenue West. Phone Red 149. Furnished suites. tfpiers will be interested in Hie handsome halftones of the teams who were prominent a generation ago while the younger enthusiasts will enjoy the productions of Ihe more recent winners. The Jiook is not only lavishly, illustrated but it l crammed with much Interesting informal inn regarding individ uals, clubs ami league throughout Ihe Dominion. Professional and amateur learns and individuals are alike featured. Earl Sande, the Ameriruii joc key, who rode .ev lo victory against Papyrus in the Inter national race a few weeks ago, first appeared on n race track eight years ago when he asked for a chdnce to ride at a Stale Fair in Phoenix, Arizona. Final ly it was granted In him and he was mounted on a horse with a reputation if pulling up at Ihe end of n race wilh its rider missing. The slim, freckled faced boy let loose pandemon ium in the stands by thundering across the while,, line several lengths ahead of all Hie other nicprs. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert George A. Ambrose, A, Urquharl and R. L. llrnwn, Vancouver; A. T.. MhcKwuii, Toronto; S. Jacob m and M. Tonnes, sen. cily; D. Taylor, Digby Is. land: J. Jolinscu, Seattle. Central Mr. and ilrs, Stockton, pro. vosl, Alta.; W. .lohannsen, C.X II. Advertise In the Daily News. uw i 4 ! "PIGS IS PIGS" but PURE BRED YORKSHIRES FOR SALE on! of Mae of Alderlea 15- , 7595C by Springdale Tr- nado 28.87 lift are (he best. Litters of 1, 13 ami 17. Write J. I. 1 large, Queen Charlotte City. AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SALE ..f high grade furniture al ' .10 p.m. Tliur day, .November 29. al 232 Fourth Avenue West. Chifrolie. Chesterfield and chair. Walnut bedroom suite. Simorid 1cd. bridge lamp, Limeges dinner set, Brunswick phonograph, sel Community plate, rug, tables, curtain, pie-lure., linen, kitchen utensil, ete. l'liilM.II, Kvill'A Co.. Auctioneer. 2M0 BOARD. BOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf FOUND i ;:: FOUND. Two. keys n siring. Apply Daily News Olllfe. LOST LOST. While rowboal in Prince Rupert harbor. Finder please phone Green 10;'. Rewanl. REPAIRING ANYTHING IX CANVAS. Phone 780. P. LeClatre! Cow Bay. MISCELLANEOUS. G. A.N'DERSOX. Sailmaker Sails and Tarpaulins made In order Hid repaired. Third Avenue, jpposite Pioneer Laundry Phone Green 31)2. P.O. Hot 723. 280 HELLOI OLD TRAPPER. Whether you ar young or old you want to make money. Don'l sell your fur catch until you have seen me. I want your fur you want my Money. W. GOLDBLOOM, The Trapper's Friend. Second Ave. TAXI Taxi 87 Phons. (Call George or Oust) Rom B roths rt. Prompl Secvice and Comfort Day or Night Stand: Boston Grill Third Avsnus CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TAS8IE, D.C. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours: 10 lo 12; 2 to I; 7 to 8, Phone Blue 625. Itesidcncp. Green 136. AUCTION SALES. GihmI Bought. Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. ' Furniture ami, Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 130 and Red 412. EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE Orders taken, for Spirella .Goods Mrs, J. M. Qrahlman Kalcn Shoo Store, 7M Second Avenue West, CHIMNEY CLEANINO Moderate Prices OLD NICK Trlnce Rupert Cigar Store Phone Blue CANCELLATION OF FStRVE, I xothe m .iViS mi iv irwr tvtertm Judim-I Iui,.i . i, 'si lb mouth nt ilarvner aul lu . . i irat txalrtri. and .vr-..i , ' iTInuW l.trrurr n SJfJF h -ti,.- ii I n. h WtH i !r.IT vliMU2lait. , lnds IWftrimHK, s' v ' Wrla, B.C, TIMBER SALE 67JJ. SlMl TmhW- t tWlN.Tl VMUIrr ..I AAt at VlrWi (Mm fluua i Mm u iUf ( i . if i ror in fwrriur i ntwi h rnt l,u m fri ,ti iiH. f, hMHt-'k ssd Jrl..o. im tCt ' W IjM lfS, Hsnsv '. I ! llHttX i t'uur (4 vr ll Ur l.ii as lal vf imibn rrihr trUiiUr t ih 'to-' i lr. klu. B.i ut I'i.i.i.i ' lrnre airrt. In TIMBER SALE X 5721. Tbrf IU b 41rrrl I. Ml l i nrli, al b. m Mi 5m xty. tf-r, lit. M l frf't Smilher. jhr trr & 1JII. t .1 r.njnaor Sprvr. Hlw - fUwt and l.Kl JsrklaMwSML " hi Itr an an UMtMns luasv S. Ciis.t Wftrln trr J JtJ" V lMt trf IIKibir . i tf'" Irt, Vtrlun. - l'kbl !-.- TIMBER SALE X 5670. TIM lll I ..ffMnl f. uU it I ' llkftaft Mt ihkIM n tttm 1IIS lU I N kbrr. Iff I. M IM rr Iimi si rnnntr. in otfara MM Jk 4M Tl. M sir ,' ' td)4Mir IM ifi. fusts ' iHirtci. Tlw Hi trar sRI br STWfTfl T mrrtsl of tmbr. g IWIhrf (MMtirt ' ! 'Wrr l. VlclarSS. r. i,r Ihr i Prtur Kuiri. h.i:. , f . TIMBER SALE XSCfi9. Tnrr ni b rtmt tnt ti- it tlKlton. it n si thr iiV f trfnW. ttf). is lt I'itmi Srsaiit at SmlltHrrs, ihr Ltrr XH- i U.ihm Jfk isw Ito an sr ' adJatiKtis Ul lUnsv i. Pi-lrtrt. Tn t, lesr lt b Sllonfl ' tnntsl .f tiriibr. , rurlhrr irtMUUrs ir in ' trr. VrliHs. B.I. . '.r thr Ix'iri i i fnttrr hbfri. s u . TIMBER SALE XS619. Slr4 TT m tit t rwnf' ' iultr f Uml. tl Vk-wru. I.-lhan tvi mi ilw ttllt illJli""1 I til. for in Mirrhe Ut'-ff la rl 11.UM tfl n! lUltsm Mrmltirk and C1r isi an atrsj- issj lh stMfi iif . firlfflh "'i S.T.L. ISSItp. Ksn S. isl I'l-'- T 'f III l all"' i ' nal uf llirilr rurinrr psrilrnlarr ut Ihe ' i"'r ' lf. Vlflorls. UT.. itr Ihe ntri ' 1 PHnf hnprrt, BC. . TIMBER S4LE X 5625. SnaM 'TrnrtrM Kill In- tr- 1 ' Minister tr Unds il VKhjri. ' , thsn tHofi n Hi tlh .' "f , '"". Itl. fur thr imrrtisw ..f I li" X lo rut USt.iMtS feel f r" ' ' Bitunt Slid llehilnrk, m sn " rs t.f Bear l.ske Tfir " '"' Bsnn- I. Ct MtlrK-l ' To (t srs lll X sji ' nx.vsl r.f limbed. , r r riirther psritniUrl rf lhs 'fil'Tr ler, Wtorls. P.C.. or tlie litjf ' 1 " I'rlnr Burrt. B.C. FISH WABIHOUII AND DOCS, PRINCt RUPIRT, S C. Trn.ers re Intllrit fr llSf P' r, ' , n , I flnh Varrhiiiie ami imi-ert. B.C. . BIIIIH.XO ii ererleU in i' - .. Iif aiirrotluislelv' liaiUar sour1 d Mul ' " of l.t I. waterfront Itbs-S " ' rrliwe. IliiiM-rt. B.C.. ; " - , ,. t.StH Arre lth !" " ,- "t t0 feel- U liel.l uwler Ira" Orsn.1 Trunk fsrlfle Hsllnsi " u' ,, , Tenders In lit rtrrltefl Bi ,.f slsnest in. u Ssliinlsr Hi H"' .. iH-i'viiiher, at II n'rlitfk rMi "' , ,,,, trri'inpsnlnl bv a ilrmll iiMiinl of lemler. Tr'KMS: CStli. . . ,,. , . The lunnl nr sir leister " " srllr SPrepleil. . Fiirllier irilrnUr n ai''"" r. i. i;oi,ltihiii. t-'l""""". " . . 1 til IH,.m Psrlnir Co. .New VVesimm"!''; Til M, V. STI I'MKS k ' I rrincs Huiri. '