tufJdaj. November 27, 1923. i a The Mails The rvicc of the Bank of Montreal is as wide and comprehensive as the postal system itself. This service enables customers living in remote districts to transact their banking by mail as satisfactorily as if they could make personal visits. Wrilc for our folder, "Banking by Mail." II. ST. 0. I.F.K. Manager. I'rince Hupert Ilranch. BANK OF MONTREAL Established over 100 years Busy as Bees (icttiug ready I In- new tink of Doll-. Tn, (iumc. Fancy (ioodv Our oek is inure cnmpi If uinl better values limn fiir llie pal it nit eais. Especially extra value liavc we III. DOLLS Inn Jtiiie head, moving eye, rcM.1 -,J,.lflh-!, flowing' curly hair, liil with colored ribbon bow. Jointed al neck, elbow, aliuuldei?, vril, Iii mid knee. While niiilin ilres ribbon luce, white sho's and Mick., mid while thry last the price; is only. $1.50 McRae Bros., Ltd. YOU HAVE THE GIFT LIST PROBLEM We Have the Answer Come; In our store mid cc our Murk of French hory (ioods in wide Yurioly t reasonable prices Walerinuii Foiiiilnlii Pens. Hum $2.50 nlriiiuti Pencils, from $1.00 Kversharp Pencil. fnm 75c Autographic Kodak, from $6.50 Hniwnie Camera, from i $2.00 Christinas Cracker-, Perfume and Toilet WalerV, Manicure Self. Chortdnle in Fancy Muxes Christum CanN, Ureeliugs mul ('holograph Calendars. Now is llie lime lo mnkr your choice of gift whth our lock is eoinplete. Anv nrlicle will lie set aside for you. ORMES LTD. Dispensing Chemists. The Rexall Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. We Prepay Mall Orders. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE The Servico Store." WE CA8H CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To 8ult Purchasers. Phone Blue 91. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnn rrom rrlnrf Huporl. for Swanaon Mar, Tuaadaj, B fM. VAN0OUVM, VI0TONIA, Ocaan Falla, ana tt VANCOUVH, VICTORIA, Alarl lay, ana Swanaon Ba, Salufdaf Noon, 'of ANVOX, ALIOS ARM, STIWART, Walaa laland, Sunday S P.. 'or PORT SIMPSON anal Niio Rltor Connorlai, Friday A.M. Snrt Artnuo. 4. Sarntloy. Ajonl. Trlnct nupert. B.C BOOKINGS FOR NEXT SUMMER'S TOURIST BUSINESS STARTING Eighteen louristM sailings will to made lo Alaska ly (he C.P.Il. steamer Prince! Louise and Prince Alice according lo ncl summer1 xclicdulc which has reached the local olllcc of the company. 'Hie first will ho on June 0 am) Inn last on .Seidcm- ber Id. HookfngH have already started and lire particularly heay in California. STAYED WfTH IT The Inis. was held up by llie Iralllc, and the impatient passenger had (, calcli a train. ''Can't you go any quicker lliau this? lie asked t lie conductor at lasl. "Yen," said the con. din-tor, "hut I have lo slay with the bus." Yorkshire Post. CAUSE AND EFFECT Sign on a florist'.., window. "Say it Willi Moonshine." A curious pcdclrian went inside and inquired about it. The florist aiowered, "Will, if you say it willi moonshine., the flowers will cojnc latr.t,U;yrc. THE WAY HE LOOKED' "There's a man outside'', sir, that wants lo see you-about a hill you "owe. him. He wouldn't Rive his name." "What does he look like?" "Well. he. looks,- like" you'd hetter pay it." Life. A WORD DOES IT. "Which weeds are llie easiest weeds to kill" asked (lie city chap of the farmer. "Willow's weed-," replied the farmer; "yuu have only to nay 'will thou' and they wilt." The Lyre. Fred Stork left lat night for a visit to llaielion in connect ion with his parliamentary duties. The ease of Lena Silver, charged with the theft of 3(0 from a fthermati .named Kd. Hansen, was a sain adjourned in the police courl this morning. Hie chief wittie being out of town. BAD BLOOD : PIMPLES AND BOILS Banished By BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Vl. lrt-iM A. Mtllir. SHyiirr. out r!tr.: -! ihuvrht I wimiM mrllr ainl Irll yuu f the mrHirt; iikI brlM-ftt !( Urmnl fnnu KnnliMk HUnxl Hlltrri Sie r iiwiilh r" I w lribll llh Im1 btnml HMrb lnke out oil my ran- in lit miorr uf ismpln. m aiul rlur riii. aiNl I rl so bad 1 rrally did ihI kix.w hal tv it. I aa aliaiiird l ft ywrr, anil IIm- lt hint- ami banilut raHrd urh a irrrl blr M-ii.ati'Ht I ruuhl urt ik rrlirf 0y or nlrht. I'tM- nay a rnitw atiirl iv lu vr nurdk lll lllllprt. I UM-d hh iH.nle and frll qintr a irllrf, and liy IIm llmr I Iwd takfii 3 Inittlr I aa riil-rly r III Ml, I raiirnt pral-c It.H.II. nxAiah and Ihh anv. mm- amirled llkn I a. lll rrt Hi -arnr Immh-HI I rerrofd." HwMl'Hk lllo'Nt Itlllrr U iiiaiiiirarlnrpd lily liv Tim T. Vl'b'ini Oo l.lmltH, T'lnmlt.. oni. The Wedding Invitation Is an mi ''resting docuuieut to end or reeeive. It causes a mild ripple of excileitient everywhere it goes. I sunlly the first tines! ion i!iked is "What shall we give?" It's easy (o decide on soinv-lliing and why not give something different just for a change? If you can't think of the rigid thing com. here. Suggestion hy the dozen are in our cases and you'll learn I hat you do not have to spoilt! such an awful lot. Bulger & Cameron Limited Jewellers. GIFTS THAT LAST THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE THREE. Local aid Personal U.C. Undertakers, phone ft, ;.-r Hayuera. tadei takers. Pboue 351. tf -rr. - Order your,coa from Casey I'hone lied 523. t. tf Interior Pasteurised Milk. Prince Hupert Dairy. Phone lilack 21C. . tf Choice Creamery Hutler. 7 lbs. for $3.00. F- W. Moerscii. I'hone 13. tf Joe Hent relumed this morn ing hy the Cardena from a bus. Iness tnii to Anyox. On recommendation of the Hoard of Works, the city council last night decided to call for lenders for 000 pounds of pljf lead. Union steamer Cardena, Capl. A. E. Dickson, arrived from Auyox and .Stewart at 1 1 :30 this morning and will sail for Van. corner and wayporls at 5 this afternoon. . 4- - . . The court of revision on the civic voters' list will sit in the council chamber on December 10, at 10 In the morning. The court comprises fd. Collarl, Aid. Perry and Mayor Newton. ' - Moose ttazaar, uuder auspices Women's Mooselieart Legion, Meli-opole Hall, Nov. 2H-2l, fol lowed by a dance Thursday night ) p.m. to 2 a.m. Admission fieuls. 75c; Ladies, 50c. 281 Accounts up to November 21 totalling II,133H were passed for payment ,al last night's council meelinir. Mayor New- Ion explained that the majority of llieui were in connection witli the llordtn Street school re pair work. In addition to. 15,000 feet al ready on order, -the city council is purchasing 10,000 feet of one inch hemlock hoards cut in four foot lengths from (ieorge Little of Terrace. Tltei lumber will ln used for iKiitding sidewalks The price Ik S26iner thousand The Hoard of u'orks last nfghl recommended the1 purchase. Tenders will be called bv the city council for 30 tons of coal for use in the various civic de parlmeiits. Aid. ' Macdonahl sug gested last night I'h ill" llie city council, school board and hospital board combine its order in t lie interest of economy but Aid Stephens explained thai this had been attempted hut had not proven practicable. W. Tumbull, formerly of Prince Hupert, has been ap pointed acting lumber comuiis stoner with headquarters at Victoria at a salary of $3,120 during the absence of Loren L. Hrowu who Is preparing and aking charge of the lumber ex hibit for the province at the llrl'.ish hmpire exhibition in London. A by. law providing for llie floating of debentures for the payment of llie local improve ment slreel work recently com pleled on Fourth' and Fiftlt Avenues in Section 5 was in. Iroiluced ami given its first readings al last night's council meeting. .The amount will be 33,000 or 3t,000 and llie de bentures will bear 7 per cent interest. Members of Hie city council have been supplied by L'rnest ove, superintendent of utilities, with copies of the inventory ani valuation of machinery and Miuipmenl in Jbe .Cow Ha steam plant which ft U proposed to sell. Aid. Macdonahl slated at last night's council meeting that there was nothing new to report in connection with the disposition of t lie I'llllipilU'Ut. Additional street light. will be put in by the city on Mux-grave Place lane between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, on (he I'hoinpson Street lane between Sixth and Seventh Avenues, and al the corner of S.econd Avenue and Seventeenth Street in West- view. The utilities committee recommended that (lie lights b put in and the report to this tTcoel was accepted by the 'ty council '!.tl night. mml C OARETTES 5fiKi;rfe Provincial Constable J. (iillie" of Swanson Hay arrived in the city from Stewart on the Cardena this morninsr. Carl llalliday of the Canadian National yard telegraph ofliee left on last night's train eiiroule to Vancouver on a holiday trip. S. W. Taylor tleft on lasl night's train .lot; Francois Lake hi u brief business trip. -He expects to be back tomorrow evening. The death in Hamilton, On tario, on November 22 of Mrs W. T. Sawle, mother of C. II. Sawle, editor of the ' Omineca Herald, and O. II. T. Sawle. formerly- of Prince Hupert, is announced in llie last i?suo Of the Oinmeck Herald. United Stales lighthouse- len der Cedar, Capl. Leadbelter, went up on the pontoons at the Canadian National dry dock yesterday afternoon al 3:30. After undergoing animal cleaning and painting, the vessel will be off again towards the end of the week il is expected. ANNOUNCEMENTS ! lloyal Purple am) F.Iks' Itazaar! ami Old Time Carnival. Elks' i Home, December I and 5. Salvation Army Ladies' Home League llazaar,. December 0. 4 Haplist Church Itazaar, Dec. 12. in Church parlors. Methodist Church Itazaar, December 15. High School Xuias. Concert, December 20. T.R.C Tltt.a'l Rktanitic Capiat For Rheumatism, Lcmbago, Sciatica and Neuritis, Canada's standard remedy is Templetorts Rheumatic Capsules. T.R.C's stop the pain by removing from the system the original cause. Send ua 10c lor gehrroua ample, Cive 90c and (he coupon we rnclo.e with rcK ample, lo your drutgift and he will give you a full aire $1.00 box of Templeton'a Rheumatic Capaulea. TEMPLETON to.. TORONTO t:o For 5&! ty Ormej Ltd. Have You Tried? Rupert Brand SOCKEYE andwiches ALMON Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Nov. 17, Doc. 1, 15, 29, at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince Rupert .4S p.m. for PRINCE GEORGE. EDMOMTOS, Win-NIPEO, til points Eastern Canada, UtilVd SUles. AQINCY ALL OCtAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Orflce,B2S Third At, Prlnct Rupert. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to 9 . Phone 575 Lady Assistant "LUMINO" Phon 2S0. Is 'the' best Aluminum Ware uiv'lhe market today. New shapes and sizes. New cold handles. Now on display in our window at bargain prices. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Tel. 3. We Deliver. P.O Box 1646. it J M