trVkan Yaw Want A TAXI m a harry Phene 99 Beet Car and Bait Service In tha City. Ratea Reasonable VOL. XIII., NO, 270. REPOhS land, Alaska 15,20 and lie, lo the Canadian Fish fi Cold Storage Co. National, 25,000 pounds, at 15. lo and 10. Oc, lo Hie Atlln Fisheries. Canadian Pair of Jacks, 5.000 pounds, at lie and Vq. to lliu Canadian' Hit ti Cold Storage Co. their bodies had been thrown into Ihe sea. j Western Frci&hler Ltd.. own. ers of Ihe Prince AlherL which wn purchased, by them from the Canadian National Railway Coaslj hen ire a few moniii aim emcri .having heen used in the north! !roal ervii-e for several years. said this inorninjf that they had I When the steamer I'rinre lUilHKiVA. Xi.v 27 Ten menibert was lurried over by the Can of Ihe crew of the Japmir-e'diwii National Railways to the freihler Shinkokti Maru out of " """ rreisnirrs una sum unknown. The lug Mumaeonna If 'll,.l..i ''"'V Tnutilriniv ' . .. Hip T frrialil . . .' l landing hy COLONEL PECK IS NOMINATED Chosen by Conservatives to Contest Islands Constituency on Their Behalf (iANtil IIARIUIIL Nov ?7. Colonel tJyrus We.ley Peck, V.I,'.. formerly memher for Skeena tn Ihe House of Common' nl (Mla-wa, wim yestenlny noniliialeil at a toiienllou here a Conserva-, lle eaudidale for IJo provincial leKtslature. He will conle.l the seal known as " The Islands" now repre-enlcd hy M. II. Jackson.' chairman of Ihe (iam,e Hoard. j Colonel Peek is now living In Ihe district it I North Saanich not! far from Sidney, and since hlsl arrival has heen taking a deep inleiesl In politics He has taken pari In greal many puhlir nf-1 fair ami ts also fircstdent of Ihe Conservative Association at Deep Coc. North Haanich. The Islands constituency includes Salt Spring and adjacent gulf Islands and also (he northern part of Ihe Saanich 'i'i..... FISH ARRIVALS Three Boats Marketed At.000 Pounda of Halibut at Exchange this Morning Announcement has been made of the appointment oT the Larl of Alhlonc as governor-general of South Africa, succeeding Prince Arthur uf Comiaughl. RUM RUNNING WILL BE DISCUSSED TODAY Delegates Arrive From Washing, ton and First Conference This Afternoon iittaWA. Nov. 27. American leleirates to the conference for the prevention of rum! running arrived here at noon. II is nn-.i..rlniul Ihe first meeting with ...... . . . .'ii.,. i',.iM,lliiii renresentatives will 1 iiaiinui 1 II I I till V .l.'fll noais liniini mai'Kcien - !. " . . - , . II 13 .. . in a, iJinW o acii this afternoon luirni-K i in a 1 1 1 II K "nii"is. - at Ihe inoininy schooners 's h hud M.,00, 5ti.0(il) p uounds u rns and one. Canadian, 5,000 pounds, gallon Arrivals and sales: ..trttftt American 'fRUIT PRODUCTION i.ioeoiu, ji.uun pouuus. PROVINCE INCREASED viivrmtlA. Nov. 27, Fruit production in H"' I'p'vince in ,,,,.,1 from 70,15(5,201. pound h. tout to 100,035,005 pound last vear. 'l'l", loerease In valm Is from ll.80t,HW 73d. Mao Ta llsh h Fx Lxrhang h g. I I s U 'uzic Moss, assistant sectary mM ,r l.e..l of the Lnited States dele. Hi SKWARD, Alaska. Nov 27. A ninety mile gale if blowing ' here and meantime all vessel in neighborhood of this port are lieejiing close In harbor until the fury of the sea abates. There ha heen do loss of life among crews of vessels at Cooks Inlet hut shipping , conditions are hazardous. No Word to Fate of Other i,.nr,i nothlnp of tronhlc on the 25 Men at Montague l- steamer I'rinre AlherL ! - G.W.V.A. WILL The County Court case between the Prince Rupert Feed Co. and the Canadian National Railways in which the plaintiff is suing Ihe defendant for 170 in respect of damage done to a wagon being run down by a train opened he- fore Judce Young this morning mil KF.F.P IIP WORK! ev.,v n PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PHINCK MPFJlT, 11.(1, T(.'KSI).Y, NOVKMHKH 27, 1023. reachhur shore hy Monday. iran-rerrr;! oilrer ,11 r .. P l. B'i.'- noon following the lieachmir of ,r" remaining in me ci';t'n !Pna Laid for 'Continuation of Ihe rel on Montague Island. srvlre hut a Tew srnye.1 wiin , ir.e M'll'. ,a,"r Inrlmled (.. r. The fate of Ihe remainder Adjustment Bureau and Organ of Association 'rlerk. The ship ohtamed a new) OTTAWA, Nov. 27. The captain from one of the Weslemi i."3iuoore aujusuiieni uureau Frrlnhlers smaller l.oals. t l5r-"al War Veterans- As- socianon win comiuue in operation on behalf of all .ex-service men and dependents. The dominion command issued an o fil ial statement saying Uiat (S. C. McNeil will rcmnin in ollicc as secretary treasurer and the official organ called The veleran will continue publication with T. Lapp in charge, Plans have heen undertaken from outside the organization to provide necessary funds. LOSS OF WAGON CAUSE OF SUIT Prince Rupert Feed Co. Suing Canadian National Railways For $170 Damages fillirMi'i ClrcvtU 172. Here ar Hie rival captain who took pari in Ihe international sfhes Tor fishing schooner honors .When difficulties. Jrse both pilots returned to their home ports without completing the series. Left to right are): Capl Hen, Pine of Hi Cliallenuer, and CapL Angus Wallers of Ihe Defender. Ul XsUUdZI UUUUtd Iff VIUUUl Already 35 in by Acclamation LONDON, Nov. 27. Odds quoted in financial circles mi elacliou re-mils lodav are four lo one in favor of the Conserva- Strut ttlM lives against the Liberals and It lo one in favor of Co.iserva- I lime " V". ."""" superintendent of i:.... ..Z..:.... ii... i ,.i. halchery at thai point. Latterly As" a result or nominations yesterday there are fiflv ac-,ar,er of. the hotel clamalions, or which :5 are ti.nservalives elected; II Liberals ;l,,'a,!;'!!''lnenl lo , , ,iy' ., , , ., : . , , v..i:....i: i of Prince Ruperl, he was fore- i uaiMiriies uiki i .i.iuuii.uni. i , , . . , I Six Youngsters Spent Night In' Woods Together and Then Ran oh Camp COt RTF.NAY. Nov. 27. Si .... . . t a ... I.- ! riilloren who were io.i in nu-woods since Saturday while on a hunting expedition have been found. They spent Ihe niifhl together without knowledge or Iheir location but on Monday found a logins camp where I hey w ere found and bedded until members of Ihe search parly rould be conununicaled with. The children .who were all and is continuing this aflerooon. under twelve years old, are now ' UNMANUFACTURED LUMBER EXPORT IS NOT FAVORED VICTORIA, Nov. 27. Total prohibition id the export of unmanufactured lumber was lavored by Ihe legislature when if endorsed a resolution of (ieorge llanes, North Vancouver, by a vole of 21 to . 1 i WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. HILL HARHOR. Raining, livid soul beast wind; barometer 30:03; temperature, to: sea ......I.,.-In W i. m cnrtlu oji mof III' !,' II II, I ..l.l. .-,... V .'.V ... . f!n.. ..IfivMiliiilllliI 111 Pittit, isPllll: .. . . .. .. i ii... , 1 II.... I'"" v...... , It may lie tomorrow l.erore an saic ai iionic or iu wjsi. i ,8 m fi(ettln,.r Mogul 138 j Hie eviiienee is lahen uiui a nmi- uifinci. iug reached. Milton tionxales, of Williams, Manson A Oonzales ap- UI1MTCP CCI I ANH pear for the Prince Rupert nUllIEIV TLLL nllU Feed Co. and L. W. patiuore, of Pal more V Fulton, for the Can adian National Railways. SASKATOON LOSES HOCKEY GAME WITH VANCOUVER 7 TO 4 VANCtlL VKR, Nov. 27 Saska toon pul up a big game on Ihe first appearance of any western Canmla league learn here Ibis season but lost to Ihe Vancouver lenni. The score was 7 lo . NANAIMO MINER KILLED NANALMO, Nov, 27. James Cook, a miner, unmarried, was killed in a rock slide al Ihe coal mk.e here ?c Mocday. ' ALMOST DIED AT ANCIIORAtil Nov. 27. --Karl Hammond, who fell on an lee ledge near Anchorage while hunlimr sheen and who nearly died from exposVire was rescued swell. by William Havener, a compan-j ion. Hammond is expected lo recover. 40 DAYS ADDED NKW YORK, Nov 2,7. "Had Hill" Monroe. Orange County desperado, in Sing Sing prison for the murder of Andrew Har-rell, Ihe hermit of Flshklll, ban iiad forty days added lo his sentence for violating parole. Moproe Is not disturbed, however as. His senleaotf is for life. miles Irom Tacoma southbound; 11:40 p.m. spoke steamer-Prince Rupert off Putney Spit southbound; 8 a.m. spoke steamer Canadian Observer off Egg Is- iland bound nouzm ror or Astoria. .sioria. iiinmnirr il icii1'"'1' ANCHORAGE, ALAMA UKAD TRKK POINT.-Clear. , at The late Mr. Johnston is sur vived hy a wife and family. fcWT JaH Sir F.rnest Pollock, rormerly attorney - general of Oreat Britain, has been appointed Master or Ihe Rolls, in which office he is the official custodian of Ihe nation's records back more than 1,000 years. calm; barometer, 2D:82; tern- ' ,., pera.ure, 35; sea smooth. EXEMPTION OF WAR DHiliv iM,.v.M.. iiei-casi. light soulh.fusl wind; barometer 30:01; lemperalure, 13; ight HULL Noon HARHOR. Raining. VETERANS: LOT FROM NEW BOSTON GRILL Third Ave. The Latest In Restaurants. Private Hoxes for Ladies and Party Use. Best Food. Vest Service. "Take Her to I he Iloston." OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. PRICE FIVE CENTS. D KILLED ABOARD PRINCE ALBERT CONSERVATIVES GO OFF TO GOOD LEAD IN BRITISH ELECTION NOMINATIONS Two Men Killed on Decks of Steamer Prince Albert when off the Coast of California SAN I'llANCLSCO. Nov. 27. A lule of a fight in which Iwo mm were killed on the deck of tin sleamcr Prince Albert, j alleged to be a mm running vessel and which is now lying out- side lhi rl. win related today to prohibition agents hy Wil- liaiii Sloan mnler arrest on a charge of muggling. .Sloan told j 111 iifTii-iiils Hint members nf llii crew if llu rum rimiiinir . pm'I were always armed ImiI he was not certain whether the fight oft Ihe Prince Alb"rl was lietwecii member of that vessel's crew or with high Jackers. He had lieendiiformed, however. 111 "llhal two men ltal been killed and TEN OF CREW OF SHINKOKU maru ashore; NINETY MILE QALE BLOWING AT SEWARD VESSELS. IN H ARDOR Naval Squadron Leaves Plymouth on Round the World Cruise to B.C. j PLYMOUTH, Nov. 27. A special service .squadron of the 'Hritish navy in command of Vice-admiral Sir Frederick Field i ailed today for a round the world cruise to last 307 days. It is 'proposed, to lake the vessel to Ihe Hritish Dominions, United i Stales, and South America. The .squadron is experled to visit I Hritish Columbia waters in June. The squadfou comprises Ihe cruisers Hood, Repulse, and I Ihe light cruisers Dauntless, Dragon. Delhi and Paphne. While there have been no spe- ADRIaT A D7 IAD 1cial despatches telling of the UllllAl I JUl) ,rius m i lit? irssns u i.s unurr- 'stood that Prince Rupert is in I line for visjts from aH war ves sels when on cruising orders. J. BRUCE JOHNSTON DIED IN VICTORIA Former Proprietor of Lakelae Hpt Springs Hotel Passes Away Suddenly SEEKER SHOULD NOT GO SOUTH W. C. Orchard, C.P.R. General Agent, Meets Local People at Long Beach While the building iio.uu in jCalifornia slill continues and .1. Hruce Johnston, for years (employment is offered for men proprietor of Hie Lakelse llotiwilh particular trades, W. C. Springs Hotel, Lakelse LakeJorchanl, C.P.R. general acent, Tttrtartnrnncrffrir cordin? lo word received in the noon from his first (rip to interior. Mr. Johnston Only left Southern California, says he Terrace a few weeks ago and would not advise Hie ordinary news of his sudden death eame man lo go there looking for i as a decided shock. jf,li. Hefore slarlin? the Lakelse. r. Orchard met several Hotel, Mr. Johnston was for. a I Ihe former Prince Ruperl citizens in Long Reach and they all seemed to he doing very well. W. Reith, formerly of Ihe ci' hall. Is' in llg; service of an oil company nut so is .1. A. .Mactionaiii, The Coiisrvatives nominated Ml, Liberals io, Laboriles T" Terrace. "'orge I'ul,es sawn,,n formerly on Ihe accounting staff i;i.". Conservative free traders 7, Independent LOST CHILDREN total lit; al the dry dock. T. H. Hiniper. late city solicitor, is will, a hank al Long Heach and J. II. Kelly, plumber, is also working there. C. F.. Hainler Is in the Insurance business at Long Heach. In Seattle, Mr. Orchard met Ci. A. Mc.Vicholl. C.N.R. general passenger. agent. He was on his way to California on an inspection (riii to t lie Hue's southern jolVices. Among the places Mr. Orchard 'visited were Vancouver, Sacra-jmenlo, Los Angeles, Long Heach, 'San Francisco ami Seattle. Roth he and Mrs. Orchard enjoyed ithe Ir'p thoroughly. BUILDING AT BURNS LAKE In Addition to School Number of Minor Improvements Being Effected HURNS LAKK, Nov. 27 Considerable building acthity js in evidence in Hums Lake at the present dale. In (addition to. Ihe new $15,000 school, worR on which has just started, the Anglican Church Parsonage i jnearing completion. Andrew (Ruddy has a large livery barn in DDADnCCn course or erection, ray Miori s TAV ATIAKI 1 AAA llUll rKUrUOEiU arase Is almost finished. The , (Forestry lKpartmenl nre putting Md.Collarl, who was not pre-' up a new speeder garage. A. R. iii.Klcrnle sou beast wind: ttar- sent at ast mi: it s council meet- urown lias a autre calm; barometer, 2D:80; temper- Hon exemptinsr from taxation thoi building to omeler, 30.02; temperature, 48; ing, bad a notice of motion call- course of erection and Richard moderate swell. ing for .the drafting or a bylaw o Mara ts gelling oui ions lor a DKAD TRKK POINT. Clear, for submission at the next elec- new residence. alure, 15; sea smooth. lot on Third Avenue used ny tne un aceouni or me i!inou DIOHY ISLAND. Overcast, Oreat War Veterans' Associationjstorni which hts. been raglnsr lilit southeast wind; baromo-'as a memorial. It was pointed. in Dixon' Kn'rancn, the C.P.R. tor, 30.02; temperature, H; sea out that this was in line wilh steamer Prince Mry. Capt, s,110O(,( Iwhat was done in all other Arthur Slater, ,Uld , not pull oul Subforlbe for the Daily News, for Si week placp.s. The motion was tabled oi hero ror i e, poriu unui 'o' fook hi mJPhlnif