PAGE OIX. Special ("Mearance of Ihe following lines: All Model Hats at One Third Lets. 10 only, Ladies' Dresses, splendid . values Tricotinc, Serges, etc., ranging to 27.30. Special price .'. $16.50 Ladles' Raincoats 15 only, Ladies' Raincoats rubberised tweeds and English Paramattas, a good assortment Values to $10.50. Special price $10.50 Ladies' Coats and Suits. Your choice of lhee high class garments at 20 per cent off. We Prepay Mail Orders. Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. ATTENTION! Xmas Buyers The Latest Novelties in up-lo-dale Jewellery. CLEOPATRA BRACELETS, HANDKERCHIEF BRACELETS ASSORTED BEADS Spanish Combs Note special window display" The most complete line of Xmas Novelties ever shown this far north. THE IDEAL STORE FOR THE IDEAL GIFT. Our Prices ar as Iov as any store in Canada. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist. Brushed Wool In the Newest Shades. Coats, Suits and Vests In great variety. "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Dr. E. S. TA1T DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, 9 to . Phono 688. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. Many a good slove gives poor result because it is supplied with the wrong kind of coal. C(NHUMi:ilS COAL Is picked for stove use. II is steady-healing, bright-liu ruing coal freed from choking impuHtic. Try CON-HUMKflB. Pee how your stove will "bchaVc." Consumers Coal Go. Ltd - Phones 7 and 311, EARRINGS. Why Not? Mail a Xmas Cake This year to your friends? W'c can decorate Xmas Cakes to your own choice of design (hat will not be damaged in the mails. Cakes packed ready to mail free of charge. ElectricWindow Bakeries Third Ave. Phone 667. Have you had your PASTEURISED MILK TODAY? VALENTIN'S DAIRY 8ells Milk, Cream and Butter Phone 81. Daily Deliveries. EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 58. BENNETT'S CHEMICAL LABORATORY. Assayers, Chemists, Metallurgists. Ore Shippers Agent. TACOMA, Washington, U.S.A. LONDON GIVES ITS OPINION PREMIER KING The Magazine Canada Published at the Metropolis Speaks or Him and His Address Mr. Mackeiuie King, with good judgment, selecled the banquet given in his honor by the old Canada Club to make a grrat and important speech says Can ada. He took this most suitable opportunity of fully and frankly explaining mailers of interna tional politics involving a new procedure which has caused sonic apprehension both in Canada and the Mother Country. It is llic first lime in' our memory of speeches by Canadian states men at Canada Club dinners during the last 25 years that a speech of such weighty Imperial importance has been made, and I he Canailiau Premier is certainly lo be congratulated both on the selection of hi subject and the fine quality of his address. It was unfortunate that the most important speech at Hi Canada Club ."was made nl such a late liour tliat no adequate report of the Premier's speech appeared In the Londdu Press.' In roganl lo Iho special Hall, but Fisheries Treaty, conclude! Pre - Inventory SPECIALS Four lays remain before lock-taking. This adt. changes every ilay. Following specials for Wednesday only. Shop by Phone or Walk Downstairs. COMBINATION SPECIALS. Canned Fruits, S Tins for $1.00. 1 tin Sliced Peaces, l's. tails 1 tin Apricots, l's. tall-. 1 tin Singapore Pineapple, -s. t tin IHackberries. 2's. t tin Crahapples. 2's. Malkin's He:t Jelly Powders. Assorted flavors, .... 10c Per doz $1.05 Sterling Pickles, lleg. 10c jar. Your choice. Sour, Mixed, Sour Chow, Sweet Mixed, Sweet Chow, or Sweet (iherkiiis. Special, 3 for $1.00. .Campbell's Tomato Soup. Special Wednesday only. 2 for 25c Limit K tins to each order. Sunlight Soap, carton . 25c Cocoa, in bulk, 2 lbs. for 25c Cri.-ro. in bulk. 2 lbs. .. 45 o 5 lbs. .., $1.00 Itaby's Own Soap. 3 for 35c Illiie I'oinl Oysters, l's. Special 40c Niagara Falls Pure Itasp-berry Jam, I lb, pails, Special 75c Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. i a TVUtllf Dolierly Coiipahd with ordinary sited plans. ALL GONE. For the present, but we have another shipment coming in about December 1st. You still have an opportunity to have this little piano In your home for Christmas. First come first served. .Walker's Music Store Ltd THE DAILY NEWS. Tuesday, Noveml,fr 2; flJ 1 1 i- -j.i . CRIPPLED BY RHEUMATISM Began to Improve Alter Taking "Fniimives" Till Midicini Madi From Fruit You can cet rid of Itheumatixm. You ran le free of pain of swollen haoda and feet of achin; arms, Irjs and hack. "Kmit-a-tirrs" will drire the rausa of Kht umatisra out of the system and jive you permanent relief. "I-or orrr three years, I m conlined to bed with llheumatism. Finally I decided to try '-Kruit-a-tires". Before uainf half a box, I noticed ImproTcmrnt. 1 continued taking " Kruit a tites" improving all the time. I can now walk about two milesand do ehorrsaround the place". ALKX. MUXUO, Lorne.Ont. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.30, trial site 2:c. At dealers or from Kruit-a tiru Limited, Ottawa, Oat. directly between Ottawa and Washington, Mr. Mackenzie Kins showed (hat the mailer i one of purely domestic concern to the citizens of the Pacific sea-board of the two countries, and he look particular and explicit care to emphasise bis cordial adherence to the policy that no individual action should be taken by any part of the. Itrilish Kmpire on mailers of vital concern to oilier parts of the F.ninire "without the full knowledge 'and consent of all." Broad and Scholarly Ills speech was noteworthy also for the broad and scholarly way in which be traced the srrowlh of Canada up from the leginnings of ils history as a Crown Colony lo lis present national status, ami he took the example of the different Provinces of the Iioniinion working out their representative in-tilu-tions as ''emblematic of 4 be League of Nations which makes up the llritisli Kmpire." From the racial and other diversities he rlainoit thai the leaders ot Canada had "learnt, how to bring out of these differences a unity which 'einphasisis the things which we bate in common rather than the Ihings which divide," and from this, he claimed, "we have learnt how to live and let live and how to forget- and .Torsive." Mr. Mackenzie King in bis policy and in bis speeches, evi- lences a pride in and love of Canada eipinl to that evinced by any of his predecessors, and in this speech he showed the imag ination of a stale. man, rather (ban of a politician, in the value he attached lo the historical archives which have been so splendidly augmented ty (be gifts of Lord Durham and Sii .eicesler llarmsworlh. The Durham papers lie regarded as so important that "a not inconsiderable part of Iheir history would have; lo be re-writleu from thesu original records." Mr. Mackenzie Kin; profoundly realises the powerful influencr which knowledge of and pride in Canada's early constitutional history can exert in raising the Canadian people In their fullest national stature; lie feels (hat I heir wcll-justified belief in the enormous possibilities of Can ada's future development will thus be best Informed ami tempered. The Canada Club well justifies ils existence when it thus provides an occasion for public utterances so authoritative and friendly before an audience I hat can appreciate (heir import. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tuesday, November 27 High .3:15 a.m. 18.1 fl. 13:22 p.m. 10.8 Low 9:2 1 a.m. 9.0 21:59 p.m. 1.8 Wedneseday, November 28 High 1:20 a.m. 18.0 1(5:01 p.m. 19.1 Low I0:0o a.m. 9.1 22! 12 p.m. 5.3 Thursday, November 29 High 5:15 a.m. 17.7 fl. 10:51 p.m. 18.2 Low 10:55 a.m. 9.0 ..23:30 p.m. 5.9 Friday, November 30 High 0:12 a.m. 17.0 17:51 p.m. 17.5 Low 1 1 :56 a.m. 9.0 Saturday, i December 1 High 7:1 i a.m. 17.9 ft 't9:08 p.m. 17.0 Low 0:25 a.m. 0.1 13:09 p.m. 0.1 Sunday;; December 2. High "8.H a.m. 18.0 .20:28 p.m. 17. t Low J t;26 a.m. . 0.7 yl:20 y.irt- 8.1 ft CUBA CUTS DOWN INFLUX OF CHINESE Restrictions Imposed on Entry Bars all Except Students and Others HAVANA, Nov. 2. - llestrlo lions iihpnsed upou the ry of i'l. I. ...... t l-n.iu .... f..l... llll-f-t- IIIIHIIMl rtllll Mill! ,UIM1 have cut down the iuflui so that within the last (en mouths only 212 have entered as compared with 1,212 during the previous ten months. The present Cuban law Is similar lo (he lulled Slates law and bars laborers, but admits under restrictions merchants, students and tourists. Several thousand Chinese were admitted under special legisla tion during (he world war lo work in the cane fields but inosl of Ihein soon driflrd lo Havana where Ihey made Iheir living by operating laundries. keeping small shops and peddling vegetables and iiicrrhundie. A mini her of lliem iiImi conduct truck farms in (he suburbs. Havana has developed a "Chinese Ouarter"' that extends for several blocks and it Is es timated that (he city has ubou' 50.000 Chinese. TEMPORARY FREEDOM IN ORDER TO MARRY WASHINGTON. Nov. 27 The cell doors of. the District of Oltiiuhia Jail have swung open twice for Miss (iladioU I'eylon. 10 once to permit her to marry, the second tune lo give her temporary freedom. Mis I'.-ylon, a stenographer. was sentenced recently to a year's imprisonment for forgery. Frederick Kwer, salesman and her fiance, married her by special permission. The bridal parly, as arranged, returned ti (he jail and Mrs. F.wer went (o her cell. An hour later the bride re. reived her firs! wedding preeul. Ihe Criminal Court permitting her lo leave under Ihe ciislnd of her attorney when she changed her former pica of guilty to not guilty. When you buy advertising you buy CIRCULATION, and nee that you set it. tf in Aiirr IN THE SUPfttMC COURT OF SftlTltM COLUMBIA. In tl Miller of lUr Adiiilnl.lriO-xi Arl. ami In I le .Mtlr of tin- Ul- or orir ! Mm. Ixrrisrd, Inlnlatr. TAkK OTM:i: lint in Oror M Urn .Mrll. V (Mi lit. in j ill- Ihe tOlll dr "f .niibi-r. A.P. It (3, I wa imsiill dnunllittr i,r iti l.uw i.r o.rtr .VrliMMi. drrriM'd. im all parllei hatlni rlalm. iHint tlx- Mid E.UI irr hrrrby rjiilrl lo funilth mum-, pnrrljr rrr lira iu iih-. mi i.r brur inr inn aty l iirrHiiiier. A.O. IVtL ami all iwrllr liidrlilrd l III eslatr arr rrqulml l' pay I Ik- amount of llwlr IwlrlilrdlKii lu 11 forthwith. THOMAS W MH1E, lirrirlal A.liiilnMril'ir I'rlnre Ituts-rt, H.i: In tt Hilt lh day i.r .Viveuitier. IJ. If Uc Per lb. Buys Early Rose Potatoes any quantity .lap Oranges, per box . . 80o Sugar. 5's and Id's, lb, 11c United Oats. 0 lbs. . . , . 35c alr Flour, to lbs. . . 45c Hulk Cocoa, per lb 15o Hulk Coffee, 3 lbs. ... $1.00 Our Seedless llalsins si 3 lbs. for 50c are the very best ipiallty and new slock. Iluy Idem now. All our goods are the highest ipial. Ily nnd because we have Ihe lowest possible expense we can afford lo sell cheap, Orders Over $5.00 Delivered. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. Phone 376 The House STANFIELD'S Underwear SHIRTS, DRAWERS AND UN(ON SUITS. Red Label - Pcr suit $3.95 Blue These prim will prevail for this week only UNIVERSAL Phone NJail Orders Prepaid WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 Jack Holt "The Tiger's Claw" An enthralling, n vvr hugling nvyslery of the Orient packed full of thrill, un hiding (he liiit(ing nf a doi. (lie tracking and killing of n ruuii-ealiiig tiger add siii rh (rut-of horsemanship. Robert Cain, Eva Novak and Alleen Prlngle in up-Krlnig caL Comedy Larry Semon In "Solid Concrete Paths Review. Admission 35c and 10c. CANADIAN B.C. Coast Sailings Phone 376 of Quality in per suit a $4.95 TRADING CO. 378. SniMai (ion or Money H,: In PACIFIC RAILWAY Servicei from PrinceRupert Third Avenue Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, November 30, December 19, January 4 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and 8kagway, November 28, December 15, 31 8.3. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, 8wanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocesi Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. All Wool Winter Underwear CEETEE - VIKING- WOL8EY. SPECIAL LINE. "Monarch Knit" Shawl Sweater Coatsi Color Fawn, $5.00. STEVE KING Shockley's nmJa' Phone 383. Hole Agents for Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. Lumber J. Fyfe Smith Co rUrdwooo Fraser Mills . Fir Veneer Dimension Lithiher. Kir, Spruce ami OdnrV "Spriief anil Uednr Hhiplnp. Spruce Plunking. Sasli, 1K"-.Mouldings, (ilnss. .Shingles. Fir Veneer. Odar V'M"' Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE 8CREENEDI LA8T8 LONGER! Real Satisfaction Cheapest In Long Runt NO 8HALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEE0' PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 118 and 564.