Xucfluy TAVPmWr 2. 1023. Cash & Carry llulk fioeoa, per ll 16o ;i b for 40o , ( l.gg. I"T llll7.. . . . 60C Oiiiii.''' I'ork ami Ib-Hii. i j x. per lin 21c thinker I'ork iiinl lleau. tier I In 15c ).U't I'urk .-iii'l Hcaii. I ... per llll .' 11C ...iliy i l'rk mill lleau. IT llll ... ... . . 14o Hi kk I'urk nml llitirm. I'l'l- llll ; 13c Slilillll While lleatl. per III. 7',c : yn lleaii. I"' I Id. . G'ic Hi it pea, per III 9c pi-art ll.irli'V. l-r II. . . IVtO '.. llarley. mII G'ic V: I Hire. Hi. . . 8VjC ' Wrinkle l'e:. 2'. nana ' 25c Si::;i.lnri lVn. V ? for 35c M iig licnn. l"?r tin . . 19c i , per 'in 18c T :til'i " H ' I"'" '! 20o T :.:i o 2', per tin . . 1Go . GQNOMY STOR E 417 Fifth Ave. Cast. STORE NOW OPEN. COAL The Famous LAOYSMITH-WELLINQTON Lump and Egg Sites. 8TERLINQ Slovs and Egg Sizes. Y JHher In nark or bulk. Phone u your order lay or nighl. Prince Rupert Goal Co. Phone" 16. M orrior Hdel Central. LOGGERS' CLUB S;"i:ale in the old Kmpres Hotel Ikiilding. Rooms lo Rent by Day, Weak or iho Month. Stesm Healed, . Hot and Cold Wafer. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James ZarelH - Proprietor. HOME FROM HOME. MOGHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Healed Hoi nml Cold Walrr Hate by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. RESIDENTS OF ENGLISH HILL DESIRE SIDEWALK Petition Signed by Ppoo.h- Owners There Presented to City Council Last Night Property owners In block 20 jsertion 5 (HntfliMi Hill mil,'. milled a petition io ,p pj(y jfnuiie lal nialit aklng for the 'building or a nldewnlk, either plank or cinder or ri.n.l.iimf .... of both under Its local improve.: jmenl plan, lending westward Ifroin Mrllridc Street. Tim ili Jlon wa rerrr-i Injfie board of work for report. There were six signature o Ihe petition of It ikiii or nine properly owner Involved. Those, signing were Joliii I.. Tancn. 11 P. I T.. Cawley, J. It. Morin, William 1'ulman, M. brt mid liohert Davey. CITY BARBERS WOULD CLOSE SHOPS EARLIER Petition Submitted to Council Last Night and Laid Over for Week I'levcn city barber petitioned Hit council last flight asking Ileal the olaliilory hour of shop do, nig be changed from o'clock In " o'clock on week nfxhl and front t.3 In ) o'clock on Salilr-ilay night. The petition wa lai.l o-cr for a week lo allow for a cbaiiBP Inline tiKnle in ilx form, wlii'-ti m not now in order. Tlioxe itniiiK Mie petition were J. J. Keefe. J. li. MiMHly. O. Oline.arK. J. Jmltre. Itoi Itarne. C Phillip. II, It WiUoii. II. I)u Jlainel, r.. J. NVuijr. S. Obala and I1 Itrowii. CHILDREN'S HUNTING PARTY IS LOST AND SEARCH BEING MADE COlllTKN.W. Nov. 37. A cenri li fiarly wa out all iiiphi ai 0ler Hay lookm? for ix i:!dTii who were lout III Hie lnili mre early Sunday mom-j illK- The elde.l i only twehe I year old. 'I'Mey wenl mil huril-iiik. one of (be parly bavin? a xun. jCOULDNT SLEEP I HEART WAS BAD NERVES A WRECK Mr ll. V lirdL li-r VunflUii. , riin I in very ihaiikrul U llt trlirrU I lMf rrfrltrd br HMnr Mil-burn . 10-art iM rtr rilU. Whrn I rtnw turn tnxn r. In lf.(inr iwrl t vry Udly tttmnl 'b rtrii.l, and my itrnr rr drraiUul rf I. I rry 1tl liHlnt. int "Hild iwil pfM.ihty klrrp it Mrtil. In Ojrt. I in urh OMi.llII.Ki I frtl ll I did rx.i lh inyun lu wk in in. II llnmrtil I wiHiM try MilUirti'. Hurl ami rr rill, and brrnre I liad Uimi lo itmiro I rtiiild fnj.y a rn1 nlrlil'a rr.l a fll a anynn. i j ttwr are M of rlunied Brn "li rf nurtrrlim Hi ume a I dul, ainl I fr l ur I lii I If lli'J iMld "lily try Mil-burn1 Ili-art and Vrrr I'lll Ihry will rr-rrlf Iho Mliw rrllrf III) I hatr." I'rlr r.oc a Inh at all dealer, or malM dlrwi n iwlpl i.f prlrf by Tlie T Vllhrrn i. t.lnillnl, Toronto. Onl. Premier Gold Mining Co., Ltd. We Have a Few Shares of above at $2.90. Since )'2l tliix mine has paid in dividend t,l72,o2.". No oilier mini' In Hie wnrld hns made Hie record of this iMi. properly, All Issues of Government Bonds For Sale. T. McCLYMONT Phone Black 85. Thlrd Ave- Premier-Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There Is only oiiexwny to prove that pitKMIKK "fiOI.D MKHAI." UHEIV is heslTHY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advertisement is not published or displayed by ll'o Liquor Control Hoard or hy the Government of British Columbia. ELECTION MAY HAVE ANY END Return of British Government by Reduced Majority One of Eventualities ' ISSUE CLEARLY DEFINED No Tax on Wheat or Meat but Offer to Dominions Is Factor In Contest LONDON. Nov. 27. Hy Can-adian Prea;-Tbi' HriliMi !en- eral Kleelion, wbirh wan pnin? n suddenly upon Hie people of the t.'niled KiiiRilom by Ihe llaldwin (iovrrnineril, U in' full nwlnt llilx week. The eonle is exeeplionally nborl and it in probable Dial il will be proportionately harp. Whether Hie refill of Hie volinir will be de-piiie i anolber mailer. Ah to (bin Hie politician differ ii.iltiral ty. Already rlaim of Micre are beini' made by the parly in power, the Oonscrvalive; alo jiy the re-unilei IJberuN. ami likewUe by Ibe Labor I'arly, but lo independent oherver II look like a cramble in which nnyl lilfiu liny happen on election day either Hie return of the ifitvernnicnl of Premier Stanley llaldwin by a rediiceil majority, the poihle urce of Hie Liberal I'arly, fir of Hi Labor Party, or of A plil-up in which none of the parliamentary ?roup may have utllcien lrrntrHi In carry on a Kovern-menl without Hie ailance of me other yrotip or individual member of another trotip. At present II i anyoue'ti guev Standing In House The Hlale of Ibe parlie on lue day of the diolulion of Ibe Ignite of nnmmon wa a follow: :inervalic or UniuiiUls 3t?: l.alHir. lit: rnile Libera! irompriintr '.' A(iuilhian and M Lloyd livorKiau'. I IK; other liarlie. 7; varanl ieal. t. The iruvi'riimeitt'ji nljorily over all wa 73. A little more than a year ago. Nov. IS, IJiJS. Ibe (inerative or rniotti! party, with Itonar Law at it bead, wa voted into IMiwer wtlh a majority of "U. The niiimliiig of Hie Nirtie Hieti wa: fVinervatie, 317; Lalwir. 112; National Libera), SU; A- iltiilhian Liberal o'J; independ-enl, 5; nalionali! 2; Sum Fein I; total 615; c'verinnenl majority 7'J. Since then there have been Mime chance, with Hie re mit that the 41onerv:ittve majority in the Iloue wa re duced lo 73, a In led. The lal general election va liiiunally lame. It followed Hie dramatic rci)tnalion of Lloyd Oenrpe from the premierhip and the (lonervalive parly's eerlion of llonar Law a premier only a horl lime previously tit the election, and wa mere ly a fiehl by Hie parly newly in power lo lay in and a fixhl by Ibe Lloyd lieorjrian lo re;xain Ibe toitfon the)' hail ln, while at Hie ame limn a feud be. I ween the tienrifians and As(uilhiau wa raifiit and each faction of the pj! Liberal parly wa trying lo down Iho ol her. Issue Clear In Hie presenl ronlesl the Is sue is clearly defined a between Ibe Conservative and Liberal. Ibe two warring w-injis of the Liberal parly have come In amicable lerni. and ball Una hle by side for victory, J he issue hein if protection versus free trade. On Ibe Tariff ques tion, which involve Hie llaldwin Government!) offer lo the Dominion. at the reeenl Imper ial Conferneces of a preference alonjr certain line do not mean a lax on wheat or meal. Hoth II. II. Astiuith and Lloyd Ceorve are opposed to protection out-and-out and they are ficlilinj. the povernmenl parly on IhU Issue with all their Klrcnglh. . The Labor I'arly' appeal lo Hie eleclornle Is a challenge of the government's laiilt policy and the whole concept ion of economic relation. underlying il, and n claim that n remedy for unemployment can be found through I he operation of un lional schelne for productive work, with adequate utainlcn ance for I hose who cannot ol. CATARRH e! tha IBLADDER mvMi PEachCaPwlnD bi.rt oama tr"J lain employment to earn a livelihood for themselves and their families. Labor' platform aUo include (he much talked of capilal levy. Question of Leadership Former premier II. II. Asiuith is Ibe titular leader of.'lhe reunited Liberal parly in the contest, and Lloyd George I liis're-eognized chief lieutenant. 1 low-long thi relation oft Britain's two famous 'statesmen will continue is u problem for the future lo solve. A considerable number of people think 'Hie solulion Is. not far in Hon fill lire, and the prediction 1 . freely made that it will not be long until Asijulth retire from thu arena of 'active politic.' and Lloyd George heads th, parly. It wa in I DIG thai the! latter succeeded Asquith as premier. I'.ver since, until a week or so aifo, ihey have heAii political eiu'inius, Wi l - - ServingYou In view of the close and strict inspection and supervision of life insurance companies by the Government, the public today are realizing that among the safest and surest investments they have is their life insurance. , When your life insurance premiums are received by the companies, they become trust funds and are invested in Government and municipal securities, mortgages, agriculture, transportation and such stable enterprises as have proven to be the backbone of our country. Thus, while life insurance is an absolute security and enables you to carry out your life's program, it is aiding Canada's industrial and commercial prosperity. 'Life insurance serves as it 'waits' ' - '-A STEWART First slen towards "incornor- alion of Stewart iinder1 the vil lage Arl have been taken by the Citizens' Association. A com-inillee eonsisiing of II. W. M. Hnlslon, l II. Worknfau kind 0. C. Andrew has been delegated to look into Hie matter and report. Large bodies of 'high grade ' and milling ores which have been ; developed on Hie Indian mine Indicate dial I hej. properly will lake Tf place on tin; shfiw ping list thi winter. Owing lo difllclties on the flume which supplies the properly with yaler, operations, on the Dunwelljnioe had to be discontinued' for 17 days until repairs were made. - t Development work is to be and Canada 'I LIFE INSURANCE continued thi winter on Hie Daly-Alaska mine and William Slonn will arrive from the south next week lo lake eharge. The first ?pan on the Hear Hiver bridge has been completed and tlx second is well under way. The high level bridge across Cascade Creek will be finished by the end of this month. - William. Cameron, postmaster and customs collector, is on a trip .to Vancouver, t-; 1 1 hiring, hi. absence Waller Hrqa'd i atlend-ing fo the -customs office and Miss I'hyllis Cameron is in charge of the post-otllce. THAT SPOILS IT ' "DohT you think that yount; man is nice, mamu? "I do not, my dear. He looks loo much like your father when he was a young man." Le Hire. Aj. vMi prvi. SERVICE, Shoes Men's Solid Leather-Working Shoes at $5.00 Leather lined Kox Calf Hoots ,in lllack or Hrown at $6.00 Hand made Loggers' Hoots from $8.50 Men's ant) loys' Rubbers. 8HOC REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The Shoeman, Third Ave. next St. Regis.