THI DAILY HVfft PAdl POVfl i i mmmmmmmmm BRINGING UP FATHER . By George McMan, Ho Troi'MB lo Show Shoesl (Hf "CHUW8"OXF0'",S' In all lie from Ihe ninllet tn liirirrl. Complete nmiie. Price Marl a low a $3.25. No heller rhiltlrrn' alio" prod'icd. Family Shoe Store Ltd. CONYENT RECITAL WAS import and will murk Idem. Suffered from T.nnirM Ihe heel melal draft MEN . AN ENJOYABLE EVENT linn and 'Irani enainceeina cxani- News Classified Our line of Men Welled Bool, DIMDI CO P DI ATIICC ',a"n i " Daily Ads. all size. Mark or lirown, nl $7.50, rlfnrLr..i fir n raii.ii.i.vte. u iii former i nlio)olely Ihe lienl value In Young Ladles Showed Marked .Iel nnd lx for the toller. Nor- a CENTS PER WORD IN AUVANCF. No AdmllMnMnl Takon tor Lm; th.rt 80t lown. Musical Ability In Classic inian HnMnmm act the hce' Selection. for Fifteen Years (metal an.) ft. A. ttr.Mil-,tan WANTED rOR RENT will .rei.l- at I he rxamlna No Shoes to Show Trouble The recital given l.y tu.lei.L -Tl."" ",'"m WHeerlim WANTKI). Men and Women to U nit rtKNT. KtimUhe,! tlunira-learn SPORT SCHEDULES of SI. Joe:,h Academy, imve f. , flu, 7 bMihrl boi , . rr i v llarberlnr. Paid hilc ' low. n...e in. Four nnn. lenrnintr and tools free. WrlU j haih hh.i nir. 119.! BASEBALL iiiic Lefore a large audience. Ihe H by breakint out of in yn. h' ' ' taimi.a for catalogue. Moler lUriMWi INitijr ew iBi-e. if1 aenililv room at I lie convent There u only ((lie way to rt rid of """ College, Vancouver. II.C MniA HIM llele1 Plat for rent.' 1........ fil'l.l for ll.n Till. obnoxlnai tkl trouble, and IlUt H , ,, FOR SALE lleanor apartiiieot. M. M. Oii'a v, k..ii4 . 'luallly f (he work reflected hT ltBI nt , bhMi pv. YlLlxL yuIClLI lltUULU Slefhem. !fg--rrHnw i . Summer i lie preafel credit on Ihe iler rier icb VrCTCDnJlV ACTCDUAnM r-nit.HAI.K. .riK-erjr iulneo ..f SI. who.e pa itl Making lLOlLtVIl ArlCltilUUll ..ui .... k n. ii. H k.i I Kflll IIKNT MiMiaekeealnir room I . 1.1.frnrlfon ma.le the event i- RrlnJ' Rlnnrl Rifforcl - Inruon. corner Kcvenl U anil.1 110 Sixth Avenue Kat. Phone1 i 13-w fill IRona of, 1.s,. sihle. Mot of Ihe work. wa ''Uiuuun uiuvu tsmvi i Mlta Kathleen Hardle Become KnHhii !lreel, loe4 aoditfix- , Illue 217. if . IB fJroll.. 1, , . COAL .n.lrnniental hut (here w. one BpW of 0r- C- Boyd I lire. Very low renlkl. Im-incllale Thli .rubl. rmly h.. bn c MOIIKflN four mom flat fr tt lOp of I J. ,d, . voeal selection, lhal of Ml Ark- Canon W. F. Ruth brook I'lmiie market for ow rorty ym; It tlw iml jnenn. rent. Weolen haver ltro. If Air.- ,- rny.l. who liowet nnwli pnuiliM 4iUiMlle. ind mill do all ruim for It Offlclallng I Hack ?t?. If Oil' V f I She nproinfinniml nlilv liv bwod rirturtr. MISCELLANEOUS. i .Mi. 1 1. Sleptien. .Mr. Albert It. He Wltle. UU Valley. The we..lirik- l''k fdaee iiiellr KHIt SAI.K. HetiiKuian piano. in umiiii v i.,i g, flreat stall faction? Repeat .. trim: "I b mffereJ ry mtHi yelenla- aflerioMm at I Small payment down balance lo KXPRHIKXCKIi MANICt'lilsT ami IS Kexia of 1 aiu.ij . , s.. orders lir-inff Mini every Appreciation rmm p4inplei and onilrfctly Motebea for rlnrk in SI. Arxlrew' An if I era It canier a periiNl of four molh. Hhampoiinit. feideiilial work : 1 oir v S. M. f r4 & lay for VI Iherliuii K.illierMelirnlli r.Le bated tbo rt to to nfleen out yearn, IM 1 tried o bad many I illinrvli ttf Mi Kalhleen . .Mary For prire and term apply llox a porlally. Phie illne 17 1. M Orotio . 1.11 . a tew wwW nr appreeialiorf or Ml'"u w liuerxlolyW lUnlie, dauiihler f l?ri llaily Sew. It; Mr. Coleman. InUrmee'liU Nanaimo-Wellington l he work of Ihe upiU and leach- a -Mend told mom Bardnrk Mr. anil .Mr. A, I'. lUrilie, of J-i. er ami Ir. liranl evireed III rlonu Bliiera. I lure ad ttre and a il'orr Kliisl-n. and Or.- Oril FOIl SAUL - Ci(W llo-cacl. TAXI JIV While s.,t . 1 it. thank for ll.e rare and alien- h" w! Adern lld. of xhavtnfiran Icclrralljr;ocw. CHo. Apply Jut? Tail S7 Phone. Nut Coal lion hit two dau?hler. hail re. rrimpleilon. I.Ake. VaneHiver Nland. Itev. Mr. Auternn al Miller I'h.l-lip 2 Hlflt Si 1 . -WV.H B. B. B. la maanrartared only by Tbr (IUII (leorr or Oust) i? A Coll 11 llifli Kc,... refvetl in llieir tf in- nrpry. I rfHiri Onoii V iillle. K. Knlibiok OuleJc ire? Lasts Longerf T. MiOmra Co, Uralted. Toronto, Oat. Ro Brother. 18 White cV t l. Ml. lriiriion at Ihe CoU .name as other NmI Academy. ialed. Mle Itrdliy llanlie. FOIl SALF..-oray wicker hahy Flve.panger Tourinr Car St tilth Srl..n.l . tu v-i Mr. Pitman who rondiiclei Ihe iler or lh hride. aV hridea. CoaU. I. Tlioinaon. carriage, phone IMack 214. Prompt Day and Merit .Service. ft (Vl. Hi.-h Phone examinalroit for the Toronto maid and John M. Smith, of Pnrl 116 op 564. Italia,!.' i V Hi.I Op. " Stand: Boston Orltl Third Avenue) .lnmi.l ROOM AND BOARD Kinln. nllende.1 lle proom. 7While , t i. r. Ht. Albert & McCaflery "I would Hke t. (five me ex- i;(t S,'.V1. Knm. The hrnle wa fflven away by PALM Kit HOLftK. Sevenll, AUCTION HALTS. 3 tilth S-li..f It I.ttf ,t tier an.l Mr. I. A. Hit ireon lo Ihe keen plea- LIMITED very Conducicil in home or ml nColu Hif h rVhl Avenue l. Phone Hetl tin. your ihe WcHinir Marrlt. ure I have had in lileninr lo ldaye. prfinrr WAIICV TACC cur rotn. floods also eold on Fiirnlbl title. n-cilal Ihi-i even in 2. I lliitik yu utUKut WAL1X.I LAoL f'Mhern in aflndnnee al the rere. tomniiasion. V(4eeiiwr will, naree willi melhal lliehow-' COMING UP ON TUESDAY uiony were' Mr. Hanlie, Ihe BOARD H. H. HEMMinQS, Auctioneer,-Third tHlth cchnul v WhlU 11 ii'Sr made lhi eteninf mark a1 hride'n nodhr. Mr. Alet. .ohle Avenue Junior new liiifli.waler mark of aehiete-: arid :w rnny ,oiie, or rwi HOARD, The Inlander, 830 Jnn nieiii for the niuir depart ment Charge of Breaking and Entering; rin3fn. Mr. and .Mr. J. I Seooftd Avnue. Phone 137. tf iDel.rly Allen' Old Store) t- WHO- f- i v. SroiiU. Phoneblack 13 and Oreen 471. BARGAIN )of Si. Jo.eph Academy." i With Intent to Commit In- i:hrtlje aih daiitrhler ad Fre,l ROOMS ii- Falc.', v NM"t- .. "II i five year now ftilice dlctable Offence Preferred llale fH Scool V Falcon. iHH-arne inlereil in Ihe work This Morning Aflcr lh) rerenKiay. the ,ri-dal ST. HI.MO HO I Kl.. HJ Itn.1 c.hl PRINCE RUPERT TIDES July liere and il ha hren an in-rrpainK party rcotiired lo Hie home of water tn every room. SI earn 3 While ao'iU. fieorjre Walley wa charged in Mr. and Mr. J. I.. ClirUlicT ho; While rfll TWO LOTS pleasure to note Ihe healeij. flule reaaouable Thursday, June 21 8 Falcon v iwfeftitr rimffre mnile. rnt2hr '" 1"''' "" liifriiHta ll.tnlen Street, where a recepljn Phone) (IrevMi SIA. 8.10 Second Huh 11 10 a in. I Ml ft. U !COtl. V. )l" . in Section 1, ..ii.i .1.. - i,ai ......i,! villi breaking ami i-iiHTini: uie wa hcl.t, cover fx-intr H for Wel. i on ji.m. III 5 15 Whl- !'X v ii' latent roiiihipel with good leach- hotixe of iHiarfe YiMinctiuin.j tlfleen. Jofm M. Sroilh - pro-Niei Avenue l.w u to a.m. 7.6 7--Ffetin While F-' in? and eriilenl diliicenre in firahani Avenue, with inleiil to Hi loal lit Ihe lirile. the HOLIDAY RESORTS IJ:ai p in S.I l$nScOul v Falron. $625 each j ftlitily will do." 'Hiunit an imliclalde offence. eriMuii rep I) 1I1 g 11,1 1 tlly. Friday, June 22 tS -While Srx rV..m "The technical nielhod iid Till riiarve t in nddiliuii I ir. and Mr. Ilofd left on the MASSETT. Hie-h ' a.m. IC.t jjit FaJron While T are modern and thoroughly Iliat of drititii; a motor vehicle evening train for Ihe IUil. TTiey QUEEN'S HOTEL in I I p m. IH.C ' 31- -Sfleat v Fl-ns. Terms arranged ound and Ihe rniioiral nppro-ia-lion while urvler Ihe influence of will viit a couple of day in The Ideal Holiday Retort. fjea- . .. f:t n.m. 7.1 Aile-il't lHur which wh preferred ye flllawu and irtll hv Hie Mi.tit- 3Wllile Sn v. SconU See us for particulars. and iniinical eipreKion ile-rnonlraled I3:3U p.m. 5.7 lenlay Ihe ra.e were iMliJMirn-.-.,,,, ,,.. ,0 , M1,,..r-a Fa ln v. Wlule dy I lie pupil fhow FoV term apply propnelre e Oliver Typewriter. lhal the Jearhintf alaff ha reach- um-tl iinlil irunlml uel lav TiMda lnvial raid.and hail l fr Knlan I where they will Mr. .1. c. s IllltU MAIL SCHEDULE i0fVlt Flem Kr'''" Gary Safe. ed an advanced,o in H-j(:l)rfllnt upend mi ni'iilli "ii llieir honey, l While S.1T vs. Bl 2 (MK, (:j. s.dicilor . il moon. Ho urning- to Canada, lir. I j pa Icon v. Whit FIRE INSURANCE. linlciill art and cieiH-e, for i CHANGE OF TIME For K. V. Jone I appearintr for the the East- laicnu. liofh, of piano pedairo?y. If I ami Mr IU d will lake up llieir psm v. prosecution and Millun r.omale Monday. Wednesday and Fri cloe with of residence il Slinwnigan Lake. ON C. N. RAILWAYS M While Sox might a word cn-rourairenienl, linti Ihe rne for the defence". A day-. cloe al 6.I& p.m. FaJi-on v WhluM. i- & Hanson Dybhavn I would ay of not culerrd in pica jrtiilly wa From the East ni rVnil v Falcon,. " - Third Avenue. 'Weary nol of well doinif.' Ihe intoxication cac. INTERIOR WORK IN Kffeclive Sunday. Jim.- .llh. Monday. Thur.lay and Saturday. Sept emher. ' The folhrw: Prince Rupert, B.C. proxram BANK OF MONTREAL there will he a Oeneral Chanae 5..10 p.m. .1-While S.ix S.vwU- Program POLHECiifc EXAMS of lime 111 Ihe I'hediile of I'h. Kllldy, liejlak, Mi toe J. Oiil-lure enner Irani on the Canadiiip From Vancouver Neika l f a1! and II. Iloretuian. - ARE BEING HELD Vancouver Architect Making an National Jlyi( 'After lhal dale, Sunday ...P. -M, nim,t i'.o'"' .iTTilil llancintf Klarx, Hucelle, Mie Inspection Steel Colmun paetiser train will leave Princ-Iliiperl Monday '....rt.: 3 P.V, .t.r.I 1,1... nn.lswi. U...-TI...... II ' , im..-I We lies to announced Ihe II. McKenzic ami M. Murray. Shorthand and Typewriting Can and Beam Expected Soon flr 'Jii. Hat Iaily Kxrepi Wednesday 3 P.M. at in ivtfin eno i-peniiifr o fur new Sunshine and Window, Werner, didates Wrote Last Night While in thTcily, A. A. Cox I'uudat ill Vi.15 p.m. inleail of Friday .. .... A.M. t.v. sutr. ib JrTt Mi K. Vicker. H.nii. and will arrive from ihe Friday .3 P.M. lioMMnnd. 9A . Irm Steam Engineering and nmk- I" imo-w . id F.H.I.M.A.. of Vancouver. i for fierniuw.! Ilorolhy, Hmilh, Mi Ci. Ack. I'jtat flAlly. exj-epl Tueday. a' Saturdays 3 P.M. Sheet Metal Garage Tonight Iiik an iiix-rtioti of Ihe work of - I.Jil p.m. iuplcad of r III m. (Uliled 10. rual Wl royd. interior improvement inelinliiix p CP.II. June 3, I I. 11 and 25. Pink, l.lclmer, Mi I!. Hirlterpe. Full partn-tiiar. al City Tn k.-i Kxaminaliorm in connection To Vancouver the fixture wtnrh reniiHif of iimif ' and Service Off IMionr ;'i) I'd U ina ea.1 Una Station Vafe, Itoherl, Mie M. Pennv P.M. with Ihe .Northern 1 Monday I Polytechnic 11 i now In prore al lite Hank bonk ruik.aiiw " , I ' J on 3rd Ave, East, In the and It. Morau. dilute are now in provre al Ihe of Montreal IxiildiliK. sleel o. Tuesdays. Mall close 8 P. M. menl,mill and Ihelirr roniaiiuui former Pacific Cartage Oninlry Dance, Sarlorio, Mh KinK Ldward School. The leal tiinn ami lic.iiu-or Ihe Jolt are SUMMER EXCURSION Thursday 10 P.M. lex. Stable and Warehouse It. flillie.. mark I In- conclusion of Hi- expected to arrive" hi the roiire Saturday - - A.M. Building. Mu rlli a, I lorn, Mi I,. Me-Kareu. couroc which have licen ill pro- of a day or o. Mitchell & Curri FARES YIA CANADIAN Saturday . 10 P.M. naled Viy lfll;.jl. Coniiclriil inerliaulfN aro xrei for Ihe pat nine tnonth. are doing Hie work. NATIONAL CP.II. June 7. lfl.23 and 3l, LAND AT, In chui'tio, ami you are an-eiircd fjueen of Ihe Ituwe, llucelle, lrllfirate and diploma will Ir RAILWAYS To Anyox, Alice Arm NelKe f lttla t ,j of prompt and rourle-oiu Mi A. MrKillley. luii to the inwefiil Hludenl HOTEL ARRIVALS Weilnodaya 9 P.M. In akren Mad "",1r".. wi f iter ice and rcawnnahle Sonatina, Ktihlan, All ltne ly the IiihUIiiIc. Prince Rupert The Canadian Nalional Hail, From Anyox, Alio Arm 7 inn of M..rlh rrmr end liiirr 1 ,,,.0I .1 tlx pricel Morau. I.ul niylit the ehorthand and A. A. Ilarilfe and parly, John way announce special low r .1 riiurday H p.m. Ttk Voilre, thai I. '", t Tire, Tildes, Arreasorie, Kl fi i liance, Jenen, MU A. lypcwriliiiK examination look M. Smith ami Mr-, T. I.. Mi trip Summer F.irur.ion Fare I.. To stewart and Premier lur..." i-rn4M-i a c I"rarvr V"" 11,..yi 1 inul a full line of senuine ItoheriiC. plar. four . uiiilnlali' writiua. lau. Port K-invtHi; Mr. M. Palmer. aaprr .laiionai ram. f .111 1 ni n Friday . . . 0 P.M. oM-ried ld ' ta) l ord Parts carried in nlock. Vocal Solo, Penn, Mi O. Ank- Mi llvan who preided et III" (Jueeii Cliarlolle Cily; A. A Calaa'Y. Winnipeg and 1'oml. 1,. From Stewart and Prnlr (lulled llMlH-e ....1 w "- "-..."fit itl. i Phone lireen 3U2. . J'rce Air. Inryd, a-cniupaui!, Mia 1 1, Cox. A. II. I.ninif, I'. Manel. Jean ji.rn flanada and 'Ir I 1 '.-.i Saturday H P.M. I rliaiai I a"-"""-h e - Phone Oreen 392. Free Air. Hlephen. .eheii and Mr. K, Mancl, Van-couter; stall's Full par' 11 ;i - ,1 f ,u To Alaska Points S. E. PARKER, Ltd. llurninK of Home, Paull, Mie.' Mr. and Mr. Henry I.. Tirkel flffice f K I II ,. June :i, II, IH and 26. .n it enema ,W 1" ' , ,1 Y. ShiM-kley and . Ilordoii. Sier. Seattle; Mr. and Mr. II, I'hone .'n 1 ;, ,. From Alaska Point miirt or ! I'u de Charlie, Mallei, Mic O. Hull, Tai-iina; Itev. and Mr-I: June 7. Id, 23 and 30. I.. J ilc and I. TIioiiinoii. A. Iiiilili'iiy, Killliiaal. Mr. and Point , nird vi l"l". Itl To Naa River Kveu If yofi flcm't live in a Silver Star, II..I1111, Mis II, Mr. W. C. Palmer, San "ran xJI M- r . or Thumday I I' u. tmi iv'M"-.-;: plun liuuse and tlirosv Sliockley. ,; Mr. and Mr. P. M, lllan-keron, from Naa Rlvr Polnta tlonHM Vale op. ill,-No. r, Chopin, Lo Anyele; Mr. and Mr. Halurday A.M. )n ibeMslleref lb. k-'"" , Mm I.. O'llllcn. BliJll imI sTrftfTTfTyB I.. M. Caalner. WHMainport. Pa . To Queen Charlotte Island Point Your WINDOW The prophet' lilrd, Schiunann, Mr. and Mr. . 1. Ander'in June 13 and 27 5.30 P.M. arm. nil. ,7lVi'&. -Miii- I,, liranl. HKK?ri7B Wayne, Mr. X. Hrew Alia.; Or Wind Shield May Qet From Queen Charlotte Point (rioted W lb. "''rt";'r1TiU.. .S Vale llrilluul, Clinpiu, Mia N ' BBlXXlZjLaS.l.BMLSSl HayHirl. j Ui 1 fi Broken. Iloircr. 1 Central June 1 1 and 25. rK lai.. 'd17J1"r,m4 f T. ROSS MACKAY .ViK'liirne, Dp. , No. 2, Chopin. Mr. and Mr. Krnet .ve. To Anyox Port and Simpson,Arrandal.AMc Arm UHrfrr.lai.ed ai. erilied f"",,' W I Mis J. Stalker. elly: J. V. lividon, Toronto, f More,and Belter AH pr .fTrik.Mfc In l Hunduy 10 P.M. M.I. ar. win ru iu Sllnnel H. Everything In Qlas. Misit A. Oration.op. Paderewskl, Mmiiei l.ijnionlon(.Jilt.;f ff.ilruce AiidT(in i, Ifurul'Van Jihincs to ihe Box (From Port Simpson, Alice Arm Hale's II Vrliira KUI""- M Anyoi and Arrandal day f utt, Itfl. Ifil'U l',V.wl Alld.llln ill I'., Iteelhoven, Mis router. I Tuesday A.M.