Pktt TWO TrTE'DAlLY H11WS "SALADA" SALES KETCHIKAN MEN ARE ARRANGING FOR ARRESTED ON CHARGE I HEAYY TOURIST 1922 1921 Increase I OF IMPORTING LIQUOR TRAFFIC NORTH 13,351,815 11,596,886 1.754.929 Thin Inemta In public favor Conspiracy to Import British With the pulling mlo service Is due to tha tupcrb Quavlitr of j Columbia Llauor Into Alaska i-r tin' Princess l.otiic ami Prin-ce Is Charged liep mi the hkasway ril ill June. I ho CPJI. laiast SIkoIii- lin a complaint made yesler- ship Service llns summer will iMiars soraiMi 010 WOUNDS. briVe n ifht snkle, tiu ULCERS & I Irers out J3 lay ! Fred K. Handy, deputy kIvp an ircennpil i'mi-i seric aaata tm au m immii, "SALADA I mii'il Slates marhnl. I. J.lo Alaska amount imt iif.i rl v in, ip naolp ire w 1 ,if mfliimmjition and pam, t Mr Fdwatd karat,taavtak acaiaaa.ka tkl M, Haili-y. Itert Htirclay anil (imrtre Iwn duals n 'k. Tin- summer 1 ..urn, ut Hran: Kcnue. HiajitUud, I . ouul neithaf rar arw. lm st u iM r, lin. ii.-.j ' tnmo bust al i aiMl UtalMkl nw, M Knlnlirli were arrepl charred aichediilp i nv mil showitut Wu'li th Un. !'. . 1 ..s uK ami ,.rii,ni oiauasais t" ala ar ar at.rui BIT illi conspiracy l vllnlt the wrekly IkkI. in June wilh a' h 11 bi p).l -iua ul i'.im Hk oihii ai u .o..i,o 1 arMW ar. TEA iiT Him iOulitai mivfe .lAiililitilr nn In b flii'in Tulir nilill will 1 im 11 ik Mirli.ii, .BmiiiiMiO ami diMiiai t iliurougM tuWaaU. K(.aH.lBl.MMM4 aiiaa ,llt. the Keli hikiin Alaska t'.hronich.jrltP day eriep in July and the! anil lb wm trilty al itwantitl t.aalnl with to aw nt la SIM. . I W I'll 11 air. r lr 1 ucy are ennrpen miii winspirinK.irtwnins liiunwiiiK unni 111c euu mi TRIAL SAMPLE J,i import intn the l!nile stales lle seanon. The nncp i.har- ECZEMA, RMNGW0RM. Etc. AtftfZtt-ZTM aa la laip l irnm Itrili-h iltflunmia. u hHIAln,lp will make a i t"Miil anul .... ID' Mil 1111 v . k ami rr4it rB..lli unlil hi bud ri"l taa Bak Cm. Immi. The Daily News nf brandy and piuhl liollles of.lcip north arriving h'i n J'lly co iaI I h twv iil lar .l-ftM iiii1 a4 al Iwi Ilia itoitwr a . tir, ii. u , Hi ,'. lui aulal I ! lrt " lb hti W l BRITISH COLUMBIA ier. liquor which was sPirol by L'O. Tan bnal l-alm brum hi PHINCB HUPKHT lien a iiwil ma k. lt am lk grtai Hip officer front I he mom o: TIip while and srniii schoilnle a taarvtl.uyi m'iumni Mi boy (01 lnt an ltlr aain ai nai Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince ieorse KitlertiliHi. jiMiw in ffp hnw lorlnmhtly jnial il.. .,n lk,l irraiairill lira ak n akllln lailt a r " Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. TIip defpndanls were adiniltpd ihnal for Fehmarv iih'i l'n-lyi andrmp in lhn liatuct-rr lnik'l tblMf Bi4wiir to lail In-1 nlphl in the Mini nrlHMt for March, April ami .May. " T.l II. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. EVERYDAY INJURIES. xu7 j l,oi pneli anil their prelimin-Tbe Princess Mary wUl maintain Mlli 'i m(h id ami WubJ lh wuaiiU unih.. I, imi nry henrins wns net for Thursday ; Hip service iinlil ip pnil nf- May ilrpWip ih pviaur. it '1 1 duiio' iipiiani bui SUBSCRIPTION RATES: rtPrnnnif :t:3n irrtwl. when he be Willi ill will replacpil 1 aa.! ia in -: :4l m,Ii. m iam rai to uitlar i l""g a City Delivery, by mail or carrier, er month. . . 11.0(1 Knlettdieh. 1m wws arrpsled'lhe lamer -hip. r lil imivm lwii u.a rti ttfii'.1 IM a w 1 By mail to all parts of the Brilili F.r.ipire and the United Stales, Hip prpvinu ilny imi n charge nf! - I appli am Uk 1 U llia t, J ip,ill)r aoii brl c ,.m Huh i.atl Uraon m tm A in advance, per year .10.00 having (iilnxiraihis liijur in ATTCMDT Tfi Dill I 1.1111 lafiammai ct i 11. u mauat aal ul '.! au4 To all other' advance i$ Iri.Ht 1 1 Hill 1 IU 1 Ulala p countries, in per year I.ds poei.f ion. was"" (riven a aad tSrciri. Ik i- In-fore thp cnuunisioner yesler- FLORA OFF ROCKS TELEPHONE 98 iay aflernown. vxiinmil a jury. THERE'S NOTHMC Contract Rates on Application. W. A. Jlolilipiuier. repreenlin j 11.. .i..rn.i.,i .L.wi r.. . ..n the u;i .wer Muton. TO TAKE THE PLACE Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. linuanc unlit tlo aftern.M.n. "iib ,a , r" "r U"-Ihal I u:ht prepare for argn- r ,J-' ''"l' DAILY EDITION Monday, February 5, I9S.1. ineiil on the legality of the search iiiii, ill. 1' r i,, 1 i"n. ueul iKhore on Ihr louiuiHu nf n uhii-ti Hie liipinr was found. : j.iauitai-y ?t in a blunliiiii su- Quick Action Of Local Member. OPENS STORE HERE TO On i'cliiiiK Ihe f.i'i'ie ii( Hi. "r Fred Stork seems to have got ipiick action on the suggestion '" f'"id ilw QCII UIQ ftUW DrrC!v,,',-,'k Ten Years Ago 1 llinl (he local drvdock wa to he removed In Vancouver. Information 0E.LL fllJ Uull DLLr vm hiiiit inn mhivIi i make nr received from the south is Hint the movement to make an at ilratuiiin 1 he Flora' "f f. In i'nc Rupert I effort lo M-cure the dock wa steadily gaining ground. I'n-doiililedly Alex. Prudhomma Will Cle Local imi retiirueil l thi- port. She "1 - 1 ' 1 '-1 the right action was taken in trying to head it of I People Advantage of Low ll'-H luaiu al 3:: next iieirinnu There i a erniu- cial h..rl-Prlces promptly. As Mr. Alder says in his letter to the hoard of trade. and Best Quality 'aiul will make eery eflort to ae ace in the . ily hu relief i pr-' if wc kicked hard enough we shall eventually gel something. 1 1 he Flora before -he is ounMr.l mici in ,n v or no. The du no) waul to make ourselvesl objeclioiiable hut we mut hold In i-rrter dial Prince Ilupei ! i P, iiiee. Prince.. I.imi will unload ninplv aaVQ apaBSflBBBBBBe 4BaTflaa9ULailBV IH our own as u community, jnt s we would in our own business leoie iitay he aide In jtrt Ins fine iion . tomorrow at Ihe srnyem-; We cannot make loo much of the fad thai the drydork ws plared Herelonl lieef anil veal ami ailB- imenl wharf a iii I Hie llrilili here as part of an agreement with the railway company and thai l-ricen in line wilh those neiii? The Man in the Moon rarao. to remove il would lie n ili-linct breach jf contract on lh,e pari Iiaid Ihe farmers today, pmd- I wilh in rorty-oiclil- iMKiri. of the company. There have been breaches enough without honunp . I'isher are nteiiiiiz up SAYS:- adding this one to Hie aggregate. tpiiiHirarily in the Hart Illnck. Mayor PalliiHo an'ov Ibai Sieve Kins' old locnlinn on Thinl work- of Si-cAnd TIIK only way in keep on jfliilnu Airnue Looking For Better .Vve. where they -will I'mtlinue goiI terms wilh (he lax ed- heyniwl the juivclln niul epae Things In Future. until they have ki oer fitly lerlor al this time of year is tn ecaup there ri not uU'wii-ul We are all slill very hopeful that,Sir Henry Thornton is go head of beef. lay up and lonk p.aaut. fundni lh r;pry it hu year's ing lo do the rigid thing by ns. We are expecting a lumber as Mr. Pruillininm.e. who nays lie ... council pPHviileil nioitpy fr the setnbly dock and cnal bunkers at auy rate, and then- we must get lakin? Ibis step In protect him. niK sriiid nf life U Hie thinir work up tn eleHhui Mine nl no after grain elevators. We see no re-aiui why grain should not eii, elates mat only three rpr thai liarppii thp wils. furllier. be shipped this Vay. The Oriental demand for Canadian irrain luil or llulkley lieef wer i - : Is Increasing and weare in a heller position, than anvone In up. lirouuht into Prince Iluierl in OXi: nf Ihe moid disapHkinltnr lonl cillau iialerviewnd Hip pljr lite UciniimL .l'ite Of all the publicity sien tilings in Hie wnri to a woman eily Kuinril Jat Dlshl preinpr' Just vbat. should be the 'next step to lake to try to gel an the camiiaicn. Many of the far is when she is expawtin? a kras f',r 1 pslMiliuiPil of a read-frnm eievaior is mil. clear, if (he railway company and the Domjnioi mers in I lie llulkley have lieeu (he yming man of her rnftiii for Uie elty. Tlrnae government are not building any more, it wilj be for this ort n unalile lo dispose Of their stock, ilrenim and he fail lo ileliier preseaat were llev. F. V. Kerr. look lo private sources for ils elevator. Companies are being but he killed his ul the hegrinnin? Ihe mod. Ili-lMipi llu Vemel. r. Clayton. lormeu 10 ereci elevators at.j,nncouver mid it seerns reasonahh of the year and lias them all in 4 He.. V. II. Mrlxsl and J. A. thai simitar concerns might do the same here. colli Inriorc and the people nf .I)Vi:H'Hsl.'(i i all Hahl says Kirtpalrh-k. A rnnimillec con-; Prince ltiiierl will pel the hene, the cynic, lml U only when silinjr nr Maynr PalUilln, AM. Forke Made Good fit. ' Ihe wliale herlna Iw bUiw thai he I'.vldiiiXM und Aid. Ninb'H will in-, Opening Speech. jieu into I rouble. vpalitrulp and nnmiiil a auh-1 We like the tone of Ihe speech of Ihe new: leader if the 'flninmiltee. i I'rogressivc in the iiomiuion parliament, judge! by Ihe short In the Letter Box ! A .MOITO for Ihe .i(r lhaw is CANccixaTiON of acscavc. summary received here. The farnier leader-stale I what he was "Wutcli Ynur Sleai and Hupp out lo get. Thai is heller than knocking' the oilier side- and remaining oilier." MlTIl r rrninr IS HI Hi KKHY laiKl Oil awrt I X tkal. ll hetct nothint! 10 cur c f non-commillal. At the same lime Ihe speech will nol FIRST CONTINGENT INSUR. rllMl.plrail TlmlH-r klreura No. !! In ro m tea. It stimulates and invicorate. It bear analysis. Take one example, ANCE FUND HOTEL ARRIVALS n H. JltiTJI, tales les jumpy nerves and away Mr. Forke Deiiuly Mlnlvtrr at I tinli suggests removing tariff barriers. That means Laad tiriiiiii, culling off Ihe larger pari of Ihe federnHinrome. On Ihe other Idlilnr. I a i ly cws. Prince Rupart iaiwary.a. . till. t$M tnat 1 eelng. And lo make hand he would encourage industries, which it is presumed would .i me irieyinnin nr llie war It- ForNc, Shavialalna; C. -OXXiL good tea, you need the right pot cot money, and lie would reduce (axes. In oilier word, he would al a public meeting in our city II. Itocers. Kkatrwnys O. .V. flray. give up most of Ihe income iieed ii currying on Ihe affairs of the hall it was deciiled tn inure (he Fliomilon; M. L. (2ark. Ceorye. 2iS This SMP Enameled Ware goverunxMil and nl the same lime lower the taxes and spend liven of the ma Trie, men nf Ihe town; W. l.aniK and V. 'A. Cavpr. Tea Pot the tea to steeps money in the encouragement of Industries. lirsi cmitiiisent frmn Prinne llu-. hill. Victoria; A. 11 Kinraid, F. TIMBER SALE X 4 US. per The 1.illy ..uggestion how thi might be done thai we ran lerl. The unilerajirfieil wa ak T. Fleniinif. It. I.. Jlrown ami J. Sled Tmnlr aill li mlieil hf tha fection. Keeps it right, too, think of i by reducing governmental expenses. Thi would of ed In umlerlale (he task of in Is II. llaiiiiKim, Yunomiver; J. M. IIimh Miiuiilar iHMrfi ur ihi IjiimI.Uh- Slh mi lirkuria.ilm ir I ist flirur.Ulr An SJVjP Tea Pot never gets coure mean rtiliiclioii of wages and njaries. imreasiug the inir the money o pay the pre. Paul and F. . Hair?, Prince !. Ir llv iurrliar irf l.lwhc X 4iaS, , How to musty or stale, the hard miu in. ,. i ui i.,i.iiimi iri in 14114 nirur. as arnouul f work each gnvernmeiil employe would do wilh a 1 1 cor ire. w. . (xmUwnrlll, llwk-k aiwl ihi an r a itualrU, Make Tea possible leHglhening of hours. He might also cul off the ms-sional Chief ickers and I did this 'I'urualn si Uie .miiiIIi lre iff HHlk i.'ImuiiiH. enamel is non-rwrous and non-metallic, luua i.n.l l.aiHl imirwi. iiidemnily for incmbers and Ibe wilaries of minislers. for. 1 think, the first Hire year Cantrail ru m, an iu be aiiui tt re T..F.I.5cld PaliaiTa.ik. SMP like all SMP En Iiok al Ihe local end or Ihe government service and see how re and I hen, Jhrnueh the pnod ser Ki, Mcllonald, ..Mayo. ,. . iimval I'urilier ur Umber.iiariiriiUM nf lh ll.wr ur. I.val UaapooB lo ameled utensils. cooking duclioii. might be made. Where Lti Ihe ciislnuis, Ihe fisheries. ilces of li. IJ. Johnson, cily treas J. Wheallcy, K Jlali. (J. II. fca,,V "f "",r":t each p. Paul I. Ihe marine department, the wireles. or Ibe post office or tele-grii urer, and Jhe Inle Krcd Peer Wrishl and M. dlprahrield, :. -"TTT bsiliof f.l.i, alii It is as smooth as china and as Tiaiaia saLa aaao. allf oat. or service could economies be made? There mul be caes Ily clerk and anlleltor. the cily N.H.; I . Winiiiver, cily: C. Iwic. Let aland council I lie "ealert TmmIit .ll rrlvd strong as steel. But be sure where employees not accepted responsi. li bjr Irr are working al fcV. ail pressure all Ihe lime, but IHXOII, lieoiuelowil. Wlllllllll l, ,.r i,,rt. llri,.n. n,.i l.i.r I. mia-ill.. very little improvement cnolil be made here. Buying could nol uiiuy oi coiiuiiuintr the jiay- (iraliaiu. P"rincp fieorire; X. """" "n " aiii iiy .f .March, ln?. Stiaia. Sfi. to get genuine SMP utensils, be much closer than il is nod taken, all in all lo reduce expenses rnenls. Mosewill. Vum miver. :,.:ii.iiimi reel of sriruer, (Xlar anil lleiu-, each carrying the SMP trademark. lo titiv large degree would aiwl lend Uurintr the lime thai I had lurk, .iiuaie tin an am tjiuUi I'lmliea prove a haril'hip 1., utj M I.ieeiie ITIHi. I tllu.lieva Intel, V1"'" inefficiency. rhare f the mailer, mil fund i.ii.thii. raiiiii, 1.41H1 irmnri. Ask for in Ihe Twi. '.i- ear ill lc? ilteurd for r Hank were placed of f'oru. II 1- easy to talk in generftJitie. hut when we gel down lo liioval iif linriM-r. mei'ce credited. In "In Tun Iter iiariieuUrii ut llie Chief Pfirea en-e. il inurh myself Mrs. more difficult. To carry oul 11 line is not a PB. lr Vieinrla. H.c. or (ililrlri lore.UT ns Mppemv 011 the urface. We believe in economy in all gov-eniiueub.. TriiKl for Ihe First On I iiiitenl Mrlne 'Hllliepl. nr SMPaWARE I n mi la I ice Kunil." When the cily Homiuiou provincial niid civic, but there j n i,it (n Moore's TIMaiR SALS xasts. which a vove.ninicnl Iriok Ihe mailer over. Iherp was may go. Beyond that limit Ihere is 11 distinct Sealed Tenilera will Ihi rrn4 by Ui a small Imi nee I ri in Huh fund. lo- of eflii'teocv. a jmniaier ir Lanoa al tieniria. ihi lin r now aniouiitiiif lo 27.:i. This Good Han ihhhi mi lh ICIh Oar uf feliniarr. IVI, for Hi iturrhaw (if Clrcne X 1111.. Three finiiisfti Pearl Wait, two coati, pure white iniide and out was nol dinliirlicil hut now the JVAeTC llelukM-k lo rul T.tu.iiou unit reel nf Sirue. Cedar, coaU of pearly grey enamel inaide with HoyaJ Dlue edging. an' Valaain, allualiil nn are hank ib'sires 'in close Ihe ac-enuiil. Reason dull lUe l.aal felmm of aereaforil ArUl, and out; Diamond Ware, three Afler consiilline several Ounen Charlulla Inland. Land lllrl, l. "Smut Mitai Products t.? light blue and white outtide, "There Were io i r ui ua anutrn ror ra coati, Many Things ciliens, t! kiii decided thai as in a lonu iiii,I inleri'Blinir Idler, nmvai nf umber. white lining; Cryitsl Wars, three Msal.lai IVMia weaaiM. the money was viveu hy the ......Me ...v ..k' i . .... I.u ,I,ii. t'urllwr iiarlleulara nf lh Chief fnr- Which I Could Not Eat" "... ,i,.ina. n.i. or uiairlul t'urrairr. 4 xeueral . public, Ihe balance tried eviiv Ininiil nf canned trli!r.fLJ!Jjrri. JL?L Mrs. IL. Robert Well. Engliih Harbour,Trinity Bay, hhuld he given to some nlijcct 'milk -In' tin seen, partly i timber sale Hairs. Nfld., writes i f public inlereat and a check throimh ciiiioMiy and partly Te,i,iir-Tii i re.mved by ii- Local Agent Tor this balance has 4een senl from a de.ire lo lllways huve,Jf""tar 'amii al Irlnria imi later 5 "I wai troubled with nervoui to ihe treasurer of tha hospiLal llie he I or her children. ' Itiua.noon(or the ihi imreiiaw IIm arU uf ilav(lo,,,of lehruarv.x tr,7i Thompson Hardware Co., Third Ave- ...... .. . Jyppna much In em oar. mui r..i ..i a..... o to Ui.t inward I In proposed nurses' i suatiy one can of aliylliinif i,,.,,,,,;,., ,,7d Hajaaw. i u ai .itu.VeJ tlieie ware great many thingi limne. else convince, me that Pa'ifii nn uie .orm Arm f Hi Lake. Klleralie I could not eat at all on account ( should nol iiealecl lo aay Milk is by fur the rlelie.f and Ilav nan llanvi'nr. vear I. i.uu-1 will Land be allnikad lilairlel tor r of the dittreited feeling after-wardi. liat the colled Inif ut illl4eiit Jieulf" Mr. m. naya. Alu nil-oilier moial I iirllii.l uf IllulNir.iHII'lli'lllari nf Die Chief Furea 1 ued many different ruuds lo iiay premiuiuM was ri'H-nii iiK-nlinneil la that ler, Vli'luna, h .. ur Malrlrl loreilrr, DENTISTRY; X-Ray Service Mrlie' tmiiert li i.. remedies, but they did me little made vniiipiiralivejy easy by Hie any slmii she (roes tnlo can irive good. Finally I tried Dr.'i cxecediuKly treneroua MinlrUtu-liniu. her I'Hi iric. which i also an Realm! lander,TIMBER will SALS Im X rreisieit SSSS. liy (be Tlie' only reliable and scieuttfio method uf know g 'S Nerye Food and Kidney-Liver made lowaYd il. liy Hie rid latitude Mnii.ler of Lamia, Viriurla. uu later than exact condition of the loath und aurrouudiug PH. and wai lurpriied at the iimmiiieineiil nf (lie Priuea llu. I iseHi In- nurrhiia no III tua uf Il,'en.:e ion of Mae?li.X 4i;,iy t em r.. buoy ntniclure. relief thii combined treatment ieH llolel. Pacific Milk Go. T.iai.iinu leoi ur itui. i.adar and UeiubM'k, ami I uoo i . r lave me in tuch a ihort time. (i. A. HIX. Idled and tuirlied Cedar anil Hem. DR. BAYNE Limited lurk, miuaie ou an area adiotnio. Hi sisilli Imi Ian ,r 1...1 I'.Id, HhaniHui DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD Arrivals from Alaska on Hie Head Office, Vancouver, . C. Ir Hai let. (jueeii i.harloiu liuilidi, land n Office Hours: 0.0. Tues . Tliurt,. Hut KvcuidK 7 0 SO Ccuta a bos, ai dealer, ur Uwukuaoa, lute A la, MiJ., l steamer princess Mary Saturday Factories at Lsdner and Ab-0 Tw. if year II Imi aJluaed (nr rr Oental Nurae Always 111 Altvnduucu oruaio iiiinal of iimlier uf'erti'iriii included Mr. J air. II bolaford, B. 0. KiirilHir uaritenlar of lb. Chief !', Room 4, B, 9, Helgerson Blk. Phone If- Jl,')(iiiulil 41UU C linger ir Vieorl. Hi r lillrli rrrfi liuiert, H."