TOP. DAIMT NKVt! "lirwul and miller." an niie i-ny. i IY YOUR Movies and Movie People ho soon lr(aj lid-wiiea Thy tirr inlcrele,more Marry(rmiv in her timt Anni learn from Ihe inirr llinl Hi ilorlor ha Iwn .sides ni noes Devote' to tho doings and sayings nf those who hi rlieiriielrr; llml ) is capa- entertain the public. hle nf'rhanrina, wealthy pawn-hrnker 'rom J in,0(l for an "pm al inn. while from a ioor washerwoman )hoemalcer In rcfiio to take any THEY MARRY fee. for rurinx Iter ripplcd ofen AMHERST" WEEK AT THEATRE child. 8HOE8, ou; can LEATHER j Ian. on hl side, i intcrecd Prom $5.00. M'.inli) ii ml Toi'xtitv. THEN WHAT? in I III woman who does thins. LECKIE" Mimrlre 'I'MiiiiiMir pie- Al Ihe rnrlie fcppj-iorlunity he LEATHER SHOES, "i-iif ."l-'imliuli Matrons." ake her In MArrf. Mm. hliss-fully m per pair. Ml alar cal lnxKllli Maurice Tourntur'a M Fool I alt unrnncioii Kf limv dc-lil.eralcly ll.arl Ito-worth. 4-t Matron" I an Unusual he has lil him mi to !.oe Repairing. O.iIiimIv ! III proposal. Picture WM'nrttliiy a iii Thurliiy. They marry anil I hen what Viola liana in "(lla The picture tells II. ill the l We Advertise? HILL t ,lni lry iMtiirern three ;o. llmira." A photoplay mien who c..Mliliile mole. holme I on lj lil, nit.l Iiiiiimit iw full nf hr1 Shoeman. pop j.iymi eule nf riar New York. I.a.h The TafrdAv. romeily.I'alhc llevirw. ' hrl'iim in a naml linuiiinit. VIOLA DANA IN Ic.N.R "Ticket Office. Ivach wnrfc nul lur iwn i-.ilny: Friday mill and Saturday GAYEST COMEDY yvt i-aHi rlKU on I lie nlher. Snlurdav .UMii Thiri i I lie wnmnn who, pn- I'.ceil II. Ilemille present ynulli. Iieauly anil ullieiti n ' iila, lliue." Ii lal'-i jvor I In mm Mi'tarbaii huiI Pl i-"i.liliiHMiN. Viola ln.i . hu i Hrairlrr 4iy in "Man- i iin.i nerwu in an riu ironnienl Mrmy Hie role J..y Imvnl. -lana-hlrr." Itnmanlle. Mini franip ami .IwnrN tier T-;wm. nn lier W'e.l.iiijr iii. rim tun 1 nxpress tlirillinv. "-t:-illP. ! -i.nilily- Ihe wonmn win. Ino dial tier lui-lii.l, Hilly X..H..11 jffou; often should tnicdy. often niarrir- in or.ler Orders to fi.l.rf.ieeK her l. 4e a n noil' Honey (incite. Hie aoelal onrKlrllllllly fhnl !- ri-.iiHi. hp irina mi (irrfciuiiii I,,.i ).MierwMM ilKHIMI hr. M IhuiK- KjVP ,ln ,er life .f ri lull Issued on T"T T. " l,,v'" ttr "n whom ,. iliinK that he lia .n.- lu.i.l we Advertise? I iUnp re rin warfe In miy (,e nMrio; .ul what v&y, Sweden & really -heta. lri.- In M-Ihe him. , , '""","" "tie-T ny -iioi,.,, biii ,PVM nm tht. 1th.s.Hr.. inno- TIPV are In ... gu.-i. al a lark at Lowest I'rine ItufMn her hl Jn-enl r hoi. In Meh marriage J,,,,,, jrel iu , u,, Kenilw.r.U. I...I are the Canadian and American Manufacturers .Milrle fealnreH Mi IIh mnvlM. torrent Kates j , tlfH.H .jw.r. jiiM-li a wonuiiij,j. Mliein; dial lii WHY II iimIiI be wnHh .lnjr. 4ml nt tl ( t, ion,in ,u lf(. i- Ihe n.MnrUn,- Ai.if-I Ka. -in appropriating fifty per cent Agenla for winler. IWayiM-, aelMaily Kumpere.1 hy dollars in Advertising Newspaper bgtan American Lin I ...'. iJ illvlnt In a khAII town. It i. iBn tne eor, w.ipanV more Hih American Lin I Mary PhMtfaM ! aaM l be n. .j lw,iBB p,,i ,e ureal wh t, in rl-in. Hilly 2 I.. for the year 1923 than in 1922? ndlnevlan American al the peak rrnarkaU ,,,( eMrlaiilily wliirli keep ,m IIM M. learn liial Aiitr.-I . areor In "Te.." from f..llwinB In ll.e r.l- Lin. Jher yarr, .n Imi pUyine,! a l.ijt kil- "Iter Typewriter i . . -l1 "f ur "ln" tins al Ihe twill. Hill ni.he. to Cary Safa I.. r,n"MI"' irr who vol. whaJ .he wnl , tiolol n. upon fu.diiin Joy There's Reason II RE INSURANCE I1 ""e im i jrnir winiAtit i ne rorinaHif r i."r- on N1II, ,.,. fr,.,n nl( a ,.mo inf urn oi hii niiiiinmi naf:e. .iioliee. White he i liyma -lar i Mitel to h ipie of.lfce Cold and Sclflah i.i... .k... .i lav'n & Hanson i-ven hot January ftlni. I lliere U Ilia wniimn eol.l an-l hae him exainiiiisl a to ln n C,n' AIJQJ7 tnev have implicit faith in the 'e1fih. to whooi marriare I mental romlilion Ihle Annie Third Avenu lioheiHian life mil 4e rn in little mre llutn iiMnrtMrhip in eel I'are Ann on MJ LdsJ J OJCf pulling power of Newspaper Inc Rupert, B. 0. "The fare on the liar Himibb M Mltllk 1.1 WHU'h fiH. ikltjlll In uwna and in the future ' I'k-kfnnl Advertising in wlii' Ii .lark ijjjf tHH-ail Mv i the thin? to Viola liana na.-U Ihe iinni-i-I'io. 1 1- Hie cenlral' liKlire, Sttelt women nee.1 not m iial i-ol.. in ihi her vay't. trade conditions for the coming year. like Sheila lhkiM. new pier i-omivly (r ahenliii-e an I tular in I the internment naa nno- IN GOOD HEALTH r.nnrir; no he wek- I..... .-..mpliealioo. EATINQ GOOD lae. (he movie- all Ihe way jMr wrll.r- U j. The daily newspaper has proved itself worthy of Li 4:e Irt I.i !H per rent ami a ,rw,.lM,ry .e her- TDrAT CfCMCQ 1VJ DIP this tremendous responsibility and trust. re.nil inn cinema lion ara .,.,, mnflk lUan aMIWn3 in lhe,uIVtill OtLllLO IU D1U , loe. J,mn. Thai i. Iho wy . PI AY AT WFFK FND ' Men who spend millions of dollars on Newspaper AHnieklr Ifl not ' hark "if i M, mv man I will Manlaughtr Dealt With Reck. Advertising yearly know what it has done for them in GRILL afier all. Titers i l4ll linfia far Mr. rt , k,ow , ,,jm lei Driving of Auto the past and feel safe in trusting their future fortunes ihe 'W. ... . I -n,i kr- him" -Ihe wouian len Day and Night. Tlo eoiihter thai Ihe merrel of In "(.lie i lh fai l that itiei to the advertising columns of the daily press. V(, Prion 57. Pearl While i. .till ollr hepine. for her i ! make were no pliolo?rahi'i I" '-eonl on.lerfnl an.i awful luut. II Mime man happy. Some iieonle Ihe lire. and -liiini' . ii .hi.I Hint her new aerial helime thai thia lyiM. at wnninujll"' mae aliiriiiK years .f I'lnii.l. r ' the moat lrillin i out or .tale. mey run iter Ibe oWaileiire of Ihe ll"inai. Empire. George Cafe 'oW-fahi.Mlel." Hut errelly eil II, MfMilli ua in i ill-fully The Daily News they envy her, whether .-fie tut a rprMllri a scene "f Hi"' relearalet! aelre like Auni haiHiariun invasion of Home m KW I AKK ' next ir.inl inr.or Jul t plain Mr. SmilhUii.Manlauliler."Inlet I'arami.nni win. li is f.ieturr.-HiiiH: Phone 98 P. 0. Box 1723 u 1 1 ji a. u aOTICt TO CONTRACTOn. all Noble Woman eiilhuiutie.iJI: rei-ei.-.l over the BeU CHOP IUIII Tl IPI M. -UIWTlbrd "TV Ihe country. l.l.-r fill- hwlMW IUien.H1 nlllf wnl The lory nf Anni Uraiul i and NOODLES e.- i i l l. tlvt- tar n.ih the lory rf a nohle uoman win. The eii-nr alliKle.l to i n f I-..!... VV..rh. lilt li. II.h HI Of U.HI l.rief historical rulj;i. W. l.ul il IM I Vila "M rmimri. . riling iM.llll.VlHl Hill-re nu I lie tin ii.di ami naupldhia at 1vu I.Hi-; ' lepirl vivi.lly the arrival nf i l ii ...r llafell' i-Imii.', yet who, throuah all the Uirie' h.irle in Hie llleinal ieririralliMi' UMlnrl I'lai... . mi i fS year of lmr.1 w irk. ha nnvrr I .mi. iHUH.' Ill ja i none niue rily. il. 4nl at.. ..f i'i..n . ' ilo.l her i.Jeal of rnmplrliv elf. ..lf!.r ..f Ileal ripe Joyt who i one nf .. I..rl . m-ir,. i rmmwr. pmwe ieireion. 'Iliroiigh arriilenl. lllll-l I H .. V.u-.4il ni-lrlrl ijunaerr. .i- the prineial of Ihe iiioilern Mht nM.p ,r. aH iMer. u MiMiiirr. ni of the lory, is the h liriHNil inn.I ''iigiiii.he.l .ufaeon. In whne m'r(it! .1; 'ln( iHUlfe . IKMHI lmlV al a lavishly lie.-ml iful A AN LADY ..ii rltarl. I. il i.4i.n ne umu. Ii lit I n I I lie ariiT i earrieu liniiiimiin: a .huen Imyers repre--ellllllK lloman l.accliannl vvhirli I i it - IM.1.- .aIHT UN II.MMluraMW ttw ".. her airlomohile ha lieen the for. fur house j i.ui.iu. W..HL. Inr Ibe .Mil Ull.'r Hi.-1 lerrin.leil liy Thoiiia Melhaxi in i .ii mi iMrb .luii im- ruifMteti ir Uhi wreckeil in a rlliinn wHh a in the I nil oil Slate resiile here. SK KKSSKS tlie roll, of tlje leailer of the ii.. i vihii rn.i i.iM " ". ' ireel car. i n.l with lhee in mlilition to the 'JZ2Z uiL-T,",'" Annla- fir.l anxiety ronrern tiolh. I.oi Wilson, John Mil- local ilealers the shipper of fur tern nu.l 4ai.n I'erauson are "The New Wash M.ur..-iui lemteiw HI Ir reiarneil. to (,,. fm.. 'Chi. ,..cor. ileeminv i always asure,I of plenty of: Way" iimw HI.MI IW rirrintim Ihe oilier member of I ho nol-itile l.mht. mill mi im nHiMitan! iMl- hrr aiiolhor of the liall..w louipelilion for his peltries. Most, in llii n ral uppoarinjt li '"H: .:l"..'.,.V...""'j;,:n,,, "r'ieSS?' oei. ty heauli.- wlui-e ,,ele- of he ilealers ship their fur H. i .-il l. i in iik . ioriH- iiin.i-iieii n,. he ljiies. nnwer roimh sequenpe. iiirrct to I ho atiTii province ; Third Avenue. -jr i ' "rn"ni.' ly llinl her face in al) rlalil. Mill A strikinaly reallslir ula.lin-I unit-stale, ami verv- oftrn !. I eonitial is one of I lie many Montreal, i.i,i -... .,....,r nlien lie learn llinl he i an nra weeks afler Ihe furs have heen. Washed inlorrsliux failures of (lie hnc- Everything r.ii.ii. w.irV- t.i. i.i run. in ni lr.'H n that her faee i her i nrehaseil here they are on t li ( I'M1 Ml, II MM' ! chanalian eulerlainmeul. Al- . worklal.les of I lie manufacturers ' - I llmuuli The episn.ln rriireil iu Montreal ami .New York. I Everything Soft Finished more tlian a week In film ami . In qciieral local ilealers slale kepi nearly l.nOil persons em-ployeil, I! that Ihe trnite in fur is healthy, - il Will rrttpy I screen Ihe only "fly in the ointment" i; 80 per cent, ready to use for only a few minutes. , Il it that Ihe lin.tcr consider the fur QUICKER TRIPS MEAN INCREASED EARNING POWER- uscil to iioini a powerful lesson reuulnlion erralie; I hey express i in.I ei'M' In ilraw a miuimrl'mi coiiMs as lo vvhal may happen l.elweeu Ihe ani'ieul Home an.t Means Less Overhead iiiiiilerii America. nexi anil in eonseipienre are nei. Increased Engine Efficiency vou. lie rur calcii in me norm is saiil ' he rrctrnl anil heavy B.C. FURS SELLING kliliiuenls are looked for in the WELL AT EDMONTONj near futirc 7c PRINCE RUPERT TIDES BENZOL Vancouver Market Being Dl- placed For Peltrle Say Bulletin Report Tueiday, February 6. Illy I. I: to a.m. '.'O.'i ft. Illllfl p.m. IK.7 " r.iliiKinlnn us a purchnaina l,..vv II :.' a.m. 5..I Gallon point for central 1U1. fur U rap. " Now- 22c 33:11 3.1 - : - per i.lly iJUplaeiiiK Vancouver, ' 7. local fiir-uieu whu illuslratn Ihl Wednetday, Foruary lc M)lli'ie Ilitth 5:37 J0.0 ft. plus per piece One Fill Will Convince You !iv iinlivutiliM I'.'critl ship, IHMIH 17.3 " i.e.I hern fin- aU from lliq i.llier GREATER ENGINE EFFICIENCY AT LESS COST sljii of Ihe moimhtiii. on.spf (ho Low ... IS:03 5.7 " Troubles hest pack of Hrilislt Colilinjiiu Thursday, February S. More economical than hiring a laundress. Easy Starting No Carbon lui having licen snlil at Dm Nor. Illiih n:33 a.m. I H I ft. Ilieru Truilinu lk.mj.any a ware U;JS n.iu. Irt.:i " Phone us and be convincedPhone 8 1 A a- r n 1 . lumsu auya the Ulinniilnll llulle. l.ow l:ii(i a.h " ie Agents - - rnnce Kupert uoamouse till.1lns Khitiuurtit aolJ for 3.000 Friday,13:13 February p.m. 0. ti l " Mini i us a stuli of Ilio 711 u.ui, IH.9 ft. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Government Wharf Phone Red 391 time 20 til hi. li.H I'ricra for raw furs art as onil l.ow I W it.ui. 7 9 in r.dnionti'ii a nuy part of Urn U 3.1 p.ui. 0.0