I- 1 V5 if ATWO ICED TEA when pures delicious "SALADA" Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION INTERESTING ACCOUNT OF TRIP TO OUTPOST OF CAS-SAIR DISTRICT IS GIVEN BY HEROIN, ATLIN MEMBER. (continued Trow pate one expected that, by 192 5, motors Would lie aide to make Hie journey from Telegraph Creek to I hi5 head of Dee.se Luke, a distance of 75 guiles, in one day, whereas it now occupied lp days by the old pack train method. Tells of Trip Mr. Kergin left Prince Rupert on June li, arriving at Wrangeil the following day, this place being (lie starting point , for the, Stikine. Here the Harrincton Transport Co., which operates a -.line of pas boats on the river, had just arrived down after an absence of eight days in which :lhey tried to' reach Telepraph iCreek. hut without success for, a ft his, si'a'son of the 'year, the river was in flood, and they could only Kct as far as the Canyon. "We left, however, the following day," said Mr. Kergin, "an 1 proceeded as far as the Boundary. uIkiuI 30 miles from Wrangeil. Here the cittoms have an officer .stationed, and, after, the usual customs preliminaries, we started on our way. "The SUikinC in siz and char CrCekj 150 miles from the mouth The current of the Stikine is swift; hut there are no so. called rapids, the Little Canyon 75 miles July when the river is at its highest stage. This canyon is ahou'. three quarters of a mile long with sheer rock walls from two to three hundred feet high and in daces not, over seventy-five feet wide Here, at the mouth of the . canyoivleri hordes were taken on that had been left there the previous trip when Hie boat could go no further. The walef, how- 'ever, had receded and the passage of the fcanyon was navigated without much difficulty allhoueh the horses which we had taken on added considerable weight ii our craft Magnificent Scenery , "The scenery on Jho Stiklne will cogipare with -any on the continent and no doubt will he highly patronized in lime when it becomes mode widely knifwn. There are several important (rib. ularies which flow into the Sli. l:ine. chief amongst Hiern being the Iskool and Scud coming in from l he ,.ast and the Clearwater usoa Is used, is a satisfying and refreshing summer - beverage. The Daily News FRINGE ..RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. ' H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .$1 on oy man vo uu pans oi uie unusn umpire ana me United States, in advance, per yar .$6.00 To all other countries, in advance per year $7.50 TELEPHONE 98 Wednesday, July t, 1923. anyoii. The glaciers, however, are the most important features, The First or Little Clacier is situated about in miles from the mouth The next is the (treat (iluci.er with a width lm the river front of about four miles. .Next comes the Dirt Clacier, so called from the-quantity of rocky material with which its surface i covered, giving it a muddy appearance. Last comes the Flood Clacier, so named 'from, the great flood of water which it gives off during the end of each summer. 'We arrived at Telegraph Creek, witliout any mishap on June 13, after putting out a few cables to help the boat over sev eral difficult riffles. This js the only town in the district and the outfitting center for the entire interior. II. is situated on llu-north side of the. river occupying the Delta of the small stream, which bears jils name, and the l wer terraces b'ordefcinir on It . It is a Clean and well kept town, consisting of a double row of houses and sores which border on the river front. Here we wailed for two days procuring pack-horse for the journex to Dease. The Telegraph-Dease wagon road has its start at this point allhoush there is a fairly pood wason road from Telegraph to Clenora, the old boom town of acter somewhat -resembles .the,.,)8 atll cniav Central Hallway Pheena ami is navicame mr rtav, .vili(.,. 1. nt.nul 12 hteamers or light draught and nli,M ,,pow 'j0rrailit. yMl Ul(f good powr as far as Telegraph of jfX(VJ)(ion a sin(t(, row of , buildings,' it is now deserted. To Dease Lake "The trail to lipase Lake was ?M hy ".,P P''umen in ip offerirrfrthcworst impediment j fturing'the months of June and!18 ' ,,ar S'T "! u iiiiriy jiiiiMi siaie 01 repair. A few years ago it was opened up as a watron road lo Hie Tooya some 25 mill's along the route. Leavins Telegraph Creek, the road out of the town follows along tle base of a lava cliff with a fair grade to a height of 300 feet above the river when it opens out upon a broad terrace which it follows, keeping the course of the river for a distance of about 12 miles, when it. de-cends into the Tahllan with a good grade built along the hillside of rock and earth with rock walls built up fn several placesl to strengthen the road. "The- Tahllan, which is a river of some sine comes out of a per pendicular canyon of lava rock, whose walls are from 300 lo MO' feet in height. A P"od bridge span's this river over whicli we crossed, and here met with the I'endleton-Kuehl Co. who, with a caterpillar and tractor, were taking Jn 15 tons of heavy mining mafhiucrv. ' and maUlncr iroml from (lie west n miles above the progress. The ascent out of Iho u NVGGE? White Dressing Is the best for canvas boots and shoes, belts, etc. Just try it ! m A substitute will ditaopoint you. sEANVAS BOOTS eSHOrSJ ??MPKs?drtpfi,- TTT1 COtCT-lfEWS WeJiiMdNj-. July I; 1823 Tahlt.-in 'Valley follows a clay bank to an elevation ofabont 3(iu feet to the lava bed above which' it follows in a north-east direc tion over a level stictrh lo Wards Hill five miles distant. At Wards l.he road climbs (o a plateau about t)on feet high, along which it runs for about Jour miles over een cround then drops 100(1 feet into the valley of the Tnyn over which we crossed on a .substantial bridge 221 feWing and li feet wide and const rii '.led with 12 x 12 Mringirs and a hub.ie 'Queer, truss. Here the roan Ascends out of the valley 1000 feet to llj top of another plateau, ahmp which it rutfs to Hie north-east over a trail whicli nl present is almost good enough for a wagon road, until Caribou Camp is reached. This place is considered the half way camp to the lake. From here on to Hie Tanzilla, 20 m1le from the lake and on lo the lake itself, the trail is fairly even. Not Difficult Road "The construction of a wngoti road with pood prades from Telegraph Creek to Dease Lake would not he very difficult or expensive. In fact the hardest part of the road that between Telegraph and Tooya has been overcome and from Ihw on, some small side hfll grading and fills is all that is necessary. With .' Hie irovernment grader now at work, it would he possible to lake- a motor right through IhLs fall. This is assured for next summer iir any case." Mr. Kergin went on In Victoria after arriving here. He is expected hack this week accompanied by Mrs. Kergiii and family who have been in the capital fori everai months. 'They will return to their home in Alice Arm. CONVICTIONS UNDER FORESTRY LAWS Several Interior Men Are Fined For Setting Out Fires At Smifhers, on June 25, f!eo. Oullon Louis Devoin and Frank fSilbert were convicted before Magistrat e Ifoskins of setting cut fires without permits con trary lo the Forest Act and were fined S25 and costs each. At Forestdale, on June 27, John David was convicted before Mag istrate Iloskins of setting nut fire without a permit and was fined 25 and costs. At Sanctuary Lake, on June 27, before Magistrate Mulvena, J. Yanzanton was fined s25 and costs for failing to report a forest fire. SMITHERS TO HAVE ANOTHER SCHOOL Tenders Being Called For One- Room Building to Accommodate Increased Attend- ance SMITHF.nS. July . As an evidence of the ever increasing population, tenders are being called, for the construction of an additional school building. The large addition of two years ago is proving inadequate and it has been decided to erect another one-room structure. Tha new-school is expected to be. ready for use at the beginning of the fall term. Ten Years Ago j j In P ince Rupert 1 K- -B July 4. 1913. Captain Tom Smith brought in the Zorra this morning wilh a catch, of 30,000 pounds of halibut. This is an extraordinarily good catch for a two dory vessel. The Zorra is the properly of the At lin Fisheries Ltd. v - P. V. Croken, superlnledent of construction for the Dominion government telegraph along the line of the O.T.P., relumed yes-(erday afternoon from the Mrs. Keen, wife of Canon Keen of Mellakalla, arrived here yes terday from the interior. Canon and Mrs. Keen expect lo leave for Knplaud about the middle of thh mouth. J. I. Craves, vice president of Hie Xiranby Co. returned on the steamer Prince (ieorge this morning lo Vancouver. . HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. T. Comall, Kamloops; W, F. Itinns, ItaliiMiral Cannery. Central W. Iiurke, city. v J The Man in the Moon SAYS:- I'HH dinicully with sortie lovers is (hat I hey love nobody hut IJiemAelves. .lake Sandusky say the only person in the world he loU's is Jake. Hut then Jake is honest about (I. , I SHOULD like to einphasin the fact tha) H is not necessary to wear silk pajamas in order e well. -sleep . AS Hie mayor of Kxtew says, modern civilization is a curious animile. AX oil slock gambler would be well fitted to write a book 011 the subject "Is the World gelling Wiser?" l'EOPI.F, delight in dangerous situations. Look how many second marriages I hern are. - A COimKSI'O.NDF.NT wants In know how much silence you can gel into a room at a time. I have an idea that the corres pondent is kidding J' i.e. ... I.N the average household, if the man opens up and treats the lioys. the wife pays Hie hill be cause she has to do without that much in the days to come. IN these day of modern gew gaws that girls wear it is suggested that' lo be covered with lory or wilh a mantle of charily is nol quite sunicient even for hot weather. A CYNIC observes that Kve must have been a June bride when she templed Adam because she offered him something raw. - "SO Calgary is booming Pat Hums for the Senate. It is hard lo believe that Pal is as tired as that." Manitoba Free Press. IF you dance all nfpht and sleep all day both the boss and the devil are likely to begin lo lake an interest iiK your alfairs. 4 THH Sen,ale seems lo have been having a real killing lime lately. ' - - CLIMHINC is a pleasant oc cupation, hut never go trying lo climb big waves with a lillle boat.- HOW many limes a day do you use the pronoun "I"? Ktiminalellhe reluming home. Iwo Words of Ihem .and your friends will lliink a lot more of you. IT'S very annoying when -a girl starts selliiisr kises in order lo raise money and some other vampish creature .starts bootlegging them. MAN puts powder in his gun when he hunts a deer. Woman put powder 011 her niise when he hunts a man. F.vervone knows whicli is the more dangerous (o the quarry. TIIK pic-nics over the holidays were mostly if a "wet" nature. WHY can'l the government invent flavored t'urns for postage stamps? CKHTAIN bathing costumes this season have beep branded the "Hroadraslihg" series. F.vi. dently because (hey are the right wave length. 'DANCINC" ays Hie sport St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert' Leading Restaurant Jk Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. in " . :' v.-:-'-1'. -' : . ' ' mm Package z ?i writer "may he questionable hul no one riiuhl call tennis immoral." All (he safne, it. is n fiit racquet y. THH thing that can hold up 11 warship witliout firing a shot Is fl dene ffi. TUB mol enjoyable part n Hip holiday fishing excursion wn- IT wtis. a good Joke on the picnic parly which got lost in the fog on Sunday and, on merging from thejnist, three hours after Hie starl found ilef nl I he Ocean dock. IF the fish didn't bile up lo expectations the fiies certainly did. - TIIK old popular song "Oh Where is My Hoy tonight" has rbme back into favor among local flapper now that the warships have left im. rHO.h girls who use powder a f IT was a rash young Ihing lot console themselves wilh the who left her "steady" for a s')or knowledge that talc is cheap. TIIK oilier day I heard several new phrases and I give I hem here for the sake of those who wish td keep up to dale. They were: "Too bad," "I that so" without the interrogation at the end, and ""'leased lo Meetchoo." THINGS may be bad but ju( think where we'd all be if we grd whal we deserved. man. LING The Tailor Phone 649. WE DO DRY CLEANING AND PRES8INO OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BY STEAM. SUITS ordered to measure Second Avenue. Opp. Post Office Corner. Dr.A.H.Bayne DENTIST Rooms 4, 5, 6 Helgerson Block. Phone 109 Office Hour, 9 to 6 Tuesday, Thursday, Satur- day Evenings, 7 to 9 .no 1 acKa&es ' ' ; ' 1 1 now 18 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. I. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineer, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Eto. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Our plant is equipped to V-adle all kinds of Marine-and Commercial Work PHONES 43 AND 38B MR. FISHERMAN! Second Ave. KING fiEORCE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. I'rices Huasonablo ' Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. Your life often defends up.n a GOODTANK We have been making tank's for boats duriifg the past ten years and we have yet to get a complaint of. faulty workmanship. WHAT WE HAVE DONE FOR OTHER8 WE CAN DO FOR YOU. ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS Phone 340. HOTEL HUDSON 773 Seymour 'tt. (Near Hudson Hay 8tor?li VANCOUVER, B.C. C. Weslcrgard, Manager. Late of Winnipeg, Ilrandon and Moose Jaw. Modern-Fireproof-Central We Appreciate Your IJuulnoss; DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block- Office Hours, 9 to9, Phone 575 Lady Assistant