PAQ1 FOVH THI DAILY NEWS Wednesday, July 4, l p.. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus LADIES! I tlD XOO ARE NOT TEQT SOINC, TO THAT PRIZE- lit CKiai ivsitiw A,Af f OrV.ttTrrTt)? I ' wwi 1 I Wl FICiHT- FKHTlNCi lt OX COtNC,- I DON'T tEE HOW jjnU, ' WELLMUt)CE J V(JLMAND NO DECENT 2f 1 AOOUT THAT r& I WltH I COULD JUST ARRIVED. PPOPLf? WOULD .0 rr 3UtM liKUTAHTX LOOK AT SOME a. a? A A new grey suede, 2 strap, very -ee IT- j or the; fichtj chic. .Drop In and see them. i'MOIN SPECIAL. . r A.W5WHAT IMlsTCAO Off Brown Kid Oxfords, Welled Solos. TALKtN I ALWAXt CE(N All sixes ....... $6.50 X XV MEN! XT Our range of Men's Shoes i'n Brown or Black, All shapes and sizes $7.60 aiaiEjV Cannot bV .beaten anywhere. Family Shoe Store Ltd. Shoo For The Family. Summer COAL Oreat satisfactionl Repeat orders being Tilled every day for Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Goal Quick Fire! leasts Longer! Costs, same as oilier N-Jt Coals. Phone 116 or 564. Albert S McCaflery LIMITED BARGAIN TWO LOTS in Section 1, $625each Terms arranged See us for particulars. Oliver Typewriters. Cary 8afes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. ' We beg to announce the opening of our new Garag e and Service Station on 3rd Ave. East, In the former Pacific Cartage Stable and Warehouse Buildings. Competent mechanics arc In charge, and you are assured of prompt and courteous service and reasonable prices. Tires, Tubes, Accessories, and a full line of genuine Ford. Paris carried in stock. Phono fireen 392.. Free Air. Phone Qreen 392. Free Air. S. E. PARKER, Ltd. F.ven if you don't live in a glass house and throw stones Your WINDOW Or Wind Shield May Get Broken. T. ROSS MACKAY Will Fix It. Everything In Glass. COLTS WINNERS OF ROCHESTER SHIELD Good Junior League Game Last Nlnht was Somewhat Spoiled by Heavy Wind Score 6 to 3 In a pood hard game which was somewhat spoiled by a heavy wind which proved a great disadvantage lo Ihe players facing it, the Colls defealed the Public School-by a score of f to 3 last night and won the Rochester Shield emblematic of Junior League football championship. Wilh Ihe wind and grade in their favor in the first half, Ihe Public School scored three goals to the Colts' two but they were unable to play against the. wind i-iiil sustain their lead in the second Ihe Oolls made four lo nothing giving them victory by a total of C lo 3. T. ,Harker was referee and A. Clappertnn and Oeorge Waugh olliniated on Ihe lines. The team loAk the field as follows: Colts Hill, Sims' and Ander son; Clapp, Frizzell and Bulger: Warrior, Blylh, Hamilton, Kelly and Fraser. Public School S. fiurvich; Comadina and C. McKinnon: Kel- sey, .1. Martin and B. Hun': Meagher, , I. OurVirh. Chenoski and L. McKinnon. The Colls made the first score through Fraser while Ourvich followed up with Ihe second and third for the High School. The Coils'' second' came when Comadina, of the. Public School, mis- kicked into his own goal. I.. Mc Kinnon netted the third for Ihe Public School. In the second half, Fraser, Hamilton two, and NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ANVOX GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS. SEALED TESDEHS. iiierrrlbed "Ten- iter ror Anyox Oovrrnment Bnlldlnis," will lie received by the Honourable Die MlnlUcr of Public Work tip to IS o'clock noon of Tuesday, the 17th day or July, till, ror the erection and rnmpletlon or Government orriren 11 Anyox, In the Alliu Elertfal iMNirici, if.ui f I'Jan. Stieriricatlon, Contract and Forma or Tender may be wen on and afier the 1 sin day or June, 1023, and runner Information obtained al the Irpirtment of Public Work, rarllaineu ftukldliiars ami al Ihe rollowin? orriee: fioveninient Arent, ijmrt House, Vancouver, and Government Atrenl, Court Ibsine, I'rlnre nupert. Copies of plans, dpeciricatlonii, etc, rah be obtained froin Hie Departntent on payment or a deposit or Ten lollani, tthW'b will be rerundej on tlielr return In rood condition. The lowent or any tender not npce-arlly accepted. ( V. PHILIP, Public Worka Enirlneer. Department ot Public Work, Victoria, B.C.. June Kill, It!. The Flavor SI Is datura Mrs McK'en, who has been kind enoutfh to send several recipes in the past, has asked why Pacific Milk has a nice flavor than any canned milk she has tried. "Do you put something in lo flavor it." We do not The flavor is llutl tif pure fivsh milk. Through our improved process the ricli ness is maintained without in. pairing Ihe natural taste of Him cream. I toes this explain it well enough, Mrs. M..t Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver, B. C Factories at Ladner and Ab botsford, B. 0. 1 HOW TO SLEEP 3-In-a-Bed n VES. It CAN be done but net . I like this. The trouble is. most people eo to bed with "something" on the mind or ON THE STOMACH I The answer is, no matter what the day hat brought forth to upset your mind and digestive organs, take Beccham's Fills wbca you retire. Though in no sense a "sleeping potion," this 80-years-famous household medicine so harmonizes the system that you can sleep in quiet and perfect rest, even in two feet of bed space. Beecham's Pills are as efficient and harmless for children as for adults sweetening the stomach, invigorating digestion and stirring liver and bcwels to natural activity. At All Druggists- Blylh: were responsible for the four Colts' tallies. ANYOX BEATS' KETCHIKAN Visiting American Ball Team Goes Down Before Canadian Boys from North ANYOX, July I. In order to help-make, an Anyox holiday, a strong aggregalion of null los. sers journeyed all Ihe May from Ketchikan, arriving here a few hours before he gume was scheduled to lake place. In game, of baseball which would be hard to duplicale anywhere, and which was witnessed., by large turnout of fans, the weal her being ideal, Anyox , Stars beat the hoys from the American town by lb? slight margin or one run, llie score standing five lo four al the, end of the ninth. It was almost er rorless ball, and provided a sensation when, in Ihe last of the seventh, wilh Ketchikan one run lo the good, Anderson, for Anyox, wilh C. Ferguson and Brown 011 first and second bases respectively, drove the longest hit of the season to deej left, where Jt dropped into the water of Hidden Creek, which hounds Hint section if Hie ball grounds, Webber, Ketchikan left fielder following it nl 11 Ihe creek, where he was completely immersed -in the ef fori lo field the ball. Anderson cached second, Brown anil Fer guson scoring. Hot 11 sides changed pitchers, Anyox at the end of I lie sixth and Ketchikan In liie lnl. of the seventh. INTER-CLUB LEAGUE BASEBALL AT ANYOX Smelter ..Comes Back at Mine With Thirteen to Three Score ANYOX, July 4. The Smelle ball Irani, lurried on I lo Flks the oilier night and when the kIioiiI lug had died away and peace and quietness reigned in Ihe valley where1' I he ball grounds lie, every fiHe Interested in baseball knew thai the Smelter was on its way back to a place in the, baseball 4 'sun. Thirteen In three was the.B .story told in tbe cold figures of Ithe run column. The feature of the game was the annexing of in difficult foul by Cody,'.s 'catcher. Hraudou started on (the iiround for the F.Iks and the Smeller hoys found hjs offerings uitK'h lo their liking and clouted him when Ihe clouts counted, Malheson gelling a" I wo base hit otf Ihe Klks pitcher, which was duplicated by .1. McKeown, while llmwn, Sloan tand J. McKeown registered safe hits before' Ornudson whs yanked in Ihe third innings. His successor didn't receive much heller treat ment at Ihe hands of tbe "(ins Mating" batsmen, 'lliey were on rampage, and it lidn t mailer who Mid the pitching. In the fifth inning, Brown, Kortin and Cole placed 'em safe; and by one of those strange combinations which sometimes happen in base ball, which no one can exactly explain, six real runs crossed Ihe plate. Ihe Klks got their hits In lonely places Fllzpalrick, Downs apd CihIv each g a single, while tireenwell connected up with u nice two bagger. Hits for thei Klks, four; for Ihe Smeller, eight. Strike outs. Filzpalrirk, five: Forlin, eleven. Bases on .balls. off Drnudson, two; off Forlin,! one. t'mpite, Olson, base 11111-l.ine-up. idre. C. Olsiin. Smeller Malheson. J. Mc Keown, Sinclair, Brown, Forlin, Cole, Lee, Sloan. Elks Downs, Campbell, Cody, (iieenwell, lfrtzpalrirk, Mclnlrye Whillaker, Tliorley, Draudsoii. SWIMMING CLUB GETS DONATIONS Citizens Contributing Towards Fund For Repairing of Bathing Facilities at Salt Lake The Pifnce Huprt Swiinjnlng (dub acknowledges the following donations which will go towards the repairing of the bathing fa cilities al the Sail Lakes: A. T. Broderick . . . . $ 5.00 Joe Scott ... A.. M. I. McCaffery .... 5.00 C. II. Orrne ..; ... .. 5.00 Max Heilbroner .... 5.00 J. Mr Lend 5.00 Ben !elf . 10.00 . Burns ... ... 5.00 A Friend ... ... .. 2.50 A Friend 2.00 A Frfiend 1.00 Sport Chat J ANYOX FOOTBALL The Anyox sport season has now gone half its lime, with Ihe Smeller team winner of Ihe firsl half. The conclusion of Ibis lorfion of Ihe series was marked iy a cup lie game belween Ihe Mine and Ihe F.Iks, the losers of which will play Ihe Smeller learn rben Ihe second half of Ihe seriis is completed in August. DTonight mm to ! anal ttrngthii the riant of dl(stlii and aSlminaflM, Improve aeatlU, tick headaches, rellev kil-uaneaa, Jitop aorrect eonHetl. They aat mnmpUf. alaaaaatly, mllaly, y thrau(hly. Tomorrow Alright Get a Vne 26o. Box Bmaui g)ltlJ rr Imt-w rtATVM citvicc. I. Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adertla,mnt TnW.n for U. than OOc MISCELLANEOUS. MXPKIUKXCKI) MANICUIUST and Shampooing. Residential work a specially, Phone Blue 471. Mrs. Coleman. BOARD. BOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. If the two winners will then piny for Ihe Cup, while- Ihr winner of each section of Ihe series will day a sudden death gume for medals. The game between Ihe F.Iks and the Mine was a holly contested one, and remitted in a win for the Mine wilh two goal o one. The Mine goals were kicked by McKeown, who is a new man on the "Muckers" line, up; while "Maker" lloberlsnr! did he trick for Ihe F.Ik. Heferee, F.vans. I.ine-tiii: Mine Corkle, Stewart and pears; Cane, Pynue and Currie; Twaddle, Barnes, l.auge, .Mc Keown and Sliibbs. Klks Bailee; Hobertsoii ami trown; Ballion and Srolt; Mc- Kenxie, Crawford, Hoberlesm, Sel. lars and llogben. IN WITH JURY RUDDER The American halibut schoon er Briuggohl, Capl. John Swan- son, arrival in port this morning wilh a jury rudder, her steering uear having broken down 011 the banks. The boat will vo inlo Ihe Irydock for rejinlrs when her catch of 'J.OOO has been unloaded. Hie Norlheru B.C. Aurienlhirnl & Industrial Associalfon vVrole lo Ihe city council lasl itighl making formal applicaliou for the annual grant. The city clerk whs in structed lo notify the Association that the grant Ihls year would be 51,000 as provided for ill the estimates. TIMBER SALE X 3117. Sealed Tender silll b reeelceil by th Mhiliter or Laiwlt. at Victoria, not later ilwn noon on the Hh day or July 1(11. ror Ibe pun In V) r Licence XJII7, tu cut 1, 111,000 reel or Spruce, Hemlock, and ilar on lt it, Cumliem Inlet, ouetn Cliarlotie laund Land iniinci. Two tt yeara will tm allowed ror re moval or timuer. . I'urtlier nartlculara or tna cnier lorea ler. Victoria. H.C4 or DUtrlcl roreaier, rlnce itupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5240. Sealed Tenilera will La received by the Mlnlnter or Land, at Victoria, not later than noon 011 lite Hh day of July, tll, ror the purchase or Licence Xlll, to cut 1 1 u, 000 reel or Hemlock, Cedar, Dalflim and Snnire. on area Xluated on Ilia Sotilh and Kal ArriK or lllvera llllhl, luime 4. Coaal l.aml PUlrlrl. one ( I . year will be allowed Tor re moval or tlinlwr. rurlher narllculara or the Chief Forea ler, Victoria. B.C., nr Dlntrlct Foreier, rlnce Unpen, n.o. TIMBER SALE X5111. Sealed Tendera will lie received by the Mlnltler or Landa, at Victoria, not later than mmn on the tth day or July, till ror llie purrliae or Licence XMIt. to rut All. ouo reel of talsam Hemlock Spruce and Cedar, on an area altuated on llie kiineiia niirr, itanre r, t-oao uml Dlatrlrt. Two (I i year will be allowed for removal or tlmlier, rurlher particular or the Chler Forea-ter, Victoria, B.C, or liutrlrt Koreiier, Prince Hupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 6082. Sealed Tender will be received by ton rilatrtrt Forenter hot later than lioon 011 the IJIIi lay or July, mil, ror the par-chae or Licence X 60Sf, on Jtortli lien-llrk Ann. t rut IS5M. reel or Cedar, Spruce and lleml'jrk Sawluva, one (ti year will be allowed ror removal nr timber. Furlh-r parilciilaM or the Chief forea. ler, Victoria,, or IHMrlrl rorenter 1'ilwe liuperi, 11 (:. TIMBER SALE X 4730. Sealed Tender will be received by the Minuter or Land, al Victoria, not later than noon on the tilth day of July, im, for Ihe purr In nr Licence X 4710. lo rut alO.OOO feet or Fir, Cedar and Spruce on Ihe H.K.Vi, Sec. 16, Towtmhlp I, luiifc ..ih.i i.auu iiiirici. Two ( year will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particular! of the Chief rrc. ler, Victoria. B.C, or nintrlei Forever, frinoe Itupert, B.C. WANTED WANTF.D. Represenlallvo lo lake orders on commission for Dairy Products In Prince Hit. tieit Pii nn, and 1 District. tii.iriei I-xcellent r.,, side line. Please ghe refer - ence and full particulars lo Jiox Daily News Office. 153 FOR SALE ... . , , , IIAlKiAI.N' for Cash if sold Im- iniiiiv mediately. Lot 1 ,1 . . nl.- tfl. map or,7. terrace. Apply Box 122, Daily News Office. ROOM AND BOARD PALM HR ItOrSF.- lOd Seventh Avenue West. Phone Re.) no. Furnished suites. ROOMS ST. KLMO IIOTF.L. Hot and cold water In every room. Steam heated. Rales reasonable. Phone fireen 50. 830 Second Avenue West. FOR RENT 10 RHNT Ftirnishrd rooms. will, ho. and cold 'water. y day or week, Norfolk Rooms. ,,, ,. ... i iHiiH- iHio-fc .liv. II TO RUNT FtirnWhsfl nile In Waldron Apartments. Phone Green 130. 155 STKAM Heated Flat for rent. Besner apartments. M. M. , , Btcptiens. 1 " ' FOR RKNTdlousekccp'ing ' rooms 111 anwi Avenue tasi. rnone Bluo 217. . . MODKRN four room flat for, I.S. "Canadian Hunter tik. j. nnminvif rent. Westcnhaver Bros. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone. (Call Oeorg9 or Oust) Rosa Brother. Five.pastenger Touring Car Prompt Day and Nlabt Service. Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue AUCTION SALSS. Conducted In your home cr a' our rooms. Goods also sold 011 commission. H. H. HEMMIfJQS, Auctioneer, Third Avenue ' (Det.ny Allen's Old Store) Phone Black 136 and Green 471. CHIROPRACTOR R. U. TA8SIE, D.C. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours: 10 lo 12; 2 to I; 7 lo 8. Phone Blue C25, Residence, Oreen 1.10. HOLIDAY RESORTS MASSETT. 1 QUEEN'S HOTEL The Ideal Holiday Resort. For terms apply proprietress: -Mrs. J. C. 8. Dunn, QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIS- TRICT. Application to Lease Foreshore Lands. In Ouecn Charlotte I.nml Ill. tricl. Recnrdiiicr nisfrlei t Prince Rupert, and situaln at the moulh or Slntechuck Creek, Kagan !,,fy' . 8.Hyul ,,,lel. Orahain 910 1111, 11. ii. 'lake Notice that W. O. Mc-Morris, of Nancouver, B.C. occu pation miner, intends to apply for permission to isase Ih-j fol-owing described fnresboro lands: Commencing at a post planted nt hltth tide mark .on the west linn of Hlnlechuck Creek, about 1.500 feet west of of the soulheast cor- 1 nosi. 01 i.oi 1; tiienco 10 chains southeasterly; ihenco 40 cha ns norlhcasterly: thenco 10 clio ns nor hwcslerly; thence, fnl. lowing high water mark In point of commencement, and contain. I n C 10 acre mill-o (IF Inaa WILLIAM OFOROF, McMORRIH. Baled May 20, 1023. t QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND 013. TRICT.' Application to Purchase Land. , ,, y'twn Uiorlotle La 1 I n Hcl, lleconliiig Dlslnct of P jlluiprt nni, ,,ne fl K 1 Hay. Skideaate Inlet, ar.d k Burnt IsImihI, lying t i'.L'ft M Morris, of Vancmj'vfKMlt.c riiii.imill iiimrr, IIIU'IOIS c;' J'Ti fll"wlng ''7"" f,WM ,! ' described and mendng nl n post planted at northeasterly corner of It Nland. thence following :Miir snm miaiio 10 pot 1 cominenceinsnt. containing t twenty acres more or le -1 WILLIAM O FOR OF McMtdlKI Dsled Mn 2.".. 10M, CANADIAN OOVINNMINT MIMCH1ST MAMINC. LIHITIO. TO SAII mi TIHDIS. SraM TetMler will k eeceited fc I hrierXWMl al II" SL Jaawa H Vwilfral. 1 niU. imlll ru-m .itr 1 llfj. lor the iMierhaw a.r lh ( ,1 leainera. leiHler lo tie haetl Ml ai tare nl the retlte rl pfewnj emdoann and vhere aw 1 ny ut Irfinkrr rnal that li im hoarit etrluiWit, Awertaliie I d-admeUM "Canadian iinr" tit ; 7XX& 111 t;; I "rn'" Adtenioref at. S.s. CaohM saiWif JV.7 S.S. CanadUa Stmer" ll" s.s. "t'aaadiaa ramrio-W-r 3l" s.s. ;atuJ.i IMioeef lIS; -cZZ" ills " wrrvf. "CSItadtan MiT 1 . 1 1 iss. -rjudua ot,.t..r-. !'! "2 ci4un tmi.f 1 : ,, ' (luil l4tlr Us. -ct4iuii iur.ier ...,' -S. "CMUdltn Loitef ttf lie 'a h -aLoja it.iiUe" mi ;.s. -Canadian settler" 4tl 11 if.SS. "Uiudlan hinclr" U,S,. -Tan nadlan Tranr" '.oil !.' lull I'- I'.at vl-' 'I " It' CO.XIilTnVM : Teiklersi may be ut' milled for one or more or the enn Iweuijr rn ese. Tender mt l acnuntnleit tiy rheue ror rite per ff (, or Ihe amount or the tender fhec lo lie made payable la rlie niMey or II:: Canadian tlorernmrnt Merrtiaul Man::' Limited, and arrepiol by 'a Onadlan char lered tiank. Tbe lililieo any fender ti l neeet.arlly ae-'epleil. plaa and pecin : tir.n or (teamera can be teen and par ticular or delivery au-ertalneit en apf. raiMi In the t'ndertlrned. jme of te l iwim lie rhanred befare Ihe trnfi la nanph-icd. K. It. Tt Ml r. General .Mnarc Canadian Covernment Merrhant Mai-Limited. The una inline! led Interlloo af thla ad-vertiiement lo any dpef wui not h ir 1 ror. NOTICE. In the Matter of an AoMleailnn r,.r im lne nr I'rovlHonal Ceriiricate or T tot IM thirty-three lli. or l.nt th: ! hnndred arxt fitly (JCO,, Itanre flva OhuI Mttricl (Map 70) Salliractory nront nr the a. trucllMi nr Orlirieale of Title Sn if) and daied the lath day or May. tl rnvennr the aahl land, ttavlni been r duced. II la my Intention w tae, tt the ipiratlon of one month from the fi eulilicatlon or itna notice, a Provui 1 Certiricale or Title In the name or J rt ...i.ii.i,. uiiich 1 aim ouieriiiei, in writ' ln. la made ttiereta. II. P. MACLEOD, BetUirar of Tltlet. , t0 ACT. Notlea af Inttntlon ta Aeplv'lo Piirthaia Linda III Skeena Und il.trlTTlierdlnr -fiaWl I art Hl-Irlcl of prince lturrt, -HCfl-und UtraK at the north end or kiuumiralium lake s.i. Take .tntlce. that I, nrr blander, af rioMwood, nr., rarmerrrmbal to apt-:? tor pennuaion lo purclia.e'the oerrllied land: Commenrinr at a p: ' rianled 10 rltalii- wet iOfk.thvnortliwr d r"rn''f " ll. ltnie;,Cnat H. Irtrli thence smith 10 rhn( thence w d l the rati bank or Cefar lllven therr ftftrth foliowlnk river lnTsofltr.' tine, of l.f l41 thence eat in n.Jat T(,,f nr.anrm nra nient, and ronialuliif. ip acre, more nuMirn Applicant. Piled May Itih, I mi LAND cit1 Nolle' af Inttntlon to Appl ppirto 5 Purcho . MM. In Skeena l and okyin. hh trlct of prince Itupert, h'.c , 'and situate t"? ,MMn rM "f mtimnrimini lake .mure, mat 1, sirred Mail. amaweod, B.C. Farmer. Intru4 in -:. 'I ror perinuunn to purrhaie Hie' follows dMcrlbed laiidat Coinmeufliui "at t i pinned 11 northweit cornaa if. Lot II Hi WI'M f fhilnat tlsH'e pfmth ah:" 10 rh.iti in tillaumtatlUtu Uke; ttif"r' ,Ua soutbaasterly to 'nitnwiH corner of Lot Bi th'nr nortn 10 chain to point of ' nsnmence incut, nd rontalnint '.about 4t irr. si.FrtFn F0AN, bated May jotli, tS